Europaudvalget 2000-01
EUU Alm.del Bilag 1000
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Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
og deres stedfortrædere
26. marts 2001
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges den svenske statsminister Göran Perssons og
kommissionsformand Romano Prodis brev til den amerikanske præsident George W. Bush vedrørende
operationaliseringen af Kyoto-protokollen, herunder genoptagelsen af den 6. partskonference under
Letter from Göran Persson and Romano Prodi to President Bush
Stockholm, 22 March 2001
The President of the United States of
Mr. George Bush
Dear Mr. President,
We write this letter in order to express our deep concern for the risks connected with climate change. We also
wish to underline the commitment of the European Union to urgent action to reduce emissions of greenhouse
As you know, the great majority of climate experts, members of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change, have already indicated that they see clear evidence of a human impact on climate. In the Third
Assessment Report they are warning for even more tangible negative effects than previously expected. The
consequences of climate change may have a detrimental impact on a great many countries. Storms and other
dramatic weather phenomena may become more abundant and cause considerable damage and injuries .
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The Kyoto Protocol, adopted in 1997, gave a forceful signal that all major Governments were taking climate
change seriously. This has led to important research and development of new and renewable sources of energy
and of innovative steps in the transport sector, including the automobile industry. But since a reduction in our
dependency on fossil fuels goes straight to the heart of the functioning of our industrial societies, there is no
doubt that this transformation will be difficult to achieve. Howeve r, looking at the challenges of climate
change, the transformation also offers many opportunities to modernising our economy which often lead to
overall economic advantages and which help to safeguard old and/or create new employment. It will require a
clear vision, political courage, and an extraordinary effort of international cooperation.
The European Council will, when it meets in Stockholm on 23-24 March, address the concern related to
climate change with a view to reaffirming its strong commitment to the Kyoto Protocol as the basis for
international action to reduce emissions and to urging all its negotiation partners to engage constructively in
reaching agreement on modalities for implementing the protocol at the resumed COP-6.
We would therefore like to emphasize that to the Union an agreement at the resumed session of COP 6, on
the basis of the Kyoto Protocol and leading to real reductions in green house gas emissions, is of utmost
importance. The global and long-term importance of climate change, and the need for a joint effort by all
industrial countries in this field makes it an integral and important part of relations between the USA and the
EU. A dialogue between the USA and the EU on how to facilitate a successful outco me of the resumed
COP-6 is therefore urgently needed and we would like to express the wish of the Union to initiate such a
dialogue at the highest level as soon as possible.
Göran Persson Romano Prodi