Europaudvalget 2000-01
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Medlemmerne af FolketingetsEuropaudvalg og deres stedfortrædere
Bilag Journalnummer Kontor
1 400.C.2-0 EU-sekr. 1. november 2000
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges i forbindelse med regeringskonferencen en note fra
formandskabet vedr. reform af Domstol og Retten i Første Instans, SN 4840/00.
Fransk version oversendt til Folketingets Europaudvalg den 27. oktober 2000.
October 2000 (27.10)SN 4840/00(OR. fr)
to : Group of Representatives of the Member States
Subject : IGC 2000: Proceedings on amendments to be made to the Treaties with regard to the Court of Justice and the
Court of First Instance - Amendments to Articles of the Treaty establishing the European Community
Delegations will find annexed a document containing compromise texts prepared by the Presidency.
Amendments to the last document (SN 4209/00) examined by the Group of Representatives of the Member States appear
in bold.
This document makes no amendments to SN 4560/00.
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Article 220
The Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance, acting within the framework of their respective powers, shall ensure
that in the interpretation and application of this Treaty the law is observed.
In addition, judicial panels may be attached to the Court of First Instance under the conditions laid down in Article 225a
in order to exercise, in certain specific areas, the judicial functions laid down in this Treaty.
Article 221
The Court of Justice shall consist of a number of Judges equal to the number of Member States.
The Court of Justice shall sit in chambers or in a Grand Chamber, in accordance with the rules laid down for that
purpose in the Statute of the Court of Justice.
When provided for in the Statute, the Court of Justice may also give rulings in plenary session.
Article 222
The Court of Justice shall be assisted by eight Advocates-General. Should the Court of Justice so request, the Council,
acting unanimously, may increase the number of Advocates-General.
It shall be the duty of the Advocate-General, acting with complete impartiality and independence, to make, in open court,
reasoned submissions on cases which, in accordance with the Statute of the Court of Justice, require his involvement.
Article 223
The Judges and Advocates-General of the Court of Justice shall be chosen from persons whose independence is beyond
doubt and who possess the qualifications required for appointment to the highest judicial offices in their respective
countries or who are jurisconsults of recognised competence; they shall be appointed by common accord of the
Governments of the Member States for a term of six years.
Every three years there shall be a partial replacement of the Judges and Advocates-General, in accordance with the
conditions laid down in the Statute of the Court of Justice.
The Judges shall elect the President of the Court of Justice and the Presidents of the Chambers from among their number
for a term of three years. The President of the Court of Justice and the Presidents of the Chambers may be re-elected.
Retiring Judges and Advocates-General may be reappointed.
The Court of Justice shall appoint its Registrar and lay down the rules governing his service.
The Court of Justice shall establish its Rules of Procedure. These shall require the approval of the Council, acting by
qualified majority.
Article 224
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The number of Judges in the Court of First Instance shall be determined by the Statute of the Court of Justice; it shall be
no lower than the number of Member States. The Statute may provide for the Court of First Instance to be assisted by
The members of the Court of First Instance shall be chosen from persons whose independence is beyond doubt and who
possess the ability required for appointment to high judicial office; they shall be appointed by common accord of the
Governments of the Member States for a term of six years. The membership shall be partially renewed every three years.
Retiring members shall be eligible for reappointment.
The Judges shall elect the President of the Court of First Instance and the Presidents of the Chambers from among their
number for a term of three years. The President of the Court of First Instance and of the Presidents of the Chambers may
be re-elected.
The Court of First Instance shall appoint its Registrar and lay down the rules governing his service.
The Court of First Instance shall establish its Rules of Procedure in agreement with the Court of Justice. Those Rules
shall require the approval of the Council, acting by qualified majority.
Unless the Statute of the Court of Justice provides otherwise, the provisions of this Treaty relating to the Court of Justice
shall apply to the Court of First Instance.
Article 225
1. The Court of First Instance shall be competent to hear and determine at first instance actions or proceedings referred to
in Articles 230, 232, 235, 236 and 238, with the exception of those assigned to a judicial panel and those reserved in the
Statute for the Court of Justice. The Statute may provide for the Court of First Instance to be competent for other classes
of action or proceeding.
Decisions given by the Court of First Instance under this paragraph may be subject to a right of appeal to the Court of
Justice on points of law only, under the conditions and within the limits laid down by the Statute.
2. The Court of First Instance shall be competent to hear and determine actions or proceedings brought against decisions
of the judicial panels set up under Article 225a.
Decisions given by the Court of First Instance under this paragraph may exceptionally be subject to review by the Court
of Justice, under the conditions and within the limits laid down by the Statute, where there is a serious risk of the unity or
consistency of Community law being affected.
3. The Court of First Instance shall be competent to hear and determine questions referred for a preliminary ruling under
Article 234, in specific areas laid down by the Statute.
Where the Court of First Instance considers that the case requires a decision of principle likely to affect the unity or
consistency of Community law, it may refer the case to the Court of Justice for a ruling.
Decisions given by the Court of First Instance on questions referred for a preliminary ruling may exceptionally be
subject to review by the Court of Justice, under the conditions and within the limits laid down by the Statute, where there
is a serious risk of the unity or consistency of Community law being affected.
Article 225a
The Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament and
the Court or at the request of the Court of Justice and after consulting the European Parliament and the Commission,
may create judicial panels to hear and determine at first instance certain classes of action or proceeding brought in
specific areas.
The Decision establishing a judicial panel shall lay down the rules on the organisation of the panel and the extent of the
powers conferred upon it.
Decisions given by judicial panels may be subject to a right of appeal on points of law only or, when provided for in the
decision establishing the panel, a right of appeal also on matters of fact, before the Court of First Instance.
The members of the judicial panels shall be chosen from persons whose independence is beyond doubt and who possess
the ability required for appointment to judicial office. They shall be appointed by the Council acting unanimously.
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The judicial panels shall establish their Rules of Procedure in agreement with the Court of Justice. Those Rules shall
require the approval of the Council, acting by qualified majority.
Unless the Decision establishing the judicial panels provides otherwise, the provisions of the Treaty relating to the Court
of Justice and the provisions of the Statute of the Court of Justice shall apply to the judicial panels.
Article 245
The Statute of the Court of Justice shall be laid down in a separate Protocol.
The Council, acting unanimously at the request of the Court of Justice and after consulting the European Parliament and
the Commission, or at the request of the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament and the Court of
Justice, may amend the provisions of the Statute with the exception of Title I.
Article 290
The rules governing the languages of the institutions of the Community shall, without prejudice to the provisions
contained in the Statute of the Court of Justice, be determined by the Council, acting unanimously.