Europaudvalget 2000-01
EUU Alm.del Bilag 1367
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Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
og deres stedfortrædere
13. juni 2001
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges Miljø- og Energiministeriets notat samt grundnotat
om Kommissionens forslag til reviderede kriterier for tildeling af EU-miljømærket til jordforbedringsmidler og
Den 29. maj 2001
Internationalt kontor M 1034-0051
om Kommissionens forslag til reviderede kriteriet for tildeling af EU-miljømærket til
jordforbedringsmidler og vækstmedier.
Kommissionen har den 20. april 2001 fremsendt forslag til Kommissionens beslutning om revision af
miljøkriterier for tildeling af EU-miljømærket til jordforbedringsmidler og vækstmedier (Dok. 2001/ENV/xxx,
foreløbig af 2.maj 2001, engelsk udgave foreligger).
De tidligere kriterier var fastlagt i Kommissionens beslutning af 7. april 1998 om miljøkriterierne for tildeling
af Fællesskabets miljømærke til jordforbedringsmidler (98/488/EF).
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Den væsentligste ændring i forhold til de nuværende kriterier er udvidelsen af produktgruppen til også at
indeholde kriterier for vækstmedier, for bl.a. at øge interessen for miljømærket hos de professionelle aktører. I
det foreliggende forslag er spagnum udeladt som vækstmedium, da spagnum er en ikke-fornybar ressource.
Regeringen agter at stemme for forslaget.
29. maj 2001
Kontoret for renere produkter J. nr. M 1034-0447
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Dok. 2001/ENV/xxx, foreløbig af 2.maj 2001
Forslag til Kommissionens beslutning om revision af miljøkriterier for tildeling af EF-miljømærket til
jordforbedringsmidler og vækstmedier
Kommissionen har den 20. april 2001 fremsendt endeligt forslag til Kommissionens beslutning om revision af
miljøkriterier for tildeling af EU-miljømærket til jordforbedringsmidler og vækstmedier (Dok. 2001/ENV/xxx,
foreløbig af 2.maj 2001, engelsk udgave foreligger).
De tidligere kriterier var fastlagt i Kommissionens beslutning af 7. april 1998 om miljøkriterierne for tildeling
af Fællesskabets miljømærke til jordforbedringsmidler (98/488/EF).
Forslaget til reviderede kriterier udgør en opfølgning af artikel 4 og 6 i Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets
forordning nr. 1980/2000 af 17. juli 2000 om en revideret ordning for tildeling af EF-miljømærke. I disse
artikler bestemmes det, at der fastsættes specifikke miljømærkekriterier for hver produktgruppe for given
gyldighedsperiode. Kriterier og gyldighedsperiode fastlægges i overensstemmelse med fremgangsmåden i art.
17, so m er en forskriftsudvalgsprocedure, efter høring af Det Europæiske Miljømærkenævn.
Forskriftsudvalget skal behandle sagen på møde d. 12-13. juni 2001.
Formål og indhold
Formålet med den frivillige, positive miljømærkeordning er at fremme udformningen, fremstillingen,
markedsføringen og anvendelsen af produkter, som har mindsket indvirkning på miljøet gennem hele deres
livscyklus samt give forbrugerne bedre information om produkters indvirkning på miljøet.
Nærværende beslutningsforslag indeholder de reviderede kriterier for tildeling af miljømærket Blomsten til
jordforbedringsmidler og vækstmedier.
Kommissionen har udarbejdet forslaget. Undervejs i processen har repræsentanter for medlemslandene og
interesseorganisationerne været hørt bl.a. via en såkaldt ad hoc working group (AHWG).
Definition af produktgruppen
Produktgruppen mht. jordforbedringsmidler defineres som: materialer, som opblandes i jord
for at
opretholde eller forbedre dens fysiske egenskaber, og som kan forbedre dens kemiske og/eller dens biologiske
egenskaber eller aktivitet. Vækst medier defineres som: materialer andet end jord, i hvilken planter kan gro.
Definitionen af produktgruppen og kriterierne for produktgruppen foreslås at gælde for en periode på 5 år
regnet fra den første dag i den måned, der følger efter kommissionsbeslutningens ikrafttræden.
Der er kriterier for nedennævnte områder, som hovedsagelig skal fremme anvendelse og/eller genanvendelse
af organisk affald og reducere de skadelige miljømæssige effekter fra tungmetaller og andre skadelige stoffer i
jordforbedringsmidler og vækstmedier. De detaljerede krav kan ses i det vedlagte engelsksprogede
kriterieforslag. "Nr." henviser til kriterieforslagets nummer.
Nr. Dansk Engelsk
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1. Organiske materialer/komponenter Organic ingredients
2. Begrænsning af skadelige stoffer Limitation of hazardous substances
(bl.a. tungmetaller)
3. Fysiske urenheder Physical contanimants
4. Næringsstofsbelastning Nutrient loadings
5. Produktegenskaber Product performance
6. Helse og sikkerhed Health and safety
7. Levedygtige (ukrudts-) frø / vegetativ spiring Viable seeds / propagules
8. Specielle kriterier beregnet for vækstmedier Additional criterea specifically
applicable to growth media
9. Produktinformation Information provided with the
10. Information i tilknytning til miljømærket Information apperaring on the eco-label
Den væsentligste ændring i forhold til de nuværende kriterier er udvidelsen af produktgruppen til også at
indeholde kriterier for vækstmedier, for bl.a. at øge interessen for miljømærket hos de professionelle aktører. I
det foreliggende forslag er spagnum udeladt som vækstmedium, da spagnum er en ikke-fornybar ressource.
Derudover indeholder forslaget nogle skærpede miljømæssige krav i forhold til de nugældende kriterier for
miljømærkning af produktgruppen under EUs miljømærkeordning. Kravene er skærpede omkring anvendelsen
af pesticider, lempede mht. næringsstofbelastning for at inddrage flere potentielle produkter, men er også
skærpede for at sikre bedre produktkvalitet mht. sundhed og sikkerhed, samt ukrudt og bedre forbrugerinf
Nærheds- og proportionalitetsprincippet
Kommissionen har ikke redegjort for nærheds- og proportionalitetsprincippet. Der er tale om en
gennemførelsesforanstaltning af en allerede vedtaget rådsretsakt.
Forslagets konsekvenser for Danmark.
Lovgivningsmæssige konsekvenser
Forslaget medfører ingen lovgivningsmæssige konsekvenser for Danmark.
Økonomiske konsekvenser
Den europæiske miljømærkningsordning er frivillig. Erhvervelse af miljømærket indebærer udgifter for
producenter og importører, men disse udgifter forventes opvejet af de konkurrencemæssige fordele ved
anvendelsen af miljømærket. Forslaget forventes ikke at medføre statsfinancielle eller administrative
Miljømæssige konsekvenser
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Forslaget udgør anden generation af kriterier for produktgruppen. Den væsentligste ændring i forhold til de
nuværende kriterier (første generation) er udvidelsen af produktgruppen til også at indeholde kriterier for
vækstmedier, for bl.a. at øge interessen for miljømærket hos de professionelle aktører.
Derudover indeholder forslaget nogle skærpede miljømæssige krav i forhold til de nugældende kriterier for
miljømærkning af produktgruppen under EUs miljømærkeordning. Kravene er især skærpede omkring
anvendelsen af pesticider, næringsstofbelastning, men er også skærpede for at sikre bedre produktkvalitet mht.
sundhed og sikkerhed, samt ukrudt og bedre forbrugerinformation.
Miljøbelastningen fra de produkter, der kan tildeles licens, vil på grund af de strengere krav være mindre end
gennemsnittet af tilsvarende produkter. Forslaget forventes derfor at få miljøbeskyttelsesmæssigt positive
konsekvenser, såfremt de miljømærkede produkter udbredes på markedet.
Forslaget har været til høring i EF-specialudvalget, hvor Specialarbejderforbundet har tilkendegivet, at
Danmark bør lægge afgørende vægt på, at produktet ikke indeholder bark, der er behandlet med pesticider.
2001/ENV/248 draft 2 May 2001
establishing ecological criteria for the award of the Community eco-label to soil improvers and
growing media
changes with respect to earlier draft (April 23):
reformatting to standard presentation
annex framework : slight modification of last sentence
10: modified order of text in box 2
of …
establishing ecological criteria for the award of the Community eco-label to
soil improvers and growing media
(Text with EEA relevance)
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Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,
Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 July on
a revised Community Eco-label award scheme, and in particular Articles 3, 4 and 6 thereof,
1. Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000 provides that the eco-label may be awarded to a product
possessing characteristics which enable it to contribute significantly to improvements in relation to key
environmental aspects;
2. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000 provides that specific eco-label criteria shall be established
according to product groups;
3. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000 provides that the review of the eco-label criteria as well as of
the assessment and verification requirements related to the criteria shall take place in due time before the
end of the period of validity of the criteria specified for each product group and shall result in a proposal
for prolongation, withdrawal or revision;
4. By Decision 98/488/EC, the Commission established ecological criteria for the award of the Community
Eco-label to soil improvers, which, according to Article 3 thereof, as modified by Commission Decision
2001/157/EC, expire 30 September 2002;
5. It is appropriate to revise the definition of the product group and the ecological criteria that were
established by Commission Decision 98/488/EC in order to reflect the developments in the market;
6. It is appropriate to adopt a new Commission Decision establishing the specific ecological criteria for this
product group, which will be valid for a period of five years;
7. It is appropriate that, for a limited period of not more than twelve months, both the new criteria
established by this Decision and the criteria previously established by Commission Decision 98/488/EC,
are valid concurrently, in order to allow sufficient time for companies that have been awarded the eco-
label for their products prior to the adoption of this new Decision to adapt these products to comply
with the new criteria;
8. The measures set out in this Decision have been developed and adopted under the procedures for the
setting of eco-label criteria as laid down in Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000;
9. The measures set out in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the committee set up under
Article 17 of Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000,
Article 1
The product group ‘soil improvers and growing media’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘the product group’) shall
soil improvers:
Materials to be added to the soil
in situ
primarily to maintain or
improve its physical properties, and which may improve its
chemical and/or biological properties or activity
Material, other than soils
in situ,
in which plants are grown.
growing media:
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Article 2
The environmental performance of the product group as defined in Article 1 shall be assessed by reference to the specific
ecological criteria set out in the Annex.
Article 3
The product group definition and the criteria for the product group shall be valid for five years from the date on which
this Decision takes effect.
The period of validity of the product group definition and the criteria established by Commission Decision 98/488/EC, as
modified by Commission Decision 2001/157/EC, shall be modified to expire twelve months after the date on which this
Decision takes effect.
Article 4
For administrative purposes the code number assigned to the product group shall be ‘003’.
Article 5
This Decision is addressed to the Member States.
Done at Brussels,
e ‘003’.
For the Commission
Member of the Commission
In order to qualify for the eco-label, a soil improver or growing media (hereinafter referred to as "the product" or
"products") must fall within the product group as defined in Article 1, and must comply with the criteria of this Annex,
with tests carried out on application as indicated in the criteria.
Testing shall where applicable be carried out in accordance with test methods by Technical Committee CEN 223 "Soil
Improvers and Growing Media".
Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with methodologies set out by CEN TC 223 WG3 as specified in EN 12579
- Soil Improvers and Growing Media - Sampling. Where testing or sampling is required that is not covered by these
methods and sampling techniques, the Competent Body or Bodies assessing the application (hereinafter referred to as the
"Competent Body") shall indicate which testing and/or sampling methods it considers acceptable.
Where appropriate, other test methods may be used if their equivalence is accepted by the Competent Body. Where no
tests are mentioned, or are mentioned as being for use in verification or monitoring, Competent Bodies should rely as
appropriate on declarations and documentation provided by the applicant and/or independent verifications.
The Competent Bodies are recommended to take into account the implementation of recognised environmental
management schemes, such as EMAS or ISO 14001, when assessing applications and monitoring compliance with the
criteria in this Annex (note:
it is not required to implement such management schemes).
These criteria aim in particular at promoting:
• the use and/or re-use of organic matter derived from the collection and/or processing of waste material and
therefore contributing to a minimisation of solid waste at the final disposal (e.g. at landfill),
• the reduction of environmental damage or risks from heavy metals and other hazardous compounds in soil
improvers and growing media.
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The criteria are set at levels that promote the labelling of soil improvers and growing media that have a lower
environmental impact during the whole life-cycle of the product
1. Organic ingredients
A product shall only be considered for the award of an eco-label if its organic matter content is derived from
the processing and/or re-use of waste materials (as defined in Council Directive 75/442/EEC of 15 July 1975
on waste, as amended by Council Directive 91/156/EEC of 18 March 1991 amending Directive 75/442/EEC
on waste, and in Annex I to the said Directive). Note: the term "organic" refers in the general sense to
materials of, or formed from/by, living organisms .
Products shall not contain sewage sludge.
The applicant shall provide the Competent Body with the detailed composition of the product, and a declaration of compliance with
each of the above requirements.
2. Limitation of hazardous substances
a) In the final product, the content of the following elements shall be lower than the values shown below,
measured in terms of dry weight:
mg/kg d.w.
Mo (*)
Se (*)
As (*)
F (*)
(*) Data relating to the presence of these elements are needed only for
products containing material from industrial processes
The applicant shall provide the Competent Body with the relevant test reports, and a declaration of compliance with this
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Products shall not contain bark which has been treated with pesticides.
The applicant shall provide the Competent Body with a declaration of compliance with this requirement.
3. Physical contaminants
In the final product (with mesh size > 2 mm), the content of glass, metal and plastic shall be lower than 0,5% as
measured in terms of dry weight
The applicant shall provide the Competent Body with the relevant test reports, and a declaration of compliance with this
4. Nutrient loadings
a) The concentration of nitrogen in the product shall not exceed 2 % total N (of dry weight) and inorganic N must not
exceed 20% total N (or organic N = 80%).
b) When used at the rates of application as recommended in the information provided with the product, the product shall
not exceed maximum nutrient loadings of:
◦ 17 g/m
total nitrogen
• 10 g/m
• 20 g/m
Note: This requirement does not apply to products where less than 10 % (w/w) of the nutrient content is available for
plant growth during the first season of application. Such products (for example many mulches) are defined as those
having a C:N ratio greater than 30:1.
The applicant shall provide the Competent Body with the relevant test reports and documentation, and a declaration of
compliance with these requirements.
5. Product performance
a) Products shall be supplied in a solid form and contain not less than 25% dry matter by weight and not less than 20%
organic matter by dry weight (measured by loss of ignition).
b) Products shall not adversely affect plant emergence or subsequent growth.
c) Products shall not give rise to offensive odours after being applied to the soil.
The applicant shall provide the Competent Body with a declaration of compliance with these requirements, together with
related test reports and documentation.
6. Health and safety
Products shall not exceed the maximum levels of primary pathogens as follows:
E. coli:
absent in 50 g
1000 MPN/g (MPN: most probable number).
The applicant shall provide the Competent Body with the relevant test reports and documentation, and a declaration of compliance
with these requirements.
7. Viable seeds / propagules
In the final product, the content of weed seeds and the vegetative reproductive parts of aggressive weeds shall
not exceed 2 units per litre.
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The applicant shall provide the Competent Body with a declaration of compliance with these requirements, together with any related
test reports and/or documentation.
8. Additional criteria specifically applicable to growing media
a) The organic part of the product shall be composed exclusively of soil improvers that meet the requirements
stated in the present Decision. Mineral coformulants such as sand, clay, etc. can be added in order to improve
overall physical and chemical properties.
b) Products shall not contain peat or any products derived from peat.
c) The electrical conductivity of the products shall not exceed 1.5 dS/m.
9. Information provided with the product
The following information shall be provided with the product (whether the product is packaged or sold loose),
either written on the packaging or on accompanying fact-sheets:
general information:
a) the name and address of the body responsible for marketing
b) a descriptor identifying the product by type, including the wording "SOIL IMPROVER" or "GROWING
c) a batch identification code
d) the quantity of soil improvers (in weight) or growing media (in volume)
e) the main input materials (those over 5 % by volume) from which the product has been manufactured,
distinguishing between source separated municipal solid waste, wastes from agriculture or forestry, industrial
and commercial wastes specifying the sector (e.g. food processing, paper, etc.)
f) the recommended conditions of storage and the recommended "use by" date, together with a manufacturing
batch code
g) guidelines for safe handling and use
information about the use of the product:
a) a description of the purpose for which the product is intended and any limitations of use
b) a statement about the suitability of the product for particular plant groups (e.g. calcifuges or calcicoles)
should be stated
c) a statement about the stability of organic matter (Stable or Very Stable) by national or international standard
d) a statement on recommended methods of use
for soil improvers only:
e) recommended rate of application expressed as kilograms or litres of product per unit surface area (m
hectare) per annum. The recommended application rate shall take into account the content and availability of
nutrients in the soil improver in order not to exceed the maximum nutrient loadings per m
. The
recommended rate of application can also suggest higher loads if the application is not meant to be repeated
each year, e.g. in field crops, and provided that the average yearly loads complies with the maximum nutrient
loading for each nutrient.
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e) the availability of N, P
and K
O during the first season of application (note: only for soil improvers);
detailed information:
• for soil improvers:
Parameters for soil improvers
Determination of quantity
Organic matter content and ash
Carbon to nitrogen ratio (C:N)
Moisture/dry matter content
pH (expressed as a range)
Total N
P (as P2O5) and K (as K2O) content
EN 12580
EN 13039
EN 13040
EN 13037
EN 13654/1-2
EN 13650
* Carbon =Organic Matter (EN
13039)x 0,58 Total N: EN
n.a. = CEN Method not available
• for growing media:
Stability/Maturity Test (test carried out to be declared with n.a.
Parameters for growing media
Determination of quantity
Organic matter content and ash
Carbon to nitrogen ratio (C:N)
Moisture/dry matter content
pH (expressed as a range)
Electrical conductivity
Test Methods
EN 12479
EN 13039
EN 13040
EN 13037
EN 13038
Soluble/plant available nutrients (nitrate, ammonium, EN 13652
phosphate, potassium)
Stability/Maturity Test (test carried out to be declared n.a.
with results)
Bulk density, Air volume, Water volume
EN 13041
Carbon = Organic Matter (EN 13039) x 0,58 total N: EN 13654/1-2
n.a.= CEN method not available
The applicant shall provide the Competent Body with a declaration of compliance with these requirements, together with the related
test reports and documentation, including an example of the packaging and/or accompanying fact sheets.
10. Information appearing on the eco-label
Box 2 of the eco-label shall include the following text:
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* contributes to reducing soil and water pollution
* promotes use of organic waste
* contributes to enhanced soil fertility
(Note: this line shall only be included for soil improvers and not for
growing media)