Europaudvalget 2000-01
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Europaudvalg og deres stedfortrædere
5. december 2000
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges i forbindelse med det ordinære møde i Det
Europæiske Råd i Nice den 7.-9. december 2000 rapport fra Generalsekretæren/Den Højtstående
Repræsentant og Kommissionen vedr. konfliktforebyggelse.
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Subject :
General Secretariat
30 November 2000
Conflict Prevention: Report by the Secretary General/High Representative and
the Commission
Delegations will find attached a report by the Secretary General/High Representative and the Commission to the Nice
European Council on Conflict Prevention.
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Improving the Coherence and Effectiveness of European Union
Action in the Field of Conflict Prevention
Report Presented to the Nice European Council by the Secretary
General/High Representative and the Commission
Executive Summary
Main challenges facing the European Union in effective conflict prevention
to reaffirm and maintain conflict prevention as a fixed priority of EU external action;
to establish and sustain priorities for action in the field of conflict prevention;
to move the timescale for EU action forward, becoming progressively more pro-active and less reactive;
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to ensure the coherent use of what is now a very broad range of resources in pursuit of priorities, better
integrating development, trade, economic and humanitarian instruments with CFSP instruments and civilian
and military capabilities for crisis management;
to deploy those resources in a timely, comprehensive and integrated way;
to build and sustain effective partnerships with those who share our values and priorities at global, regional,
national and local level;
to develop targeted common approaches to countries and regions at risk of conflict taking account of CFSP,
development, trade, economic and justice and home affairs issues.
Key recommendations in the short term
early consideration of conflict prevention by the GAC, possibly during annual orientation debate, and
periodic identification of priority areas for EU action;
SG/HR and Commission to assist in overseeing implementation of policies;
the Political and Security Committee invited to develop role as a focal point in developing conflict
prevention policies in CFSP and CSDP;
Commission to bring forward Communications on Conflict Prevention and on Linking Relief,
Rehabilitation and Development;
Council and Commission to pursue review of relevant budgetary regulations and procedures and to
examine issues of co-ordination between Community instruments and those of Member States;
intensify coordination with the UN, building on the UNSG proposals, and supporting drive for greater
UN effectiveness generated by the Millennium and Brahimi Reports;
deepen dialogue with and support for key partners including OSCE, Council of Europe and ICRC, as
well as academic and NGO communities;
draw on experience of partners in preparing EU action plans and approaches to specific countries and
systematically support the rights of access to potential conflict zones by ICRC, OSCE and UN Human
Rights Rapporteurs;
prioritise support for effective action on small arms including in UN and G8 frameworks;
ratify and implement new international instruments including the Rome Statute on the International
Criminal Court and the Ottawa Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stock Piling, Production and
Transfer of Anti Personnel Mines and On their Destruction;
review use of diplomatic instruments for conflict prevention including the role of Special
Representatives and heads of mission;
Council Working Groups invited to develop the practice of scheduling informal discussion with relevant
partner organisations;
better coordination of information sources available to Union and regular preparation by the Policy Unit
and by the Commission of papers on conflict prevention issues for consideration by policy makers.
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I Introduction
1. Conflict prevention is at the heart of the European Union which is in itself a strikingly successful example
of how reconciliation, stability and prosperity can be promoted through closer cooperation and
understanding. The process of enlargement aims to extend these benefits to a wider circle of European
states. Preserving peace, promoting stability and strengthening international security worldwide is a
fundamental objective for the Union, and preventing violent conflict consti tutes one of its most important
external policy challenges.
2. Conflict bears a human cost in suffering and undermines economic development. It also affects EU
interests by creating instability, by reducing trade and putting investments at risk, by imposing a heavy
financial burden in reconstruction and ultimately by threatening the security of its citizens. The financial
costs of preventing conflict are small compared to the cost of addressing its consequences. Millions of
civilians in Africa have died from violent conflict in recent years, an d our efforts in support of lasting
economic and social development are repeatedly set back by recurring conflict. Conflict has moved much
closer in recent years to the EU's own borders: an estimated 200,000 people have been killed and some 1.8
million remain displaced following a decade of conflict in the Western Balkans. Democratic change in the
FRY has opened new prospects for lasting peace and stability in the region but the process of recovery will
be a long one and the financial cost high. Already the Union has invested some Euro 18 billion in
reconstruction for the region as a whole. Recent developments in the Middle East are a reminder of how
rapidly conflict can escalate, with potential consequences not only for regional stability but also for the
global economy.
3. Against the background of its work on strengthening the Common European Security and Defence Policy,
the European Council at Feira underlined its determination to prevent conflict and invited the Secretary
General/High Representative and the Commission to "submit
to the Nice European Council, as a basis for
further work, concrete recommendations on how to improve the coherence and effectiveness of the
European Union action in the field of conflict prevention, fully taking into ac count and building upon
existing instruments, capabilities and policy guidelines."
4. The purpose of this report is to build on the existing work undertaken by the Union, to indicate some of
the broader challenges facing the Union as it prepares to undertake further work on conflict prevention, to
put forward some concrete recommendations aimed at improving our effectiveness in the short term, and to
set out a more coherent framework for possible future action.
II Coherent action: the central challenge of conflict prevention
5. Conflict prevention is not a new issue on the EU's agenda. For some years now, the Union has made
sustained efforts to adapt its external action to a changing international security environment characterised
by a growth in conflict within borders where civilians are increasingly both the victims and the intended
targets of violent conflict. The Council has repeatedly emphasised the importance of effective early action to
prevent violent conflict. Our experience of the consequences o f conflict has been instrumental in the
development of civilian and military crisis management capabilities, and is a driving factor in the
development of a more effective and responsive common foreign and security policy. A key challenge now
facing the Union is to ensure the most effective use of the full range of tools which have become available in
order to prevent conflict from occurring in the first place.
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6. The European Union is well placed to engage in conflict prevention. Its capabilities include trade policy
instruments, cooperation agreements, development assistance and other forms of economic cooperation,
social and environmental policies, humanitarian assistance from both ECHO and member states, civilian and
military crisis management capabilities, diplomatic instruments and cooperation in the area of Justice and
Home Affairs. In many of these areas the Union has very considerable influence. It is the world's largest
provider of development and humanitarian assistance and the biggest trading partner.
7. Specific situations of potential conflict present unique challenges. Policies aimed at defusing tensions in
the Middle East will be quite different from those deployed to prevent a recurrence of conflict in the
Western Balkans or in the Horn of Africa. The central issue for the Union is one of coherence in deploying
the right combination and sequence of instruments in a timely and integrated manner. This demands greater
coherence and complementarity at several levels: between the in struments and capabilities available within
each pillar, between the pillars themselves, between Member State and Community activities, and between
the Union and its international partners in conflict prevention.
8. Moreover, the coherence of conflict prevention policies cannot be separated from the broader issue of
how the EU sets priorities in the area of external relations. While some regions, including those close to the
EU's own borders, will remain a high priority, the Union must be ready to engage elsewhere when
confronted with a clear risk of violent conflict. The work under way since Evian on improving coordination
of EU external assistance will also serve to improve our ability to add ress situations of emerging conflict.
9. Policies can only be effective if the Union adopts a proactive approach, identifying problems before they
become acute, and translating early warning into early action. Measuring the success of conflict prevention
policies is particularly difficult, and the absence of easily identifiable results can be a stumbling block in
securing support at a political level. Political will is essential if the Union is to develop and sustain a new
emphasis at all levels of our external action: a s hift from a culture of reaction to a culture of prevention.
Conflict prevention should be addressed by the GAC, possibly during its annual orientation debate on
external relations, integrating the issue into its work and addressing the broader issue of coherence at
Council level, including with the Development Council.
The GAC should regularly identify priority areas for EU action in the field of conflict prevention, taking
account of recommendations from the SG/HR and the Commission. Where priorities are identified, the
Council should invite the SG/HR and the Commission to oversee the implementation of policies and to report
The Union should set the explicit aim of developing targeted, common approaches to countries and regions
at risk of conflict taking account of CFSP, development, trade, economic and justice and home affairs issues.
lll. Building more effective partnerships
10. The causes of conflict are usually complex and therefore require complex policy responses which can
only be delivered by a broad range of actors, some of whom have specific mandates under international law.
Recent experience clearly demonstrates the need for the European Union to cooperate closely in this area
with other regional and international organisations as well as with the non-governmental sector.
11. The United Nations, with its Charter responsibilities, global presence and broad institutional framework,
is uniquely placed both to contribute to tackling the root causes of conflict and to take shorter term
preventive measures. The UNSG has recently made specific proposals for strengthening dialogue with the
Union. Agencies such as UNHCR, UNDP and UNICEF, as well as the UN High Commissioner for Human
Rights and the Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs, have access to exten sive information networks and
can play an important role in addressing specific problems associated with conflict. The UN is currently
taking steps towards greater effectiveness in conflict prevention. The European Union can play a key role in
helping to maintain the momentum to this work.
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12. Regional cooperation and the growth of regional and sub-regional organisations is a development which
in itself plays a valuable role in conflict prevention. Organisations such as the OAS, OAU, SADC,
ECOWAS, the ARF and ASEAN are adopting an operational role in this area. Key partners for the EU are
the OSCE and the Council of Europe. Each plays a distinct role: the OSCE through its field missions, the
High Commissioner on National M inorities and its emerging mechanisms for preventing and managing
conflict, and the Council of Europe through its Parliamentary Assembly and its role in standard setting and
human rights. Partnership for Peace, through its work on Petersberg Tasks, and the EAPC can also play a
valuable contributory role in conflict prevention.
13. The G8, IMF and World Bank have taken an active role in developing an approach to conflict prevention
which focuses on the broader economic factors underlying conflict, including issues such as the trade in
small arms and diamonds.
14. Non-governmental organisations have an increasingly influential role to play in conflict prevention.
Many are well-placed to work with the victims of conflict and to identify and address root causes at an early
stage. Others have done valuable work on policy elaboration and conflict mediation. Experience in Serbia
demonstrates that a strong and active civil society and independent media are themselves important factors
for democratic change and long-term stability. The growt h in the number of civilian victims of conflict
underlines the increasingly important role of the International Committee of the Red Cross in promoting and
upholding humanitarian law.
15. The EU{{PU2}}s extensive political dialogue offers regular opportunities to address the issue of conflict
prevention with our partners in a more flexible and timely way, both with those who are directly at risk of
conflict and those with the potential to assist those at risk.
16. Building effective partnerships with such a broad range of actors sets specific challenges for the
European Union: first, to establish a focussed dialogue with agreed contact points based on mutual
priorities; second, to incorporate their input into our own policy formulation; third, to establish practical
cooperation on operational issues and fourth, to support mandate based organisations in playing their role
for conflict prevention to the full. The principles guiding our approac h to partnership should include those
of added value, comparative advantage and mutually reinforcing institutions.
Further development of mechanisms for coordination with the UN system, building on
the proposals already put forward by the UN SG.
Support the drive for greater UN effectiveness in conflict prevention, maintaining the
momentum generated by the Millennium Report and the Brahimi Report on
Deepen dialogue with other key international and regional partners such as the
OSCE, the Council of Europe and the ICRC, with a view to identifying common
priorities, strengthening support for their mandates and cooperating in the
implementation of EU policies.
Draw on the experience of other actors in preparing EU action plans and approaches
to specific countries and regions.
Intensify dialogue with the academic and NGO communities in order to improve
effectiveness in identifying potential conflict and to ensure close convergence of effort
on priority issues.
Systematically support the rights of access to potential conflict zones by other
mandated organisations including the ICRC, OSCE and UN Human Rights
Consistently integrate conflict prevention priorities into our political dialogue with
international partners (as is already the case with Canada and Japan) as well as with
those directly at risk of conflict.
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Support conflict prevention initiatives in the G8 framework, in particular in areas
where the G8 can bring particular value such as small arms and the illicit trade in high-
value commodities.
IV Long-term measures
17. There is a wide range of measures which can be deployed over the long-term in support of an overall
strategy of conflict prevention. Many of these already constitute a major part of the Union's action in the
area of external relations. In general, long-term action is not focussed on the avoidance of a specific and
imminent outbreak of conflict, but is designed to address the underlying causes of conflict and thereby to
contribute to the overall objective of peace and stability. The role of the Union as a global trading partner
and as the largest donor of development cooperation give it the possibility of contributing to conflict
prevention even in those areas which are not the subject of specific policy priorities. The recently agreed
standard framework for Country Strategy Papers should become an important basis for ensuring coherence
between the long term cooperation programs and other complementary actions aimed at preventing conflict.
Long term action may be divided into horizont al instruments which are explicit in their overall objective of
preventing conflict, and broader policies which address wider economic and developmental issues, but in
doing so have an important role to play in creating the conditions for longer-term stability.
18. Many of the horizontal issues are relatively new on the international agenda. The establishment of the
International Criminal Court and the creation of new international instruments governing landmines and the
issue of child soldiers will enable us to address new and emerging concerns but must be followed up by
sustained and concerted efforts aimed at full ratification of the instruments and implementation of their
standards. This calls for closer convergence between Community and Member State programmes aimed at
addressing such issues. Our emphasis on human rights values and on upholding international legal standards
provides a framework for much of this effort. Human rights and humanitarian violations lie at the heart of
many conflicts. Addressing the gap between international commitments and practical implementation must
be a priority in our conflict prevention policies.
19. Other concerns have yet to be addressed, not least the issue of the trade in small arms and the trade in
diamonds. The Union should continue to support such initiatives which have a clear role in preventing
conflict and should remain open to suggestions (both from inside and outside) for further imaginative
proposals which would deserve its support.
20. Increasingly important also are the wide range of instruments falling under the heading of 'Justice and
Home Affairs'. Measures designed to tackle organised crime, drug trafficking and money laundering all have
the long-term effect of creating greater stability and therefore contributing to the prevention of conflict.
Initiatives undertaken in recent years in the U.N., G-8 and other contexts have helped to create frameworks
in which concerted action on these issues can be taken at international level. The Union has been involved in
all of these initiatives and has sought to adapt its own instruments in support of them. The challenge for the
Union now is to develop policy-making mechanisms which allow it to integrate these initiatives into its
overall political approach to specific countries and regions, to assess their respective benefits, and to set
priorities for the future.
21. Alongside these horizontal measures, there is a wide range of instruments which can contribute to the
prevention of conflict. These should be used in a more targeted manner to address the root-causes of violent
conflicts, such as inequality of opportunity, lack of legitimacy and effectiveness of government, lack of
frameworks for peaceful conciliation of interests and absence of an active and organised civil society. In
many countries, conflict prevention can also be considered a d evelopment objective because without peace
and democratic stability there can be no poverty alleviation and no sustainable development.
22. The most effective way for the Union to use its cooperation instruments in conflict prevention is by
integrating long-term peace-building measures into its country cooperation strategies. In countries in
unstable situations, specific projects and programs within the cooperation sectors included in the Country
Strategy Papers should be dedicated to supporting a peaceful resolution of conflict and strengthening the
democratic state. These should support political dialogue and mediati on efforts, democratic institutions, the
rule of law and the administration of justice, an effective and impartial police force, and, for countries
emerging from armed conflict, the demobilisation and reintegration of ex-combatants, including child
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soldiers. Furthermore, in traditional sectors of development cooperation (infrastructure, health, education
etc.), the reduction of existing imbalances in a society, whether ethnic, regional, or economic, must be taken
into account in allocating funds to specific sectors.
23. The Union should also strengthen its support for non-state actors which play a role in developing a
culture of democracy, tolerance and peaceful resolution of conflict, through support for projects and
programmes which assist independent media, civil society, local NGOs, women{{PU2}}s groups etc.
24. Effective deployment of both horizontal measures and measures designed to tackle the root causes of
conflict requires much greater coordination between Community instruments and those relevant instruments
of the Member States. This should involve cooperation both in-country and between capitals at an early
Closer consideration should be given to coherence and coordination between measures envisaged or
taken in the different phases of a conflict or crisis situation. The Commission will present in January
2001 a Communication on Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development which will i.a. include
proposals to enable a quicker and more coherent transition from one phase of assistance to another in
countries go ing through a crisis, whether political or other in nature.
An inventory should be made of EU instruments and policies which could be brought to bear on
conflict situations. A Commission Communication on conflict prevention in Spring 2001 will focus
specifically on the use and possible adaptation of Community instruments in this respect. The
Commission will also pursue work on the "Conflict Prevention Handbook" detailing instruments and
In the context of "post-Evian" discussions on ways to improve co-ordination between Community
instruments for external cooperation and those of Member States, greater exchange of information on
economic and political issues, both at the level of capitals and in country, is recommended. This should
include a revitalisation of the Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB), established by the Commission in 1999 to
link country desk officers in the Commission, Council and Member States.
An early decision by the Council on the proposed recasting of the Financial Regulation would facilitate
the successful completion of the reform of EC external cooperation programmes. In this context, the
Commission will also pursue internally the objective of more rapid mobilisation of funds under its various
cooperation programmes.
The Union should give priority to effective preparation for the UN Conference on Small Arms and to
the ratification and implementation of new international instruments including the Rome Statute on the
International Criminal Court and the Ottawa Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stock Piling,
Production and Transfer of Anti Personnel Mines and On their Destruction.
V Short term measures
25. Situations which have the potential to lead to conflict in the short term are often characterised by
complexity and rapid change. If it is to use its instruments and capabilities to best effect, the Union
must address specific challenges to the way in which policy is formulated and implemented.
26. First, efforts at conflict prevention must be underpinned by vigorous and continuous diplomatic
engagement, involving the transmission of clear messages to countries and regions in a situation of
political deterioration as well as to its other international partners. Progress has been made. The EU
{{PU2}}s traditional diplomatic instruments such as structured political dialogue, démarches, and
high-level visits are increasingly effective. The use of special representatives h owed sustained
engagement in both the Middle East, Africa and the Western Balkans. The appointment of the High
Representative with new resources in the Council Secretariat has raised the level of our diplomatic
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engagement and broadened its scope. This must be underpinned however by a more focused, flexible
and robust approach to dialogue than is often the case at present. There is a need for more informal
contact with a broad range of actors, clear mandates and for a more effective use of the privileged
relationships of individual Member States in support of a common political objective. Such an
approach has been successful in assisting a peaceful transition to democracy in Serbia. The
effectiveness of dialogue will be further enhanced by the development of ESDP and the development
of a comprehensive range of civilian and military instruments, broadening the toolbox for conflict
prevention and enabling the EU to deploy civilian and military crisis management instruments for
conflict prevention p urposes.
27. Second, moving the focus of policy-making away from a responsive to a more proactive approach
represents a particular challenge for the Union. The earlier the Union is able to anticipate and address
problems, the lower the ultimate human and financial cost. Conflict prevention has to begin in
situations of "unstable peace", where structural problems are apparent but have not yet resulted in
open violence. The Union has access to information from many sources and a range o f capabilities,
many of them new, for assessing situations and formulating policy options. Their potential has still to
be fully developed. Translating early warning into early action will require the application of political
will by the Council and its bodies at all levels in order to encourage the early assessment of potential
problems and the formulation of possible policy options.
28. Third, as is the case with our longer term measures, there is a clear need for comprehensive and
integrated policies which address the full range of factors which can produce or exacerbate violence.
These include discrimination against minorities, forced population displacement, the abuse of human
rights, and weak institutions, the availability of small arms, abuse of humanitarian law, exclusion of
international organisations and curtailment of media freedoms.
29. Fourth, a recurring challenge is the need for responsiveness in the deployment of appropriate
instruments. Deployment can involve a range of authorities and different procedures for decision
making and accountability: humanitarian aid and trade policy fall within Community competence
while responsibility for third pillar instruments and new civilian and military capabilities lies
primarily with Member States. Achieving coherence and responsiveness is not solely a matter of
instrume nts but of political will.
Evaluate use of diplomatic instruments for conflict prevention (including use of
Special Representatives) with objective of more focussed, flexible and robust
diplomatic engagement.
The Political and Security Committee should continue to develop its potential as a
focal point within the framework of CFSP and CSDP for the development,
implementation and monitoring of conflict prevention policies.
Council Working Groups should support PSC in this task and develop the practice of
joint meetings and informal discussion with relevant partner organisations.
More proactive use of heads of mission for conflict prevention, including through visits
to potential conflict zones, and the preparation of regular systematic reports.
Better coordination of the wide range of information sources now available for
identifying and monitoring potential conflicts including Member States commitment to
sharing all relevant information.
Regular preparation by the Policy Unit and by the Commission of conflict prevention
papers for consideration by policy makers.
VI Conclusion
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30. Effective action by the EU in the area of conflict prevention will require sustained political will and should
become a priority. Future work should acknowledge our failures but also build on our successes. The Union has,
for example, made a very substantial contribution to the establishment of permanent stability in Central and
Eastern Europe. The rapid delivery of political and financial support to Montenegro was important in stabilising a
potential conflict situation while o ur support for democratic forces in Serbia and the recent Zagreb Summit with
its emphasis on the Stability and Association Process have opened up new prospects for lasting peace in the
region. It can build also on successes further afield. After a decade which has seen many failures, the wider
international community has, for example, acted to address the spiral of conflict in East Timor and has stepped in
to provide the support and security necessary for the re-establishment of public authority and civil s ociety.
31. The challenges which face the Union as it sets about improving its coherence and effectiveness for conflict
prevention are similar to those which it faces throughout its external action: to establish and sustain priorities for
action; to ensure the coherent use of what is now a very broad range of resources in pursuit of those priorities; to
deploy those resources in a pro-active, flexible and integrated way; and to build and sustain effective partnerships
with those who share our values and priorities at global, regional, national and local level. Addressing these issues
in the context of conflict prevention can give impetus to our efforts towards greater coherence in all external
action. It is an ambitious political undertaking and will be achieved only with the exercise of political will.
Nonetheless, it demands a high place in the Council's priorities. The benefits of effective conflict
prevention {{EPA}} to human life, political stability, national and community budget trade and
investment {{EPA}} will far outweigh the effort invested.