Europaudvalget 2000-01
EUU Alm.del Bilag 244
8 November 2000
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Table of contents
A. Introduction ..............................................................................5
a) Preface ............................................................................................................ 5
b) Relations between the European Union and Romania................................ 7
Recent developments under the Association Agreement (including bilateral trade) .. 7
Accession Partnership / National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis........... 8
Community aid ............................................................................................................ 8
Twinning ................................................................................................................... 12
Negotiations / screening ............................................................................................ 13
B. Criteria for membership ........................................................14
1. Political criteria.................................................................................... 14
Introduction ............................................................................................................... 14
Recent developments................................................................................................. 14
1.1. Democracy and the rule of law .................................................................... 15
The parliament........................................................................................................... 15
The executive ............................................................................................................ 15
The judicial system.................................................................................................... 17
Anti-corruption measures .......................................................................................... 18
1.2. Human rights and the protection of minorities.......................................... 19
Civil and political rights ............................................................................................ 19
Economic, social and cultural rights ......................................................................... 23
Minority rights and the protection of minorities ....................................................... 24
1.3. General evaluation ........................................................................................ 25
2. Economic criteria................................................................................. 26
2.1. Introduction................................................................................................... 26
2.2. Economic developments ............................................................................... 26
2.3. Assessment in terms of the Copenhagen criteria ....................................... 28
The existence of a functioning market economy....................................................... 28
The capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the
Union ......................................................................................................................... 33
2.4. General evaluation ........................................................................................ 35
3. Ability to assume the obligations of membership............................. 36
Introduction ............................................................................................................... 36
3.1. The chapters of the
Chapter 1: Free movement of goods ............................................................. 37
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 39
Chapter 2: Free movement of persons .......................................................... 39
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 40
Chapter 3: Freedom to provide services........................................................ 41
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Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 41
Chapter 4: Free movement of capital............................................................ 42
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 43
Chapter 5: Company law ............................................................................... 43
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 44
Chapter 6: Competition policy....................................................................... 44
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 45
Chapter 7: Agriculture................................................................................... 46
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 49
Chapter 8: Fisheries....................................................................................... 50
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 51
Chapter 9: Transport policy........................................................................... 52
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 53
Chapter 10: Taxation ..................................................................................... 54
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 55
Chapter 11: Economic and monetary union................................................. 55
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 56
Chapter 12: Statistics ..................................................................................... 56
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 58
Chapter 13: Social policy and employment................................................... 58
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 59
Chapter 14: Energy........................................................................................ 60
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 62
Chapter 15: Industrial policy......................................................................... 63
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 64
Chapter 16: Small and medium-sized enterprises ........................................ 64
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 65
Chapter 17: Science and Research................................................................ 65
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 66
Chapter 18: Education and training ............................................................. 66
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 67
Chapter 19: Telecommunications and information technologies................ 67
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 68
Chapter 20: Culture and audio-visual policy................................................ 68
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 69
Chapter 21: Regional policy and co-ordination of structural instruments . 69
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 70
Chapter 22: Environment ............................................................................. 70
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 72
Chapter 23: Consumers and health protection............................................. 72
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 73
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Chapter 24: Co-operation in the field of justice and home affairs .............. 73
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 75
Chapter 25: Customs union........................................................................... 78
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 79
Chapter 26: External Relations..................................................................... 79
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 80
Chapter 27: Common foreign and security policy........................................ 81
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 82
Chapter 28: Financial control....................................................................... 82
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 82
Chapter 29: Financial and budgetary provisions ......................................... 83
Overall assessment .................................................................................................... 83
3.2. Translation of the
into the national language................................. 84
3.3. General evaluation ........................................................................................ 85
C. Conclusion ...............................................................................87
D. Accession Partnership and National Programme for the
Adoption of the
Global assessment .........................90
1. Accession Partnership ......................................................................... 90
Short-term priorities .................................................................................................. 90
Medium-term priorities ............................................................................................. 93
2. National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis ...................... 94
Human Rights Conventions ratified by the Candidate Countries, September
2000 ......................................................................................................... 96
Statistical data ................................................................................................ 97
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A. Introduction
a) Preface
In Agenda 2000, the Commission said it would report regularly to the European Council
on progress made by each of the candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe in
preparations for membership, and that it would submit its first report at the end of 1998.
The European Council in Luxembourg decided that:
“From the end of 1998, the Commission will make regular reports to the Council,
together with any necessary recommendations for opening bilateral intergovernmental
conferences, reviewing the progress of each Central and Eastern European applicant State
towards accession in the light of the Copenhagen criteria, in particular the rate at which it
is adopting the Union
… “The Commission’s reports will serve as the basis for
taking, in the Council context, the necessary decisions on the conduct of the accession
negotiations or their extension to other applicants. In that context, the Commission will
continue to follow the method adopted by Agenda 2000 in evaluating applicant States’
ability to meet the economic criteria and fulfil the obligations deriving from accession.”
On this basis, the Commission presented a first series of regular reports in October 1998,
with a view to the Vienna European Council; a second series was adopted in October
1999, with a view to the Helsinki European Council. The Helsinki European Council
noted that the next regular reports would be presented in good time before the European
Council in December 2000.
The structure followed by this regular report on Romania is largely similar to that of the
Commission’s 1997 Opinion and of the subsequent regular reports; however, it differs
from that used in previous years on three minor points. Firstly, the part of the present
report assessing Romania’s ability to assume the obligations of membership (Part
has been structured to follow the list of twenty-nine negotiating chapters covering the
Secondly, this part has been broadened to cover also Romania’s administrative
capacity to apply the
under each of the negotiating chapters (previously discussed
in a separate section of the report). Thirdly, the report includes, for the first time, a
section assessing the progress made by Romania in translating the
into its official
In line with previous regular reports, the present report:
describes the relations between Romania and the Union, in particular in the
framework of the Association Agreement;
analyses the situation in respect of the political criteria set by the 1993 Copenhagen
European Council (democracy, rule of law, human rights, protection of minorities);
assesses Romania’s situation and prospects in respect of the economic criteria defined
by the Copenhagen European Council (a functioning market economy and the
capacity to cope with competitive pressures and market forces within the Union);
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addresses the question of Romania’s capacity to assume the obligations of
membership, that is, the
as expressed in the Treaties, the secondary legislation,
and the policies of the Union. This part gives special attention to nuclear safety, as
underlined by the Cologne and Helsinki European Councils. It encompasses not only
the alignment of legislation, but also the development of the judicial and
administrative capacity necessary to implement and enforce the
as requested
by the Madrid and Feira European Councils in December 1995 and June 2000
respectively. At Madrid, the European Council underlined the necessity for the
candidate countries to adjust their administrative structures, so as to create the
conditions for the harmonious integration of those States. The Feira European
Council in June 2000 emphasised the vital importance of the candidate countries’
capacity to effectively implement and enforce the
and added that this required
important efforts by the candidates in strengthening their administrative and judicial
structures. The Feira European Council invited the Commission to report to the
Council on its findings on the matter.
This report takes into consideration progress since the 1999 regular report. It covers the
period until 30 September 2000. In some particular cases, however, measures taken after
that date are mentioned. It looks at whether intended reforms referred to in the 1999
regular report have been carried out, and examines new initiatives. Furthermore,
complementing the assessment of new developments since the last regular report, this
report also provides an overall assessment of the global situation for each of the aspects
under consideration, setting out for each of them the main steps which remain to be taken
by Romania in preparing for accession.
In accordance with this approach, the assessment of progress in meeting the political and
criteria (including Romania’s administrative capacity to implement the
focuses on what has been accomplished since the last regular report, complemented with
a view of the global situation for each of the aspects discussed. The economic
assessment, for its part, is based on a forward-looking evaluation of Romania’s economic
The report contains also a separate section examining the extent to which Romania has
addressed the short-term Accession Partnership priorities, and has started to address the
medium-term priorities set out in this framework.
As has been the case in previous reports, “progress” has been measured on the basis of
decisions actually taken, legislation actually adopted, international conventions actually
ratified (with due attention being given to implementation), and measures actually
implemented. As a matter of principle, legislation or measures which are in various
stages of either preparation or parliamentary approval have not been taken into account.
This approach ensures equal treatment for all the candidate countries and permits an
objective assessment and comparison between countries in terms of their concrete
progress in preparing for accession.
The report draws on numerous sources of information. The candidate countries have been
invited to provide information on progress made in preparations for membership since
the publication of the last regular report. The National Programmes for the Adoption of
of each of the candidate countries, as well as the information they have
provided in the framework of the Association Agreement and in the context of the
analytical examination of the
(screening) and the negotiations, have served as
additional sources. Council deliberations and European Parliament reports and
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have been taken into account in the preparations. The Commission has also
drawn on assessments made by various international organisations - in particular the
contributions of the Council of Europe, the OSCE, the International Financial
Institutions, as well as those from non-governmental organisations.
b) Relations between the European Union and Romania
Recent developments under the Association Agreement (including bilateral
Romania has continued to implement the Europe Agreement correctly and contributed to
the smooth functioning of the various joint institutions.
The Association Council met in March 2000.
Association Committee was held in October 2000.
The most recent meeting of the
The Joint Parliamentary Committee, comprising representatives of the Romanian and
European Parliaments, met in May 2000.
Recent indicators point to an improvement in Romania’s trade situation. Romania’s
exports to the EC have been steadily increasing. Exports in 1999 were
5.8 billion (a
growth of 12% compared to 1998). Over the same period, imports from the EC levelled
off at
6.3 billion. As a result, the trade deficit with the EC decreased substantially.
Amongst the Candidate Countries, Romania is both the EC's 6
largest destination for
exports and its 6
largest source of imports (1999 data). However, when the relatively
large size of the country is taken into consideration, the level of trade with the EC is low.
When weighted on a per capita basis, EC trade with Romania (both imports and exports)
is the lowest amongst all Candidate Countries. In 1999, Italy was Romania’s largest
trading partner, with 34 % of total bilateral trade between Romania and the EC followed
by Germany with 28% and France with 10%.
Light manufactures (textiles, clothing and footwear) make up 50% of Romania’s exports
to the EC. Amongst the Central and Eastern European countries, Romania is the largest
exporter of clothing products to the EC.
The import surcharge, introduced in 1998, is scheduled to be phased out by the end of
In March 1999 the Council mandated the Commission to open negotiations with the
associated countries with a view to new reciprocal concessions for agricultural products.
The negotiations, which form a part of the overall accession process, have been carried
out on a reciprocal basis and with the aim of leading to a fair equilibrium between the
interests of the European Community, the EU Member States and those of Romania. The
negotiations have been based on the principle of neutrality with respect to the functioning
of the CAP.
The European Parliament
is Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne
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The negotiations with Romania included the, so-called “double zero” option for poultry
and cheese. The regime entered into force on 1 July 2000 on an autonomous basis,
pending the conclusion of an Additional Protocol to the Europe Agreement.
As the current agreement on trade in wine will expire at the end of 2000, negotiations on
a new agreement covering wine and spirits are underway.
In July 2000, the Council mandated the Commission to open negotiations with the
associated countries with a view to new reciprocal concessions in the field of fish and
fishery products.
Current discussions in the framework of the Europe Agreement focus on the
implementation of the Accession Partnership priorities (see below), and seek to achieve
progress in areas like excise duties, competition/state aid, customs procedures, the right
of establishment of EU firms in Romania, and the transition to the second stage of the
Europe Agreement.
Accession Partnership / National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis
A revised Accession Partnership was adopted in December 1999. Its implementation is
reviewed in chapter D of this report.
In May 2000 Romania presented a revised National Programme for the Adoption of the
(NPAA), in which it outlines its strategy for accession including how to achieve
the priorities contained in the Accession Partnerships (further details are provided in
chapter D).
Community aid
Since January 2000, there are three
pre-accession instruments
financed by the European
Community to assist the applicant countries of Central Europe in their pre-accession
preparations: the
which provides aid for agricultural and
rural development; and
which finances infrastructure projects in the fields of
environment and transport. These programmes concentrate their support on the
Accession Partnership priorities that help the candidate countries to fulfil the criteria for
In the years 2000-2002 total financial assistance to Romania will amount annually to at
242 million from Phare,
150 million from SAPARD, and between
208 and
270 million from ISPA.
A general concern with regard to the use of all types of pre-accession funding has been a
tendency for political considerations, as opposed to purely technical considerations, to
influence the management and allocation of funding.
programme has been providing support to the countries of Central Europe
since 1989, helping them through a period of massive economic restructuring and
political change. Its current “pre-accession” focus was put in place in 1997, in response to
the Luxembourg European Council’s launching of the present enlargement process.
Phare provides the applicant countries of Central Europe with support for institution
building, investment to strengthen the regulatory infrastructure needed to ensure
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compliance with the
and investment in economic and social cohesion. This
support comprises co-financing for technical assistance, "twinning" and accompanying
investment support projects, to help them in their efforts to adopt the
strengthen or create institutions necessary for implementing and enforcing the
This also helps the candidate countries develop the mechanisms and institutions that will
be needed to implement Structural Funds after accession and is supported by a limited
number of measures (investments or grant schemes) with a regional or thematic focus.
Around 30% of the Phare allocation is used for “institution building”, while the
remaining 70% is used for financing investments.
During the period 1990 – 1999, the Phare programme allocated
1.2 billion to Romania.
2000 Phare Programme
for Romania consists of a national allocation of about
250 million, dealing with a wide range of areas of activity under the following priorities:
Priority 1. Strengthening democracy and the rule of law (€ 13 million)
Support is
provided for the development of civil society and for strengthening the judicial system.
Priority 2. Strengthening the capacity to withstand the competitive pressures of the
internal market (€ 41 million)
Support covers energy sector liberalisation, the Inter-bank
payments system and securities market regulation.
Priority 3. Meeting the obligations of the
(€ 73 million)
Twinning, technical
assistance and investment is provided in the following areas: Internal market,
agriculture, public finance and statistics.
Priority 4. Economic and social cohesion. (€ 88 million)
Investment support is provided
to regional development programmes.
13 million has been allocated for a cross border co-operation (CBC) programme with
Bulgaria (€ 8 million) and Hungary (€ 5 million).
Romania also participates in and benefits from Phare funded multi-country and horizontal
programmes, such as TAIEX and the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Facility.
22 million is allocated to Romania’s participation in
both for activities in the year 2000 and as pre-financing for the 2001
programmes. In 2000 Romania continued to participate actively in number of
programmes: Save II, SMEs, Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates, Youth, Equal Opportunities
and four programmes in the field of public health (cancer, AIDS, drugs dependence and
health monitoring). Culture 2000 and Life III are new programmes where Romania has
expressed its interest in participating. For the Fiscalis programme, the Association
Council Decision is under preparation.
An agreement has been reached on Romania’s participation in the European Environment
Agency. Following ratification and entry into force of this agreement, scheduled for early
2001, Romania will become a member of the Agency.
The overall impact of Phare has been positive as regards the introduction of objective,
accession-related criteria into budgetary planning and the design of programmes of public
expenditure. This aspect is being reinforced by the introduction, from 2000 onwards, of
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stronger requirements for the co-financing of Phare programmes by national public funds.
The public administration at national level has benefited from skills transfer and
assistance for development of modern administrative systems required for adoption of the
The implementation of Phare investment programmes has had a impact on
improving the management of public procurement, and is catalysing an important reform
of procedures for financial control.
In Romania, Phare has for example played a particularly important role in:
contributing, through the 1999 RICOP programme, to improved progress on
industrial restructuring through support for active labour market and job creation
measures in five zones hit by unemployment resulting from the closure of loss-
making state enterprises. RICOP, which has a total budget of
100 million, is closely
co-ordinated with the conditionalities of the World Bank and IMF programmes in
Romania, and covers measures including support for retraining of the workforce,
SME development, provision of social services and small-scale local infrastructure
providing opportunities for development of administrative and project management
capacities at regional and local level through a number of decentralised programmes.
Phare investment, combined with Romanian public investment and loans from the
international financial institutions, has begun to make a significant contribution to
upgrading public infrastructure in a number of areas.
A reform of the
Phare management system
took place in 1998 and 1999 to improve the
speed, efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of Phare’s activities. The Phare Review
Communication in 2000 continues to refine these basic management structures so as to
further bridge towards accession and the structural funds. First, management can be fully
decentralised from 2002 if the strict pre-conditions set down in the Co-ordination
Regulation 1266/99, regarding the implementation of effective national financial control
systems, are met. Second, Phare’s programming can be moved onto a multi-annual basis
if supporting strategies are in place. Third, the trends introduced in 1997 will continue
with an increased role for Delegations, further streamlining of procedures and, lastly,
increasing emphasis of management on raising the impact of Phare’s projects in
institution building, investment in compliance with the
and economic and social
The process of “deconcentration”, by which the Commission’s delegations assumed full
authority for control of the implementation of Phare programmes, has led to greater
effectiveness and flexibility in the processing of dossiers in Romania, resulting in an
increase in the total value of contracts concluded in 1999 to
million, as compared
million in 1998. However, it should be recognised that there are certain key
accession areas where the overall capacity, competence and motivation of the public
administration has been a constraint on the full and effective use of Phare resources.
The average annual expenditure under
will amount to
million during the
period 2000-2006, of which
million (at 2000 prices) will represent the Community
contribution from the EAGGF (European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund).
The Commission is currently engaged in a discussion with the Romanian authorities on a
draft National Plan for Rural Development, which will provide the framework for
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SAPARD implementation in Romania. The draft plan identifies four main priorities of
intervention: improving the competitiveness of food processing; rural infrastructure;
development and diversification of the rural economy; and development of human
resources. While these priorities are broadly in line with the SAPARD Regulation, and
may provide an appropriate long-term framework for support, a number of issues still
remain to be solved before the procedure for adopting of the rural development plan can
be approved (it was suspended on 25 July 2000).
The presentation of a revised version of the rural development plan has been made on 11
October and the procedure for approval by the Commission has been relaunched. This
will enable adoption of the rural development plan and the signature of the financing
agreement for SAPARD before the end of 2000 – which will in turn allow the
commitment of the 2000 Community allocation for Romania.
An important delay has also occurred regarding the setting up and the functioning of the
SAPARD agency. A Government Decision of September 2000 made the Ministry of
Agriculture responsible for setting up an Agency for implementation and financial
management. However, a coherent and comprehensive framework for implementation
of the programme has not yet been established. The accreditation of a SAPARD agency
will be necessary to allow the transfer of an advance payment of the Community
SAPARD allocation and the implementation of the rural development plan.
In comparison with other candidate countries, Romania lags behind in its state of
preparation for SAPARD funding and successfully addressing all unresolved issues is
therefore a priority for both the Commission and the Romanian authorities.
The annual allocation to Romania under
million for the period 2000-
2006. The sectors benefiting from ISPA are transport and the environment with both
sectors receiving around half of the annual allocation.
The ISPA programme is designed principally to support the central authorities in the field
of transport (the National Administration of Roads and the CFR railway company) and
the municipalities in the field of environment. ISPA co-ordination is the responsibility of
the respective line ministries (transport and environment).
An overall ISPA strategy in the field of the environment has already been adopted
between Romania and the Commission and Romania and ISPA; it will concentrate on the
'heavy investment' directives (mainly drinking water, treatment of wastewater but also
solid-waste management and air pollution) that are intended to bring Romania up to EC
standards. Two projects have already been approved by the Commission, namely the
Piatra Neamt Waste Management Programme and the Constanta Waste Water Treatment
Plant. A further eight investment projects, all in the field of water, are also likely to
receive support in the year 2000.
In the transport sector ISPA will concentrate on projects located on the Trans-European
Networks (TENs) in the field of railways, roads, ports and airports. An overall ISPA
strategy in the field of transport has already been adopted between Romania and the
Commission and Romania has proposed to concentrate on the upgrading of the Corridors
IV and IX (for both road and rail). Three projects have been approved for ISPA assistance
in 2000: widening the Bucharest-Giurgiu road to four lanes; construction of the
Bucharest-Cernavoda motorway; and upgrading of the Bucharest-Constanta railway line.
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By the end of the year 2000, Romania will have not only committed all of its year 2000
budget but also a significant percentage of the forthcoming years' budgets.
Implementation of the ISPA project will follow the same general institutional framework
as for the Phare programme, with the National Fund at the Ministry of Finance being in
charge of the overall financial management and a number of Implementing Agencies
responsible for the technical implementation. For the programming and financial
management of SAPARD, a different system will apply which reflects the EAGGF
(European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund) rules and is based on a fully
decentralised approach through an accredited paying and implementing agency.
One of the main challenges the candidate countries continue to face is the need to
strengthen their administrative capacity to implement and enforce the
As of 1998,
the European Commission proposed to mobilise significant human and financial
resources to help them in this respect, through the process of twinning of administrations
and agencies. The vast body of Member States’ expertise is now being made available to
the candidate countries through the long-term secondment of civil servants and
accompanying short-term expert missions. Thanks to the strong support and response
from EU Member States 107 twinning partnerships, funded by Phare 98 and involving all
candidate countries and almost all Member States are operational. Under Phare 99 a
further 107 projects are being implemented and the programming exercise for Phare 2000
includes a further 129 twinning projects. It is estimated that around 250 twinning projects
will be operational throughout the candidate countries at any one time.
To start with, twinning focused primarily on the priority sectors of agriculture,
environment, public finance, justice and home affairs and preparatory measures for the
structural funds. It now covers all sectors pursuant to the
Under Phare 1999, Romania benefited from nine twinning projects supported by the
Phare national allocation, as well as three additional projects financed from other Phare
In the single market area, Germany was selected as the leading partner for a project
dealing with standardisation and conformity assessment infrastructures and Italy for
establishing a monitoring system for public procurement.
With social policy, France is the lead partner on a project to draft a national policy on
prevention of workers against risks on exposure to dangerous agents at work; Germany
and the Netherlands are assisting with the elaboration of a national action plan for
employment; Sweden is the lead partner involved in training the labour inspectorate; and
Germany is leading a project on the development of the institutional capacity of the
National and District Health Insurance Houses.
In other sectors, France is the lead partner for the improvement of the treasury
management system and Germany for competition and state aid. Three projects were
designed for justice and home affairs with Spain leading the border management project
and Italy the prevention of money laundering project. Finally, Sweden was chosen as a
leading partner for maritime safety.
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Under Phare 2000, an additional sixteen twinning projects have been designed, bringing
in more new sectors: statistics, free movement of persons, industrial policy and regional
Despite the administrative difficulties in launching the twinning mechanism, the
implementation of the 1998 projects is well on track. As to the twinning projects from
Phare 1999, the covenants are under preparation.
The success of twinning projects in Romania depends on the national authorities’
contribution to smooth implementation. In addition to assigning adequate staff and
providing operational facilities, full participation of the senior management of the
beneficiary institutions is necessary in order to deliver meaningful institutional and policy
reform. The role of the National Contact Point for twinning should be better established
in order to allow them to take an active role in co-ordinating the twinning exercise and in
providing information to all line ministries.
Negotiations / screening
The analytical examination of the
with Romania (bilateral screening) was
completed by the end of 1999, including agriculture and those parts of justice and home
affairs that had not previously been covered. During the first half of 2000 the screening
was updated for 23 chapters in order to take into account recent progress in Romania as
well as the latest developments in the
Accession negotiations were officially opened at the intergovernmental conference held
in February 2000. In March 2000, substantive negotiations started on five chapters of the
small and medium-sized enterprises, science and research, education, external
relations, and common foreign and security policy. The accession conference held in
June 2000 decided to provisionally close all of these chapters.
As recommended by the Commission, the Presidency has proposed to open negotiations
for four additional chapters in the second half of 2000: statistics, culture and audio-visual
policy, competition policy, and telecommunications.
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B. Criteria for membership
1. Political criteria
The political criteria for accession to be met by the candidate countries, as laid down by
the Copenhagen European Council in June 1993, stipulate that these countries must have
achieved “stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights
and respect for and protection of minorities.”
In its 1999 regular report on Romania’s progress towards accession, the Commission
concluded that:
“Romania still fulfils the Copenhagen political criteria although this position will need to
be re-examined if the authorities do not continue to give priority to dealing with the crisis
in their child care institutions. The Commission will monitor closely recent decisions by
the government to provide the necessary budgetary resources and to carry out a structural
reform, which puts childcare in Romania on a secure and decent basis, and in full respect
of human rights.
The increased use of ordinances is a cause of concern and further measures are needed to
ensure the independence and efficiency of the judiciary. Other areas which still need
attention include the fight against corruption, where institutional responsibilities and
functions should be consolidated, and, despite some positive developments, the situation
of the Roma; where, despite severe general budgetary restrictions, adequate budgetary
resources should be made available and efforts should be made to fight discriminatory
attitudes in society.”
The section below aims to provide an assessment of developments in Romania since the
1999 regular report, as well as of the overall situation in the country, seen from the
perspective of the political Copenhagen criteria, including as regards the overall
functioning of the country’s executive and its judicial system. Developments in this
context are in many ways closely linked to developments regarding Romania’s ability to
implement the
in particular in the domain of justice and home affairs. Specific
information on the development of Romania’s ability to implement the
in the field
of justice and home affairs can be found in the relevant section (Chapter
24 – Co-
operation in the field of justice and home affairs)
of part
of this report.
Recent developments
On 14 December 1999, immediately following the Helsinki meeting of the European
Council, the President of Romania removed the Prime Minister and a new government
took office on 23 December 1999.
Local elections were held in June 2000. The elections were both free and fair although
certain difficulties in the organisation of the elections were reported. National elections
for both the Presidency of the Republic and for the Parliament are scheduled for 26
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November 2000, with a second round of voting for the presidential election, if necessary,
in December.
Democracy and the rule of law
As mentioned in the last regular reports, Romania has achieved stability of institutions
guaranteeing democracy and the rule of law. This section therefore only describes the
most significant developments over the past year.
The parliament
In 1999, only 59 of the 453 draft laws, ordinances and emergency ordinances submitted
to Parliament were adopted by the end of the year. This represents a significant decrease
in comparison to previous years. Reasons for the low level of activity by the legislature
include the fragility of the ruling coalition and the move of coalition members of
parliament to the opposition. Since the last regular report the ruling coalition has lost its
majority in the Senate. In 2000, this situation has not improved due to the demands
created by the forthcoming elections on both parliamentarians and parties.
One of the mechanisms used by the government to bypass this blockage has been the
issuing of ordinances and emergency ordinances. These ordinances enter into force
immediately and only need retrospective approval by the Parliament. This practice is a
matter of concern since legislation can be adopted before adequate consultation has taken
place and because Parliament’s powers to modify or reject the ordinances, without a time
limit being set for the examination of the ordinances, can lead to legislative instability.
The new government has enjoyed a better relationship with the legislature in spite of the
increasing fragility of the coalition. Recourse to legislating through emergency
ordinances has decreased but these remain an important tool of policy making. However,
the continued difficulties in passing legislation have stalled several important reforms.
In terms of administrative capacity there is lack of qualified technical support staff and of
databases in the legislature.
The executive
Weak policy co-ordination and consultation procedures continue to reduce the efficiency
of the government. Despite initiatives taken over the last year to reinforce policy co-
ordination the tendency remains for sectoral policies to be developed by “line ministries”
acting on their own. This is an issue that still needs to be fully addressed.
One initiative intended to address this problem was the establishment of the Economic-
Financial Co-ordination Council which acts as a policy unit assisting the Prime Minister
and the Cabinet. However, the Council's role has been limited due to the novelty of the
institution combined with a lack of human resources. A further initiative saw the
European Integration Department incorporated into the structures of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs. This move has been successful in raising the level of inter-ministerial
co-ordination on European Affairs.
Concerning legislative procedures, legislation was adopted that aims to make the process
of drafting legislation quicker, to improve consultation procedures between ministries
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and other stakeholders, and to align domestic legislation with the
difficulties have been experienced with the implementation of this legislation: the
scrutiny capacity of many of the bodies consulted is limited and the option to define
certain initiatives as “exceptional cases” means that full consultation procedures are not
always followed. Consultation of social partners does take place but is often at too late a
stage in the legislative process.
With regard to improving the functioning of the civil service, the government adopted a
long awaited Civil Servants’ Statute in November 1999. This initiative fulfils one of the
short-term Accession Partnership priorities. The Statute is essentially in line with
European practices and covers many key areas: open and competitive access to the
administration; the setting up of a Civil Servants’ Agency; elaborating principles of
performance-related human resource management. The Statute, if fully implemented, will
be a step forward towards creating a more stable, professional and independent civil
One of the key elements of the Civil Servants’ Statute has been the establishment of the
Civil Servants’ Agency. Details of its functions and operation were published in February
2000 and the tasks assigned to the Agency include: designing public administration
reforms (including a revised salary scale); monitoring the implementation/enforcement of
the Civil Service Statute; defining evaluation criteria for public servants; organising
training programmes; co-ordination of ministerial human resources development; and
keeping staff career records and other relevant data. The establishment of the Agency is a
positive step - but whether it is provided with sufficient resources and influence to allow
it to carry out its tasks successfully remains to be seen. This is an area the Commission
will continue to monitor closely.
In addition to legislative developments, a new Civil Service Ministry was established, at
the end of 1999, by merging the post of Secretary of State for Local Public
Administration with the Department for the Reform of the Central Public Administration.
In terms of public administration reform, the new ministry has limited control over inter-
ministerial co-ordination and has no effective decision making mandate. Consequently it
has yet to live up to expectations. The creation of this new ministry does not yet represent
progress in terms of administrative reform - an example being the fact that planned
reductions in staff levels have not yet been implemented. This remains an area where
considerable additional efforts will be needed.
The legal framework for decentralising power to local government had largely been
completed by 1999. During the period since the last regular report the main developments
have been related to the implementation of this legislation - which in several areas has
proved to be problematic.
The financial relationship between central and local levels of government remains
unclear and delays in financial transfers from central government have caused problems.
These difficulties can be partly explained by the need to become used to the new
administrative structures. However, in order to allow local authorities to manage their
budgets effectively, it will be necessary to establish transparent, objective and predictable
legal provisions to govern local finance. A related problem is that while new
responsibilities have been devolved to the local level these have not been adequately
matched by an increased capacity of local authorities to impose taxes or by corresponding
transfers from the state budget.
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The administrative capacity of local government is limited and in most cases there is a
serious shortage of the qualified staff needed to manage newly assigned tasks. This is a
serious difficulty that impedes the progress of reform in several important areas.
Particular problems exist with regard to the collection of local taxes. Local authorities
have been responsible for the collection of local taxes since January 2000, but their
ability to do so successfully has been limited by a lack of human capacity and the limited
legal sanctions at their disposal to deal with non-payment. Improving the administrative
capacity of local government should be addressed as a matter of priority.
The judicial system
The organisation and functioning of the judiciary have improved over the reporting
period thereby meeting one of the short-term priorities of the 1999 Accession Partnership
(although several of the specific measures identified in this document remain to be
addressed). The law on the organisation of the judiciary was amended in November 1999
creating special sections within the courts to deal with social security and labour law
issues. In addition, disciplinary measures can be invoked against judges who do not deal
with cases in due time. Further amendments have improved the status of the staff and
auditors at the National Institute of the Magistracy.
In October 2000, an emergency ordinance (which will enter into force in January 2001)
amended the Code of Civil Procedure. It introduces measures to speed up court
procedures and avoid unjustified delays. The ordinance also establishes a special
procedure for commercial cases which involve a “substantial value”. In addition, the
ordinance makes the conciliation process obligatory in civil cases, simplifies the rules for
execution of civil case judgements, and introduces new provisions on the organisation
and functioning of judicial bailiffs.
The number of judges has increased from 2,706 in 1996 to 3,576 in September 2000. The
number of vacancies was reduced from 423 in 1998 to 173 in September 2000. The
resignation rate among judges has decreased substantially and the number of lawyers
applying for admission to the magistracy is now higher than the number of resignations.
There have also been recent initiatives to improve the training and recruitment of the
judiciary. As from academic year 2000/2001 the National Institute for the Magistracy will
be the sole entry point for a career as a judge. The subsequent year will see a transition
from a one-year training to a two-year training period. The number of candidates
admitted into the National Institute for the Magistracy has been steadily increasing: 75 in
1998, 109 in 1999, and 144 in 2000. At the same time, EC law has been given a more
prominent place in the training programmes for both judges and prosecutors.
In-service training of judges and prosecutors is currently carried out by the National
Institute for the Magistracy and the Romanian Association of Judges. From autumn 2000
the National Institute will provide in-service training in two regional centres and a further
regional training centre is planned. The Ministry of Justice has also developed a human
resource strategy for court staff and the staff of the ministry which aims to introduce
objective criteria for career development.
A further positive development has been the steady decrease in the number of files
pending in courts – although further work is necessary. At the beginning of 1998 the
number of pending files in civil cases in the courts was 357,307, and in 1999 was
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284,942. By July 2000, this number had been reduced to 173,056. In penal cases the
pending files decreased from 84,981 in 1998 to 69,750 in 1999 and to 57,661 by July
Progress has been made in the computerisation of the courts. It is important that the
implementation of the ambitious plans that exist in this area is continued and that these
plans are accompanied by an overall modernisation of the functioning of the court
Concerning the independence of the judiciary, the Ministry of Justice continues to have a
significant influence over judicial appointments and this is an issue that remains to be
addressed. However, a revision of the law on the remuneration of judges has both
strengthened their financial independence and increased the attractiveness of the
profession. The incomes of judges have increased substantially and are equal to the
highest incomes in the public sector.
In conclusion, it can be noted that important progress has been made in improving the
functioning of the judiciary. This said, further measures are necessary to enhance the
administrative capacity of the Romanian judiciary. At present, technical skills in many
specific areas of law, including EC law, remain low. The availability of information
technology in the different judicial institutions is limited. The library and documentation
services are insufficient, as is the distribution of relevant case law. The Supreme Court
and the Constitutional Court are overburdened.
Anti-corruption measures
Corruption continues to be a widespread and systemic problem. It undermines not only
the functioning of the legal system but also has detrimental effects on the economy and
has led to a loss of confidence in public authorities.
A new law on the prevention and punishment of acts of corruption entered into force in
May 2000. This new law initiated a reorganisation of the bodies responsible for tackling
corruption. A special Anti-corruption and Organised Crime Unit within the General
Prosecutor’s office has been established and other institutional changes include the
reorganisation of the Squad for Countering Organised Crime and Corruption, (the central
structure specialised in countering organised crime and corruption). The National Office
for the Prevention and Fight against Money Laundering, which was established in 1999,
has been able to process a significant number of cases and deliver them to the General
Prosecutor’s Office for further investigation.
The new law also penalises private sector behaviour that distorts competition and
prohibits the improper awarding of contracts. It allows for the identification, investigation
and seizure of profits arising from corrupt activities (in line with the Criminal Law
Convention on Corruption of the Council of Europe). The law also permits corruption
charges to be brought against persons having a high position in a political party, in a trade
union, an employer’s organisation, a foundation or a non-profit association, as well as
international employees.
In 1999, a total of 381 public officials were sentenced for corruption which compares to
534 in 1998. A total of 168 sentences were passed against officials for corruption during
the first half of 2000. Concerning corruption in the judiciary, in 1999 the Superior
Council of Magistracy handled 14 disciplinary actions against judges. Four actions were
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rejected, eight were accepted while two are pending. Of the eight actions accepted, six
judges received disciplinary sanctions and two were removed from office. During the
same period six prosecutors received disciplinary sanctions.
Despite recent administrative changes, the division of tasks among the numerous bodies
involved in the fight against corruption remains unclear, and the co-ordination between
these bodies needs to be improved. The new legislation aimed at tackling corruption is a
first step in the right direction, but the levels of corruption remain high and further,
substantial actions will be required to address this problem. Romania has not yet ratified
the Council of Europe Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of
the Proceeds from Crime, or the Council of Europe Criminal and Civil Law Conventions
on Corruption. Romania also still has to ratify the OECD Conventions on Combating
Bribery of Foreign Policy Officials in International Business Transactions, and on
Bribery in International Business Transactions.
Human rights and the protection of minorities
As mentioned in the last regular reports, Romania continues to respect human rights and
freedoms. The following section only concentrates on subsequent major developments.
Romania has ratified the major human rights conventions, with the exception of the
original European Social Charter (see annex).
Civil and political rights
Child Protection
The Commission’s 1999 Composite Paper on Progress Towards Accession by the
Candidate Countries reaffirmed the principle that institutionalised children’s access to
decent living conditions and basic health care is a human rights issue. Following a crisis
in child protection in Romania, the report stated that, in the Commission’s opinion,
Romania will only continue to fulfil the Copenhagen political criteria if the Romanian
authorities continue to give priority to dealing with the crisis in their child care
institutions. Addressing this issue also was identified as a priority in the 1999 Accession
The 1999 regular report urged the government to provide sufficient financial provision to
maintain acceptable standards of care. The Commission also recommended that a single
authority should be made responsible for establishing policies relating to children in care,
and for setting appropriate standards for all residential childcare institutions (including
homes for mentally and physically handicapped children). This authority should also be
made responsible for supervising and controlling the performance of all institutions in
accordance with the established standards.
In line with these recommendations, the government established a National Agency for
the Protection of Children’s Rights that took over policy responsibilities for
institutionalised children from the Department for Child Protection, the Ministry of
Education, the Ministry of Health, and from the Secretary of State for the Handicapped.
The Agency is directly subordinated to the Prime Minister and is responsible, at the
national level, for the elaboration, co-ordination and monitoring of reform policies. The
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transfer of management responsibilities for childcare institutions from the Ministry of
Education, the Ministry of Health and the Department of Handicapped Persons to the
County Councils took longer than expected and was only completed in July 2000.
The Agency is in charge of ensuring that agreed standards and levels of care are
implemented. Norms for standards and levels of care for several childcare services have
been established and agreed by order of the President of the Agency. A further initiative
has seen the adoption, in May 2000, of a National Strategy on the Reform of the Child-
care System, which sets out policy guidelines for the reform of the existing system. The
basic goals of the strategy are to substantially decrease the number of institutionalised
children and the number of children at risk of being institutionalised.
The transfer of budgetary allocations for childcare to the County Councils has proved to
be problematic. In response to the crisis situation in 1999, a budget rectification was
made in October 1999. Although the amounts allocated were generally considered as
being sufficient, the County Councils only received the actual allocations in December
1999. As a result, a considerable amount of funds remained unspent when the budgetary
year expired at the end of the calendar year. In 2000, the transfer of funding proved, once
again, to be a slow and complicated process and was completed in July 2000 when a
budgetary transfer was made to County Councils in order to cover the running costs of
the transferred institutions. A further rectification of the national budget was announced
in September 2000 and it can be concluded that the government has fulfilled its
obligation to provide the necessary funds for the child welfare sector in Romania. In
addition, the government has doubled the food allowance for institutionalised children.
Despite this, the situation remains difficult and temporary crises have occurred in a few
counties, due to mismanagement of funds. The Commission will continue to monitor the
situation in order to ensure that sufficient funding is provided to the institutions
concerned to allow an improvement in the actual living conditions.
Childcare institutions are still heavily dependent on humanitarian assistance provided by
foreign donors. In many cases, problems persist with a severe lack of funding, especially
for food, heating and maintenance. This is particularly true for those institutions which,
before the decentralisation, reported to the Ministry of Education (special schools) and
the Department for Handicapped (camin
Romania ratified the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in
respect of Inter-country Adoption in 1994. A number of signatories of the Convention
have expressed their concern with current adoption practices in Romania. The main
concern is that legislation on adoption appears to allow considerations, other than the best
interest of the child, to influence decisions on adoption. This system risks having a
negative effect on efforts to reform the child protection system in Romania.
In terms of administrative capacity, the National Agency for Protection of Children’s
Rights has insufficient staff to fully carry out its functions, especially its monitoring role.
Despite recent developments, further work is necessary. The organisational and
administrative capacity of the County Councils has to be strengthened, as the success of
the reform will depend of the capacity and commitment of these bodies. There is also a
general need to integrate childcare policies and social welfare systems in such a way as to
assist families, prevent abandonment and address the problem of street children in major
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Other issues
In December 1999, the Ministry of Justice presented a package of draft laws on justice
reform to the government. These proposals addressed many of the human rights reforms
identified in previous regular reports: making the judicial process more efficient; changes
to bring Romanian law in line with European standards (on issues such as decriminalisation
of homosexuality, domestic violence, libel, offence to authorities, and verbal outrage); and
new laws regarding the execution of punishments, probation and alternatives to pre-trial
detention. However, difficulties in finding sufficient support within Parliament have meant
that only the proposals dealing with probation and amending the Civil Procedure Code
have been adopted (through government ordinances). A considerable amount of important
legislation remains blocked in Parliament and further progress still needs to be made in
reforming legislation related to political and civil rights.
In September 2000, one important development was the introduction, by government
ordinance, of new legislation prohibiting
by public employees,
individuals, private companies and economic operators on the grounds of nationality,
race, ethnicity, age, gender, or sexual orientation. Heavy fines have been established for
violating its provisions. This initiative is a very positive step – but both further
secondary legislation and revised institutional arrangements will be necessary before the
provisions contained in the ordinance can be applied. It therefore remains too early to
assess the effectiveness of this measure.
Some progress can be noted with regard to legislation on
In July 2000,
Romania ratified the European Agreement on Transfer of Responsibility for Refugees
and amended the Refugee Law. The newly adopted amendments in the refugee law
rectify most of the omissions and introduce accelerated procedures and procedures for
obviously unfounded applications. However, the amended law does not contain
provisions on the detention of asylum-seekers, which remains an area that needs to be
addressed. In addition, no progress can be reported with revising the Aliens Law – a
revision that is necessary in order to establish an effective migration and aliens policy.
Freedom of religion
is guaranteed by the Constitution but, as mentioned in the 1999
Regular Report, the 1948 decree on religious denominations, which is still in force, is
outdated and in need of reform. In spite of efforts to draft revised legislation, no progress
can be reported in this area.
The constitution provides for
freedom of expression
and prohibits censorship. However, the
extensive use of legal proceedings against journalists has given rise to concern over the
freedom of the press. In response to this situation, the government modified the existing
legal provisions in order to make it more difficult to sue journalists. The requirement was
reintroduced of posting a fee equivalent to five percent of the damages claimed in order to
bring a civil libel suit. This fee is forfeited if the case is lost.
Laws penalising “offences against authorities” and “verbal outrage” can inhibit the freedom
of expression. Blockages in the legislative process means that no progress can be reported
since the last regular report.
The government has introduced a proposal to decriminalise homosexuality which has been
supported by the House of Deputies but has not yet been approved by the Senate.
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Conditions in
are slowly improving. The 1999 law on alternative sentences for
minor offences (community services instead of detention) has helped reduce the number of
people detained. However, facilities are still far below reasonable standards and are
severely overcrowded. The total number of detainees remains high: 49,790 at the end of
1999. Although this figure represents a small decrease over the figure for 1998 (52,149
detainees) it remains above the levels for 1997 (45,121 detainees). The proportion of the
total prison population made up of persons in pre-trial detention has diminished from 30%
in 1998 to 20% in 2000. Despite the limited developments over the last year, the levels of
pre-trial detention, overcrowding, and the lack of alternative measures are all problems that
still need to be urgently addressed.
There have been no significant developments in the demilitarisation of the police and cases
of inhumane and
degrading treatment
by the police continue to be reported by human
rights organisations. In response to concerns about the uncontrolled use of firearms,
standing orders have been issued by the General Inspectorate of Police that are aimed at
controlling the police’s use of weapons.
in women and girls for the purpose of forced prostitution is a growing
problem, worsened by active domestic prostitution rings. There has been no progress in
addressing these issues.
The process of
restitution of land
confiscated under the former Communist regime has
been slow. A law on restitution of agricultural land and forests was promulgated in early
2000 but the implementation of the law has proved to be complicated and is behind
schedule. In the case of other types of property (mainly real estate), proposed legislation
to clarify those instances where restitution/compensation is due has been blocked in the
Senate. Judicial practice in this area continues to lack uniformity and procedures are
The Office of the Ombudsman deals with complaints lodged by persons whose civil
rights and freedoms have been infringed by the public administration. In 1999 the
institution received 4,379 complaints. Between January and September 2,000 the
Ombudsman received 4,321 complaints. A regional pilot-office has recently been
established with the aim of making the institution more accessible and raising the
awareness of the institution at the regional level. As with previous years, many cases
were rejected because they related to the judiciary and not the administration. However,
there was a marked increase in the number of cases accepted: in 1999, 1,199 cases were
found to be within the Ombudsman’s competence as compared to only 86 complaints in
1997 and 425 complaints in 1998. At present, 60 % of the complaints are accepted which
would seem to indicate a growing public awareness of the role and function of the
As with previous years, most of the complaints referred to alleged infringements of
individual rights in the process of restitution of land or residential property by
administrative bodies concerned. Other frequent cases concern children’s rights, abuse
committed by the police and violation of consumer rights by state-owned companies in the
public utilities sector.
In conclusion, and as mentioned in the last regular report, Romania continues to respect
human rights and freedoms. Important reforms have been made in several areas, including
the key area of child protection, but the Commission will continue to pay close attention to
ensure that the reforms are successfully and thoroughly implemented. In other areas further
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reforms are needed – most obviously in finding the necessary political support to adopt the
Ministry of Justice’s legislative proposals relating to human rights issues.
Economic, social and cultural rights
With regard to
equal opportunities,
some progress has been made since the last regular
report. The Consultative Inter-ministerial Commission on Equality of Treatment for Men
and Women was set up and, in March 2000, a Directorate for Equal Opportunities was
established in the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection. In the period under
consideration Romania has also signed the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. At the same time, women
continue to be at greater risk of social exclusion than men, occupy few influential
positions in the private sector or in the political establishment and earn lower than
average wages. No progress has been made concerning equal pay and equal access to
employment, or health and safety at work (for pregnant women). Further efforts are
needed to promote the social and economic equality of women.
The increasing level of violence against women is a concern for the Romanian
government. Specific worries relate to domestic violence where the possibilities of legal
redress are limited and the police are often reluctant to intervene. Since the last regular
report a centre for assisting victims of violence has been opened but revised legislation is
also needed to facilitate prosecutions against the perpetrators of violence.
Some progress has been made with regard to treatment of the
socially vulnerable.
situation for handicapped persons was improved by an emergency ordinance that expands
the possibilities of tax holidays for economic units that hire handicapped persons.
Financing of social protection is ensured by the Special Solidarity Fund for Handicapped
Persons that was created in 1999. A National Council for the Elderly has also been
established and social assistance measures were adopted to support the elderly poor.
Trade unions
play a role in several official institutions. Nevertheless, legislation is often
approved without adequate consultation of the social partners and the tripartite dialogue,
set up under the Economic and Social Council, has been frequently bypassed when
drawing up legislation.
A new law on labour conflicts, promulgated at the end of 1999, defines different types of
labour conflicts and establishes procedures for their resolution. In the case of “interest
conflicts”, a strike may be initiated only after using the available arbitration possibilities
(negotiation, conciliation, and mediation). Participation in a legally constituted strike is
allowed. During a strike, employees maintain all their rights with the exception of those
linked to wage payments. The law also curtails the possibilities of initiating wildcat
Limitations on the right to strike apply to industries that the government considers critical
to the public interest: several categories of personnel (prosecutors, judges, military and
personnel in military institutions) cannot strike. Others must deliver a minimum of
Romania has ratified the core provisions of the Revised European Social Charter, which
are embodied in existing domestic legislation. However, the original European Social
Charter has not yet been signed.
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Minority rights and the protection of minorities
Roma remain subject to widespread discrimination through-out Romanian society.
However, the government’s commitment to addressing this situation remains low and
there has been little substantial progress in this area since the last regular report.
The 1999 Accession Partnership identified the development of a government strategy on
the Roma as a priority for Romania. In spite of this, work on such a strategy has been
delayed and preparations are still at an early stage. The newly established Inter-
ministerial Sub-Committee for Roma has met during the reporting period but proved
unable to produce any substantial results. A political memorandum was prepared by the
Department for the Protection of Minorities in conjunction with Roma representatives –
but despite being submitted in March 2000 it has not been approved by the government.
One of the few positive developments that have taken place over the last year has been an
initiative by the Ministry of Education to improve the Roma’s access to education by
reserving a limited number of places for Roma in high schools, vocational schools,
teacher training colleges and universities. The recent government ordinance prohibiting
all types of discrimination (see above) is also a potentially important development in
countering discrimination against the Roma community.
The National Office for Roma has extremely limited staffing and has limited budgetary
resources – even though the 1999 Accession Partnership identified the provision of
adequate financial support for programmes dealing with the Roma as a short-term
priority. The office needs strengthening in order to fulfil its function and this is an area
where further work will be necessary.
In contrast to the lack of development relating to the treatment of Roma, Romania
actively promotes a positive policy to protect other minorities, and linguistic and cultural
identities are safeguarded by the educational system. In 1999, amendments to the
education law created the legal basis for improving the use of minority languages,
including the possibility for linguistic minorities to establish state universities. Upon
request, national minorities now have the right to education in their mother tongue at all
levels of education. The history and traditions of each minority group have been
incorporated into the curricula and instruction materials and free textbooks have been
provided for compulsory education. At present, 5% of educational units teach in a
minority language. In the vast majority of cases this is Hungarian, although six other
languages are also used. A number of pupils from linguistic minorities who attend
schools teaching in Romanian are also offered the possibility of studying in their mother
tongue. In such cases a total of 15 minority languages are taught.
The last legal obstacles to the establishment of a multicultural university teaching in
Hungarian, German and Romanian (the Petofi-Schiller University) were removed when
the final appeals against the government’s decision to establish the university were
rejected. However, this extended legal process means that no progress can yet be
recorded on the actual establishment of separate multicultural universities.
In conclusion, the treatment of minorities in Romania is mixed. The lack of progress
with regard to tackling discrimination against the Roma is a subject which has been
raised in previous regular reports but which has still not been adequately addressed. On
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the other hand, a series of progressive initiatives have greatly improved the treatment of
other minorities.
General evaluation
Romania continues to fulfil the Copenhagen political criteria.
The government has shown a political commitment to addressing the problems of
institutionalised children and progress has been made. Responsibility for the institutions
has been transferred to local authorities, a national strategy aimed at structural reform has
been adopted, and the necessary budgetary transfers have been made. Romania can
therefore be judged as having met the 1999 Accession Partnership’s short-term priorities.
However, the Commission will continue to monitor the situation closely to ensure that
these positive policy developments result in a comprehensive reform as well as an
improvement in the actual living conditions in the institutions concerned.
In the case of the treatment of the Roma, the continued high levels of discrimination are a
serious concern. The Accession Partnership’s short-term priorities still need to be met
(elaborating a national Roma strategy and providing adequate financial support to
minority programmes) and progress has been limited to programmes aimed at improving
access to education.
Continued improvements can be noted with regard to the functioning of the judiciary –
although the reform process needs to be continued and consolidated in line with the
short-term priorities of the Accession Partnership. Further progress still needs to be made
with regard to demilitarisation of the police and other bodies subordinated to the Ministry
of Interior (a medium-term Accession Partnership priority).
Romania’s democratic institutions are well established, but the process of decision
making remains weak. Despite the initiatives taken over the last year the government has
continued to rely on legislating by ordinances and consultation on draft legislation should
be substantially improved.
In terms of administrative capacity, Romania has met short-term Accession Partnership
priorities by adopting a law on the civil service and has set up a civil service agency.
These developments should be built upon through the development of a comprehensive,
public administration reform programme. Particular care needs to be taken to ensure that
decentralised responsibilities are matched by sufficient financial and human resources at
the local level. Little progress has been made in reducing the levels of corruption and
improved co-ordination is needed between the various anti-corruption initiatives that
have been launched.
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2. Economic criteria
In its 1997 Opinion on Romania’s application for EU membership, the Commission
“Romania has made considerable progress in the creation of a market economy”; it
“would face serious difficulties coping with competitive pressure and market forces
within the Union in the medium term”.
This finding was confirmed in the 1998 and 1999 Regular Reports. In its 1999
Regular Report, the Commission found that:
“Romania cannot be considered as a functioning market economy and it is not able
to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union in the
medium term.”
In examining the economic developments in Romania since the Opinion, the
Commission’s approach was guided by the conclusions of the European Council in
Copenhagen in June 1993 which stated that membership of the Union requires:
the existence of a functioning market economy;
the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the
In the analysis below, the Commission has followed the methodology applied in the
Opinion, as well as in the previous Regular Reports.
Economic developments
In 1999, for the third consecutive year, real GDP declined, at a lower rate than in the
previous years, and unemployment continued to rise. While Romania's macro-economic
situation has remained fragile and inflation has increased, there have been signs of a
gradual improvement. The large reduction in the current account deficit, the full and
timely repayment of all external obligations and the rebuilding of official reserves were
important achievements. The revival of exports and real GDP growth in the first half of
2000 are encouraging signs that the efforts of recent years might start to have a positive
impact on the economy. The agreement with the International Monetary Fund in June
2000 on the extension of the Stand-by arrangement led to a resumption of official lending
to Romania.
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Real GDP growth rate
Inflation rate
- annual average
- December-on-December
Unemployment rate, end-year
- ILO definition
General government budget balance
per cent of GDP
per cent
2000 latest
2.1 Jan-June
per cent
per cent
40.9 June
per cent
8.4P Jan-March
Current account balance
per cent of GDP
-2.9 Jan-June
-0.451 Jan-June
Foreign debt
- debt export ratio
- gross foreign debt
per cent
78.6 E
Foreign direct investment in flow
- balance of payments data
per cent of GDP
2.1 Jan-June
319 Jan-June
P=provisional E = Estimates
The gains achieved in macroeconomic stabilisation have remained fragile because of the
lack of significant progress on structural reforms, in particular in the area of financial
discipline. While privatisation of small and medium-sized companies has continued at a
rapid pace, the authorities' ambitious plan to accelerate the privatisation and restructuring
of large loss-making public companies has proved very difficult to implement. Many
privatisation operations were initiated but only a few have been finalised, while others
had to be postponed or cancelled. The situation of the agricultural sector, by far the
largest source of employment, continued to deteriorate. Finally, the business environment
remained unattractive mainly due to legal, political and economic uncertainty, a non-
functioning financial system and unclear property rights. These factors contributed to a
decrease in foreign direct investments inflows.
PROXY HICP since 1996 (see methodological notes)
Moving 12 month average rate of change
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Main Indicators of Economic Structure in 1999
Population (average)
GDP per head
Per cent of
EU average
Share of
- gross value added
- employment
Gross foreign
Exports of goods &
Stock of foreign direct
End of 1999 data -
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per head
Assessment in terms of the Copenhagen criteria
The existence of a functioning market economy
As set out in Agenda 2000, the existence of a functioning market economy requires that
prices, as well as trade, are liberalised and that an enforceable legal system, including
property rights, is in place. Macroeconomic stability and consensus about economic
policy enhance the performance of a market economy. A well-developed financial sector
and the absence of any significant barriers to market entry and exit improve the efficiency
of the economy.
The broad consensus on the need to establish a market-based economy has been
strengthened following the adoption of a Medium Term Economic Strategy in March
2000 and an implementing Action Plan in May 2000.
The strategy sets the broad
orientations for economic policy in the 2000-2004 period, with the overall objective of
meeting the economic criteria for accession to the European Union. It was elaborated in
Figures have been calculated using the population figures from National Accounts, which may differ from
those used in demographic statistics.
Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing.
Data refer to Gross fixed capital formation as % of GDP.
The 1999 data for foreign debt are estimates.
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co-operation with representatives of political parties, trade unions, employers'
associations and other representatives of civil society. At the time of the adoption of the
Medium Term Economic Strategy by the government, the President, the Prime Minister
and the leaders of the main political parties issued a political declaration in which they
reaffirmed their support to join the European Union and to implement the strategy. It is
now crucially important for the authorities to implement the necessary measures to
achieve the objectives set out in the strategy, starting with the short-term ones contained
in the Action Plan adopted by the government. This will improve the coherence of
economic policies, in particular between macroeconomic policies and structural reforms,
which remains one of the most pressing challenges.
Macroeconomic stability has improved in 1999 and early 2000, largely due to strict
fiscal and monetary policies, but it cannot yet be considered as secured.
Indeed, while
modest growth has resumed in early 2000, inflation has remained high and the
sustainability of the fiscal situation is still doubtful. The current economic recovery can
be attributed, to a large extent, to the acceleration of EU growth and to other external
factors. Its sustainability will depend upon improvements in domestic market conditions
and economic policies resulting in higher, better quality, investment. However,
investments in 1999 and 2000 have fallen, in a climate of uncertainty about the prospects
for sustainable recovery.
In 1999, real GDP declined by 3.2%, due essentially to a large fall in domestic demand.
Fixed investment dropped by almost 11% and private consumption by almost 5%. Tight
macroeconomic policies and a sizeable exchange rate depreciation were the main reasons
behind the fall in internal demand and the improvement in the external accounts. Only
external demand sustained overall economic activity, with exports of goods and services
up by almost 9% in 1999 and slightly lower imports. These trends have continued in
2000. In the first half of the year, real GDP grew by 2.1%, notably because of
stockbuilding and a 24% increase in exports of goods and services compared to the same
period of 1999.
The government tightened fiscal policy in 1999.
As a result, the consolidated fiscal deficit
fell from 5% to 3.5% of GDP (excluding privatisation revenues), and a primary surplus
(excluding interest payments) of 2.6% of GDP was recorded. However, it has proved
more difficult to continue with fiscal discipline in 2000 and, despite a similar headline
deficit, the primary surplus is foreseen to fall to about 2% of GDP. Significant increases
in public sector wages have been granted in some sectors, prompting calls for similar
actions elsewhere.
Putting public finances on a sustainable path remains one of the government's greatest
Establishing fiscal sustainability will require a more robust approach to
structural reforms, as well as a further reduction in inflation and interest rates. Urgent
measures are needed to improve financial discipline among public sector companies, to
carry out important reforms in the social security and health care areas, and to set up a tax
structure which encourages compliance and supports business creation. Important
decisions on tax reforms were taken at the beginning of 2000, with a view to lowering tax
rates, broadening the tax base and increasing the transparency of the fiscal system. The
reform has led to a reduction of the overall tax burden, notably on business. However,
financial discipline has not made much progress. Arrears to the government have
continued to grow and repeated measures to reduce the amount of arrears or to incite
taxpayers to settle their dues on time have not been successful. In some instances, they
have even given the wrong incentives to taxpayers, for example by allowing "in kind"
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payment of tax arrears. In addition, the high interest charges on public debt, which
represented more than a third of State budget expenditures in the first half of 2000,
continued to put pressure on other expenditure.
Little progress has been made on reforms and transparency of public finances.
and health care reforms have not advanced significantly, and much remains to be done to
improve the transparency of fiscal policy and to increase the quality of public
expenditures management, in particular at the level of local governments. Tackling these
issues is crucial to ensure the medium term sustainability of public finances and allow
Romania to increase EU accession-related expenditures.
Inflation in 1999 was 45.8%, lower than in 1998.
Monetary policy has been
overburdened as the central bank has tried to pursue many objectives at the same time:
strengthening credibility of the currency, increasing the level of foreign exchange
reserves, tackling the problems of the financial sector, and controlling liquidity to reduce
inflation. The exchange rate fell by a third against the US dollar between October 1999
and August 2000, and by only 13% against the euro, implying a significant appreciation
of the CPI-based real exchange rate against the euro. The stop-and-go pattern of monetary
policy has been reflected in the evolution of real interest rates, which fell throughout
most of 2000, but increased again during the summer, on the back of higher nominal
interest rates. In September 2000, the one year interbank interest rate stood at around
50%. Inflation also accelerated, reaching 45.4% on a year-on-year basis in August 2000.
As a result, the government has missed its inflation target of 27%.
Unemployment measured according to ILO methodology, rose from 6.8% at the end of
1998 to 8.4% in the first quarter of 2000.
It could continue to rise as enterprise
restructuring accelerates. Total employment has continued to fall in 1999 and 2000.
Confirming the trend of previous years, employment has declined in construction,
industry and some service sectors, but has grown in agriculture. Higher agricultural
employment conceals, to a large extent, hidden unemployment and rising dependence on
subsistence farming.
In 1999, there was progress on one of Romania's main and persistent economic problems
- its relatively weak external position.
There was a major adjustment to the balance of
payments, including: a large reduction of the current account deficit, which fell by more
than 55% to about 3.8% of GDP; a fall in external indebtedness; and higher official
foreign exchange reserves. In 2000, exports increased by 26% in the first seven months
compared to the same period of 1999 and reached levels not seen since the beginning of
the transition. Imports have also increased, albeit at a slightly lower pace. As a result of
these trends, the trade deficit fell again. Combined with higher transfers, this led to a 39%
reduction in the current account deficit in the first seven months of 2000 compared to the
same period of 1999. The low and declining level of capital inflows, in particular of a
long-term nature, has remained the main weakness in Romania's external situation. This
reflects failing international investors' confidence. In the first seven months of the year,
gross foreign direct investment inflows showed a 13% reduction from the level of the
same period of 1999.
Most prices in Romania are liberalised.
Nevertheless, local administration and regulatory
agencies retain control over some prices, in particular of utilities and services. Failure to
adjust energy prices during most of the period under review created distortions and forced
large corrective price adjustments in the summer of 2000. In addition, the level of
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subsidies in agriculture and the fact that many companies do not pay their suppliers on
time distort market prices, which do not reflect production costs.
The liberalisation of the trade regime has continued, broadly in line with commitments
made in the agreements with the EC and CEFTA countries.
The number of temporary
import duty exemptions has fallen in 2000. However, import duties on some agricultural
products from Hungary were maintained and, contrary to its commitments made to the
EC, Romania has not abolished the import surcharge. Market liberalisation has
continued, albeit at an uneven pace. While progress was made in some areas, notably by
allowing independent electricity producers, new restrictions have been imposed that went
beyond legitimate and transparent public policy objectives.
The size of the private sector has remained about the same and, at the end of 1999, it
accounted for about 60% of GDP.
The informal economy is estimated to represent about
30 to 40% of GDP. The state continues to play a dominant role in the economy, through
its ownership of the majority of large companies, the excessive number of economic
regulations passed every year and the often non-transparent influence of the public
administration in the interpretation of these regulations. While progress has been made in
privatisation of small and medium-sized enterprises, this has not been the case for large
companies, which have a very significant influence on the entire economy. Only 15 large
companies were sold in the first seven months of 2000, a much smaller number than in
the corresponding periods of previous years and below the ambitious objectives set by the
government. Under the World Bank's Private Sector Adjustment Loan, preparations for
the privatisation of 64 large enterprises have started but the process has been much
slower than expected.
Business creation has remained seriously hampered by uncertainty about property rights,
significant and repeated changes in the legal and regulatory environment as well as by
difficulties to access financing.
Indications are that market entry has become more
difficult; the registered number of new foreign-owned companies fell in 1999 and in the
first months of 2000. While a better bankruptcy law was established and a new State Aid
law was passed at the beginning of 2000, market exit is not satisfactory in Romania. Too
many companies that are not viable have been allowed to continue their operations
because of the absence of hard budget constraints, poor corporate governance by the main
public investment funds, the reluctance to enforce state aids rules and the long and
difficult implementation by courts of bankruptcy legislation.
Most of the legal framework of a market economy is already in place, but the institutions
to enforce it are either weak or not yet established.
The frequent changes in regulations
and their discretionary interpretations by public officials remain a serious problem and
have encouraged corruption. Property rights are still not firmly and clearly established.
While 85% of agricultural land is already in private hands, full property titles still have to
be established, and as a result there is considerable uncertainty on the property rights of
agricultural land and forests. To tackle this issue, a land restitution law was passed at the
beginning of 2000, and the government took urgent measures in the summer of 2000 to
accelerate its implementation. However, implementation has proved considerably more
complicated than expected and, as a result, restitution will probably take many years.
This will delay making the investments needed to modernise the state farms. Forest
restitution is still much less advanced and the legal framework for forest-based activities
is not clearly defined either.
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The financial system does not play its normal role of channelling savings to investment.
Romania does not have a functioning financial system supporting the development of
economic activity and long-term investment. Due to a combination of weak economic
activity and poor confidence of the general public, domestic credit to the non-government
sector fell from 14.8% of GDP in June 1999 to 10.7% in June 2000. Although the
secondary market for domestic public debt has been established, financial markets have
remained underdeveloped and will remain so for as long as the economic climate does
not improve. In order to restore public confidence, further efforts are needed to strengthen
the legal and regulatory environment, to improve business practices and to enhance the
financial strength of local financial institutions.
A massive effort to restructure and improve the financial situation of the largest public
banks, with a view to their privatisation, continues to be made at a very large cost to the
This included selling and closing public banks and transferring all of their non-
performing assets to a state agency. As a result, the importance of the remaining public
banks has considerably declined but they still control about 45% of the banking assets.
The government has continued preparations to sell the remaining two large public banks,
which control about 35% of banking assets, before the end of 2000. However, the process
is facing delays, due to the lack of interest of foreign investors. The fragile financial
situation of the banking sector has required an increase in the spread between the average
lending and deposit rates from 10.4 percentage points in October 1999 to 13.5 percentage
points in June 2000.
Progress has been made to restore the health of the public banking sector, but the overall
financial sector has remained very weak.
The largest investment fund went bankrupt and
the largest of the so-called credit co-operatives suspended payments. A number of small
banks and credit co-operatives were closed down or went bankrupt. These foreseeable
problems had their origin in an incomplete legislative and supervisory framework for the
financial sector that fosters fraudulent activities and does not encourage transparent
behaviour. The authorities acted with determination, ensuring that the problems, which
culminated in May-June 2000, did not translate into a systemic crisis. Since then, they
have introduced legislation for the credit co-operatives and have forced a few private
banks to stop their activity. However, urgent measures are needed to strengthen the
supervision of the financial system, with a view to reduce fraudulent behaviour, and
improve corporate governance.
Romania cannot be regarded as a functioning market economy. The vulnerability of the
macroeconomic environment, the uncertain legal and institutional framework and the
uneven commitment to sustained reforms have hindered the development of economic
activity. Progress made on macroeconomic stabilisation has been undermined by
insufficient privatisation, the financial losses of the state-owned enterprises, the lack of
widespread financial discipline, and a growing black economy. Many of the institutions
required to ensure the effective functioning of a market economy are either absent or are
too weak to be effective. Although Romania has liberalised prices and trade to a large
extent, the markets for land and capital are not yet fully established and do not function
properly. The absence of a sound and well functioning financial system hinders economic
development. There is an urgent need to continue with the full implementation of the
programmes agreed with the International Financial Institutions and the EU, in particular
the privatisation of large enterprises and liquidation of unviable ones.
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The capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the
As set out in Agenda 2000, Romania's ability to fulfil this criterion depends on the
existence of a market economy and a stable macroeconomic framework, allowing
economic agents to make decisions in a climate of predictability. It also requires a
sufficient amount of human and physical capital, including infrastructure. State
enterprises need to be restructured and all enterprises need to invest to improve their
efficiency. Furthermore, the more access enterprises have to outside finance and the more
successful they are at restructuring and innovating, the greater will be their capacity to
adapt. Overall, an economy will be better able to take on the obligations of membership
the higher the degree of economic integration it achieves with the Union prior to
accession. Both the volume and the range of products traded with EC Member States
provide evidence of this.
The absence of a functioning market economy combined with macroeconomic instability
are serious obstacles that continue to hamper the development of economic activity –
particularly the development of the private sector.
The right conditions for sustained
investments in business, infrastructure and human capital, which are needed to meet the
challenges of modernisation and integration of the economy into the EU, have not been
Romania has a low participation rate of students in higher education.
In addition, the
increased poverty of a large segment of the population, growing income inequality, and
the degradation of social, education and health care infrastructures are serious obstacles
for the development of human capital.
Basic transport infrastructure is limited, while in the case of environment it is either non-
existent or obsolete.
This situation is particularly problematic in rural areas, and reflects
low or inadequate levels of investment in recent years. The motorway network has not
increased in the last eight years. In 1999, gross fixed capital formation fell again, for the
third consecutive year, and stayed flat in the first half of 2000. The investment to GDP
ratio fell from 19.5% in the first semester of 1999 to 18.5% in the same period of 2000.
Given the level of development of Romania, only a strong and persistent increase in
investment, both private and public, can ensure that the country prepares for a successful
integration in the European Union and reaps the full benefits of membership.
Foreign direct investment declined strongly in 1999 and 2000,
after increasing in 1997
and 1998. It dropped by 19% in the first seven months of 2000 compared to the same
period in 1999. Romania continues to have a very low level of foreign direct investment
on a per capita basis. The decline of investment and low levels of foreign direct
investment are worrying indicators of the country's inability to modernise its supply side.
Steps have been taken to continue the restructuring of some industries, in particular
public banking, the mining and maritime sectors.
There have been instances of success in
such industries as textiles, furniture or electronic sub-contracting, demonstrating that
there is an untapped potential for economic growth. In addition, business practices have
improved and a few of the largest loss making companies have been closed or
restructured. The authorities have also devised an ambitious privatisation programme for
large companies and a restructuring process for the public utilities to be implemented
over the coming years. In the gas and power sectors, the restructuring process involves
the unbundling of activities in line with the provisions of the
If the reforms are
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fully implemented, they could have a positive impact through an improvement in
corporate governance and a reduction in payment arrears.
Overall, restructuring remains far from complete and is still one of the most pressing
challenges for the authorities.
In the context of the agreements with the international
financial institutions, losses in public companies were reduced in 1999 and for some
mostly small and medium-sized companies the liquidation process has started. The
National Bank has also initiated bankruptcy procedures against some small banks and
revoked licences of others. However, a group of large and inefficient firms have been
allowed to survive with continued support from the state which has not been able to stop
them building up very considerable arrears to creditors, including workers, utilities and
government. By allowing these enterprises to continue their operations, the successive
governments have failed to create an appropriate structure of incentives for a thorough
restructuring of the supply side of the economy. Enforcing hard-budget constraints on
these companies must be a priority.
The restructuring of the agricultural sector will require sustained and determined
actions in the years ahead to ensure that it fulfil its full economic potential.
The complex
problems and unresolved policy issues facing the sector are presented in the relevant
chapter of this report. The economic problems include a low and falling productivity
level (notably because of the increasing proportion of the labour force working in
agriculture), an obsolete capital stock, unclear property rights, and weak market
institutions. Subsistence agriculture is increasingly dominating, while the privatisation
and restructuring of the large state farms is not progressing. In addition, the absence of a
viable system of financing for agriculture does not support the emergence of a modern
rural economy.
The European Community has continued to be Romania's largest trading partner,
although its relative importance as a trading partner declined.
In the first seven months
of 2000, the export share, at 64%, and the import share, at 57.8%, both declined
compared to the same period in 1999. Nevertheless, the volumes of exports, expressed in
euro, continued to increase, reflecting buoyant demand in the EU. Trade with the EC
continued to be dominated by sub-contracting arrangements in labour intensive industries
such as textiles and footwear. Following on the previous years' trend, trade shares with
CEFTA members expanded strongly. Romania's comparative advantage has continued to
shift towards industries with a large labour content, due to the relatively low labour costs.
In 1999, the average nominal wage, expressed in euro and in dollar, fell by 11.4% and
16% respectively; in 2000, it continued to decline in dollar terms, while it increased when
measured in euro (because of the depreciation of the euro against the dollar).
The remarkable increase in exports in the first seven months of 2000 needs to be
sustained by improvements in the supply side of the economy.
Price competitiveness has
been sustained by the delay in the adjustment of energy prices and a relatively stable real
effective exchange rate (when deflated by unit labour costs). However, the partial
reversal of these trends would effect the future competitiveness of Romanian exports. It
remains a considerable challenge to improve the supply side, continue with productivity
increases and prudent wage developments that will preserve the gains achieved in 1999
and so far in 2000.
Small and medium-sized enterprises represent the vast majority of enterprises and
employ around 39% of the labour force.
Most small and medium-sized enterprises are
very small and operate in trade and services. There are very few small and medium-sized
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companies in agriculture, industry and construction. It is important to encourage the
development of small and medium-sized enterprises in order to absorb the large number
of workers made redundant in the restructuring of the large enterprises and agriculture. In
this context, the improvement of the business environment and in particular the
simplification and transparent implementation of economic regulations, as well as better
access to financing are a matter of urgency
(see also chapter 16 – Small and medium-
sized enterprises).
Romania is not able to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the
Union in the medium term and has not substantially improved its future economic
prospects. Macroeconomic stability has improved and exports have increased. However,
a very large part of the enterprise sector has either yet to start restructuring or is still in
the process of doing so. As a result of insufficient progress in the establishment of a
functioning market economy, investment has continued to fall, delaying the much-needed
modernisation of the supply side of the economy. Only the full and timely
implementation of the programmes agreed with the international institutions and of the
measures intended to meet the objectives set out in the Medium Term Economic Strategy
can create a sound basis for economic development.
General evaluation
Romania cannot be regarded as a functioning market economy and is not able to cope
with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union in the medium term. It has
not substantially improved its future economic prospects.
Romania has made some progress on macroeconomic stabilisation; growth has resumed
and exports have increased. Romania has adopted economic programmes and strategies,
in agreement with the international financial institutions and the EU. The wide political
consensus on the Medium Term Economic Strategy shows that there is a clear awareness
of the need for economic reforms.
However, there are serious difficulties in implementing these agreements as well as in
deciding on key medium-term reforms. The fragile macroeconomic environment, the
uncertain legal and institutional framework and the uneven commitment to reforms,
continue to hinder economic development. Many institutions required to ensure the
functioning of a market economy either do not exist or are too weak to be effective.
Insufficient reforms and a growing black economy have undermined progress made on
macroeconomic stabilisation. The absence of a sound and well functioning financial
system hampers economic activity. A very large part of the enterprise sector has yet to
start restructuring or is still in the process of doing so. Investment has continued to fall,
delaying the required modernisation of the supply side of the economy.
There is an urgent need for the full and timely implementation of the programmes agreed
with the international institutions and of the measures to meet the objectives of
theMedium-Term Economic Strategy. Priority should be given to improving financial
discipline, and creating a more transparent and business-friendly environment. The
acceleration of large enterprise privatisation and restructuring as well as the
implementation of social security and health care reforms are urgently needed to ensure
stability of public finances.
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3. Ability to assume the obligations of membership
This section aims to update the Commission’s 1999 regular report on Romania’s ability
to assume the obligations of membership - that is, the legal and institutional framework,
known as the
by means of which the Union implements its objectives. Alongside
an evaluation of relevant developments since the 1999 regular report, this section seeks to
provide an overall assessment of Romania’s ability to assume the obligations of
membership, and of what remains to be done. This section has been structured to follow
the list of twenty-nine negotiating chapters, and incorporates also an assessment of
Romania’s administrative capacity to implement the
in its various aspects (in
previous regular reports this had been covered in a separate section). Furthermore, for the
first time, a separate section has been included assessing progress made by Romania in
translating the
into its official language.
The European Council in Madrid in December 1995 referred to the need to create the
conditions for the gradual, harmonious integration of the candidates, particularly through
the adjustment of their administrative structures. Taking up this theme, in Agenda 2000
the Commission underlined the importance of incorporating Community legislation into
national legislation effectively, and the even greater importance of implementing it
properly in the field, via the appropriate administrative and judicial structures. This is an
essential pre-condition for creating the mutual trust indispensable for future membership,
which has become a central issue in the negotiation process.
The European Council in Feira in June 2000 recalled the link between progress in the
negotiations and the candidate countries’ capacity to effectively implement and enforce
and added that this called for important efforts by the candidate countries in
strengthening their administrative and judicial structures. The Feira European Council
invited the Commission to report to the Council on its findings on the matter. Building
on the assessment of Romania’s administrative capacity provided in the 1999 regular
report, the present report seeks to add further depth and detail, focusing on the main
administrative structures which are required for implementing the
in its various
In the 1999 regular report, the Commission concluded that :
“Alignment in the internal market area is only partial and despite some important
achievements Romania needs to step up the pace of transposition and implementation in
this area. Significant progress was made with the adoption of a law on public
procurement as well as in the banking sector and regarding financial control. Some
progress was made in standards and certification but the lack of overall framework
legislation is impeding progress. Although the bankruptcy laws have been amended
frequently they are still not aligned.
An important step forward was made with the adoption of a new law on state aid control.
Implementation in line with the
will be important as state aids continue to be
A description of the
for each chapter can be found in the Commission’s 1997 Opinion on
Romania’s application for EU membership.
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important in certain sectors of the economy. The transformation of the
regiés autonomes
into commercial and public companies was also an important development although
further progress is needed in the commercialisation of former state monopolies. There
has been some progress in agriculture although land registration remains slow and is
holding back the development of more modern farming. There is a need for further
alignment of veterinary controls, in particular at border crossings, and to upgrade the
agri-food industry. There has been significant progress in legislative alignment in the
transport sector but greater attention needs to be paid to maritime and road safety. In
general Romania seems to give low priority to the environment and there are serious
problems in the air, water and waste management sectors. There is a need to focus
greater political attention on this sector and to develop realistic cost assessments and
investment plans. In the area of justice and home affairs there has been progress in
justice, and to some extent, in border management, although important investments are
still needed, and with regard to the police and immigration. However, there is a need to
accelerate work in areas such as asylum and drugs control.
Lack of funds and weak administrative capacity continue to cause problems and there is a
need to further develop capacity to identify, cost and implement key priorities if
Romania’s accession preparations are to accelerate. Public administration reform has
been identified as a priority, but has not started in earnest. Some key institutions (e.g. for
public procurement) still need to be set up and major efforts are needed in many sectors (
for example, environment and financial control) to bring the administration to a required
level of competence. There is a general need to ensure independence of regulatory and
supervisory bodies, including the Central Bank. While some measures have been taken
to reinforce the judiciary, the level of familiarity with EC law should be enhanced and
adequate technical facilities provided. The insufficient administrative capacity is
currently a major contstraint in the accession preparations.
While Romania has addressed certain aspects of the administrative capacity (regional
development) and the internal market (restructuring of the banking sector, public
procurement, state aids) short term priorities of the Accession Partnership, certain aspects
of the justice and home affairs (fight against organised crime and corruption,
demilitarisation of the police and border control) and environment priorities have not
been satisfactorily addressed.”
The chapters of the
As indicated, the review of Romania’s ability to assume the obligations of membership
that is provided below has been structured in accordance with the list of twenty-nine
negotiating chapters. Accordingly, this section opens with an assessment of progress
related to the so-called “four freedoms”, the cornerstones of the internal market, and
continues with a systematic review of progress on each of the chapters, to cover the
in all its various aspects: sectoral policies, economic and fiscal affairs, economic
and social cohesion, innovation, quality of life and environment, justice and home affairs,
external policies, and financial questions.
Chapter 1: Free movement of goods
Since the last regular report, Romania has made only limited progress in this domain.
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In the area of
horizontal and procedural measures,
no further progress has been made
over the last year in the implementation of
New and Global Approach principles.
Romania still does not have framework legislation introducing these principles into
domestic legislation. Nor can any progress be reported on the transposition of the
related to the
notification procedure
and the
interchange of data between
Very little progress can be reported on the adoption of
sector specific legislation.
In the
areas covered by
New Approach Directives,
this lack of progress is linked to the lack of
framework legislation. This has delayed the implementation of the
toys, lifts, gas appliances, pressure vessels, electromagnetic compatibility, low voltage
appliances, medical devices, recreational crafts, and legal metrology. On the positive
side, the directive on construction products has been partially implemented through a
government decision adopted in the period under review.
As regards sectors covered by
Old Approach Directives,
some limited progress has been
made in the implementation of the
on chemicals – in particular detergents - and on
motor vehicles. In the field of pharmaceuticals, Romania adopted emergency legislation,
which is intended to provide a framework for the transposition of the pharmaceutical
and three secondary legal acts on the basis of this emergency legislation.
However, the newly adopted emergency legislation is not in line with the
Concerning foodstuffs, Romania adopted legislation which is intended to provide a
framework for the transposition of the foodstuff
and also some specific legislation
concerning food labelling and mineral waters The
on glass, for its part, has been
implemented by a government decision in May 2000. In contrast, no progress can be
reported on the
on pre-packaging, wood, and textiles.
As concerns the development of Romania’s administrative capacity for the
implementation of horizontal and procedural measures and sector specific legislation -
which is a short-term priority under the 1999 Accession Partnership - over the past year
some progress has been made. The Romanian Accreditation Body (RENAR) became a
full member of European Accreditation in November 1999. This is an important step
forward. The Romanian standardisation institution (ASRO) is moving forward with the
implementation of European standards and has so far transposed about 10% of European
harmonised standards. However, there are still institutional weaknesses concerning
conformity assessment bodies and laboratories. The overall administrative capacity to
implement the
on industrial products - which was assessed as low at the time of
the last regular report – has not improved over the course of the last year. Conformity
assessment bodies and laboratories are not yet in place or are not up to their future tasks.
Since the last regular report, no new developments have taken place as regards the
harmonised sector.
Some progress can be reported in the field of
public procurement,
where the new
legislation, adopted in August 1999, entered into force on 1 September 2000. However,
out of the seven secondary legal acts which the Romanian authorities have envisaged,
none has entered into force so far.
The entry into force of the public procurement legislation, the adoption of framework
legislation on New and Global Approach, and transposition of some sectoral legislation
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on industrial goods are all short-term priorities in the Accession Partnership. These
priorities have been implemented to a very limited extent.
Overall assessment
On the whole, progress on the transposition of the
on free movement of goods
remains limited. A major source of concern is the persistent lack of framework legislation
on the principles of the New and Global Approach, which is also preventing further
progress on sector specific legislation in areas covered by the New Approach Directives.
As regards sector specific legislation for areas covered by Old Approach Directives,
further steps are required, particularly in transposing the
on motor vehicles, pre-
packaging, wood, and textiles. As to the administrative capacity in this domain, the
Romanian standardisation and accreditation bodies (ASRO and RENAR respectively)
have been in place for some years and continue to function appropriately. Major efforts
are required to improve the overall administrative capacity to implement the
industrial products, which remains very weak.
As set out in the 1999 Accession
Partnership for Romania, urgent progress is required in establishing conformity
assessment bodies and laboratories, and improving the capacity of those which already
exist to cope with their tasks. Furthermore, the capacity of the administration to design
legislation on free movement of goods is still limited and should be reinforced.
As regards safety checks on products at external borders, Romania still needs to establish
appropriate customs and market surveillance infrastructure as well as effective
administrative cooperation between competent authorities.
In the area of public procurement the entry into force of the new law constitutes
significant progress, although it is not fully compatible with the
for example
concerning the domestic preference clause and the remedies system. Further efforts
should be made in adopting the necessary secondary legislation. The implementation of
the new legislation poses a considerable challenge for the administration. There is a good
understanding of the
at central level. However, the new public procurement
procedures need to be implemented by over 10,000 contracting public authorities from all
areas of public activity throughout the country: for example, regional governments,
public utilities, schools, and ministries. It is a significant challenge to make the staff of
all these institutions familiar with the new system and to ensure that the legislation is
properly and competently applied throughout the country.
Chapter 2: Free movement of persons
Romania has not yet made much progress concerning the implementation of the
this area, although there has been some progress in the period under consideration.
In the field of
mutual recognition of professional qualifications
some preparatory
measures were taken for recognition for professional purposes. In order to ensure
transparency of vocational qualifications, a tripartite body, the Council for Occupational
Standards and Attestation, which was first set up in 1997, was now in September 1999
legally established as an autonomous body. It is charged with i.a. elaboration of
occupational standards, developing a system for evaluation of vocational skills on the
basis of occupational standards, and certification of vocational skills. However, the status
of this council is unclear as the education law stipulates that the Ministries of Labour and
Education will jointly establish the mechanisms for the certification of professional skills
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and an ordinance of August 2000 on adult vocational training stipulates that training
providers may issue certificates of professional skills.
No particular progress can be reported in preparing for the implementation of the
citizen’s rights.
In the field of the
free movement of workers
Romania adopted a new law on work
permits, which speeds up the procedure of issuing work permits to EU citizens. Romania
is in bilateral negotiations with Member States on access for Romanian citizens to the
national labour markets and has already concluded one bilateral agreement with
Work with a view to the future
co-ordination of social security,
in particular the
development of sufficient administrative structures and training of personnel, is at a very
early stage of progress. However, Romania has made progress with the entry into force,
in April 2000, of a new law on the public system of pensions and other social insurance
rights. This law allows a partial transfer of social security rights accumulated in Romania
to the social security system of another country.
Overall assessment
A number of positive developments have taken place with regard to Romanian legislation
in this area in the period under consideration. The recent simplification of the issuance of
work permits for EU citizens and the adoption of the new law on social security are two
important achievements. However, considerable further work is still required. A
significant build-up of administrative structures is necessary, in particular with a view to
the future co-ordination of social security.
Limited progress has been made on the mutual recognition of professional qualifications.
Some preparatory measures to facilitate the general recognition of the vocational
education and training have been taken but no national framework exists for general
recognition within the meaning of the
Clarification of roles and responsibilities of
the institutional network is necessary in order to ensure the co-ordination and information
flow between all competent authorities. The list of regulated professions needs to be
finalised. As regards the recognition of qualifications for professional purposes, co-
ordination mechanisms between the various agencies and professional bodies should be
Although some progress has been made in the area of free movement of persons, in
particular with respect to equal treatment, further alignment with the
will be
Steps will have to be taken to strengthen public employment services in view of future
participation in the EURES network, with particular emphasis on language training of
Overall, it should be recalled that there should be no provisions in Romania’s legislation
which contradict Community rules, in particular with respect to nationality, residence or
language requirements.
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Chapter 3: Freedom to provide services
In the last regular report, the Commission pointed out that Romania had already made
significant progress on the transposition of the banking
while in other areas, such
as insurance legislation and securities markets legislation, more needed to be done. In the
period under consideration Romania has made further progress in this area, in particular
concerning insurance and banking supervision. However, the effective supervision of
financial services still has to be considerably strengthened.
On the one hand, as concerns
freedom of establishment
no progress can be reported
over the period under consideration. On the other hand, there has been some progress on
financial services.
bank services
a government ordinance was adopted in
June 2000, which brings credit co-operatives under the prudential supervision of the
National Bank of Romania. This is a welcome development as credit co-operatives had
previously acted in similar ways to banks without being subject to the same supervision.
Other positive developments include the establishment of a credit information centre in
the National Bank of Romania, which will allow banks to obtain information on the
credit history of borrowers, and the setting-up of an embryonic early warning system for
bank failures.
In the period under consideration the Romanian National Bank has worked to improve
the implementation of the legislative framework for the banking sector, for example, by
applying bankruptcy legislation more strictly to banks in distress. However, as a number
of recent crises in the Romanian banking sector prove, more work needs to be done to
establish an efficient regulatory system for banks.
In April 2000, the Romanian Parliament adopted a new
law. The legislation is
largely in line with the
Through the introduction of higher capital requirements,
the new law should promote the consolidation of the Romanian insurance industry, which
is currently characterised by a high number of relatively small and badly capitalised
companies. However, the new insurance law is not yet being fully applied. For example,
the Council of the new independent Insurance Commission has not yet been appointed,
although the law foresaw the appointment by June 2000.
There have been no developments concerning the transposition of the
investment services and securities’ markets.
No progress can be recorded on the implementation of the
on the
protection of
personal data
and the free movement of such data and the
information society
Overall assessment
Concerning the right to provide services, Romania continues to operate a system that
discriminates against EU citizens who do not have a residence in Romania. There is also
a continued discrimination against EU lawyers and law firms operating in Romania.
As regards financial services, Romanian legislation on banking generally has reached a
high degree of compatibility with the
and the transposition of the
continued during the period under consideration. However, the effective implementation
of this legislation is not fully assured.
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The transposition of the
on investment services and securities’ markets is only
beginning. Parliament has now discussed the new law on securities supervision for two
years without adopting it and Romanian securities legislation remains incompatible with
In its regular report of 1999, the Commission noted that the administrative capacity of the
National Securities Commission, which is in charge of supervising the securities markets,
gave rise to concerns. No improvement could be noted during the period under
consideration. The Securities Commission’s capacity remains limited regarding the
number and experience of staff and regarding the means to gather and process
information about the supervised capital markets. The recent crisis of the largest
Romanian investment fund is a reminder of the unsatisfactory legislative framework and
administrative capacity in this area.
Romanian legislation on the protection of personal data remains inadequate, which is not
only problematic in view of the general process of approximation of legislation, but also
because of the importance of this question for other areas of the
such as Justice
and Home affairs.
Further alignment with the
on insurance, securities, and banking are short-term
priorities in the Accession Partnership, for which only limited progress can be noticed in
view of the new Ordinance on cooperative banks and the new insurance law.
Chapter 4: Free movement of capital
In the last regular report, the Commission noted that Romania had already implemented a
part of the
on capital movements. Since then, progress has continued in this area
although at a slow pace.
In the area of
capital movements and payments,
the implementation of the three stage
liberalisation programme, approved by the National Bank of Romania in July 1999, is
due to be finalised by the end of this year. The National Bank of Romania has continued
to relax controls of capital imports. As of 1999, the National Bank of Romania allowed
loans with a maturity over one year by non-residents to residents and guarantees and
similar operations by non-residents to residents without prior authorisation. This measure
was taken in line with the National Bank of Romania’s long term plan to abolish
restrictions on capital transfers. No progress can be reported on the removal of other
restrictions on capital imports, such as the de facto exclusion of foreigners from most
issues of treasury bills. There has been no further easing on authorisations for capital
exports. In the period under consideration no further measures for opening the real estate
market have been taken.
Concerning the
system infrastructure, the National Bank of Romania started
preliminary activities to introduce a real time gross settlement (RTGS) system.
In the period under consideration the National Office for the Prevention of
became operational. The office is in charge of implementing the law on the
prevention of money laundering, which had been adopted in April 1999 and which is
largely in line with the
The office has started to establish reporting structures for
the institutions covered by the law and signed its first international co-operation
agreement with Slovenia.
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Overall assessment
The easing of authorisation requirements for capital imports has progressed.
However, practically all transactions involving capital outflows are still subject to prior
authorisation by the National Bank of Romania. Certain categories of Romanian
institutional investors, such as mutual funds and venture capital funds, are forbidden by
law to hold foreign assets.
No open restrictions exist for foreign direct investment and the participation of foreign
capital in privatisations. However, the share of foreigners in privatisations has declined
over the last year. An improvement of the transparency of the privatisation process will
be required to improve the possibility for foreign bidders to effectively participate in
The purchase of real estate by non-nationals is forbidden by the Constitution. There is an
exception for companies established in Romania, even if wholly foreign owned, which
are allowed to purchase land needed for the conduct of their business. The body in charge
of implementing the legislation on capital movements is the National Bank of Romania,
which has sufficient administrative capacity for the effective application of the
Romania has started preliminary activities to modernise the payment infrastructure.
However, substantial efforts are needed to implement the
on payment systems.
Implementation of the new Romanian legislation on money laundering has started, but it
is too early to evaluate the quality of the implementation.
Chapter 5: Company law
In its last regular report the Commission noticed that Romania had already achieved a
high degree of compatibility with the
company law.
In the period under
consideration Romania has further aligned its legislation in this area, in particular by
means of an Ordinance on commercial registers and bankruptcy which was adopted in
January 2000.
Moreover, Romania has transposed most of the 4
, 7
, and 8
Accounting Directives.
National Council for Accounting Regulations was established in January 2000, which is
in charge of drawing up accounting regulations in accordance with the
International Accounting Standards. However, to date, this institution has not yet started
operating effectively.
In order to improve the knowledge about the new accounting system and to improve the
administrative capacity in this area, the Romanian authorities have launched a
programme to train accounting experts. The first 200 of these newly trained experts
graduated in autumn 2000.
Concerning the
protection of industrial and intellectual property,
a secondary legal
act dealing with registration of rights and procedures for investigations has been adopted.
In the field of industrial property Romania signed the Geneva ‘Patent Law Treaty’ in June
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The Romanian authorities have increased the number of interventions against suspected
product piracy and stepped up their efforts to train personnel. However, further efforts to
increase administrative capacity in this area are necessary.
Intellectual and Industrial property rights are a short-term priority in the Accession
partnership. Although Romania has made further progress in aligning itself with the
the administrative capacity to implement intellectual property legislation remains
a point of concern and the priority can thus considered to be only partially fulfilled.
Overall assessment
Romania has achieved a high degree of alignment to the
in this area.
Romania has continued its efforts to transpose the
on company law and
accounting. Efforts to improve the capacity to effectively implement the
accounting have started, but need to be continued.
As concerns the protection of industrial and intellectual property the Commission stated
already in previous reports that Romania had already transposed most of the
the situation concerning legislation in this field remains satisfactory.
The bodies in charge of implementing legislation in this domain are the Office for
Inventions and Trademarks and the Romanian Copyright Office. While the administrative
capacity with regard to industrial property appears adequate, the Commission has
repeatedly pointed to weaknesses in the implementation of the legislation on intellectual
property. One of the main problems in this context is the import of pirated goods, which
border control procedures currently appear not to be able to prevent, and which lead to a
very high share of pirated goods in overall sales. In contrast, the domestic production of
pirated goods appears to be relatively limited.
The efficient implementation of border measures is urgent and the adoption of the border
measure legislation will need to be complemented by training of the customs authorities
and the police in order to be effective.
Chapter 6: Competition policy
In last year’s regular report the Commission pointed out the considerable progress made
on anti-trust legislation and a need to improve state-aid legislation. Since last year a new
state aid law has entered into force. Romania has introduced secondary legislation to
implement the new state aid law and on anti-trust issues.
In the field of
the Commission stated in its last regular report that Romanian
legislation was already largely in line with the
with regard to restrictive
agreements, abuse of dominant market positions, and merger control. In the period under
consideration Romania has introduced secondary legislation on block exemptions and
notification procedures.
However, further alignment is necessary, especially in view of developments in the
on vertical restraints.
The Competition Council, which is mainly in charge of issuing decisions on anti-trust
and state aid issues, and the Competition Office, which is mainly in charge of monitoring,
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are jointly responsible for the implementation of anti-trust legislation. The number of
cases they had to deal with reached 402 in 1999 after 171 in 1997 and 231 in 1998. Since
1997 the Competition Council made 58 decisions, against 40 of which appeals were
lodged in court. The courts upheld all the decisions of the Competition Council, except 2.
In the field of
state aid
the new state aid law, which was adopted in July 1999 entered
into force on 1 January 2000. This law is largely in line with the
but a number of
secondary legal acts need to be adopted for its proper implementation. Since the
beginning of the year secondary legislation regarding the form and content of
notifications, de minimis rules, and the monitoring of aid has already been adopted.
However, secondary legislation concerning inter alia regional aid, fiscal aid notification,
sensitive sectors, rescue and restructuring guidelines, and block exemptions relating to
training and SMEs remain to be adopted.
In August 2000 the Romanian Parliament adopted a law on ‘industrial parks’, which
allows for significant state aid to companies established in so-called industrial parks. The
criteria established by the law for the creation of industrial parks and the financial
incentives given to companies in these parks do not appear to be in line with the recently
adopted Romanian legislation state aid nor with the Community competition
Commission is concerned about the adoption of this law.
Overall assessment
Romania has made further progress in the transposition in the
in this chapter.
Further alignment with the EC competition legislation and the improvement of the
administrative capacity in this field is a short-term priority in the Accession Partnership.
Romania’s anti-trust legislation is largely in line with the
During the period under
consideration the legislative framework for anti-trust has been developed further by the
adoption of secondary legislation. The anti-trust enforcement authorities have dealt with
an increasing number of cases. The main challenge is now to ensure that the application
and enforcement of the anti-trust rules is effective and that priority is given to such cases
that concern the most serious distortions of competition. In order to achieve this, the
administrative capacity of the Romanian Competition Council and Competition Office
will need to be reinforced.
As concerns state aid the entry into force of the new state aid law on 1 January 2000 and
the subsequent adoption of secondary legislation is an important step forward. However,
the major challenge is to ensure that the legislation will be properly implemented and
enforced. The recent adoption of the law on ‘industrial parks’ is a major concern.
State aid reports have still to be submitted for the years 1998 and 1999. The latest report
broadly follows the methodology and the presentation of the Community’s Survey on
State Aid. Additional work is needed in order to finalise a comprehensive state aid
inventory covering all aid measures in operation in Romania.
In order to ensure a differentiation of maximum aid intensities in assisted areas, Romania
still has to prepare a regional aid map in consultation with the Commission.
As regards the administrative capacity of the State Aid Monitoring Authority
(Competition Council for controlling aid and Competition Office for monitoring and
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reporting aid), the new challenge of ensuring full and proper control of all aids will
require a further strengthening of resources and increased training.
Chapter 7: Agriculture
Agriculture accounted for 15.5 % of GDP in 1999, as opposed to 16.1 % in 1998.
Employment in agriculture represents 41.7% of the national labour force
and around
70% of the rural labour force. Romanian’s agriculture is characterised by the high
percentage of the labour force employed in the sector and the high contribution of
agriculture to GDP. The sector is also distinguished by the high level of non-marketed
agricultural production, the continuing dominance of state enterprises in upstream and
downstream industries, and the lack of export specialisation.
Farm output increased by 11.9 per cent in 1999
. While in 1999 cereal production
increased from 15 million tonnes to 17 million tonnes, livestock production has
stagnated. A severe drought affected Romanian agriculture during summer 2000. The
size of the damage is very considerable and the impact is expected to be felt on GDP
growth for the year 2000, as well as placing considerable strains on macroeconomic and
budgetary stabilisation. The impact of unfavourable weather conditions has been
aggravated by the absence of policy on irrigation and agricultural risk insurance.
EC imports of agricultural products originating in Romania increased to
227 million in
1999, while EC exports to Romania decreased to
264 million. Whereas in 1998 the
trade balance in favour of the Community amounted to
245 million, in 1999 it
decreased to
37 million.
Additional reciprocal concessions on agricultural products
under the Europe Agreement, including in particular the so-called "double zero" option
for poultry and cheese, were successfully negotiated and entered into force from 1 July
(see also section A.b. – Relations between the European Union and Romania).
The domestic budgetary support for agriculture decreased in real terms from about
million in 1999 to about
330 million in 2000. This reduction can be seen as positive,
given the high cost of this support in relation to GDP in past years, and its ineffectiveness
in promoting the needed sector restructuring. The most important programme financed by
the budget is the voucher-for-inputs scheme that accounts for about 60% of total
assistance and provides social aid for small land owners. This scheme represents a
redirection of support policies away from state farms in favour of small producers, but
The source for all agricultural statistics is EUROSTAT unless otherwise specified.
In order to improve consistency and comparability, the employment figures presented are now defined
according to Labour Force Survey definitions (LFS). Agricultural employment is defined in LFS terms
as economically active persons who gain a significant part of their income from agriculture. The
agricultural census, which was previously a source of employment data in many countries, takes into
account all persons nominally active on a farm. There are therefore some significant differences
between previous and new figures. Further information can be found in the Eurostat publication
“Central European Countries’ Employment and Labour Market Review” available free of charge
through the Eurostat Data Shops.
Source: FAO
Source: Uruguay Round Agreement definition of agricultural products, figures taken from EUROSTAT
COMTEXT (see Agriculture in the European Union – statistical and economic information 1999, p. 36
for definition of the products).
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does not represent a satisfactory long-term support instrument. It should be replaced by
measures to assist the transformation of small-scale farms into viable holdings. Other
schemes include interest subsidies on credits (3% of total support), premia for prices of
agricultural products, subsidies for land reclamation and the irrigation system (8%), a
price subsidy for certified seeds, and a programme for maintaining the quality of
livestock through animal selection and reproduction.
Although important legislation on land restitution has been adopted, difficulties have
been encountered with its implementation. The required administrative and judicial
structures remain weak. Measures to facilitate the consolidation of land holdings through
improved titling, and facilities for sale and leasing, have been inadequate, resulting in a
high level of informal land-use arrangements. These represent a barrier to investment in
farms and efficient exploitation of agricultural lands.
Horizontal issues
As regards the implementation of rural development measures, Romania’s progress since
last year’s regular report has been slow. Difficulties were encountered in establishing the
main priorities of Romania’s rural development policy and in preparing the Rural
Development Plan defining the main objectives to be attained by SAPARD assistance.
Progress has also been slow in the area of legislation to constitute the legal basis for the
implementation of SAPARD and rural development support schemes and mechanisms.
A Government Decision of September 2000 made the Ministry of Agriculture responsible
for setting up an Agency for implementation and financial management of SAPARD.
However, a coherent and comprehensive framework for implementation of the
programme has not yet been established.
A ministerial order has been adopted regarding the animal identification and farm
registration system, which is partially in line with EC Directives and Regulations in this
Since last year new legislation has been approved in the field of organic farming, defining
the rules for production, import and export, environmental protection, labelling,
certification and inspection system for organic products. Legislation in this area is now
largely in line with EC legislation.
Common Market Organisations
There has been little progress as regards the introduction of a legal framework and
administrative structures for the establishment of Common Market Organisations. To
support preparations for adoption of the
related to Common Market Organisations
the Ministry of Agriculture has established 16 product-specific working groups. Effective
implementation of Common Market Organisations will require significant progress to be
achieved in addressing the structural issues which impede the development of private,
market-oriented agriculture. Marketing standards in line with the
for wheat and
fruit and vegetables are being drawn up but are not yet mandatory.
Some progress has been made as regards the certification and protection of the
denomination of origin for wines. After approval of the law on wine and vineyards,
recent ministerial orders (of June/July 2000) put in place the National Office for
denomination of origin for wine and wine based products, set up standard forms for
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recording wine farms, vine-wine production and alcoholic beverages as well on the
approval of taxes charged in order to issue to the producer an authorisation to use a
denomination of origin and a certificate for approval of the right to trade wine bearing a
denomination of origin.
Rural development and forestry
No part of the rural development
and in particular the agri-environmental
measures has been implemented so far in Romania.
Veterinary and phytosanitary issues
In the
veterinary sector,
regulations have been adopted regarding the announcement,
declaration and notification of certain transmissible animal diseases and concerning
sanitary veterinary norms related to the licensing of plants and exporting products of
animal origin.
However, the effectiveness of specific items of legislation is undermined by the lack of a
coherent overall strategy for the implementation of the veterinary
There is an
urgent need to develop priorities for the adoption of the
based on a realistic
assessment of the human and financial resources needed to implement specific policies.
The lack of such an assessment casts doubt upon the possibilities for implementation of
EC Directives on veterinary controls for animal health and meat products at the place of
origin. The effectiveness of disease surveillance activities is also undermined by the
inadequate attention given to the resource needs of veterinary laboratories. There has
been little progress in technical preparations concerning the design and implementation
of the animal registration system. Serious deficiencies were recently noted in the
operation of controls required under Community legislation concerning the export into
the EC of animals and meat products.
While the National Sanitary Veterinary Agency has demonstrated some improvement in
its administrative capacity, the Ministry of Agriculture should recognise the urgency of
substantially strengthening this body, and of making efforts to ensure that policies and
administrative procedures are understood and implemented at field level Capacity
building aimed at the effective implementation of EC veterinary Directives should be
considered a priority. An adequate strategy for the development of border controls should
be developed. Checks should be applied in a non-discriminatory manner.
Regarding the adoption of the
legislation was adopted on the
protection of plant variety rights, advancing the process of harmonisation in this area.
There has been progress in the adoption of legislation in the area of the quality of seeds
and propagating materials and phytosanitary control for imports and exports of seeds and
propagating material. Equivalence has been recognised for many varieties. However,
efforts are needed to strengthen the certification services.
For pesticide residues and the plant health regime further efforts are needed to prepare
legislation and develop the capacity to enforce the legislation.
Regarding administrative capacity, the functioning of the Phytosanitary Agency has
somewhat improved – although further work is still required.
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Overall assessment
Romania continues to face substantial difficulties in defining and implementing the
measures needed to permit the modernisation and sound development of its agriculture.
Slow progress with macroeconomic stabilisation and restructuring programmes is still far
from creating a favourable environment for Romanian agriculture and the diversification
of the rural economy. The slow pace of the transition towards market-based private
agriculture in Romania means that conditions permitting the implementation of much of
the EC agricultural
do not yet exist.
By 1999, the land restitution process had led to 85 % of the agricultural area being held in
private ownership, largely as family farms. However, the legal ownership of the land has
not been definitively resolved and the restitution process has resulted in a highly
fragmented land ownership pattern, which aggravates the problems of low income and
disguises unemployment in rural areas. Family farms are directed towards inefficient
subsistence agriculture rather than production for the market. Agricultural and rural
development on the basis of family farms has been hampered by the lack of consistency
in efforts to restructure upstream and downstream sectors.
The excessive fragmentation of agricultural production continues to generate substantial
problems in the agro-food chain, since collecting and handling produce from a multitude
of farmers is difficult and costly. Similarly, monitoring the quality of supply and
differentiating payments according to quality criteria is difficult. The market system
remains orientated towards servicing large-scale state farms. Policies aimed at the
development of market infrastructure, market transparency and price information, as well
as facilitating consolidation of larger private holdings through active land leasing and
selling, are urgently needed.
The privatisation of state owned farms has progressed slowly, with up to 15%of
agricultural land still under the control of around 500 state farms. Only a limited number
of state farms have been privatised to date, and the legal framework is still temporary and
unclear, reflecting a lack of political consensus on the issue. A number of the transactions
which have been completed have been contested on grounds of the lack of transparency
of privatisation procedures. Prolonged uncertainties regarding the future of the state
farms units continue to block investment in some of the potentially most productive land
Following adoption of the legislation on land restitution, the authorisation for
privatisation of forests may be initiated. The privatisation of forested land presents the
risk of clear-cutting for income.
The privatisation of state agro-processing enterprises has progressed in some sectors in a
manner which can be expected to contribute to the real restructuring of agro-food
industry. However, in some other sectors, including meat and fisheries processing,
canned fruit and vegetables and the dairy industry, the majority of the enterprises remain
state property. The privatisation process to date has shown an inadequate concern for
economic efficiency, and in some case a lack of transparency, resulting in the transfer of
enterprises to private sector owners lacking capital and management skills. The
approaches adopted for privatisation of grain storage enterprises have not favoured the
development of fully competitive marketing channels accessible to private producers.
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The transformation which is needed in the structure of the rural and agricultural economy
requires the elaboration of effective policies and programmes in a range of areas where
little consistent progress has been achieved to date. Policies to promote the development
of commercial and co-operative credit for small farmers and other participants in the rural
economy, and to support the formation of producers’ associations, are urgently needed.
The development of infrastructure and human resources policies in support of rural
development has hardly begun as yet.
The weakness in policy development capacity reflects an inadequate appreciation of the
efforts needed to create functioning agricultural markets and to strengthen basic market
institutions. Adequate and reliable agricultural statistics are not available to assess the
results of reforms undertaken so far and to formulate proper policy responses, and to date
measures taken to improve the quality of agricultural statistics have been inadequate. Co-
ordination between the concerned public bodies has been poor.
A specific effort, including the allocation of sufficient resources, is needed to prepare the
general agricultural census planned for 2002, which will provide the basis for the creation
of a general farm register, and to develop a coherent range of agricultural statistical
With regard to the inspection and control arrangements for protecting the EU external
border, a particular effort will have to be made by the Romanian authorities to rationalise
the number of border crossing points and upgrade the main border crossings which will
remain on the future EU external borders.
The overall administrative capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture remains weak despite
some progress made by some of its subordinated agencies. Staff continue to be nominated
on the basis of political criteria. High turn-over and insecurity of staff and limited career
development perspectives have resulted in low motivation and a lack of continuity in
Chapter 8: Fisheries
Some progress has been achieved in alignment with the
on fisheries. No
for the fisheries sector existed in Romania until very recently and only fresh
water fish is traded at country level. Over the reporting period a framework for setting up
inter-professional associations was laid down by Government Ordinance and three
producers associations were created. A new Ministerial Order setting up procedures for
granting food processing licences includes a chapter dedicated to production of fish and
fish products, providing conditions for transportation of fresh, chilled and frozen fish as
well as processing conditions for canned fish.
resource management, inspection and controls,
no specific control on
fishing activity is currently carried out due to shortage of necessary equipment and
structures. Preparatory steps in this respect were taken in 2000 through a Ministerial
Order on the creation and functions of an inspection system, and through a Government
Decision allowing for the inspection of fishing vessels’ activities by the Coast Guard.
Arrangements for preparation of statistics on the fisheries sector were established through
a protocol on co-operation signed in March 2000 between the Ministry of Agriculture and
the National Commission for Statistics.
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At present, fishing vessels are registered in the general national
fleet register.
requirement of the Common Fisheries Policy for a separate register of all fishing vessels
has not yet been met. The legal basis for the register was laid down by an Order of the
Minister of Agriculture and Food, whose implementation would bring partial conformity
with the
in this area. The Order foresees the establishment of a Register Office
within the Directorate for Fisheries, Fish-Farming and Inspections. The Register Office
would also be in charge of issuing the fishing licenses. Preparatory work has been
undertaken but considerable further efforts and resources are needed, and no completion
date has been set.
state aid
is granted to fishing activities and the fisheries sector is covered by the
general legislation on state aids.
is a protected species for the Danube Delta and fishing quotas exist for its catch.
New conservation measures have been introduced in 2000 based on the prohibition of
fishing according to each species for certain periods and the introduction of some
technical measure to limit catch of the immature fish. A Ministerial order no 322 of
March 2000 set up the procedures for authorisation of import and export of
Sturgeon and
its products
according to the CITES Convention.
Romania is party to several
international fisheries conventions
(Berlin, Washington,
etc.) and is a member of CGPM / GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for
Mediterranean). A number of regional agreements (with Bulgaria, Turkey, Ukraine,
Russia) were previously concluded for the Black Sea, the Mediterranean and the Danube,
but most of them need to be re-negotiated.
Two ministries are engaged in fisheries management in Romania: the Ministry of
Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of Waters, Forests and Environment Protection.
This leads to a certain overlap of responsibilities.
Overall assessment
Further work is needed to align Romanian fisheries policy with the
although the
importance of this sector in the Romanian economy has declined considerably. The
fishing fleet consists of about 14 deep-sea vessels operating in the Black Sea, together
with a large number of small fishing boats. Romania does not have any operational
“distant waters” fishing vessels. Annual catches have fallen from 268,000 tons in 1988 to
16,828 tons in 1999. Exports of fish and fish products are very small, while imports have
approximately doubled over the past four years, reaching 35,000 tons in 1999.
Freshwater fish farming produces 14,000 tons of carp annually. There are about 300
mainly state-owned fish farms (over 40 fish companies) throughout the country. Very few
fish farms have been privatised and the programme of privatisation of these farms has
been slowed down or halted. The private sector is small but growing.
The process of reform of the Fishery administration was initiated but needs to continue.
Appropriate resources need to be allocated to set up the structures and enforce legislation.
Short-term priorities in the sector include the setting up of a market monitoring
instrument, the improvement of statistical collection, and training and equipment for the
newly set up inspection. The establishment of a research strategy is also among the
Romania's short-term priorities in fisheries.
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Chapter 9: Transport policy
As regards transport, the 1999 Regular Report underlined the progress that had been
made in implementing the
and in restructuring the sector, but stressed the
importance of addressing specific issues like maritime safety and road charging.
In 2000, despite the economic crisis, Romania has been developing its transport
infrastructure and in particular the
Work to make Romanian
TINA road networks suited for 11.5 tonnes axle weight is in progress. After years of
delay, agreement has been reached with Bulgaria on the construction of a second bridge
over the Danube on the Southern branch of Corridor IV - although the financing plans
still need to be finalised.
As regards
land transport,
new legislation was adopted with regard to safety advisers for
transport of dangerous goods and supply of public services in road and inland waterway
transport. In the
sector, rules on driving licences and on admission to the occupation
of road haulage and road passenger transport operator were adopted. Local operators are
encountering financial difficulties to comply with the financial standing requirement.
The technical negotiations on the road transit agreement for the carriage of goods have
been finalised although the agreement still needs to be initialled and ratified. In April
2000, the multilateral European Agreement on International Occasional Carriage of
Passengers by bus (INTERBUS) was signed by Romania together with some other
countries and will be ratified in the forthcoming months. Its implementation will result in
partial alignment with road passenger transport
As regards the system of road taxes and charges, Romania has announced its readiness to
phase out the existing discriminatory tariffs on international transit that apply to EU
hauliers when compared to those applied to Romanian hauliers. However, Romania
intends to charge lower taxes to Romanian hauliers that exclusively perform domestic
transport. No precise timetable has been given for removing these discriminatory
practices beyond a commitment to address these before accession.
Legislation on transport of dangerous goods by
has been strengthened. Following the
division of the national railway company into 5 companies in early 1999 (management of
railway infrastructure, public railway freight, public railway passenger transportation,
management of excess assets, financial and accounting company), the restructuring of the
railways sector has been pursued further in 2000. For regional railway traffic, eight new
independent regional operators have been created. The CFR passenger transportation
company now only carries out national and international railway traffic. Two private
freight railway transport operators have been licensed.
Activities in the field of
inland waterway
transport have largely suffered from the
blockage of the Danube following the Kosovo crisis: 4000 crewmembers have been made
redundant out of a total of 5500. This situation deprives the inland waterway transport
sector of the financial resources necessary to further adapt itself to the EC
Consequently, since cabotage presently constitutes the only activity for the Romanian
companies, foreign companies are not allowed to provide this service. As to regulatory
progress, only some rules on technical requirements for vessels were partly transposed.
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At the beginning of this year, provisions on certain types of
combined transport
goods entered into force.
As regards
air transport,
secondary legislation on licensing of air carriers, technical
investigation of accidents, and on certification procedures for planes and auxiliary
products entered into force. Romania has signed the Montreal Convention regarding air
carrier liability. Negotiations with Romania on the multilateral Agreement to establish a
European Common Aviation Area (ECAA), which will result in a significant progressive
alignment with the
prior to accession, were concluded at the end of last year. A
bilateral country protocol has still to besigned. In terms of administrative capacity,
Romania has to reform its own aviation organisation, including finding additional
financial and human resources. The privatisation of the Romanian Air Transport National
Company (TAROM) is underway and should be finalised by the end of 2000.
In 2000, Romania has made progress in adopting the
in the field of
by a series of legal measures (vessels carrying dangerous goods, enforcement
of pollution prevention and shipboard living and work conditions). It is currently
strengthening the capacity of the maritime administrations, both as a flag and as a port
state. However, maritime safety remains problematic. According to 1999 statistics under
the Paris Memorandum of Understanding, the percentage of Romanian flag vessels
detained following port state control was 29.6%, which is three times higher than the
average for countries that have ratified the Paris MoU (this is to be compared to an
average of 3.6% for EU-flagged vessels), and which is deteriorating compared to 1998
(when the level of detentions was 20.9%).
The Romanian transport-related institutions show generally a good understanding of the
Their administrative capacity is rather good, with the exception of the
maritime administration.
Overall assessment
Romania has made significant progress with the transposition and implementation of
during the last few years and particularly in 2000. While the technical
aspects related to transposition are not difficult issues, as the Romanian authorities are
completely willing to fulfil the European norms, the implementation of the different
adopted laws will be a longer and more difficult process. In the forthcoming year,
Romania will have to concentrate on the implementation of all the newly adopted
legislation, and securing adequate financial resources to implement heavy investment
However, even though this process is well advanced, a considerable amount of work
remains: particularly in the fields of fiscal harmonisation in road transport and maritime
safety as already mentioned in the 1999 Regular Report.
Further efforts are required to transpose and implement the
in the area of
professional and financial requirements for
hauliers, technical requirements and
safety legislation. Romania may have difficulties to bear the costs of retrofitting heavy
goods vehicles operating in the domestic market with speed limiting devices and
tachographs, and should establish a sound financing strategy with a detailed timetable. In
addition, the Commission will require a more detailed commitment as regards the
elimination of discriminatory road taxes.
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Concerning the
sector, Romania has made significant progress with the
approximation of the
and the national railway company has been reformed. It is
recommended that the Romanian authorities rely on sound administrative structures and
ensure the necessary transparency when implementing the restructuring measures
As regards
inland waterways,
the main target of the Romanian authorities is the access
to the river Rhine. The practical aspects for the compliance of the Romanian vessels with
the EC norms might be difficult, for economic reasons.
The effective implementation of the
air transport
might be difficult, especially
due to the technical aspects. Romania needs to strengthen its administrative structures in
this sector and establish an independent body for air accident investigations.
Flag state inspections as well as Port State control need to be considerably improved in
order to effectively implement the requirements under the different maritime conventions
and the EC
in the field of
maritime safety.
There is a lack of adequately trained
inspectors and technical equipment. A sound strategy for progressively removing sub-
standard shipping from the Romanian register should be drawn up and implemented,
focusing first on Romania’s obligations as a flag state and then as a port state.
Chapter 10: Taxation
In last year’s regular report the Commission pointed out that Romania had to make
efforts - such as reducing the number of VAT exemptions and increasing excise levels -
to further align its legislation with the
The Commission also concluded that a
reorganisation of administrative fiscal structures should be undertaken. Romania has
since last year’s regular report made good progress on harmonisation of the legislation on
indirect taxation and taken some measures to improve the organisation of the tax
Since the 1999 regular report, further alignment of
legislation has been achieved
through two Ordinances that entered into force in January and March 2000. These
ordinances reduced the number of exemptions and the taxation of royalties and rents
related to the lands and constructions in the Free Zones has been submitted to the normal
regime. On the other hand some of those transactions which were previously taxed at the
reduced rate became exempt from VAT. Moreover, the scope of the zero-rate has been
expanded to some new areas and includes construction of new dwellings or buildings for
religious use and extension or consolidation of existing dwellings. Since March 2000 a
VAT refund procedure has been in force for foreign airlines and special schemes have
been introduced for second hand goods and tourism. The VAT regime on transactions on
immovable property has been aligned with the
Although not related to the
requirements of the
- which only requires a minimum standard VAT rate of 15%
but does demand a specific standard VAT rate - it is a noteworthy development that
during the period under consideration a single VAT rate of 19% replaced the previous
standard rate of 22% and the reduced rate of 11%.
system has been reformed through an Emergency
which entered
into force in February 2000. However, the excise rates for all taxable products are lower
than the minimum rates in the EC directives. As to the mineral oils, the excise duty
coverage was extended to “M” (motorina – Diesel oil) type and “P” (petroleum) type
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fuels, motor oils, naptha, paraffin, vaseline and additives for petrol on 31 January 2000.
However, the Government Ordinance of January 2000 specifically exempts the “M” type
and “P” type fuels used for household consumption.
direct taxation
the company profit tax is 25 % but a more favourable tax rate
of 5 % is applied for profits stemming from export activities.
As regards
administrative co-operation and mutual assistance,
on 1 January 2000 the
taxpayers' file system for legal entities, which was earlier implemented in five pilot local
administrations, was extended to the whole country and a new single tax return was
Overall assessment
Although significant progress has been achieved on alignment of legislation on indirect
taxation, much has still to be done. The requirements in the
on legislation on
direct taxation are not met and the compatibility of newly introduced measures in this
area can be questioned. In spite of the measures undertaken to modernise the tax
administration, the effectiveness remains low.
Romanian VAT is generally speaking in line with the EC principles but the existing
legislation needs to be further amended and completed in order to fully comply with the
Several of the remaining and new exemptions are not compatible with the
As for the excise duties, changes have broadly aligned Romanian legislation with the
main principles of the
but it is to be noted that Romania is far from a complete
alignment in the area of excise duty minimum rates. In fact, Romania has made it clear
that on tobacco, alcohol and mineral oils full alignment cannot be achieved for several
years, due to the economic and social conditions of the country.
On direct taxation, a substantial harmonisation is still required. The special tax rate for
profits from export activities has to be examined for compatibility both with Community
rules and WTO rules.
The provisions in the conventions on the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the
Prevention of Fiscal Frauds are not sufficient to cover all the
in this field and no
special provisions concerning mutual assistance on recovering of debt claims exist in
Romanian law.
Particular attention should be given to improving the organisation, capacity and
effectiveness of the national tax administration. Although some measures have been
taken in this respect, much remains to be done on modernisation of the administration. A
serious problem is the delay in refunding VAT.
Chapter 11: Economic and monetary union
A detailed assessment of Romania’s economic policy in its various aspects has been
given above, in the chapter discussing the economic criteria (B-2). Therefore, the present
section is limited to a discussion of those aspects of the Economic and Monetary Union
- as defined by title VII of the EC Treaty and the other relevant texts - which
candidate countries should implement by accession at the latest (i.e. the prohibition of
direct public sector financing by the central bank, the prohibition of privileged access of
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the public sector to financial institutions, and independence of the national central bank).
As to the process of liberalisation of capital movements, the completion of which is a
condition of compliance with the EMU
this aspect has been covered above, in the
section on
Chapter 4 – Free movement of capital.
No legislative progress can be reported in this field.
Overall assessment
Romania will participate in EMU upon accession with the status of a country with
derogation as per Article 122 of the EC treaty. It will need to implement the necessary
changes to its institutional and legal framework by the date of accession.
Significant progress is still required to implement the
in this area.
The law on the Romanian National Bank restricts
direct public sector financing by the
central bank
and prohibits
privileged access of the public sector to financial
and is partially in line with the
However, further changes to the law
on the National Bank will be necessary to make it fully compatible with the
As concerns the
alignment of the national central bank statute with the Treaty,
including the independence of the monetary authorities and the explicit adherence to the
objective of price stability, it should be noted that the law on the Romanian National
Bank gives it a high degree of autonomy from the government. The objective of price
stability is mentioned in the law, although the objective does not have the same high
priority as in the EU. A number of further amendments are necessary to the statute of the
Romanian National Bank to make it compatible with the
As regards
administrative capacity, the Romanian National Bank seems to be well equipped to deal
with its tasks.
However, in the period under consideration there have been doubts as to whether the
Romanian National Bank has always acted fully within this legislative framework. For
example, it bought all treasury bills that were issued in order to recapitalise the Romanian
Commercial Bank and Banca Agricola and extended a large credit to the deposit
insurance fund, a public body. While these operations were aimed at preserving public
confidence in the financial system, they were not in line with the EMU
addition, they have made it more difficult for the NBR to meet its inflation objective.
Finally, they have raised questions as regards the independence of the NBR vis-à-vis the
government. Thus not only the legal framework, but also the practice of monetary policy
making needs improvement.
Overall, Romania needs to make changes to the National Bank of Romania Law to make
it fully compatible with the
improve macroeconomic stability, and strengthen
cooperation between the NBR and the Ministry of Finance in order to design more
coherent economic policies. The Ministry of Finance’s administrative capacity needs to
be strengthened significantly to allow it to play fully its role in this context.
Chapter 12: Statistics
In last year’s report the Commission pointed out that Romania has already made good
progress in the transposition of some areas of the statistics
In the period under
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consideration Romania has further aligned its legislation to the statistics
and has
improved its administrative capacity in this area.
As regards
statistical infrastructure
the National Commission for Statistics (CNS) is the
main producer of statistics. It co-ordinates a number of other bodies, such as ministries
and regional government bodies, which also produce statistics. CNS’s regional offices
play an important role in the collection of data. In order to reinforce their administrative
capacity moves are under way to concentrate and strengthen regional offices. The
relatively low number of CNS staff combined with a high staff turnover has given rise to
concerns. Since the last regular report the CNS has tackled this problem and tried actively
to improve its capacity to recruit and retain skilled staff.
A new Government Ordinance, adopted in August 2000 and amending the law on
organisation of public statistics, will strengthen the administrative capacity in this area,
enhance the scope of activities and will help to bring Romanian statistics in line with
principles of Community statistics.
demographic and social statistics
Romania has already achieved a
relatively high degree of compatibility with the EC system. However, household statistics
will need to be significantly redesigned. The next population and household census is
planned for March 2001. The legal basis for the census has been put in place and the
preparations for the census have begun. In the context of the preparation of the household
survey a pilot survey on the health status, based on administrative data, was carried out in
July 2000.
As concerns
regional statistics
the decision has been made to created statistics for the
newly created 8 regions (NUTS 2 level). A database for regional statistics is under
As concerns
macro-economic statistics,
nearly complete accounts including input/output
tables are produced. However, the quality of macro-economic statistics still needs
improvement in areas such as GDP coverage statistics. Improved transparency and
communication in the production of macro-economic statistics will be vital in order to
increase confidence in them.
In the field of
price statistics
the CNS has started a two step plan to introduce the
harmonised consumer price index. The first step was completed in January 2000, with the
second step planned for January 2001.
In its last regular report the Commission mentioned that Romania had already achieved
much progress in the transposition of the
business statistics.
Tourism statistics
are one of the few areas in this context, where the situation is not satisfactory and where
no progress has been made since the last regular report. In general tourism statistics
should be made more independent from administrative sources, which may change.
External trade statistics
have achieved a high degree of compatibility with the EC
system. But no new developments can be reported in this area for the period under
agricultural statistics
a pilot survey has been carried out in 2000 to prepare
the general agriculture census, which is planned for 2002. However, the general level of
compliance of agricultural statistics with EC standards is low and no progress can be
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reported since the last regular report. Important efforts need to be sustained also requiring
the allocation of large financial means.
Overall assessment
Romania has already transposed much of the statistics
and has made additional
progress during the period under consideration. However, statistical coverage for a
number of areas still needs substantial improvement. This is particularly the case for the
agriculture and tourism sectors.
Administrative capacity continues to be hampered by organisational problems and a high
level of staff turnover. However, over the last year the CNS has taken steps to address
these problems.
Chapter 13: Social policy and employment
The last regular report recognised that only limited progress has been made on the
legislative side and that the overall pace of reform was slow. Since then, no significant
progress has been achieved in this area.
In the field of
labour law,
a law regarding labour disputes has been adopted which
clarifies: types of labour disputes, procedures for declaring strikes, and procedures for
registering, conciliating, and arbitrating labour disputes. With regard to the adoption of
EC provisions, no progress can be noted, pending the adoption of New Labour Code.
equality of treatment,
a Consultative Inter-ministerial Commission on
equality of treatment between women and men has been set up in order to promote the
“mainstreaming” concept. However, with respect to equal pay, equal access to
employment, burden of proof and protection of pregnancy and maternity at work, no
legislative progress can be noted. With regard to the transposition of EC provisions, the
only development was the adoption of a law on paternal leave.
No progress has been made concerning legislation on
health and safety
at work. January
2000 saw the establishment of a new Labour Inspectorate. However, this body is still far
from being fully operational.
With regard to
public health,
EC tobacco directives are not fully transposed and no
measures in this respect can be recorded since the last report. In preparation for
participation in international monitoring activities, Romania has introduced the
obligation for health units to report to the Ministry of Health on epidemiological
problems. Through a separate Government ordinance an obligation for general
practitioners to report on a fixed list of diseases and to assure vaccination of children was
introduced. The legislation only partly covers the diseases that are included in the EC
monitoring network but does include an additional set of diseases where monitoring is
relevant for Romania. As regards AIDS, Romania has joined the EC network on HIV and
families, which allows for collaboration with EU-based NGOs, but this remains an area
where a considerable amount of additional work remains to be done.
New tripartite bodies have been set up for ensuring
social dialogue
in different fields. At
the same time, no progress has been observed with regard to social dialogue and
collective agreements at intermediary levels, especially at the sectoral level, which is
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hardly developed. Social dialogue and collective agreements are also very often absent in
private enterprises, especially new SMEs, (something that could impede the effective
implementation of the
in the area of social policy and employment policy). In spite
of the existing legal provisions, much legislation is still approved without adequate
consultation of social partners and without full consultation with the Economic and
Social Council.
The labour force survey indicates that employment grew marginally, by 0.3%, between
the first quarter of 1999 and the first quarter of 2000, following a decline of almost 2% in
the previous year. The employment rate in early 2000 has been estimated at just under
70%, significantly above the EU average. However, over recent years, aggregate
employment trends have reflected a high and rising share of employment in agriculture,
much of which represents under-employment in subsistence activities.
Work has started on the preparation of a National Plan for Employment and active
employment measures are carried out with support from the World Bank and from the
European Community, but no progress has been noted regarding the strengthening of the
administrative structures needed for future
European Social Fund type measures.
As regards
social protection,
the main legislative development has been the adoption of
a law concerning the public pension system and other insurance rights, which will
become applicable in April 2001. For a transitional period, a pension re-correlation will
eliminate the high discrepancies between pensions of people who retired in the 1980s and
newly retired people. However, the financial sustainability of the pension system is not
clear despite measures to raise the rate of contributions and to make them compulsory.
The National Solidarity Fund was established to provide a financial transfer from those
with high incomes to social assistance. A law establishing the National Council of the
Elderly has been adopted. A law on social assistance for the elderly and measures include
support for the families of the dependent elderly and actions to promote a more
independent lifestyle. An emergency ordinance, concerning the right to work of disabled
persons, contains provisions to improve access to the physical environment as well as a
decentralisation of specialised services.
The capacity of the system to deliver social assistance is hampered by lack of institutional
co-ordination, inadequately trained staff and insufficient budgets at local levels.
As regards the issue of
in August 2000, the government issued an
ordinance prohibiting all forms of discrimination including that based on race, religion,
gender or sexual orientation. The implementation of this legislation (which,
inter alia,
aims to transpose the provisions of the EC Directive, based on Art. 13 of the Treaty,
relative to discrimination on the grounds of race or ethnic origin), will require substantial
effort and continuous attention.
Overall assessment
Limited progress has been made with regard to the overall adoption of the
substantial problems remain. Particular efforts need to be intensified to complete the
legal and institutional framework and to build administrative capacity.
The scale of Romania's labour market problems is far greater than indicated by aggregate
data on employment and unemployment because of the extent of underemployment in
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agriculture. Necessary re-structuring of large public enterprises will pose additional
challenges in the future.
The adoption of a new Labour Code should be a priority for the government. Important
issues, such as protection of employee rights in cases of collective redundancies and
employer's insolvency are not yet fully addressed. A National Guarantee Fund for cases
of employers' insolvency should meet the requirements of the EC Insolvency Directive.
This is a short-term priority of the Accession Partnership.
The structures for social dialogue exist but are not accorded sufficient importance and
need to be used in a way that permits effective social dialogue. The Government's
capacity to monitor social dialogue should be reinforced and it should develop structures
for autonomous social dialogue as well as for the conclusion of collective agreements at
sectoral and enterprise levels. Support for building the capacity of the social partners is
one of the short-term priorities of the Accession Partnership and still needs to be
A considerable amount of additional work is needed in the area of legislation on
occupational health and safety and in order to make the integrated Labour Inspectorate
operational. Continued efforts are needed to ensure efficient social protection measures,
although budgetary resources remain scarce.
Health standards remain a matter of concern in Romania. According to the WHO, the
infant mortality rate is extremely high in Romania. Life expectancy at birth is one of the
lowest in Europe and the natural population growth rate has been negative for several
years. Most health indicators show poor health compared to the state of health in the EU.
Reasons include low-income levels, environmental pollution, the low quality of housing,
a lack of proper drinking water, poor access to hygienic waste disposal, and the relatively
low quality of health care services combined with limited access to them.
Work remains to be done on the labelling of tobacco products. Further extension of the
monitoring of communicable diseases is also necessary.
In May 1999, the Romanian government ratified the main articles of the
European Social Charter.
Nevertheless, in line with the needs identified by the
Commission in previous documents, much remains to be done to strengthen the public
administration and enforcement structures in most areas of social policy and particularly
on health and safety at work, public health and labour market and employment policies.
Chapter 14: Energy
As regards energy, the conclusions of the 1999 Regular Report stressed that, although
some progress had been made in creating the appropriate legislative framework, Romania
had to step up considerably its efforts to prepare for integration. Since then, Romania has
put the emphasis on the implementation of the electricity and heating law adopted in
December 1998.
security stocks and oil supply crisis management
measures has
still not been transposed. Romania has informed the Commission that it is maintaining a
minimum level of crude oil/oil products for 67.5 days. This is a good basis for meeting
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the requirements of the EC oil stock
but there is no reliable oil stock monitoring
system or an agency to carry this out.
The restructuring of the
electricity sector
is ongoing: in July 2000, the generation,
transport and distribution activities of the former National Electricity Company (CONEL)
were separated into legally autonomous companies. The new company
TRANSELECTRICA has the responsibility for the operation of the transmission system,
and also fulfils the market operator role, through its branch OPCOM.
As regards transposition of the
the National Authority for Regulation in the
Energy field (ANRE) has issued extensive secondary legislation on energy trade
arrangements and on tariff methodology. It has issued the first licences for supply,
distribution, generation, transmission and dispatching activities. Several eligible
customers have been accredited, and the first power generation company has been
privatised. Although ANRE is still understaffed, the salary levels have been substantially
Cross-subsidies between industrial and domestic electricity households were completely
removed. Cross-subsidies between electricity and heat were strongly reduced with a view
to phasing them out by the end of 2000.
In the
gas sector,
Romania has continued to transpose the
and established a
National Agency for Natural Gas Reserves (ANRGN) in January 2000. The Agency is
responsible for issuing licences, drafting operational legislation, establishing gas tariffs,
and monitoring the observance of competition rules. This new regulatory body should be
given adequate financial means and staff in order to be able to function properly.
The second stage of restructuring the gas sector was carried out in April by unbundling
ROMGAZ into five new companies responsible for transport, production, underground
storage and distribution (two companies). In addition, a Government Ordinance of
January 2000 established a competitive and transparent legal framework for activities in
the natural gas sector under conditions, and also regulated natural gas production,
transmission, underground storage, transit, distribution and supply activities. However,
concerns have been raised about the compatibility of this text with the Gas Directive. The
law fails to address the requirements of the Directive that separate accounts must be
produced for supply and transportation functions within a vertically integrated company
and gives an unfair competitive advantage to ROMGAZ. This Ordinance has to be
confirmed by Parliament, and these concerns should be addressed during the discussions
in the legislature.
Cross-subsidies between industrial and domestic gas households have been completely
In the
sector, the implementation of the privatisation programme of the National Oil
Company "PETROM" S.A. has continued. A capital increase was completed. An
international auction was organised in the beginning of year 2000, but all the five offers
were considered unsatisfactory.
The work for interconnection to UCTE (the interconnected European power-exchange
network) is under way with the construction of a 400 kV sub-station, and with the
planned construction of a second 400 kV line interconnection with Hungary.
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Concerning transposition of the
energy efficiency,
Romania has made little
progress. The efficiency of the energy network and in particular of the heating systems is
very poor. Given the high-energy intensity of its economy (estimated at between two and
four times that of Member States), Romania should consider taking drastic measures to
improve its energy efficiency. In particular, the Romanian Agency for Energy
Conservation should be given the means to enforce a clear energy efficiency policy.
As regards the issue of
nuclear energy,
Cernavoda unit 1 nuclear reactor (a CANDU unit
of Canadian design) provides 9-10% of the country’s electricity. According to the
European Nuclear Society, Cernavoda 1 achieved good results in 1999 with only two
unplanned shutdowns. The construction of the second reactor is underway, but delays
have occurred due to difficulties to secure the financing. The Romanian nuclear operator
has applied for a Euratom loan of
375 million, which is approximately half of the total
required to complete the construction of Cernavoda unit 2. The present schedule for the
loan agreement foresees a Commission Decision toward the end of 2001. Other loans are
being sought from Canada and Italy.
Considering the limited resources, the Nuclear Safety Authority (CNCAN) performed a
significant and competent effort during the licensing of Cernavoda 1. However, at present
there are only a limited number of key qualified senior experts in this field, and the
emphasis must be put on filling vacant posts and staff training. Salary differentials with
industry in the field of installation safety have recently decreased, but these must be
brought down even further if CNCAN is to maintain its competence and expertise in the
longer term.
Overall assessment
The whole energy sector in Romania is currently being restructured in order to adapt
itself to the single market established in the
In 2000, the electricity and gas
utilities have been unbundled and all cross-subsidies have been removed in these sectors.
However, the restructuring process is slower than initially planned and the long-term
process remains unclear. In the forthcoming months, major steps still have to be taken by
the Romanian authorities to complete this process.
Due to a lack of financial resources, the problem with unpaid energy bills has been
growing and endangers the whole energy sector in Romania. Fortunately, Romania has
taken steps to address this issue, for instance by disconnecting non-payers when possible.
This situation deprives the energy sector of the financial resources it needs to improve its
low efficiency and undermines the viability of the nuclear power plant.
Limited progress has been achieved in the oil sector.
As regards the issue of nuclear energy, the EU has repeatedly emphasised, most lately at
the European Council in Helsinki, the importance of a high level of nuclear safety in
candidate countries in the context of the Union's enlargement. In this context, Romania
continues to ensure a high level of nuclear safety. However, limited progress has been
achieved in the field of transposition of the
The Romanian nuclear sector remains
dependent on outside help in terms of design and manufacturing capabilities. The
departure of western experts has given rise to concerns about the long-term handling of
safety issues and access to technology and qualified services may prove difficult
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considering the present economic situation. Due attention should be given to preparing
the implementation of Euratom safeguards.
Chapter 15: Industrial policy
The 1999 regular report’s main conclusions on industrial policy were: that measures to
stimulate an environment of open and competitive markets had yet to be consistently
applied; that the Romanian authorities had yet to implement a strategic industrial policy;
and that there was a need to build capacity in the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
However, only limited progress has been made over the last year.
There is still no official
industrial policy
at either national or sectoral level - although
the Ministry of Industry and Trade has produced a draft global industrial policy
document. Some progress has been made towards a more coherent industrial policy
through the government’s Action Plan for the implementation of the Medium-Term
Economic Strategy. However, the proposals related to industry are both general and very
ambitious. They are also already behind schedule - which gives rise to doubts as to the
capacity of the government to implement them successfully.
Over the last year the
process has continued in Romania although it is
behind the government’s planned schedule. The 2000 privatisation programme foresees
the privatisation of 2,505 companies, but during the first half of 2000 only 609
companies were privatised. Of these, less than 5% of the privatisations were concluded
with foreign investors. In addition, a sizeable amount of the privatisation contracts signed
in 1998 and 1999 have been cancelled because the investors could not honour their
Adopting a plan for restructuring the
steel sector
in line with EC requirements was one
of the 1999s Accession Partnership’s short-term priorities, and a major study on the
restructuring of the Romanian steel industry was approved by the government at the
beginning of July 2000. The results of this study should constitute the basis of the
government’s position regarding the steel sector. Nevertheless, a national steel
programme has yet to be decided by the government and only one minor steel company
has been privatised. Due to the delays in restructuring and the unrealised privatisation of
Romania’s main steel company (SIDEX), the general situation of the steel sector has
As regards other sectors, an Emergency Ordinance completed the regulatory framework
for privatisation of the food industry. The former
régie autonome
RATMIL (defense and
aeronautics manufacturing) was restructured and converted into the National Company
ROMARM S.A. In the shipbuilding industry, six of the twelve main shipyards have been
privatised and the others are being prepared for privatisation. In the automotive industry,
the privatisation of the Dacia company has been concluded.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade is responsible for the development and application of
industrial policy, including harmonisation with the
A certain rationalisation of the
Developments in Industrial policy should be seen in relation to developments in the context of SME
policy (see
chapter 16 – Small and medium-sized enterprises).
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ministry took place over the last year (reducing its staff by 40%) and various agencies
under its responsibility were reorganised.
Overall assessment
The general state of Romanian industry continues to deteriorate and there are no signs of
immediate improvement. Although exports increased considerably during the first half of
2000, a large part of this increase stems from non-processed goods and therefore does not
reflect increased productivity. Excessive bureaucracy continues to pose major problems
for businesses. The privatisation and restructuring process is behind schedule and suffers
from a lack of transparency.
Romanian industrial policy cannot yet be said to be either market-based or predictable.
The constantly changing legal environment is detrimental to the entire privatisation and
restructuring process and represents a barrier to any kind of investment. Widespread
corruption and a large underground economy further hamper the development of a sound
business environment. These issues should be addressed in the short term.
Different Government action plans and strategy papers do identify many of the reforms
necessary to build a more enabling business environment. However, clear responsibilities
for implementing and monitoring the measures within established deadlines have not
been assigned. Nor have adequate resources (human and financial) been allocated to their
implementation. Doubts therefore remain as to the ability of the government to
implement these reforms. These issues should be addressed as a matter of priority.
An important dimension of industrial policy is the control of state aids
(see Chapter 6 –
Despite the reorganisation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, there has been very
limited progress since the last regular report in terms of improving administrative
capacity. It is far from clear whether the ministry has the ability to deal with the
privatisation and restructuring process, and insufficient collaboration with other
ministries has led to confusing and incoherent legislation. These issues need to be dealt
with in the short term.
Chapter 16: Small and medium-sized enterprises
Since last year there has been very limited progress in the SME sector. At the same time,
many SMEs are facing economic difficulties: in 1996, 71% of SMEs recorded a profit,
whilst in 1998, only 47% recorded a profit. Preliminary data indicates that this situation
has worsened during 1999.
The lack of a predictable
business environment
remains a cause for serious concern.
The legal framework for SMEs changes constantly which places a very considerable
burden on individual enterprises. Several studies have identified the major problems
Developments concerning SME policy should be seen in relation to developments in the context of
industrial policy (see
Chapter 15 - Industrial policy).
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faced by SMEs, but the government has not responded with any major policy initiative
aimed at addressing these problems. Other than streamlining company registration
procedures (through the introduction of a one-stop-shop), administrative barriers have not
been reduced since the last regular report.
As regards SME policy
the institutional set-up governing SMEs has changed since the
last regular report: the Agency for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises was incorporated
into the National Agency for Regional Development, which also absorbed the Romanian
Development Agency. The Commission is concerned by this re-organisation which has
been interpreted as sign of reduced importance given to this sector. Through the National
Agency for Regional Development, Romania has developed several programmes
providing limited financial assistance for SMEs. However, the level of funding available
is insufficient to address the considerable needs that exist.
No progress has been made over the last year in relation to the Romanian
which is more restrictive than the EC definition (in terms of the annual
turnover for SMEs).
Since the last regular report, six Euro Information Centres have been established.
Romania has also taken part in Europartenariat.
Overall assessment
The SME policy of Romania is not fully in line with the principles and objectives of EC
enterprise policy, particularly with regard to the simplification of the business
environment. The adverse business environment means that SMEs have found it difficult
to develop to their full potential. Stabilising and streamlining the legal and regulatory
framework should be addressed as a short-term priority.
SMEs access to long term finance for investments is also a major problem. Statistical
data from 1998 shows that, of the credit extended by banks, SMEs received 33% of short-
term credit and only 19% of the total long-term credit. Addressing this issue should be a
further short-term priority.
The extent to which the new National Agency for Regional Development will improve
the existing situation is unclear. It is important that the Agency allocates adequate
resources to enhance its capacity to design policies and implement measures aimed at
boosting SMEs development. It should also ensure that SME support is taken into
consideration in all of the government’s economic and industrial policies.
Chapter 17: Science and Research
Further progress has been made in this area since the last regular report.
Since its association with the
Fifth Framework Programme
(FP 5) and with Euratom
FP 5 in July 1999, Romania has actively participated in proposals to all the thematic
programmes, although initial indications are that success rates fall short of expectations.
A National Contact Point (NCP) system including eight regional representatives and
contact points in research institutes and universities has been set up. Members to all
Programme Committees, advisory groups and the evaluation experts’ pool have been
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The National Plan for Research and Technological Development and Innovation was
launched in September 1999 and includes sub-programmes focused on participation in
the 5
Framework Programme, Euratom, COST and bilateral co-operation. In 1999 the
National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation established a consultation
mechanism involving all relevant ministries, representatives of scientific community,
industry and social partners.
Overall assessment
Romania is making efforts to better integrate its scientific and entrepreneurial
communities in the EC research and technological development policy, but work is still
needed to improve the quality of project proposals. The role of the National Agency for
Science, Technology and Innovation is limited to provision of information, support in
identifying partners and project preparation. However, the National Agency for Science,
Technology and Innovation has limited resources to provide these services nation-wide
and therefore an increase of personnel and stabilisation of the office as well as co-
operation with other organisations such as NGOs should be actively sought. Also the
functioning of the Inter-ministerial Committee should be improved with a view to ensure
a better participation of Romania in the 5
Framework Programme.
For the further development of the sector it is essential to have an increase in the gross
domestic expenditure in research and development as percentage of GDP, which is
relatively low (the GERD/GDP ratio was 0.58% in 1997 and decreased to 0.47% the
following year due to the reduction of the national GDP). Consequently, enterprises have
hardly invested in R&D: the shortage of public support, the tendency to import
equipment and technologies ready made and the interest to produce and sell without long
term objectives, all these factors explain the entrepreneurs’ reluctance to assume the
financial risk of R&D initiatives.
Chapter 18: Education and training
In 1999 Romania continued to participate actively in a number of
bilateral part A).
In addition an Association Council decision allowing
participation in the second phase of the Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci programmes
(2000-2006) was adopted in September. Preparations have been made for participation,
also from 2000, in the Youth programme, which incorporates European Voluntary
As regards vocational training several measures were taken in line with the principles of
the common vocational training policy. These include measures on the organisation of
adult education and the establishment of the National Board for the Vocational Training
of Adults, which has been charged with the development of a coherent legal and
institutional framework for adult training. Equal access to vocational training for all
adults was established in August 2000. In September 1999, a tripartite body, the Council
for Occupational Standards and Attestation was given legal personality in order to ensure
transparency of qualifications.
In higher education a council was set up during the reference period to certify the quality
management systems
Secondary legislation has been adopted on: general objectives and
guidelines for second chance education; entrepreneurial education; combating social
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exclusion; providing access to the pre-university education, colleges and universities for
young Roma; and integration of the children with disabilities.
Measures have been taken to facilitate the free movement of students. Student, professor
and researcher mobility has been introduced as an indicator of the performance of higher
education institutions. Periods of studies of at least one semester or examinations taken in
an EU member state are recognised. As from the academic year 2000-2001 higher
education institutions will issue, upon request, a diploma supplement to facilitate the
recognition of qualifications.
In principle EU nationals enjoy the same rights as Romanian students in higher
education. However, equal treatment will still have to be extended to tuition fees, which
are higher for EU nationals than for Romanian students.
Overall assessment
The National Agencies for the implementation of Community programmes are
established, fully functional and have financial autonomy. A network of regional agencies
for the Leonardo da Vinci programme is being established.
Concerning the new Youth programme, that incorporates European Voluntary Service
activities, a legislative framework to regulate voluntary activities in Romania needs to be
A number of measures have been taken to align Romanian policy on vocational training
with that of the Community. Nevertheless, a clearer and more integrated approach needs
to be developed. Efforts to establish coherent mechanisms for certification of vocational
qualifications, for accreditation of training providers and for quality assurance are
There has been no progress on transposition of the
Directive on the education of
children of migrant workers.
Romania has not ratified Article 10 of the European Social Charter which stipulates the
right to vocational training.
Chapter 19: Telecommunications and information technologies
In last year’s regular report the Commission noted the lack of legislation in this field and
the lack of proper administrative capacity. In the period under consideration no
significant developments can be reported in this domain. However, some progress has
been made in the digitalisation of the network and in improving the penetration rate for
fixed voice telephony service.
As for the
liberalisation of the telecommunications market,
the authorities have taken
steps to introduce additional competition in mobile telephony by licensing for GSM
services at 1800 MHz.
Romtelecom continues to enjoy a monopoly for fixed line telephony, which is scheduled
to end on 1 January 2003.
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The National Agency for Communications and Informatics is the
telecommunications. However, this Agency does not possess the powers and human
resources required for ensuring that the relevant
is transposed rapidly. The General
Inspectorate for Communications is responsible for frequency management and
monitoring the telecommunication markets.
Postal services
are still a monopoly controlled by the Romanian Post. The regulatory
authority is – as for telecommunications – the National Agency for Communication and
Informatics. In the period under consideration there has been no progress in the
transposition of the
Overall assessment
The development of a dynamic and competitive telecommunication market in Romania is
still hindered by the inadequacy of the regulatory framework and an exercise of the
regulatory function of the state which is not yet clearly and efficiently organised.
Recently the allocation of 1800 MHz frequencies demonstrated these weaknesses in the
Romanian regulatory regime. Although Romtelecom claims to have been awarded an
exclusive licence to provide GSM services at 1800 MHz, the two current GSM operators
at 900 MHz also claim to have received such frequencies and a court case has ensued.
Award of an exclusive licence for mobile services at 1800 MHz would be in
contradiction with the
and an unnecessary and backward step.
Progress has been unsatisfactory. Therefore fast action will be necessary, if the
Romanian authorities want to achieve their goal of implementing the remaining
regulation necessary to open the market for fixed line telephony by 1 January 2003.
Chapter 20: Culture and audio-visual policy
The last report recorded the adoption of the law amending the 1992 radio and television
broadcasting law, which was not, however, in full compliance with the
Since the last report limited progress was achieved in alignment with the
An inter-ministerial working group for the audio-visual sector was set up in
December 1999 to analyse problems in the approximation process and to make
recommendations. However, the new framework law to regulate the audio-visual domain
has not been adopted and the debate is still ongoing.
In May 2000, the National Audio-visual Council issued a regulatory decision concerning
advertising, tele-shopping and sponsorship with a view to legislative harmonisation. It
also issued two decisions to strengthen its monitoring activity (on the presentation and
approval of program charts and on the obligations of license holders). The monitoring
and sanctioning activities of the Council have been considerably intensified. Staffing was
raised from 120 to 138 and the allocation from the state budget was increased.
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Overall assessment
Romania’s existing legislation is not fully aligned with the audio-visual
some progress in recent years. Hence, the relevant short-term priority in the 1999
Accession Partnership has not been adequately met.
Romania has not clarified its position with respect to its obligations under the WTO/
GATS in the context of the accession process, as well as of the Europe Agreement.
Romania has signed, but not yet ratified, the Transfrontier Television Convention of the
Council of Europe.
The monitoring and sanctioning capacity of the National Audio-visual Council has
improved and clear priorities to strengthen the administrative capacity in the medium-
term have been set.
On the whole, Romania has made limited progress and still has to finalise a legislative
process to achieve alignment with the Community
It will also have to adopt a
clear position ensuring that its international obligations will not prove an obstacle in
achieving progressive alignment and full adoption and implementation of the
the date of accession.
Chapter 21: Regional policy and co-ordination of structural instruments
The last regular report on Romania’s progress in the field of regional development
recognised that the legal and institutional basis for developing regional policies were in
place. However, the report also noted that further efforts were required to ensure effective
implementation of structural policies and also to build the necessary administrative
structures and management capacities, (both centrally and at regional level). Limited
progress has been achieved over the reporting period.
With regard to the
legislative framework,
secondary legislation has been adopted
establishing a distinct body for managing and channelling EC funds including regulation
of co-financing.
Concerning the
preparation for programming,
a preliminary National Development
Plan has been drawn up and presented to the Commission. The Romanian Government
in May 2000 endorsed the final version of the plan. This document is the first plan
involving partnership between national and regional authorities as well as the institutions
of civil society.
The National Agency for Regional Development has been appointed as co-ordinator of
the National Development Plan and as the implementing authority for Cross Border Co-
operation. This agency, the National Agency for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
and the Romanian Development Agency have been merged into a single Agency, in an
attempt to reduce overlaps between administrative bodies and to increase administrative
As regards
management capacity and financial procedures,
little progress has been
made. The National Agency for Regional Development still faces difficulties in creating
efficient financial mechanisms, due to lack of experience, weak co-ordination with the
National Fund and an unclear relationship with the Regional Development Agencies.
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These regional institutions are equipped in terms of staff and office facilities but still
need assistance in project monitoring and training, (as does the National Agency for
Regional Development). Further work is needed to reinforce the administrative capacity
at both the regional and central levels. No tangible progress has been made as regards
supervision, control, reporting and evaluation.
Overall assessment
Although Romania has made progress in this area, a number of serious difficulties remain
and efforts to develop the administrative capacity and to establish a co-ordination
mechanism need to be continued.
Romania has set up a clear legislative and administrative framework for running regional
policy in line with the
including territorial organisation. A provisional
classification was introduced consisting of 42
(similar to NUTS 3) and of
groupings of
the so-called macro-regions (similar to NUTS 2).
Nevertheless important efforts still have to be made in administrative and budgetary
procedures, which are crucial for a sound implementation of an economic and social
cohesion strategy. Financial control and the capacity to manage and control public funds
remain very limited, especially at regional level, and need close attention from the
Romanian authorities.
As to regional
data for the determination of eligibility are available for
Objective 1 and INTERREG criteria. However, the provision of data necessary to meet
the ex-ante evaluation requirements has yet to be assured. For instance, for the macro-
regions (level 2), very limited data exists concerning investment, social indicators and
structural business statistics. Statistics seem only to be available for employment.
As regards administrative capacity, the main priority is to strengthen co-ordination and
management structures in order to allow an efficient and partnership-based decision-
making process, at regional and local level, that is coherent with national regional policy.
A clear and balanced allocation of responsibilities should be implemented: at national
level, between national administrations involved in the future management of structural
Funds (NARD and line Ministries); and at macro-region level between all the participants
involved in Regional Development Boards.
Chapter 22: Environment
The 1999 Regular Report stressed the very little progress Romania had made in the field
of environment, and its weak administrative capacity.
However, over the new reporting period, Romania has introduced several reforms to
reinforce administrative capacity at local level. In order to improve co-ordination
between the national level that sets policy and legislation, and the existing 42 local
Environmental Protection Agencies that are responsible for monitoring and enforcement,
eight have been given regional responsibilities. A new self-financing mechanism has
been put in place: by charging fees for performing services, local EPAs now receive
additional financial resources that they can use to purchase monitoring equipment and to
improve their inspection and enforcement capacities.
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At the national level, the administrative capacity is still low and there is a lack of
resources devoted to EC approximation (management of pre-accession funds and proper
co-ordination between the General Directorate of European Integration and the technical
In contrast to previous years, Romania has made some progress with preparing strategies
for transposing the
The National Action Plan for Environmental Protection was
updated in November 1999 in line with the main accession priorities in this sector. In
addition, most of the sectoral approximation strategies have been finalised. Even though
the pace of legal transposition remains slow, several legal acts, transposing important
pieces of the
communautaire, have been issued. The lack of specific cost
assessments and the corresponding financial plans for implementation of main directives
is still problematic.
In the field of
horizontal legislation,
a framework law establishing an environmental
fund was adopted in May 2000. The fund is intended to act as an economic instrument to
support the development of major public investments in the environment. However the
law remains very general and will require extensive secondary legislation and possibly
even amendment before becoming operational. The law for the ratification of the Arhus
Convention regarding the free access to information and public participation in decision
making and access to justice for environmental matters has been adopted but additional
secondary legislation is needed to ensure implementation of these provisions.
nature protection,
several laws have been adopted in 2000. New laws
harmonise Romanian legislation with the Community
on the conservation of
natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, and on the conservation of wild birds. Other
laws ratify international conventions and agreements on the conservation of several
endangered species.
Industrial pollution control and risk management,
a Ministerial Order related to
norms for the technical and methodological framework for environmental protection
inspection has been adopted.
With regard to
genetically modified organisms
(GMOs), an Emergency Ordinance on
the obtaining, testing, using and trading of GMOs by modern technologies was adopted
in January 2000. On
legislation related to the commercial regime and user
restrictions of substances that deplete the ozone layer has been adopted.
waste management,
an emergency ordinance on the management and
control of PCB/PCT (Poly-Chlorinated Biphenyl / Poly-Chlorinated Triphenyl) was
adopted in March 2000. An Emergency Ordinance was published in June 2000,
specifying that future regulations on waste oils, used batteries, packaging and waste
packaging, incineration of waste, sludge, waste shipments and landfills of waste will be
introduced through Governmental decisions. This is therefore a measure that could speed
up the pace of transposition of waste legislation, which had previously been neglected.
No significant progress has been made for transposing legislation in sectors like
nuclear safety and radiation protection.
Substantial draft legislation is under
preparation in the
water quality
air quality
In 2000, several environmental accidents occurred in Romania. The most serious one was
Baia Mare’s cyanide spill, which was followed a few months later by other
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environmental incidents originating from the same industrial site. It proved the limited
capacity of the environmental institutions in Romania to manage cases of industrial
Overall assessment
The status of approximation is still very low. However, over the last year, sectoral
approximation strategies were finalised and several emergency ordinances aimed at
transposing the
were issued. Romania should build upon the progress it has made
by accelerating its transposition process in 2001.
The environmental accidents that occurred during the first months of 2000 have
confirmed the serious environmental problems existing in Romania, as well as the weak
administrative capacity in this sector and they have emphasised the need to significantly
increase the resources devoted to environmental protection. The Ministry of Waters,
Forests and Environmental Protection as the main authority responsible for
environmental policy, including legal drafting and enforcement, needs to be reinforced,
and must strengthen its co-ordination with line Ministries involved in environmental
Important efforts are also needed in order to reinforce the monitoring and laboratory
equipment at local and central level. The availability of reliable and accurate analytical
information is an essential prerequisite for an effective system of inspection and
enforcement of environmental legislation.
A realistic cost assessment and investment plan for implementing the heavy investment
directives in the sectors of water, waste and air should be urgently elaborated. The cost of
compliance with the environmental
has only been roughly estimated but,
according to a study financed by the Commission, their order of magnitude is
billion. A rational use of all the financial resources available is
essential as well as the promotion of financial instruments related to the efficient use of
natural resources and the respect of the “polluter pays” principle. In this context, the
establishment of an operational Environmental Fund should be considered a top priority.
Chapter 23: Consumers and health protection
Since the last report, where transposition of only two directives was recorded, progress
can be noted in transposition of both
related directives. Directives
on dangerous imitations and labelling of foodstuffs have been transposed. The inclusion
of the obligations of professionals and the definition of safe products bring Romanian
legislation largely in line with the directive on general product safety. On product liability
an ordinance was adopted in September 2000. It covers products as required by the
including electricity, and adapts the threshold of damage to the Romanian
As regards non-safety-related measures, a law on advertising was adopted in August 2000
and according to the Romanian authorities it covers the directives on misleading and
comparative advertising. An ordinance of September 2000 sets the legal framework for
distance selling contracts.
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As regards the
market surveillance
mechanism, the Office for Consumer Protection has
been the Romanian contact point with TRAPEX (Transitional Rapid Exchange of
Information System) since April 1999. Under TRAPEX, 36 notifications of dangerous
products in the Romanian market were received and processed in January-July 2000. In
order to further strengthen the market surveillance mechanism the office has concluded
several cooperation agreements with various public bodies including the Ministry of
Health and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
In the period January-July 2000, 7,123 complaints of the 12,537 received by the Office of
Consumer Protection were judged admissible. Consumer organisations submitted 260
complaints. The number of control actions carried out by the office has increased during
the reference period.
The Office for Consumer Protection has actively organised consumer awareness and
information campaigns both independently and in cooperation with consumer
organisations. Legal advice for consumers seeking compensation is also offered.
A considerable number of consultative structures have been established at local and
county level. In addition, an inter-ministerial committee for markets, products and
services surveillance and consumer protection was established in 2000 to develop and
improve the national system for market surveillance. It is a cooperation mechanism
between the ministries and between central public administration and civil society. In
Romania, 17 consumer organisations are registered and NGOs for consumer protection
operate in each of the 42 counties.
Overall assessment
Romania has made progress and improved its performance on several consumer
protection issues. However, some legislation, covering important areas of consumer
protection, remains to be adopted. Consumer credits, time-share and injunctions and
guarantees are areas of the
which are not yet covered by any legislation.
Improvements are needed to the existing provisions covering unfair contract terms.
Compliance of the very recently adopted legislation on advertising and distance selling
needs to be verified.
The necessary administrative structures are in place. These bodies have taken an active
role in initiating and enforcing legislation and in monitoring market activities. Problems
of high staff turnover and difficulties in recruiting new staff should be addressed in order
to ensure the continuation of reforms and the proper enforcement of legislation.
Information for consumers is made regularly available.
Chapter 24: Co-operation in the field of justice and home affairs
In last year’s regular report the Commission concluded that there had been some progress
in the field of justice and home affairs and that the most significant progress was
registered in the field of justice. The Commission emphasised that some important pieces
of legislation had to be adopted or amended and the restructuring and modernisation of
the relevant administrations, especially those under the Ministry of Interior, had to be
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Since the 1999 regular report there has been mixed progress in the field of justice and
home affairs. A positive evolution has continued in the field of justice. Some positive
measures have been undertaken on visa policy, asylum and money laundering. There is
still a need to adopt legislation in several important areas like the status of foreigners, the
state frontiers, the organisation of the police and the statute of police officers and data
protection. The reform of the Border Police has started but the modernisation of the
administrations subordinated the Ministry of Interior is in general slow.
Despite the fact that it was one of the short-term priorities of the 1999 Accession
Partnership Romania has not yet adopted legislation on
data protection
As far as
visa policy
is concerned, the Aliens law from 1969 is still in force. A proposal
for a new aliens law has been adopted by both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies
and is presently being dealt with by the Conciliation Committee of the two houses of the
Parliament. Starting from 1 July the Romanian authorities introduced restrictive
conditions for issuing visas for citizens of a number of former USSR countries. Romania
has now a restrictive visa regime with all former USSR countries except Moldova. From
August 2000 a visa regime has been introduced towards several countries in the
Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The decision not to grant visas at border points
except in special cases has been postponed as regards nationals of EU and NATO
Member States, Israel, Switzerland, Japan and Australia.
As far as
border control
is concerned, a new organisational structure came into force in
July 2000 under which the regional commands, which previously covered several
counties, have been split up into many small units. The process of demilitarisation has
also started and new training programs are being developed for border police officers.
Amendments in the law on the Romanian State Borders in June 1999 set up the General
Inspectorate of the Border Police which has jurisdiction over all state borders and is also
responsible for the Coast Guard service. However, the full revision of the law on the
state borders and the elaboration of a law on the functioning and organisation of the
border police have not yet been adopted.
two new readmission agreements have been concluded, one with
Ireland and another with Bulgaria.
As regards
amendments in the law on refugees have been adopted on 29 August
2000 through a government ordinance. The 1996 law on refugees had important
omissions, contained ambiguities and was not fully in line with the 1951 Geneva
Convention. The newly adopted amendments to the refugee law rectify most of the
omissions and introduce accelerated procedures and procedures for obviously unfounded
applications. However, the amended law does not contain provisions on the detention of
asylum-seekers, which remains an area that needs to be addressed. In July 2000, Romania
ratified the European Agreement on Transfer of Responsibility for Refugees.
In the field of
police co-operation and fight against organised crime,
the proposed
amendments to the law on police organisation and operation and the law on the statute of
police officers have not yet been adopted.
Although the legislative basis for the demilitarisation of the police has not been adopted,
some organisational changes have nevertheless been initiated. In March 2000, the Squad
for Countering Organised Crime and Corruption, the central structure specialised in
countering organised crime and corruption, was re-organised and turned into the
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Directorate for Countering Organised Crime within the Ministry of Interior. The
Ministry of Interior has initiated a modernisation of the Romanian Police aiming at
transforming the police into a civilian institution and respecting human rights. This
involves, inter alia, a substantial number of the staff dealing with administrative tasks
being transferred to operational tasks on local levels. The reform process will continue on
central and local levels.
As far as the
fight against fraud and corruption
is concerned (see also section B.1.1),
progress has been limited to the entry into force, in May 2000, of a new law on
prevention and punishment of corruption. There has been no development with the other
short-term priorities of the 1999 Accession Partnership - establishment of an independent
anti-corruption department, ratification of both the European Convention on Laundering
of Proceeds of Crime and the European Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, and
signing of the OECD Convention on Bribery.
In the field of
a law on the fight against trafficking and illicit consumption of
drugs came into force 3 August 2000. National programmes for drugs control and drugs
demand reduction have still to be developed.
The law on money laundering came into force in April 1999 and the National Office for
Preventing and Fighting Money Laundering Operations was established at the same time.
Between April 1999 and July 2000 the Office received reports concerning 186,343 cash
operations exceeding
In addition, 262 reports on suspicious transactions were
processed. Out of these, 102 were transferred to the General Prosecutor’s Office and as a
result, 32 cases are now under penal investigation. The Office has an adequate level of
funding and staffing.
Romania has made progress in the field of
customs co-operation.
In February 2000 the
Romanian Customs Administration launched a development strategy for the period
2000–2005. New structures have been created, including an enforcement and customs
control directorate, a counterfeited goods department and mobile teams for the special
customs surveillance area, reaching 20 km from the borders. Four bilateral agreements on
customs co-operation and mutual administrative assistance have been concluded and
others are in the process of being negotiated. The Romanian customs administration has
set up a structure for customs-related data analysis in view of improving risk
management in the customs area with the aim to fight illegal trade. The co-operation with
the Ministry of Interior has been strengthened and discussions have been initiated with
the Border Police in order to perform common control activities in border zones and to
define the responsibilities of each agency.
In the field of
judicial co-operation in criminal and civil matters
no major
conventions have been ratified since the last Regular Report (see
also section B.1.1 –
Democracy and the rule of law).
Overall assessment
Some important legislation has been adopted recently in the field of justice and home
affairs but it remains a cause of concern that some of this legislation has been adopted
through government ordinances without proper consultation. Much remains to be done on
legal approximation and on strengthening administrative capacity. Especially the process
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of reforming the border police and the national police should be speeded up and the
corruption problem needs to be addressed with radical measures.
A draft law on
data protection
has been submitted to the Parliament but needs to be
amended to include provisions for an independent supervisory body as well as provisions
giving individuals the right to have access to personal information stored in data bases.
Romania should also ratify the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of
Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data.
Despite recent reforms of
visa policy
Romania still needs to align the list of countries
whose citizens need a visa to enter Romania with the equivalent list for the EU. The data
information system for issuing and checking visas also needs to be improved. There is
not yet an on-line data transmission system for visa applications between the Romanian
diplomatic missions abroad, the central administration in Bucharest and the Romanian
border posts. Visa stickers are manufactured with methods using special ink and laser
components. Romanian passports are manufactured with a safety proof technique which
complies with international standards for machine-readable passports. A new type of
passport is envisaged, containing security features fully compatible with Schengen
Romania is one of the main transit countries for illegal immigration to Western Europe.
In the field of
border control
there is a lack of equipment especially for night
surveillance. Progress is also needed to prepare for future participation in the Schengen
co-operation where there is among other things a need to rebuild terminals at many
airports. Due to the high costs involved, such plans have been delayed. The laws on the
state frontier and on the border police need to be revised. The reform of the border police
has started but so far there has been little impact at the operational level. Further
initiatives need to be taken to restructure and strengthen the Border Police. The
progressive replacement of conscripts by contracted sergeants should continue. Training
of staff needs to be developed and there is a need to develop a long-term border
management strategy and interagency co-operation.
Community assistance through the annual border programmes needs to be complemented
by substantially increased national budget allocations.
Regulation regarding
is very limited due to the continued application of the
1969 Aliens Law. There are at present 13 agreements on readmission concluded with EU
Member States and 8 agreements with other countries. There is a need to conclude more
readmission agreements with neighbouring countries as well as with countries of origin
for illegal immigrants. There is also a need to adopt adequate provisions on illegal
immigrants and in particular to clarify the procedures for their expulsion.
As regards
applications have been increasing and at present 1000–1500
applications are received each year. In 30 June 2000 there were 1,689 recognised refugees
in Romania. The majority of asylum-seekers come from Asia and Africa. There are also
refugees from Albania and Kosovo. Due to lack of resources, accommodation centres for
asylum-seekers are badly equipped and have a shortage of staff. Romania also needs to
develop country of origin information. Asylum applications are handled within a
reasonable time limit by the National Refugee Office, which now reports directly to the
Minister of Interior. The Office has qualified and well trained personnel but problems
related to a lack of adequate office facilities mean confidentiality relating to interviewing
of asylum-seekers can not be respected. The Office also has difficulties to complying
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with international standards on research, the use of country of origin information, and
computer processing of asylum claims.
As far as
police co-operation and fight against organised crime
is concerned, 32
multilateral and bilateral agreements have been concluded on the combating of terrorism,
drugs and illegal immigration. There are several international liaison officers in
Bucharest but Romania does not have the means to send liaison officers itself. There is an
exchange of information via Interpol and the Ministry of Interior has set up a Europol
department dealing with transborder crime. As regards cross-border surveillance, foreign
officers can not carry out activities directly in Romania. Cross-border surveillance can
only be carried out through mutual co-operation and there are no agreements with other
states on hot pursuit.
In spite of the previously mentioned ongoing reform process of the police, inhuman and
degrading treatment of suspected and detainees continue to be reported by human rights
Regarding the
fight against fraud and corruption,
further changes are needed in the
Criminal Code to introduce liability for legal persons. Major efforts are also needed in
order to improve implementation capacity of the bodies charged with the fight against
corruption where there is a lack of qualified staff and serious shortcomings in the co-
operation between institutions. On the fight against
Romanian legislation provides
for punishments in line with the 1995 Convention on the Protection of the European
Communities’ Financial Interests. However, substantial efforts are required to develop
administrative structures to fulfil all legal obligations in relation to financial management
and control of EC funds. Romania should prepare for co-operation with OLAF.
Romania is a party to all the international conventions listed under the
in the field
with the exception of the 1995 Agreement on illicit traffic by sea, which still
has to be ratified. A national strategy to combat drug abuse and drug trafficking should
be developed and should include a national approach to inter-agency co-operation. The
present National Drug Information Focal Point should be further developed in accordance
with the requirements of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drugs
Addiction. The UN Convention against Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances has not been ratified.
The legislation on
money laundering
is largely compatible with the
international standards, but Romania still needs to ratify the Council of Europe
Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from
In the field of
customs co-operation,
Romania has improved the inter-agency co-
operation and made efforts to facilitate relations with the trade community through
progressive computerisation. Unfortunately, these positive developments are undermined
by corruption in the Romanian customs services, which is still a problem despite the
recent initiatives taken by the Romanian Customs Administration. Romania’s future
participation in the Customs Information System will require adequate data protection
As far as
judicial co-operation
is concerned, Romania has ratified most of the
international conventions included in the
Ratification is still pending on: the
Hague convention of 1965 on service of documents; the Hague convention of 1970 on
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the taking of evidence abroad; the Hague convention of 1980 on the international access
to justice; the European convention on recognition and enforcement of decisions
concerning custody of children and restoration of custody of children; and the Council of
Europe’s Criminal Convention on corruption. In addition, Romania has yet to sign the
Convention of the OECD on Combating Bribery and Corruption in International Business
Transactions. Romania has not yet been invited to join the Lugano Convention on
jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements. However, the Romanian
legislation is already largely in line with the Brussels, Lugano and Rome conventions (see
also 3.1, chapter 5).
Romania’s requests according to the convention on extradition have raised some
difficulties; in particular in connection with judgements delivered
in absentia
Romanian courts. The implementation of the convention on the transfer of sentenced
persons has so far been unsuccessful and it has not yet been possible to transfer
Romanian nationals convicted in member states to serve sentences in Romania.
All the
human rights
legal instruments part of the Justice and Home Affairs
been ratified by Romania, with the exception of the 1981 Council of Europe Convention
on the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data.
Chapter 25: Customs union
In its last regular report the Commission noted that Romania had made some progress on
customs legislation but that it was difficult to judge the quality and uniformity of its
application since much of the legislation was recent. Since then Romania has made
steady progress.
As regards alignment between the Romanian legislation and the
EC Customs Code and
its implementing provisions,
Romania has made further progress in the application of
simplified procedures. The procedure allowing for customs clearance on the premises of
an exporter is now applied. Simplified procedures in the inward processing procedure
have now been applied.
Regarding the
outside the Customs Code,
the drawing up the Romanian
Integrated Customs Tariff started in September 1999. During 1999 and 2000, Romania
has made important progress in the alignment of Transit legislation to the Community
Regarding the pan-European system of origin, Romania has agreed to the
amendments to the system which will come into force in January 2001. For the system to
be complete, it remains for Romania to sign the necessary Free Trade Agreements with
Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Within CEFTA, the member countries, including
Romania, signed the Additional Protocol no. 8 regarding the aforementioned system.
As far as the
administrative and operational capacity
to implement the
concerned, the Integrated Tariff Division within the Customs Administration was set up
in September 1999. Also established was the Guarantee Office and the Office for Control
in Transit. Romania aims to have a computerised integrated tariff by the end of 2002 (in
printed form by the end of 2000). Romania has applied to be a member of the Common
Transit Convention and the Convention on Simplification of Formalities. From February
2000 the provisions of the Common Transit Convention were applied in all customs
offices with road activity. The website of Romanian customs opened in July 2000.
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Concerning measures to combat fraud and corruption in the customs services the 1998
statute of customs officers has been supplemented by a Code of Conduct issued in March
2000. A financial incentive rewarding the professional performance of customs officers
has also been created and the Romanian Customs Administration developed a medium
term strategy for the period 2000–2005. However, there has been no progress with plans
to improve training and to create a National School of Public Finance and Customs.
In February 2000, the Customs Administration signed a co-operation protocol with the
Ministry of Interior in order to improve co-operation with the Border Police.
Overall assessment
Romania has been making steady progress towards harmonisation with Community
standards and the principles of Romanian legislation are in line with the
should continue its efforts to align customs legislation (primary and secondary), and
should pay particular attention to implementing regulations.
Romania has made progress on administrative modernisation, although much remains to
be done. Progress has been good in the areas of transit, computerisation and the
application of simplified procedures, as well as the adoption of a customs development
plan and a Code of Conduct. However, more needs to be done on: the implementation of
the development plan, the setting-up of the public finance and customs school, the
development and implementation of training, the improvement of the system of customs
laboratories, and the establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding with economic
operators in order to facilitate trade and ensure efficient controls. The fight against fraud
and corruption should remain a priority.
Chapter 26: External Relations
Romania has continued to make progress with aligning itself with the EC’s commercial
policy. A Government Ordinance of October 1999 aligned Romanian legislation with the
Community regime for the control of exports of dual-use goods and technology. A
Government Decision concerning the lists of sensitive and very sensitive dual-use goods
and technology was adopted in January 2000. A Government Decision established the
list for the control of exports and imports of dual-use goods and the list for the control of
arms and ammunitions. These lists are identical to those used by the EC.
Upon accession Romania will be required to align its tariffs to the Common External
Tariff. Romania’s applied tariffs currently average 19.3% on all products, 32.8% on
agricultural products, 21.4% on fishery products and 15.6% on industrial products. By
comparison the EC tariffs currently stand at 5.3% on all products, 9.4% on agricultural
products, 12.4% on fishery products and 4.2% on industrial products.
Romania has also made progress in the implementation of the
in the fields of
technical related measures, but further alignment with the
is necessary in the field
of export credits.
As regards Free Trade Agreements, negotiations continued with Lithuania. A first round
of negotiations took place with Israel. Similar negotiations are also envisaged with Latvia
and Estonia, and exploratory consultations took place with Egypt, Morocco and FYROM.
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Within CEFTA, the member countries, including Romania, signed the Additional
Protocol No. 8 on the updated version of the Pan-European cumulation of origin of goods
also Chapter 25 – Customs Union)
and Romania has successfully integrated
amendments that have been made to these rules into domestic legislation.
Overall assessment
Where alignment with the Community
on commercial policy is necessary progress
has been made, for example with legislation covering rules of origin and dual use goods.
Romania’s commercial policy is, to a great extent, in accordance with that of the EUand
progress in trade liberalisation has been anchored through binding commitments under
the WTO and regional trade agreements. Romania has honoured its WTO commitments.
The EU and Romania have established a framework for co-operation regarding WTO
issues, both at ministerial and at departmental level. Romania has been supportive of EU
policies and positions within the WTO framework. As regards the new round, Romania
concurs with the EU on the need to launch a comprehensive trade round as soon as
possible and shares the view that the results of work under the built-in agenda would be
less substantial in its absence.
Romania needs to adhere to the WTO plurilateral agreement on Civil Aircraft. Romania
is a signatory to the Agreement on Information Technology (ITA).
Romania is not yet a signatory of the WTO Government Procurement Agreement
although significant progress has been made through the enactment, in August 1999, of a
new legal framework dealing with public procurement. Romania has confirmed its
intention to adhere to the WTO Agreement but has not indicated a timeframe for this.
As regards the WTO Agreement for Textiles and Clothing (ATC), Romania needs to use
the third stage of integration under the ATC to align its integration programmes with
those of the EC, while avoiding the integration of products not yet integrated by the EC.
Further co-ordination and close co-operation is necessary in order to consolidate the
adjustment of the Romanian list of commitments in GATS with the EC commitments and
EC Most Favoured Nation exemptions.
As regards
bilateral agreements with third countries,
Romania has, in general,
established preferential trade regimes with countries linked by similar agreements to the
EC. Romania is a member of CEFTA and has Free Trade Agreements with the EFTA
countries and with the Republic of Moldova. Further progress will be necessary – but,
overall, good progress has been made in aligning with the EC's international trade
obligations. Romania should continue to keep the Union fully informed about existing
trade agreements and negotiations aimed at the conclusion of any new trade agreement
with a third country.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade is responsible for questions related to commercial
policy. It is a competent and knowledgeable institution and has been able to ensure that
Romania’s trade legislation conforms to its international commitments. However, its
ability to influence trade-related policies developed by other ministries has been uneven.
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The administrative infrastructure as regards customs services is addressed under the
chapter relating to the Customs Union (Chapter
25 – Customs Union).
Chapter 27: Common foreign and security policy
The regular
political dialogue
established by the Europe Agreement is proceeding
smoothly and Romania continues to orient its foreign and security policy towards the
Union. Romania has actively participated in the Associated Countries Common Foreign
and Security Policy (CFSP) Network since November 1999.
Romania has shown a keen interest in the development of ESDP (European Security and
Defence Policy) as part of CFSP and has actively participated in the exchanges in this
context with the EU, in EU + 15 format (i.e. non-EU European NATO members and
candidates for accession to the EU).
As regards
alignment with EU statements and declarations,
Romania has regularly
aligned its positions with those of the Union and when invited to do so has associated
itself with the Union’s
joint actions and common positions.
During the course of 1999
Romania also associated itself, together with the other CEECs, with a joint action of the
EU concerning the fight against the proliferation of lightweight and small calibre
In the arms control field, the Ottawa Convention on landmines has been submitted to
Parliament for ratification.
Romania has been actively involved in the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe and
has acted as Chair in Office of the South-East European Co-operation Process. In
February 2000, under the Stability Pact, agreement was reached with Bulgaria on the
building of a second bridge over the Danube.
In addition to the Stability Pact, Romania has been actively participating in other regional
cooperation initiatives: The Royaumont process for good neighbourly relations and
stability, the South Eastern Cooperation Initiative, the Black Sea Economic Co-operation,
the Central European Initiative, and the Balkan Initiative. Since the last regular report,
one trilateral cooperation meeting has been held (Romania-Bulgaria-Greece).
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also supported several unilateral initiatives aimed at
developing civil society and an independent media in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(FRY). In addition, Romania has participated in the "Energy for Democracy" initiative
aimed at supporting the democratic forces of Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo. At the
OSCE Istanbul Summit, it was agreed that Romania would be the OSCE Chair in Office
in the year 2001, and as a consequence Romania began work as a part of the OSCE troika
in January 2000.
Romania’s relations with its neighbours are generally good and in May 2000 a Treaty of
Partnership and Privileged Relationships between Romania and the Republic of Moldova
was initialled.
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Overall assessment
The overall progress achieved in alignment with the
in the CFSP is satisfactory.
As the
in the field of foreign policy and security develops further so Romania
should maintain the orientation of its foreign policy in line with that of the EU.
Romania has actively participated in international peace-keeping and humanitarian
missions. Since April 1991, Romania has taken part in 6 United Nations peacekeeping
missions, representing a national commitment of more than 6,000 military and police
personnel. Romania has also participated in NATO-led missions (SFOR and KFOR). In
2000, the Romanian contingent deployed in Bosnia–Herzegovina consisted of 203
military personnel whose activities focused on rebuilding transport infrastructure.
Concerning the administrative capacity to implement the provisions relating to CFSP,
Romania has established a network of correspondents in all horizontal and geographical
directorates of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to ensure co-ordination with EU
instruments. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has allocated the necessary resources, both
in terms of staffing allocations and in terms of the appropriate information systems, to
allow Romania’s effective participation in the Associated Correspondents’ Network.
Chapter 28: Financial control
In line with the recommendations of the 1999 Regular Report the ex ante control function
and relevant staff of the Romanian Court of Accounts were transferred to the Ministry of
Finance as of January 1
, 2000. This was an important step, because, in accordance with
the relevant Accession Partnership priority, it clarified the separation of functions
between a government-independent role for the Court of Accounts (external audit) and
the responsibilities of the Government in matters relating to Public Internal Financial
Ex ante
financial control
is now a shared responsibility by budget implementing and
spending centres (line ministries and others) and the Minister of Finance (resident and
delegated financial controllers). However, the function of internal audit has not yet been
developed. Until now the Ministry of Finance, although responsible for the harmonisation
of methodology in control/audit matters, has not yet been able to establish clear policy
lines relating to the development of its Internal Audit function and its relations to the ex
ante financial control activities. Such policy lines are essential to the development of
improved primary and secondary legislation in the area of internal audit, and the
establishment of internal audit services in all government spending centres.
The Romanian Court of Accounts will remain the responsible institution for the external
audit function and will report to Parliament about the financial management and control
functions, institutions and procedures of the Government. The Court should begin to
prioritise the development of modern audit methodologies and ensure that its reporting
procedures lead to adequate follow-up of its findings.
Overall assessment
The Romanian authorities have not yet succeeded in elaborating an appropriate and
comprehensive policy framework for internal financial control over public funds. The
1999 legislation places a strong emphasis on the function of ex-ante financial control
while the role of internal audit is much less clearly defined. This creates the risk of
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unduly heavy preventive control procedures in the spending centres (line ministries and
other national budget spending centres), as well as in implementing agencies for EC-
funded programmes.
Clear policy guidelines need to be developed to make sure that the functions of
preventive financial control and of internal audit complement each other in supporting
the government to create adequate, effective and efficient internal control mechanisms. A
centralised body should be given responsibility for developing and introducing modern
auditing practices and techniques. The human resources development requirements for
implementation of adequate public internal financial control systems should also receive
considerable attention. The internal audit function will in particular create significant
training requirements, in view of the fact that this aspect of financial control has not been
developed in Romania until now.
Substantial efforts are still required to develop control mechanisms for pre-accession
funds in order to meet the requirements for a clear audit trail and proper accountability at
each stage. This is particularly the case for territorially decentralised programmes such as
regional and rural development. Systems for fighting irregularities, fraud, and corruption
and for recovering lost amounts should be developed.
Lack of progress in these areas limits the ability of public bodies to ensure sound
management of public funds as well as limiting Romania's capacity to ensure sound
management and control of EC pre-accession funds.
As regards the external audit function, Romania needs to modernise procedures for
financial and performance audit in line with international auditing standards, and to
develop relations between the Court of Audit and Parliament in order to improve the
reporting and follow-up of the audits performed by the Court.
Chapter 29: Financial and budgetary provisions
Romania made some progress over the reporting period in reforming
national budgetary
Notably, the number of extra-budgetary funds was reduced from twelve to
eight, reducing the total value of these funds from around 50% to around 18% of the
consolidated state budget. This step has contributed to simplifying and increasing the
transparency of budgetary procedures.
The Ministry of Finance has developed a methodology for preparing programme budgets,
which has been tested on a trial basis. A new budgetary classification, in line with
international standards, was used for the 2000 budget.
With regard to
EC co-financed measures,
little significant progress can be reported: the
arrangements for budgetary co-financing of EC pre-accession support still need to be
clearly established. In addition, little progress can be reported as regards
own resources
administrative infrastructure.
Overall assessment
Further efforts are required by Romania both in relation to the national budget and own
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Further amendments to Romania’s basic budgetary legislation will be necessary to bring
budgetary principles and rules into line with standards generally applicable in the
Community. The Law on Public Finance, which was last amended in 1996, requires
further significant modification to align it with modern budgeting principles. The
remaining special funds continue to cover areas of expenditure which could be covered in
the State or Social Security Budget. Their continued existence results in poor co-
ordination of budget policies and proposals. Further efforts are also needed to develop the
capacity for macroeconomic analysis as the basis for the budgetary process.
Legislation should be amended in order to strengthen Ministry of Finance’s role in
establishing the regulations and methodological norms to be applied by line ministries
when preparing their budget proposals. Under current procedures no information on
outputs or programmes is provided to support the budget allocations to
ministries/spending agencies. An additional problem is that procedures for capital and
current expenditure budgets are not fully integrated - which hinders the management of
projects financed through pre-accession funds.
Improved procedures are needed for medium-term programming of expenditure. The
powers of the Ministry of Finance as regards cash management and internal control
should be reinforced to improve the execution of the budget. The Ministry of Finance
should develop financial reporting requirements and evaluation and monitoring
procedures to be followed by all budget entities.
The relationship between the Executive and Parliament, as regards the budget process,
needs to be clarified. Parliamentary procedures for adoption of the budget are imprecise,
and Parliament has insufficient capacity to carry out independent reviews of budgetary
policies and proposals.
The operating procedures for the management of the EC pre-accession funds, through the
National Fund, should be further defined and implemented.
As regards the Community’s
Own Resources,
there is currently no provision in
Romanian law on levies for trading and warehousing sugar. Further alignment for the
calculation of the VAT and GDP resource is also necessary. Central co-ordination will be
needed to ensure the proper collection, monitoring and payment of funds to, and from,
the EC budget. Administrative capacity of the spending ministries also needs to be
strengthened. An inter-ministerial working group, headed by the National Commission
for Statistics, has been set up to examine these issues.
Translation of the
into the national language
Applicant countries are to translate the various legal texts constituting the
their national languages by the time of their accession. The
consisting of primary
and secondary binding legislation, represents a considerable volume of acts, roughly
estimated at 60,000-70,000 pages of the Official Journal. To help the candidate countries
in this process, assistance is being provided under the Phare programme. With the help of
TAIEX, a centralised Translation Co-ordination Unit has been created in each of the ten
candidate countries of central Europe.
Until the beginning of 2000 translation had been the responsibility of individual
ministries who typically relied on the translation services provided by universities and
private firms. This lack of a co-ordinated approach led to problems with the quality and
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consistency of translations. As of March 2000, approximately 7,700 Official Journal
pages of
had been translated but most of the texts are not definitive translations
and are in need of further linguistic and legal revision.
Since January 2000 the new European Institute of Romania has been charged with co-
ordination of the translation of the
Management of the translation exercise will
be carried out by a Translation Co-ordination Unit, which has the remit of establishing
translation priorities, revising existing translations in order to produce definitive
translations of the
and speeding up the translation of remaining texts. In parallel,
the Translation Co-ordination Unit is translating the primary legislation, having already
translated the Treaty Establishing the European Community, whose revision is in
Further efforts are required in this area.
General evaluation
Romania has continued to advance with the adoption of the
– although the
achievements over the last year have been mixed. In certain sectors both legal
transposition and the setting up of the necessary administrative structures are advanced.
At the same time there is a worrying lack of progress in certain key areas.
Those areas where positive developments can be noted include
company law
where Romania has achieved a high degree of compatibility with the
Romania has also made significant progress with the transposition and implementation of
transport acquis
during the last year (although the questions of fiscal harmonisation in
road transport and maritime safety still need to be addressed). Advances have been made
with the transposition of the
statistics acquis
although statistical coverage for a number
of areas still needs substantial improvement.
internal market legislation,
progress has been made in the field of public
procurement and positive developments have also taken place with regard to the
simplification of the issuance of work permits for EU citizens and the adoption of a new
law on social security. Romania has also eased authorisation requirements on capital
imports and has made progress in combating the problem of money laundering.
VAT and excise duties
are broadly in line with the EC principles.
Despite the positive achievements noted above, there are many areas where further
progress is needed. For the
internal market,
Romania still needs to develop framework
legislation on the principles of the New and Global Approach. A number of crises in the
banking industry demonstrate that the effective supervision of financial services still has
to be considerably strengthened. Further work is required to ease the authorisations for
capital exports and to transpose the
on cross border credit transfers. Romanian
legislation on the protection of personal data remains inadequate and substantial
harmonisation is still required in the area of direct taxation.
In the case of
a major structural reform of the sector is needed. The
conditions that would allow the implementation of much of the EC agricultural
not yet exist. The lack of administrative capacity is acute and the Ministry of Agriculture
is not able to either develop the necessary reforms, or to effectively implement those
items of legislation that have been adopted. In the case of
social policy,
little legislative
progress was made over the period and further measures are needed with regard to the
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adoption of a new Labour Code, improving the protection of employee rights, and
extending legislation on health and safety at work. The structures for social dialogue do
exist but need to be accorded greater importance. In the
environmental sector,
in contrast
to previous years, Romania has made progress with preparing strategies for transposing
but the status of approximation is still very low. Specific cost assessments and
the corresponding financial plans for implementing the environmental
need to be
developed. Romania’s approach to
industry policy
is not yet either market-based or
predictable and Romania still has to develop an official industrial policy at both national
and sectoral level. With
there has been no substantial progress with
the transposition of the
and further efforts are required to develop the regulatory
framework. In the field of
justice and home affairs
positive measures have been taken on
visa policy, border management and asylum. This said, Romania still needs to adopt or
amend legislation in several important areas (the status of foreigners, the state frontiers,
the organisation of the police and the statute of police officers).
The Romanian authorities have not yet elaborated a comprehensive policy framework for
financial control.
Policy guidelines still need to be developed for preventive
financial control and internal audit functions (this is particularly important at the local
level where the capacity to manage and control public funds remains weak). Substantial
efforts are still required to develop control mechanisms for pre-accession funds. National
budgetary procedures
are weak and the medium-term programming of expenditure needs
to be substantially improved.
A related concern is the ability of Romanian institutions to effectively manage the
increased levels of EC funding. A programme-oriented budgeting system needs to be
developed and the overall budget execution process strengthened. Romania should also
take measures to strengthen public financial control functions through the provision of
adequate staff, training and equipment.
The quality of the Romanian administration is very diverse. A number of ministries are
well managed and are staffed by qualified professionals. However, in general terms, the
capacity of the public administration
to implement and manage the
is very limited
and represents a major constraint in the accession preparations. Despite the widespread
recognition in Romania that this is a fundamental problem there has been little progress
in developing administrative capacity since the last regular report. The main conclusions
of the 1999 report - that certain key institutions still need to be set up, that in many key
sectors (particularly agriculture and environment) the administration lacks the required
level of competence, and that there is a need to ensure independence of regulatory and
supervisory bodies - remain valid.
With regard to meeting short-term Accession Partnership priorities, Romania has made
some progress in the areas of
taxation, customs, transport
justice and home affairs
although none of the priorities identified for these sectors have yet been fully met.
Some, limited progress has been made in addressing the priorities related to the
and the
reinforcement of administrative and judicial capacity.
In the case of
agriculture, employment and social affairs
no substantial progress has
been made.
Romania has already started to address some of the medium-term Accession Partnership
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C. Conclusion
Romania continues to fulfil the Copenhagen political criteria.
The government has shown a political commitment to addressing the problems of
institutionalised children and progress has been made. Responsibility for the institutions
has been transferred to local authorities, a national strategy aimed at structural reform has
been adopted, and the necessary budgetary transfers have been made. Romania can
therefore be judged as having met the 1999 Accession Partnership’s short-term priorities.
However, the Commission will continue to monitor the situation closely to ensure that
these positive policy developments result in a comprehensive reform as well as an
improvement in the actual living conditions in the institutions concerned.
In the case of the treatment of the Roma, the continued high levels of discrimination are a
serious concern. The Accession Partnership’s short-term priorities still need to be met
(elaborating a national Roma strategy and providing adequate financial support to
minority programmes) and progress has been limited to programmes aimed at improving
access to education.
Continued improvements can be noted with regard to the functioning of the judiciary –
although the reform process needs to be continued and consolidated in line with the
short-term priorities of the Accession Partnership. Further progress still needs to be made
with regard to demilitarisation of the police and other bodies subordinated to the Ministry
of Interior (a medium-term Accession Partnership priority).
Romania’s democratic institutions are well established, but the process of decision
making remains weak. Despite the initiatives taken over the last year the government has
continued to rely on legislating by ordinances and consultation on draft legislation should
be substantially improved.
In terms of administrative capacity, Romania has met short-term Accession Partnership
priorities by adopting a law on the civil service and has set up a civil service agency.
These developments should be built upon through the development of a comprehensive,
public administration reform programme. Particular care needs to be taken to ensure that
decentralised responsibilities are matched by sufficient financial and human resources at
the local level. Little progress has been made in reducing the levels of corruption and
improved co-ordination is needed between the various anti-corruption initiatives that
have been launched.
Romania cannot be regarded as a functioning market economy and is not able to cope
with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union in the medium term. It has
not substantially improved its future economic prospects.
Romania has made some progress on macroeconomic stabilisation; growth has resumed
and exports have increased. Romania has adopted economic programmes and strategies,
in agreement with the international financial institutions and the EU. The wide political
consensus on the Medium Term Economic Strategy shows that there is a clear awareness
of the need for economic reforms.
However, there are serious difficulties in implementing these agreements as well as in
deciding on key medium-term reforms. The fragile macroeconomic environment, the
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uncertain legal and institutional framework and the uneven commitment to reforms,
continue to hinder economic development. Many institutions required to ensure the
functioning of a market economy either do not exist or are too weak to be effective.
Insufficient reforms and a growing black economy have undermined progress made on
macroeconomic stabilisation. The absence of a sound and well functioning financial
system hampers economic activity. A very large part of the enterprise sector has yet to
start restructuring or is still in the process of doing so. Investment has continued to fall,
delaying the required modernisation of the supply side of the economy.
There is an urgent need for the full and timely implementation of the programmes agreed
with the international institutions and of the measures to meet the objectives of the
Medium-term Economic Strategy. Priority should be given to improving financial
discipline, and creating a more transparent and business-friendly environment. The
acceleration of large enterprise privatisation and restructuring as well as the
implementation of social security and health care reforms are urgently needed to ensure
stability of public finances.
Romania has continued to advance with the adoption of the
– although the
achievements over the last year have been mixed. In certain sectors both legal
transposition and the setting up of the necessary administrative structures are advanced.
At the same time there is a worrying lack of progress in certain key areas.
Those areas where positive developments can be noted include
company law
where Romania has achieved a high degree of compatibility with the
Romania has also made significant progress with the transposition and implementation of
transport acquis
during the last year (although the questions of fiscal harmonisation in
road transport and maritime safety still need to be addressed). Advances have been made
with the transposition of the
statistics acquis
although statistical coverage for a number
of areas still needs substantial improvement.
internal market legislation,
progress has been made in the field of public
procurement and positive developments have also taken place with regard to the
simplification of the issuance of work permits for EU citizens and the adoption of a new
law on social security. Romania has also eased authorisation requirements on capital
imports and has made progress in combating the problem of money laundering.
VAT and excise duties
are broadly in line with the EU principles.
Despite the positive achievements noted above, there are many areas where further
progress is needed. For the
internal market,
Romania still needs to develop framework
legislation on the principles of the New and Global Approach. A number of crises in the
banking industry demonstrate that the effective supervision of financial services still has
to be considerably strengthened. Further work is required to ease the authorisations for
capital exports and to transpose the
on cross border credit transfers. Romanian
legislation on the protection of personal data remains inadequate and substantial
harmonisation is still required in the area of direct taxation.
In the case of
a major structural reform of the sector is needed. The
conditions that would allow the implementation of much of the EC agricultural
not yet exist. The lack of administrative capacity is acute and the Ministry of Agriculture
is not able to either develop the necessary reforms, or to effectively implement those
items of legislation that have been adopted. In the case of
social policy,
little legislative
progress was made over the period and further measures are needed with regard to the
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adoption of a new Labour Code, improving the protection of employee rights, and
extending legislation on health and safety at work. The structures for social dialogue do
exist but need to be accorded greater importance. In the
environmental sector,
in contrast
to previous years, Romania has made progress with preparing strategies for transposing
but the status of approximation is still very low. Specific cost assessments and
the corresponding financial plans for implementing the environmental
need to be
developed. Romania’s approach to
industry policy
is not yet either market-based or
predictable and Romania still has to develop an official industrial policy at both national
and sectoral level. With
there has been no substantial progress with
the transposition of the
and further efforts are required to develop the regulatory
framework. In the field of
justice and home affairs
positive measures have been taken on
visa policy, border management and asylum. This said, Romania still needs to adopt or
amend legislation in several important areas (the status of foreigners, the state frontiers,
the organisation of the police and the statute of police officers).
The Romanian authorities have not yet elaborated a comprehensive policy framework for
financial control.
Policy guidelines still need to be developed for preventive
financial control and internal audit functions (this is particularly important at the local
level where the capacity to manage and control public funds remains weak). Substantial
efforts are still required to develop control mechanisms for pre-accession funds. National
budgetary procedures
are weak and the medium-term programming of expenditure needs
to be substantially improved.
A related concern is the ability of Romanian institutions to effectively manage the
increased levels of EC funding. A programme-oriented budgeting system needs to be
developed and the overall budget execution process strengthened. Romania should also
take measures to strengthen public financial control functions through the provision of
adequate staff, training and equipment.
The quality of the Romanian administration is very diverse. A number of ministries are
well managed and are staffed by qualified professionals. However, in general terms, the
capacity of the public administration
to implement and manage the
is very limited
and represents a major constraint in the accession preparations. Despite the widespread
recognition in Romania that this is a fundamental problem there has been little progress
in developing administrative capacity since the last regular report. The main conclusions
of the 1999 report - that certain key institutions still need to be set up, that in many key
sectors (particularly agriculture and environment) the administration lacks the required
level of competence, and that there is a need to ensure independence of regulatory and
supervisory bodies - remain valid.
With regard to meeting short-term Accession Partnership priorities, Romania has made
some progress in the areas of
taxation, customs, transport
justice and home affairs
although none of the priorities identified for these sectors have yet been fully met.
Some, limited progress has been made in addressing the priorities related to the
and the
reinforcement of administrative and judicial capacity.
In the case of
agriculture, employment and social affairs
no substantial progress has
been made.
Romania has already started to address some of the medium-term Accession Partnership
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D. Accession Partnership and National Programme for the
Adoption of the
Global assessment
The purpose of the Accession Partnership is to set out in a single framework:
the priority areas for further work identified in the Commission’s regular report;
the financial means available to help candidate countries implement these priorities;
the conditions which will apply to this assistance.
Each candidate has been invited to adopt a National Programme for the Adoption of the
This sets out how the country in question envisages dealing with the Accession
Partnership, the timetable for implementing the Partnership’s priorities, and implications
in terms of human and financial resources. Both the Accession Partnerships and the
National Programmes for the Adoption of the
are revised on a regular basis, to
take account of progress made, and to allow for new priorities to be set.
1. Accession Partnership
In the following assessments the main sub-headings are indicated in bold type and further
key concepts taken from the Accession Partnership are highlighted in
Short-term priorities
Political criteria.
After some delay,
adequate budgetary provisions
have been made for
institutionalised children
a strategy for a comprehensive reform of child-care
has been launched. However, the key issue for the Romanian authorities will be
to ensure that this strategy is successfully implemented; so as to allow an improvement in
the actual living conditions. The political criteria priority relating to children has been
met. At the same time, the situation
of adults with chronic diseases and handicaps
remains a matter of concern. In the case of the
there has been no substantial
progress with elaborating a
national strategy
the provision of adequate financial
support to minority programmes.
In overall terms,
some of the political criteria
priorities have been met while others still need to be addressed.
Economic criteria.
Macro-economic stability
has improved but remains fragile. A
medium term economic strategy
has been prepared and does address the issues of
structural reform. However, implementation of the measures set out in the strategy has, to
date, been very limited and must be considered as a priority over the coming year.
Romania has
implemented the main conditions of its agreements with the International
Financial Institutions
and should continue to do so. There have been no significant
initiatives taken to
restructure public finances.
Legislation has been adopted with the
aim of improving the
functioning of the property market
but implementation has proved
to be disappointing and additional legislation is necessary. There has been no progress
For the detailed text of the short and medium term priorities established in the 1999 Accession Partnership
please refer to Council Decision 1999/853/EC. Official Journal L 335, 28/12/1999 pp. 15-21.
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with introducing a
national land and property register.
While progress has been made in
privatisation of
small and medium-sized enterprises,
this has not been the case for large
companies, which has had a very significant influence on the entire economy. The overall
business environment
remains unfavourable and the overall
of Romanian
industry has not substantially improved. An improved
bankruptcy law
was established
but market exit remains unsatisfactory. Background work has progressed with the
development of a
steel restructuring plan
but it has still not been adopted.
Some of the
economic criteria priorities have been met while others still need to be addressed.
Internal Market:
A new ordinance on
public procurement,
which is broadly in line with
has entered into force. Progress has been made on transposing the
intellectual and industrial property.
Efforts have been made to improve the
administrative capacity
in this field as well as
border controls on counterfeit goods,
it is not yet clear whether these efforts have lead to a significant improvement of law
enforcement in this field. No progress has been made with transposing the
or with the establishment of an independent supervisory agency.
As concerns
free movement of goods,
neither the framework legislation on the New and
Global Approach nor that on chemicals or foodstuffs has been adopted. As concerns
financial services
the only notable development is the adoption of a new
which has not yet been fully implemented. Romania has further approximated its
competition legislation
and improved the capacity of the Competition Council and the
Competition Office. Romania still needs to complete the alignment of its
with that of the EC.
Romania has made significant progress in aligning its legislation on
VAT and excise
and the discrimination between imported and domestic tobacco products has been
eliminated. This said, further alignment is still needed concerning VAT exemptions and
minimum rates for excise duties. Despite certain positive developments in the field of
such as the introduction of a Code of Conduct for customs officers, substantial
efforts are still needed to fight
fraud and corruption.
Overall Romania has made
progress in several areas but
has not yet fully implemented any of the Accession
Partnership Priorities concerning the internal market.
There is an urgent need to develop strategies for the adoption of the
based on a realistic assessment of the human and financial resources needed to implement
specific policies. In particular, a coherent strategy for the development of
border controls
in the light of Romania’s future accession has not yet been elaborated. While certain
items of legislation relating to the
veterinary and phytosanitary acquis
have been
adopted, coherent overall strategies for the implementation of these areas of the
are lacking. A similar situation exists regarding
pesticide residues
and the plant health
regime. As regards the implementation of a
national animal identification system,
has been little progress. Some preparatory actions have been initiated regarding the
establishment of a
vineyard register
and strengthening the management and control
systems in the wine sector, but there has been no substantial progress in implementation
of the
in this area. In conclusion, there has been
very little progress in meeting
the Accession Partnership priorities in the agricultural sector.
Romania has transposed a part of the
acquis on maritime safety
and has
partially met this priority.
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Employment and Social Affairs:
Little progress has been made with developing the
social dialogue
and while the structures for social dialogue exist in Romania they are not
effectively used and the
capacity of the social partners
remains low. A national
employment strategy
is in the process of being prepared but has not yet been finalised.
No substantial progress has been made with these priorities.
Romania has drawn up
directive specific approximation and
implementation programmes.
Progress can also be noted with regard to the requested
transposition programmes
where new legislation has been adopted. This said, the
in the areas referred to by the Accession Partnership (framework legislation for air, waste,
water quality and industrial pollution) has only been partially adopted and the pace of
transposition remains slow. There is still no realistic
plan for financing investments
environmental administration
at national level has not yet been sufficiently
strengthened. Romania has not yet transposed the
Environmental Impact Assessment
limited progress has been made with these priorities.
Justice and Home Affairs:
A new organisational structure for the
Border Police
into force in July 2000 and the process of exchanging conscripts with permanent staff has
started. Romania has initiated a programme to
strengthen border controls and prevent
illegal immigration.
A law on the prevention of, and the fight against,
been adopted although the
co-ordination between agencies
involved in the fight against
corruption still needs to be improved.
The National Office for Preventing and Fighting
Money Laundering Operations
has received an adequate level of funding and staffing and
has been able to transfer a significant number of cases for penal investigation. The
law on
has been amended and now includes provisions on accelerated
There has not yet been any significant progress
with upgrading the
capacities of law enforcement agencies.
Romania has not yet ratified the
listed in the Accession Partnership and it can be concluded that the
and Home Affairs priorities have only been partially met.
Reinforcement of administrative and judicial capacity (including capacity to
manage and control EC funds):
Romania has adopted a new
Civil Service Law
and the
key issue is now to ensure that this is successfully implemented. The
Development Plan
has been adopted by the Government of Romania. However, serious
difficulties were encountered in preparation of the
Rural Development Plan
reflects the limited capacity of the national administration to establish priority areas for
investment within the range of measures permitted by the SAPARD regulation. Delays
have also occurred in the establishment of an agency to be responsible for
implementation of SAPARD
in Romania.
functioning of the judiciary
has improved through organisational changes in the court
system and positive developments in the field of training and recruitment. The proportion
of persons in
pre-trial detention
of the total prison population has decreased. However,
the new
penal code and penal procedure code
have not been adopted and neither has the
proposal for a new
bailiff law.
There has not been any progress
on access to legal advice
and representation.
While some items of legislation have been adopted in the area of
internal and external
financial control,
and the required functional independence for national internal
controllers/auditors and "ex-ante" financial controllers is established in principle, a
coherent overall approach has still not been fully defined. Major efforts will be needed to
create the necessary institutional capacity. Progress has been slow in the establishment of
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legal, administrative and budgetary framework to programme and manage ISPA and
under decentralised arrangements. This may impair Romania’s capacity to
utilise pre-accession funds, especially SAPARD, unless there is improved progress in the
coming period. Considerable further efforts are needed to introduce EC-compatible
environmental impact assessments
public procurement
rules for projects.
While new legislation has led to the re-organisation of the internal
financial control
mechanisms in all public bodies, a comprehensive policy framework still needs to be
developed. The capacity of the Ministry of Finance for harmonising internal
audit/control units in spending centres still needs to be strengthened. The transfer of
responsibilities for ex-ante controls to the Ministry of Finance represented a necessary
step for the development of independent external audit. However, attention still needs to
be given to developing the functional independence of auditors throughout the public
Concerning the introduction of a
programme-oriented budgeting system
allowing for
multi-annual commitments,
and strengthening the budget execution process, the Ministry
of Finance has demonstrated an awareness of the importance of progress in these areas,
but the necessary legislation has not yet been adopted. Measures have been undertaken to
revenue collection,
but serious deficiencies remain, particularly in relation to
unpaid liabilities of state-owned enterprises to the national budget.
The Romanian Court of Auditors has not yet begun to develop a capacity to conduct
performance audits.
There have been some improvements with regard to the
training of
law enforcement agents.
To conclude,
only a few of the priorities relating to
administrative and judicial capacity have been met.
Medium-term priorities
This section only covers those medium term priorities where a degree of progress has
been made.
Concerning priorities linked to the
political criteria,
limited initiatives have been taken
to increase the
Roma’s access to education.
As regards
the medium-term Accession Partnership priorities concentrated on
the continued
alignment of Romanian legislation with the acquis
and, while further work
remains to be done, progress has been made with regard to all transport sectors.
In the
sector Romania has made progress
in preparing itself for the internal
energy market,
and has taken steps to align its policies on energy pricing, energy
efficiency and fuel quality standards with those of the EC.
In the
sector Romania has made progress with the application of
administrative and operational capacity,
and completing the
integrated tariff.
As concerns
Justice and Home Affairs,
visa policy
has been further aligned.
Two new readmission agreements have been concluded and the Romanian list of
countries whose citizens require visas has been further aligned with the equivalent EU-
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2. National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis
The revised Romanian National Programme for the Adoption of the
was adopted
by the Romanian government on 11 May 2000 and subsequently presented to the
Commission on 15 May 2000.
The NPAA extends over the period 2000-2003. All chapters of the
are covered in
line with negotiation chapters. Political and economic accession criteria are also
addressed, as is the issue of improving administrative and judicial capacity. The format
is clear and consists of two volumes. The first provides a description of the current
situation as well as of short-term and medium-term priorities. The second volume
consists of a matrix that lists the elements of
that need to be adopted, specifies the
national measure(s) proposed to meet each part of the
indicates the lead
institutions that will be responsible for initiating the required reforms, and finally,
provides an indicative deadline. The tables are well structured and in most cases reflect
Accession Partnership priorities and comments from the 1999 Regular Report.
An estimate of the financial resources required to implement each item of the NPAA is
provided as an annex to the NPAA. A further annex provides an indication of where
these resources are to be found (national, budget, local budget, EC pre-accession funding,
International Financial Institutions etc). Costing the implementation of the
is an
essential exercise – but it remains unclear how the different measures were costed (and
therefore there is some uncertainty on the accuracy of the presentations made). The
question of how the budgetary projections made in the NPAA will be reflected in
Romania’s national budget is not addressed. This issue will have to be resolved before
the NPAA can become a fully operational policy tool.
In general the Romanian NPAA is a well structured and readable document. It provides a
useful overview of Romania’s pre-accession strategy and also functions as a co-
ordination tool for Romania’s own accession preparations. However, one general feature
is that it tends to place a greater emphasis on transposition than on ensuring that there are
adequate structures in place for the implementation of legislation. In several sectors the
targets set are ambitious, which gives rise to doubts as to the ability to meet all the
deadlines. There is also a difference in the quality of the coverage of different sectors.
For some the information is comprehensive and of a high quality. In other areas,
elements of the
are missing and the deadlines provided are not precise enough.
The coverage of certain key sectors (e.g. agriculture and the environment) will need to be
improved before the NPAA can be considered as a genuine operational document.
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Human Rights Conventions ratified by the Candidate Countries,
September 2000
Parties to following conventions
and protocols
(European Convention
on Human Rights)
Protocol 1 (right of property et
Protocol 4 (freedom movement et
Protocol 6 (death penalty)
Protocol 7 (ne bis in idem)
European Convention for
the Prevention of Torture
European Social Charter
Revised European Social
Additional Protocol to the ESC
(system of collective complaints)
Framework Convention
for National Minorities
(International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights)
Optional Protocol to the ICCPR
(right of individual
Second Optional Protocol to
ICCPR (abolition death penalty)
Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights)
(Convention against
(Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of
Racial Discrimination)
(Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women)
(Convention on the Right
of the Child)
X = Convention ratified
O = Convention NOT ratified
BG = Bulgaria; CY = Cyprus; CZ = Czech Republic; EE = Estonia; HU = Hungary; LV =
Latvia; LT = Lithuania; MT = Malta; PL = Poland; RO = Romania; SK = Slovakia; SV =
Slovenia; TK = Turkey
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Statistical data
Basic data
Population (average)
Total area
National accounts
Gross domestic product at current prices
Gross domestic product at current prices
in 1000
in km
1000 Mio Lei
1000 Mio ECU/euro
Gross domestic product per capita
at current prices
% change over the previous year
Gross domestic product at constant prices (nat.
Gross domestic product per capita
Structure of production
- Agriculture
- Industry (excluding construction)
- Construction
- Services
in Purchasing Power Standards
at current prices
% of Gross Value Added
Structure of expenditure
- Final consumption expenditure
- household and NPISH
- general government
- Gross fixed capital formation
- Stock variation
as % of Gross Domestic Product
- Exports of goods and services
- Imports of goods and services
Inflation rate
Consumer price index
% change over the previous year
Figures have been calculated using the population figures from National Accounts, which may differ from those
used in demographic statistics.
Figures have been calculated using the population figures from National Accounts, which may differ from those
used in demographic statistics.
Including FISIM.
For 1996 and 1997, the item "Services" includes statistical discrepancies.
These figures include changes in inventories, acquisitions less disposals of valuables and the statistical discrepancy
between the GDP and its expenditure components.
Changes in Methodology: PROXY HICP since 1996 (see methodological notes).
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Balance of payments
-Current account
-Trade balance
In Mio ECU/euro
Exports of goods
Imports of goods
-Net services
-Net income
-Net current transfers
government transfers
- FDI (net) inflows
Public finance
General government deficit/surplus
Financial indicators
Gross foreign debt of the whole economy
Gross foreign debt of the whole economy
Monetary aggregates
- M1
- M2
Total credit
Average short-term interest rates
- Lending rate
- Deposit rate
ECU/euro exchange rates
- Average of period
- End of period
- Effective exchange rate index
Reserve assets
in % of Gross Domestic Product
in % of Gross Domestic Product
Mio ECU/euro
23.7 E
78.6 E
as % of exports
1000 Mio ECU/euro
% per annum
-Reserve assets (including gold)
-Reserve assets (excluding gold)
External trade
Trade balance
Terms of trade
Exports with EC-15
Imports with EC-15
Mio ECU/euro
previous year = 100
as % of total
1999 data from National source except for exports and imports of goods and government tranfers from IMF source.
1999 data refers to August 1999.
1999 data refers to July 1999.
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Natural growth rate
Net migration rate (including corrections)
Infant mortality rate
Life expectancy :
per 1000 of population
at birth
per 1000 live-births
Labour market (ILO methodology)
Economic activity rate
Unemployment rate, total
% of labour force
Unemployment rate of persons < 25 years
Unemployment rate of persons >= 25 years
Average employment by NACE branches
- Agriculture and forestry
- Industry (excluding construction)
- Construction
- Services
Railway network
Length of motorways
Industry and agriculture
Industrial production volume indices
Gross agricultural production volume indices
Standard of living
Number of cars
in % of total
in km per 1000 km
previous year = 100
per 1000 inhabitants
Telephone subscribers
Number of Internet connections
R=rectified data E= estimates
For 1995 the data refers to persons >= 14.
Private ownership.
Source: United Nations.
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Methodological Notes
Consumer price index :
the EU Member States have designed a new consumer price index in
order to comply with the obligations of the EC Treaty, as a part of the preparations for the
common currency. The aim was to produce CPIs comparable between Member States. The main
task was to harmonise methodologies and coverage. The result was the Harmonised Index of
Consumer Prices (HICP). A similar exercise has been started with Candidate Countries (CC). In
respect to enlargement, it is equally important that their economic performance is assessed on the
basis of comparable indices. Some progress has already been made towards adapting the new
rules. Since January 1999 CCs report to Eurostat so-called proxy HICPs which are based on
national CPIs but adapted to the HICP coverage.Since 1996 the date in the table are these proxy
HICPs. Genuine and comparable HICPs are expected to be available in CCs from January 2001
Note on sources:
General government deficit / surplus:
Candidate Countries are presently unable to provide reliable
data on a national accounts basis. Eurostat is working closely with these countries with the aim of
improving these statistics. Given the lack of reliable data, an approximation for general
government deficit / surplus is derived from the IMF’s Government Finance Statistics Yearbook
(see explanation below).
Gross foreign debt:
OECD External Debt Statistics publication has been used as the source. Data
for 1999 are estimates.
Foreign official reserves, monetary aggregates, interest rates, and effective exchange rates:
possible, Eurostat’s reporting form for Candidate Countries is used. Failing this, the IMF’s
‘International Financial Statistics’ publication has been used as the source.
Exchange rates:
against the ECU (euro). European Commission data is used for ECU rates,
European Central Bank data for euro rates.
Note on methodology:
General government deficit / surplus:
approximation of the national accounts definition, derived
from data based on the IMF’s GFS (government finance statistics) methodology. The general
government deficit / surplus is obtained by adding the consolidated central government deficit /
surplus (normally including certain extra-budgetary funds) to the local government deficit /
surplus. The total is adjusted for net lending / borrowing for specific policy purposes, which is a
financing item in the national accounts. GFS data are on a cash basis.
Gross foreign debt:
of the whole economy; includes both short- and long-term debt. According to
the convention, the stock of outstanding debt is converted from US dollars into ECU at end-year
exchange rates, whereas GDP is converted into ECU using annual average exchange rates. For the
ratio of gross foreign debt to exports, the national accounts definition of exports of goods and
services is used.
Monetary aggregates:
end-year stock data. M1 means notes and coin in circulation plus bank sight
deposits. M2 means M1 plus savings deposits plus other short-term claims on banks. Total credit
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means domestic credit to the government (net of deposits, including non-financial public
enterprises), plus the private non-financial sector, plus other non-monetary financial institutions.
Interest rates:
annual average rates. Lending rates consist of the average rate charged on loans
granted by reporting banks. Deposit rates refer to average demand and time deposit rates.
Exchange rates:
ECU exchange rates are those that were officially notified to the European
Commission until 1 January 1999, when the ECU was replaced by the euro. Euro exchange rates
are reference rates of the European Central Bank, where available.
Reserve assets:
end-year stock data. They are defined as the sum of central bank holdings of gold,
foreign exchange, and other (gross) claims on non-residents. Gold is valued at end-year market
External trade
Imports and exports (current prices):
data is based upon the special trade system, according to
which; external trade comprises goods crossing the customs border of the country. Trade data
excludes direct re-exports, trade in services and trade with customs free zones as well as licenses,
know-how and patents. Value of external trade turnover includes the market value of the goods
and the additional costs (freight, insurance etc.). The term FOB means that all costs incurred in the
course of transport up to the customs frontier are charged to the seller. The term CIF means that
the purchaser pays the additional costs. Exports are recorded here on FOB basis and imports on
CIF. External trade includes all exchanges of goods between Romania and other countries having
as its objective: import of goods directly for consumption, imported goods taken out of customs
warehouses or free zones in order to be consumed, export of national products as well as export of
imported goods declared for domestic consumption. The goods are classified according to the
Combined Nomenclature on which the customs tariff is based. Value of export data is given in
FOB, external effective prices for exports and in CIF for imports. External trade statistics are
customs statistics, values being registered in USD. Data for 1999 are provisional and can be
rectified due to delayed arrival, modification or cancellation of customs declarations from
previous periods.
Terms of trade:
indices are calculated yearly by the „unit value” method (Paasche index).
Imports and exports with EC-15:
data declared by the Republic of Romania.
Net migration rate
: crude rate of net migration (recalculated by EUROSTAT) for year X, is:
population (X+1) - population (X) - Deaths (X) + Births (X). This assumes that any change in
population not attributable to births and deaths is attributable to migration. This indicator includes
therefore also administrative corrections (and projection errors if the total population is based on
estimates and the births and deaths on registers). Figures are in this case more consistent. Further,
most of the difference between the crude rate of net migration provided by a country and the one
calculated by Eurostat is caused by underreporting or delay in reporting of migration.
Labour force
Economic activity rate (ILO Methodology):
percentage of labour force in the total population aged
15+. This rate is derived from LFS (Labour Force Survey), observing the following ILO definitions
and recommendations:
- Labour force: employed and unemployed persons according to ILO definitions stated below.
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- The employed: all persons aged 15+, who during the reference period worked at least one hour for
wage or salary or other remuneration as employees, entrepreneurs, members of co-operatives or
contributing family workers. Members of armed forces and women on child-care leave are included.
- The unemployed: all persons aged 15+, who concurrently meet all three conditions of the ILO
definition for being classified as the unemployed:
have no work,
are actively seeking a job and
are ready to take up a job within a fortnight.
LFS excludes persons living in non-private households (so-called institutional population). Data
for 1995 monitor the population aged 14 and over.
Unemployment rate (by ILO methodology):
percentage of the unemployed labour force. This rate is
derived from LFS (Labour Force Survey) observing the ILO definitions and recommendations (see
ILO definitions above).
Average employment by NACE branches:
this indicator is derived observing the ILO definitions and
recommendations. The employed comprise all people aged 15 years and over, who have carried out
an economic or social activity producing goods or services, with a duration of 1 hour at least (for
self-employed and unpaid family workers from agriculture, the minimum duration is 15 hours)
during the reference period (one week), with a view to achieve certain incomes in form of salaries,
in kind remuneration or other benefits. For 1995 the employed include persons aged 14 and older.
Railway network:
all railways in a given area. This does not include stretches of road or water
even if rolling stock should be conveyed over such routes; e.g. by wagon-carrying trailers or
ferries. Lines solely used for tourist purposes during the season are excluded as are railways
constructed solely to serve mines; forests or other industrial or agricultural undertakings and
which are not open to public traffic. The data considers the construction length of railways.
Length of motorway:
road, specially designed and built for motor traffic, which does not serve
properties bordering on it, and which:
(a) is provided, except at special points or temporarily, with separate carriage ways for the two
directions of traffic, separated from each other, either by a dividing strip not intended for traffic, or
exceptionally by other means;
(b) does not cross at level with any road, railway or tramway track, or footpath;
(c) is specially sign-posted as a motorway and is reserved for specific categories of road motor
Entry and exit lanes of motorways are included irrespectively of the location of the signposts.
Urban motorways are also included.
Industry and agriculture
Industrial production volume indices (IPI):
since 1996, IPI is computed based on a sample of
representative products, constituted in series-witness, for which quantitative and value data are
collected, these covering 76% of total industrial activity. The successive aggregation of industrial
production indices are compiled using a system of constant weights, which corresponds to the
structure by activities of the gross value added at the cost of factors from the base year. Starting
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with 1998, the base year is 1995. Data for 1996 and 1997 are recalculated using the 1995 weights.
Data on industrial production are provided by all the enterprises with 50 employees and over,
having industry as the main activity. For the food industry due to its specific, smaller economic
units (20-49 employees) these are also sample surveyed, as well as those having agriculture as
their main activity but with industrial subunits specialised in the manufacture of food products.
Units belonging to handicraft and consumption co-operatives which are surveyed only yearly are
not included. Indices are not adjusted.
Gross agricultural production volume indices:
indices based on evaluation of all individual
products of gross agricultural production in constant prices of the year preceding the examined
one. Data for 1999 are provisional.
Standard of living
Number of cars:
passenger car: road motor vehicle, other than a motor cycle, intended for the
carriage of passengers and designed to seat no more than nine persons (including the driver).
The term "passenger car" therefore covers microcars (need no permit to be driven), taxis and hired
passenger cars, provided that they have less than ten seats. This category may also include pick-
ups. Passenger cars exclude minibuses.
Telephone subscribers:
phone subscriptions include subscriptions of natural and legal persons
(including subscriptions for fax and mobile phones).
Total area, external trade, infrastructure, demography, industry and agriculture, labour market,
standard of living (except Internet connections): National sources.
National accounts, inflation rate, balance of payment, public finance, finance: Eurostat.