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Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
og deres stedfortrædere
21. marts 2001
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges i forbindelse med Det Europæiske Råd i Stockholm
den 23.-24. marts 2001 rapport fra ekspertgruppen med deltagelse fra EU's medlemslande og Kommissionen
om bedre lovgivning.
Initial Report of the Mandelkern Group on Better
Context: Implementing the conclusions of the Lisbon European Council.
A series of European initiatives on regulatory quality
• Concern on simplifying legislation was first expressed on a European level in 1985, when it was one of the conditions for the formation of the
single market. However, investigations into better regulatory quality did not become more structured until the middle of the 1990s, in particular after
the adoption of a protocol attached to the Treaty of Amsterdam (1995), which set out the principles of good regulations to be adhered to at European
C ommunity level.
• At the same time, the Commission undertook two initiatives designed to improve regulatory quality in the areas within the single market (SLIM),
and to improve the administrative environment for small and medium sized companies (BEST).
• It gradually became clear that the best way of improving the "regulatory chain", from the design of the regulation to its final application, was co-
ordinated action at both community and national level. The conclusions of the Lisbon European Council "requested that the Commission, the
Council and the member states define a strategy by 2001 that would simplify the regulatory environment through co-ordinated action".
• The mandate of the High Level Consultative Group is part of the vision of the Lisbon
• In Strasbourg, on the 7
November 2000, the Ministers in charge of public administration decided to set up a High Level Consultative Group on
Better Regulation. This decision was completely in line with the conclusions of the Lisbon European Council.
• The Consultative Group was given the mandate to "develop a coherent approach and to make proposals" and to produce "an initial report" within
four months.