Europaudvalget 2000-01
EUU Alm.del Bilag 427
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Det Europæiske Råd
Medlemmerne af Folketingets
Europaudvalg og deres stedfortrædere
5. december 2000
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges i forbindelse med det ordinære møde i Det Europæiske Råd i Nice den 7.-9.
december 2000 Rådets skrivelse vedr. rapport til Det Europæiske Råd fra Arbejdsgruppen på Højt Niveau (HLWG) om gennemførelsen af
handlingsplanerne for asyl og migration.
au :
Objet :
Conseil/Conseil européen
Groupe à Haut Niveau Asile et Migration
- Adoption du rapport au Conseil européen de Nice
Les délégations trouveront ci-joint le rapport sur les travaux du Groupe à Haut Niveau Asile et Migration à l{{PU2}}attention du Conseil européen de
Groupe à Haut Niveau Asile et Migration
Rapport au Conseil européen de Nice
I - Origines du Groupe à Haut Niveau Asile et Migration
II - Philosophie des travaux engagés
III - La mise en {{ST}}uvre des plans d'action
III. 1. Généralités
III. 2. État des travaux relatifs à chaque plan d'action
III. 3. Coopération avec les organisations internationales gouvernementales et non gouvernementales
III. 4. Coopération avec des pays tiers
IV- Évaluation des travaux du Groupe à Haut Niveau.
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V- Suite des travaux
V.1 Une approche différenciée
V.2 Financement
V.3 Amélioration et simplification des méthodes de travail
V.4. Prochaines étapes
I - Origines du Groupe à Haut Niveau Asile et Migration
1. A la suite d'une initiative des Pays-Bas, le Conseil "Affaires générales" des 7 et 8 décembre 1998 a institué le Groupe à Haut Niveau Asile
et Migration (GHN). Celui-ci a été chargé d'élaborer des plans d'action interpiliers pour des pays d'origine et de transit des demandeurs
d'asile et des migrants. Le Conseil "Affaires générales" des 25 et 26 janvier 1999 a ap prouvé la proposition du GHN visant à élaborer des
plans d'action pour les pays et les régions suivants :
- l'Afghanistan et la région limitrophe
- le Maroc
- la Somalie
- le Sri Lanka
- l'Iraq
- l'Albanie et la région limitrophe.
Ces pays ont été choisis en se fondant sur une analyse très complète des flux de demandeurs d'asile et de migrants et des causes de ces flux.
2. Le Conseil "Affaires générales" du 11 octobre 1999 a approuvé les plans d'action pour l'Afghanistan et la région limitrophe, le Maroc, la Somalie, le Sri Lanka
et l'Iraq, avant leur transmission au Conseil européen de Tampere (15 et 16 octobre 1999).
3. La Présidence du Conseil a informé à plusieurs occasions le Parlement européen des travaux effectués par le GHN. En mars et en juin 1999, la Présidence
allemande a informé le Parlement par écrit de l'évolution des dossiers et, le 23 septembre 1999, la Présidence finlandaise lui a présenté les projets de plans
d'action pour le Sri Lanka, la Somalie, l'Iraq, la Maroc et l'Afghanistan et la région limitrophe, afin d'obtenir son avis avant le Conseil européen de Tampere. Le
30 mars 2000, le Parlement européen a adopté, sur la base du rapport établi par M. Hernandez Mollar, une résolution relative aux travaux du GHN et aux plans
4. Le Conseil européen de Tampere s'est félicité des travaux du GHN et est convenu de la prorogation de son mandat et de l'établissement d'autres plans
d'action. Il a invité le Conseil et la Commission à présenter un rapport sur la mise en {{ST}}uvre des plans d'action au Conseil européen de décembre 2000.
5. En réponse au mandat du Conseil "Affaires générales", le GHN a élaboré une liste d{{PU2}}actions envisagées pour l'an 2000 qui figure dans le tableau I en
annexe au document 8939/00
JAI 60 AG 46 .
6. Le Conseil "Affaires générales" des 13 et 14 juin 2000 a approuvé le plan d'action pour l'Albanie et la région limitrophe ainsi que la liste des actions figurant
dans le document susmentionné. Il a mandaté le GHN pour assurer la mise en {{ST}}uvre de ce plan d'action simultanément avec la mise en {{ST}}uvre des
autres plans d'action et pour développer et compléter la liste des actions contenue dans le document 8939/00 JAI /P>
7. Le 16 mai 2000, la Présidence portugaise a transmis au Président du Parlement européen le plan d'action pour l'Albanie et la région limitrophe. Sur la base du
rapport établi par Mme Anna Karamanou, rapporteur, le Parlement européen a adopté une résolution relative à ce plan d'action le 26 octobre 2000.
II - Philosophie des travaux engagés
8. Les plans d{{PU2}}action reposent sur le principe qu{{PU2}}il faut adopter une approche commune tenant compte des facteurs politiques et socio-
économiques qui sont la cause ou l'effet de la fuite hors du pays d{{PU2}}origine ou des conséquences négatives de la migration dans un pays. Afin d{{PU2}}
être efficace, cette approche doit être globale, mise en {{ST}}uvre sur une longue durée et s{{PU2}}adapter à l{{PU2}}évolution de la sit te;es dont
disposent l{{PU2}}Union européenne, la Communauté européenne et les Etats membres devront être coordonnées au niveau de leur application.
9. Lors de l'établissement des plans d'action, le GHN était conscient des éléments suivants :
- la mise en {{ST}}uvre effective des plans implique que le Conseil, la Commission et les Etats membres travaillent en étroite coopération et de manière
coordonnée ;
- elle suppose également un accord sur les ressources financières et humaines nécessaires;
- les Etats membres, dans divers domaines d'action, doivent mettre à disposition leur expertise ;
- la mise en {{ST}}uvre des plans implique aussi une concertation et une coopération étroite avec les organisations internationales
concernées ;
- l'établissement d'un véritable partenariat entre les pays concernés par les plans d'action et l'Union européenne et ses Etats membres et, par
conséquent, la définition d'engagements réciproques.
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10. Les plans d{{PU2}}action contiennent des propositions de mesures en vue de coopérer avec les pays concernés dans trois domaines intégrés : la
politique étrangère, le développement et l{{PU2}}aide économique, la migration et l{{PU2}}asile. Ils peuvent être considérés comme une première
tentative de l{{PU2}}Union européenne pour définir une approche globale et cohérente en foncti certains des principaux pays d{{PU2}}origine ou de
transit des demandeurs d'asile et des migrants.
11. Les instruments essentiels d{{PU2}}une approche cohérente de la migration et de l'asile sont le dialogue, la coopération et le co-développement. La
protection des droits de l{{PU2}}homme, le soutien à la démocratisation et la promotion de l{{PU2}}état de droit, le développement social et
économique, la lutte contre la pauvreté, l{{PU2}}appui à la prévention des conflits et à la réconciliat ec le HCR et les organisations de défense des droits
de l'homme, la garantie de la protection due aux réfugiés et aux demandeurs d'asile, l{{PU2}}intégration des migrants ainsi que la lutte contre l{{PU2}}
immigration clandestine (entre autres à travers les accords de réadmission) sont autant d'éléments importants de cette approche.
12. Le GHN a également estimé qu'une coopération avec les partenaires avec lesquels l'Union entretient traditionnellement un dialogue pourrait être
mutuellement profitable.
13. Le GHN a exprimé le souhait que les pays candidats à l'adhésion s'associent aux efforts de l'Union européenne visant à élaborer et à mettre en {{ST}}
uvre une approche interpiliers ciblée sur les pays d'origine et de transit des demandeurs d'asile et des migrants.
III - La mise en {{ST}}uvre des plans d'action
III.1. Généralités
14. Depuis l'adoption des plans d'action par le Conseil "Affaires générales", la mise en {{ST}}uvre des mesures qui s'y trouvent a fait l'objet d'un suivi
permanent. Pour accélérer les progrès, le GHN a tenu une série de réunions spécifiques par pays sous les Présidences finlandaise, portugaise et française.
Parallèlement, il a invité la Commission à organiser des réunions informelles d'experts haque plan d'action afin de renforcer le processus de mise en
15. Durant le processus de mise en {{ST}}uvre, les Présidences finlandaise, portugaise et française ont, de concert avec la Commission, organisé
régulièrement des réunions avec les organisations internationales qui avaient contribué à la phase préparatoire et qui participent à la mise en {{ST}}uvre
des plans d'actions.
16. Les plans d'action ont été portés à la connaissance des pays concernés : le Sri Lanka (contact au niveau des ambassadeurs, à Bruxelles le 13 septembre 1999
et à Stockholm le 1
octobre 1999), l'Iraq (contact avec le chargé d'affaires à Helsinki le 4 octobre 1999), l'Albanie (transmission du plan d'action par
l'ambassadeur d'Albanie à Paris, par l'ambassadeur de France à Tirana et par l'ambassadeur d'Albanie auprès de l'Union européenne début octobre 2000). Le
plan d'action a été présenté aux autorités albanaises et aux autorités de la région limitrophe lors de la réunion de la Table III du Pacte de Stabilité à Sofia les 4 et
5 octobre 2000) et, enfin, le Maroc (mission à Rabat en juin 1999, au cours de laquelle une première ébauche du plan a été transmise aux a utorités marocaines,
le plan d'action leur étant transmis par l'ambassadeur du Maroc à Stockholm le 1
octobre 1999).
17. Une large consultation des missions de l{{PU2}}UE et des délégations de la Commission dans les pays concernés et dans les pays limitrophes a eu lieu. L
{{PU2}}importance d{{PU2}}une coopération accrue avec les pays de transit et les pays avoisinant les pays concernés a été particulièrement mise en
Les Etats Membres ont pu concourir à la mise en {{ST}}uvre des plans d{{PU2}}action selon leur capacité et dans le cadre de leurs relations bilatérales
avec les pays concernés et les pays avoisinant les pays concernés.
18. L{{PU2}}absence d{{PU2}}autorités habilitées à agir au nom d{{PU2}}un État reconnu en droit international a rendu la transmission des plans d
{{PU2}}action relatifs à l'Afghanistan et à la Somalie impossible jusqu{{PU2}}à présent.
III.2. État des travaux relatifs à chaque plan d'action
a) Maroc
19. Dans le cadre de la mise en {{ST}}uvre du plan d{{PU2}}action pour le Maroc, une délégation du GHN (Présidence, Espagne, Suède, Commission et
Secrétariat général du Conseil) s'est rendue à Rabat du 2 au 4 octobre 2000.
20. Lors de ce déplacement, les autorités marocaines ont souligné le déséquilibre du plan d{{PU2}}action tel qu{{PU2}}il leur a été présenté et notamment l
{{PU2}}accent mis sur la dimension « sécuritaire ». Elles ont simultanément souligné la nécessité de travailler en partenariat avec l'Union afin d{{PU2}}
enrichir le contenu du plan, dans le cadre du Conseil d'association Unio c.
Le 9 octobre 2000, lors de la première réunion du Conseil d'association UE-Maroc, la délégation marocaine a pris note du plan d{{PU2}}action élaboré
par le GHN et a relevé que l{{PU2}}Union retenait «en matière d{{PU2}}immigration une approche encore trop dominée par l{{PU2}}aspect purement
sécuritaire, alors qu{{PU2}}il est désormais admis par tous que seules les considérations socio-économiques s te d{{PU2}}émigration vers l{{PU2}}
Europe.» La délégation marocaine a en conséquence émis le souhait de mettre l{{PU2}}accent davantage sur la dimension socio-économique du plan d
21. La Présidence a proposé de créer un sous-comité "Immigration et affaires sociales", dans le cadre de l{{PU2}}Accord d{{PU2}}association, qui
aurait pour mandat d{{PU2}}enrichir le plan d{{PU2}}action, compte tenu des observations marocaines, de façon à en faire un instrument commun aux
deux partenaires.
22. Entre-temps, un certain nombre de mesures du plan d'action pour le Maroc ont été mises en {{ST}}uvre. Certaines d'entre elles, qui relèvent du domaine
du développement, ont été mises en {{ST}}uvre par le biais du programme MEDA. Des projets s'inscrivent aussi dans le cadre de MED-STAT et les
différents projets ayant trait à des questions de migration ont reçu un soutien financier. La Commission a inclus la migration dan ment de stratégie pour le
Maroc. Sur proposition de la Commission, le Conseil est convenu d'inclure une référence à la migration dans le programme indicatif 2000-2002 pour MEDA
II, avec un budget de {{X80}} 3 millions. La Commission a déjà commencé la programmation de MEDA II avec les autorités marocaines. Un projet de
{{X80}} 3 millions relatif au soutien institutionnel des questions migratoires est prévu pour l'an 2001. Parmi les vités, il faut souligner un séminaire
rassemblant des spécialistes du Maroc et d'un certain nombre d'Etats membres de l'UE, consacré à la lutte menée par les tribunaux contre la traite des êtres
humains, et un séminaire sur l'amélioration de la gestion des frontières maritimes, qui s'est tenu à Lisbonne les 5 et 6 juin 2000.
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b) Sri Lanka
23. Les événements et les opérations militaires qui ont eu lieu dans la région de Jaffna ont eu une incidence notable sur la situation humanitaire dans le nord du
24. ECHO suit attentivement l'évolution de la situation, en étroite collaboration avec les agences des Nations Unies et certaines ONG humanitaires présentes à
Jaffna. La Communauté a financé des projets en faveur des personnes déplacées dans leur pays et des personnes rapatriées ou réinstallées; ces projets sont axés
sur l'aide aux populations déplacées de la région de Vanni et aux pe rsonnes rapatriées ou réinstallées dans la péninsule de Jaffna et dans les districts de
Trincomalee et d'Amparai.
25. Le Groupe "Asie/Océanie" a examiné le plan d{{PU2}}action pour le Sri Lanka, dont il a approuvé l{{PU2}}économie générale. Le Groupe COHOM a
émis un avis positif sur la mesure du plan d{{PU2}}action consistant à soulever les questions relatives aux droits de l{{PU2}}homme avec le Gouvernement
du Sri Lanka et, à travers des canaux appropriés, avec le LTTE.
c) L'Afghanistan et la région limitrophe
26. Conformément au plan d'action, la Communauté a continué à fournir une aide dans un certain nombre de domaines tels que l'aide humanitaire, la
reconstruction des systèmes agricoles, le soutien des moyens de subsistance sûrs, la santé, l'éducation et le déminage. Les personnes déplacées reçoivent abri,
nourriture et sécurité. Une mission ECHO a évalué la sécheresse terrible qui sévit en Afghanistan, au Pakistan et en Iran, et des mesures pour parer à cette
situation ont été établies, notamment le financement de projets visant à approfondir les puits ainsi que la distribution de nourriture et de fourrage. D'autres
initiatives de la Communauté comprennent des projets de réinsertion en Afghanistan. Elles intègrent les cinq thèmes prioritaires dégagés du cadre stratégique
des Nat ions Unies pour l'Afghanistan et énoncés dans la structure de programmation commune fondée sur des principes. Des projets sont actuellement en
cours dans toutes les régions principales d'Afghanistan d'où des populations ont été déplacées et où des personnes ont été rapatriées. Les interventions visent à
améliorer les conditions de vie non seulement des Afghans rapatriés, mais aussi des communaut és dans lesquelles ils vont s'insérer.
27. Le Groupe "Asie/Océanie" a examiné le plan d{{PU2}}action pour l{{PU2}}Afghanistan, dont il a approuvé l{{PU2}}économie générale. Le Groupe
COHOM a émis un avis favorable sur les mesures du plan d{{PU2}}action concernant les droits de l{{PU2}}homme.
d) Somalie
28. L'Union européenne a soutenu activement le processus de paix somalien dans le cadre de l{{PU2}}IGAD qui a mené à l{{PU2}}établissement d'un
gouvernement central de transition en Somalie en octobre 2000. Le gouvernement a établi des structures administratives encore rudimentaires à
Mogadishu où il exerce un contrôle croissant mais encore limité. Il a été bien accueilli par la Communauté internationale et b& ute;ficie du soutien
populaire mais doit encore faire face à des résistances en Somalie même de la part de groupes armés et des administrations qui ont été établies dans le
Nord Ouest et le Nord Est du pays. L{{PU2}}Union Européenne, ainsi que l{{PU2}}IGAD, ont appelé le gouvernement transitoire et ces administrations
à établir un dialogue constructif pour la réconciliation nationale, la reconstruction pacifique de l{{PU2}}E unité du pays.
29. Le Groupe "Afrique" a examiné le plan d{{PU2}}action pour la Somalie et a fait part de suggestions destinées à mettre à jour les mesures contenues dans
le plan d{{PU2}}action.
30. La Communauté a soutenu des projets dans des domaines tels que l'agriculture, le déminage, la démobilisation, l'éducation, la sécurité alimentaire, l'élevage
et la pêche. Les initiatives se sont surtout concentrées dans les zones ou prevaut la stabilité et ou existent des formes d{{PU2}}administration locale. Des
efforts sont déployés pour soutenir les organisations locale éfense des droits de l'homme et de la paix. La Communauté a pris des initiatives pour aider les
Somaliens réfugiés au Kenya. Elle a aussi apporté son soutien à des séminaires sur les possibilités de retour (volontaire) en Somalie des demandeurs d'asile
déboutés et à la création d'une banque de recherche et de compétences pour relier le personnel de l'UE à la Somalie.
31. L'insécurité dans certaines parties de la Somalie a cependant entravé jusqu{{PU2}}à maintenant les possibilités de mise en {{ST}}uvre du plan d'action. Il
faut espérer que ces dernières s'amélioreront avec la consolidation du processus de paix, de réconciliation nationale et de reconstruction de l{{PU2}}Etat.
e) Iraq
32. Bien que la situation politique actuelle à l{{PU2}}égard de l{{PU2}}Iraq complique la mise en {{ST}}uvre du plan d'action, certains progrès ont été
accomplis dans ce sens. Malgré les difficultés, la Communauté poursuit son aide humanitaire en Iraq et notamment en Iraq du Nord.
33. Les Chefs de mission à Bagdad ont élaboré un rapport sur la mise en {{ST}}uvre du plan d{{PU2}}action relatif à l{{PU2}}Iraq (13 juillet 2000). Ce
rapport prévoit un ensemble de mesures susceptibles d{{PU2}}être réalisées à brève échéance, dans le domaine de la politique étrangère, des migrations et de l
{{PU2}}aide humanitaire. Ce rapport a ét&eacut upe Moyen Orient-Golfe (COMEM) le 5 septembre 2000 et a été transmis formellement au GHN, avec avis
favorable du COMEM, à la suite de sa réunion du 24 octobre 2000.
34. Au cours de différentes missions menées en Turquie, les délégations de l'UE ont procédé à un examen approfondi de la mise en {{ST}}uvre du plan
d'action et ont visité la région frontalière avec l'Iraq. Des progrès ont été accomplis en matière d'échange entre l'UE et la Turquie d'informations pertinentes
pour l'élaboration de politiques d'asile et de migration, et la migrati t incluse dans le projet de partenariat d'adhésion. Les autorités turques se sont déclarées
prêtes à coopérer plus étroitement avec l'UE dans ces domaines. On pourrait envisager, dans le cadre du programme MEDA, le financement de projets dans le
domaine de l{{PU2}}asile et de l{{PU2}}immigration proposant une assistance technique, des programmes de formation, un échange d'experts, des
séminaires, etc.
f) Albanie et région limitrophe
35. Bien que ce plan d'action ait été adopté en dernier lieu, sa mise en {{ST}}uvre a beaucoup progressé.
36. Le Groupe "Région des Balkans occidentaux" (COWEB) a examiné le plan d'action pour l'Albanie et sa région limitrophe (cf. contribution de ce Groupe
dans le doc. 11440/00 JAI 91 AG 54). Le Groupe a rappelé le contexte du processus de stabilisation et d'association lancé en 1999 dans lequel devrait s'inscrire
la mise en {{ST}}uvre du plan d'action. Dans cette perspective, il a souligné le caractère prioritaire des actions de n à aider les autorités albanaises à satisfaire
aux conditions posées à l'ouverture de la négociation en vue de conclure un accord de stabilisation et d'association et, à moyen terme, des actions de nature à
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aider l'Albanie à remplir, le moment venu, les obligations contenues dans un tel accord. Il a par ailleurs indiqué que les actions contenues dans le plan d'action
devraient être dûment prises en compte lors de l'éla boration de ce futur accord.
37. En revanche, le Groupe a estimé que la situation au Kosovo relevait en premier lieu de la responsabilité de l'administration intérimaire des Nations Unies
(MINUK) aux efforts de laquelle l'Union européenne peut contribuer.
38. En fait, l'UE a réussi à inscrire les questions migratoires dans le dialogue politique du processus de stabilisation et d'association et dans d'autres dialogues
bilatéraux. Beaucoup a été fait en termes d'aide humanitaire et de soutien des structures administratives en général. Etant donné l{{PU2}}envergure des
initiatives prises, il faut accorder une importance particulière au développement de structures dans les es de la migration et de l{{PU2}}asile.
39. Lors de la réunion de sa table de travail III, les 4 et 5 octobre à Sofia, le Pacte de stabilité a conclu qu'il fallait considérer le plan d'action comme positif et
40. La mise en {{ST}}uvre du plan d'action doit être coordonnée avec les travaux du Pacte de Stabilité pour l'Europe du Sud-Est, dans lequel l'Union s'est vu
reconnaître un rôle dirigeant.
III.3. Coopération avec des organisations internationales gouvernementales et non gouvernementales
41. Lors de l'élaboration des plans d'action et au cours de la période de mise en {{ST}}uvre entamée depuis le 11 octobre 1999, le GHN a coopéré
étroitement et utilement avec un certain nombre d{{PU2}}organisations internationales gouvernementales et non gouvernementales.
42. Le rôle du Haut Commissariat des Nations unies pour les Réfugiés dans la protection internationale des réfugiés fait de lui un acteur incontournable
dans la définition et la mise en {{ST}}uvre d'une politique de migration et d{{PU2}}asile conforme aux obligations de la Convention de Genève. Le
Haut Commissariat a été associé à l'élaboration des plans d'action, il est également associé à en {{ST}}uvre. Il a été plus récemment informé de la mise
en {{ST}}uvre des plans d'action. A son tour, il a informé le GHN de son projet relatif à la réforme législative et la mise en place d'une administration
efficace dans le domaine du droit d'asile en Europe du Sud-Est.
43. En raison de leur expertise et de leur savoir-faire, l'Organisation internationale pour les migrations, le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge,
l'Organisation internationale du travail et le Centre International pour le Développement des Politiques Migratoires (ICMPD), ont contribué à
l'élaboration des plans d'action et restent des acteurs privilégiés de leur mise en {{ST}}uvre. A l'instar du Haut Commissariat des Nations unies pour les
cute;fugiés, ces organisations internationales ont été informées de la mise en {{ST}}uvre des plans d'action.
44. Une concertation avec Amnesty international, le Conseil Européen sur les réfugiés et les exilés, le "Migration Policy Group" et Médecins sans
Frontières a eu lieu pendant l'élaboration des plans d'action. Ces organisations sont également associées au processus de mise en {{ST}}uvre dans le
cadre des rencontres avec le GHN.
III.4. Coopération avec les pays tiers
45. Lors de l'approbation des plans d'action relatifs à l'Afghanistan, l'Iraq, le Maroc, la Somalie et le Sri Lanka le 11 octobre 1999, le Conseil "Affaires
générales" a insisté sur la nécessité d'étudier la possibilité d'entreprendre une action avec des pays tiers.
46. Les Présidences successives ont présenté les travaux du GHN aux autorités américaines, australiennes, canadiennes, islandaises, norvégiennes, suisses
et turques.
IV - Évaluation des travaux du Groupe à Haut Niveau
47. Les travaux du GHN, qui sont à la fois prometteurs et difficiles, ouvrent la voie à une politique européenne novatrice des migrations et de l'asile, prenant en
compte les causes profondes des migrations et leurs conséquences, à la fois dans les pays d'origine, de transit et dans les pays destinataires. Ils créent des
synergies entre les différents acteurs impliqués, qui, pour la première f ois, ont pu avoir une vue d'ensemble sur les politiques engagées dans l'Union
européenne (la politique étrangère, le développement et l'aide économiques, la politique de migration et d'asile) et dans les Etats membres.
48. Cette vue d'ensemble a permis au GHN de proposer des actions concrètes de coopération au sein de l'Union européenne en vue de parvenir à une
réduction des flux migratoires clandestins. Il était en effet particulièrement important que les propositions d'actions soient fondées sur une évaluation
approfondie des facteurs politiques et socio-économiques des pays identifiés.
49. C'est uniquement dans le cadre du dialogue et de la coopération avec les pays tiers et les organisations internationales, dans le but de favoriser le co-
développement et de rendre la politique de développement plus efficace, que l'Union européenne peut espérer remédier aux causes profondes de la fuite et de
la migration hors du pays d'origine. Ce dialogue doit naturellement avoir pour objectif de renforcer la protection des droits de l'ho mme, de soutenir le
processus de démocratisation et de la promotion d'un État de droit, de lutter contre la pauvreté et d'appuyer la prévention des conflits et la réconciliation.
50. Pour le bon fonctionnement du GHN, une chaîne d'acteurs doit être mobilisée dans les Etats membres et dans l'Union européenne, dont les intérêts ne
sont pas forcément convergents, ou qui apportent un soutien inégal aux objectifs définis.
51. On ne doit pas cacher que la mise en {{ST}}uvre des plans d{{PU2}}action s{{PU2}}est heurtée à certaines difficultés que le GHN s{{PU2}}
efforce de surmonter. Ainsi, lors de la mise en {{ST}}uvre des plans d'action, une prudence relative a été observée. L{{PU2}}aide de la Communauté
européenne et des Etats membres représente au total 55 % de l'aide internationale. Les priorités de cette politique. (réduction de e; l{{PU2}}intégration
dans l{{PU2}}économie mondiale, promotion de la démocratie et de l{{PU2}}État de droit, respect des droits de l{{PU2}}homme, etc.) permettent de
couvrir un certain nombre mais pas la totalité des mesures contenues dans les plans d'action. La mise en {{ST}}uvre concrète des mesures a parfois
souffert de difficultés de coordination entre les administrations concernées. Les Etats membres ont été confrontés &ag cute;taires. Plus
fondamentalement, le GHN a dû faire face à la difficulté d'intégrer dans les politiques de développement des objectifs liés aux migrations.
On peut néanmoins estimer que ces difficultés de mise en {{ST}}uvre sont en grande partie dues au caractère novateur de l{{PU2}}exercice et au fait
que la politique migratoire européenne est encore dans une phase de définition, après l{{PU2}}entrée en vigueur du traité d{{PU2}}Amsterdam en mai
1999 et le Conseil européen de Tampere en octobre 1999.
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52. En dépit de la volonté de recentrer au niveau européen les efforts de tous les acteurs impliqués dans une politique qui pourrait s'attaquer aux causes
profondes de la fuite hors du pays d'origine et la migration vers des pays de l'Union européenne, peu d{{PU2}}Etats membres ont mis leur expertise à la
disposition de la politique globale européenne. En outre, l'espoir du GHN de parvenir à un accord sur les ressources financières e ines nécessaires pour
assurer la mise en {{ST}}uvre des plans d'action ne s'est pas encore suffisamment concrétisé.
53. Les plans d{{PU2}}action combinent des objectifs généraux comme celui visant à "stimuler le processus démocratique" et des actions techniques
comme "la mise en {{ST}}uvre efficace des accords de réadmission existants". Ils peuvent donc apparaître comme essentiellement axés sur les aspects
sécuritaires. En outre, et même si la mise en {{ST}}uvre des mesures relatives à la "politique de migration" est loin d'être effective, s en ce domaine,
visibles à l{{PU2}}extérieur du cadre européen, ont été ou sont en train d{{PU2}}être réalisées. Dans ce contexte, l'impression de déséquilibre des plans
d'action est renforcée et les pays destinataires peuvent avoir le sentiment d'être la cible d'une politique unilatérale de l'Union, centrée sur les aspects
54. En conséquence, il convient d{{PU2}}effacer, lors de nouvelles présentations des plans d{{PU2}}action aux pays destinataires, ces malentendus sur
leur apparent déséquilibre. De la même façon, il importe de s'assurer que la mise en {{ST}}uvre effective des plans respecte l'équilibre initialement
recherché entre les différents domaines (politique étrangère, développement, asile et migration). Il serait n&eac crédibilité de cette nouvelle politique de l
{{PU2}}Union européenne que la réalisation d{{PU2}}un volet, en raison de difficultés de mise en {{ST}}uvre, l{{PU2}}emporte sur un autre.
55. L'exercice lancé par le GHN doit vaincre les réticences des pays destinataires qui refusent une mise en {{ST}}uvre unilatérale. La mise en {{ST}}uvre des
plans d'action implique donc un véritable partenariat entre l{{PU2}}Union européenne et les pays destinataires. Le sentiment d'un manque de concertation
entre l{{PU2}}Union européenne et les pays destinataires des plans d{{PU2}}action risque de conduire à un refus net de coop&eac uvre des plans d{{PU2}}
action de la part des pays concernés. C'est pourquoi une coopération entre l'Union européenne et les pays cibles est indispensable pour la réalisation des
objectifs des plans d'action. Ces plans d{{PU2}}action doivent mettre l'accent sur la volonté de partenariat entre l{{PU2}}Union européenne et les pays
destinataires et leur mise en {{ST}}uvre implique la définition d'engagement réciproques, acceptés d'un commun accord
56. En conséquence, afin d{{PU2}}accélérer la mise en {{ST}}uvre, il serait utile de suggérer l'établissement, sur la base des plans d{{PU2}}action et
dans un cadre approprié, notamment dans le cadre des accords d{{PU2}}association (quand ils existent), d'une stratégie dans le domaine des migrations
commune à l{{PU2}}Union européenne et aux pays destinataires des plans d{{PU2}}action.
57. Enfin, la mise en {{ST}}uvre de certains plans d'action doit tenir compte de l'absence d'autorités habilitées à agir au nom d'un État reconnu en droit
V- Suite des travaux
Une approche différenciée
58. Le Conseil européen de Tampere a insisté sur la nécessité de créer un
authentique avec les pays d'origine. Un tel partenariat sera un élément-
clé pour promouvoir le co{{SPA}}développement. L'existence d'un gouvernement stable et reconnu sur le plan international, doté d'une administration bien
établie et efficace, est une caractéristique importante qui facilitera sans doute la mise en {{ST}}uvre des plans d'action.
59. Parmi les pays pour lesquels un plan d'action a été adopté, l'Afghanistan, la Somalie et l'Iraq ne sont pas dotés aujourd{{PU2}}hui de gouvernements internationalement reconnus. Par conséquent, la mise en {{ST}}uvre des plans d'action dans ces
pays devra se faire d'une autre manière qu'au Maroc, au Sri Lanka et en Albanie. En l'absence d'un partenaire, il faudra accorder une plus grande attention à la coordination et à cute;ration avec des organisations internationales gouvernementales et non
gouvernementales à l'{{ST}}uvre dans ces pays. Il faudra aussi étudier les possibilités d'établir des partenariats avec les pays limitrophes. Même si les plans d'action pour l'Afghanistan et la région limitrophe, pour l'Iraq et pour la Somalie contiennent déjà
des mesures visant les pays voisins, cet aspect devra être développé davantage à l'avenir.
V.2 Financement
60. Un certain nombre de mesures figurant dans les plans d'action nécessitent une intervention financière du budget communautaire. La Communauté a réussi
à financer la plupart des mesures dans le cadre des chapitres traitant du développement et de l'aide économique. On est cependant amené à conclure que le
budget communautaire ne contient pas de dotation appropriée dans le domaine de la migration. Dans sa réso lution relative aux cinq plans d'action, adoptée le
30 mars 2000, le Parlement européen a fait part de sa préoccupation à cet égard et a proposé de créer dans le budget 2001 une nouvelle ligne pour la mise en
{{ST}}uvre des mesures qui traitent les questions migratoires. La Commission a proposé une ligne budgétaire de ce type pour la coopération avec des pays
tiers en ce domaine. En cas d'adoption, il ne fait pas de doute que ouvelles possibilités financières amélioreront considérablement les conditions de la mise en
{{ST}}uvre des plans d'action. Lors des délibérations sur une nouvelle ligne budgétaire on ne doit pas négliger la possibilité d{{PU2}}un financement des
mesures prévues dans les plans d{{PU2}}action par des lignes budgétaires déjà existantes. Afin de faciliter la mise en {{ST}}uvre des plans d{{PU2}}action
et pour év {{PU2}}autres projets, le GHN devrait pouvoir avoir recours à des programmes établis dans d{{PU2}}autres enceintes et compatibles avec les
plans d{{PU2}}action, comme par exemple l{{PU2}}appel global des Nations Unies.
V.3 Amélioration et simplification des méthodes de travail
61. Le GHN s{{PU2}}efforcera d{{PU2}}améliorer ses méthodes de travail en vue de rendre plus efficace la mise en {{ST}}uvre des plans d{{PU2}}
action. À cette fin, et tout en étant conscient du fait que les plans d{{PU2}}action seront exécutés à des rythmes différents selon la situation dans chacun
des pays concernés, le GHN devra :
• rechercher à renforcer les contacts avec les autorités des pays concernés ;
• veiller à la cohérence politique et stratégique de la mise en {{ST}}uvre des plans d{{PU2}}action dont les aspects pratiques devraient continuer à être
traités lors de réunions spécifiques par pays de façon à en renforcer l{{PU2}}efficacité ;
En outre, le GHN considère que le rôle de la Commission dans le processus de mise en {{ST}}uvre devrait être renforcé du fait de la création d{{PU2}}
une ligne budgétaire spécifique pour les actions extérieures dans le domaine de la migration et de l{{PU2}}asile. Néanmoins, ceci ne devrait pas inciter
les Etats membres à réduire leurs efforts dans ce domaine.
Le GHN rappelle la nécessité de travailler en étroite coordination avec d{{PU2}}autres instances du Conseil appelées à contribuer à la mise en {{ST}}
uvre des plans d{{PU2}}action.
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Enfin, le GHN souligne l{{PU2}}importance de tenir compte du lien entre la politique de développement et le domaine de la migration et note que le
Conseil (Développement) a chargé les instances compétentes de poursuivre la réflexion dans l{{PU2}}esprit des conclusions du Conseil Européen de
Tampere et a invité la Commission à y apporter sa contribution.
V.4 Prochaines étapes
62. La mission essentielle du GHN consiste à poursuivre la mise en {{ST}}uvre des plans d'action en prenant en compte les difficultés identifiées et en y
apportant des réponses appropriées.
63. Le GHN devra, le moment venu, donner suite aux conclusions du Conseil européen de Tampere qui avait prévu l'élaboration de nouveaux plans d'actions.
Toutefois, on retiendra de la mise en {{ST}}uvre des plans d'action existants qu'il faut avant tout se préoccuper d'améliorer les méthodes de travail pour
atteindre les objectifs énoncés dans ces plans. L'élaboration de nouveaux plans d'action devrait & ;tre envisagée à partir de l'expérience acquise dans la mise en
{{ST}}uvre des plans d{{PU2}}action adoptés jusqu{{PU2}}ici. De toute façon, des critères devront être définis avant de choisir les pays ou les régions qui
feront l'objet de nouveaux plans d'action.
au :
Objet :
Conseil/Conseil européen
Groupe à Haut Niveau Asile et Migration
- Adoption du rapport au Conseil européen de Nice
Les délégations trouveront ci-joint un addendum au rapport du Groupe à Haut Niveau Asile et Migration reprenant l{{PU2}}inventaire des actions réalisées
en 2000 aux fins de la mise en oeuvre des plans d{{PU2}}action.
European Council, Nice, December 2000
Action Plans drawn up by High Level Working Group on Asylum and Migration
Measures implemented during the course of 2000
Action Plan for Morocco
of the
Actions carried out
Head of Mission report on the situation in Morocco
Presidency has contacted Moroccan Ambassador to EU in Brussels.
EU mission to Rabat took place on 2-4 October 2000.
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Concerted action between Embassies in Rabat.
p.m. {{X80}} 3 million available for projects in MEDA framework
Establishment of an EU-Morocco permanent dialogue, with
the competent Moroccan authorities and institutions, on the
overall migration issue, as provided for by the articles on
social issues in the EU-Morocco Association Agreement,
building on the useful contacts established on the occasion of
the EU mission to Rabat from 2 to 4 June 1999.
First Association Council took place on 9 October 2000 in Luxembourg.
During mission to Rabat (2 - 4 October 2000) creation of a sub-committee to
deal with migration in the framework of the Association Agreement was
proposed and discussed.
Presidency has submitted draft Council conclusions whereby Member States
would commit themselves to raising or continuing to raise migration issues in
their bilateral contacts
Italy has signed a protocol on deeper political consultations between Italy and
Morocco which has opened a permanent dialogue enabling
inter alia
on immigration, ways to improve the cross-Mediterranean movement of
persons, relations throughout the Mediterranean region, relations with the EU
and the fight against organised crime.
65 a
Production and dissemination of comparable statistical data
both in European countries as well as in Morocco itself in
order to gain a better understanding of the importance and
development of migration from and through Morocco.
In order to carry out a needs assessment in consultation with the Moroccan
authorities, the Commission has already financed some projects in the
framework of MEDSTAT. Morocco was also present at the
NIDI/EUROSTAT seminar on 25 to 27 October 1999 in Brussels. Financially
the Commission approved three human right projects worth
{{X80}} 1,5 million in the Mediterranean region : a programme of
reinforcement of national NGOs for human rights in southern and rn
Mediterranean countries, including Morocco, worth {{X80}} 785 600, a
{{X80}} 400 000 IOM project which aims to establish a Migrant resource
centre in Morocco as well as a {{X80}} 342 959 project aimed at promoting
the social integration of street children in Tetuan in Morocco.
Denmark has contributed with statistical information about Moroccan asylum-
seekers in Denmark.
France has supported the establishment of a Migration Observatory in Rabat
({{X80}} 30 500)
65 b
Promotion of comprehensive studies and holding of seminars
on trends and causes of Moroccan migration dynamics.
France has contributed {{X80}} 30 500 to migration observatory in Rabat.
Spain held a seminar on immigration in the "Colegio de Abogados" in
Madrid in coordination with the Moroccan Ministry of Justice.
65 c
Organisation of an information campaign to advise on
migration options and to warn against the consequences of
illegally entering Member States, of unlawful employment and
of using facilitators to gain entry to the EU.
Commission has approved funding of IOM human rights project: {{PU1}}
Migrant Rights Resource Centre in Morocco (MRRC){{PU2}} ({{X80}} 394
The MRRC will support the launching of information and awareness campaigns
targeting potential migrants, seasonal migrant workers and those more
vulnerable migrants who may fall victim of trafficking networks.
Spain is financing an IOM-led information campaign for Morocco comprising
information broadcast by radio and television and information sheets aimed at
potential migrants in order to ensure orderly migration and to warn of the risks
of illegal immigration.
65 d
Strategies to combat illegal trafficking including the early Action on this topic organised by France/Belgium/Spain in framework of
detection of false documents.
Odysseus programme.
France organised a training programme on the detection of false documents for
Moroccan border control trainees including a visit to the maritime port at
65 e
Promotion of measures aimed at assuring the effective Regular meetings on application of such agreement
implementation of existing readmission agreements.
Presidency has submitted draft Council conclusions on improved consular
cooperation in order to ensure the effective removal of persons staying
irregularly on the territory of the Member States.
Spain holds regular meetings on the application of its agreement with Morocco
on the readmission of third country nationals in the framework of the Spain-
Morocco joint committee on Home Affairs.
65 f
Fight against criminal trafficking networks, including their
links with drug-trafficking, by enforcing measures to improve
Technical aid to Morocco was raised by Morocco during the EU mission to
Rabat on 2-4 October 2000.
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police co-operation on the identification and detection of
networks and confiscation of their proceeds and by technical
and financial support to Morocco.
Commission has approved funding of IOM human rights project: {{PU1}}
Migrant Rights Resource Centre in Morocco (MRRC){{PU2}} ({{X80}} 394
854) (see 65c above).
España: Acuerdos adoptados en el marco de la V Conferencia de Ministros
del Interior del Mediterráneo Occidental en materia de inmigración ilegal.
- 2 Cursos de formación de funcionarios de policías marroquíes en España en el
año 2000 en materia de asilo, inmigración ¡legal, cruce de fronteras,
documentación, Unión Europea y acervo Schengen. Ministerio del Interior.
- Misión de formación en materia de control de fronteras y detección de
documentos falsos a desarrollar en Marruecos, dirigida a funcionarios
consulares de los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea, personal de las
compañías aéreas y funcionarios de la policía local.
- Conferencia Internacional sobre Delincuencia organizada del área del
Maghreb con ramificaciones en la Unión Europea. Especial referencia al tráfico
ilícito de derivados del cannabis y trata de seres humanos. Proyecto presentado
al programa Falcone. Asistencia técnica para financiación comunitaria del
programa de necesidades del Gobierno de Marruecos para la lucha contra las
redes delictivas de tráfico de inmigrantes.
France : Odysseus 2000/ODY/182 échanges d'experts dans la lutte contre les
filières d'immigration clandestine ({{X80}} 148 415).
Italie : L'accord de coopération pour la lutte contre le terrorisme, la criminalité
organisée et le trafic de drogue, signé à Rabat le 16 janvier 1987, et son
protocole additionnel, signé le 16 février 1996, ont permis d'instituer un
mécanisme de coopération entre les forces de police et le personnel technique
des deux pays qui prévoit notamment l'échange d'informations, la formation du
personnel technique e t scientifique et l'échange périodique d'experts dans ce
domaine. D'autres rencontres bilatérales ont été également organisées au niveau
des experts de la police en vue de la définition d'un "paquet" d'aides en
équipement et en formation que le ministère italien de l'intérieur s'est engagé à
fournir au Maroc.
65 g
Measures for combating unsafe practices associated with the Conference of Ministers of the Interior of the Western Mediterranean countries
trafficking or transport of illegal migrants by sea, as was held in September 2000.
recommended by the International Maritime Organisation.
Rapport de la Présidence portugaise.
Concluding readmission agreements for the following
categories of persons who do not fulfil the conditions in force
for entry or residence on the territory of the Member States :
(a) Moroccan nationals, (b) Third country nationals and
stateless persons who, after arriving from Morocco, have
entered or remained on the territory of the Member States
By decision of 18 September 2000, the Council authorised the Commission to
negotiate a Community readmission agreement.
Italie : Un accord de réadmission (intitulé "Accord sur la reconduite à la
frontière et le transit en vue de l'éloignement") a été signé à Rabat le 27 juillet
1998 et son protocole d'application le 18 juin 1999. Une collaboration bilatérale
fructueuse a donc été amorcée dans ce domaine.
65 h
65 i
Support the adoption of visa requirements by Morocco for The issue of visa requirements was raised during the course of the EU mission
third country nationals, especially those of the West African to Rabat.
region (Nigeria, Senegal, Mali, and Democratic Republic of
Congo{{NEL}}), and effective measures to be adopted by
the Moroccan authorities, to prevent the illegal migration of
aliens transiting through Morocco without prejudice to State
obligations to respect the right to seek asylum.
Complement the effectiveness of Airline Liaison Officers
through a detailed analysis of migratory movements and by
Seminar on ALOs/ICOs held in Funchal on 9-11 November 2000
65 j
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sending liaison officers to the main airports in order to
improve gate checks.
65 k
CIREA/CIREFI should be given the task of compiling a
report concerning the numbers, nationalities, destinations and
"modus operandi" of third country nationals transiting
through Morocco to Europe. The report should also describe
and evaluate the measures taken by Morocco to prevent this
Action Plan to improve the control of immigration proposed by the French
Presidency in CIREFI (doc. 10017/00).
Report from CIREFI drawn up and forwarded to the HLWG on 17 November
2000 (doc.12747/00).
66 a
Continued attention to be paid to the negative effects in the {{X80}} 3 million allocated for migration issues in the MEDA II regulation.
short-term of trade liberalisation and free trade areas on the
employment market and how to promote foreign direct Commission has included migration in its country strategy paper.
investments and the relocation of European enterprises to
Morocco, in order to foster economic growth.
France - La France soutiendra les actions des ONG à hauteur de {{X80}} 228
675 en 2000. L'instrument d'intervention privilégié de la France au Maroc est
l'Agence Française de Développement (AFD). Les engagements de l'AFD au
Maroc depuis 1995 s'élèvent à {{X80}} 453 millions. Un projet est en
préparation dans le domaine rural et de l'agro-industrie pour un montant de
{{X80}} 19 millions Environ. {{X80}} 305 millions d'engagemen circ;tre pris
sur le Maroc entre 1999 et 2000. L'encours des prêts de l'AFD au Maroc était de
{{X80}} 176 millions au 31 décembre 1999.
La coopération technique et à l'aide au développement (environ {{X80}} 5
million) du ministère des affaires étrangères et de la coopération appuie les
grandes réformes de l'Etat marocain.
Un accord bilatéral de protection des investissements est entré en vigueur le
31 mai 1999. Il est destiné à protéger les investissements directs nets français
au Maroc qui, de 1990 à 1998, le Maroc étant la première destination des
investissements français sur la zone Afrique du Nord {{SPA}} Moyen-
Orient, ont représenté environ {{X80}} 1 milliard.
Italie : Les 26 et 27 novembre 2000 a eu lieu, une conférence sur le partenariat
entre les entrepreneurs italiens et marocains à Casablanca. Cette conférence a
permis aux opérateurs économiques du secteur des petites et moyennes
entreprises des deux pays de se rencontrer et de faire naître des possibilités
nouvelles d'investissements mixtes, susceptibles de contribuer à la croissance
économique et au développement i ndustriel du Maroc.
66 b 1
Initiatives within the framework of the existing co-operation, {{X80}} 3 million allocated for migration issues in the MEDA II regulation.
aimed at economic development, taking into account the The MEDA II regulation takes account of the orientation contained in this
needs of the poorest and which could help to reduce action point.
migration pressure in the medium and long term such as:
Training, especially vocational training and retraining, as well
as facilitating self-employment should remain priorities in
employment policies. Within these policies women, the youth
and newcomers on the labour market should get special
Commission has included migration in its country strategy paper.
España {{SPA}} Políticas de empleo: la formación, en particular la formación
profesional y la reconversión profesional, así como las facilidades para el trabajo
autónomo. Dentro de estas políticas, debería prestarse atención particular a las
Mujeres, los jóvenes y las personas que acceden al mercado laboral.El fomento
del desarrollo local, p.ej. el fomento de la pequeña empresa en regiones de
elevada presi e;n migratoria debe ser parte de una estrategia económica
orientada a la creación de empleo. los emigrantes, incluidos los retornados,
interesados en abrir empresas en su país de origen deben formar parte del grupo
objetivo de dichos programas.En este contexto, debe prestarse atención
particular a las iniciativas llevadas a cabo por la Agencia para la promoción y el
desarrollo socioeconómico de las prefecturas y provincias del Norte.- Programa
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de microcrédito s para la creación de empleo estable puesto en marcha por la
Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional que se está aplicando en las
provincias del Norte de Marruecos.
France: See 66a.
Greece has concluded an Agreement on Economic and Technological
Cooperation with Morocco. The Agreement signed in Rabat (24 October 1975),
ratified by Law 884/1979 (Greek Official Gazette Part 1 61/24.3.1979) and
came in force since 24 October 1975. The fifth meeting of the Greece-Morocco
Joint Inter-Ministerial Committee under the agreement was held in Athens on 7
and 8 November 2000.
A bilateral Agreement on the Reciprocal Protection and Promotion of
Investments has also been concluded between Greece and Morocco. The
Agreement was signed in Athens on 16 February 1994, ratified by law
2245/1994 (Greek Official Gazette Part 1 171/18.10.1994) and came in force
since 17 June 2000. In addition, on 24 April 1994 in Rabat, the organisations
responsible for promoting exports in the two countries concluded an agreement
to develop cooperation in their particular sphe re
In 1999 Greece gave bilateral development assistance to Morocco totalling
{{X80}} 41,79 million. The assistance provided was in the form of technical
The Ministry of Health and Welfare grants bursaries to doctors to enable them
to acquire a speciality in State hospitals.
The Ministry of National Defence is providing educational training assistance to
six officers from the Moroccan armed forces at the Air Force College and to
one at the National Defence College, and two further officers are being
instructed in the Greek language so that they too will be able to study at the Air
Force College. Participation of one Greek army officer in UN peace-keeping
missions in the Western Sahara.
66 b 2
Promotion of local development e.g. promotion of small-scale
enterprises in regions with high migration pressure to be part
of economic strategies geared at employment creation.
Migrants including returnees interested in setting up
businesses in their country of origin to be part of the target
group of such programmes.
In this context, special attention to be paid to initiatives
carried out by the Agency for the Promotion and the Social
and Economic Development of Northern Prefectures and
{{X80}} 3 million allocated for migration issues in the MEDA II regulation.
The MEDA II regulation takes account of the orientation contained in this
action point.
Commission has included migration in its country strategy paper.
Germany is carrying out projects for regional or agricultural development as
well as for establishing water and electricity supply facilities in order to
ameliorate living conditions in the relevant areas
France: Il existe par ailleurs un fonds de garantie pour la mise à niveau des PME
marocaines de {{X80}} 30 489 911. Il a déjà consenti des prêts à hauteur de
{{X80}} 1 280 576. Il existe également une ligne de crédit destinée au
financement des investissements productifs des PME/PMI, d'un montant de
{{X80}} 30 489 911.
Italie : voir 66a.
67 a
Strengthening EU cooperation with Morocco, in line with the
Barcelona Declaration, with a view to improving the
management of migratory movements. In this framework, the
EU should promote, with the involvement of migrant
communities in the EU, voluntary return, reintegration
programmes and financial schemes in order to give a real
incentive to return voluntarily and to assist such persons to
reintegrate, in a lasting way, in economic and social respects.
On 6 October 2000 the EUROMED partners discussed for the first time
migration issues at senior level. It was agreed to start cooperation in the area of
statistics and to study the application of procedures related to the free
movement of persons.
Seminar in France on co-development on 6 and 7 July 2000.
Actions by France through NGOs to an amount of {{X80}} 230 000.
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Danemark : Une loi sur le rapatriement est entrée en vigueur le 01/01/2000. La
loi s{{PU2}}applique aux réfugiés, aux familles réunies des réfugiés et aux
autres familles réunies. Une assistance financière est prévue.
Espagne: Il y a un projet de réinsertion au pays d{{PU2}}origine pour les
mineurs marocains non accompagnés.
Pays-Bas: Au 1/04/2000 la loi sur le rapatriement est entrée en vigueur. Une
intervention financière est prévue lors d{{PU2}}un retour volontaire.
Portugal: Le gouvernement du Portugal a conclu un protocole de coopération
avec l{{PU2}}OIM afin de mettre à exécution un programme pilote de retour
67 b
Encouragement of EU/EC co-operation with Morocco to
deal with the return of Moroccan nationals who have entered
the territory of the European Union illegally.
Assist the integration into society of Moroccan nationals
legally residing in the Member States. In this respect emphasis
should be placed on involving organisations of Moroccans
living in the Member States. Moreover, the role of the Hassan
II Foundation should be considered in this respect.
This question was raised during the EU mission to Rabat on 2-4 October 2000.
67 c
Commission has launched the EQUAL programme in 2000.
Seminar on integration held in Paris on 5 and 6 October 2000.
Commission has approved funding of IOM human rights project: {{PU1}}
Migrant Rights Resource Centre in Morocco (MRRC){{PU2}} ({{X80}} 394
854) (see 65c above).
Allemagne: En ce qui concerne l{{PU2}}intégration des modifications légales
sont entrées en vigueur au 01/01/2000.
Danemark: L{{PU2}}adoption d{{PU2}}une loi sur l{{PU2}}intégration a
créé une base légale pour régler les efforts entrepris afin d{{PU2}}intégrer les
réfugiés nouveaux arrivés dans la société danoise.
Espagne: En 1999 le Ministère du Travail et des Affaires Sociales a alloué un
total de {{X80}} 4 373 589 pour le financement de programmes d{{PU2}}aide
à l{{PU2}}intégration d{{PU2}}immigrants marocains en Espagne.
Il y a une coopération annuelle entre la Direction Générale de la Protection
Civile du Ministère de l{{PU2}}Intérieur et la Fondation Hassan II au travers
de l{{PU2}}opération "Paso del Estrecho".
Les NGOs ont également accordé un subside de {{X80}} 1 000 685.
Pays-Bas: La politique d{{PU2}}intégration est spécialement dirigée vers les
immigrants de la deuxième génération. Il y a une coopération régulière avec les
autorités marocaines dans le cadre de l{{PU2}}intégration.
Le Portugal a pris plusieurs mesures pour réaliser l{{PU2}}intégration,
notamment :
- la révision de la législation interne
- la lutte contre l{{PU2}}emploi illégal
- les mesures pour l{{PU2}}intégration des minorités ethniques
- des procédures extraordinaires de régularisation.
Royaume-Uni: Le but de la stratégie d{{PU2}}intégration est le suivant :
- inclure ceux qui reçoivent une protection internationale comme membres à
part entière de la société
- leur donner toutes les possibilités d{{PU2}}épanouissement afin qu{{PU2}}
ils puissent contribuer à la vie culturelle et économique du pays
- mettre en place un cadre d{{PU2}}aide au processus d{{PU2}}intégration
- faciliter l{{PU2}}accès aux services qui facilitent leur intégration nationale et
régionale, réaffirmer l{{PU2}}engagement du Royaume-Uni à l{{PU2}}
intégration comme une des trois solutions durables au problème des réfugiés.
67 d
Explore the possibilities of the conclusion and strengthening
of agreements between Member States and Morocco on
temporary work for Moroccan nationals.
Existing temporary work contracts.
Commission has approved funding of IOM human rights project: {{PU1}}
Migrant Rights Resource Centre in Morocco (MRRC){{PU2}} ({{X80}} 394
854) (see 65c above).
Spain: Agreement between Ministers of social affairs from Spain and Morocco
for seasonal Moroccan workers in Spain.
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Italie: Le texte unique sur l'immigration de 1998 et son règlement d'application
(de 1999) prévoient la possibilité que, dans le cadre de la planification annuelle
des flux d'entrée des travailleurs étrangers en Italie, des contingents préférentiels
soient accordés aux pays qui ont signé des accords avec l'Italie concernant les
aspects sociaux en matière de migrations. Au cours de cette première année d'ap
plication des nouvelles dispositions, ces contingents préférentiels ont été
attribués à un petit nombre de pays, dont le Maroc (3 000 entrées). Les
contingents préférentiels sont accordés en vue, d'une part, de favoriser la
meilleure adéquation possible entre la demande du marché italien du travail et
l'offre de main-d'{{ST}}uvre provenant du Maroc et, d'autre part, de répondre
aux fortes attentes de la population mar e, alimentées par un taux de chômage
élevé des travailleurs qualifiés.
Action Plan for Sri Lanka
of the
Actions carried out
Head of Mission report on the situation in Sri Lanka.
Continue to look for ways to find a political solution to the conflict through the appropriate
Monitors from Member States have been sent to Sri Lanka elections on
10 October 2000.
United Kingdom: The UK has advised the Sri Lankan Government that it is
willing to help in the resolution of the ethnic conflict if asked. The UK was
involved in helping the government and the main opposition party come to an
agreement in April 1997 on a bipartisan approach to a settlement of the ethnic
conflict. The agreement has not yet been implemented.
36 a
Continue to raise human rights issues with the Sri Lankan Government and, through the
appropriate channels, with the LTTE.
European Parliament and Council extended legal basis for budget line "Aid to
uprooted people".
The UK works with SCF and UNICEF to help women and children affected by
armed conflict and with other international NGOs assisting those affected by the
36 b
Approach the Sri Lankan authorities in order to make the Human Rights Commission a truly
independent body, to finance it appropriately and to invest it with all-encompassing
investigating powers.
Sweden: Decision to give the Embassy in Colombo a mandate to prepare, decide, enter into agreements, and monitor human
rights / democracy projects within an amount not exceeding {{X80}} 954 218 from the Regional Funds for Asia during the year
36 c
Continue to contact the Sri Lankan authorities with a view
to the Chemmani graves investigation being passed to an
impartial body, such as the Human Rights Commission, for
clarification without delay.
Explore scope for effective action with the US and Canada, through the Transatlantic Dialogue
(particularly with regard to paragraph 38(a) below).
The UK is looking into the possibility of discussing the repeal of the Prevention of Terrorism Act and Emergency Regulations.
36 d
Presidency and Commission contacted US and Canada in June 2000 in order to
explore the possibilities for co-ordinated action and exchange of information The
USA and Canada have responded favourably. The possibilities of co-operation
will be further explored under the Swedish Presidency.
Written report from Portuguese Presidency on contacts with those countries.
37 a
Assess poverty levels and causes of poverty levels in Sri
Lanka of the main migrant groups.
Assessment carried out by Worldbank
Germany: Poverty Impact Monitoring Unit (PIMU)
Summary of the project
Central problem/problem situation
Monitoring of the impact on poverty of donor-sponsored projects and
government programmes in Sri Lanka is currently inadequate with the result, inter
alia, that governmental and non-governmental partner organisations do not
sufficiently tailor their policies to the needs of poor sections of the population and
are, moreover, frequently unable to show evidence of their contribution to
improving the standard of living of the poor.
Project objective
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To enhance the capability of development organisations and experts for
monitoring poverty impact.
Desired results
To conduct and disseminate applied research in the fields of poverty, social policy
and impact monitoring.
To give further training on poverty targeting, social policy and impact monitoring
to development staff.
To provide customers with consultancy services for the improvement of poverty
targeting and impact monitoring.
4. To improve communication and cooperation between political decision-makers,
researchers and development staff.
• To set up the Centre for Poverty Monitoring and Policy Dialogue
• Target groups
The target groups are poor communities subsidised by donor-sponsored projects
and government programmes. Governmental and non-governmental
organisations acting as intermediaries are direct partners in the project.
Project managers
The Department of External Resources is responsible for policy management.
The project manager at implementation level will be the Centre for Poverty
Monitoring and Policy Dialogue (CEPMOD), which is currently being set up. The
Centre will be established as an independent, non-governmental, non-profit-
making service under the Companies Act.
So far: from November 1998 to October 2000, i.e. 2 years
Proposal for implementation: from November 2000 to October 2002, i.e. 2 years
Recommended total duration: (provisionally) 5 years
Basic human resources requirements
One expert abroad: up to 24 man-months
Local staff (4 experts and 3 assistants): up to 168 man-months.
Basic material
Appropriate office, training and presentation equipment.
Commitments to date
German contribution to date: ({{X80}} 511 352)
for current promotion phase: ({{X80}} 869 298)
37 c
Explore the potential for partnerships in development co-operation to strengthen peace-
building measures, including educational projects, reduce conflict and provide security to all Sri
Lankans, especially the poorest.
Finland: NGO elderly {{X80}} 29 661 in 2000
Greece: In 1999 Greece provided bilateral development assistance to Sri Lanka
amounting to {{X80}} 1,22 million. The assistance given was in the form of
technical cooperation.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare grants bursaries to doctors to enable them to
acquire a speciality in State hospitals.
The Netherlands have also decided to grant {{X80}} 907 558 for the year 2000,
in order to support the UNHCR country programme for Sri Lanka. See also under
38e below.
The Netherlands have also decided to support CARE International for a total
amount of {{X80}} 544 534 for a community institutional strengthening project
with local NGOs in the North and East of Sri Lanka.
37 d
Consider assistance with landmine clearance measures and improvements in water supplies in
areas affected by the civil war.
Commission {{SPA}} The Commission is willing to consider financing de-mining
actions in Sri Lanka once this country ratifies the Ottawa Convention
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France: Adduction d'eau : la société française Degrémont travaille en ce moment
(contrat d'assistance à la maintenance) à la réhabilitation de l'usine de pompage et
de traitement des eaux de Trincomalee (Nord-Est de l'île) que cette société a
construit entre 1979 et 1980. Ce contrat est financé sur protocole français.
Dans la ville d'Anuradhapura (Nord-Ouest), la société Gersar est consultant
auprès du Water Board pour la construction d'une nouvelle installation de
pompage, traitement et distribution des eaux. Le chantier doit commencer début
2001 et devrait durer 2 ans. Le contrat de consultant de Gersar a fait l'objet d'un
protocole français de {{X80}} 6 555 331. Gersar doit lancer l'appel d'offres pour
la construction de l'installation dans les prochaines semaines. ojet dans son
ensemble est cofinancé par la Banque asiatique de développement.
The UK's development programme in Sri Lanka (approx. {{X80}} 10 500 000
per year) focuses on three objectives: improving the security and livelihoods of
those affected by the conflict in the North and East of the country; improving the
quality of education, particularly primary and exploring the ways in which it might
contribute to reducing conflict/promoting reconciliation.
Emphasis the need for co-operation with NGOs and multilateral donors in support of a) to c).
See 37a to c above.
See 37a above.
Netherlands : see projects under 37c above and 38e below.
See 37a to g above.
Contribute to as rapid as possible reduction of the level of poverty in Sri Lanka, bearing in
mind the International Development Target of a reduction of one-half of the proportion of
people living in extreme poverty by 2115
Develop effective partnerships to ensure an effective contribution through development co-
operation to the reduction of poverty and conflict
Depending on the support provided by the Sri Lankan Government and other national and EC
priorities for using development co-operation to eliminate poverty, use development assistance
to help reduce conflict, build peace and provide security to all Sri Lankans, especially the
Complement the effectiveness of Airline Liaison Officers in Colombo through a detailed
analysis of migratory movements.
38 a
Seminar on ALOs /ICOs held in Funchal on 9-11 November 2000.
Seminar held in Paris on 20/21 July 2000 on fight against illegal immigration
Action Plan to improve the control of immigration proposed by the French
Presidency in CIREFI (doc. 10017/00)
France: Dans le cadre des programmes Titre VI de l{{PU2}}Union européenne,
la France a élaboré le projet "Ulysse" qui consiste à mettre en place des actions de
formation destinées, parmi d'autres, aux personnels les compagnies aériennes dans
des pays sources d'immigration irrégulière de la zone Moyen-Orient et Asie du
sud. L'une des sept formations prévues d'une durée moyenne de dix jours
organisée à C .
38 c
Enter into arrangements/agreements with the Sri Lankan authorities for the return of failed
asylum seekers/illegal immigrants and voluntary assisted return programmes (setting out
numbers of returnees per annum; the Sri Lankan Government is keen to regulate returns and
has concluded MOUs with some Member States).
By decision of 18 September 2000 the Council authorised the Commission to
negotiate a Community readmission agreement.
Denmark - A readmission agreement between Denmark and Sri Lanka entered
into force in September 1998.
United Kingdom - An Airline liaison Officer has been appointed to assist the Sri
Lankan authorities with identifying inadequately documented passengers, The
"Voluntary Assisted Returns" pilot project described under the Somalia section
also applies to Sri Lanka.
38 e
Continue Community assistance to refugees and internally displaced persons by funding actions
and programmes to be implemented through international NGOs and UNHCR.
European Parliament and Council extended legal basis for budget line "Aid to
uprooted people".
The Community is financing a project in favour of UNHCR.
ECHO has earmarked a {{X80}} 1 million budget for aid projects in favour of
internally displaced people and returnees/resettlers.
Denmark: In 1999, Denmark channelled approx. {{X80}} 1 million through a
Danish NGO to the rebuilding of infrastructure in Sri Lanka. Furthermore,
Denmark supported a programme (1998-2002) for the rehabilitation of victims of
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war with approx. {{X80}} 2 million and a programme (2000-2001) for the
rehabilitation of internally displaced persons with {{X80}} 1 million.
The Netherlands support MSF Holland in the Vanni for {{X80}} 324 905 for the
year 2000.
The Netherlands will support UNICEF in the implementation of its Country
Programme 2000-2001 for a total amount of {{X80}} 508 232.
Sweden: Humanitarian Assistance to Sri Lanka 2000 through Sida (proposal of
{{X80}} 2 074 671):
- ICRC: {{X80}} 712 000.
- UNICEF: humanitarian assistance to conflict affected children and women
{{X80}} 888 698.
- MSF: medical assistance(Jaffna) {{X80}} 296 233.
- FAO: Jaffna, resettlement of conflict affected farmers {{X80}} 177 740.
38 f
38 i
Draw up a plan specifically targeted at a reduction in trafficking in children.
Assist the integration into society of Sri Lankan nationals legally residing in the Member States.
Project supported by the STOP programme.
Commission has launched the EQUAL programme in 2000.
Seminar on integration held in Paris on 5 and 6 October 2000.
Action Plan for Afghanistan
of the
Actions carried out
Head of Mission Report on the situation in Afghanistan.
136 a
The EU supports the UN peace efforts and the work of the
UN Secretary General{{PU2}}s Special Envoy for
Afghanistan, Mr. Lakhdar Brahimi. The EU will continue to
assist to find a political solution to the conflict. The EU
continues to engage in contacts with the Afghan parties and
prominent Afghan individuals to point to the futility and
grave and unacceptable humanitarian consequences of the
continued fighting, and urges an immediate ceasefire and
the negotiation o litical settlement under UN auspices,
including the establishment of a fully representative, broad-
based government. The EU maintains an embargo on the
export of arms, munitions and military equipment and urges
other countries to adopt a similar policy of restraint.
L{{PU2}}Italie gère le rôle de facilitateur dans le cadre de l'initiative de paix «
Loya Jirgha », lancée en mars 1999 par un appel au peuple afghan de l'ancien roi
d'Afghanistan, Mohammed Zaher Chah. Cette initiative vise à la convocation d
{{PU2}}une Loya Jirgha (grande assemblée), instrument traditionnel de
formation du consensus dans la société afghane, qui devrait désigner un
gouvernement largement repr&eacut élire un président et adopter une nouvelle
Ce rôle de facilitateur s'est concrétisé en novembre 1999 par l'organisation à Rome
d'une conférence présidée par l'ancien roi {{SPA}} qui vit en exil dans cette ville
depuis 1973 {{SPA}} à laquelle ont participé environ 80 personnes, représentant
toutes les composantes sociales, ethniques et politiques de l'Afghanistan. Á ce
stade, l'Italie fournit un soutien logistique au Secrétariat du Comité prom Loya
Jirgha, dirigé par l'ancien roi, et mène une action de promotion de l'initiative
{{SPA}} épaulant ainsi le Comité promoteur {{SPA}} auprès des instances
internationales les plus intéressées par l'Afghanistan.
United Kingdom: These points of the Action Plan are essentially covered by the
EU Common Position on Afghanistan. The UK implements the Common
Position through its contacts with and support for the UN; contacts with Partners;
contacts with all Afghan factions; membership of the Afghan Donors Support
Group; and membership of the UN Security Council.
136 b
The EU supports the call of the UN Special Rapporteur for
Afghanistan, Mr. Kamal Hossain, for an overall strategy to
uphold and implement human rights in Afghanistan. In this
context the EU will support the deployment of a UN
special civil affairs unit whose primary objective will be to
monitor the human rights situation in Afghanistan.
United Kingdom: see 136a
136 c
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The EU will start a constructive dialogue with the Iranian
government to discuss the issue of the Afghan refugee
population on its territory. Acknowledging the hospitality
of Iran in hosting large numbers of Afghan nationals, the
EU will look into appropriate ways to support the Iranian
government in achieving a durable solution for this issue.
The EU will address the issue of alleged reports of forced
repatriation of Afghan nationals to Afghanistan.
Troïka discussed on 21 June 2000 with Iranian experts on migration in the
framework of the EU-Iran Comprehensive dialogue. Written report from
Commission after mission to Iran and Afghanistan in May 2000.
ECHO is financing projects for deepening wells and food and fodder distribution.
Denmark has discussed the issue of Afghan refugees in Iran bilaterally with Iran
and acknowledged the hospitality of Iran in this respect.
United Kingdom: see 136a.
136 d
The EU stresses the importance of compliance with the
human rights treaties to which Afghanistan is a signatory
Continue to support the efforts for a lasting peace
settlement in Afghanistan under the aegis of the UN.
Intensify the dialogue with Pakistan and Iran in dealing with
refugees and migrants from Afghanistan taking into account
the efforts of UNHCR.
The Netherlands: see 138o.
United Kingdom: see 136a.
United Kingdom: see 136a.
Troïka discussed on 21 June 2000 with Iranian experts on migration in the
framework of the EU-Iran Comprehensive dialogue. Written report from
Commission after mission to Iran and Afghanistan in May 2000.
Dialogue with Pakistan suspended since military coup. An ad hoc dialogue with
Pakistan took place in Islamabad on 21/22 November 2000.
136 f
136 g
137 a
Explore the potential for partnerships in development co-
operation to strengthen peace-building measures, reduce
conflict and provide security to all Afghans both within
Afghanistan and in the surrounding region, especially the
poorest. Improve effectiveness of EU aid by closer
international donor co-ordination, in particular by actively
supporting the Common Programming exercise, conducted
by the UN, and through regular co-ordination via the
Afghanistan Support Group and the Afghanistan
Programming forum.
Commission tabled the HLWG Action Plan in the Afghanistan Support Group.
Commission tabled the HLWG Action Plan in the Afghanistan Support Group in
Islamabad at expert level.
Reports from Commission.
Finland: ICRC/FRC emergency assistance: {{X80}} 508 474 in 2000.
Greece: In 1999 Greece gave bilateral development assistance to Afghanistan
amounting to {{X80}} 3 533. The assistance provided related exclusively to
The Ministry of Health and Welfare grants bursaries to doctors to enable them to
acquire a speciality in State hospitals
Italie: Un montant de {{X80}} 1 546 855 a été engagé en faveur de
l'Afghanistan ; il sera utilisé pour la réalisation d'interventions dans le domaine
médico-sanitaire grâce à l'aide de l{{PU2}}OMS .
En outre, l'Italie a apporté une contribution volontaire de {{X80}} 1 031 237 au
HCR en faveur des réfugiés afghans se trouvant au Pakistan et en Iran.
The Netherlands has granted UNOCHA a sum of ca. {{X80}} 700 000 to
support its coordinating activities. The Netherlands also continues to support
the activities of ACBAR with a sum of ca. {{X80}} 90 000.
Sweden: UNOCHA (coordination) {{X80}} 355 480.
137 b
The Commission will develop concrete suggestions for an
intervention strategy based on its proposals set out in its
paper "The EC and Afghanistan Co-operation Strategy
1999-2001". In co-operation programmes special attention
will continue to be given to activities that aim to improve
the basic living conditions in Afghanistan. In this respect,
priority is given to the restoration of the health care and
educational facilities as well as to de-mining p rogrammes in
the countryside. Assist in improving the economic situation
and contribute to the reduction of poverty levels in
Afghanistan. The EU will look for ways of strengthening
the cooperation with international and local non-
governmental development organisations in the region.
European Parliament and Council extended legal basis for budget line "Aid to
uprooted people".
Item is included in the Country Strategy Paper adopted in November 1999.
Commission - De-mining: The total budget for 2000 on line B7-661 is
{{X80}} 8,1 million. The funding in relation to de-mining is particularly
relevant for Afghanistan and Somalia.
Other commitments for reintegration projects in Afghanistan amounted to
{{X80}} 14,3 million and {{X80}} 26,5 million on the 1998 and 1999 budget
exercises (B7-302) respectively. They follow the orientations of the EC {{SPA}}
Afghanistan Co-operation Strategy 1999-2001 and address the five priority themes
distilled from the UN led Strategic Framework for Afghanistan and set out in the
principled common programming initiative.
Denmark: In 1999, Denmark contributed approx. {{X80}} 0,5 million to the
International Committee of the Red Cross for humanitarian assistance and a
health programme in Afghanistan and a further approx. {{X80}} 50 000 to the
Danish Committee for Assistance to Afghan Refugees. Denmark also supports a
primary health programme (1997-2000) with {{X80}} 2,2 million and a
reconstruction and development programme (1989-2003) to contribute to a
permanent resettlement of Afghan refugees with {{X80} Denmark has granted
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approx. {{X80}} 1,1 million to UNOCHA and Danish De-mining Group for de-
mining projects in Afghanistan.
Finland: UNOCHA de-mining {{X80}} 508 474 in 2000 and in 2001.
NGOs health care and education {{X80}} 218 644 in 2000.
The Netherlands: See 137a et 138l.
The Netherlands have granted ca. {{X80}} 1,4 million to the activities of the
Mine Action Programme for Afghanistan (MAPA).
The Netherlands finances and intends to finance projects and programmess in this
group amounting to a total sum of ca. {{X80}} 750 000. The projects and
programmess are in the fields of agriculture (ca. {{X80}} 300 000) and drug
control (ca. {{X80}} 225 000). Furthermore, the Netherlands finance an
integrated programme aimed at rebuilding urban communities in Afghanistan. (ca.
{{X80}} 225 000). Supervising agencies and implementing partners are FAO,
The United Kingdom's assistance through UN agencies includes support for the
Livestock and Apiculture programmes of FAO; for human rights investigations
organised by OHCHR; for the gender awareness activities if OCHA; for the mines
awareness and de-mining programmes of OCHA; and for UNHCR's programmes
of assistance for Afghan refugees in Pakistan and for the support and protection
of returnees to Afghanistan. The UK's contributions to ICRC have helped to fund
protection activities and bas ic healthcare programmes. Through NGOs the UK
provides assistance in Afghanistan itself for the promotion of community
development in rural areas, agricultural rehabilitation, primary and secondary
school education, and health education. The UK has also provided assistance to
NGO education and training programmes for Afghan refugees in Iran.
Sweden: Sida/Sweden has contributed {{X80}} 115 270 to the project within the
overall support to the UN consolidated Inter-Agency appeal for Afghanistan 2000
where the project is presented in co-ordination with proposals from the UN
UNOCHA de-mining (MAPA): {{X80}} 1 979 000
UNDP/CDAP: intégration et réadaptation des invalides de guerre {{X80}} 414
UNDP/FAO-Crops: aide en zone rurale {{X80}} 473 972
UNICEF : aide à la vaccination {{X80}} 355 480
UNDP/FAO-Livestock: Prolongation du programme vétérinaire de 1999
{{X80}} 296 233
Svenska Afghanistan Kommittén: aide à la santé et à l'éducation {{X80}} 4 253
902 (chiffre indicatif)
IFRC: aide à la santé dans les zones rurales: {{X80}} 296 233 (chiffre indicatif)
Aide par l'ambassade à Islamabad: {{X80}} 201 438.
138 a
Identify possibilities to strengthen existing assistance to
voluntary return programmes in the region set up by
UNHCR and IOM, in consultation with the host countries.
In this respect, the EU will consider the appeal for funding
necessary to implement the Aide Memoire between
UNHCR and the Iranian government.
European Parliament and Council have extended legal basis for budget line "Aid
to uprooted people".
IOM programme funded by Sweden on voluntary return of skilled professionals.
Report by Sweden.
The Netherlands has granted UNHCR a sum of ca. {{X80}} 450 000 to support
its repatriation and reintegration programme.
Sweden: OIM: aide au rapatriement {{X80}} 118 493.
138 b
The EU stresses the urgency for the presence of UNHCR
in Afghanistan, security conditions permitting notably in
order to monitor the repatriation programmes and to
facilitate the reintegration of returnees. Furthermore,
UNHCR{{PU2}}s presence is expected to contribute to a
better observance of the amnesty declarations.
Denmark: In 1999, Denmark contributed approx. {{X80}} 1 million to the
efforts of UNHCR to protect and assist Afghan refugees.
Finland: UNHCR voluntary return & integration {{X80}} 338 983 in 2000.
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138 c
Conclude readmission agreements with Pakistan based on
the readmission clause contained in the EC-Pakistan Co-
operation Agreement (not yet signed/entered into force),
either by individual Member States or by the Community.
Such agreements should not only cover own nationals but
also stateless persons and third-country nationals, in
particular Afghan nationals who have been living in
Pakistan for a substantial period of time. Similar agreements
should also be conclu ded with Iran and the Central-Asian
By decision of 18 September 2000, the Council authorised the Commission to
negotiate a community readmission agreement.
138 e
Increase the effectiveness of Airline Liaison Officers
(ALOs) in Pakistan through enhanced EU co-operation.
Investigate the possibilities of extending the number of
Seminar on ALOs/ICOs held in Funchal on 9-11 November 2000.
Action Plan to improve the control of immigration proposed by the French
Presidency in CIREFI (doc. 10017/00).
The UK has an Airline Liaison Officer in Pakistan.
138 f
Encourage Member States to deploy Immigration Officers
in the neighbouring region, and to share information on a
regular basis with Immigration Officers of other EU
Member States.
Commission has made an inventory of airports covered by Member States
{{PU2}} ICOs and ALOs.
Seminar on ALOs/ICOs held in Funchal on 9-11 November 2000.
Presidency report of CIREFI meeting on 12 July 2000.
Sweden: The Staff of the Embassy of Sweden in Islamabad was, as of Spring
2000, increased with a migration officer.
138 h
Develop a common strategy for the treatment of those
Afghan asylum seekers where there are serious reasons for
considering the application of the exclusion clauses in
Article 1F of the 1951 Geneva Convention.
Assist the integration into society of Afghan nationals
legally residing in the Member States.
Seminar on handling 1F cases of Afghan asylum seekers held on 8/9 June 2000 in
the Netherlands. Report from the Netherlands.
138 k
Commission has launched the EQUAL programme in 2000.
Seminar on integration held in Paris on 5 and 6 October 2000.
138 l
Contribute to a lasting peace settlement in combination
with the socio-economic reconstruction of Afghanistan
thus counteracting migration pressures.
The Netherlands: see 137b.
The Netherlands finances projects and programmess in this group amounting to a
total sum of ca. {{X80}} 2,3 million. The projects and programmess are in the
fields of education (ca. {{X80}} 600 000), health care (ca. {{X80}} 750 000) and
water & sanitation (ca. {{X80}} 900 000). The main supervising agencies and
implementing partners involved in these projects and programmess are AGBAS-
Ed, Education for Afghans, UNICEF, WHO, HNI, DACAAR and SOH.
The Netherlands continue financing a project in the field of basic health by MSF
in cooperation with CHA (ca. {{X80}} 300 000).
The United Kingdom supports UNHCR and NGO activities.
138 o
Continue Community assistance to refugees and IDPs by
funding actions and programmes.
European Parliament and Council extended legal basis for budget line "Aid to
uprooted people".
Commission {{SPA}} ECHO has approved a financial decision of {{X80}} 2
million in order complete the {{X80}} 3 million from last year, which had been
taken after the three big offensives respectively in Hazarajat, Shomali and the
North. The needs of displaced persons are addressed in terms of shelter, food and
security. A recent ECHO mission to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran assessed the
dreadful drought situation in the region. In response ECHO will prepare a
{{X80}} 5,5 million decision wells, food distribution and fodder distribution.
Finland: UNHCR resettlement of 300 persons of which 1/3 women at risk in year
The Netherlands considers financing activities of IRC/SV regarding aid to IDPs
amounting to a sum of ca. {{X80}} 450 000.
The Netherlands has committed ca. {{X80}} 1,4 million to support ICRC
{{PU2}}s activities in Afghanistan during 2000.
Sweden - ICRC: aide à la réunification familiale {{X80}} 1 658 903 (chiffre
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Action Plan for Somalia
of the
Actions carried out
Head of Mission report on the situation in Somalia
95 a
Continue to assist and facilitate conflict resolution and the
peace process in Somalia and consider ways and means to
revitalise and strengthen the IGAD process, inter alia
through the IGAD Partners Forum. Continue with a policy
of explicit non recognition, bearing in mind the importance
of preserving the territorial integrity of Somalia.
Report from COAFR
L{{PU2}}Italie a contribué activement à la préparation des initiatives de l
{{PU2}}Union européenne visant à stabiliser la situation politique en Somalie
dans la phase délicate qui a suivi l{{PU2}}approbation du plan, et a pleinement
soutenu leur réalisation.
Le processus de rétablissement d{{PU2}}une autorité gouvernementale dans le
pays, encouragé par le président de Djibouti, Ismail Omar Guelleh, organisateur
de la Conférence de réconciliation nationale d'Arta, a abouti au mois d{{PU2}}
août à la constitution d{{PU2}}une Assemblée nationale de transition qui a
ensuite élu Abdulkassim Salat Hassan président de la Somalie.
L{{PU2}}Union européenne, par la déclaration du 8 septembre 2000, a exprimé
le v{{ST}}u que cette élection contribue à la restauration de l{{PU2}}État en
Somalie, à la préservation de l{{PU2}}unité nationale et à l{{PU2}}intégrité
territoriale du pays. Elle s{{PU2}}est déclarée disposée à soutenir les efforts que
déploieront les nouvelles institutions, une fois leur autor truire le pays et a invité le
président à titre transitoire et les présidents du Somaliland et du Puntland à nouer
un dialogue constructif.
95 b
Continue to look for ways to find a political solution in areas with unresolved conflicts through
the appropriate bodies.
Report from COAFR
Italy: see 95a
95 c
EU Member States should consider appropriate measures
with the aim of upholding the respect for the Security
Council resolution 733 on an embargo of all deliveries of
weapons and military equipment to Somalia.
Report from COAFR
95 d
Reinforce a constructive dialogue between the EU and de
facto authorities/leaders in the different regions of Somalia,
without recognising the regions.
Report from COAFR
Italy: see 95a
95 e
Agree on arrangements for identification and
documentation of returnees to respective area. It should
however be emphasised that this would in no way imply
international recognition since such recognition during the
present circumstances could have a negative influence upon
the peace and security in the regions of Somalia.
Explore scope for effective action with the US and Canada, through the transatlantic dialogue.
Expert seminar 8/9 June 2000 in the Netherlands. Report from the Netherlands
95 f
Presidency and Commission contacted US and Canada in June 2000 in order to
explore the possibilities for co-ordinated action and exchange of information The
USA and Canada have responded favourably. The possibilities of co-operation
will be further explored under the Swedish Presidency.
Written report from Portugal
95 g
Monitor and prevent human rights violations (leading to the
need for international protection) inter alia by supporting
the High Commissioner for Human Rights and special
educational programmes.
Report from COAFR and COHOM.
In the framework of the cooperation with Somalia the Commission supports
Somali NGOs active in the field of human rights ({{X80}} 1,5 million).
Finland: OHCHR projects of permanent human rights officer {{X80}} 25 424 in
The Netherlands: The Dutch Organisation for Development is organising a
project on the local human rights and peace organisations. The Community is
expected to contribute {{X80}} 346 256 (line B7-7020).
Sweden: Diakonia, education and democracy, 2000-2001: {{X80}} 1 527 529.
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UNDP/Diakonia, legal and human rights Puntland: {{X80}} 329 000.
95 h
As relative stability is created in major areas, the EU should
consider how to encourage and support the emergence of
regional administrations that are trying to rebuild an
institutional framework and a form of local governance.
Report from COAFR
The Commission has supported local administrations for several years in the
context of the 1
and 2
Rehabilitation Programme.
Italie: Dans le cadre du Deuxième programme de redressement pour la Somalie,
une initiative cofinancée par la Commission européenne, pour laquelle la
contribution globale de l{{PU2}}Italie représente près de {{X80}} 15 468 550,
divers programmes ont été lancés avec le concours d'ONG italiennes dans les
secteurs de l{{PU2}}éducation, de la santé, de l{{PU2}}approvisionnement en
eau et de la mise en place de structures in isième phase du Deuxième programme
de redressement pour la Somalie est en cours d{{PU2}}élaboration.
voir 96b
Sweden: To support rehabilitation and reconstruction in regions with local
administrations (currently the northern areas) with {{X80}} 2 353 000 per year
from 1999 to 2001 in accordance with government decision UD1999/439/AF
taken 1999-04-08. Prioritised sectors for the Swedish support to reconstruction
are: good governance, promotion of human rights and democracy, and
strengthening of the justice system.
95 i
EU Member States should consider appropriate measures
with the aim of trying perpetrators of serious violations of
international humanitarian law and of crimes against
humanity and support the work carried out by the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights.
The EU should continue to meet the humanitarian needs of
Somalia and should consider ways of supporting Somalis in
achieving sustainable development of peace, stability and
economic development.
Report from COAFR and COHOM
95 j
Report from COAFR
In 2000 humanitarian aid amounts to about {{X80}} 9,5 million. Non-
humanitarian aid amounts to about {{X80}} 15 million annually. At the beginning
of December 2000 the Commission will decide on the 3
programme ({{X80}} 24,8 million) which focuses on support to local
communities and civil society.
Sweden: Life and Peace Institute, peace/reconciliation, 2000-2001 {{X80}} 2 360
ICRC, Global appeal 2000: {{X80}} 588 000
IFRC, Appeal 2000: {{X80}} 117 000
International Aid Sweden, education and health, Mogadishu: {{X80}} 336 500
War-torn Societies, peace/reconciliation: {{X80}} 152 000
{{X80}} 42 000 to NGO Diakonia for education, physical rehabilitation and
institutional support to regional authorities.
Commission {{SPA}} ECHO continues to provide humanitarian aid to Somalia.
The overall support accounts to {{X80}} 5,9 Million in 2000. Projects on water
rehabilitation, feeding programmes and health care are supported as well as the
ICRC food aid and food security programme.
95 k
Measures to promote tolerance and the protection of
minority rights.
Report from COAFR
The support of the Commission has contributed to the consideration of
minorities in the Arta peace process and their subsequent representation in the
transitional National Assembly.
Finland: see 95g
96 a
96 b
Clarify the situation of Somalia in the post-Lomé context
Article 93(6) of the new Suva agreement provides for ACP Council to take EDF funding decisions in the case of countries with no
recognised government.
Continue efforts with regard to mines awareness and surveys.
Commission - Budget for 2000 on line B7-661 is {{X80}} 8,1 million (operational
spending). A communication from the Commission (14/3/2000) as well as a
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regulation for an "action against anti-personnel landmines: reinforcing the
contribution of the European Union" was sent to the European Parliament.
The funding in relation to de-mining is particularly relevant for the Action plans
on Afghanistan and Somalia.
ECHO: de-mining {{X80}} 1 273 337.
Denmark supports two mine clearance projects in Somaliland with more than
{{X80}} 1 333 000: The UN mine clearance component through the Somalia
Civil Protection Programme and the Danish De-mining Group which supports
mine clearance activities as well as activities aimed at the disposal of unexploded
ordinances (UXO).
Italie: En réponse à l{{PU2}}appel global interinstitutions des Nations Unies
pour l{{PU2}}année 2000, l{{PU2}}Italie a apporté une contribution volontaire
de {{X80}} 3 609 329 au PNUD pour un programme de protection civile, le
"Somali Civil Protection Programme", qui sera réalisé dans les deux régions du
Somaliland et du Puntland. Le programme vise à apporter un soutien dans les
secteurs de la justice et de l{{PU2}}ordre p s anciens miliciens et pour des actions
de déminage, aux structures qui, dans certaines régions du pays, notamment le
Somaliland et le Puntland, possèdent une capacité effective d{{PU2}}organisation
administrative et civile. Destiné à consolider le processus de pacification dans les
deux régions bénéficiaires, ce programme représente une contribution au
processus de pacification en cours dans le pays.
96 c
Continue/strengthen education and health systems, job creation and economic infrastructure.
Projects underway through Commission, Finland (health care, adult education,
countryside development), Sweden (education and health).
Commission - ECHO: agriculture {{X80}} 5 869 787
education {{X80}} 13 939 882
environment {{X80}} 2 737 524
fisheries {{X80}} 1 226 000
food security {{X80}} 2 427 668
rural development {{X80}} 76 260
rural water and sanitation {{X80}} 3 268 270
small & medium size enterprises {{X80}} 3 142 159
health {{X80}} 950 615.
Denmark has provided {{X80}} 1 066 000 in funding for UNICEF's primary
education project for the whole of Somalia. In Somaliland, Denmark supports an
orthopedic clinic at the Berbera hospital.
Finland: UNICEF health care in south & central {{X80}} 508 474 in 2000.
Greece has concluded an Agreement on Economic and Technological
Cooperation with Somalia.
In 1999, Greece gave Somalia bilateral development assistance totalling
{{X80}} 2 267. The assistance provided was in the form of investment.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare grants bursaries for doctors to enable them to
acquire a speciality in State hospitals.
Italy: see 95h
Pays-Bas: Aide pour l'eau potable et la santé {{X80}} 1 623 000.
Sweden: UNICEF, UN CAP 2000, water/sanitation, primary education
{{X80}} 294 000.
FAO/TCOR, UN CAP 2000, seeds and tools {{X80}} 237 000.
UNICEF, UN CAP 2000, primary education: {{X80}} 235 000 .
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{{X80}} 8 500 to the Somalian Refugee Association for a project on women
{{PU2}}s education and peace and reconciliation for youth 1998-2000.
{{X80}} 62 000 to Somali Relief Association for 2 volunteers in mother and child
health care 1998-2000.
96 f
Assist Somalis in reconstruction of the civil society;
logistics, legal and administrative capacity building;
Demobilisation and reintegration of ex combatants,
returnees and IDPs
Projects underway through Finland (peace enhancement) and Sweden
Commission {{SPA}} ECHO: demobilisation {{X80}} 2 692 586, infrastructure
{{X80}} 9 351 288.
Denmark: In Somaliland, Denmark, together with the EC, co-funds the
rehabilitation of the main road between the Ethiopian border and the port of
Berbera. Denmark contributes {{X80}} 1 066 000 towards this project. Through
the Danish Refugee Council, Denmark funds reintegration activities in Somaliland
with {{X80}} 1 600 000 Denmark also provides {{X80}} 400 000 in funding for
water canal rehabilitation through ADRA-Denmark in central Somalia.
Finland: see 95g
Italy: see 95 h
UNESCO project: "Civic education for good governance and development" et
"Vocational education for demobilised and other youth", ({{X80}} 1 031 237).
Le premier de ces projets devrait avoir un impact sur tout le territoire somalien,
grâce à des émissions radiodiffusées auxquelles participeront les forces les plus
ouvertes et les plus responsables de la société somalienne. Le deuxième est un
programme de formation professionnelle s{{PU2}}adressant principalement aux
personnes démobilisées.
Programme de l'UNIFEM, "Capacity-Building, IDPs (Internally Displaced
persons) and elimination of violence against women" ({{X80}} 515 618).
Cette contribution est affectée à un programme dont l{{PU2}}objet est de
renforcer les institutions existantes et de soutenir des initiatives émanant de la
société civile.
P.S. : D{{PU2}}autres contributions et programmes pour l'application de diverses
mesures contenues dans le plan sont en cours de formulation et de mise au point.
Pays-Bas - Aide à la reconstruction {{X80}} 756 000.
Sweden - UNDP/OCHA, UN CAP 2000, co-ordination {{X80}} 178 000.
97 a
Consider measures to facilitate voluntary repatriation of
refugees from the region.
IOM project approved under Odysseus programme on 5 June 2000
Netherlands has two agreements with Somaliland authorities on repatriation and is
looking to expand dialogue through Embassy in Nairobi to improve their
Denmark has a repatriation agreement with the Somaliland authorities and
negotiations are underway with the Puntland authorities. As mentioned under
96f), Denmark supports reintegration activities in Somaliland through the
Danish Refugee Council.
Pays-Bas: Aide au rapatriement {{X80}} 334 000.
97 b
Assess and evaluate programmes for returning failed asylum
seekers/illegal immigrants and consider vocational training
programmes for the benefit of returnees and local
Seminar on 8 and 9 June 2000 in the Netherlands. Report from Netherlands.
Netherlands update on bilateral projects.
The UK has run a "Voluntary Assisted Returns" project, which was financed by
the Home Office and run by the IOM in partnership with Refugee Action. The
project was open to all nationalities, and offered advice and support to rejected
asylum seekers wishing to return home. A small amount of money was available to
those who would have been destitute on arrival in their home country.
The Swedish government has recently given the Immigration Board the mandate
to draw up a pilot project for return of unsuccessful asylum seekers, together with
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97 c
Measures to address the reception and protection capacities of countries in the African region.
ECHO support to Somali Sudanese in Kenya.
The Netherlands: In the field of emergency aid, the Netherlands funds six
activities for a total amount of {{X80}} 4,16 million.
97 e
Draw up a plan specifically targeted at a reduction in
trafficking in children and enhance co-operation with
NGOs in the region with the aim of running information
campaigns on the destructive effects of trafficking in
Plan on reducing trafficking in children.
Sweden has taken the lead in the drawing up of the plan together with other
Member States. The Swedish national criminal intelligence service is investigating
trafficking in illegal migrants. The Immigration Board has a migration officer
stationed at the Swedish Embassy in Nairobi.
Seminar on ALOs/ICOs held in Funchal on 9-11 November 2000.
Action Plan to improve the control of immigration proposed by the French
Presidency in CIREFI (doc. 10017/00).
The United Kingdom has an Airline liaison Officer based in Nairobi who
provides training to carriers in the region concerning the problems posed by
Somali nationals.
97 f
Controls by Airline Liaison Officers at airports in the neighbouring region.
97 h
Assist the integration into society of Somali nationals legally
residing in the Member States.
Commission has launched the EQUAL programme in 2000.
Seminar on integration held in Paris on 5 and 6 October 2000.
Italie: Le décret interministériel portant dispositions complémentaires en
matière d{{PU2}}entrée et de séjour des citoyens somaliens en Italie a été
signé le 1er septembre 2000. Il vise à améliorer la situation de la communauté
somalienne résidant en Italie (environ 8 000 personnes) grâce aux mesures
suivantes: prorogation annuelle, renouvelable à leur expiration, des permi éjour
des personnes qui ne peuvent pas prouver qu{{PU2}}elles travaillent ou
poursuivent des études, développement des instruments en vigueur en matière
de regroupement familial, délivrance de titres de voyage permettant de circuler
également dans les pays ayant adhéré aux accords de Schengen.
The UK is currently looking into the possibility of regional returns and developing
a protocol with. regional authorities.
Action Plan for Iraq
of the
Actions carried out
Head of Mission report on the situation in Iraq
53 a
Turkey, because of its geographical situation, is an
important transit country. The K.4 Committee started a
dialogue with Turkey in order to implement the EU Action
Plan on Iraq of 26 January 1998.
The Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and
Asylum should continue the dialogue with Turkey and thus
give new impetus to the implementation of the action
points described in 6938/2/98 ASIM 78 REV 2 under (i.)
to (vi.) (see Chapter CII).
53 b
Turkey, because of its geographical situation, is an
important transit country. The K.4 Committee started a
Report from CIREA( doc 12987/00).
Meeting with Turkey at the level of the HLWG and the Strategic Committee in
June 2000. Written report provided by Portugal.
Seminar held in June 2000 on false documents organised by Germany. Report
from Germany.
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dialogue with Turkey in order to implement the EU Action
Plan on Iraq of 26 January 1998.
Develop a joint strategy to cope with Iraqi asylum-seekers
under Article 1F of the 1951 Geneva Convention. Within
this framework information should be shared amongst EU
Member States.
57 a 1 Iraq as
a whole
Continue to discuss the situation in Iraq and the possibility of EU initiatives
Allemagne: Action Odysseus 2000/ODY/165 sur la reconnaissance des
documents falsifiés {{X80}} 104 867.
Greece: Statistics on asylum applications. Reply within the framework of the
CIREA Working Party (see attached copy of the earlier note from the Greek
delegation dated 12 September 2000).
The Netherlands: Contribution to the Dutch Refugee Foundation for its 2000
Humanitarian Programme on Landmine victims: {{X80}} 274 537.
Contribution to UNICEF's:
- Programme on Water Purification, {{X80}} 156 554
- Reconstruction Programme of Primary Schools in Rural Areas, {{X80}} 100
- Enhanced Nutritional Rehabilitation Programme of Children under Five,
{{X80}} 177 428
- Contribution to UNGCI (ten Dutch UN guards): {{X80}} 104 369 (errors and
omissions accepted)
- Contribution to WFP: {{X80}} 1 340 920.
57 a 2
Iraq as a
Encourage contacts with the Iraqi elites in the academic and cultural spheres and co-operation
between universities.
Extend programme for cultural and academic exchange
United Kingdom: a team from Durham University is currently running a research
project in northern Iraq. They are hoping to develop contacts between the
universities there and in the UK.
57 b 1.
Iraq as a
Continuation of ECHO programme.
Commission - For 2000 the Commission proposed 8 humanitarian aid projects for
a total amount of {{X80}} 8,6 million. The proposal was presented to the
"Humanitarian Aid Committee" in March 2000 and accepted by the Commission
on 19 April 2000.
Denmark: In 2000, Denmark supports the ICRC with approx. {{X80}} 0,5
million and the IFRC with approx. {{X80}} 0,3 million.
Greece has concluded an Agreement on Economic and Technological
Cooperation with Iraq (signed in Baghdad on 3 June 1976, in force since 26
August 1977). Under the Agreement, eight meetings of a Joint Inter-Ministerial
Committee on Economic Cooperation have been held, most recently in Athens
on 8 June 2000.
In 1999, Greece gave {{X80}} 23 582 to Iraq in bilateral development assistance.
The assistance provided was in the form of technical cooperation ({{X80}} 22
849) and other aid ({{X80}} 736).
The Ministry of Health and Welfare procured and dispatched {{X80}} 23 556 in
pharmaceutical goods. Possibility of a bursary from the same source for doctors,
to enable them to acquire a speciality in State hospitals.
From 1996 to 1999, the Ministry of National Defence supplied bilateral
development assistance (under the auspices of the DAC of the OECD)
amounting to {{X80}} 41 223 in pharmaceutical and medical goods. Participation
in UN peace-keeping missions in Northern Iraq (8 officers).
The Netherlands have granted ICRC {{X80}} 907 560 for ICRC's field activities
in Iraq in 2000. Contribution to the Netherlands Red Cross for: (1) their project
on food distribution and medicines a total amount of {{X80}} 623 494 ; (2) their
project on the Renovation of Health Care Centres an amount of {{X80}} 280
436 .Contribution to Care-Iraq on their Supplementary Nourishment Programme
for Hospitalised Children: {{X80}} 1 048 232.
The United Kingdom donated {{X80}} 1 750 000 to the International Committee
of the Red Cross this year and last year towards their programme in the Centre
and South of Iraq.
Sweden has granted:
- Qandil {{X80}} 2 112 052 for rehabilitation, health and water/sanitation in
North Iraq during 2000
- Caritas {{X80}} 642 517 for nutrition, education and water/sanitation in Iraq
during 2000
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- Mines advisory Group {{X80}} 1 378 923 for mineclearance in North Iraq
during 2000
- UNICEF south/central Iraq {{X80}} 1 152 704
Sweden support(probably) ICRC for 2000 at the same level as 1999 (i.e.
{{X80}} 824 499)
Sida is proposing a grant to IFCR of {{X80}} 172 905 for Iraq in 2000
The Swedish yearly grant to UNHCR {{X80}} 43 580 683, the amount allocated
to Iraq will be made known later during 2000.
57 c 1
Iraq as a
57 c 2
Iraq as a
Update existing information on migratory movements from Iraq.
Report from CIREA (doc 12987/00).
United Kingdom: Airline Liaison Officers have been posted to the region.
Compile a report concerning the role of the neighbouring countries as transit countries for
asylum seekers/migrants.
Report from CIREA (doc 12987/00).
Seminar organised by France on migration through Turkey in March 2000.
Denmark has suggested that Heads of Mission in neighbouring countries be asked
to compile reports i.a. on the role as transit countries.
United Kingdom: Airline Liaison Officers have been posted to the region.
57 a 1
Stimulation of democratic process.
Denmark: In 1999, Denmark contributed approx. {{X80}} 0,5 million to the UN
guards in Iraq (UNGCI). Denmark is considering supporting projects with the
aim of promoting human rights and democracy in Northern Iraq.
The Netherlands: Contribution to Dutch Consortium in Northern Iraq on their
Bushanewe Rehabilitation Programme in Northern Iraq, a total amount of
{{X80}} 937 963. (An amount of {{X80}} 921 627 has been spent on the
programme in the period 1998-1999.)
United Kingdom officials have discussed the issue of elections and of drawing up
an electoral roll with the Kurdish parties. Preliminary discussions have also been
held with UK electoral reform organisations. However, at present both Kurdish
parties seem reluctant to move. on the issue of elections. Should this situation
change, the UK would consider requests to support preparations for elections in
the north.
57 a 2.
Encourage KDP/PUK to continue reconciliation and support for the implementation of the
UNSC Resolution 688.
Greece is participating in UN peace mission with eight officers from all three
services in Northern Iraq.
The United Kingdom is one of the co-sponsors of the Ankara peace process. We
make regular visits to northern Iraq and have convened high-level meetings
between the two parties in the UK. The UK has provided equipment for the
Peace Monitoring Force in Irbil.
57 a 3.
57 c 1
Dialogue with Turkey.
See 53a above
United Kingdom: The British Embassy in Istanbul has pressed Turkey to allow
NGOs access to northern Iraq.
Legal access of NGOs.
Commission - In North Iraq 10 NGO projects are co-financed by the
Commission through the EC Development Directorate and represent a total of
{{X80}} 3 million. These projects are either in the mobilisation or execution
United Kingdom: The British Embassy in Istanbul has pressed Turkey to allow
NG0s access to northern Iraq.
57 c 2
Negotiation of a transit agreement with Turkey which would allow EU Member States to
reintroduce rejected Iraqi asylum seekers into Northern Iraq voluntarily as well as forcibly.
Issue raised during a meeting between HLWG/Strategic Committee delegation
and Turkey (see 53a above).
Written report provided by Portugal.
Action Plan for Albania
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of the
Actions carried out
Within the framework of the existing bilateral political dialogue, the EU and Albania have
already achieved a wide-ranging convergence in positions on international and regional issues.
The dialogue has proven to be useful, in particular in the context of past conflicts in the
Balkans, including the recent Kosovo crisis. The continuation of such enhanced political
dialogue would constitute an important instrument both bilaterally and in the context of the
Stab ility Pact for South-Eastern Europe which has a key role to play in the region.
The Presidency has submitted the Action Plan to the Albanians authorities.
The Action Plan for Albania has was discussed in the meeting of the Stability Pact
in Sofia on 3/4/5/ October 2000.
In this forum the Albanian delegation gave its full support to the Action Plan.
Zagreb summit 24/25 November 2000.
Report from COWEB (11440/00)
Dialogue between Italy and Albania is permanent and intense and takes the form
of numerous meetings at both technical and political levels. The most recent
events to note were the visit to Albania in July by Mr Amato, Prime Minister, and
Mr Bianco, Minister for the Interior, and the meeting of the joint committee on
economic cooperation, held in Rome on 3 and 4 July 2000 at Foreign Minister
At present there are two joint Actions specifically devoted to Albania, both focussed on an
improvement of public order and security. Support to their implementation is a useful tool of
1. Arms collection and destruction.
2. With WEU: Multinational Advisory Police Element (MAPE). PHARE
programme finances equipment.
The Stabilisation and Association Process is the Union{{PU2}}s main contribution in support
of stabilisation efforts in South Eastern Europe. For Albania, the perspective of negotiating a
SSA exists in accordance with GAC conclusion of 24-25 January 2000. The SAA should
include the provisions that will enable co-operation between Albania and the European Union
in the areas asylum and migration.
Commission assists/continues technical talks on actions envisaged in the priority
areas identified by the feasibility study.
Albania has not met all requirements listed in the feasibility study.
Evaluation mission to Albania 2-5 July 2000, undertaken in the framework of the
Budapest process to examine the Albanian-Italian co-operation to stem irregular
In the Ancona Declaration Italy, Greece, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia and
Slovenia have declared their full co-operation in the fight against criminal
organisations engaged in illegal immigration. On 10 August 2000 there was an
Extraordinary meeting. In the conclusions, the main emphasis was on the
establishment in real-time of co-operation between a network of operational
officials of the Ancona signatory countries in the fight against illegal immigration.
Strong bilateral involvement of Italy : memoranda of understanding, territorial
control units, Rapid Intervention Unit, Frontier Police Unit, equipment.
ICMPD is willing to assist and has sent a mission to Albania .
Illegal trafficking of migrants from Albania, and related
crimes, are major concerns for the international
community. The European Union and its Member States
must therefore continue to encourage the Albanian
authorities through diplomatic channels to make every
effort to prevent and combat the illegal immigration.
The EU will continue to pursue a unified approach within
the framework of the Friend of Albania Group.
The Commission has contacted and invited Friends of Albania to an informal
expert meeting on the Albanian Action Plan with a view to discussing this
The FoA has created subgroups on migration/asylum and trafficking. It seeks
participation with MS, International Organisations and the HLWG.
Community assistance for Albania should be continued,
in particular in the framework of Phare (to be replaced in
2000 by Cards), with a view to achieving further progress
in stabilisation, recovery, economic reform and
democratisation, as well as to enhancing regional co-
operation. Priority areas for Community assistance are:
- Infrastructure (national & local)
- State Institutions and public administration reform
(including customs, police, judiciary) and
- Agriculture (including support under the Community
food-aid facility).
EC Assistance in Albania on Justice from 1991- 2000 has been a total of
{{X80}} 16,3 million.
- Support for Reform of the judicial and legal system in Albania. The Action Plan
for judicial and legal system reform was updated on 13 November 2000, and
discussed at a seminar on 16 November 2000.
- Police Reform
- Customs reform.
Germany: Public administration reform
1.Advisers to the Prime Minister: {{X80}} 153 406
2.Advice on agricultural policy: {{X80}} 511 352
3.Preparation of an economic development plan for the Tirana-Durres region:
{{X80}} 306 811
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1. Water supply and disposal Korce: {{X80}} 20 709 757
2.Water supply and disposal Kruja: {{X80}} 6 443 035
3.Regional water supply Kavaja: {{X80}} 6 391 900
4. Sewage disposal Kavaja: {{X80}} 7 158 928
5. Rehabilitation of Rinas/Tirana airport: {{X80}} 24 544 897
6. Electricity supply Southern Albania: {{X80}} 20 454 081
7. Stimulation of economy through development of future infrastructure
(Elbasan): {{X80}} 12 016 772
8. Environmental protection programme Lake Ohrid: {{X80}} 12 221 313
9. Water supply and sewage disposal Central Albania (Lushnja, Berat, Kuçova):
{{X80}} 11 249 744
Agriculture/Rural areas
1. Improvement of possibilities for study at the Agricultural University, Tirana:
{{X80}} 5 113 520
2. Promotion of self-help facilities in private farming: {{X80}} 1 022 704
See 123b
Greece: See 123b and c and 124e
Under the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice, provision of material aid for
the purpose of equipping new Albanian prisons ({{X80}} 67 723 in 1999), and
prison training for 13 Albanian officers (1998).
In the transport and communications sector, organisation of training seminars
({{X80}} 15.311 in 1998), provision of 35 buses ({{X80}} 742 006), road and
railway equipment ({{X80}} 226 724), reconstruction of urban road system at
entrance to and centre of Girokastra ({{X80}} 147 223), re-establishment of
telephone communications with Agira Saranta and link-up with the outside world
({{X80}} 7 074 per month), provision of telecommunications equipment
({{X80}} 50 056). Humanitarian assistan 1997). In the OECD context for the
Balkans, provision of know-how ({{X80}} 150 168 in 1999).
Within the area of responsibility of the Ministry of Development, restoration of
the electricity grid in Koritsa (budget: {{X80}} 15 900 124).
There is legislation (Law 123/1975 and Law 1937/1983) enabling the Ministry of
Health and Welfare to grant some 100 scholarships annually, in the context of
transnational cooperation, to foreign doctors wishing to pursue a speciality in
State hospitals, for the length of time required. Doctors from Albania also take
part in this programme.
In addition, since 1998, the Ministry of Health and Welfare has been involved in:
- multidisciplinary cooperation in order to deal with infectious diseases and
hepatitis B in Albania.
- training of teachers from Balkan and Black Sea countries in health administration
and economics.
- training of civil servants from the Health Ministries of the countries of the Black
Sea Economic Cooperation Area in health service organisation and administration.
- training in the epidemiological surveillance of infectious diseases with a view to
establishing a Balkan surveillance network.
- development of a training programme for teachers and health workers from
southern Albania.
Supply and despatch of medical equipment and pharmaceutical products to
Albania (1998: {{X80}} 206 113 on drugs and public health items and {{X80}}
67 723 on medical equipment: 2 incubators, 2 portable respirators and 1 obstetrics
United Kingdom: participation in twinning projects concerning customs.
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If required provide humanitarian aid to the population
most in need in Albania and the neighbouring region.
ECHO: in the period between January 1998 and December 2000 a total amount
of {{X80}} 248 963 135 has been spent by the Member States for
humanitarian aid to Albania and the neighbouring region through ECHO.
Sweden: Funding to IFRC Albanian Red Cross for institution building and first
aid training as well as health care ({{X80}} 135 453).
Germany: See 123a
Promotion of private initiatives in rural areas: {{X80}} 767 028
Development of a marketing system for agricultural products {{X80}} 511 352
Justice/Home Affairs
Promotion of Albanian legal practice: {{X80}} 767 028
1. Financial cooperation emergency aid programme for Energy: {{X80}} 9 204
2. Technical cooperation programme to improve the energy sector: {{X80}} 1
585 191
3. Financial cooperation programme for road maintenance (Phase 1):
{{X80}} 6 647 576
4. Technical cooperation programme for the reorganisation of the road sector:
{{X80}} 1 431 786
5. Rehabilitation of the municipal water supply in Istog and Klina:
{{X80}} 1 022 704
6. Rehabilitation of the municipal water supply in Pristina: {{X80}} 5 624 872
7.Technical cooperation programme for water supply and disposal: {{X80}} 1
534 056
8. Financial co-operation waste disposal programme: {{X80}} 1 022 704
9. Technical co-operation infrastructure programme for waste management:
{{X80}} 1 431 786
Greece: Cooperation and aid in the military sector provided by the Ministry of
Defence in the form of the provision of materials and goods, training of officers,
construction of camps and a hospital, improvement of infrastructures and repair
to buildings, transport of sick persons and medical care and humanitarian aid, to a
total cost of {{X80}} 56 843 624.
Aid provided by the Ministry of Agriculture to Albania in the context of bilateral
relations was as follows in 1999 and 2000:
food: {{X80}} 7 767 505
training seminar for officials from the Albanian Ministry of Agriculture at a total
cost of {{X80}} 117 779.
FAO grant of {{X80}} 1 178 967, which will be used for training officials in the
agricultural and cooperative sector in the Balkan countries
voir 123c and e
Payments from the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
- humanitarian aid for refugees from Kosovo in Albania ({{X80}} 119 251)
- Médecins du Monde)- humanitarian aid for refugees from Kosovo ({{X80}} 88
334) and refugee camp in Pogradec ({{X80}} 388 787)
Greek Red Cross)- humanitarian aid to refugees from Kosovo in the Olympia
refugee camp ({{X80}} 147 223 - International Social Affairs Foundation).
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Italy: Various interventions for development aid in favour of population most in
need: in particular, health and food assistance to refugees from Kosovo in
Albania. Other contributions through UNHCR and IOM.
Neighbouring region:
The Netherlands: Humanitarian aid to Kosovo.
Denmark: In 1999 approx. {{X80}} 16 million in humanitarian assistance
to Albania. Of this, approx. {{X80}} 5 million was spent on the establishment
of refugee camps in Albania. Another {{X80}} 3 million was channelled
UNHCR to the building of shelters for refugees in Albania.
Monitoring of macro-economic developments and
provision of balance of payments support should be
continued, as appropriate.
Greece provides balance of payments support.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare, as part of the assistance it provides for
Albania, has embarked upon a series of measures covering emergency and other
financial assistance, technical cooperation for the improvement of the state of
health of the Albanian population and reform of the health system of the country.
At the same time, significant action is being developed to bring the two countries
closer together in the field of health. The objective is to eradicate threats to the
health of the population of the two neighbouring countries. This cooperation has
culminated in the signing of a new Agreement, replacing the previous agreement,
which was ratified by Law 2677/1999 (Greek Official Gazette 11/4.2.1999 part
Hospital treatment for low-income foreign nationals. As part of this programme,
hospital treatment is provided free to Albanian nationals under the above
Agreement. Since 1996, huge sums have been spent on out-patient, hospital and
pharmaceutical care for the latter, using appropriations from the budget of the
Ministry, the hospitals themselves and the Development Assistance Programme of
the OECD Development Assistance Committee. As an indication, we would
mention the sum of {{X80}} 1 291 in 1999.
The following programmes fall within the framework of the Community initiative
Interreg II M:
- Establishment and operation of four cross-border public health centres in the
prefectures of Ioannina, Florina, Serrai and Evros with a catchment area of 20 to
30 kilometres on either side of the northern border. The objective is to provide
support in the border areas for early intervention against serious infectious
diseases, given the geographical situation of those areas, and the traffic in people,
livestock and goods, to establish a permanent mechanism for cooperation
between the c ountries of the Balkans in the area of research, education and
exchange of experience in the field of public health, and to set up a Greek and
Balkan communications network to coordinate the public health centres.
- Dental health in the Greece-Albania border area. The programme is concerned
with the setting up and operation of a mobile dental-care unit, the publication and
distribution of printed matter in Greek and in Albanian, and the training of
dentists and dental technicians.
- Renovation of the old wing of the hospital, reorganisation of space in
outbuildings, establishment of a short-stay treatment unit and provision of
artificial kidney machines at the "Hadjikosta" General Hospital in Ioannina in
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order to deal with the large number of patients who, because of the location of the
hospital, arrive from Albania throughout the year.
- Establishment of a mobile medical unit (obstetrical-gynecological
consultation, hematology, biochemistry, immunology and microbiology
laboratory) at the Filiatai Regional Hospital in order to provide health services
to the inhabitants of the remote and mountainous regions of Epirus and
southern Albania.
The sector of democracy should be supported, as well as
NGOs, independent media and civil society.
Commission: several projects under budget lines B7-700 and B7-704 (Support
for Democracy for Countries of Central and Eastern Europe).
The Netherlands: National Development Strategy, UNDP Electoral Assistance,
Observation of voters registration, support for independent media, parties in
Parliament programme, observation local elections.
United Kingdom: ongoing support for democratisation through Westminster
Foundation for Democracy, Tirana Soap Opera.
Denmark: Fund for Peace and Stability activities. The aim of the activities of
the Fund is to contribute to the strengthening of civil society and to support
NGOs working mainly within media and human rights protection. In general,
the activities finances by the Fund have a strong cross-border aspect with links
to fellow institutions in neighbouring countries. A two-year regional
programme for South Eastern Europe has been established (2000-2002), the
total appropriation of which is close to {{X80}} 9 mi Approx. {{X80}} 2
million of this appropriation is reserved for the establishment of a Refugee
Assistance Network for refugees and internally displaced persons in South
Eastern Europe."
Commission: several projects under budget lines B7-700 and B7-704 (Support
for Democracy for Countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
OCSE: legal assistance to drafting legislation for media.
Greek Plan for Reconstruction of the Balkans (2000-2004). This constitutes
Greece's basic instrument for meeting the needs of the Balkan countries, and in
particular Albania, with the main facilitating body being the Ministry of
Economic Affairs. The total amount for Albania is {{X80}} 50 055 945 and for
the neighbouring region (Kosovo) {{X80}} 73 611 684. The total provision for
the Balkans is {{X80}} 530 004 122. The breakdown of finance by country
and by development programme is set forth in detail i an to Albania following
the 1997 crisis. Loan of {{X80}} 58 899 347, comprising {{X80}} 5 888 935
in the form of a financial aid grant, {{X80}} 8 833 402 to deal with macro-
economic problems and in particular to support the balance of payments, to
support companies in the private sector, {{X80}} 14 722 337 to help deal with
the housing problem, {{X80}} 14 722 337 to deal with social problems.
Italy: Training courses for Albanian magistrates.
Neighbouring region;
The Netherlands: Reconstruction and peace-building aid to Kosovo,
contribution to ESCE Mission in Kosovo, Support for independent media
IOM: Out of Kosovo registration, Transitional Information Programme.
Actions should be taken in order to alleviate poverty and
support in the sectors of public health and education.
ECHO: in the period between January 1998 and December 2000 a total amount
of {{X80}} 248 963 135 has been spent by the Member States on humanitarian
aid to Albania and the neighbouring region.
Extensive bilateral co-operation by Sweden, Finland, United Kingdom.
IOM offers extensive co-operation especially in the fields of, technical
cooperation and migration health.
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Both in Albania and in the neighbouring region.
Greece: See 123 b and d
Cooperation Protocol between the Ministry of Merchant Shipping and the
Ministry of Public Order of Albania of 10 August 1998 providing for joint
patrols by the Greek Harbour Police Corps and the Albanian border police in
the interests of efficient policing of the two countries' maritime border (law No
2629/1998). Further to this protocol, patrols are carried out using Greek
Harbour Police Corps craft with Albanian police on board. These patrols took
place from 10 August 1998 until 20 July 1999 and the to tal cost of seconding
Albanian police officers amounted to approximately {{X80}} 108 945. On 24
August 1999, the Foreign Ministries of the two countries signed a protocol
extending the above protocol. Free training, residence and board for 41
Albanians at merchant navy officer training schools (1997-99).
Within the area of responsibility of the Ministry of Education, signing of a
multilateral Protocol of Cooperation between the General Secretariat for Youth
and the Ministry of Culture of Albania (1998). Programmes for Albanian
citizens: holiday camps for children, creative expression workshops in
institutions for juvenile offenders, legal assistance for vulnerable groups of the
population and minorities, programme of support for initiatives for young
people and educational subsidies ({{X80}} 5 006 in 19 P>
Grant of scholarships by the State Scholarships Foundation of some {{X80}}
580 060 in 1997, {{X80}} 555 032 in 1998 and {{X80}} 366 586 in 1999.
During the period 1997 to 1999, within the framework of international
educational relations, the Ministry of Education provided economic aid of
around {{X80}} 671 339 in scholarships and infrastructure.
Italy: Extensive bilateral co-operation for the organisation of health structures
and for the development of women.
Measures to stimulate the respect for human rights and minorities.
The Netherlands: prison monitoring
United Kingdom: Citizen Advice Bureaux
Denmark: Fund for Peace and Stability, development of National Ombudsman
(with CoE and OCSE). See also 123d
Commission: several projects under budget lines B7-700 and B7-704 (Support
for Democracy for Countries of Central and Eastern Europe).
Neighbouring region:
The Netherlands: reconstruction and peace-building, support to prison system,
contribution to OSCE Mission to Kosovo, support to Serbian NGO {{PU1}}
Humanitarian Law Centre{{PU2}}.
Finland: project for education in the field of human rights in Kosovo.
Greece: See 123d
Measures aimed at the prevention and combat of
Commission: under Phare programme on administrative reform and reform of
the judiciary several projects on corruption. (B7-742)
Sweden : secondment of expert in the framework of an anti-corruption
initiative to the Council of Europe.
FoA: subgroup on anti-corruption
Greece: See 123d and e.
Increase statistical co-operation with Albania
Commission: see proposal PHARE budget line Albania 2000 (B7-742)
Neighbouring region: IOM/UNFPA Socio-demographic survey
Greece: See 123d
Link community programmes on local development,
which have the primary objective of improving
livelihoods, with the reintegration of migrants
United Kingdom: Agriculture NVQ Phase II, Rural Commune development
programme, social service delivery programme
IOM: Albania Transition Initiative, Humanitarian Medical Evacuation
Programme, Participatory projects
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Neighbouring region:
Finland: Return programme with IOM for voluntary return to Kosovo, house
construction project Kosovo.
IOM: Kosovo Protection Corps Training
Germany: Local community development
Modernisation of local community services in selected medium-sized towns:
{{X80}} 3 068 112
Agriculture/Rural areas
1. Emergency programme for the promotion of agriculture: {{X80}} 2 045 408
2.Promotion of the small loans programme of the Kosovar Microfinance Bank
(MEB): {{X80}} 1 534 050
3. Promotion of taking up employment: {{X80}} 1 534 050
4. Promotion of local entrepreneurs: {{X80}} 255 676
5. Enterprise studies concerning privatisation: {{X80}} 255 676
Local community development
1. Assistance for housing rehabilitation: {{X80}} 5 573 737
2. Rehabilitation of the social infrastructure: {{X80}} 1 278 380
3. Assistance for public health measures: {{X80}} 1 022 704
Other measures
1.Financial assistance for the accommodation of refugees from Kosovo on
humanitarian grounds: {{X80}} 5 369 196
2. Working Party on the implementation of Financial Cooperation and Technical
Cooperation projects in Kosovo (GORED): {{X80}} 1 380 650
3. Emergency aid measures in Kosovo (various sectors): {{X80}} 1 073 839
Greece: See 123d
As regards culture, 1999 Agreement on Training, studies for the repair of
churches and cooperation between the Medieval Museum of Koritsa and the
European Centre for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments, employment
of Albanian musicians and archaeologists.
Strengthen local administration and infrastructure, by
providing training and institutional capacity building, also
in view of establishing an administrative structure
capable of dealing with asylum requests that meets the
minimum international standards.
Sweden: financing of seminars for Albanian lawyers
Denmark: transitional assistance
In the period 1999-2001, approx. {{X80}}13,5 million will be spent on
transitional assistance to Albania. The assistance will mainly benefit the
judiciary and police as well as different NGOs working with conflict
resolution, human rights training of police, media etc
IOM: resettlement/transport operations
UNHCR: extensive programme of institution and capacity building of the
asylum system.
Greece: see 122e and 123d
Invitation to police officers from the Balkan countries and more generally from
countries of south-eastern Europe to seminars co-financed by the Commission
under Title VI of the Maastricht Treaty on the detection of false documents,
illegal immigration, organised crime, sexual exploitation of women and minors,
In the framework of the Western European Union (WEU), and in particular the
MAPEXT, Greek police officers are training their Albanian counterparts. There
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are 20 Greek police officers in crucial positions in the neighbouring region of
Kosovo in the context of the United Nations Peace Force.
Advisory support for local administrative bodies in Albania ({{X80}} 97 167
in 1997), reorganisation of the operation of the Argyrokastro and Koritsa local
authorities ({{X80}} 75 083 in 1998, {{X80}} 260 585 in 1999), public
utilities ({{X80}} 13 250 in 1998), Albanian participation in the HELEXPO
POLIS 99 international fair ({{X80}} 20 611), budget for various actions in
2000 ({{X80}} 1 472 233).
Italian technical and legal advice for the new Albanian police code, also in the
field of border control. Extensive concrete co-operation for the organisation of
police structures, also through an Italian police task force in Albania. Italy gave
to Albanian police 148 vehicles as well as instruments for telecommunications.
Train and exchange officials between Albania and EU
Member States in matters relating to migration and
IOM: workshop on trafficking of women for sexual exploitation.
UNHCR: on the job and formal training for government officials.
ICMPD: numerous projects.
Greece: Agreement on Police Cooperation between Greece and Albania of 17
July 1992. Readmission clause (Article 4). [For details of this action, see
Council document 7886/1/00 REV 1, JAI 40, AG 41, Annex II, page 15 in
fine]. Provision of materials and technical equipment (9 passenger vehicles, 10
armoured cars (AYPEΣ), bullet-proof vests, electronic equipment,
telecommunications facilities, police equipment) to the Albanian police to an
amount of {{X80}} 1 472 23
See 124 a and 122 e
Under the Ministry of the Environment, Planning and Public Works, an
environmental study for the Koritsa region ({{X80}} 88 334) and other studies
and actions (environmental observatory for south-eastern Europe, permanent
planning forum, Balkans housing network, transport policy in the southern
Balkans, management of water resources in the southern Balkans, International
Water Centre for the Balkans) for the wider Balkans area, including Albania to
a total amount of {{X80}} 515 280.
Italy: Recent agreements between Italy and Albania include exchange of liaison
officers in the field of migration.
Assist and train border authorities, including in the area
of false documents, in co-operation with the WEU
{{PU2}}s advisory mission in Albania
Italy: Numerous training programmes, 147 Albanians police officers have
OCSE + GR + NL +UK: participation in MAPE (WEU)
Greece: See 124a.
International seminars in the framework of the OISIN, STOP, SCHERLOCK,
ODYSSEUS and FALCONE common actions arranged in Athens by the
Ministry of Public Order (1997-2000) with co-financing from the Commission
and attended by police officers from the Balkan countries and Turkey; the
issues covered relate to the detection of false documents, organised crime,
drugs, terrorism, sexual exploitation, mistreatment of minors and women,
organisation of the police, etc.
Discussions ongoing on new structure and on inclusion into its tasks
monitoring of migration flows.
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Task ECMM closely to monitor migration flows in co-
operation with international organisations active in this
Since the smuggling of illegal immigrants is often linked
to traffic in arms and drugs, enhance the fight against
drug and arms trafficking with a view to curbing
immigration rings. Support a more intense participation
of Albania in existing Community multi-beneficiary
programmes such as on customs co-operation and on
drugs/strengthening of the law enforcement capacity in
the South Eastern Europe.
Sweden: UNDP programme for weapons in exchange of development.
IOM: workshop on trafficking of women, return and reintegration of victims of
trafficking, selective labour migration programme.
Greece and Italy: Common statement of public order of Albania and Greece
and the Minister of the Interior of Italy (October 10) on collaboration against
illegal immigration and exploitation of people as well as the traffic in weapons
and drugs.
Neighbouring region:
Finland: regional anti-trafficking project.
IOM: measures to counteract trafficking in migrants in Kosovo, direct
assistance to victims of trafficking.
Greece: Organisation, with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in the context of the Stability Pact, of two seminars by the end of the
current year on organised crime, which police officers from the participant
countries (Albania, FYROM, Bulgaria, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and
Croatia) will be invited to attend, dealing with methods of combating organised
See 124c
An international legal basis for the fight against
trafficking of migrants could be useful. Based on a joint
initiative by the governments of Austria and Italy, a
"Draft Protocol against the trafficking/smuggling and
illegal transport of migrants by land, air and sea" is being
drawn up by an ad hoc committee in Vienna in the wider
context of a United Nations Convention on transnational
organised crime. The EU and its Member States should
fully support a quick finalisation of this proposal, with a
view to its early implementation. It should be noted that a
specific document (Circular 896) has been adopted by the
International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in December
1998. It envisages "Interim Measures for Combating
Unsafe Practises Associated with Trafficking or
Transport of Migrants by Sea", that States can already
comply with on a voluntary basis. An early
implementation of this recommendation could help in
curbing the traffic of migrants.
Agreement reached on the Draft Protocol. A signing ceremony is foreseen in
Palermo before the end of 2000.
Prospects of better economic opportunities in Europe are
often due to lack of first-hand, realistic information. The
EU and its Member States should therefore continue to
finance information campaign in Albania and the
neighbouring region by means of radio and TV
broadcasts, aimed at those who wish to enter EU Member
States illegally. The experiences and expertise of the IOM
and the UNHCR about such campaigns should be
The EU and its Member States should encourage the
Albanian authorities to enforce fully existing readmission
agreements, including clauses relating to the obligation to
readmit third-country citizens who have entered the other
party{{PU2}}s territory after transiting through Albania.
Conclude readmission agreements for the following
categories of persons who do not fulfil the conditions in
force for entry or residence on the territory of the
Member States: (a) nationals of Albania and the
neighbouring region, (b) Third Country nationals and
IOM: migration information programme, transition information programme.
ICMPD: mass information project (radio)
Neighbouring region:
Finland: media project Kosovo.
Belgium: project for zero tolerance in the trafficking of women.
Italy actively enforces the readmission agreement to the extend possible, given
the material constraints.
Greece: Police co-operation with readmission clause.
See 124b.
Overview of existing Member States + Iceland + Norway readmission
agreements compiled in Council doc. 11486/2/99.
Greece: Greek-Albanian Agreement on Seasonal Employment, Athens 17.5.1996
(Law 2482/97, entry into force: 5.8.97). Presidential Decree 358/97, as amended
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stateless persons who, after arriving from Albania or the
neighbouring region, have entered or remained on the
territory of the Member States illegally.
by Presidential Decree 241/98, and Presidential Decree 359/97, laid down the
conditions and procedures enabling foreign nationals other than citizens of
Member States of the European Union to reside and work legally in Greece.
Foreign nationals who fulfilled the conditions laid down in the above Presidential
Decre e were issued with a temporary residence permit (white card). According to
data from the National Employment Observatory of the Greek Manpower
Employment Organisation (OAED), the majority (60 to 65%) were of Albanian
Under Joint Ministerial Decision 4000/3/10E/98, Albanian citizens of Greek
descent in Greece are issued with a special identity card which gives the holder the
right of residence and the right to work. The same card is issued to the spouses
and descendants of émigré Greeks, regardless of their national origin.
Under the programme to combat exclusion from the labour market, specific
training programmes are also being devised, with the aim of providing vocational
education and training for immigrants from third countries (the majority of whom
are Albanian citizens). Additionally, there are programmes enabling immigrants to
learn the Greek language, thereby facilitating social integration.
Following the necessary bilateral cooperation between the relevant departments of
the two countries, two Draft Protocols of Cooperation were drawn up (Ministry
of Labour and Social Security of the Hellenic Republic - Ministry of Labour and
Social Affairs of the Republic of Albania), one relating to the labour sector and the
other to the social security sector. The two Protocols were due to have been
signed in September 1998, but as a result of internal unrest in Albania, the visit by
the Greek Minister and the signing of the two Protocols are still pending.
At the same time, the OAED signed a Protocol of Cooperation with the Ministry
of Labour of Albania on 4 December 1997. The Protocol, which was renewed for
three years on 6 June 2000, provides for the implementation of vocational training
programmes. In 1997, {{X80}} 1 418 585 were spent on vocational training for
600 Albanians.
Within the framework of cooperation between the OAED and the competent
authorities in Albania, it is planned to carry out a study in 2000 covering
research into the labour market in Albania, identification of supply and demand
imbalances for different trades and professions, and policy guidelines for the
reintegration of returnees. The budget for the study is around {{X80}} 147 223
and it will form part of the development cooperation programme (DAC).
Europol should increase its operational capacity to
combat illegal trafficking in immigrants in or through
Albania and the neighbouring region. Enhanced police
co-operation for an exchange of information aimed at
fighting criminal organisations involved in illegal
immigration, drugs and prostitution should also be
Promote the integration into society of Albanian nationals
legally residing in Member States
EUROPOL 3-year programme.
Commission has launched the EQUAL programme in 2000.
Seminar on integration held in Paris on 5 and 6 October 2000.