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Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
og deres stedfortrædere
16. juli 2001
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges Fødevareministeriets notat om forslag til Kommissionsforordning om
ændring af forordning (EØF) nr. 1274/91 om gennemførelsesbestemmelser til Rådets forordning (EØF) nr. 1907/90 om visse
handelsnormer for æg, dokument AGRI/ 7546/01.
Forslaget forventes sat til afstemning i Forvaltningskomiteen for æg og fjerkrækød den 17. juli 2001.
Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri
om forslag til Kommissionsforordning om ændring af forordning (EØF) nr. 1274/91 om gennemførelsesbestemmelser til
Rådets forordning (EØF) nr. 1907/90 om visse handelsnormer for æg
Dokument AGRI/7546/01
Forslaget forventes sat til afstemning på mødet i Forvaltningskomiteen for æg og fjerkrækød den 17. juli 2001.
Forslaget behandles i en II a- procedure. Kommissionen kan udstede forordningen, medmindre komitéen udtaler sig imod forslaget
med kvalificeret flertal. I så fald forelægger Kommissionen forslaget for Rådet. Kommissionen kan samtidig beslutte at udsætte
gennemførelsen af reglerne i en måned. Træffer Rådet ikke inden en frist på en måned med kvalificeret flertal en anden afgørelse, kan
Kommissionen udstede forordnin gen.
Forslaget vedrører ændring omkring mærkning af æg, sammensætning af foder samt produktionsmetoder med ikrafttrædelse fra 1.
januar 2002 bortset fra reglerne om mærkning af sporbarhed af produktionsmetoder og produktionssted, som først skal gælde fra 1.
januar 2004.
Forslaget indebærer, at æggenes holdbarhedsperiode hos forbrugeren afkortes i forhold til de nuværende 7 dage, samt at
handelsnormerne i forhold til belægningsgraden i fjerkræstaldene for skrabehøns forringes.
Regeringen agter på den baggrund at stemme imod forslaget.
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om forslag til Kommissionsforordning om ændring af forordning (EØF) nr. 1274/91 om gennemførelsesbestemmelser til
forordning (EØF) nr. 1907/90 om visse handelsnormer for æg.
Dokument AGRI/7546/01
Kommissionens forslag vedrører ændring omkring mærkning af æg, sammensætning af foder samt produktionsmetoder med
ikrafttrædelse fra 1. januar 2002 bortset fra reglerne om mærkning af sporbarhed af produktionsmetoder og produktionssted, som
først skal gælde fra 1. januar 2004.
Kommissionen har ved AGRI 7546 den 8. juni 2001fremsendt forslag til Kommissionsforordning om ændring af forordning (EØF)
nr. 1274/91 om gennemførelsesbestemmelser til forordning (EØF) nr. 1907/90 om visse handelsnormer for æg.
Forslaget er fremsat med hjemmel i Rådets forordning (EØF) nr. 1907/90 af 26. juni 1990 om visse handelsnormer for æg, ændret
ved forordning (EF) nr. 818/96 og især artikel 10(3) heraf samt Rådets forordning (EF) Nr. 5/2001 af 19. december 2000.
Forslaget behandles i en II a-procedure i Forvaltningskomitéen for fjerkrækød og æg. Kommissionen kan udstede forordningen,
medmindre komitéen udtaler sig mod forslaget med kvalificeret flertal. I så fald forelægger Kommissionen sagen for Rådet.
Kommissionen kan samtidig beslutte at udsætte gennemførelsen af reglerne i en måned. Træffer Rådet ikke inden en frist på en
måned med kvalificeret flert al en anden afgørelsen, kan Kommissionen udstede forordningen.
Nærheds- og proportionalitetsprincippet
Der redegøres ikke for nærheds- og proportionalitetsprincippet, da der er tale om gennemførelsesbestemmelser til en allerede vedtaget
Formål og indhold
Forslaget indeholder ændringer omkring mærkning, produktionsmetoder og sammensætning af foder.
Forslaget indebærer en ændring af art. 16 (2) i forordning 1274/91 om gennemførelsesbestemmelser til forordning (EØF) nr. 1907/90
om visse handelsnormer for æg. Artikel 16 (2) i forordning 1274/91 fastslår, at den anbefalede sidste salgsdato er den sidste dato, hvor
æggene bør sælges til forbrugerne, og hvorefter de kan opbevares i en rimelig periode på mindst 7 dage i husholdningerne. "Mindst
holdbar til" –dat datoen for udløbet af denne opbevaringsperiode.
I henhold til artikel 3 (1) i Rådets beslutning 94/371/EF om særlige hygiejnebetingelser for afsætning af visse ægtyper skal æggene
leveres til forbrugerne senest 21 dage efter æglægningen, og ifølge art. 3 (2) skal forbrugeren have 7 dage til opbevaring. Dette fører til
en minimumsholdbarhedsdato på ikke over 28 dage (21 + 7 dage).
Forslaget lægger op til en ændring af art. 16 (2) i forordning 1274/91, således at der gives medlemslandene bemyndigelse til at
reducere opbevaringsperioden for æg (7 dage). Medlemslande kan altså vælge at anvende den øgede fleksibilitet, som forslaget giver,
hvis de ønsker det, men bibeholde de 21 dage fra æglægning til sidste salgsdato. Kommissionens Juridiske Tjeneste er enig med
Kommissionen i, at forslaget ikke er i modstr id med Rådets beslutning 94/371/EF.
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Forslaget indebærer endvidere en indskrænkning af produktionsmetoderne fra 5 til 3 produktionsmetoder. Reglerne for produktion af
"Æg fra fritgående høns" under den ekstensive og intensive produktionsform sammenlægges. Reglerne for voliere produktion ophører
og slås sammen med reglerne for skrabeæg produktionsmetode.
Ændring af minimumsbetingelserne som skal være opfyldt af bedrifter, der producerer æg omhandlet i bilag II i forordning 1274/91
medfører sammenlægning af reglerne for en intensiv produktion og en ekstensiv produktion for æg produceret i kategorien "Æg fra
fritgående høns" og "Æg fra fritgående høns – intensivt system". Forslaget indebærer en reduktion i udendørsarealet pr. h& ;ne fra
ekstensive produktion med 6 m
(fra 10 til 4 m
) og en forøgelse af udendørsarealet for den intensive produktion med 1�½ m
(fra 2�½
til 4 m
I Danmark findes kun den ekstensive produktionsform af æg produceret som "Æg fra fritgående høns". Med forslaget vil det være
muligt at øge intensiteten fra 1.000 høns pr. ha til 2.500 høns pr. ha.
Kommissionen har fremsat forslaget om 4 m
, idet Rådets forordning (EØF) nr. 2092/91 af 24. juni 1991om økologisk
produktionsmetode for landbrugsprodukter og om angivelse heraf på landbrugsprodukter og levnedsmidler, senest ændret ved
Kommissionens forordning nr. 436/2001 af 2. marts 2001, i bilag VIII anfører, at udendørsarealet for æglæggere skal være 4 m
. Efter
forslaget er arealkravet så ;ledes ens for æglæggere, der producerer "økologiske æg" og æglæggere, der producerer "æg fra fritgående
Kommissionen har i forlængelse af forslaget om 4 m
anført, at hønsene skal have adgang til et udendørsareal fra det nærmeste
udgangshul i en radius af 350 m. Kravet hertil findes overflødigt, idet adgangen til udendørsarealet som sådan skal opfylde
betingelserne i artikel 4, stk. 3, litra b, i Rådets Direktiv 1999/74/EF af 19. juli 1999 om mindstekrav til beskyttelse af æglæggende
Kommissionen fremsætter forslaget omkring ændringen for skrabehøns vedkommende med hensyn til belægningstætheden i
fjerkræstalden, som forøges fra de nuværende "7 høner pr. m
gulvareal" til " 9 høner pr. m
nytteareal" med henblik på at bringe
reglerne i overensstemmelser med art. 4, stk. 1 i Rådets direktiv 1999/74/EF af 19. juli 1999 om mindstekrav til beskyttelse af
æglæggende høner.
Af betydning kan nævnes, at det på baggrund af dansk anmodning nu bliver muligt, at anvende kvalitetsklasse B og C æg til
fremstilling af ægprodukter, der kan markedsføres som fremstillet af den pågældende kategori metodeæg. Der er ingen
levnesmiddelhygiejniske betænkeligheder herved, idet konventionelle ægprodukter må fremstilles af kvalitetsklasse B og C æg.
Endvidere er den danske benævnelsen for "Æg fra fritgående høns" blevet ændret til "Æg fra frilandshøns". Ændringen af
benævnelsen er sket på baggrund af anmodning fra Det Danske Fjerkræraad og i fuld overensstemmelse med Forbrugerrådet.
Ikrafttrædelsesregler fremgår af art. 3 i forslaget. Artikel 1 indeholder regler for mærkning af æg, mærkning af fodersammensætning til
æglæggere, samt produktionsmetoder. Reglerne for mærkning af æg og minimumsbetingelserne til produktionsmetoder (f.eks.
skrabeæg) træder dog først i kraft fra den 1. januar 2002. Renoverede eller nybyggede systemer skal fra den 1. januar 2002 følge nye
regler i overensst emmelse med velfærdsdirektivet. Artikel 2 (mærkning af sporbarhed af produktionsmetoder og produktionssted)
skal først gælde fra 1. januar 2004.
Europa-Parlamentet skal ikke udtale sig.
Gældende dansk ret
Bekendtgørelse nr. 595 af 16. juli 1999, om hønseæg til konsum ændret til bekendtgørelse nr. 852 af 11. september 2000, om hønseæg
til konsum § 12.
Forslaget forventes ikke at have lovgivningsmæssige eller statsfinansielle konsekvenser.
Fødevaredirektoratet oplyser, at en nedsættelse af perioden fra "sidste salgsdato" til "mindst holdbar til dato" ikke forekommer
virkningsfuldt for fødevaresikkerheden, når dette ikke er ledsaget af et kølekrav i kæden fra "jord til bord".
Uanset at forslaget er i overensstemmelse med Rådets Direktiv 1999/94/EF er der tale om en væsentlig forøgelse af
belægningstætheden i fjerkræstalden. Ændringen af belægningen angivet på grundlag af "gulvareal" til "nytteareal" bevirker, at der i
fjerkræstalden kan opbygges repos´ hvorved belægningen i stalden kan øges langt mere end den angivne forøgelse fra 7 til 9 høner
§2-udvalget (landbrug) er blevet hørt.
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Landbrugsraadet har meddelt, at forslaget ikke umiddelbart giver anledning til bemærkninger.
Danske Slagterier har heller ikke bemærkninger til forslaget og notatet.
FDB støtter synspunktet om, at en fordeling af holdbarhedsperioden bør ledsages af et kølekrav. FDB er desuden bekymret for
indskrænkningen af de nuværende produktionsmetoder, der for danske forbrugere vil være en forringelse i forhold til æg, som i dag
udbydes på det danske marked, idet hønsenes vilkår vil ændres markant, hvorfor det stigende antal forbrugere, som prioriterer
dyrevelfærd højt, vil blive vi ldledt i forhold til den nuværende situation. Desuden fremgår det ikke, om der er mulighed for som
supplement til varebetegnelsen at angive de specifikke og bedre arealkrav, der måtte være gældende således, at danske æg fra
fritgående høns kan tilvælges på dette grundlag.
De Samvirkende Købmænd (DSK) har bemærket, at det ikke umiddelbart er i tidens ånd at reducere pladsen til æglæggende høner,
men at det vil være mere overskueligt for forbrugerne, hvis der ikke er så mange forskellige produktionsmetoder. Desuden er DSK
enig i, at der bør være mulighed for at angive produktionsmetoder ikke kun for æg, men også for ægprodukter og æg som ingrediens.
Forbrugerrådet kan ikke acceptere belægningstætheden i fjerkræstalde, som øges fra de nuværende 7 høner pr. m2 gulvareal til 9 høner
pr. m2 nytteareal, som vil medføre forringet dyrevelfærd og vil svare til et volieresystem, som ifølge Det Dyreetiske Råds "udtalelse
om æglæggende høner" må skønnes at medføre en velfærdsforringelse. Konsekvenserne for dyrevelf ærden ved indførelse af
volieresystemer må derfor nødvendigvis undersøges og ikke indføres, før det er påvist, at det har en neutral eller forbedrende
indflydelse på hønsenes adfærd. Sammenlægningen af reglerne for intensiv og ekstensiv produktion for æg i kategorien "æg fra
fritgående høns " og "æg fra fritgående høns- intensivt system" er ligeledes et væsentli gt problem, fordi det tillader en formindskning
af udendørsarealet pr. høne på 60%. Forbrugerrådet tager derfor afstand fra den forringelse af dyrevelfærden, som ændringerne i
forordningen vil betyde og bemærker, at for mange forbrugere ligger der en væsentlig beslutning i at vælge æg fra fritgående høns eller
økologiske høns fremfor konventionelle buranlæg. Der er en markering af, at forbrugerne er villige til at betale mere for æg, hvor man
ved, at dyrevelfærden er højt prioriteret. En forringelse vil underminere forbrugertilliden til produktionsformerne og forbrugernes
mulighed for at støtte høj dyrevelfærd og fødevarekvalitet gennem valget af æg fra fritgående høner.
Tidligere forelæggelse for Folketingets Europaudvalg
Sagen har ikke tidligere været forelagt Folketingets Europaudvalg.
l 68/01
AGRI/7546/01 (g/debraan/2001/reg/7546/normo5EN.doc)
AGRI D.2 AGRI/7546/01 EN
rev 5
8 June
amending Regulation (EEC) No 1274/91 introducing detailed rules for implementing Council Regulation (EEC) No
1907/90 on certain marketing standards for eggs
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1907/90 of 26 June 1990 on certain marketing standards for eggs, as last amended by
Regulation (EC) No 5/2001, and in particular Articles 10(3) and 20(1) and (4) thereof,
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1. Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1274/91, as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 505/98, lays down the necessary
provisions for the implementation of marketing standards in the egg sector;
2. In order to improve the traceability of eggs and the accuracy of date indications by packing centres, provisions to identify
deliveries of eggs from producers to packing centres should be reinforced in particular regarding the indication of the laying date
or laying period on the container at the production site as well as for the dispatch of ungraded eggs between packing stations.
3. In the case of automated egg candling systems, it is appropriate to authorise Member States to dispense with continuous
manning of the machine.
4. In order to ensure adherence to the existing weight grades comprising weight ranges of 10 g rules should be reinforced to
prevent splitting weight grades into two bands using different pack colours or symbols with different price structure, thus
undermining orderly marketing and clear information of consumers.
5. Experience has shown that it is not necessary to link the derogation permitting the delivery of non-packed eggs in small
quantities directly from packer to retailer to the distance of delivery. The obligation to indicate the grading date must be replaced
by the indication of the best-before date which is the compulsory date to be shown.
6. The definitions of the date of minimum durability and of the recommended sell-by date should be clarified and be linked to the
maximum time limit of 21 days after laying for the delivery of eggs to the consumer laid down in Council Decision 94/371/EC
of 20 June 1994 laying down specific public health conditions for the putting of the market of certain types of eggs, which
implies a maximum of not more than 28 days after laying for the date of minimum durability.
7. Based on the experience gained and following the adoption of Council Directive 1999/74/EC of 19 July 1999 laying down
minimum standards for the protection of laying hens, the detailed provisions regarding the optional indication of the various
farming methods should be adapted with a view to reduce the number of such methods and to redefine the terms which may be
used in the different Community languages in particular for the keeping of hens in battery cages. Furthermore the minimum
requirements to be met by poultry establishments for the various farming methods should be brought in line with the provisions
of Council Directive 1999/74/EC although certain additional criteria should be laid down for free range eggs in order to
prevent abuse of open air runs. It is also necessary to provide for more detailed rules regarding record keeping by operators in
order to improve monitoring of product flow. Finally optional indication of farming methods should be extended to cover eggs
for proce ssing in order to promote the marketing of egg products manufactured from eggs of different types and their control.
8. For the optional indication of eggs and their packs of how laying hens are fed detailed rules must be laid down including in
particular provisions which allow to monitor the flow of eggs produced from hens which are fed on a specific type of feed.
These rules should provide for minimum rates for the incorporation of cereals when reference is made to their use in the feed of
laying hens for which Member States may fix stricter requirements applicable only to producers of the Member Sta te concerned
and not impeding exchange of eggs in the Community.
9. As from 1.1.2004 a code designating the producers distinguishing number and permitting the farming method to be identified
shall be marked on grade A eggs as well as the farming method on packs. It is advisable to lay down the detailed rules for such
compulsory marking at an early stage so that operators can take the necessary preparatory measures in good time. These detailed
rules should comprise provisions for the monitoring of the flow of eggs which are similar to those applicable at present for the
optional indications.
10. In order to assure a smooth transition to the new rules provision should be made to allow for continued use during a
transitional period until 31.12.2001 of indications relating to farming methods and how hens are fed applicable before the entry
into force of this Regulation, and until 31.12.2001 of minimum requirements regarding newly built or rebuilt non-cage
production systems and until 31.12.2003 for other non-cage sustems.
11. The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Management Committee for
Poultrymeat and Eggs.
Article 1
Regulation (EEC) No 1274/91 is amended as follows:
1. Article 1(5) is replaced by the following:
"5. Each
shall be identified by the name and address
or registered number
of the producer
establishment, the day or period of laying
and the date of dispatch
before leaving the production site.
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In the case of packing centres supplied from their own production units situated at the same site with
eggs which are not in containers, identification shall take place at the packing centre.
Where ungraded eggs are passed from the first packing centre to other packing centres in different
containers, each container must be identified with this information before leaving the packing centre.
Where the period of laying is indicated, the determination of the date of minimum durability and of
the recommended sell-by date in accordance with Articles 14(1a) and 16(2) respectively shall be made
starting from the first date of that period."
1. Article 3(3)a) is replaced by the following:
3. The technical equipment of packing centres must ensure proper handling of the eggs and include in
(a) suitable candling equipment continuously manned throughout and allowing the quality of each
egg to be examined separately. Where use is made of an automatic machine for candling, sorting
and grading, the equipment must include an independent candling lamp.
In the case of automated
systems, the competent authority may dispense with continuous manning of the machine."
1. Article 8(2) is replaced by the following:
"2. On packs the weight-grading shall be indicated by the respective letters or by the respective terms as
defined in paragraph 1 or by a combination of both, which may be supplemented by the corresponding weight
No subdivision of the weight ranges referred to in paragraph 1 shall be made using different
pack colours, symbols, trademarks or other indications."
1. Article 12(4), is replaced by the following:
"4. The derogation referred to in Article 11 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 1907/90 applies in the case of daily
quantities of less than 3 600 eggs per delivery and of less than 360 eggs per buyer. The name, address and
number of the packing centre as well as the number of eggs, quality and weight grades and date
of minimum
shall be indicated on accompanying documents."
1. The following paragraph 1a) is inserted in Article 14:
The date of minimum durability shall be the date until which grade "A" eggs will retain the
characteristics described in Article 5(1) when properly stored. It shall be fixed at not more than 28
days after laying."
1. Article 16(2) is replaced by the following text:
"2. The recommended sell-by date
shall not exceed the maximum time limit for the delivery of eggs to
the consumer of 21 days after laying as laid down in Article 3(1) of Council Decision 94/371/EC.
The indication must be worded in such a way that the meaning of the recommended sell-by date is clear."
1. In Article 18
a) paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:
"1. In order to indicate
as referred to in Articles
7 and
10(3) of Regulation (EEC) No
with the exception of organic or biological farming as referred to in Council Regulation
(EEC) No 2092/91, on eggs
and on packs containing eggs, no other terms except those set out hereunder
and the corresponding terms in the other Community languages listed in Annex II
may be used and in
any case only if the relevant conditions laid down in Annex III are fulfilled:
on packs on eggs
a) Free range eggs Free range
b) Barn eggs Barn
c) Eggs from caged hens Cage
These terms may be supplemented by indications referring to the particular characteristics of the respective
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The terms on eggs may be replaced by a code designating the producer’s distinguishing number
permitting to identify the farming method provided that the meaning of the code is explained on the
In the case of loose sales,
the indications of the farming
may be used only if individual eggs are
at the farm or packing centre
with the respective term
or the producer code, if the latter permits
to identify the farming method, provided that its meaning is explained on a separate sign."
b) In paragraph 2, the introductory phrase of the 1
subparagraph is replaced by the following:
"2. Packing centres authorised to use the terms referred to in paragraph 1 shall keep a separate
record by farming
method for at least six months after the producer ceases to supply eggs or
after the flock is disposed of:"
c) Paragraph 4 is replaced by the following:
"4. Eggs as referred to in paragraph 1 shall be delivered to packing centres
and to food industry
undertakings approved in accordance with Council Directive 89/437/EEC
in containers
bearing one of the terms referred to in paragraph 1 in one or more Community languages.
Containers shall be identified by name and address
or registered number of producer,
eggs, their
number or weight and date of dispatch
before leaving the production site. The date
of delivery and records of all information on containers, and of physical stocks
on a weekly
basis shall be kept at the packing centre
and food industry establishment for a period of at least
six months."
d) Paragraph 6 is replaced by the following:
"6. Packing centres as referred to in paragraph 2 shall keep separate records of daily quality and
weight grading and of sales of eggs and small packs marked in accordance with paragraph 1
including the name and address of buyer, number of packs, the number and/or weight of eggs sold
by grade of weight and date of delivery
as well as of physical stocks on a weekly basis.
of keeping sales records, they may, however, keep files of invoices or delivery notes ma rked as
indicated in paragraph 1.
Such records and files shall be kept for at least six months."
e) In paragraph 6a), the introductory phrase of the 1
subparagraph is replaced by the following:
"6a. Collectors and wholesalers are required to maintain records on purchases and sales transactions
stock records for eggs referred to in paragraph 1 (a)
for a period of at least
six months."
f) Paragraph 7a is replaced by the following:
‘7a. The provisions of paragraphs 2 to 6a do not apply when the term referred to in paragraph 1(c)
is used’;
g) The following paragraph 7b. is inserted:
"7b. Packs containing eggs destined for food industry undertakings approved in
accordance with Council Directive 89/437/EEC may be marked with the indications
referred to in paragraph 1 provided that the eggs are produced in poultry establishments
meeting the respective requirements set out in Annex III and that the monitoring measures
referred to in paragraphs 2 to 6 are applied."
1. Article 18a is renumbered 19a and its paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:
"1. The Member States shall take all measures necessary to ensure the confidential character of information
supplied pursuant to Articles 17, 18(2),
insofar as natural persons are concerned."
1. The following Article 18 a is inserted:
"Article 18a
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Where grade A eggs and packs bear an indication of how laying hens are fed the following conditions and those
laid down in Annex IV shall apply :
1. Packing centres which make use of such indications shall keep a detailed record of deliveries, showing the name and
address or registered number of the producer, the number or weight of eggs and the date of delivery. The producer shall
keep current record of quantity and type of feed supplied and mixed on-site, date of supply and name of feed
manufacturer or supplier, the number and age of laying hens, showing also the number of eggs produced and delivered,
the date of dispatch, and the names of the purchaser.
These records shall be kept for at least six months after the producer ceases to supply eggs or after the flock is
disposed of.
1. Packing centres as referred to in paragraph 1 shall keep separate records of the daily quality and weight grading and sales
of small packs and of eggs marked with the terms and/or symbols referred to in paragraph 1, including name and address
of the buyer, the number or weight of eggs sold and the date of delivery, as well as of physical stocks on a weekly basis for
a period of at least six months.
Instead of keeping records, they may however keep files of invoices or delivery notes bearing indications of
how laying hens are fed.
1. Large packs containing eggs or small packs marked with the indication of how laying hens are fed shall bear the same
indications. In the case of loose egg sales the indications may be used only if individual eggs are marked with the respective
1. Inspections regarding compliance with the statements made shall be carried out at the farm and feed mill at least once a
1. The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 4 shall apply without prejudice to national technical measures going beyond the
minimum requirements set out in Annex IV, which are applicable only to producers of the Member State concerned,
provided that they are compatible with Community law and are in conformity with the common marketing standards for
1. The national measures referred to in paragraph 5 shall be communicated to the Commission.
1. At any time and at the request of the Commission, Member States shall provide al the information necessary for assessing
the compatibility of the measures referred to in this Article with Community law and their conformity with the common
marketing standards for eggs."
1. Article 18 b is replaced by the following:
"Article 18b
Supervision of the indications of the farming
used as referred to in Article 18(1), including indications regarding
the particular characteristics of the respective farming
method and of indications how laying hens are fed as referred
to in Article 18(a),
may be delegated to bodies designated by the Member Sates which provide the necessary
the producers concerned and which shall comply with the criteria set out in Eur opean Norm No
En/45011 in force.
These bodies shall be licensed and supervised by the competent authorities of the Member State concerned."
1. Article 19(2) is replaced by the following:
"2. . Packing centres which make use of the terms and/or symbols referred to in paragraph 1 shall keep a
detailed record of deliveries by origin, showing the name and address or registered number of the producer, the
number or weight of eggs and the date of delivery. The producer shall keep current records of the number and
age of laying hens, showing also the number of eggs produced and delivered, the date of dispatch, and the
names of the purchaser.
Such records shall be kep t for at least six months after the producer ceases to
supply eggs or after the flock has been disposed of.’
1. Article 19(3) is replaced by the following:
‘3. Packing centres as referred to in paragraph 2 shall keep separate records of the daily quality and weight
grading and sales of small packs and of eggs marked with the terms and/or symbols referred to in paragraph 1,
including name and address of the buyer, the number or weight of eggs sold and the date of delivery, as well as
of physical stocks on a weekly basis
for at least six months.
Instead of keeping records, they may however
keep files of invoices or delivery no rked as indicated in paragraph 1."
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1. Article 20(1) second indent is replaced by the following:
"- annually, before 1 April, the average number of laying hens present
, the number or weight of eggs
delivered as recorded in accordance with Article 18 (2) and (7) b) as well as the number or weight of eggs sold
as recorded in accordance with Article 18 (6), in the previous calendar year."
1. In Annex I, point 3 the term "or display until" is added after sell by.
1. Annex II is replaced by the Annex I to this Regulation.
16. Annexes II and III to this Regulation are added as Annexes III and IV.
Article 2
Article 18 is replaced by the following text:
"Article 18
1. All eggs shall be marked with a code designating the producer establishment as determined according to Article 7 of
Council Directive 1999/74/EC and permitting to identify the farming method as defined in Annex III.
2. Eggs from establishments not covered by Council Directive 1999/74/EC shall be marked with a code defined by the
Member State or the packing station and containing the same information permitting to identify the type of farming
as used for the code referred to in paragraph 1.
3. Eggs shall be marked at the farm or packing station.
4. Eggs destined for the food and non-food industry may not be stamped provided that the destination is clearly shown
on the pack.
5. Large and small packs containing eggs shall bear one or more of the corresponding terms referred to in Annex II.
6. Packing centres shall keep separate records, by farming method for at least six months after the producer ceases to
supply eggs or after the flock is disposed of:
• Of the names, addresses and registered numbers of the producers supplying eggs,
• Of the number of laying hens kept by each producer.
The said producers shall subsequently be inspected regularly. They shall keep records of the date of placing the age at placing
and the number of laying hens by farming method showing also the number of eggs produced and delivered per day, the date of
dispatch and the names of the purchasers.
Such records shall be kept on farm for at least six months after the flock has been disposed of.
Each Member State shall provide the other Member States and the Commission, before 1 January 2004 with the list of the
registered producers in its territory, for each type of farming showing the name and address of each of them and the
distinguishing number alloted to them. Any alteration of that list shall be communicated at the beginning of each calendar year
to the other Member States and to the Commission.
1. Eggs shall be delivered to packing centres
and to food industry undertakings approved in accordance with Council
Directive 89/437/EEC
in containers bearing one of the terms referred to in
Annex II
in one or more Community languages.
Containers shall be identified by name and address
or registered number of producer,
of eggs, their
number or weight
and date of dispatch
before leaving the production site. The date of delivery and records of all information on
containers, and of physical stocks
on a weekly basis shall be kept at the packing centre
and food industry establishment
for a period of at least six months."
8) During storage, grading and packing eggs shall be clearly separated
according to farming method.
9) Packing centres shall keep separate records of daily quality and weight grading and of sales of eggs and small packs
farming method
including the name and address of buyer, number of packs, the number and/or weight of eggs sold by grade
of weight and date of delivery. Instead of keeping sales records, they may, however, keep files of invoices or delivery notes.
Such records and files shall be kept for at least six months."
10) Collectors and wholesalers are required to maintain records on purchases and sales transactions and
stock records
for eggs
according to farming method, for a period of at least six months.
Collectors shall be able to show for these eggs :
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(a) dates and quantities of collections
(b) the names, addresses and registered number of the producers
(c) dates and quantities of deliveries to the relevant packing stations.
Wholesalers (including dealers who do not physically handle eggs) shall be able to show for these eggs :
(a) dates and quantities of both purchases and sales
(b) names and addresses of the suppliers/purchasers
In addition, those wholesalers who physically handle these eggs shall keep a weekly record of physical stock.
Instead of keeping specific records on purchases and sales transactions, collectors and wholesalers may keep files of
invoices or delivery notes.
11) The provisions of
Annex III
shall apply without prejudice to national technical measures going beyond its minimum
requirements, which are applicable only to producers of the Member States concerned, provided that they are compatible with
Community law and are in conformity with the common marketing standards for eggs.
12) The national measures referred to in paragraph 11 shall be communicated to the Commission.
13) At any time and at the request of the Commission, Member States shall provide all the information necessary for assessing
the compatibility of the measures referred to in this Article with Community law and their conformity with the common
marketing standards for eggs.
Article 3
This Regulation shall enter into force on the
day following that of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Communities.
Article 1
shall apply with effect from [1
except its paragraph 9, which shall apply from 1 July 2001.
However, indications regarding the farming method and how hens are fed which were used in accordance with Articles 18,
18a) and 18b) of Regulation (EEC) No 1274/91 and Article 10(2)c) of Regulation (EEC) No 1907/90 respectively before the
entry into force of this Regulation, may be used until [31 December 2001]. Furthermore, minimum requirements for
farming methods referred to in Annex II a), b), c) and d) of Regulation (EEC) No 1274/91 applicable before the entry into
force of thi s Regulation may continue to apply until 31.12.2001 for newly built or rebuilt production systems and until
31.12.2003 for other production systems.
Article2 shall apply from [1 January 2004]
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels,
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
Suggested terms for the indication of the types of egg farming (a): on packs; (b) on eggs
EN a) Free range eggs
Barn eggs
Eggs from caged hens
b) Free range
a) Oeufs de poules élevées en plein air
Oeufs de poules élevées au sol
Oeufs de poules élevées en cage
Plein air
Eier aus Freilandhaltung
Uova da allevamento all'aperto
Poules au sol
Eier aus Bodenhaltung
Uova da allevamento a terra
a terra
Eier aus Käfighaltung
Uova da allevamento in gabbie
b) Aperto
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Vrijland eieren
Æg fra
Huevos de gallinas camperas
Ovos de galinhas criadas ao ar livre
Ar livre
Ulkokanojen munia
Ägg från utehöns
Frigående (alt. Frig.) ute
λε ύθ
ε ρ
ης οσκής
FIN a)
Scharrel eieren
Kooi eieren
Æg fra burhøns
Huevos de gallinas criadas en el Huevos de gallinas criadas en jaulas
Ovos de galinhas criadas no solo
Ovos de galinhas criadas em
Lattiakanojen munia
Häkkikanalassa tuotettuja munia
Ägg från frigående höns inomhus
Ägg från burhöns
Frigående (alt. Frig.) inne
Αυγά δαπέδου µε στρωµ�½ή
Αυγά κλωβοστοιχίας
λε ύθ
ε ρ
ης βοσκής
to be met by poultry establishments
for the various egg farming methods
(a) 'Free range eggs' must be produced in poultry establishments
which satisfy at least the conditions specified in Art. 4 of
Council Directive 1999/74/EC and
in which :
- hens have continuous daytime access to open-air runs,
except in the case of temporary restrictions imposed by
veterinary authorities;
- the
open-air runs to
which hens have access is mainly covered with vegetation
and not used for other purposes
except for orchards and livestock grazing if the latter is authorized by the competent authorities;
the open-air runs must at least satisfy the conditions specified in Article 4(3)b)(ii) of Council Directive
1999/74/EC whereby
the maximum stocking density is not greater than
hens per hectare of ground available to the
hens or one hen per
4 m
and the runs are not extending beyond a radius of [350 m] from the nearest pophole of
the building;
'Barn eggs' must be produced in poultry establishments which satisfy at least the conditions specified in Art.
4 of Council Directive 1999/74/EC .
(c) 'Eggs from caged hens' must be produced in poultry establishments which satisfy at least:
- the conditions specified in Council Directive 88/166/EC until 31.12.2002;
- the conditions specified in Art. 5 of Council Directive 1999/74/EC as from 1.1.2003 until 31.12.2011
- the conditions specified in Article 6 of Council Directive 1999/74/EC as from 1.1.2002."
Reference to the following particular feed ingredients may only be made where
in the case of cereals, they account for at least [60%] in weight of the feed formula given which may
include not more than [15%] of cereal by-products; however, where reference is made to specific
cereals, each shall account for at least [30%] of the feed formula used in the case of one cereal
mentioned and for at least [5%] of several cereals mentioned."
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