Europaudvalget 2000-01
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13. juni 2001
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges Miljø- og Energiministeriets notat samt grundnotat
om Kommissionens forslag til reviderede kriterier for tildeling af EU-miljømærket til opvaskemaskiner.
Den 29. maj 2001
Internationalt kontor M 1034-0051
om Kommissionens forslag til reviderede kriteriet for tildeling af EU-miljømærket til
Kommissionen har den 9. april 2001 fremsendt endeligt forslag til Kommissionens beslutning om revision af
miljøkriterier for tildeling af EU-miljømærket til opvaskemaskiner (Dok. 2001/ENV/166, draft 3. maj 2001,
engelsk udgave foreligger).
Ved revisionen er kravene især skærpede omkring forbrug af elektricitet, anvendelse af farlige stoffer og
Regeringen agter at stemme for forslaget.
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29. april 2001
Kontoret for Renere Produkter J. nr. M 1034-0447
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Forslag til Kommissionens beslutning om revision af miljøkriterier for tildeling af EF-miljømærket til
(Dok. 2001/ENV/166, draft 3.maj 2001)
Kommissionen har den 9. april 2001 fremsendt endeligt forslag til Kommissionens beslutning om revision af
miljøkriterier for tildeling af EU-miljømærket til opvaskemaskiner (Dok. 2001/ENV/166, draft 3. maj 2001,
engelsk udgave foreligger).
De tidligere kriterier var fastlagt i Kommissionens beslutning 98/483/EC.
Forslaget til reviderede kriterier udgør en opfølgning af artikel 4 og 6 i Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets
forordning nr. 1980/2000 af 17. juli 2000 om en revideret ordning for tildeling af EF-miljømærke. I disse
artikler bestemmes det, at der fastsættes specifikke miljømærkekriterier for hver produktgruppe for given
gyldighedsperiode. Kriterier og gyldighedsperiode fastlægges i overensstemmelse med fremgangsmåden i art.
17, so m er en forskriftsudvalgsprocedure, efter høring af Det Europæiske Miljømærkenævn.
Forskriftsudvalget skal stemme om sagen den 13. juni 2001
Formål og indhold
Formålet med den frivillige positive miljømærkeordning er at fremme udformningen, fremstillingen,
markedsføringen og anvendelsen af produkter, som har mindsket indvirkning på miljøet gennem hele deres
livscyklus samt at give forbrugerne bedre information om produkters indvirkning på miljøet.
Nærværende beslutningsforslag indeholder reviderede kriterier for tildeling af miljømærket Blomsten til
Kommissionen har udarbejdet forslaget. Undervejs i processen har repræsentanter for medlemslandene og
interesseorganisationerne været hørt.
Definition af produktgruppen
Produktgruppen defineres som: Elektriske opvaskemaskiner til husholdningsbrug, som forsynes med
elektricitet fra elnettet og som sælges til den almindelige offentlighed. Apparater, som kan have anden
energiforsyning, som for eksempel batterier, eller som ikke har nogen indbygget varmeforsyning, er udelukket
fra produktgruppen.
Definitionen af produktgruppen og kriterierne for produktgruppen foreslås at gælde for en periode på 5 år
regnet fra den første dag i den måned, der følger efter kommissionsbeslutningens ikrafttræden.
Der er kriterier for nedenstående områder. De detaljerede krav kan ses i det vedlagte engelsksprogede
kriterieforslag. Nr. henviser til kriterieforslagets nummer.
Energi effektivitet
Energy efficiency
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Water Consumption
Forbyggelse af anvendelse af for Prevention of excessive use og detergent
meget opvaskemiddel
Tilbagetagning og genanvendelse
Design af maskine
Take-back and recycling
Life-time extension
Appliance design
Cleaning performance
Drying performance
User Instruction
Ved revisionen er kravene især skærpede omkring forbrug af elektricitet, anvendelse af farlige stoffer og
Nærheds- og proportionalitetsprincippet
Kommissionen har ikke redegjort for nærheds- og proportionalitetsprincippet. Der er tale om en
gennemførelsesforanstaltning af en allerede vedtaget rådsretsakt.
Forslagets konsekvenser for Danmark.
Lovgivningsmæssige konsekvenser
Forslaget medfører ingen lovgivningsmæssige konsekvenser for Danmark.
Økonomiske konsekvenser
Den europæiske miljømærkningsordning er frivillig. Erhvervelse af miljømærket indebærer udgifter for
producenter og importører, men disse udgifter forventes opvejet af de konkurrencemæssige fordele ved
anvendelsen af miljømærket. Forslaget forventes ikke at medføre statsfinancielle eller administrative
Miljømæssige konsekvenser
Forslaget indeholder skærpede miljømæssige krav i forhold til de nugældende kriterier for miljømærkning af
produktgruppen under Blomst-ordningen. Kravene er især skærpede omkring forbrug af elektricitet,
anvendelse af farlige stoffer og produktsikkerhed.
Miljøbelastningen fra de produkter, der kan tildeles licens, vil på grund af de strengere krav være mindre end
tilsvarende produkter. Forslaget forventes derfor at få miljøbeskyttelsesmæssigt positive konsekvenser, såfremt
de miljømærkede produkter udbredes på markedet.
Forslaget har været til høring i EF-specialudvalget. Foreningen af importøre af elektriske
husholdningsapparater har her tilkendegivet at man finder at kriteriet om at producenten skal tilbagetage
udtjente maskiner ikke er hensigtsmæssigt.
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2001/ENV/166, draft 3 May 2001
establishing ecological criteria for the award of the Community eco-label to dishwashers
changes with respect to earlier draft (6 April) include:
framework: slight modification to second half:
1,2,4,8,9: take into account tolerances etc. (rather than apply tolerances etc.)
1 deleted the sentence "no product shall be placed on the market that has an energy
efficiency index > 0.64 …."
tilkendegivet at man finder at kriteriet om at producenten skal tilbagetage udtjente maskiner
ikke er hensigtsmæssigt.
5a deleted "which are not complete"
10a) slight modification
of …
establishing ecological criteria for the award of the Community eco-label to dishwashers
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,
Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 July on
a revised Community Eco-label award scheme, and in particular Articles 3, 4 and 6 thereof,
1. Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000 provides that the eco-label may be awarded to a product
possessing characteristics which enable it to contribute significantly to improvements in relation to key
environmental aspects;
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2. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000 provides that specific eco-label criteria shall be established
according to product groups;
3. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000 provides that the review of the eco-label criteria as well as of
the assessment and verification requirements related to the criteria shall take place in due time before the
end of the period of validity of the criteria specified for each product group and shall result in a proposal
for prolongation, withdrawal or revision;
4. By Decision 98/483/EC, the Commission established ecological criteria for the award of the Community
Eco-label to dishwashers, which, according to Article 3 thereof, as modified by Commission Decision
2000/../EC, expire …;
lidity of the criteria specified for each product group and shall result in a proposal for prolongation,
withdrawal or revision;
5. It is appropriate to revise the definition of the product group and the ecological criteria that were
established by Commission Decision 98/483/EC in order to reflect the developments in the market;
6. It is appropriate to adopt a new Commission Decision establishing the specific ecological criteria for this
product group, which will be valid for a period of five years;
7. It is appropriate that, for a limited period of not more than twelve months, both the new criteria
established by this Decision and the criteria previously established by Commission Decision 98/483/EC,
are valid concurrently, in order to allow sufficient time for companies that have been awarded the eco-
label for their products prior to the adoption of this new Decision to adapt these products to comply
with the new criteria;
8. The measures set out in this Decision have been developed and adopted under the procedures for the
setting of eco-label criteria as laid down in Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000;
9. The measures set out in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the committee set up under
Article 17 of Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000,
Article 1
The product group ‘dishwashers’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘the product group’) shall mean:
Electric mains-operated household dishwashers sold to the general public. Appliances that may also
use other energy sources, such as batteries, or have no internal heat source, are excluded.
Article 2
The environmental performance of the product group as defined in Article 1 shall be assessed by reference to
the specific ecological criteria set out in the Annex.
Article 3
The product group definition and the criteria for the product group shall be valid for five years from the date
on which this Decision takes effect.
The period of validity of the product group definition and the criteria established by Commission Decision
98/483/EC, as modified by Commission Decision 2001/…/EC, shall be modified to expire twelve months
after the date on which this Decision takes effect.
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mpanies that have been awarded the eco-label for their products prior to the adoption of this new Decision to
adapt these products to comply with the new criteria;
Article 4
For administrative purposes the code number assigned to the product group shall be ‘002’.
Article 5
This Decision is addressed to the Member States.
Done at Brussels,
e ‘002’.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
In order to qualify for the eco-label, a dishwasher (hereinafter referred to as "the product") must fall within the product
group as defined in Article 1, and must comply with the criteria of this Annex, with tests carried out on application as
indicated in the criteria. Where appropriate, other test methods may be used if their equivalence is accepted by the
Competent Body assessing the application. Where no tests are mentioned, or are mentioned as being for use in verifica
tion or monitoring, Competent Bodies should rely as appropriate on declarations and documentation provided by the
applicant and/or independent verifications.
The Competent Bodies are recommended to take into account the implementation of recognised environmental
management schemes, such as EMAS or ISO 14001, when assessing applications and monitoring compliance with the
criteria in this Annex (note:
it is not required to implement such management schemes.)
These criteria aim in particular at promoting:
• reduction of environmental damage or risks related to the use of energy (global warming, acidification, depletion
of non-renewable resources) by reducing energy consumption
• reduction of environmental damage related to the use of natural resources by reducing water consumption
The criteria encourage the implementation of best practice (optimal environmental use) and enhance consumers’
environmental awareness. Furthermore, marking the plastic components encourages the recycling of the machine.
The criteria are set at levels that promote the labelling of dishwashers that have a lower environmental impact, in
particular during their use.
1. Energy efficiency
• Dishwashers with 10 or more place settings must have an energy efficiency index lower than 0.58 as defined in
Commission Directive 97/17/EC, annex IV, using the same test method EN 50242 and programme cycle as chosen for
Commission Directive 97/17/EC.
Dishwashers with less than 10 place settings but more than 5 place settings must have an energy efficiency index
lower than 0.64 as defined in Commission Directive 97/17/EC, annex IV, using the same test method EN 50242
and programme cycle as chosen for Commission Directive 97/17/EC.
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Dishwashers with five or fewer place settings must have an energy efficiency index lower than 0.76 as defined in
Commission Directive 97/17/EC, annex IV, using the same test method EN 50242 and programme cycle as chosen
for Commission Directive 97/17/EC.
The applicant shall provide a copy of the technical documentation referred to under article 2 paragraph 1 of
Commission Directive 97/17/EC. This documentation shall include the reports of at least three measurements of
energy consumption made according to EN 50242, using the same programme cycle as chosen for Commission
Directive 97/17/EC. The arithmetic mean of these measurements shall be less or equal to the above requirement.
The value declared on the energy label shall not be lower than this mean value, and the energy efficiency class
indicated on the energy label shall correspond to this mean value.
In case of verification, which is not required on application, Competent Bodies shall take into consideration the
tolerances and control procedures laid down in EN 50242.
0. The dishwasher must be suitable for connection to a hot-fill water supply.
The applicant shall declare the compliance of the product with this requirement.
2. Water consumption
The water consumption of the dishwasher (expressed as W
) shall be lower or equal to the threshold as
defined by the equation below using the same test method EN 50242 and programme cycle as chosen for
Commission Directive 97/17/EC:
x S) + 9.25,
= the measured water consumption of the dishwasher in litres per cycle, expressed to the
first decimal,
S = the applicable number of standard place settings of the dishwasher.
The applicant shall provide a copy of the technical documentation referred to under article 2 paragraph 1 of
Commission Directive 97/17/EC. This documentation shall include the reports of at least three measurements of
water consumption made according to EN 50242, using the same programme cycle as chosen for Commission
Directive 97/17/EC. The arithmetic mean of these measurements shall be less or equal to the above requirement.
The value declared on the energy label shall not be lower than this mean value.
In case of verification, which is not required on application, Competent Bodies shall take into consideration the
tolerances and control procedures laid down in EN 50242.
3. Prevention of excessive use of detergent
The appliance shall have clear volumetric markings on the detergent dispenser allowing the user to adjust the
detergent quantity used according to the type and amount of load and its degree of soil.
The applicant shall declare the compliance of the product with this requirement.
4. Noise
• Airborne noise from the appliance, counted as sound power, shall not exceed 53 dB (A) for free standing models
and 50 dB (A) for built-in models. The noise emissions shall be measured according to EN 50242, using the same
test method and programme cycle as chosen for Directive 97/17/EC.
• Information about the noise level of the machine shall be provided in a way clearly visible to the consumer. This
shall be done by the incorporation of this information in the energy label for dishwashers.
The applicant shall provide a copy of the technical documentation referred to under article 2 paragraph 1 of
Commission Directive 97/17/EC. This documentation shall include the reports of at least three measurements of
noise made according to EN 50242, using the same programme cycle as chosen for Commission Directive
97/17/EC. The declared noise shall be derived from these measurements as laid down in the standards referred to
in EN 50242, and shall appear on the energy label.
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In case of verification, which is not required on application, Competent Bodies shall take into consideration the
tolerances and control procedures laid down in EN 50242.
5. Take-back and recycling
• The manufacturer shall offer the take-back, free of charge, for recycling of the dishwasher and of components
being replaced by himself or by any commissioned company, except for dishwashers which contain components
which do not belong to the dishwasher.
• Plastic parts heavier than 50 gram shall have a permanent marking identifying the material, in conformity with
ISO 11 469. This requirement does not apply to extruded plastic parts.
• Plastic parts heavier than 25 grams shall not contain the following flame retardants:
monobromodiphenyl ether
dibromodiphenyl ether
tribromodiphenyl ether
tetrabromodiphenyl ether
pentabromodiphenyl ether
hexabromodiphenyl ether
heptabromodiphenyl ether
octabromodiphenyl ether
nonabromodiphenyl ether
decabromodiphenyl ether
Chloroparaffins with chain length 10-13
C atoms, chlorine content > 50% by
CAS no.
a. Plastic parts heavier than 25 grams shall not contain flame retardant substances or preparations
containing substances that are or may be assigned any of the risk phrases R45 (may cause cancer),
R46 (may cause heritable genetic damage), R50 (very toxic to aquatic organisms), R51 (toxic to
aquatic organisms), R52 (harmful to aquatic organisms), R53 (may cause long-term adverse effects
in the aquatic environment), R60 (may impair fertility) or R61 (may cause harm to the unborn
child), o r any combinations of risk phrases containing any of the above risk phrases, as defined in
Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of laws, regulations and
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administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous
substances, and its subsequent amendments.
This requirement does not apply to flame retardants that on application change their chemical
nature to no longer warrant classification under any of the R-phrases listed above, and where less
than 0.1% of the flame retardant in the treated part remains in the form as before application.
b. The manufacturer shall take into account disassembly when designing and shall check the
disassembly of the dishwasher and provide a disassembly report, that shall be made available to
third parties on request. Amongst others, the report shall confirm that:
◦ joints are easy to find and accessible
◦ electronic assemblies are easy to find and to dismantle
◦ the product is easy to dismantle by using commonly available tools
◦ incompatible and hazardous materials are separable
The applicant shall declare the compliance of the product with these requirements. The applicant shall provide to the
Competent Body assessing the application a copy of the disassembly report. The applicant and/or his supplier or suppliers,
as appropriate, shall indicate to this Competent Body which flame retardants, if any, have been used in or on plastic parts
heavier than 25 grams.
6. Life-time extension
• The manufacturer shall offer a commercial guarantee to ensure that the dishwasher will function for at
least 2 years. This guarantee shall be valid from the date of delivery to the customer.
The availability of compatible replacement parts shall be guaranteed for 12 years from the time that
production ceases.
The applicant shall declare the compliance of the product with these requirements.
7. Appliance design
• The appliance shall allow the user to select a program for washing a standard load using detergents that
work best at temperatures lower than 65°C.
• The appliance shall have clear markings identifying the appropriate settings for the programmes available
(e.g. standard, low-temperature, half-load, lightly or heavily soiled load, etc.)
• Where applicable, the appliance shall allow the salt dosing to be adjusted to the local water hardness, and
shall have a salt refill indicator.
The applicant shall declare the compliance of the product with these requirements.
8. Cleaning performance
The dishwasher must have a cleaning performance index of more than 1.00 as defined in Commission
Directive 97/17/EC, annex IV, using the same test method EN 50242 and programme cycle as chosen
for Commission Directive 97/17/EC. The dishwasher will thus qualify for either cleaning performance
class A or B as defined in Commission Directive 97/17/EC, annex IV.
The applicant shall provide a copy of the technical documentation referred to under article2 paragraph 1 of Commission
Directive 97/17/EC. This documentation shall include the reports of at least three measurements of the cleaning
performance index made according to EN 50242 using the same standard programme cycle as chosen for Commission
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Directive 97/17/EC. The arithmetic mean of these measurements shall be greater than the above requirement. The
cleaning performance class indicated o n the energy label shall correspond to this mean value.
In case of verification, which is not required on application, Competent Bodies shall take into consideration the tolerances
and control procedures laid down in EN 50242.
9. Drying performance
The dishwasher must have a drying performance index of more than 0.93 as defined in Commission
Directive 97/17/EC, annex IV, using the same test method EN 50242 and programme cycle as chosen
for Commission Directive 97/17/EC. The dishwasher will thus qualify for either drying performance
class A or B as defined in Commission Directive 97/17/EC, annex IV.
The applicant shall provide a copy of the technical documentation referred to under article 2 paragraph 1 of Commission
Directive 97/17/EC. This documentation shall include the reports of at least three measurements of the drying performance
index made according to EN 50242 using the same standard programme cycle as chosen for Commission Directive
97/17/EC. The arithmetic mean of these measurements shall be greater than the above requirement. The drying
performance class indicated on t he energy label shall correspond to this mean value.
In case of verification, which is not required on application, Competent Bodies shall take into consideration the tolerances
and control procedures laid down in EN 50242.
10. User instructions
The appliance shall be sold with an instruction manual which, amongst others, shall provide advice on
the correct environmental use and, in particular recommendations for optimal use of energy, water and
additives (detergent, salt, etc.) in the operation of the appliance. This manual shall include:
a. On the cover page or first page the following text (or equivalent): "This product has been awarded
the EU eco-label. Information on how to further minimise environmental impacts is given in this
b. Advice on how to install the machine so as to minimise the noise emitted.
c. Advice that the use of the hot-fill can save primary energy and related emissions if the water is
heated by solar energy, community heating, modern natural gas or oil heating systems or natural gas
continuous flow heater. The user shall be informed that the conduit between the warm water
source and the dishwasher should be short and well insulated.
d. Advice to adjust the salt dosing to the local water hardness, if applicable.
e. Advice to use a full load whenever possible.
f. Advice to avoid rinsing items before placing them in the dishwasher.
g. Advice on the best use of the rinse and hold option, if available.
h. Advice on the availability of detergents that work best at temperatures lower than 65°C and have
the potential to save energy.
i. Advice on varying the detergent dose according to the type and amount of the load and its degree
of soil (for example: a half load requires less detergent). Reference shall be made to the markings in
the detergent dispenser.
j. Information about the levels of energy and water consumption of the dishwasher for the different
programmes, allowing the consumer to identify an appropriate program that makes the least use of
energy and water, and also information on the levels of stand-by consumption.
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k. Advice that the dishwasher should not be left in the "on"-position when it has completed its cycle,
because of possible stand-by energy losses. The instruction manual shall state the time needed to
complete the programmes available.
l. Information on power requirements during the following modes: off mode, timer mode
(programming), programme ended mode.
m. Advice on appropriate maintenance of the dishwasher, including the regular cleaning of filters, and
information on the availability of replacement parts.
n. Information that ignoring the issues mentioned above can lead to higher consumption of energy,
water and/or detergent and thus can increase the running costs and lead to poor performance.
o. Advice on how the consumer can take advantage of the manufacturer’s take-back procedure.
p. Information that the product has been awarded the EU eco-label, with a brief explanation as to
what this means, together with an indication that more information on the eco-label can be found
at the web-site address (, and that eco-labelled detergents for
dishwashers are available.
The applicant shall declare the compliance of the product with these requirements, and shall provide a copy of the instruction
manual to the Competent Body assessing the application.
11. Information appearing on the eco-label
Box 2 of the eco-label shall include the following text:
* very low energy consumption
* low water consumption
* designed to facilitate recycling