Europaudvalget 2000-01
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Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
og deres stedfortrædere
13. juni 2001
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges Miljø- og Energiministeriets notat samt grundnotat
om Kommissionens forslag til forretningsorden for Forskriftsudvalget for EU-miljømærket.
Den 29. maj 2001
Internationalt kontor M 1034-0051
om Kommissionens forslag til forretningsorden for forskriftsudvalget for EU-miljømærket.
Kommissionen har den 14. maj 2001 fremsendt et forslag til en forretningsorden for forskriftsudvalget for
EU-miljømærket (Dok. 13 June 2001), engelsk udgave foreligger og er vedlagt). Formålet med forslaget er at
fastsætte en forretningsorden for det forskriftsudvalg, der bistår Kommissionen, når der skal fastsættes kriterier
for tildeling af det europæiske miljømærke "Blomsten".
Regeringen agter at stemme for forslaget.
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29. maj 2001
Kontoret for Renere Produkter J. nr. M 1034-0051
Forslag til en forretningsorden for Forskriftsudvalget for EU-miljømærket.
Doc 13. june 2001 (vedlagt).
Kommissionen har den 14. maj 2001 fremsendt et forslag til en forretningsorden for forskriftsudvalget for
EU-miljømærket (Dok. 13 June 2001), engelsk udgave foreligger og er vedlagt).
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Forskriftsudvalg bistår Kommissionen, når der skal fastsættes kriterier for tildeling af det europæiske
miljømærkeForslaget udgør en opfølgning af artikel 17, stk. 3 i Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning nr.
1980/2000 af 17. juli 2000 om en revideret ordning for tildeling af EF-miljømærke.
Artikel 17 stk. 3 fastsætter , at Kommissionen bistås af et forskriftsudvalg.
Forskriftsudvalget skal etableres i henhold til artikel 5 og 7 jfr. artikel 8 i Rådets afgørelse af 28. juni 1999 om
fastsættelse af de nærmere vilkår for udøvelsen af de gennemførelsesbeføjelser, der tillægges Kommissionen
(1999/468/EF) (EFT, L184/23, 17.7.1999).
Efter artikel 7 skal et forskriftsudvalg vedtage en forretningsorden på grundlag af en standardforretningsorden
(Standardforretningsordnen blev vedtaget af Kommissionen den 31. januar 2001 og offentliggjort i De
Europæiske Fællesskabers Tidende den C 38, 6.2.2001 p.3. (EN)).
Det er planlagt, at Forskriftsudvalget skal stemme om sagen d. 13. juni 2001.
Formål og indhold
Formålet med forslaget er at fastsætte en forretningsorden for det forskriftsudvalg, der bistår Kommissionen,
når der skal fastsættes kriterier for tildeling af det europæiske miljømærke "Blomsten". Den europæiske
miljømærkeordning er en frivillig, positiv miljømærkeordning, der har til formål at fremme udformningen,
fremstillingen, markedsføringen og anvendelsen af produkter, som i forhold til tilsvarende p rodukter har
mindsket indvirkning på miljøet gennem hele deres livscyklus og hvor der gives forbrugerne bedre information
om produkters indvirkning på miljøet.
Forslaget til forretningsorden fastsætter regler om mødeindkaldelser (artikel 1), dagsorden (artikel 2), frister for
fremsendelse af mødemateriale (artikel 3), underretning af Europa Parlamentet (artikel 4), afstemningsregler
(artikel 5), repræsentation af medlemslande i forskriftsudvalget og beslutningsdygtighed (artikel 6),
arbejdsgrupper (artikel 7), adgang for trediemand til forskriftsudvalgets møder (artikel 8), skriftlig procedure
(artikel 9), sekretariatsbistand (a rtikel 10), referat og sammenfattende rapport til Europa Parlamentet (artikel
11), deltagerliste (artikel 12), korrespondance med forskriftsudvalget (artikel 13), gennemsigtighed (artikel 14).
Indholdet i det foreliggende forslag til forretningsorden er i nøje overensstemmelse med den nævnte
Nærheds- og proportionalitetsprincippet
Kommissionen har ikke redegjort for nærheds- og proportionalitetsprincippet. Der er tale om en
gennemførelsesforanstaltning af en allerede vedtaget rådsretsakt.
Forslagets konsekvenser for Danmark.
Lovgivningsmæssige konsekvenser
Forslaget medfører ingen lovgivningsmæssige konsekvenser for Danmark.
Økonomiske konsekvenser
Forslaget forventes ikke at medføre statsfinancielle eller administrative konsekvenser.
Miljømæssige konsekvenser
Forslaget medfører ingen miljømæssige konsekvenser.
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Forslaget har været til høring i EF-specialudvalget og har ikke givet anledning til kommentarer.
13 June 2001
Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 July
2000 on a revised Community eco-label scheme, and in particular Article 17 thereof,
Article 1
Convening a meeting
1. A committee meeting is convened by the Chairman, either on his or her own initiative, or at the request of a
simple majority of committee members.
2. Joint meetings of the committee with other committees may be convened to discuss issues coming within
their respective areas of responsibility.
Article 2
1. The Chairman shall draw up the agenda and submit it to the committee.
2. The agenda shall make a distinction between:
(a) proposed measures about which the committee is asked to give an opinion, in accordance with the
regulatory procedure provided for in Article 17 of Regulation (EC) No 1980/2001;
(b) other issues put to the committee for information or a simple exchange of views, either on the Chairman's
initiative, or at the written request of a committee member.
Article 3
Documentation to be sent to committee members
1. The Chairman shall send the invitation to the meeting, the agenda and proposed measures about which the
committee's opinion is required and any other working documents to the committee members in accordance
with Article 13(2), as a general rule, no later than 14 calendar days before the date of the meeting.
2. In urgent cases, and where the measures to be adopted must be applied immediately, the Chairman may, at
the request of a committee member or on his or her own initiative, shorten the period laid down in the above
paragraph to five calendar days before the date of the meeting.
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3. In cases of extreme urgency, the Chairman may depart from the periods laid down in paragraphs 1 and 2
above. If the placing of another point onto the agenda is requested during the course of a meeting, the
approval of a simple majority of committee members is required.
Article 4
Informing the European Parliament
1. The Commission shall send the agenda and the proposals submitted to the committees with regard to
implementing measures for acts adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the
Treaty to the European Parliament for information, within the same timeframe and under the same conditions
as they are sent to the Permanent Representations.
2. The Commission shall send the overall result of voting, the attendance list referred to in Article 12 and the
summary report of the meetings referred to in Article 11(2) to the European Parliament within 14 calendar
days of each committee meeting.
Article 5
Opinion of the committee
1. When the advisory procedure leads to a vote, the outcome of the vote shall be decided by a simple majority
of the committee members. When the committee's opinion is required under the management or regulatory
procedure, this is determined by means of a majority vote, as provided for in Article 205(2) of the Treaty.
2. The Chairman, on his own initiative or at the request of a committee member, may postpone the vote on a
particular agenda point until the end of the meeting or a later meeting:
• if a substantive change is made to the proposal during the meeting,
• if the text of the proposal has been submitted to the committee during the meeting,
• if a new point has been added to the agenda, in accordance with Article 3(3).
If there are specific difficulties, the Chairman may extend the meeting until the following day.
3. If a committee member so requests, voting on an issue can be postponed if the documents relating to a
specific agenda point have not been sent to the members within the timeframe laid down in Article 3(1) and
However, at the proposal of the Chairman or the request of a committee member, the committee may decide
by a simple majority of members to keep this point on the agenda because of the urgency of the matter.
4. If the committee has not issued an opinion within the timeframe laid down by the Chairman, the latter may
extend this period, except in cases of urgency, no longer than the end of the next meeting. If necessary, the
written procedure provided for in Article 9 of these rules of procedure may be applied.
Article 6
Representation and quorum
1. Each Member State delegation is considered to be one committee member. Each member cannot be
represented by more than one person. However, with the Chairman's permission, the delegations may be
accompanied by experts, at the expense of the Member State concerned.
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2. A Member State delegation may, if necessary, represent a maximum of one other Member State. The
Permanent Representation of the Member State that is being represented must inform the Chairman of this in
3. The quorum required for the committee's deliberations about proposed measures, within the meaning of
Article 2(2a), to be valid is that permitting a majority opinion to be issued.
Article 7
Working groups
1. The committee may create working groups, chaired by a representative of the Commission, to examine
particular issues.
2. The groups must report back to the committee. To this end, they may appoint a rapporteur.
Article 8
Admission of third parties
1. The Chairman may decide to invite experts to talk on particular matters, at the request of a member or on
his or her own initiative.
2. The representatives of the countries of the European Economic Area are welcome to attend the committee
meetings, in accordance with the Agreement on the European Economic Area signed by the Community in
Oporto 2 May 1992.
3. Experts and representatives of third countries or organisations must withdraw when the committee moves
to a vote.
Article 9
Written procedure
1. If necessary and justified, the committee's opinion can be obtained by a written procedure. To this end, the
Chairman shall send the committee members the proposed measures on which their opinion is sought, in
accordance with Article 13(2). Any committee member who does not express his or her opposition or
intention to abstain before the deadline laid down in the letter is considered to have given his or her tacit
agreement to the proposal; the response period must not be less than 14 calendar days.
In cases of urgency or extreme urgency, the deadlines stated in Article 3(2) and (3) shall apply.
2. However, if a committee member requests that the proposed measures be examined at a committee
meeting, the written procedure shall be terminated without result; the Chairman shall then call a committee
meeting as soon as possible.
Article 10
Secretarial support
The Commission shall provide secretarial support for the committee and, if necessary, the working groups
created in accordance with Article 7 above.
Article 11
Minutes and summary report of the meeting
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1. The minutes of each meeting shall be drawn up under the auspices of the Chairman. These minutes shall
contain, in particular, the opinions expressed on the proposed measures mentioned in Article 2(2a) above and,
if necessary, the opinions expressed on issues mentioned in Article 2(2b). The text of the opinions shall be
given in a separate annex. The minutes shall be sent to the members of the committee within 15 working days.
The committee members shall send any written comments they may have on the minutes to the Chairman.
The committee shall be informed of this - if there are any disagreements, the proposed amendment shall be
discussed by the committee. If the disagreement persists, the proposed amendment shall be annexed to the
2. A summary report for the European Parliament shall be drawn up under the auspices of the Chairman. This
report shall briefly describe each agenda point and the result of the vote on the proposed measures submitted
to the committee. It shall not mention the individual position of Member States in the committee's discussions.
Article 12
Attendance list
1. At each meeting, the Chairman shall draw up an attendance list specifying the authorities or bodies to which
the persons appointed by the Member States to represent them belong.
2. At the beginning of every meeting, any committee member whose participation in the work of the
committee would constitute a conflict of interest with regard to a particular agenda point must inform the
Chairman of this situation.
Members of delegations who do not belong to a particular authority or organisation of a Member State must
sign a declaration stating that their participation does not raise any conflict of interest.
In the event of such a conflict of interest, the member concerned must withdraw his or her participation whilst
the relevant agenda points are being dealt with, at the request of the Chairman.
Article 13
1. Correspondence relating to the committee shall be addressed to the Commission, for the attention of the
committee Chairman.
2. Correspondence for committee members shall be addressed to the Permanent Representations, if possible
by e-mail; at the request of a Member State, a copy shall be sent directly to the person designated for this
purpose by that Member State.
Article 14
1. The principles and conditions concerning public access to the committee's documents shall be the same as
those applying to Commission documents. It is for the Commission to take a decision on requests for access
to these documents.
2. The committee's discussions shall be kept confidential.
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