Europaudvalget 2000-01
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Det Europæiske Råd
Medlemmerne af Folketingets
Europaudvalg og deres stedfortrædere
5. december 2000
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges i forbindelse med det ordinære møde i Det
Europæiske Råd i Nice den 7.-9. december 2000 Formandskabets rapport vedr. iværksættelse af
de :
au :
n° doc. préc. :
Objet :
la Présidence
10486/00 ECO 216 CAB 7 SOC 266 EDUC 117
Bilan des actions menées par la Présidence pour la mise en oeuvre du Plan d'action
Le Conseil européen de Lisbonne a marqué la volonté collective de faire entrer pleinement l'Union européenne dans l'économie de l'innovation
et de la connaissance. Il a, en particulier, fixé comme objectif de mettre les atouts de la société de l'information à la portée de tous les citoyens
européens. La Présidence française, de concert avec la Commission européenne, les Etats-membres et le Parlement européen, s'est attachée à
{{ST}}uvrer à la mise en {{ST}}uvre du plan d'action
adopté à Feira pour répondre à cet objectif ambitieux. La présente
note dresse le bilan des actions menées par la Présidence pendant ce semestre pour ce faire et ce faisant contribuer
durablement à la croissance, accroître la compétitivité de l'Union européenne et renforcer ute;sion sociale face au
danger de la "fracture" numérique.
1. Organisation des travaux
La Présidence s{{PU2}}est efforcée de mettre en {{ST}}uvre, avec le soutien de la Commission, la méthode ouverte de coordination des
politiques nationales décidée à Lisbonne. Pour ce faire, elle a confié le suivi transversal du plan d{{PU2}}action
au groupe {{PU1}}
société de l{{PU2}}information{{PU2}} qui rend compte au Conseil Marché Intérieur, Consommateurs et Tourisme agrave; la constitution
d'une première liste d'indicateurs pour le suivi du plan d'action. Cette liste fait l'objet d'une seconde note de la Présidence, qui propose au Conseil
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"Marché Intérieur, Consommateurs et Tourisme" du 30 novembre d'approuver, en vue de sa soumission au Conseil européen de Nice, une liste d
{{PU2}}indicateurs pour le suivi du plan d{{PU2}}action.
Ce groupe a également permis des échanges d'information intéressants sur la méthode et l'organisation interne choisies dans
chacun des Etats membres pour la mise en {{ST}}uvre des objectifs prescrits par le plan d'action
La Présidence a
notamment demandé à chaque Etat-membre une contribution écrite faisant le point des actions entreprises depuis juin au
niveau national pour répondre objectifs fixés pour fin 2000 et 2001. Ces contributions nationales sont annexées à la présente
note qui en résume les points saillants.
Le suivi des actions thématiques à caractère principalement législatif a pour sa part été confié aux groupes et formations
compétents du Conseil. La présente note dresse un rapide bilan des travaux menés dans ces différentes enceintes.
L{{PU2}}ensemble de ces efforts devrait permettre au Conseil européen de Nice de prendre connaissance d{{PU2}}un
premier état de mise en {{ST}}uvre du plan d'action préparé par la Commission en réponse à la demande formulée par les
chefs d'Etats et de gouvernements à Lisbonne, ainsi que du présent rapport de la Présidence et des contributions nationales
2. Résultats obtenus dans les domaines d'actions prioritaires de la Présidence
La Présidence se félicite des premiers résultats obtenus et progrès observés au regard des objectifs fixés à Feira et des priorités qu'elle avait
souhaité traiter.
Si parmi les résultats les plus remarquables figurent l'obtention très rapide de l'accord inter institutionnel intervenu sur le
règlement du Parlement européen et du Conseil relatif au dégroupage de la boucle locale - qui devrait se traduire par
l'adoption du Règlement lors d'une session du Conseil début décembre - , et l'approbation d'une liste d'indicateurs permettant
un suivi de la mise en {{ST}}uvre d n d'action
la Présidence se félicite également des résultats suivants obtenus
dans les quatre domaines d{{PU2}}actions prioritaires qu{{PU2}}elle s{{PU2}}était fixés pendant son exercice:
2.1. La dimension internationale de la société de l{{PU2}}information :
La Présidence française a veillé à développer la dimension internationale du plan d'action
adopté à Feira, afin d
{{PU2}}assurer une plus grande visibilité de l'action de l'Europe sur la scène internationale. Cette dimension se décline
en trois volets : la promotion de l'action de l'Union en soutien aux pays tiers, et particulièrement en faveur des pays en
développement (r&eacu tion du fossé numérique), la promotion de l'approche réglementaire européenne, et enfin la
promotion de l'image d'une Europe de la connaissance dynamique et innovante, en pointe dans le secteur des nouvelles
technologies de l'information et de la communication.
Aussi la Présidence se réjouit-elle tout particulièrement que le Conseil "Développement" ait pu adopter, le 10 novembre
2000, des conclusions qui, évoquant l'impact des nouvelles technologies de l'information et des communications et le
risque de marginalisation qui pourrait en découler pour les pays en développement, chargent les instances compétentes
d'approfondir la réflexion sur deux priorités concrètes: l'ac cès à l'Internet pour les populations des pays en
développement et la contribution de ces technologies à la coopération institutionnelle. La Commission a notamment été
invitée à présenter une contribution à ce sujet.
Lors du troisième sommet de l'ASEM (20-21 octobre), quatre projets de coopération entre l'Union européenne et ses
partenaires asiatiques ont été lancés, portant sur la réduction du fossé numérique, un réseau à haut débit euro-asiatique pour
l'enseignement et la recherche, les technologies de l'information et la communication, le commerce électronique et la
Dans le cadre des relations extérieures de l'Union européenne, la Présidence a également engagé des dialogues nourris avec
les partenaires de l'Union sur la société de l'information. Gouvernement en ligne, fossé numérique, réseaux d'éducation et de
recherche, cybercriminalité, confiance des utilisateurs{{NEL}} sont autant de sujets abordés avec les Etats-Unis. Il est
convenu que ce dernier thè ra l'objet d'une déclaration conjointe lors du sommet Union européenne / Etats-Unis du 18
décembre 2000. La Présidence souhaite engager par ailleurs lors du sommet Union européenne / Canada du 19 décembre la
mise en {{ST}}uvre du plan d'action "le commerce électronique dans la société globale de l'information", adopté avec ce
pays en juin 2000.
Enfin, le séminaire organisé par la Présidence sur "les enjeux juridiques de la société de la l'information" à Paris, les 14
et 15 décembre 2000, à l'intention des dirigeants des pays candidats et des pays émergents, sera une première occasion
de valoriser l{{PU2}}approche réglementaire européenne auprès de nombreux pays tiers.
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2.2. La lutte contre la cybercriminalité et le renforcement de la sécurité des réseaux :
En ce qui concerne
la lutte contre la cybercriminalité,
la Présidence a {{ST}}uvré dans trois directions essentielles pour :
• favoriser la finalisation du projet de Convention du Conseil de l'Europe dans le cadre du mandat initial conféré début
1997 au groupe de rédaction du Comité PCCY : des positions communes sur plusieurs points litigieux ont ainsi pu être
obtenues. Cette convention servira de référence dans les futures et indispensables négociations avec des pays tiers;
• initier une réflexion sur l'extension du champ de compétence d'Europol aux atteintes aux systèmes de traitement
automatisés des données. Une première extension des compétences d'Europol a été proposée au Conseil JAI;
• parvenir à une meilleure connaissance du phénomène de la cybercriminalité notamment au moyen de la définition
d'indicateurs grâce aux travaux du groupe de coopération policière. La Présidence a organisé du 13 au 17 novembre 2000, à
Poitiers, un séminaire sur le thème « Enquêtes de police judiciaire et nouvelles technologies de l{{PU2}}information » auquel
ont cipés un panel de policiers des 15 Etats-membres, des représentants de dix pays candidats et des industriels.
La Présidence française a par ailleurs initié des travaux relatifs au thème de la
sécurité des systèmes d{{PU2}}information
(SSI) au
sein du groupe " services de la société de l{{PU2}}information ". Suite à cette initiative de la Présidence, les Etats membres
et la Commission se sont accordés sur la nécessité de prendre davantage en compte cette dimension dans l{{PU
eacute;marches et projets visant à la promotion des technologies de l{{PU2}}information, et d{{PU2}}en assurer un suivi
transversal plus méthodique et approfondi. Ils se sont également accordés sur la nécessité d{{PU2}}une bonne articulation
entre ces actions et celles engagées, dans le cadre du 3ème pilier, en matière de lutte contre la cybercriminalité. A cette fin :
• sur proposition de la Présidence, il a été décidé d{{PU2}}organiser des réunions régulières du groupe "services de la
société de l'information" consacrées aux questions de SSI, dans une composition appropriée.
• La future Présidence suédoise a également souligné l{{PU2}}importance de ce thème, et indiqué son intention de
poursuivre les efforts menés par la Présidence française afin d{{PU2}}assurer au niveau de l{{PU2}}Union
européenne un suivi cohérent et efficace des questions de SSI.
• La Commission a proposé d{{PU2}}organiser en janvier 2001 un atelier réunissant représentants des Etats et
industriels pour alimenter les travaux ainsi entrepris. Elle a aussi marqué son soutien au développement des CERTs
emergency response teams')
dans le cadre d{{PU2}}un véritable réseau européen.
2.3. La promotion des contenus européens
L{{PU2}}adoption d'une position commune sur la directive relative à l{{PU2}}harmonisation de certains aspects du droit d{{PU2}}auteur et
droits voisins dans la société de l{{PU2}}information constitue une avancée significative de nature à favoriser le développement de contenus
L{{PU2}}accord politique très probable, lors du Conseil du 22 décembre, sur la décision destinée à lancer le programme
visant à stimuler le développement et l{{PU2}}utilisation d{{PU2}}un contenu numérique européen sur les
réseaux mondiaux, constituera une étape essentielle dans une politique communautaire de promotion et de soutien aux
contenus numériques.
La Présidence a également transmis au Conseil en vue de sa session "affaires culturelles/audiovisuel" du 23 novembre une note s{{PU2}}
intéressant plus particulièrement à trois composantes du plan d'action
: la stimulation du développement et de l'utilisation d'un
contenu numérique européen, l{{PU2}}accès au patrimoine culturel numérisé à des fins éducatives, et la cr n d'un mécanisme de
coordination des programmes nationaux de numérisation.
Une réunion informelle des experts du comité de programme IST et de ceux du Comité des affaires culturelles a eu lieu
les 15-16 novembre 2000 afin de poursuivre les travaux dans ce domaine précis, notamment en vue de la préparation
d'une réunion formelle d'experts de tous les Etats-membres début 2001 sur ce thème. A ce stade, il semble que l{{PU2}}
idée d{{PU2}}un portail européen permettant la mise à dispo atrimoines culturels numérisés par les Etats-membres
constitue l{{PU2}}une des pistes les plus intéressantes à explorer.
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Enfin, le colloque organisé à l'initiative de la Présidence française sur les industries culturelles dans un environnement
numérique (Lyon, 11-12 septembre) a souligné l'enjeu majeur que constitue le soutien aux industries européennes du
contenu numérique.
2.4. La recherche :
Outre la tenue d'une conférence sur les infrastructures de recherche à Strasbourg les 18-19 septembre organisée par la
Présidence française, et celle de la Conférence IST 2000 à Nice du 6 au 8 novembre, en partenariat avec la Commission,
l'avancée la plus significative accomplie sous Présidence française en ce qui concerne le volet recherche du plan d'action
consiste en la signature du mémo randum constituant l'acte de naissance du réseau "GEANT" (Gigabit
European Academic NeTwork). Ce réseau interconnectera les réseaux de recherche et d'éducation européens avec, dès
2001, une capacité de 2,5 Gigabits par seconde. La Présidence se félicite également de ce que le 5
PCRD, et tout
particulièrement son volet IST, ait été mobilisé dans le cadre du plan d{{PU2}}action
et que ns des projets qu
{{PU2}}il soutient contribuent directement à la réalisation des objectifs fixés dans le plan d{{PU2}}action.
Les ministres européens de la recherche réunis le 16 novembre ont rappelé, dans une résolution du Conseil relative à la
création d'un espace européen de la recherche et de l'innovation, leur attachement à la mise en {{ST}}uvre du plan
après avoir entendu un rapport oral des Commissaires Liikanen et Busquin sur les progrès observés
dans la mise en {{ST}}uvre de son volet recherche.
3. Autres travaux du Conseil et du Parlement européen
Outre les actions menées dans ces domaines prioritaires pour la Présidence, les différentes formations du Conseil ont fait, et feront pour celles
encore à venir d{{PU2}}ici la fin de l{{PU2}}année, un point sur l{{PU2}}avancement des actions relevant de leur domaine de compétence.
Quant aux actions de nature législative, il peut être tiré le bilan provisoire suivant, en complément des points p demment évoqués:
3.1 Conseil Télécommunications :
A côté des efforts consentis afin d'obtenir un accord inter institutionnel en première lecture sur le projet de règlement du
Parlement européen et du Conseil relatif au dégroupage de la boucle locale {{SPA}} qui devrait être adopté lors d'une
session du Conseil début décembre- et à un accord politique sur le projet de décision
la Présidence a donné la
plus grande priori te; aux travaux relatifs au futur cadre réglementaire applicable aux communications électroniques
proposé par la Commission le 12 juillet 2000. La directive-cadre pourrait ainsi faire l'objet d'orientations communes du
Conseil lors de sa session "Télécommunications" le 22 décembre 2000.
Dans l{{PU2}}attente d{{PU2}}une nouvelle communication de la Commission et d{{PU2}}une proposition de
décision relative à la création du nom de domaine " .eu " visant à définir notamment le statut de l{{PU2}}organisme qui
gèrera celui-ci, l'adoption d'une telle décision sous Présidence française semble à présent difficilement envisageable. Des
progrès importants dans cette voie auront te; marqués sous Présidence française, l{{PU2}}ICANN ayant récemment
officiellement reconnu l{{PU2}}existence de ce nom de domaine et la possibilité d'en déléguer la gestion.
Concernant enfin la gouvernance de l{{PU2}}Internet, la résolution du 3 octobre 2000 adoptée par le Conseil
"Télécommunications" a par ailleurs permis de proposer des actions essentielles, telles que, notamment, la création d
{{PU2}}un réseau européen rassemblant les compétences scientifiques, techniques et juridiques des Etats membres y
3.2 Conseil Marché Intérieur, consommateurs et tourisme:
En ce qui concerne la passation des marchés publics par voie électronique, la Présidence invite les Etats-membres à s
{{PU2}}accorder lors du Conseil du 30 novembre sur des orientations communes concernant la directive portant sur les
marchés publics de fournitures, de services et de travaux.
Le Conseil du 30 novembre sera également l'occasion d'un état des travaux sur la proposition de directive relative à la
commercialisation des services financiers à distance, ainsi que sur la mise en place d'un mécanisme destiné à accroître la
confiance des consommateurs dans le commerce électronique (site de la Commission «eConfidence»).
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3.3 Conseil ECOFIN :
La Présidence continuera d{{PU2}}{{ST}}uvrer afin de faciliter l'obtention d{{PU2}}un accord des Etats-membres dans les meilleurs délais sur
la directive relative à la TVA sur certains services fournis par des moyens électroniques.
3.4 Conseil Emploi et Politiques sociales
La Présidence se félicite de l{{PU2}}accord politique obtenu sur une liste d{{PU2}}objectifs appropriés en matière de lutte
contre la pauvreté et l{{PU2}}exclusion sociale, assortie d{{PU2}}un préambule, en vue de leur approbation au Conseil
européen de Nice : les Etats membres s{{PU2}}y engagent à présenter d{{PU2}}ici juin 2001 un plan national d{{PU2}}
action pour deux ans, dans lequ ouver sa place.
3.5 Conseil Industrie/Energie
Le Conseil, lors de sa session Industrie/Energie du 5 décembre 2000 devrait, à l'occasion de l'adoption de conclusions du Conseil relatives à
l'innovation, inviter les Etats-membres et la Commission à réaliser un effort important pour faciliter l'adaptation des compétences et l'accès de
tous aux nouveau savoirs et métiers induits par l'innovation et les nouvelles technologies de l'information et des communication s, afin de réduire
le risque de l'apparition d'une fracture numérique dans la société. Pour ce faire, le Conseil devrait rappeler son attachement à la mise en {{ST}}
uvre prioritaire concrète de l'ensemble des actions concourant à cet objectif incluses dans le plan d'action
3.6 Conseil Transports
Le projet "Galiléo" figurera à l'ordre du jour du Conseil "Transports" des 20-21 décembre 2000.
4. Manifestations organisées sous Présidence française
Un certain nombre de manifestations liées à diverses thématiques du plan d'action
outre celles mentionnées ci-
dessus ont été organisées sous Présidence française: Colloque "Europe, villes et territoires (Lille, 2-3 novembre 2000);
Colloque "2000-2010: le travail en mutation" (Paris, 18-19 décembre 2000); Conférence sur la société de l'information et
la cohésion territo riale (Lyon, 18-19 décembre).
Par ailleurs, la 8ème réunion des ministres de la fonction publique et de l'administration organisée par la Présidence à
Strasbourg le 7 novembre 2000 a permis à ceux-ci de débattre notamment de l'e-administration et d'adopter une
"résolution" sur ce thème ainsi qu'une recommandation sur les indicateurs à adopter sur ce sujet. Cette discussion a
permis de démontrer l'importance de l'apport des administrations pub liques au plan d'action
et de prendre date
pour les prochaines étapes, y compris en ce qui concerne la qualité réglementaire.
5. Progrès réalisés dans les Etats-membres
Durant les six derniers mois, les Etats-membres ont, dans leur grande majorité, porté leurs efforts dans deux directions
principales: d{{PU2}}une part, ils ont considérablement mis l{{PU2}}accent sur le
développement de l{{PU2}}accès à l
tant au niveau de la multiplication des points d{{PU2}}accès que de la baisse des coûts d{{PU2}}
accès; d{{PU2}}autre part, ils ont apporté un soin s pper les contenus et les services publics en ligne.
5.1 Un Internet plus accessible, moins cher et plus sûr
L{{PU2}}accès forfaitaire à l{{PU2}}Internet fait son entrée en force en Europe: les autorités de régulation des télécommunications allemande,
espagnole et britannique ont invité leurs opérateurs historiques à proposer à leurs concurrents une tarification forfaitaire (flat-rate) pour les
communications locales d{{PU2}}accès à l{{PU2}}Internet.
Les accès publics se développent également rapidement: écoles, universités, centres de formations, bibliothèques, bureaux de
poste, etc. Ainsi la France est-elle en train d{{PU2}}équiper 7000 lieux publics. En Irlande, ce sont toutes les écoles qui sont
désormais raccordées à l{{PU2}}Internet.
La Suède a mis en place un fonds régional pour aider au désenclavement numérique des régions rurales. Il permettra à ces
régions de disposer d{{PU2}}accès à haut débit.
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Pour développer l'accès à l{{PU2}}Internet, les Etats-membres ont lancé des campagnes de sensibilisation et de formation:
séries télévisées, édition de guides de navigation, formations gratuites, en visant de larges catégories de population :
enseignants, étudiants, personnes âgées et handicapés. L{{PU2}}Italie porte l{{PU2}}essentiel de son effort sur la
formation, la recherche, l{{PU2}} ction de la fracture numérique. Certains Etats comme les Pays-Bas ou le Luxembourg ont
déjà mis en place un brevet de navigation sur l{{PU2}}Internet.
Une attention spécifique a également été portée à la sécurité des transactions sur le réseau afin d{{PU2}}aider au
développement du commerce électronique. Des labels destinés à renforcer la confiance des consommateurs ont été créés
(France et Belgique). Le Portugal décerne un certificat aux entreprises respectant un code de conduite établi pour le com
électronique. La Finlande diffuse un guide pour les consommateurs. Des organismes de médiation en ligne des litiges
voient le jour (Autriche, Danemark, Suède).
5.2 Un soin particulier apporté aux contenus et aux services en ligne
Le nombre de téléprocédures élaborées par les administrations nationales est en forte hausse. En Allemagne le projet
" Media@Komm " permet d{{PU2}}expérimenter dans trois villes pilotes des mairies et des marchés virtuels. Il est même
possible désormais de se marier en ligne à Brême. En Espagne, ce sont 100 000 déclarations d{{PU2}}impô éjà été
renseignées en ligne par le biais de serveurs sécurisés. En France, dès 2001, la délivrance des cartes grises pour les véhicules
sera possible par l'Internet.
L{{PU2}}Espagne a signé des accords avec plusieurs pays d{{PU2}}Amérique latine (Mexique, Colombie, Argentine) pour
développer des contenus de langue espagnole. De nombreux pays (Portugal, France) mettent en ligne des catalogues des
ressources numériques disponibles. La Suède a créé un centre virtuel, en ligne, qui propose à tous les producteurs de contenu,
des conseils techniques et d{{PU2}}opportunité sur les numérisa agent.
La Grèce met l{{PU2}}accent sur la préservation de son patrimoine grâce à sa numérisation et sa mise en ligne : ainsi
encourage-t-elle la création et la diffusion de produits multimédias centrés autour de la culture grecque ancienne et moderne
et autour du tourisme.
Confiante quant à la motivation de la future Présidence suédoise pour continuer et renforcer les actions déjà engagées, notamment à
l'international et dans les domaines de la lutte contre la cybercriminalité et le renforcement de la sécurité des réseaux, la promotion des
contenus européens et la recherche, la Présidence française remercie l{{PU2}}ensemble des Etats- s, le Parlement européen et la Commission
pour l{{PU2}}esprit constructif et volontaire qui a animé les premiers travaux de mise en oeuvre du plan d{{PU2}}action d'
invite ceux-ci à poursuivre leurs efforts afin de garantir le succès de ce plan d'action et de répondre à son ambition.
de :
la Présidence
n° doc. préc. : 10486/00 ECO 216 CAB 7 SOC 266 EDUC 117
Objet :
Bilan des actions menées par la Présidence pour la mise en oeuvre du Plan d'action
Page 10, point 5.2, troisième ligne:
Au lieu de:
"Il est même possible désormais de se marier en ligne à Brême.",
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il convient de lire:
"Il est même possible de consulter les actes de mariage, en ligne, à Brême.".
de :
au :
n° doc. préc. :
Objet :
la Présidence
10486/00 ECO 216 CAB 7 SOC 266 EDUC 117
Bilan des actions menées par la Présidence pour la mise en oeuvre du Plan d'action
Contributions des Etats membres
Les délégations trouveront ci-joint les annexes I et II au document 13515/00 ECO 341 MI 154.
Europe Targets - 2000
eEurope Action Plan - Cheaper and faster Internet
Work towards introducing greater competition in local access networks and
unbundling of the local loop.
Draft Royal decree approve by council of ministers on October 6th
§ 33 TKG (seit 1998): Wettbewerber haben Anspruch auf
diskriminierungsfreien Zugang zu Leistungen des marktbeherrschenden
Unternehmens, soweit diese wesentlich sind.
Anspruch der Wettbewerber auf den Zugang zur
Teilnehmeranschlussleitung (§ 2 Netzzugangsverordnung).
Participating in negotiations on ULL regulation
Since 1 July 1998, telecom enterprises have had access to Tele Danmark's
local subscriber network
The Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications has developed a
regulatory framework, which will be implemented in the first months of 2001,
including: unbundled local loop, reduced leased lines tariffs, lighter licences
granting requirements. Measures consolidating the liberalisation of the market
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will be financed through the Operational Programme "Information Society"
such as parks for antennas, equipment for controlling emissions and managing
the frequencies spe ctrum. These measures will permit the best possible
regulation of the telecommunications sector and the more efficient
monitoring of the market, in order to promote and support the regulatory
authorities in the emerging liberalised market.
Selection of operator for local calls in force since 15 November (Royal Decree
Local loop unbundling in force since January 2001 (Royal Decree 7/2000)
6 new national wireless local loop operators since April 2000
Le dégroupage de la boucle locale, décidé par le décret du 12 septembre 2000,
interviendra le 1
janvier 2001.
Although Italy enjoys a competitive environment in the telecommunications
market, Telecom Italia still retains a
de facto
monopoly in the local access
market. In order to foster increased competition, AGCOM has launched
various regulatory actions.
In March 2000, ahead of the timescale set up by many other European
countries, AGCOM introduced Local Loop Unbundling obligations for
Telecom Italia.
On 12
May 2000, Telecom Italia published a reference offer, the technical
and economic conditions submitted are now under evaluation by AGCOM. A
three month trial phase started in October 2000 and focussed on three of the
most important metropolitan areas in the country: Rome, Milan and Turin.
Resolution 2/00/CIR places an obligation on Telecom Italia{{PU2}}s x-DSL
activities, something that are a key to success whilst waiting for LLU to be
fully operational. However, Telecom Italia still retains a fundamental
competitive advantage in controlling the local network. The AGCOM
provision states that if Telecom Italia decided to offer a retail service based on
x-DSL technologies, Telecom Italia is obliged to supply its competitors the
same service a wholesale conditions.
To support the growth of new local infrastructure, AGCOM is about to
launch a public consultation to harmonise network installation conditions and
the civic duties imposed on operators on a national level.
Unbundling the local loop will be the subject of an EU Regulation in
December 2000. The obligation to unbundle will be imposed on the
significant market power from 31 December 2000 and will be rolled out over
the following months.
Commercialisation de nouvelles technologies d{{PU1}}accès, telles que:
• CATV (Cable Television Network) avec canal de retour
• ADSL (Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line)
• réception satellite avec canal de retour
Essais techniques pour l'introduction du PLC (Powerline Communications)
Intensification de la concurrence et libéralisation de l{{PU1}}accès à la
{{IND}}boucle locale"
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Adaptation of national legislation is in progress
Teilnehmeranschlussleitung sind festgelegt. Die TKC fungiert als
Beschwerdestelle im Zusammenhang mit der operativen Umsetzung der
Entbündelung. Eine Lizenzvergabe für {{IND}}wireless local
loop"-Frequenzen ist für Jänner 2001 vorgesehen
The deregulation of the telecommunications market in Portugal, initiated in
January 2000 with the fixed telephone network open to competition from
other companies, will be concluded by January 2001.
The Unbundling of
the Local Loop
has been brought forward to 1st January 2001. This
consists of giving access to the local infrastructure of the incumbent
operator to other potential operators of services for the fixed phone
network. From the above-mentioned date other companies will be able to
install their own equipment and material and, consequently, offer
commercial services directly to the consumer without the necessity to
install their own local access network. This decision by the regulating body
of the communications sector, taken after public consultation regarding the
Unbundling of the Local Loop,
brings to a close the cycle of deregulation
of the Portuguese telecommunications market, one with open competition
in the area of fixed phones since the beginning of last Januar y. The range
of options and choice for the consumer, have been widened to all the
technically admissible possibilities, including the broadband technologies
supported on fixed network of the incumbent operator.
In this respect, the incumbent operator, as an entity of considerable power in
the fixed phone network market, should present a Reference Offer for Access
to the Local Loop proposal to the regulating body by 30
Local access networks have been opened to competition in Finland.
Sweden has welcomed the introduction of provisions regarding local access
networks through the regulation on unbundling of the local loop, and has
supported the adoption of this regulation in the Council. Within the
Government, work is also underway on complementary regulations.
Unbundling mandated in the UK on August 8. BT started accepting orders in
September, and the first unbundled loops will be available early in the New
Year UK
Reduce prices for leased lines by increasing competition and ensuring
implementation of the Commission Recommendation.
Included in BRIO 2001; under scrutiny of Chamber for Interconnection,
Leased Lines, Shared Use and Collocation
Ex-ante Entgeltregulierung der Marktbeherrscher durch RegTP auf der Basis
der Kosten der effizienten Leistungserbringung (§25 TKG).
Prices on leased lines have been reduced significantly and are now among the
lowest in the EU. This is partly because of specific Danish methods for
calculating the prices due to the interconnection regulation, and partly because
of the appearance of a number of new providers of general infrastructure.
The current allocation of FWA authorisations to a number of new operators
are expected to further increase the competition in this area.
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The Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications has developed a
regulatory framework, which will be implemented in the first months of 2001,
including: unbundled local loop, reduced leased lines tariffs, lighter licences
granting requirements. Measures consolidating the liberalisation of the market
will be financed through the Operational Programme "Information Society"
such as parks for antennas, equipment for controlling emissions and managing
the frequencies spe ctrum. These measures will permit the best possible
regulation of the telecommunications sector and the more efficient
monitoring of the market, in order to promote and support the regulatory
authorities in the emerging liberalised market.
La baisse des tarifs des lignes louées se poursuit en France avec la récente
décision d{{PU2}}homologation tarifaire des lignes à 64 kbit/s et 2Mbit/s.
De nouvelles propositions tarifaires pour les lignes à plus haut débit ont été
demandées à France Télécom pour le premier semestre 2001.
AGCOM has just concluded an inquiry on national leased lines, making Italy
one of the first Member States to regulate the leased lines domestic market.
The aim of the intervention, which analysed costs, pricing and leased line
quality, was to promote competition in the relevant market. The conclusions
of the inquiry appear to be consistent with the first results of the "Sector
Inquiry on Leased Lines Market" made by the General Directorate of the
European Commission.
The main aspects of this decision regard: an increase in leased lines capacities
offered by the incumbent, a reduction of monthly rental charges, a change in
connection charges, a new discount policy, more information regarding the
distance of leased lines need and the introduction of a service level agreement
that sets out quality standards.
All in all, AGCOM intend to guarantee the respect of the principles of
transparency, non-discriminatory behaviour and the guarantee of a user
{{PU2}}s safeguard.
A regulatory regime taking the Commission's recommendation into account
has been put in place to facilitate early entry for new market players. This
should increase competition and thereby reduce prices for leased lines.
The operator with significant market power in the leased line market made
substantial reductions in leased lines prices in April 2000. The decreases in
leased line tariffs will increase the competitiveness of Irish industry generally
and assist the further development of Internet services and electronic
Concurrence intense avec l'octroi de 22 licences réseau.
Projet de nouvelle législation favorisant le droit de passage
Competition is monitored by OPTA
Preisüberwachung durch Telekom-Control.
The legal dispositions of the Directives 92/44/EEC and 97/51/EC, in what
regards the reduction of prices and the stimulation of competition in the
area of leased lines, are transferred to the national plan with the Decree
nº290-30 A/99 that regulates the exploitation of public telecommunications
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In regard to the price of leased lines, a Specific Agreement was negotiated for
this service for the period 1998/2000. In this period we have seen a significant
reduction in prices (approximately 30%).
Prices have decreased in recent years.
Increasing competition in Sweden is evident with many new entrants, e.g.
municipalities. Competition is very intense within basic network capacity,
primarily dark fibre, and value-added network capacity in the bandwidths
from 2 Mbit/s and upward. A sign of a fairly well functioning market is that
relatively few complaints have been filed with the National Post and
Telecom Agency and the Swedish Competition Authority. However, the
National Post and Telecom Agency can not confirm a downward trend in
prices . It is difficult to make a fair assessment of pricing due to the amount
of variables that must be taken into account, such as capacity, composition
of the leased lines in various parts of the network, distance and duration of
the lease.
OFTEL consulted in August on several options to increase competition in the
provision of leased lines. Decision expected in December
Where necessary and without distorting competition, public financing
instruments will give increased priority to supporting the development of
information infrasctructure and projects, notably in the less-favoured regions.
FörderRL für GA sollen bezüglich besserer Förderung der neuen
Technologien/Internet angepasst werden
Under the Danish objective 2 programme, it is possible, via the structural
funds, to obtain co-financing of significance to information technology and
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initiatives to increase the use of information technology, including education
initiatives. The objective 2 programme covers areas in North Jutland, Viborg,
Ringkøbing, Århus, South Jutland, Funen, Storstrøm and Bornholm. The
programme may also contribute to financing initiatives under "Digital Nort h
The objective 2 programme awaits final approval by the Commission. As
soon as this is available, an application may be made and funds be granted
under the programme.
The Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications has developed a
regulatory framework, which will be implemented in the first months of 2001,
including: unbundled local loop, reduced leased lines tariffs, lighter licences
granting requirements. Measures consolidating the liberalisation of the market
will be financed through the Operational Programme "Information Society"
such as parks for antennas, equipment for controlling emissions and managing
the frequencies spe ctrum. These measures will permit the best possible
regulation of the telecommunications sector and the more efficient
monitoring of the market, in order to promote and support the regulatory
authorities in the emerging liberalised market.
FEDER Operational Programme (2000-2006) "Las Telecomunicaciones y la
Sociedad de la Información", defined by the end of 2000, addresses financial
support to Internet infrastructures (notably broadband), services and
applications in less favoured regions.
Les schémas de services collectifs signés entre l{{PU2}}Etat et les régions
comportent désormais un volet "services de l{{PU2}}information et de la
communication". En outre, lors du dernier Comité Interministériel pour la
Société de l{{PU2}}Information du 10 juillet 2000, il a été décidé que les
communes pourront utiliser la Dotation Globale d{{PU2}}Equipement pour
l{{PU2}}a coles primaires.
Par ailleurs, le gouvernement français a annoncé le 10 juillet dernier, l
{{PU2}}ouverture d{{PU2}}ici 2003 de plus de 7000 espaces publics d
{{PU2}}accès à l{{PU2}}Internet, dont 2500 offrant une première
formation gratuite.
Italy is preparing an Action Plan for the development of information
infrastructure. It should be ready by the end of the year.
EU and Government funding of up to 200 million Euros is available under
the NDP 2000-2006 to support the provision of advanced communications
and e-commerce infrastructure in the regions. The first call for up to 77
million Euros of ERDF and Exchequer funds was launched in June 2000.
This funding, which can be up to 40% of project cost, will allow the extension
of advanced communications services into areas where it may not be currently
be commercially viable to do so. Funding of over 53 million Euros is available
in the Border, Midlands and West region and over 23 million Euros in the
South and East regions. The closing date for applications was 22 September
2000 and the applications received are currently [November, 2000] being
With the development of the project {{PU1}}Kenniswijk{{PU2}}
(Knowledge Area) a pilot with high quality information infrastructure is aimed
for. The project will be realized from 2000 onwards together with the private
sector (public-private partnership).
A scheme to support the take-up of new communications technologies has
been submitted to the EC for approval. The start is foreseen for 2001.
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Die inhaltlichen Arbeiten zum Programmplanungs-
dokument Telekommunikation im Rahmen von INTERREG III des
Europäischen Regionalfonds wurden Ende Oktober abgeschlossen. Der
Abschluss des politischen Willensbildungsprozess ist für Ende November
The creation of the Rede Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (RCTS)
Technology and Society Network
sustained by the strengthening of connections
between universities, polytechnics and Research and Development
Institutions, which has come to be the national "backbone" of RCTS. The
bandwidth access of connected institutions to the network has been increased
considerably, with many institutions connected with access speeds of 8 Mbps.
The bandwidth conn ection between Lisbon and Oporto has now reached
155 Mbps (34Mbps in 1999). There has also been important improvement in
international connections, with the significant increase from 512 Kbps in
1995, to 80 Mbps at the present.
Through the RCTS Internet connections in schools, library, teacher-training
centres have made as well as in cultural, scientific, educational and associated
entities, with the respective digital infrastructure network nationwide (RDIS).
With the creation of this information infrastructure within reach on a national
scale this has helped the people of less well-developed regions as well as those
in areas of greater development, creating the conditions for a reduction in the
regional imbalances.
In the context of the Operational Programme for the Information Society
(Programa Operacional para a Sociedade da Informação),the
sub-programme Portugal
Digital, is a central instrument for the development of the national
information and services infrastructure with special benefits for the
implementation of projects in less well-developed areas. Projects underway in
inland areas of Portugal, namely those in the cities of Guarda, Bragança, Vila
Real e Castelo Branco have the objective of combating inwardness, the
reduction of distances and increasing the accessibility to information and new
Necessary actions are elaborated
The Swedish IT Bill from spring 2000 includes a proposal for a national IT
infrastructure programme. The Government will, together with industry, fund
regional and local line connections in the rural areas, i. e. outside towns and
villages with more than 3 000 inhabitants. The funding is prioritised for
regional development and for industry policy reasons in sparsely populated
areas, as the need for such links is not expected to be fully met by market
players in these areas. The Bill proposes investments in broadband networks
for the establishment of regional networks and to facilitate access to
broadband networks. A total of SEK 5.8 billion is to be provided for these
High-Tech Fund approved by Commission in August and now on stream.
Europe Action Plan - Working in the knowledge-based economy
Support greater flexibility in the workplace, e.g. teleworking and part-time
working, where appropriate through agreements by Social Partners and backed
up by Members States.
Pilot projects
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Im Bündnis für Arbeit wurde der Vorschlag angenommen, bis Ende 2000
innovative Tarifverträge betreffend Telearbeit auf einer Webseite zu
Der Referentenentwurf eines Gesetzes über Teilzeitarbeit und befristete
Arbeitsverträge wurde im September 2000 vorgelegt. Ziel ist es insbesondere,
den Wechsel von Vollzeit- in Teilzeit zu erleichtern
The social partners have made a number of agreements of greater flexibility in
the workplace.
With effect from 1997, there has been tax exemption for the value of private
use of a home PC paid for by the employer.
The Danish Ministry of Labour published a report on the issue.
Active ICT labour market actions are supported through the O. P.
"Information Society" promoting employability by combined training and
employment promotion actions, through actions for the acquisition of
working experience in ICT firms (trainees), through the promotion of
employment in specialised ICT sectors for young graduates or tailored to
specific disadvantaged categories of persons and women and through the
promotion of tele-work and tele-training pilot applic ations, especially for
geographically remote areas and the islands.
Part-time working: Study identifying obstacles to part-time work contracting.
Teleworking: National Programme fostering Research and Technological
Development (PROFIT) in the field of Information Society (2000-2003), one
of its priorities being "e-commerce and teleworking". Support to projects and
actions developing IS through subsidies and/or credits to enterprises and
other entities.
La législation française sur les 35 heures rend le contexte très favorable à l
{{PU2}}émergence d{{PU2}}organisations de travail innovantes et plus
souples. Dans ce domaine, les aménagements du temps de travail se feront
sur la base d{{PU2}}accords négociés au niveau interministériel ou infra-
Une étude a été lancée par le ministère de la fonction publique et de la
réforme de l{{PU2}}État afin de mesurer l{{PU2}}impact des
technologies de l{{PU2}}information et de la communication (TIC) sur l
{{PU2}}organisation du travail dans l{{PU2}}administration, notamment
en matière de télétravail.
The latest economic policy measures by the Ministry of Labour to ensure on-
the-job flexibility, follow the pathway outlined by reforms to modernise the
Italian labour market.
Changes to the flexibility of working hours, include the reduction rates of
social welfare financing, increased part-time work contracts in public
administration and legal provisions to increase part-time employment.
The reform plan for part-time work implemented in 2000, not only adopted
the directive 97/81/CE but also completely revised the previous rules,
attempting to ensure greater management flexibility and protecting the
interests of employees. Other aspects of the reform include the introduction
of tele-working to public administration and the special discipline of "atypical"
work currently being examined by Parliament.
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On the basis of these reform plans, the renewal of most of the Nation
Collective Labour Agreements outlined the need of enterprises/institutions
and employees to up-date their skills to satisfy the changing labour market.
A Code of Practice on Teleworking was drawn up by a national advisory
group which included employers and trade union representatives and was
launched as the Code of Practice on e- working in Ireland on 10 May, 2000. It
is being widely disseminated. It is intended that the Code will be updated and
reviewed on a regular basis.
The Code of Practice is designed to inform those who have an interest in
e-working on a wide range of issues from the inception of the idea to the
implications of e-working for the self-employed, employers and employees.
The Code aims to encourage best practice in companies engaged in e-working
arrangements for the benefit of employers and employees.
The Code of Practice recently won a European e-work award in the category
"Best Framework Agreement".
Teleworking is one of the foreseen applications in the {{PU1}}Kenniswijk
Ongoing activities of the Foundation Teleworkforum Netherlands
Studie über den Einsatz von Telearbeit in der öffentlichen Verwaltung und
Durchführung von Pilotprojekten. Musterdienstverträge der Gewerkschaften
für Telearbeiter. Kollektivvertragsvereinbarungen für Telearbeiter in der
There is measure aimed at promoting the legal framing of teleworking in the
Internet initiative.
Necessary actions are elaborated.
The Employment Protection Act is to be revised so that security of
employment is no longer dependent on the location of distance employees in
relation to the principal workplace.
In the 1999 Budget, the Government introduced tax breaks for employees
provided with home PCs by their employers. Small employers will be
particularly encouraged to invest following the introduction in this year
{{PU2}}s Budget of 100% capital allowances for their spending on IT
The Government will
encourage government departments to look closely at the
cost/benefits of low cost PC leasing schemes for public sector employees
Europe Action Plan - Accelerating e-Commerce
Boost consumer confidence in e-commerce in partnership with consumer
groups, industry and Member states. Promote alternative dispute resolution,
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trust marks and effective codes of conduct by working with stakeholders to
develop general principles and by creating appropriate incentives. An 'online
e-confidence forum' managed by the Commission will engage as many
stakeholders as possible in this process. Commission and Member States to
further develop EEJ-net link ing alternative dispute resolution systems and
launch pilot projects at European level through the IST programme.
Orientation note re. electronic commerce in the internal market, main
principles which will be used to transpose the European directive
Cybercrime law (parliament)
Convention signed with the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and
Industry; pilot projects for ADR, codes of conduct and certification in order
to boost consumer confidence
Im Rahmen der Initiative D-21 wurden Qualitätskriterien für Online-
Gütesiegel erarbeitet (vorgestellt am 18. 10. 2000), die die D-21Firmen für
sich anerkannt haben.
Derzeit wird bei D-21an der Festlegung alternativer Streitbeilegungsmechanis-
men gearbeitet. Die Bundesregierung unterstützt auf Staatssekretärsebene die
Arbeiten des GBDe
The Ministry of Business and Industry has launched several initiatives
intended to boost user confidence in e-commerce. For example, a review has
been initiated (under the Nordic Council of Ministers) on the access to file
complaints in the EU for the purpose of submitting a proposal for
strengthening out-of-court settlement within the EU. The project is expected
to be finalised by 1 September 2001. In connection with the adoption of the
e-commerce Directive, the Cou ncil and the Commission decided, on the
initiative of Denmark, that a proposal was to be submitted on good market
behaviour in the EU. This work is given a very high priority by the Ministry.
In Denmark there are already well functioning systems such as the Consumer
Complaints Board, which deals with specific disputes between consumers and
business operators, and the Consumers' Ombudsman, who negotiates
guidelines etc. with business and consumer organisations
A draft of the law incorporating the two recent e- commerce EU directives
for digital signatures and legal aspects of e-commerce is in preparation and
will be presented to Parliament in the coming months.
At the same time, the National Committee for Electronic Commerce is
developing alternative dispute resolution systems.
In the OP "Information Society" there is an action of lines focusing on: the
use of ICT applications by SMEs (in the primary, secondary and tertiary
sector) in order to increase their productivity and competitiveness and the use
of e-commerce in order to turn companies into e-businesses, both on national
and international markets.
The e-business forum has been already launched from the Ministry of
Development aiming to open a dialogue between the stakeholders in the
digital economy by bringing together representatives from government,
business, non-governmental organisations and international bodies to discuss
the next steps towards creating a favourable environment for the development
of global electronic commerce.
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Draft Law for IS Services and Electronic Commerce incorporating Directive
expected to be sent by the Government to the Parliament in a few months.
Draft Law under public consultation in October.
Pilot action involving local "Reference Centres" in e-commerce. A conduct
code with a way of dispute resolution has been elaborated
La loi sur la société de l{{PU2}}information qui sera présentée au Parlement
français au début de l{{PU2}}année prochaine, procèdera à la transposition
de la directive "commerce électronique".
Par ailleurs, deux fédérations professionnelles ont lancé "Labelsite",
labellisation de sites marchands sur Internet.
Des outils de règlement en ligne des litiges apparaissent, comme celui proposé
par la Chambre de Commerce et d{{PU2}}Industrie de Paris
In the reorganisation of the Ministry of Industry, the DG to harmonise and
protect the relevant markets has been set up. Its objective is to deal with the
problems of consumption, consumer and user rights and control the quality
and safety of products and services. With this aim, a National Consumer
Council has been set up at the ministry.
A data bank is planned to collect information regarding legal disputes by
consumers. Such an initiative will help resolve trans-national consumer
Ireland has established a range of public/private partnerships with business
organisations to assist in building awareness and information networks on
e-commerce. As part of this initiative an e-commerce video was
commissioned and case studies guide completed. These are being distributed
to business, schools, training organisations, public representatives, and at
special focussed e-commerce master-classes at local and regional level. A TV
series looking at consumer e-commerce issues has been screened on national
TV and travelling road shows with "computer gyms" have also receive public
funding to bring information and awareness to local level.
A number of industry led initiatives focussing on building awareness and
familiarity with the Internet are ongoing.
Two separate initiatives to promote alternative dispute resolution for
e-commerce disputes are being pursued. One is focused on an on-line small
claims procedure for consumers and the second is an e-commerce business
confidence initiative focussed on on-line Arbitration and Mediation. We
expect to have an on-line Arbitration pilot programme early in 2001.
Projets développés par le groupe "questions économiques":
• Étude et projet expérimental de résolution de différends (partenaires
envisagés: magistrature et ordre des avocats, représentants des
consommateurs et commerçants)
• Création d{{PU2}}un label de qualité: créer une marque collective
gérée par le secteur privé avec l{{PU2}}appui de l{{PU2}}Etat
A code of conduct for e-commerce has been developed in cooperation with
the private sector.
The Netherlands will host an OECD conference on alternative dispute
resolution in December 2000.
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The Dutch organisation ECP.NL participates in the {{PU1}}e-confidence
core group.
The Dutch Foundation Dispute Resolution participates in EEJ-net
Projekt Internet-Ombudsmann unterstützt von öffentlichen Verwaltung und
Sozialpartnern. Seit 20.7.2000 Vergabe des e-Commerce Quality Gütezeichens
des Handelsverbands. Einführung des e-Commerce Gütezeichens für online-
tätige Unternehmen am 4.10.2000, vergeben durch den Internet
Ombudsmann. Ermutigung der Diensteanbieter zur Schaffung freiwilliger
Verhaltensregeln, wie etwa der Verhaltenskodex der Internet Service Provider
Öst erreichs.
The multiplication of the volume of e-commerce by Portuguese companies
100-fold in the next 3 years is defined as a priority in the Internet Initiative.
To reach this objective the Internet Initiative presents an articulated group
of measures aimed at increasing the use of Internet as much as possible by
families, companies and public administration. In relation to the last sector
promoting the reform of central public purchase is one of the measures in
the Internet Initiative that will b e decisive for the swift development of
e-commerce practices.
At this moment in time the process of forming regulations regarding
electronic invoices and digital signatures has been completed, with an
accredited authority already designated for entities certifying digital
The Portuguese consumer association (DECO) has instituted a process of
certification (certified Webtrader) of companies that will sell products and
services on-line, integrating, in this way, an international network of consumer
organizations. In order to obtain this certificate companies commit
themselves to respect the code of conduct.
A guide for consumers has been published. Other actions are under
Sweden has decided to establish an European Consumer Centre in
Stockholm, organised as a separate unit within the Swedish Consumer
Agency. Important tasks will be to advice to consumers regarding cross-
border shopping and to inform about the consumer legislation as well as the
work going on in the consumer area on an European level. The Centre will
also co-operate closely with the other Centres in Europe. Furthermore, the
Swedish organisation GEA participates in a No rdic project called SCANsafe.
It intends to establish a Nordic mark for safe electronic commerce and a
mechanism for solving disputes. Sweden is also implementing the OECD
Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce
TrustUK is a joint non-profit making venture between the Alliance for
Electronic Business and the Consumers{{PU2}} Association, endorsed by
UK Government. It seeks to foster consumer trust and confidence in Internet
trading through the approval of online codes of practice. Launched to
consumers in July, three codes have been approved under this scheme
including the Consumers{{PU2}} Association{{PU2}}s Which?Web Trader,
and those of ABTA (travel industry) and the DMA
The Government will help publicise the work of Trust UK by providing
{{PU1}}safe shopping{{PU2}} advice on the UK online citizen portal; and
developing, in consultation with Trust UK, a {{PU1}}consumer trust
standard{{PU2}} for use by government departments providing online
UK hopes to be among first to set up an EEJ "clearing house"
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Commission to stimulate increased flexibility in e-commerce regulation by
building more on co and self-regulation, inter alia through co-operation with
relevant business groups such as the Global Business Dialogue.
Orientation note, consulting of the sector, approved by council of ministers
on 13/7/2000
Internet-Selbstregulierung durch Initiative D-21 unter Schirmherrschaft des
Bundeskanzlers und Begleitung durch die Bundesregierung; politische
Unterstützung von GBDe und ICANN durch die Bundesregierung
The Danish electronic marking scheme is well under way. The self-regulation
initiative is the result of cooperation between chief consumer and business
organisations. The marking scheme is close to being operational in relation to
the public.
Furthermore, Denmark is in the process of implementing the e-commerce
Directive, which provides for the Member States and the Commission to
encourage business and consumer organisations to prepare a code of conduct
Dans le contexte des débats sur la co-régulation au niveau international, le
Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères a maintenu un contact étroit avec
plusieurs interlocuteurs du secteur privé, notamment au sein du "Global
Business Dialog" (Alcatel, France Télécom, Vivendi). La thématique du fossé
numérique nord-sud a fait l'objet d'échanges détaillés, dans la perspective des
débats internationaux sur ce sujet au sein du G8 et de l'ECOSOC aux
Nations-Unies. La participation d'entreprises françaises à la session de
l'ECOSOC représente une première dont nos interlocuteurs se sont félicités.
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The Ministry of Industry has launched the acknowledgement phase for the
Community Directive 2000/31/CE related to all aspects of the Information
Society and in particular electronic commerce in the domestic market.
The Government is taking a more flexible approach to regulation as seen in
the Economic and Finance Programme Document 2001-2004. The Ministry
of Industry has also recently issued a legislative decree (n.3487/C from 1
June 2000: Discipline for the sale of goods through electronic methods) which
illustrates the policy to simplify procedures for those wishing to start up a
commercial or electronic activity. The Permanent Observatory for Electronic
Commerce offers consultation a nd helps define the rules of the new
Article 16 of the E Commerce Directive encourages Member States and the
Commission to draw up codes of conduct by trade, professional and
consumer associations or organizations, designed to contribute to the proper
implementation of Articles 5-15 of the Directive. Member States and the
Commission are also encouraged to draw up codes of conduct regarding the
protection of minors and human dignity.
Ireland is currently examining with interested parties, including business
organizations, consumers and Internet service providers, the possibility of
developing a code of practice covering Article 7 of the Directive, i.e.
unsolicited commercial communications. The Code would complement the
legislation transposing the Directive, which is currently being drafted. Work is
continuing on the development of a code of practice on illegal and harmful
uses of the Internet.
Projet développé par le groupe "questions économiques" :
• développement de codes de conduite en vue de favoriser la confiance
des consommateurs
See previous section
Implementation of the directive on electronic signatures is in process.
The Netherlands in involved in the Global Business Dialogue.
Ermutigung der online-Dienste-Anbieter sowie der Internet Service Provider
zur Ausarbeitung von freiwilligen Verhaltenskodizes. Ermutigung der
Diensteanbieter zur grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit mit anderen
Unternehmen der gleichen Branche. Ermutigung zur Schaffung interoperabler
technischer Systeme.
Nothing to report
National activities are under preparation.
The Swedish Government is of the opinion that industry agreements and
ethical rules (self-regulation) may have certain advantages over traditional
legislation in that they can be adapted more easily to respond to the rapid
technological developments. In the main, the Government takes a positive
attitude towards increased self-regulation. On the other hand, it is essential
that the special circumstances of this particular market be taken into account.
The Government i ntends, in cooperation with international partners, to
investigate more closely the possibility of promoting self-regulation.
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UK supported Miami annual meeting of GBDe, and Cable & Wireless and
other UK companies have joined GBDe after encouragement by the
Europe Action Plan - European digital content for global networks
Launch a programme to stimulate the development and use of European digital
content on the global networks and to promote the linguistic diversity in the
information society, including action to support exploitation of public sector
information and establish European digital collections of key datasets.
Deutschland arbeitet in den Ratsarbeitsgruppen an der Einführung des
Programms der EU aktiv mit.
The Danish government supports the establishment of the
The development of the content industry is planned in the OP "Information
Society" by the creation and diffusion of multimedia products (e.g. based on
ancient and modern Greek culture, tourism, etc.). Emphasis is given to using
information technology and networks for the scientific and administrative
documentation and management of Greek cultural heritage (including for
managing intellectual property rights), the promotion of Greek culture
(ancient and mode rn) and civilisation using modern communications
networks, and the support of new forms of cultural expression that use IT-
based media.
* National Programme fostering Research and Technological Development
(PROFIT) in the field of Information Society (2000-2003), one of its priorities
being "digital contents and tools". Support to projects and actions developing
IS through subsidies and/or credits to enterprises and other entities.
* Promotion of Internet contents in Spanish language. Agreements signed on
this topic with Mexico, Colombia and Argentina that include interchange of
experiences and information, technical co-operation and encouraging of
private partnership.
La France soutient le programme
au niveau national et souhaite
encourager la diversité culturelle sur les réseaux. Dans le cadre de son soutien
aux initiatives issues de pays francophones, de nombreux projets de création
de contenu francophones peuvent ainsi être aidés. De plus l{{PU2}}
exemplarité des sites publics, par exemple,, le site du ministère
de la Culture et de la Communication ou, le site public de la
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, contribue à stimuler les contenus de qualité
sur les réseaux.
e-Government anticipates information access that is already available through
the creation of portals. However there are examples of new projects that have
been launched in this country such as General Land Office data. There does
not exist a national strategy for the utilisation of information in the public
sector that supports operators who boost the market for information
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Ireland strongly supports the Commission{{PU2}}s proposal for a Council
decision "adopting a multi-annual Community programme to stimulate the
development and use of European digital content on global networks
{{NEL}}." We are pleased that Irish organisations are involved in two of the
preparatory actions which are being currently implemented.
We are currently reviewing our Data Protection Act and in this context note is
being taken of the Commission{{PU2}}s Green Paper on Public Sector
Information and the difficulties of access which currently arise. Consideration
is being given to the need to publish a policy on government held tradable
For some years now software localisation has been a fast developing industrial
sector in Ireland and in support of this we have developed a Software
Localisation Resource Centre which promotes the use of modern language
technology in the localisation of software in Europe. It is envisaged that its
work will shortly be expanded to include localisation of
At national level consideration is being given to establishing digital access to
the combined resources of the cultural heritage of the different national
A major factor in the development of European Multi-Media content on
global networks is the availability of a multi-media rights clearing process.
This view was reinforced through our involvement with pilot projects in the
Info 2000 Programme, particularly the Verdi Project. The availability of a
European multi-media rights clearance system is essential for the development
of the E-Content market.
Volet culturel et scientifique :
Numérisation de documents (Bibliothèques et Archives de l{{PU2}}Etat)
et d{{PU2}}images (Centre National de l{{PU2}}Audiovisuel) en vue de
favoriser l{{PU2}}accès au patrimoine culturel
Participation de la Bibliothèque Nationale Luxembourg au projet
« MACS » (multilingual access to subjects) ensemble avec la Bibliothèque
suisse, la BnF, la Deutsche Bibliothek et la British Library : permettre au
lecteur de faire des recherches par sujets dans les catalogues de ces
bibliothèques en utilisant la langue de son choix
Volet économique / juridique
Numérisation de textes législatifs et de jurisprudence luxembourgeoise (projet
"LEGILUX") en vue d{{PU2}}une consultation en ligne.
Numérisation du Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés.
Ongoing projects to digitise the Dutch cultural and scientific heritage.
Ablieferungspflicht an die Nationalbibliothek für elektronische Medienwerke
seit 8.8.2000. Aufbau eines Infonetzes für Volkskultur in Österreich und
Digitalisierung historischer Volksliedarchive. Veröffentlichung des
beweglichen Denkmalbestandes Österreichs über Internet. Ausbau des
Einsatzes elektronischer Medien und Kommunikationsformen in den
Bundesmuseen und im Public Relations-Bereich. Förderung des
Erfahrungsaustausches bei OD L-Projekten durch das Projekt {{IND}}
The Internet Initiative presents a group of measures and actions to develop
and multiply Portuguese content on the Internet ten-fold every year in the
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next three years. Among these above-mentioned measures and actions we
would like to highlight the digitalisation of public information (libraries,
museums, archives, public institution of learning, research or training as well
as national institutions of statistics), which has been made freely and
systematically avail able.
The Operational Programme for the Information Society
(Programa Operacional
para a Sociedade da Informação)
also presents, as a measure for the development
of Portuguese content, the promotion of production and acquisition by the
State of content in digital format, namely material regarding education and
training. The creation of a Portuguese Telematics University supported in its
higher education capacity and research and development by scientific,
technologic al and higher education institutions for the conception and
production of educational material is also a measure to be implemented in the
context of the Operational Programme for the Information Society. In this
process with the resulting multiplication of Portuguese material on the
Internet we can identify a variety of steps in force:
A site has been created ( containing an inventory of
computational resources for the Portuguese language; also the installation of a
centre of distribution of computational resources for the Portuguese language
has been initiated;
A protocol has been signed with the newspaper "o Público" under which 100
million words of this newspaper have been distributed to create a Portuguese
Various web page workshops have been developed about Portugal and public
health alongside primary and secondary schools.
programme is still under preparation in Council WG.
Sweden participates actively in the preparation of the
The Council decision is expected to be taken by the end of 2000, in the case
of which the programme can be launched in January 2001.
The Government launched an
Action Plan for growth for the digital content sector
February 2000. During 1999 three industry taskforces identified the need for:
the creation of a central brokerage to facilitate collaboration between
universities and companies; proposals on company financing, skills and
exports; a new industry body, the Digital Content Forum, for trade
associations and other representative bodies involved in digital content; and a
new industry web portal. The Digital Content Forum was launched in March.
It is now up and running and has set up Industry Action Groups, for example,
on exports, skills, e-commerce and new business models.
Government consulted the content sector on how the UK could best secure
economic benefit from the information assets held in government. It will now
introduce a radically simplified system of pricing and licensing for government
information, with:
• marginal cost pricing for all basic government information (other value
added data which will be managed to improve their pricing and
dissemination policies);
• introduction by HMSO of a class licence providing a click-use-pay
environment for the re-use of much of government information; and
A presumption in favour of public information being made available in digital
format and a prohibition on exclusive arrangements between departments and
agencies and the private sector for the digitisation of public sector
information where this unreasonably restricts access and/or commercial re-
use of the material.
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Create a co-ordination mechanism for digitisation programmes across Member
States - define common themes, catalogue available resources, ensure
The Danish government supports the establishment of the eContent
Le ministère français de la culture et de la communication réalise un annuaire
des fonds culturels numérisés. Cet annuaire multilingue, portera sur les fonds
des services du ministère, des institutions sous tutelle du ministère
(bibliothèques, services d'archives, musées etc.), des collectivités, des
établissements publics sous tutelle du ministère, des associations et fondations
don t les fonds documentaires sont numérisés avec le soutien du ministère de
la culture et de la communication.
The updating of the e-Europe programme 2001 regards the following projects
(Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities):
CREMISI Project. In Italy, the central office for the environment aims at
developing a network of multimedia halls and educational tools and creating a
system for the planning and management of educational activities.
MEDIATECA Project 2000-11-14. This project aims at transforming
traditional libraries into media libraries in Southern Italy. The project has
already benefited from 1 billion lire to build 32 media libraries in the
Objective 1 regions by July 2000. Fifteen billion lire have been earmarked to
promote the new companies and jobs and help build media libraries.
SICAT Project (Information System for Catalogue of the Territory). The aim
of the project is to co-ordinate and complete the Geographic Information
Systems of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage. Seeing as the lack of co-
ordination had ruined the Systems, some measures have been taken to
establish the links necessary to create a unique interface with users. The
project contains three steps: Knowledge, Virtual Information and data
exchange and it solves the problem of the acquisition of nati onal data bases.
Within the SICAT project, the Italian National Research Council and the
University of Lecce are on the point of signing an agreement aiming at wide-
range collaboration.
Project ESPI. The project planned by the Bureau of the person in charge of
the Automated Information Systems (URSIA) has been approved by the
Authority for Information Technology in order to extend the information
cataloguing and management of the activities and documents to all the
decentralised offices of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and to allow citizens
to have up-dated information on the state of the art of the project. After
obtaining the A.I.P.A. advice on specification s and contracts, the contract for
lot {{PU1}}Development{{PU2}} is on the point of being signed and the
tender for lot {{PU1}}Diffusion{{PU2}} is under way. Supposedly, works
relating to {{PU1}}Diffusion{{PU2}} will start in March 2001.
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Wait for initiatives of EC.
Gründung einer Plattform zur Sicherung und Promotion größerer Publizität
des kulturellen Erbes.
Schaffung eines elektronischen Portals für alle Museen und kulturellen
Nothing to report.
A Swedish example of a co-ordination mechanism is CultureNet Sweden, an
Internet-based centre for digital cultural resources. An editorial office
functions as a coordinating body and help in the formulation of common
rules and cross-sector systems. During the project period 1997-1999 cultural
institutions and other cultural producers received advice and guidance in
digitizing their material and making it available on the Internet. CultureNet
Sweden co-operates with t he National CultureNets in the different Nordic
Countries.The Swedish government decided to make the CultureNet Sweden
a permanent responsibility for the Swedish National Council for Cultural
Affairs from January 2000.
Europe Action Plan - Intelligent transport systems
Implementation of Recommendation on "Participation of the private sector in
deploying traveller information services in Europe".
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Förderung der elektronischen Fahrplaninformation DELFI; Praxiseinführung:
Oktober 2000.
One of the priorities of the OP "Information Society" concerns "intelligent
transport" through the introduction of telematics applications. This involves
making effective use of traffic management and information services in land
transport, supporting the development of air control systems and electronic
reservation systems in air transport as well as incident management systems
("search and rescue") in sea transport.
D{{PU2}}ores et déjà, de nombreux services publics et privés sont
disponibles tant sur l{{PU2}}Internet que par voie hertzienne.
The potential for transport information services using information and
communication technologies in the following areas is being investigated:
1. Transport Operations,
2. Transport Regulation,
3. Planning of public transport services,
4. Public Access to Information.
Consideration is being given to broadening the agenda of information service
provision to all forms of transport and not confining them to public transport
alone. Discussions are ongoing at a policy level as to the role of the private
sector in traveller information provision.
Amongst others through Ertico the private sector will be actively involved in
the development of the systems.
Nothing to report.
Recommendations are under preparation in Council WG.
The Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA) is continuously working
on making information available to the private sector. SNRA have agreements
with service providers which allow the latter to use public data in their
traveller information services
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Commission decision on adoption of specifications for wireless communication
for high speed trains.
The National Railway Agency is working on GSMR, but no specific details are
available yet.
This is a system being developed in Europe to allow seamless movement of
trains on
Europe. The signalling system has been designed and the
frequency allocated. Ireland is looking for derogations because we are
separated by sea. However, it will probably be prudent to retain standard
frequencies for train signalling. This is being done in conjunction with the
Frequency Management Policy. [A draft decision was published by the
Commission following c onsultation and a green-paper. The draft decision
covers major policy issues in telecomms that involve the use of frequencies
e.g. 3rd Generation Mobile Telephony. A high level experts group is to be set
up covering all sectors involved. In future anything to do with frequency
management will be driven by policy rather than
ad hoc
management. It is anticipated that discussions will finish at Working Council
by mid to end 2001.]
The Dutch organisation Railinfrabeheer has been licensed to deploy a GSM-
Nothing to report.
There is no high speed train network in Finland.
The decision is forthcoming by end of 2000. Sweden has starting to
implement the technical solutions for GSMrailway for a large part of the
railway network.
Europe Targets - 2001
eEurope Action Plan - Cheaper and faster Internet
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Achieve significant reductions in Internet access tariffs towards the lowest levels
in the world by reinforcing competition and clear benchmarking at European
and national level.
15/6/2000 significant reduction of internet access prices.
1/1/2001 collecting model for internet access, enabling flat fee access.
Zugangskosten in den letzten beiden Jahren um rund 80% gesunken.
Breitband-Flatrates in D deutlich unter US-Vergleichspreisen.
Entscheidung der RegTP zur Bereitstellung einer {{IND}}Vorleistungs-
Flatrate" (Schmalband) für ISP bis zum 15.11.2000.
The National Telecom Agency is making quarterly calculations of prices for
Internet access.
From August 1998 to August 2000 the connecting price has fallen from
approx. 95øre/minute to approx. 35 øre/minute (usage basket).
According to OECD the off peak rate Internet Access basket for Greece
(1998) in US$ was 60. The same indicator for 2000 is 30. The policy in the OP
"Information Society" is the provision of even lower Internet access tariffs
through a regulatory framework, which will be implemented in the first
months of 2001, including: unbundled local loop, reduced leased lines tariffs,
lighter licences granting requirements
* Royal Decree 7/2000 establishes a flat tariff of 2750 pta/month (16.52
Euro/month ) to be applied by dominant operator for Internet access since
November 2000 ( 18,00 to 8,00 hours weekdays; the whole days on
Saturday, Sunday and national holidays
La fourniture d{{PU2}}accès à l{{PU2}}Internet fait l{{PU2}}objet en
France d{{PU2}}une vive concurrence, qui se traduit par des baisses de prix.
In July 1999, AGCOM, with decision 170/99, introduced a new way of
calculating prices for voice telephony services, based on a "per second"
system, instead of the former "per unit" scheme, in order to relate the prices
to the effective use of the service. New prices have to be re-defined respecting
the principle of "zero sum effect" and the price "per second" has to decrease
after the first 15 minutes of conversation, in order to promote the use of the
Internet by residential users.
Other actions have undertaken in order to develop cheaper conditions for
Internet access:
- decision 7/00/CIR provides a specific range of numbers for
Internet services (70X) allowing Operators to set up several
different tariff structures for their own Internet offers.
- decision 10/00/CIR on Reference Interconnection Offer
(October 2000) provides specific regulation about flat rate
interconnection schemes, based on non discrimination principle.
The Department of Public Enterprise and the Office of the Director of
Telecommunications Regulator are establishing a climate whereby by Internet
access tariffs will reduce due to competition in the market. It is promoting this
climate by a number of initiatives:-
• A regulatory regime that encourages competition is being promoted by
the Communications Regulation Bill, 2000. This Bill is currently
published in the form of a discussion paper and is included in the
Autumn legislative programme.
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• Unbundling of the local loop will be the subject of an EU Regulation in
December 2000. Obligations to unbundled the loop will be imposed on
the incumbent from 31 December 2000. This should have a significant
impact on competition in the market.
• EU and Government funding of up to 200 million Euros is available
under the NDP 2000-2006 to support the provision of advanced
communications and e-commerce infrastructure in the regions. The
first call for up to 77 million Euros of ERDF abd Exchequer funds was
launched in June 2000. This funding, which can be up to 40% of
project cost, will allow the extension of advanced communications
services into areas where it may not be currently be commercially viable
to do so. The closing date for applications was 22 September 2000 and
the applications received are currently being assessed.
• The ODTR granted Digital Cable and MMDS licences in 1999. The
operators are obliged to roll out over a period. Wireless local loop
licences were granted by the ODTR earlier this year. It is planned to
offer more at a later date. Both of these initiatives help to convert from
analogue to digital services which will again impact on Internet access
and tariffs.
A pilot trail of VSAT technology in a number of diverse user
communities has been identified as a factor for the successful
deployment of advanced broadband services. A call for proposals
issued by the Department of Public Enterprise on 1 July 2000. It is
envisaged that the project period will be 12 months. The trial should
enable local industries, public services, education institutions and the
broader communities to transact business electronically, independent of
geographical locat ion.
This range of competitive options will encourage competition and
therefore should result in a reduction in prices.
• Dial up PSDN Internet access is currently the most common way of
accessing the Internet in Ireland. The ODTR produced a new
regulatory framework earlier this year. It is a matter for the companies
involved to make innovative pricing systems e.g. flat rate Internet
access. To date this has not been implemented to any great extent but
competition should encourage it.
Some of the Internet providers have free access
L'introduction du dégroupage de la boucle local
Development of competition is closely monitored by the Dutch competition
authorities NMA and OPTA. Benchmarking is part of the Dutch international
ICT-benchmark (two-yearly exercise)
Auf dem österreichischen Markt sind 15 Telekom Unternehmen vertreten.
Von der Regulierungsbehörde TKC wurden 45 Konzessionen für den Sektor
Sprachtelefonie Festnetz vergeben. Entscheidungen der TKC über
Teilnehmeranschlussleitung mit impliziter Auswirkung auf eine weitere
Reduktion der online-Tarife im Bereich Sprachtelefonie und breitbandige
With the approval of the Internet Initiative (Iniciativa Internet) the
Portuguese government defined the reduction of equipment and Internet
access costs as a priority through various measures:
- Speeding-up the start-up operations of the services ASDL e
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- "Unbundling the local loop" by the end of the first semester of
- Encouraging the lowering of the price of local access calls to
the Internet and making flat-rate tariffs available
- Encouraging the reduction of prices for leased lines
- Strengthening international connections and competition in
order to stimulate lower prices
- Achieving a citizenship rate, which means low speed access
which is free or has a merely symbolic price
Within this framework the regulating body of the communications sector has
taken steps to promote competition in this sector:
The unbundling the local loop
{{SPA}} The deregulation of the
telecommunications market initiated in January 2000 with the opening-up of
the fixed-phone network to other competition will be concluded by January
2001 unbundling the local loop.
Flat rates
{{SPA}} Negotiations have started between the government and
telecommunications operators with the view to setting flat rates by the end of
the year. However it is worth mentioning that the NETCABO service offers
the possibility of subscribing to the Internet by cable for a flat rate.
Interconnection Reference Proposal 2000
{{SPA}} In accordance with the
decisions by the regulating body the prices included in the Interconnection
proposal for 2000 have been significantly reduced, allowing them to approach
those generally practised in the European Union. In this way new prices
represent a reduction of 37% regarding the prices of 1999.
- Portugal adopted a license-tender model for the attribution of
licences. This model ponders with 50% the operators contribution for the
development of the Information Society, namely through rapid national
coverage and the offer of reduced tariffs. In this phase the 7 candidates
presented are being assessed, with the licensed companies starting to offer
their services from the beginning of 2002.
Finnish telecommunication markets have been opened to competition and the
tariffs are among the cheapest in Europe. Actions will be taken to ensure
further positive development.
In its IT Bill from spring 2000, the Government proposes investments in
broadband networks. Tax relief is proposed in order to encourage access to
the broadband network, for which SEK 3.2 billion is set aside. Government
funding of SEK 2.6 billion should be available for the establishment of
regional networks and to facilitate access to broadband networks in sparsely
populated areas. Finally, the Swedish National Grid invests SEK 2.5 billion
for the construction of a backbone network extended to all municipal centres
in Sweden. The Government measures and regulations are to ensure both
competition neutrality and diversity in the networks.
Residential Internet-access tariffs in the UK are among the lowest in the
world, and prices for businesses are falling. OFTEL recently required BT to
offer wholesale unmetered Internet access to competing operators, which will
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further intensify competition in the provision of unmetered access to homes
and business
Co-ordinated allocation of frequencies for multimedia wireless systems.
(UMTS-Versteigerung im Juli 2000 ist abgeschlossen; Frequenzen sind
Deutschland hat sich zur Umsetzung der Entscheidung ERC (99)15
FWA frequencies: The assignment of Fixed Wireless Access frequencies has
been put out to tender. The final result of the tender is expected 18 December
UMTS frequencies: Auction of Universal Mobile Telephone System expected
to be completed in October 2001.
Cheaper mobile telephony: Assignment of additional frequencies for mobile
telephony expected to be completed January 2001.
* The "Cuadro Nacional de Atribución de Frecuencias" already allocates 40
GHz band to multimedia wireless systems.
Dans le cadre des décisions de l{{PU2}}ERC et de la décision UMTS du
Parlement européen et du Conseil, en France, l{{PU2}}Agence nationale des
fréquences veille à ce que soient mises à disposition les fréquences
radioélectriques nécessaires au développement des services multimédia sans
fil, en relation avec les orientations générales suivantes retenues en Europe.
La principale échéance de l{{PU2}}espèce est la mise à disposition au
premier janvier 2002 des bandes de fréquences nécessaires au déploiement de
l{{PU2}}UMTS, radiotéléphone de troisième génération à vocation
multimédia. Ces bandes, principalement deux fois 60 MHz au voisinage de 2
GHz, correspondent aux besoins de quatre opérateurs nationaux dont la
procédure de sélect ée par l{{PU2}}ART. L{{PU2}}agence a entrepris le
dégagement des bandes correspondantes d{{PU2}}ici l{{PU2}}échéance. De
même va être entrepris dès 2001 le dégagement de bandes complémentaires
en vue d{{PU2}}une échéance plus tardive, prévue en 2005.
Parallèlement, les bandes de fréquences nécessaires au libre déploiement de la
technologie « Bluetooth », au voisinage de 2,5 GHz, dont la vocation est de
généraliser les connexions locales, sans fil, des terminaux multimédia sont en
cours de libération.
On notera également :
- le déploiement actuel de la radio T-DAB et futur de la
télévision numérique de terre DVB-T
- le développement de la boucle locale radio .
In the present National Frequency Allocation Table (NFTA), adopted
through Ministry of Communications decree 28 February 2000, published on
the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic no.65 of 18 March 2000,
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frequency band 40,5-42,5 GHz has been already designated for multimedia
wireless systems (MWS).
Frequency band 42,5-43,5 MHz is shared between civil and military
applications. In the next revision of the NFTA, needed for implementing the
decisions of WRC 97 and WRC 2000, this band will be designated for MWS
in accordance with CEPT Decision ERC/DEC/(99)15.
At present studies are in progress in order to settle an harmonised channelling
arrangement of the band 40,5-43,5 GHz. This arrangement is necessary for
frequency assignments to the operators.
Implementation of CEPT MVDS recommandation.
Allocation of the frequency band for satellite reception with return channel.
Principles are specified in the Dutch National Frequency Plan.
Participation in the negotiations about a new EU proposal for frequency
Die UMTS-Frequenzen wurden am 3.11.2000 durch die Telekom-Control-
Kommission im Auktionsverfahren an 6 Bieter um einen Gesamtbetrag von
11,443 Mrd. ATS (ca. 0,8 Mrd. {{X80}} ) vergeben.
Commission proosal is under preparation.
Sweden has not adopted the ERC Decision referred to in this action. The
reason for this is that the propagation conditions in this frequency band only
offers a very limited range, thus only suitable for use in densely populated
areas. As Sweden is scarcely populated in some areas it is necessary to
consider the possibilities of using som part of the band for satelliteprovided
broadband access. Nevertheless, Sweden shares the opinion that the necessary
frequencies for multimedia wireless systems (MWS) should be made available
and is currently working on granting frequencies in 3,5 GHz and 28 GHz. A
questionnaire to interested parties indicated that it is still to early to proceed
with licensing in the 40 GHz band. Sweden also participates actively in ERC's
work towards harmonised frequency bands for MWS.
Have already announced intention to license broadband services in this band
Europe Action Plan - Faster Internet for researchers and students
Adequate funds (in addition to the {{X80}}80m. already allocated to the upgrade
of the trans-European backbone interconnecting the National Research and
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Education Networks) will be earmarked for the research networking aspects of
the IST Programme, with the objective of establishing Europe as a global
connectivity leader and initiating the evolution towards a fully optical backbone
with improved capacities in terms of bandwidth and services
Belnet G
Mittel für die Kofinanzierung der transeuropäischen Vernetzung (GEANT)
werden auf nationaler Ebene vorgesehen (Gigabit-Netz)
The Danish network has been updated.
A national secretariat is monitoring the working of the network.
The national research and students networks (EDET, EDUNET, GUNET)
were funded from the 2
CSF and will be supported from the OP
"Information Society" in order: to continue the provision of fast Internet
services researchers and students and, at the same time, improved capacities in
terms of bandwith and services. Specifically, all schools will have access to
internet by end 2001 supported from EDUNET (intrane t of schools). The
EDET (network for researchers) is upgraded to 155Mbps (previous 34Mbps).
The Greek Universities network is upgraded to 34Mbps.
Spanish Research Network RedIRIS participates in the GEANT project and
its interconnected with the European academic networks.
Le réseau national de l{{PU2}}enseignement et de la recherche participe au
projet GEANT d{{PU2}}interconnection des réseaux de recherche.
The Ministry for University and Scientific Research intends to fully participate
in the development of a Research and Education Network. In this content, it
plans to contribute to the costs of GEANT that will be on the account of
Member States.
The specific decision is under way.
In 1999, the Department of Public Enterprise signed a contract with HEAnet
Ltd.[HEA/Higher Education Authority] to develop and expand the National
Research and Education Network. One million euros of ERDF funding was
allocated to this project which regionalises and expands HEAnet's points of
presence from one to four i.e. Cork, Limerick, Galway and Dublin. This
project is expected to be completed by end 2000. Consideration is currently
being given to further develo pment and expansion of the Network.
The international connectivity aspects of these recommendations are currently
being addressed. National Research Network capacity to the pan-European
network will be increased from 10 Mbps to 34Mbps on 1 December 2000
with further substantial increases in international capacity scheduled for
February 2001.
A Consortium of 30 National Research Networks have signed a four year 80
M Euro contract with the European Commission to develop the Next
Generation of pan-European Research Network. The network, to be known,
as Géant, will be implemented during 2001. It will operate at Gigabit speeds
and interconnect the National Research Networks across Europe, as well as
providing a platform for the interconnection with similar networks in other
world regions. RESTENA the Luxembourg Network for Research and
Education is participating in this project.
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With the project GigaPort the upgrading of national research network to a
speed of 80 gigabits/second in the backbone is taken care of. Within the
available budget a reservation is made for the upgrading of the international
connectivity (Europe and US) to the gigabit level.
Entwicklung eines aktuellen online Kataloges von Ressourcen und
Förderungsmöglichkeiten im Bereich der Forschung. Kontinuierlicher,
bedarfsgerechter Ausbau von ACOnet. (seit 1989 wurden rund 1 Mrd. ATS
für den Betrieb und den Ausbau der Datennetzinfrastruktur der Universitäten
einschließlich der Zugänge für die Studenten aufgewendet.
The National Scientific Computer Foundation
(A Fundação para a Computação
Científica Nacional)-
the entity that is responsible for the management of The
Science, Technology and Society Network ( Rede Ciência, Tecnologia e
Sociedade) {{SPA}} has a consortium led by the DANTE company, that will
implement the GEANT project financed under the 5
Programme {{SPA}} IST programme. The objective of the p to extend and
develop the present interconnection network from the national research
network: The Trans-european network {{SPA}} TEN 155. It is intended that
with this project that the Trans-european network has a capacity of at least 2,5
GBps next year, expanding to 10 GBps in the next 4 years.
Finland participates in the Geant project through the Nordic NORDUNET
The Swedish University Computer Network (SUNET) connects all
universities in Sweden. It is part of NORDUnet, that interconnects the
Nordic national networks for research and education and connects these to
the rest of the world. Thus the Nordic networks act like a unit towards the
rest of Internet and have common lines out to the world. This has provided
the advantage to make joint agreements of traffic exchange with the rest of
Europe and the rest of the world.
Commission led and on target.
National research networks should be upgraded to ensure that researchers and
students across Europe benefit from powerful networks, for example, using
structural funds and EIB support.
Belnet G
Deutsches Forschungsnetz ist seit 30. 6. 2000 zum Gigabit-Netz ausgebaut
The Danish network has been updated.
The national research and students networks (EDET, EDUNET, GUNET)
were funded from the 2
CSF and will be supported from the OP
"Information Society" in order: to continue the provision of fast Internet
services researchers and students and, at the same time, improved capacities in
terms of bandwith and services. Specifically, all schools will have access to
internet by end 2001 supported from EDUNET (intranet of schools). The
EDET (network for researche rs) is upgraded to 155Mbps (previous 34Mbps).
The Greek Universities network is upgraded to 34Mbps.
Studies and experiences on new technologies are being carried to upgrade
Spanish Research Network RedIRIS to a new version "RedIRIS2". The
backbone runs currently at 155Mbps and is expected trough 2001 to upgrade
to 625 Mbps.
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La 3
génération du réseau national de l{{PU2}}enseignement et de la
recherche (RENATER 3) sera opérationnel dès la fin 2002. Appuyée sur la
nouvelle version du protocole internet (IP version 6), elle offrira un débit de
2,5 Gigabits/s sur l{{PU2}}ensemble du réseau. Dès la fin 2000, ce débit sera
accessible sur certaines artères de RENATER.
The detailed project of upgraded National Research Network is currently
under definition. NRN is a priority of National Research Programme, which
will be approved, funded and started-up by November 2000 by the Italian
Government. The Ministry for University and Scientific Research Programme
for Structural Funds, namely the measure concerning the Information Society,
includes this item for Ob1 areas.
In 1999, the Department of Public Enterprise signed a contract with HEAnet
Ltd.[HEA/Higher Education Authority] to develop and expand the National
Research and Education Network. One million euros of ERDF funding was
allocated to this project which regionalises and expands HEAnet's points of
presence from one to four i.e. Cork, Limerick, Galway and Dublin. This
project is expected to be completed by end 2000. Consideration is currently
being given to further develo pment and expansion of the Network.
The international connectivity aspects of these recommendations are currently
being addressed. National Research Network capacity to the pan-European
network will be increased from 10 Mbps to 34Mbps on 1 December 2000
with further substantial increases in international capacity scheduled for
February 2001.
The national backbone will be upgraded to a gigabit infrastructure. Gigabit
lines connecting secondary schools and universities located around the city of
Luxembourg are currently being installed and will be fully operational by end
With the project GigaPort the upgrading of national research network to a
speed of 80 gigabits/second in the backbone is taken care of. Within the
available budget a reservation is made for the upgrading of the international
connectivity (Europe and US) to the gigabit level.
Die inhaltlichen Arbeiten zum Programmplanungs-
dokument Telekommunikation im Rahmen von INTERREG III des
Europäischen Regionalfonds wurden Ende Oktober abgeschlossen. Der
Abschluss des politischen Willensbildungsprozess ist für Ende November
There have been constant improvements and constant upgrades in The
Science, Technology and Society Network (RCTS) In this way RCTS has
increased the bandwidth, during the current year, in national and international
connections (46Mbps). A circuit of 155 Mbps has been installed between
Lisbon e Oporto.
Finland is upgrading the national research network (FUNET). In the
beginning of 2001 the network will operate at capacity 2.5 gigabit /second.
The Swedish University Computer Network (SUNET) today connects all
universities and university colleges with a capacity of 155 Mbps. In addition,
some 120 libraries and regional museums are connected. The network is
continuously upgraded. During 2000 the first 2,5 Gbps connections are
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established. During 2001 all universities and university colleges will be
connected with 2,5 Gbps and some upgraded to 10 Gbps. The whole network
is planned to be upgraded to 10 Gbps by the end of 2002.
SuperJanet4 upgrade on schedule for March 2001 - backbone at 2.5 Gbit/s
and MANs also at higher bandwidth.
High speed Internet access and intranets should be established in universities,
for example, using structural funds and EIB support.
Belnet G
Umsetzung durch Hochschulbau förderprogramm (bund/ Länder) und durch
The Danish network has been updated.
The national research and students networks (EDET, EDUNET, GUNET)
were funded from the 2
CSF and will be supported from the OP
"Information Society" in order: to continue the provision of fast Internet
services researchers and students and, at the same time, improved capacities in
terms of bandwith and services. Specifically, all schools will have access to
internet by end 2001 supported from EDUNET (intranet of schools). The
EDET (network for researche rs) is upgraded to 155Mbps (previous 34Mbps).
The Greek Universities network is upgraded to 34Mbps.
Call using structural funds has been open to all kind of research centre to
develop high performance Intranets suitable to interconnect with the
backbone of Red Iris.
Cf. ci-dessus.
The project above concerning NRN includes high-speed Internet access for
Universities, whilst Intranets and Local Area Networks are usually on the
direct responsibility of various Universities. The Ministry for University and
Scientific Research Programme of Structural Funds includes both the tasks,
for the areas *Ob1.
In 1999, the Department of Public Enterprise signed a contract with HEAnet
Ltd.[HEA/Higher Education Authority] to develop and expand the National
Research and Education Network. One million euros of ERDF funding was
allocated to this project which regionalises and expands HEAnet's points of
presence from one to four i.e. Cork, Limerick, Galway and Dublin. This
project is expected to be completed by end 2000. Consideration is currently
being given to further develo pment and expansion of the Network.
The international connectivity aspects of these recommendations are currently
being addressed. National Research Network capacity to the pan-European
network will be increased from 10 Mbps to 34Mbps on 1 December 2000
with further substantial increases in international capacity scheduled for
February 2001.
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Gigabit intranets in different secondary school buildings are currently being
To be financed by universities out of their "own" budgets (which are provided
by the Ministry of Education Culture and Science.
Durch den Aufbau von ACOnet und den breitbandigen Anschluss aller
Universitäten seit mehreren Jahren konnte das Ziel bereits erreicht werden.
Portuguese universities have improved their performance of their intranets.
There have been regular meeting between the Principal{{PU2}}s Council
(Conselho de Reitores - CRUP)
and the FCCN (the institution that manages the
RCTS) with the objective of assessing the workings of the networks and plan
improvements in performance of internal networks
High speed access and intranets are already available in most universities in
The Swedish University Computer Network (SUNET) works intensively with
the universities and university colleges to establish and upgrade their campus
networks. SUNET has made a study in order to develop recommendations
regarding choice of technology and architecture for future high capacity
campus nets. Most universities and university colleges are already now
connecting the student flats to their campus nets.
Most UK universities already have intranets and fairly high speed access.
SR2000 announced £1Billion for science infrastructure. Most of this will go to
universities, and they will be able to use part of it for upgrading their internal
Europe Action Plan - Secure networks and smart cards
Improve the overall security of on-line transactions by:
• Ensuring the availability of products (in particular network cards, software
and routers) capable of supporting secure transmissions based on IPSec
and IPv6
• Supporting industry-led security certifications through co-ordination of
efforts and mutual recognition, including information security professional
• Promoting privacy-enhancing technologies and supporting their
deployment, including proper codes and the consolidation of practice.
• Stimulating public/private co-operation on dependability of information
infrastructures (including the development of early warning systems) and
improve co-operation amongst national 'computer emergency response
• cybercrime law, information on kabinet website (,
e-security platform (virus alert system), discussions re. national agency
for data protection
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1. Liberalisierung des grenzüberschreitenden Handels mit
Verschlüsselungsprodukten durch administrative Erleichterung der
2. Initiative Sichere Internet Wirtschaft des Bundesministeri-ums für
Wirtschaft und Technologie (Public-Private-Partnership)
3. Förderung des Einsatzes digitaler Signaturen im Rahmen des Projekts
The Danish government has encouraged the industry to improve the overall
security of on-line transactions.
The OP "Information Society" is giving priority to partnerships between
businesses, and between business and higher education and research
establishments, relating to the development or business use of information
society technology applications, for example relating to personal navigation,
electronic learning environments, alternative organisational environments for
knowledge-intensive work, business networking and smart cards
• A Working Group on security matters has been established with
participation of public (including Interior and Defence Ministries, Crisis
Cabinet, etc.) and private actors (including industry, operators, antivirus
producers, Internet user associations,etc.)
• Several antivirus campaigns for the Internet users have been
launched with private sponsorship.
• A National Early Warning Network ( Red de Alerta Temprana ) has
been created in 2000 and will be improved in 2001.
La France est attachée à promouvoir les produits de sécurité, et ce, quels que
soient les standards, du moment qu{{PU2}}ils assurent le même niveau de
Cette action, développée pour les cartes à puce dans la cadre d'eEurope Smart
Cards, est à généraliser (notamment pour les procédés de signature
électronique, les "firewall" et autres produits de sécurité).
La France a créé un centre d{{PU2}}alerte et d{{PU2}}assistance, le
CERTA (CERT administration) ; des collaborations se développent entre
celui-ci et les structures équivalentes du secteur privé, en liaison avec les
organismes professionnels.
Presented last June, the e-Government plan (
outlined a national telematic network, based on the existing one, that securely
interconnects local and central government. A future study will look at the
type of services and security levels.
Regarding the current security and privacy conditions enforced by Italian
regulations, bi-directional interrogation and transactions between local and
central government are direct and do not require an intermediary. To achieve
this, with the exception of security conditions, normative or authoritative
restrictions that currently limit direct on-line exchange, will be removed.
• The Department of Public Enterprise is aware of this issue. It raises
issues in the whole area of convergence. A policy is being developed. It
is too early yet to repor further.
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• The E-Commerce Act, 2000 provides for the supervision of
certification service providers. Consultation is under way with
industry on how best to implement this provision.
• The Department of Public Enterprise is taking an active part in the
committee set up under Article 9 of the E-Signatures Directive to
formulate a policy on secure signature creation devices.
• The National Accreditation Board is running a pilot scheme
voluntary accreditation scheme for certification service providers. A
report on the scheme will be ready in early 2001. A Statutory
Instrument will be drawn up to regulate the scheme at that stage, if
Expérimentation, mise en place de dispositifs de sécurisation, benchmark d
{{PU2}}applications correspondantes aux normes européennes ou nationales
Création d{{PU2}}une plate-forme technique pour l{{PU2}}analyse et les
suivi des projets de normes dans le domaine de la signature et des paiements
• -
• A certification scheme for TTP{{PU2}}s is being prepared. The
Netherlands participates in the Common Criteria Certificationroute for
security products
• The actual situation with regard to privacy enhancing technologies is
being studied (nationally and internationally).
• The vulnarabilities in the availability of telecom-infrastructures
(Internet) are being investigated.
• Österreich hat keine weit verbreitete Netzwerkindustrie. Die
Maßnahmen müssen daher vor allem die Bewusstseinsbildung und den
Mustereinsatz von Technologien zur Sicherung des Datentransfers
• -
• -
• Vorbereitende Arbeiten für die Schaffung eines österreichischen EDV-
Virus-Frühwarnsystems im Rahmen des Staatlichen
Krisenmanagements gemeinsam mit der Wirtschaft.
Various initiatives have been development:
- Since 1996, the National Scientific Computer Foundation
is developing a pilot project of a IPV6 network using
IPV4 tunnels.;
- Within the context of the National E-commerce Initiative the
regulation of electronic invoices and the designation of an
accredited authority for certifying institutions of digital
signatures was approved in the form of Decree-Law
nº290-D/99. It is also worth adding that Portugal already has
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two companies that are able to certify digital signatures
(Certipor e SIBS).
The Portuguese consumer association (DECO) has instituted a process of
certification (certified Webtrader) of companies that sell or will sell
products and services on-line, integrating, in this way, an international
network of consumer organizations. In order to obtain this certificate
companies commit themselves to respect the code of conduct.
Several smart card projects are implemented in Finland by private sector and
public authorities.
Legislation supporting the use of smart cards has been put in place.
The IT Bill presented in spring 2000 expresses the Government{{PU2}}s
efforts aimed at inspiring confidence in IT. Three priority areas are
• protection against information operations
• enhanced security on the Internet
• electronic signatures and other security technologies.
The Swedish Government has commissioned the Swedish National Post and
Telecom Agency (PTS) to propose the organisation of a function for handling
attacks on information and communication systems and infrastructure. PTS
should propose a suitable division of responsibilities between the actors
involved and describe the need for cooperation and information channels for
a sector-spanning function for handling attacks. The function will primarily
involve the public sector , but should also cooperate with the private sector.
• Consideration being given to how to promote the adoption of IPV6
• Continuing to work with the Alliance for Electronic Business to create
t-Scheme, a self-regulatory system of approved {{PU1}}trust service
providers{{PU2}} (organisations offering services which allow
messages to be electronically signed, ensure they cannot be changed in
transit and make sure they remain confidential). Widespread use of
authentication and confidentiality services from such providers should
help increase trust in electronic transactions. Also encouraging the
credit car o establish an address verification system applicable for
online and other remote credit card transactions by the end of 2000
• Work has not yet started on PETS apart from the consideration of the
role of standards in this area
• Policy is highly developed in this area.
Europe Action Plan - European youth into the digital age
Provide all schools, teachers and students with convenient access to the Internet
and multimedia resources, where appropriate using the Structural Funds.
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I-line (reducing internet access prices for schools, libraries and hospitals)
Regional activities (PCKD-Cyberécoles), hardware & training of teachers
Umsetzung durch Aktionen in den Ländern und Public-Private-Partnership:
75% aller weiterführenden Schulen sind am Netz; sponoring von PC{{PU2}}
s für Schulen unter; kostenloser Internetzugang für
Leher und Schüler
All educational establishments can connect to Sectornet, the majority with
Government grants. By End 2000, all higher educational establishments,
secondary schools, preparatory courses, vocational schools and about 75% of
basic schools will be connected to Sectornet, and thus to the Internet. The
majority of the schools have also established local networks. In connection
wih the project "IT, Media and Primary Schools", it has also been made
possible for the remaining basic schools to connect to the Sectornet with
Government grants.
The OP "Information Society" is funding an action line ensuring that all
Greek schools should have access to the Internet and multimedia resources,
with adequate web -based support services, by end 2001.
80 % primary schools connected.
95 % secondary schools connected.
L'équipement et l'accès aux réseaux du système scolaire français se poursuit à
bon rythme. En mars 2000, on comptait ainsi
- 250 000 ordinateurs dans les lycées, soit un pour 6 élèves ;
- 180 000 ordinateurs dans les collèges, soit un pour 14,5 élèves ;
- 215 000 ordinateurs dans le premier degré, soit un pour 25 élèves.
Le ratio d'une machine pour 6 élèves atteint dans les lycées constitue
probablement un optimum ou à tout le moins un pallier, relativement
approprié aux usages pédagogiques actuels des technologies.
L'accès à internet, dans des conditions qui permettent effectivement le
développement d'usages pédagogiques, concernait en mars 2000, 98 % des
lycées et 89 % des collèges ; il sera généralisé à la fin de l'année 2000.
30 % des écoles accèdaient à internet en mars 2000 ; la généralisation est
programmée pour la rentrée de septembre 2002.
The final funds from the Development Program for Educational
Technologies 1997-2000, implemented by the Ministry of Education, are
given to schools by the end of year 2000.
The Program is divided in two major subprograms:
A -
Operational Units for teachers:
equipment and training activities for teachers
B - Multimedia in the classroom: equipment for the involvement of the
All 12,500 scholastic institutions are involved in both the subprograms listed.
All the TIC are used within the Program, including digital Satellite apparatus,
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but multimedia personal computers and LAN are the main instrument. One
of the objectives is Internet access for all the schools.
The following table shows the number of scholastic institutions involved and
the expenditures.
Year Schools in the subprojects Expenditures
A B (MM Euros)
1997 5320 1898 79
1998 5000 4020 133
1999 2984 1711 66
2000 = 5000 110
TOTAL 13304 12629 388
The situation at the end of the Development program
As the funds for each financial year are delivered to the schools only at the
end of the same year, the full effects of the Program are achieved by the first
semester of the following year. Consequently we can resume the final effects
of the Program at the middle of 2001 (figures are estimated)
Multimedia Stations
PC/students ratio
- 1/30 in the less equipped schools (elementary, lower secondary, classical
- 1/10 in the more well-equipped schools (Technical Institutes)
- a total of 350.000 PC in the schools, of which 250.000 are multimedia PC.
Internet Connections
• 100% of Technical upper secondaries
• 90% of non Technical upper secondaries
• 80% of lower secondaries and elementary
Teacher training
• Within subprogram A 13,000 alphabetisation courses have been organised
at school level,
• Other initiatives at school and local level have been activated within the
normal funds for training or with the help of local administrations or private
• Distance training initiatives have been launched. The main one is a course
in partnership with the RAI broadcasting service.
We can evaluate that more than half of the Italian teachers (about 500,000)
have been involved in the training activities.
Structural funds
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A large part of the structural fund are dedicated to multimedia programs. In
particular, for extension of multimedia equipment for special needs, creation
of a network within the school, creation of Local Multimedia Services Centres
for schools and teachers.
Many of the 2001 objectives will be achieved by the middle of 2001. The
actions for internet access are being intensified in many different ways to
accomplish the objective of 100% of the schools on the Internet by the end of
Since the end of 1999 all Irish schools have an Internet connection. In the
majority of cases this is a dialup connection over PSTN. 69% of post-primary
schools have an ISDN connection while at first-level it is about 17%. This
access has been provided through the Schools IT 2000 initiative, launched in
November 1997, and in cooperation with the Information Age Schools
initiative of Eircom. Schools IT 2000 involved a government expenditure of
£40 million over the 3 y ear period 1998-2000. Eircom made available an
additional £15.9 million (approx.) under the Information Age Schools
In response to the success of the programme to date, £75 million is being
made available over the next number of years for a new and greatly expanded
programme. This will concentrate, in the main, on such areas as high speed
Internet access to classrooms, on-going training of teachers and curricular
development and support.
• The majority of the teachers have an individual access to the Internet
via RESTENA, the NREN (national research and educational
• Students of the technical high school (IST) have an individual access via
the NREN.
• Secondary schools students may use the existing Internet access in their
• Création d{{PU2}}un site Internet d{{PU2}}échanges de bonnes
pratiques pour enseignants de tous ordres scolaires
• Introduction progressive du "permis de conduire ordinateur" et du
"permis de conduire Internet" pour élèves
• Réduction du rapport ordinateur/élève de 1:12 (situation actuelle) à 1:8
pendant 2001
• Élaboration d{{PU2}}un programme d{{PU2}}équipement des écoles
d{{PU2}}ordinateurs laptops (projet "E Computer fir all Schüler")
pendant les années 2001 et 2002
• Développement du matériel didactique pour ordinateurs et formation
poussée, initiale et continue, du corps enseignant en vue de l{{PU2}}
utilisation de l{{PU2}}ordinateur dans toutes les disciplines
Is part of Dutch actionplan {{PU1}}Education online{{PU2}}. Additional
budget is made available to speed up the roll out of {{PU1}}Kennisnet
{{PU2}} (a network to connect all schools to the Internet).
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Ausbau des Austrian School Networks. Einrichtung von Schulbibliotheken
mit multimedialen Angeboten; Internetanschlüsse in Schulbibliotheken
weitgehend vorhanden. Die Bundesschulen sind zu 100% mit
Internetanschlüssen versorgt. Aufnahme von Gesprächen mit den
Schulerhaltern für 100%ige Vernetzung der Landesschulen
Through the Science, Technology and Society Network (RCTS) Internet
connections were established in schools, libraries, teacher-training centres and
other associated entities of a cultural, scientific and educational nature with
the respective digital network infrastructure having been installed (RDIS).At
this stage all schools from the 5th to the 12th grade are connected and
approximately 40% of 1
to 4
grade primary schools (2500 of the 900 0
existing) and 120 of the 200 existing teacher-training centres.
Until the end of 2001 all state schools, teacher-training centres and public
libraries will be connected through RCTS.
More than 90 % of schools have internet access.
The most important recent Swedish initiative is the Delegation for ICT in
schools (ITiS). ITiS is both an IT project and a school development project. It
covers all levels from pre-school through upper secondary school and all
municipalities are invited to participate. The programme runs for three years
starting in 1999. Examples of its components are: in-service training for
60,000 teachers; a multi-media computer for participating teachers; e-mail
addresses for all teachers and pupils; support for developing the Swedish
Schoolnet and the European Schoolnet and measures for pupils with special
needs. One goal of the government is that all schools should be connected to
the Internet. State grants are offered to improve the schools' accessibility to
the Internet.
On target to achieve this. 20,200 out of 22,908 schools now connected to the
Internet - virtually all secondary schools [98%] and primary not far behind
ICT training has been made available to all teachers, and we are revising the
National Curriculum to place a sharper emphasis on ICT. Priorities include:
£700 million to improve the ICT infrastructure in schools, further and
higher education;
• £230 million to improve ICT skill levels among educators;
• the establishment of City Learning Centres (Excellence in Cities
programme, £100m for 1999-2002 CMF) in major city schools to meet the
needs of pupils and adults in the community for connections, infrastructure,
content and training (32 City Learning Centres in EiC target areas from
September 2000 and a further 50 from September 2001);
• stimulating high-quality online educational content;
working with the industry-led Digital Content Forum to introduce short-
term ICT work placement programmes for 16+ students.
Europe Action Plan - Working in the knowledge-based economy
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Establish a European diploma for basic information technology skills, with
decentralised certification procedures
Private initiative internet driving license
Die Bundesrepublik unterstützt die Einführung des ECDL als anerkanntes
Zertifikat in diesem Bereich
The Ministry of Research and Information Technology supports the idea of
the PC driving licence (ECDL) as a standard for basic IT competencies. More
than 50,000 complete PC driving licences have been obtained in Denmark. -
The Greek Computer Society, which is a member of ECDL Foundation, and
in co-operation with ECDL Hellas are promoting the use of ECDL as the
main diploma for basic information technology skills. The main actions
include advertising, adaptation of the content, launching of examination
centres. Based mostly on this procedure, the OP "Information Society" is
focusing on the development of basic IT skills for the wider population as
well as on helping to close the ex isting skills gap in the IST professions.
Action to promote ECDL in progress.
Objective : 400.000 digital literate by 2003.
Le ministère français de l'éducation a institué un "Brevet informatique et
internet" (B2i). Les modalités de sa mise en oeuvre, effective dès janvier 2000,
seront publiées au Bulletin officel de l'éducation nationale n° 42 du 23
L'objectif de ce brevet est de spécifier un ensemble de compétences
significatives dans le domaine des technologies de l'information et de la
communication et d'attester leur maîtrise par les élèves concernés.
Dès 2000-2001, le brevet informatique et internet peut concerner l'ensemble
des collèges, tandis qu'il sera mis en oeuvre de manière facultative dans les
écoles. En 2002-2003, il sera généralisé à l'ensemble des écoles.
New Information technology certification and awards are part of the
national certification structure at Foundation, Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3
in the Further Education Sector. This national structure provides a ladder of
qualifications for the broad range of basic IT skills training. Discussions
are on-going with the main players in this field with a view to examining
and agreeing equivalencies at a national and international level.
A National Qualifications Authority of Ireland was established recently to
oversee the development and maintenance of a national framework of
education and training qualifications for all institutes, colleges and places
of further education and training. The new Authority will act as a guarantor
of the quality of awards and to facilitate and promote access, transfer and
progression for students and to ensure the recognition of Irish qualifications
internationally an d of outside qualifications.
A Digital Driving License Education for teachers has been developed.
In Österreich werden die Grundzertifikate ECDL und
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MOUSE angeboten. Weiters können Zertifikate von Microsoft (MCP,
Network Spezialist, Internet Spezialist, Site Building bis zu MCT), CISCO
(3 Niveaus), ORACLE, JAVA (SUN und IBM) erworben werden.
Firmeninterne Hardware Zertifikate bei Compaq, Siemens und IBM.
The Internet Initiative and the Operational Programme for the Information
Society measures are foreseen aimed at the creation and certification of basic
information technology skills, in order to stimulate mass use of information
technology by the general population. To this extent a Basic Skills Diploma
(Diploma de Competências Básicas)
will be established, accessible to any citizen
and also associated with the end of compulsory sc hooling (9 years).
To this end an experimental step has been taken with the awarding of Basic
Skills Diplomas
(Diploma de Competências Básicas)
in the Azores, involving
cultural and recreational associations, with a predicted 5000 diplomas being
awarded by the end of 2000. The experiment will become general practice
during 2001 after an analysis of the results.
Over 75.000 "IT driving licenses" have been obtained in Finland.
Work is in progress in the Commission regarding a European diploma for
basic IT skills. A report describing the situation in the Member States, thus
also in Sweden, will be published in the beginning of 2001. In parallel, an
expert group will publish its report in spring 2001.
Discussions with Commission ongoing a large number of existing certificates
available in UK already available.
Set up public Internet access points in public spaces and establish multimedia
tele-centres in all communities providing access to training and e-work facilities,
where appropriate using the Structural Funds.
Public access in libraries
Included in e-gov concept (in preparation)
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Entstehung in ganz Deutschland von Bund- Ländern und der Privatwirtschaft
geförderten öffentlichen Internetzugängen in Schulen, Bibliotheken,
Universitäten oder sonstigen Zentren. Einrichtung öffentlicher Internet-
Fernsprecher durch die Deutsche Telekom AG
Practically all educational establishments in Denmark have Internet access
In accordance with the new Danish law on libraries, the libraries are obliged
to provide access to the Internet
The program "ARIADNI" was launched, during the 2
CSF, from the
Ministry of the Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation focusing
on the improvement of the public administration services in the regional and
central municipalities and will be completed it the period of 2000 - 2006. The
target is that the citizen will be able to complete his transactions with the State
using a minimum of his resources (money and time to travel), throu gh the
creation of special offices in all the municipalities and prefectures. The
procedures that will be followed include the use of Internet for most of the
transactions and the communication with the central services. A part of
"ARIADNI" is the program "ASTERIAS" concerning the digitisation of 500
(200 already completed) procedures concerning the public administration
An action to set up public Internet access points in the 3700 public libraries
will be launched on 2001.
Lors du CISI du 10 juillet 2000, le Premier ministre Lionel Jospin a annoncé la
création en France de 7 000 lieux publics permettant un accès à l'internet
seront ouverts d'ici à 2003 (agences locales pour l'emploi, missions locales,
bibliothèques publiques, centres d'information jeunesse, etc.).
• Parmi eux, 2500 nouveaux "espaces publics numériques" offriront une
première formation générale gratuite, ouverte à tous, sous la forme d'un
"passeport pour l'internet et le multimédia".
• 4800 lieux publics offrant l{{PU2}}accès à l{{PU2}}internet, par l
{{PU2}}intermédiaire du réseau des agences locales pour l{{PU2}}
emploi, des bibliothèques municipales et départementales et des
bureaux de poste.
Le gouvernement consacrera trois milliards de francs sur trois ans à ces
mesures, qui comprennent la mobilisation de 4000 emplois jeunes
supplémentaires de formateurs multimédias.
La Délégation à l{{PU2}}Aménagement du Territoire et à l{{PU2}}Action
Régionale et les chargés de mission en cours de recrutement auprès de chaque
Secrétaire général à l'action régionale participeront à la mise en place
coordonnée d'applications par les services déconcentrés de l'État, notamment
de services aux usagers et de téléprocédures des s aux particuliers et aux
entreprises ou aux collectivités locales .
The Information Society Commission has established an Internet Venue
Directory. This is a register of public access points to the Internet including
cyber cafes, libraries, community centres, kiosks and any other provider of
access. The directory can be accessed via a lo-call phone number or through
the ISC's web-site
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Actuellement entrevues du groupe de travail social/santé avec le SYVICOL
(Syndicat des villes et des communes du Luxembourg) afin de discuter les
modalités des projets suivants (but : lutter contre l{{PU2}}exclusion
numérique) :
Installation de points d{{PU2}}accès à Internet dans les lieux publics (écoles,
mairies etc)
Organisation de cours gratuits d{{PU2}}initiation à Internet dans les
communes (« permis de conduire Internet »)
Internet PC{{PU2}}s have been installed in public libraries. Internet courses
in public libraries. In 30 cities facilities will be created to give citizens access to
the Internet and to assist them in acquiring the necessary skills.
Internet access point are being created in the Centres for Work and Income.
Einrichtung von 120 Kunden-Terminals mit Internetzugang in AMS-
Geschäftsstellen bis Ende des 1.Halbjahres 2001. Ständiger Ausbau des
Netzzuganges über öffentliche Bibliotheken und Schulbibliotheken
Verbesserung des Bildungszuganges durch regionale und überregionale
Vernetzung und die Einbeziehung der Möglichkeit von IKT-basierten
Lernformen durch Schwerpunkt 2.1 im ESF-
Included in the Internet Initiative is the creation of public Internet access
points in all parishes ( close to 4500) has been defined as one of the
objectives, with measures for the creation of access points in post-offices,
hotels, cafes and associations.
At this moment in time the situation is like this:
• The NetPost Project
(Projecto NetPost){{SPA}}
has created public
Internet access points in 233 of the 1075 existing post-offices.
• The Knowledge Pavillion-Ciência Viva (Pavilhão do Conhecimento
{{SPA}} Ciência Viva) {{SPA}} has a working public access area to
the Internet, in which a group of monitors give training and help on
surfing the Internet and the construction of web pages.
• Aveiro-"the digital city" (Aveiro
Cidade Digital)
{{SPA}}has a digital
showcase {{SPA}} a public Internet access area {{SPA}} in which
monitors supply a help and training service in Internet use.
• Digital Areas
(Espaços Digitais)
{{SPA}} within the ambit of this project
the creation of public Internet access points in all city halls (there are
close to 370 in the whole country) will put up for tender. Within the
Internet Initiative and Operational Programme for the Information
(Iniciativa Internet e Programa Operacional para a Sociedade da
it is predicted that, until 2003, the expansion of this project
will come to includ the parish councils (almost 4500)
The Government{{PU2}}s objective is that households and businesses in all
parts of Sweden should acquire access to IT infrastructure and a large
proportion of the population already has access to the Internet from their
home, school or work. Nevertheless, the National Tax Board, the National
Labour Market Board, the National Board of Student Aid and the National
Insurance Board have some 700 PIAPs offering access to their services. All
public libraries also offer Int access.
The Government will:
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- establish a network of UK online centres,
with 600 being open by
March 2001. UK online centres will provide community-based
access to the Internet, along with ICT skills training - particularly
for those who do not feel comfortable in traditional learning
- ensure that, by 2002, all public libraries offer Internet access and
supporting trained staff;
- invest £35 million to pilot new initiatives for post offices to help people
access and use the Internet (Internet Learning Access Points),
and to act as
shops (Government General Practitioners);
pilot the costs and benefits of giving full broadband access to all households and public
institutions in selected disadvantaged communities,
to use as a high-profile
demonstrator of e-government, e-commerce and e-community services and
Europe Action Plan - Participation for all in the knowledge-based economy
Policies to avoid info-exclusion will be more effectively co-ordinated at European
level through benchmarking of performance and exchange of best practice
between Member States
Included in e-gov concept
Einführung eines Internetzertifikats für Arbeitslose seit Oktober 2000;
Programm des Bundeskanzlers {{IND}}Internet für alle" vom 18. 9. 2000
mit dem Ziel der Eingliederung aller in die Informationsgesellschaft;
{{IND}}Forum Informationsgesellschaft" der Bundesregierung zur
Integration unterrepräsentierter Gruppen in das Internet (z. B. Frauen und
There is strong political support for the idea that availability should be
allowed for in all new IT policy initiatives, and that this should be followed up
on a current basis via initiatives to create awareness as well as concrete
initiatives. For instance, attention is called to:
and {{SPA}} but otherwise there is
follow-up quite generally.
During 2001 and through OP "Information Society" an IS Observatory of
personalities and high level experts, which will be in charge, inter alia, of,
importing the international state of the art, disseminating best practice
methods, assisting the exchange of experiences, know-how and information,
providing training tools, commanding and supervising benchmarking studies,
and forecasting skill needs and skill gaps for information society applications.
The Observatory wi ll work in close consultation with EU-wide and regional
co-operation platforms such as, LOCREGIS and IRISI.
Conducted under ESDIS works
Le ministère de la culture et de la communication a mis en {{ST}}uvre depuis
1996 un programme d{{PU2}}observation et d{{PU2}}analyse des usages
des technologies multimédia dans des structures culturelles, socio-culturelles
et éducatives, qui a donné lieu à la parution de plusieurs rapports. Depuis
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1999, ce programme porte sur des observations dans la centaine d{{PU2}}
Espaces Culture Multimédia, dont le nombre sera doubl&eacu té à 220. A
compter de 2001, le ministère mettra en place un dispositif généralisé d
{{PU2}}évaluation des Espaces Culture Multimédia (ECM) et favorisera, à
travers le réseau des ECM et les relations en développement avec d{{PU2}}
autres réseaux de lieux d{{PU2}}accès publics au multimédia, l{{PU2}}
échange et le partage de ces analyses sur les usages et les pratiques.
The Italian Government Action Plan on Human Capital has outlined a set of
measures to promote digital inclusion. The main sectors of the Plan are
territory and citizens, school, university, private businesses.
By 2001 the final effects of the Action Plan can be summed up as following:
1. 15 laboratories and academic courses in Economics, IT and ICT;
2. 5 ICT centres of excellence;
3. 40 multimedia centres for training and access to ICT;
4. 1 computer for 25 students in the elementary schools; 1 computer for
10 students in upper secondary;
5. 900.000 training hours for schools at regional level;
6. professional training in ICT for 150.000 people;
7. courses to promote computer literacy and inclusion in the South;
8. 12 local portals and 12 incubators;
9. academic
10. researchers and teachers{{PU2}}mobility towards private companies
(and back);
11. development of the "New" Stock Market with 20 new companies listed;
12. reform of the bankruptcy law
A study was carried out by the Information Society Commission to identify
late adopter groups in Ireland. The results of the study were published in
February 2000.
A TV Series entitled dot.what? was developed by the Information Society
Commission in partnership with the national broadcaster RTE. It was aired
on the main national station RTE1 during summer 2000. The series aimed to
inform people at a basic level about new technology in a user friendly way.
An Internet Roadshow was launched in 2000. The Information Society
Commission hired a mobile computer classroom to travel around Ireland for
6 months from June to November 2000 to provide basic e-mail and Internet
training to community and local groups who didn't have the resources to
provide their own training in this area.
The Prime Minister{{PU2}}s Department will make a substantial
announcement in respect of measures to avoid exclusion from the
Information Society in early December, 2000.
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[It is intended to publicly announce on 30 November 2000 the Community
Application of Information Technologies (CAIT) initiative which will fund
demonstration projects undertaken by the voluntary and community sector
promoting information and communication technology solutions for late
adopter groups. Over {{X80}}3.2 million has been allocated for this purpose.
It is anticipated that 25 projects representing a balance of different late
adopter groups and geographical regions of t ntry will be commissioned by
April 2001.]
The Department of Public Enterprise is organising a conference entitled
Community Application of Information Technology on 18 January 2001
which will centre around IT Access for All and social inclusion in the digital
economy. The Seminar is aimed at voluntary and community organisations
and groups working with the socially excluded. The Seminar is being run in
conjunction with other relevant Departments.
The speakers at the seminar will be drawn from 'best practice' initiatives
throughout Ireland and abroad and will cover examples from all of the late
adopter groups. The purpose of the Seminar is to encourage other voluntary
and community groups to become involved in the area of IT Access for All.
Neuordnung der nationalen Maßnahmen im Rahmen der Programmplanung
von Ziel 3 des Europäischen Sozialfonds 2000-2006. Angebot von Internet-
Einführungskursen für Senioren im Center for Usability Research.
Förderungen für den Ankauf von Kommunikationshilfmitteln für
sinnesbehinderte Menschen. Förderung des Multimediaprojeks {{IND}}
MUDRA Version 1.0" zur Unterstützung des Gebärdenspracherwerbs und
des Lippenableset gs auf CD-ROM.
Included in the Internet Initiative
(Iniciativa Internet)
a group of political
measures to combat info-exclusion are considered, namely:
• Reinforce tax incentives in the acquisition of computers by families
• Benefits (easy payment plans) in offers of computers by companies (to
employees, schools, associations, etc)
• Stimulating the market of second-hand computers with guarantee
• Stimulating the workings of centres of collection, verification and
adaptation of computers offered to institutions of social usefulness
• Significantly reducing the costs of Internet
and offering systems
for capping such costs. Make available a free minimum-access system to
the Internet (citizens{{PU2}} internet)
• Extend Internet to all primary schools (by the end of 2001)
• Launch a diploma in basic information technology skills
During the year 2001 various initiatives will become general practice:
The Basic Information Technology Skills Diploma
(Diploma de Competências
Básicas em tecnologias de informação e comunicação)
{{SPA}}mass awards accessible
to any citizen and also associated to the completion of compulsory education
(9 years).
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Tax benefits have been in force since 1998 regarding the purchase of
computer equipment by families. In 2001these benefits will be 25% of the
amount spent up to a total of 35.000 escudos, deductible in tax returns.
The School Internet Programme, programmes for the creation of public
Internet access points (Netpost, Aveiro " the digital city"-
Aveiro - Cidade
and the Digital Portugal programme will contribute in the fight against
Actions are under preparation.
In Sweden a number of measures have been taken to avoid info-exclusion.
Measures to ensure availability include the investment in infrastructure
proposed in the IT Bill and the change in the law regarding taxation of private
persons´ use at home of computers provided by the employer. Regarding
people with disabilities a study is commissioned to propose how experimental
work regarding people with disabilities´ access to products and services
requiring a high transmiss ion capacity can be designed. There is also a five-
year programme directed at disabled and elderly people. In line with the
Swedish action plan for the disability policy, government authorities will be
responsible for ensuring that their activities and information are accessible to
people with disabilities, including websites and other use of IT. Public
procurement should also pursue the goal that people with disabilites are able
to make use of the same goods and sevices, including computers and other
IT-se rvice, as other members of society.
Providing low cost recycled computers for 100,000 low income families by setting
schemes to improve access including Computers Within Reach and Wired Up
Communities launched in October
Adoption of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) guidelines for public
Included in e-gov concept
Die Bundesregierung arbeitet an einer Übernahme der Leitlinien
Standards and consultation for available web designs have been established,
and the WAI standards are included. Quarterly checks are initiated for public
websites, and the need to ensure availability for all is an essential parameter
En application de la circulaire du 12 octobre 1999, la Mission pour les
Technologies de l{{PU2}}Information et de la Communication (MTIC) du
Premier Ministre a publié des normes d{{PU2}}accessibilité pour les sites
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Cette action correspond à la promotion auprès des webmestres du secteur
public de la documentation et des outils suivants, déjà disponibles sur le site
de la MTIC :
- la circulaire sur les "sites internet des services et des établissements publics
de l'Etat" ;
- la recommandation du W3Consortium "Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines 1.0" ;
- le livre blanc de BrailleNet "pour un web plus accessible" ;
- le navigateur libre Braillesurf ;
- des outils de vérification de l'accessibilité des sites Web ;
- les labels en vigueur ;
- les recommandations du Conseil de l{{PU2}}Europe.
An inter-departmental working group co-ordinated by the Department for
Public Administration has been set up. One of the group{{PU2}}s tasks is to
evaluate the actions that allow access to the information and services available
on public administration websites to people with disabilities. A method for
evaluating government websites has also been launched by AIPA, in
collaboration with Rome University, and taking into account the WAI
standards. Other websites, such a of the Chamber of Deputies
( is already available under the WAI standards.
Befassung der Arbeitsgruppe {{IND}}Web basierende Applikationen" des
Beratungsausschusses für Informationstechnik
The Web Accessibility Initiative
(Iniciativa Web Accessibility)
has already been
• A National Initiative for Citizen with Special Needs
( Iniciativa Nacional para
os Cidadãos com Necessidades Especiais)
has been approved by Cabinet Resolution
in August 1999;
• The creation of the Access Unit
(a Unidade Acesso)
integrated in the
Ministry of Science and Technology, which develops coordination activities
and communicates information about projects within the ambit of the above-
mentioned National Initiative
(Iniciativa Nacional),
as well as training and the
creation of skills for citizens with special needs;
• Also measures regarding the accessibility to the Public Administration
websites have been approved by the Cabinet Resolution (nº 97/99).
National guidelines, in line with WAI, under preparation.
The Swedish Agency for Administrative Development recently presented its
report "Criteria for 24/7 agencies in the networked public administration". IT
says that the agencies{{PU2}} services for people with disabilities should be
designed in a broad perspective, taking into account the variation special
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Europe Action Plan - Accelerating e-Commerce
Establish electronic marketplaces for public procurements.
In preparation by staff minister of public function
§ 15 (neu) Vergabeverordnung ermöglicht die Abgabe von Angeboten online.
Konkrete Pilotprojekte im Rahmen der Media@Komm Initiative der
Bundesregierung ( sind in 2000 angelaufen
In the summer of 2001, the public procurement portal is expected to be ready
for public procurement officers. In "Plan for the Government's Electronic
Procurement" 22 commodity groups are identified as suitable for
e-commerce, and these must be tradeable via the portal being developed and
implemented. In the long term, the portal will be offered to all public
procurement officers within the Government, counties and municipalities.
Tenders have been invited for development of the portal, and currently five
firms/consortia have prequalified for drawing up a project proposal on how
to develop and operate the portal. A contract is expected to be signed with the
selected supplier in March 2001, and the initial rollout of the portal is
scheduled for June 2001.
The initiative has a dual purpose: (1) the public sector should be the
locomotive for electronic commerce, and (2) money may be saved via
electronic procurement by virtue of better competition, large-scale buying and
administrative savings
The OP "Information Society" will fund and facilitate the introduction of
electronic tendering procedures, including by public administrations by 2003.
Un projet de décret est en élaboration en France pour réformer en ce sens le
code des marchés publics.
Dans cette attente, et pour la première fois, les travaux d'un comité d'un
groupe permanent d'étude des marchés (GPEM) vont être mis en ligne.
Il s'agit des travaux du comité GPEM IC-ST portant sur la rédaction d'un
nouveau guide de recommandations pour l'établissement des cahiers des
charges des marchés publics de services de télécommunications qui vont être
disponibles sur avec une possibilité d'y contribuer dans
le cadre d'un forum de discussion.
Par ailleurs, plusieurs administrations, dont le Ministère de la défense
(Délégation Générale de l{{PU2}}Armement) se sont lancés dans la création
de portails pour leurs relations avec leurs fournisseurs.
Article 26 of the statute from 23 December 1999, n. 488 (year 2000 Budget
Law), introduced some important changes for the acquisition of goods and
services on behalf of public administration outlining a system in which the
suppliers of goods and services to the State are chosen using procedures from
current regulations.
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The same art. 26 bestows on the Treasury and the Ministry for the Budget and
Economic Planning the power to stipulate provisions on the basis of which,
chosen suppliers accept conditions, established prices and supply orders of a
predetermined amount.
Such an approach provides for the use of e-procurement instruments as part
of a gradual evolution that takes into consideration the normative, procedural
and technological ties present. A regulatory framework will be in place for the
start-up in the public sector to allow electronic commands and the access of
expense reports via the Internet. Electronic markets is a sector currently under
An inter-organisational committee, with central, local and health sector
representation, has been set up and charged with procuring an electronic
procurement facility for the wider public service.
The committee is close to choosing consultancy assistance to identify and
workout policy issues in this area, including public procurement regulations
and the expected amendments to the EU Procurement Directives. This study
will be completed in March 2001. Business analysis is also being carried out in
a number of local authorities on business process and with the accounting
system integration issues associated with e-procurement systems. Similar
studies are planned for the hea lth and education sectors and for the
Government Services Agency. Some of the policy issues that need to be
addressed are known to be complex, particularly those around existing and
planned EU Directives, and the need to provide sufficient time for their
consideration has been built into the planned timescale for the full lifecycle
system, which the group expects to be delivered in early 2002. As an interim
measure a system for advertising procurement opportunities and for accessing
electronic versions of tenders in the public service will be used fromAutumn
A pilot on electronic procurement has started.
Pilotprojekte für die öffentliche Verwaltung befinden sich in Konzeptphase
In continuance of the National e-Commerce Initiative
(Iniciativa Nacional para o
Comércio Electrónico),
the Cabinet Resolution Nº 143/2000 has been approved
that defines the measures aimed at making the purchase of goods and services
electronically by Public Administration, a Technical Advisory Group was
created to identify legal obstacles to the development of e-Commerce
practices by Public Administration.
The marketplace is under preparation.
The Government has in the Bill "Public Procurement in the Information
Society" (1999/2000:128) proposed changes to the law on public
procurement. The changes give tenderers the possibility to submit tenders
electronically. The Parliament will read the Bill during the autumn of 2000 and
the law will come into force on 1 January 2001. The Bill also proposes that
procurements under the threshold values and so called simplified
procurement always should be publ ished in a database. The Government has
commissioned the National Board for Public Procurement to act upon the
development of such electronic databases. The Government has also
proposed changes in the Public Procurement Act so as to allow the use of
electronically signed documents in public procurement
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Europe Action Plan - Government online - electronic access to public services
Promote the use of open source software in the public sector and e-government
best practice through exchange of experiences across the Union (through the
IST and IDA programmes).
Under study by working party e-gov
Das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie gibt ein Handbuch
für die Verwendung von Open Source Software in öffentlichen Verwaltungen
During the summer, the Danish State Information Service has rearranged the
operation of their service to equipment using open source
software. Open source software has also been introduced for other internal
It is being considered how this positive experience may be utilized more
At present, the Ministry of the Environment and Energy is carrying out
examinations to determine if open source software may be used on the
Ministry's workstations.
It has been agreed that the experience gained by the Ministry of the
Environment and Energy should be made available to other Ministries when
the initial pilot tests have been completed.
Des actions de sensibilisation, de mutualisation et d{{PU2}}échange sur l
{{PU2}}utilisation des standards ouverts et des logiciels libres au sein des
administrations ont été mises en {{ST}}uvre par les services
interministériels français en charge du sujet (MTIC). Une journée d
{{PU2}}étude a été organisée et un site web dédié a été mis en place, qui
comporte un forum et une base d{{PU2}}&eacu s.
Cette ligne d'action se concrétise par la création sur le site de la
MTIC d'un espace ayant pour objectif d'apporter aux services de
l'État, collectivités territoriales et aux établissements publics les
informations utiles au développement de l'usage des logiciels libres
et comprenant :
- un inventaire des principaux logiciels libres
- des informations et des liens utiles pour mieux connaître le contexte du libre,
les acteurs (associations, distributeurs) et les formations disponibles.
- des retours d'expériences d'utilisation du libre dans l'administration, un
forum pour apporter contributions et témoignages et ouvrir des débats, une
FAQ OS libres, des outils du libre, des astuces sur des problèmes rencontrés.
La fête de l'internet sera l'occasion de ponctuer cette action de fonds.
A titre d{{PU2}}exemple de l{{PU2}}intérêt que portent les administrations
françaises aux logiciels libres, la Ministre de la culture et de la communication
a annoncé la migration sous Linux de l'ensemble des serveurs NT et Unix
propriétaire du ministère de la culture.
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S{{PU2}}agissant de la diffusion des bonnes pratiques, le Comité de gestion
du programme IDA a décidé, sur proposition française, la création d{{PU2}}
un Portail européen de l{{PU2}}administration. Dans le même esprit, la
France a proposé la constitution d{{PU2}}un tableau de bord sur l{{PU2}}
ensemble des programmes innovants intéressant les services publics.
The use of open source software in the public sector is the subject of lively
debate at the telematic forum found at A letter signed by
some well-known figures highlights the necessity of using software other than
Microsoft Office in public administration offices.
Création d'un comité d'experts ad hoc
A pilot with open source software is part of the project"Central Government
Im Rahmen der IT-Koordination wurde eine Arbeitsgruppe zur Evaluierung
von open surce software eingerichtet.
Nothing to report.
Limux operating system is used in 7 % of public sector servers.
The Swedish Agency for Public Management has a number of framework
agreements with different software-manufacturer for IT use in public
administration. The tenderer, who offers the software, is encouraged to
include an open source software beside those from the ordinary software-
In October the Office of the e-Envoy launched the e-Government
Interoperability Framework which sets the technical standards for public
sector IT systems. These standards are based on open, Internet standards
{{SPA}} XML and XSL. The e-GIF is mandatory for all public sector
organisations that which to connect to the UK online Citizen{{PU2}}s Portal
or the Government Secure Intranet. The European Commission has shown
much interest in adopting e-GIF across the EU. The e found at
The Office of the e-Envoy is fully involved in the work of the IDA and IST
programmes to stimulate the exchange of best practice and experience across
the EU. It has also entered into partnership with industry and administrations
in Denmark, France and Spain to create an Open Forum for European
e-Public Services (OFEePS) devoted to the exchange of information on
e-government between interested parties.
Promote the use of electronic signatures within the public sector.
Under study by working party e-gov,
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Note for the council of ministers 22/11/00
Die Änderung der Formvorschriften der Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetze läuft
derzeit; erste Erfolge im Rahmen des Projekts Media@Komm
In cooperation with National Procurement Ltd., a tender under the
framework agreement is being launched for public procurement of IT security
solutions. The tender is for the use of electronic signatures both for public
authorities and for citizen's communication with public authorities.
Furthermore, requirements are laid down for standards and security levels for
certificates to be used in electronic communication with public authorities,
including requirements for public authorities in handling electronic signatures.
Demand for electronic signatures will also be stimulated by launching a
number of public initiatives in connection with "Denmark on the Network".
The Danish Commerce and Companies Agency supports activities to draw up
standards for digital signatures by contributing to the standard developed
being spread to all Danish enterprises.
A draft of the law incorporating the two recent e- commerce EU directives
for digital signatures and legal aspects of e-commerce is in preparation sand
will be presented to Parliament in the coming months. At the same time, the
National Committee for Electronic Commerce is developing alternative
dispute resolution systems.
Spanish Administration is promoting the use of electronic signatures in the
public sector through the CERES project of the Natioanl Money Printing
Factory (FNMT). Several services available using FNMT security are:
- Personal Income Tax declaration (more than 100.000 declarations sent by
Internet during year 2000)
- Payment orders for Patent Office
- Interconnection of input-output registers of public administrations.
New on-line administrative procedures will implement FNMT security
services in 2001
La procédure de transposition de la directive sur la signature électronique,
adoptée par le Parlement européen et le Conseil puis publiée au JOCE du 19
janvier 2000, est en cours. La première étape de la transposition a consisté en l
{{PU2}}adoption, le 13 mars 2000, d{{PU2}}une loi portant adaptation du
droit de la preuve aux technologies de l{{PU2}}information et relative à la
signature électroni
Cette loi consacre la validité juridique de la signature électronique et instaure
une présomption de fiabilité au bénéfice des procédés de signature qui
répondront à des exigences fixées par un décret en Conseil d{{PU2}}État.
L{{PU2}}élaboration de ce projet de décret, qui sera achevée à la fin 2000, a
fait l{{PU2}}objet d{{PU2}}une consultation publique sur l{{PU2}}internet
au cours de l{{PU2}}été 2000. Cette consultation a permis de recueillir 120
contributions, qui éclairent la rédaction définitive du décret.
En France, le déploiement de la future carte Santé Sésame Vitale 2, la
sécurisation des téléprocédures par l'usage de certificats électroniques
(prochainement, télédéclaration de la TVA par les grandes entreprises),
témoignent du caractère indispensable de l'utilisation de la signature
électronique pour la sécurisation des échanges électroniques publics.
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The legal use of digital signatures has been an Italian reality since spring of
2000. Such an event has put Italy on the cutting edge as it was the first
country to give full legal validity to electronic documents.
In order to guarantee the subject's identity and protect them from certification
problems, the Decree of the President of the Republic n.513/97 (art.8)
requests that the certifier possess certain prerequisites and is included in a
public list. This list should be available with the Public Administration's
Computer Authority (AIPA) taking responsibility for the list and its updating.
Public administration can itself certify using the technical rules outlined in art.
62 of the Prime Ministe r's Decree from 8
February 1999.
The Technical Centre will also have the role of certifying the Authority's keys
and managing the access to the public list through secure communication
channels. A Postecom contract plans to produce some 30,000 signature
systems over the next four years and 60,000 certified. The infrastructure will
be available at the end of 2000, whilst the majority of the signature systems
will be distributed in the first quarter of 2001.
The authentication and signing aspects of the Revenue On-Line Tax Filing
and Payment System which was recently implemented in Ireland makes use
electronic signatures. The mutual authentications aspects of the system used
for searching the Land Register also makes use of electronic signatures. It is
anticipated that many of the e-government systems which are planned for
delivery in 2001 will also make extensive use of e-signature technologies.
-Création d{{PU2}}un comité d{{PU2}}experts
-Projet-pilote: e-TVA :
promotion de l{{PU2}}usage des signatures électroniques dans le secteur
public: mise en ligne d{{PU2}}informations et de formulaires (1
phase) /
dépôt des déclarations TVA par la voie électronique (2
Forms part of the activities of the Dutch Taskforce {{PU1}}PKI
In the city of Delft a pilot will start with electronic public services using
electronic signatures and identification.
Ausweitung des Signaturgesetzes durch Ermöglichung
der öffentlichen Form (zB Notariatsakt), insbesondere
Urkundenarchivs; strafrechtliche Gleichstellung sicher
signierter elektronischer Dokumente mit schriftlichen
abwickelbaren Verwaltungsverfahren
Included in the National e-Commerce Initiative
(Iniciativa nacional para o
Comércio Electrónico)
has been approved in the form of Decree-Law
nº290-D/99 the regulation of electronic invoices and the designation of an
accredited authority (dependent on the Ministry of Justice) for the institutions
certifying digital signatures
Actions are under preparation.
The Swedish Government has commissioned the National Tax Board to
develop forms for certification and electronic signatures in public
administration. The proposal from the National Tax Board is that that there
will be three security levels for electronic signatures in the public sector. The
highest level will be that of the qualified electronic signatures in the new act
implementing EC directive 1999/93/EC. It shall however be possible for
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public authorities to choos e lower levels of security for transactions that are
less sensitive. The National Tax Board is proposed to receive a general
responsibility to co-ordinate the use of electronic signatures for the public
sector. In addition, The Ministry of Justice is initiating a project which will
include the reviewing of all administrative legislation in order to detect what
legal impediments there might be to the use of electronic signatures in the
public sector and where necessary propose changes to the regulations. The
Swedish Agency for Administrative Development has also drawn up a
framework agreement with Telia and the Swedish Post for the purchase of
smart cards for official use.
The UK has worked closely with Trust Service Providers through
their self-regulatory body, the tScheme, to ensure that public sector
requirements for the use of electronic signatures are met. The UK
Government is implementing mechanisms to enable the use of electronic
signatures to secure access to electronic government services.
In June this year, legislation was passed which allows for the acceptance of
digital signatures as evidence in court.
Europe Action Plan - Health online
Establish a set of quality criteria for health related websites.
Das Projekt MedCertain ist derzeit in der Prüfphase
The health authorities will jointly analyse whether it is possible and expedient
to establish a combined Internet portal. In this analysis it will be assessed if
need exists for quality assuring health-related websites.
Il existe aujourd{{PU2}}hui 6000 sites francophones offrant des services
e-santé : consultation d{{PU2}}informations médicales, échanges avec un
professionnel de santé (question-réponse ou FAQ), diagnostic, prescription,
documentation sur une maladie, gestion de données de santé protégées,
La nécessité de renseigner l'internaute sur la qualité du site e-santé qu'il
consulte ou auprès duquel il recherche des services a conduit au lancement
du projet « qualité des sites e-santé » par le Ministère français de
l'emploi et de la solidarité
(Mission pour l'Informatisation du Système de
Santé et Direction Générale de la Santé) en relation avec le Conseil
National de l'Ordre des Médecins.
L'objectif poursuivi est de définir un certain nombre de règles permettant à
l'usager de se faire lui-même une opinion sur la qualité de ce qu'il lit ou de
ce qu'il consulte. Il s{{PU2}}agit d'assurer l{{PU2}}application des règles
éthiques, déontologiques ainsi que législatives et réglementaires en
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vigueur, comme l{{PU2}}interdiction de la prescription, de la publicité ou
de la vente de médicaments en lign
Au niveau national, il est prévu de parvenir à la rédaction d{{PU2}}une
charte de qualité au début de l{{PU2}}année 2001, charte qui emporterait l
{{PU2}}adhésion des acteurs du secteur de la e-santé. Ensuite, courant 2001,
et sans a priori, les modalités d{{PU2}}application de la charte seront définies
en commun par les acteurs eux-mêmes : labellisation / certification et
modalité ositif.
The Department of Healh have referred this issue to the Chief Medical
Officer for consideration.
In progress
Entwicklung einheitlicher Qualitäts-Standards unter Bedachtnahme auf
internationale Fortschritte und Schaffung eines Systems zur Überwachung der
Einhaltung von Qualitätskriterien
Nothing to report.
Finland participates in international cooperation to develop the quality criteria.
Sidste del af dokumentet forefindes ikke elektronisk.
At presented there is no systematic activity in Sweden regarding quality
criteria. However, Sweden participates actively in the EU project "Towards
Evaluation and Cerification of Telematic Services for Health".
The NHS Information Authority are leading a project to bring all NHS web-
sites through gateway of It is intended that web-sites linked to adhere to a set of quality criteria, to be in place by end 2001.