Europaudvalget 2000-01
EUU Alm.del INFO-note I 100
(Info-note I 100)
udvalgets medlemmer og stedfortrædere
Euro-Middelhavsforum anbefaler at man bringer Irak og Libyen ind i
varmen igen
I. Euro-Middelhavsforum, den 8-9. februar 2001
Godt og vel 60 repræsentanter fra de nationale parlamenter i EU-landene og 12 lande fra det sydlige
middelhavsområde samt Europa-Parlamentet anbefaler en ophævelse af den økonomiske embargo mod
Irak af humanitære årsager. Sådan hedder det i slutteksten fra
det andet Euro-Middelhavsforum,
der fandt
sted i Bruxelles den 8-9/2 2001. Slutteksten anbefaler desuden - noget mere vagt - om Libyen, at man skal
fjerne hindringerne i forbindelse med embargoen , så landet igen kan deltage fuldt ud i Barcelona-
Teksten blev vedtaget noget overrumplende ved, at Forsamlingens ene formand Abdelwahad Radi fra
Marokko blot erklærede den 62 punkter lange resolution for vedtaget, uden der havde været nogen form
for debat. Han spurgte ganske vist, om der var nogen, der havde indvendinger mod teksten, men det skete
overraskende hurtigt og uden at forsamlingens medlemmer havde haft tid til hverken at debattere eller læse
den. Der kom derfor heller ingen indvendinger, så formanden takkede for opbak ningen og afsluttede det 2.
Euro-Middelhavsforum. Slutteksten var vedtaget.
En forklaring på formandens "resolutte" facon er formentligt, at slutteksten blev udarbejdet under store
vanskeligheder af en arbejdsgruppe, der måtte tage de sene nattetimer i brug for at nå til enighed om en
fælles tekst. Arbejdsgruppen var sammensat af 5 repræsentanter fra EU-landenes nationale parlamenter og
Europa-Parlamentet samt 5 fra de sydlige middelhavslande, herunder både en palæstinensisk og en israelsk
Euro-Middelhavsforum gøres permanent
De ca. 60 delegerede besluttede også at etablere Euro-Middelhavsforummet som
en permanent
parlamentarisk forsamling,
der skal mødes en gang om året "for at tilføre ny energi til Euro-
Middelhavspartnerskabet", som det hedder i sluterklæringen. Der blev ikke truffet nogen beslutning om,
hvorledes sammensætningen af forsamlingen skal være. Dette spørgsmål vil formentligt blive afgjort i
forbindelse med den endelige fastlæ ;ggelse af forretningsordenen for Euro-Middelhavsforummet.
Til dette formål besluttede Forummet at nedsætte en arbejdsgruppe, der så hurtigt som muligt skal komme
med et udkast til en forretningsorden. Arbejdsgruppen skal bestå af 1 repræsentant fra hver af Euro-
Middelhavsregionens 27 nationale parlamenter samt en passende repræsentation fra Europa-Parlamentet.
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Det blev ligeledes besluttet at nedsætte 2 andre arbejdsgrupper om:
• Immigrationsspørgsmål.
• Opfølgning af konklusioner vedtaget af den parlamentariske forsamling.
De to arbejdsgrupper skal mødes mellem forsamlingens årlige møder og tænkes sammensat
ligesom arbejdsgruppen med ansvar for forretningsordenen.
Endelig tog man imod det italienske parlaments tilbud om at være vært for det næste møde i
Euro-Middelhavsforummet i februar 2002 i Rom. Der blev ikke fastlagt en præcis dato for
II. Debatten i Euro-Middelhavsforummet
Debatten på førstedagen i Euro-Middelhavsforummet koncentrerede sig om den aktuelle situation i
Mellemøsten efter valget af ny ministerpræsident i Israel Ariel Sharon. Følelserne fik her frit løb, da flere
repræsentanter fra de arabiske lande fordømte Israel i almindelighed og den kommende israelske
ministerpræsident i særdeleshed. En israelsk repræsentant svarede skarpt igen med en fordømmelse af
brugen af lynchninger overfor israelere i det palæstinensiske selvstyreområde.
Trods uenighederne og den noget spændte stemning i Forummet om situationen i Mellemøsten, blev man
dog enige om i slutteksten at støtte palæstinensernes ret til en suveræn og demokratisk stat. Desuden
opfordres EU til at spille en mere aktiv politisk rolle i forbindelse med sikringen af freden i området.
På andendagen drøftede man tre spørgsmål:
• Partnerskab om politisk samarbejde og sikkerhed.
• Indførelse af økonomisk og finansielt partnerskab.
• Etablering af partnerskab inden for det sociale, kulturelle og menneskelige område.
Politisk samarbejde og sikkerhed
Med hensyn til det politiske og sikkerhedsmæssige partnerskab tilskynder Forummet i
slutteksten til, at man får vedtaget det charter for fred og stabilitet, som det ikke lykkedes for
EU{{PU2}}s udenrigsministre at vedtage i november 2000 i Marseille. Samtidig foreslår man,
at den sikkerhedspolitiske dialog mellem EU og de 12 middelhavslande udvides til også at
omfatte spørgsmål som våbenkontrol, terrorisme, indvandring, respekten for
menneskerettigheder, bek&ael lse af narkotikahandel, sikkerhed til søs m.v.
Forummet kaldte de 5,35 mia. euro på budget 2000-2006 for fuldstændig utilstrækkeligt til at
dække de finansielle behov i de sydlige middelhavslande. Man anerkendte dog samtidigt, at det
er nødvendigt at effektivisere styringen af MEDA-programmet.
Økonomisk og finansielt partnerskab
Forummet støtter dannelsen af et frihandelsområde for EU og de 12 sydlige middelhavslande
inden 2010. Man taler her om oprettelsen af et fælles marked for varer, tjenesteydelser og
kapital samt en forbedret fri bevægelighed for personer inden for området. Det foreslås, at de 12
bilaterale associeringsaftaler mellem EU og middelhavslandene med tiden bliver omdannet til
en multilateral aftale for de 27 lande (som WTO?).
Partnerskab inden for det sociale, kulturelle og menneskelige område
Flere talere lagde vægt på, at den sociale, kulturelle og menneskelige dimension ikke må
glemmes i den økonomiske omstillingsproces, som middelhavslandene skal igennem. I
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slutteksten beklager man, at denne dimension i Barcelona-processen hidtil har været
underprioriteret i forhold til de økonomiske og politiske aspekter.
Forummet foreslår, at man søsætter et regionalt program, der skal forbedre samarbejdet inden
for indre og retlige anliggender. En særlig indsats skal gøres mod menneskesmugling, hvor man
foreslår, at de 27 lande udvikler fælles strategier.
III. Barcelona-Processen blev indledt i 1995
Baggrunden for det parlamentariske samarbejde i Euro-Middelhavsforummet er den såkaldte Barcelona-
proces, der blev indledt af EU{{PU2}}s stats- og regeringschefer tilbage i juni 1992 i Lissabon, hvor man
erklærede et ønske om at styrke EU{{PU2}}s Middelhavspolitik gennem indgåelsen af partnerskaber
mellem Unionen og de sydlige Middelhavslande. Den 27.-28. november 1995 enedes så EU{{PU2}}s
udenrigsministre i Barcelona om den såkaldte Barcelona-erklæring.
Barcelona-erklæringen sigter på at styrke samarbejdet mellem EU og 12 lande i Middelhavsområdet og
udvikle et såkaldt "Euro-Middelhavspartnerskab". Partnerskabet omfatter de 15 EU-lande samt Algeriet,
Cypern, Ægypten, Israel, Jordan, Libanon, Malta, Marokko, De palæstinensiske Selvstyreområder i Gaza
og på Vestbredden, Syrien, Tunesien og Tyrkiet. Libyen er ikke med på grund af manglende efterlevelse af
en række FN-resolutioner om bek& aelig;mpelse af international terrorisme.
Barcelona-processen har tre hovedformål:
• Skabelsen af et område med fred og stabilitet baseret på grundlæggende principper herunder
respekten for menneskerettigheder og demokrati.
• Oprettelsen af et stort frihandelsområde i Euro-Middelhavsregionen inden 2010. Denne proces
ledsages af betydelig EU-støtte til den økonomiske og sociale omstillingsproces for de sydlige
• Forbedring af den gensidige forståelse mellem områdets folkeslag samt udviklingen af et aktivt
EU har skabt en række vigtige instrumenter for at fremme disse mål:
• Bilaterale associeringsaftaler mellem EU og de 12 partnerskabslande, der indeholder bestemmelser
om gradvis indførelse af frihandel samt politisk dialog. I kraft er associeringsaftaler med Tunesien,
Israel, Marokko og PLO samt for EU-ansøgerlandene Cypern, Malta og Tyrkiet.
• MEDA-programmet, der yder finansiel støtte til de 12 lande med henblik på at støtte målsætningerne
i associeringsaftalerne. Der var for perioden 1995-1999 bevilliget 3,45 mia. euro under MEDA
I-programmet. Kun 26 pct. blev imidlertid udbetalt. I budget 2000-2006 er der afsat 5,35 mia. euro til
• 27 Euro-Middelhavsudvalg, der følger med i alle aspekter af processen.
• Drøftelser af en Euro-Middelhavspagt for fred og stabilitet. Der blev aftalt retningslinjer for denne af
Det Europæisk Råd på Stuttgart-topmødet i 1999.
Med venlig hilsen
Morten Knudsen
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Bilag 1
1. The 2
session of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Forum was held in Brussels on 8 and 9 February 2001 and
was attended by parliamentarians representing the parliaments of the Mediterranean countries participating in the
Barcelona process, the national parliaments of the Member States of the European Union and the European Parliament;
2. The participating members first welcome the fact that this second session is being held at a time when the need for
dialogue and cooperation in every area of the partnership is greater than ever, because of the various conflicts and crises
affecting the process initiated at Barcelona in 1995;
3. The participants agree that the Euro-Mediterranean Forum will meet annually and will constitute a genuine forum for
exchanges of views between parliamentarians of the European Union and of the Mediterranean countries, with a view to
giving fresh impetus to, and developing, the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. This is why they decide to set up a
permanent body consisting of Members of the European Parliament, of the national parliaments of the Member States
and of the parliaments of t he Mediterranean partner countries to enable work to continue between sessions.
4. The participants in the Forum regret that the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership has not
satisfactorily fulfilled all the expectations aroused when it was launched in Barcelona in 1995;
5. The discussions at the Forum concern the three aspects of the partnership; the need to make progress with them in a
dynamic, balanced and complementary manner was again stressed;
6. Much of the discussion at the second session of the Forum also concerns the initiatives and documents presented last
year by the various European institutions and, in particular, the Common Strategy on the Mediterranean adopted by the
European Council at Feira on 19 June 2000, the Commission{{PU2}}s communication, {{PU1}}Reinvigorating the
Barcelona process{{PU2}} and the conclusions of the 4
Conference of Euro-Mediterranean Foreign Ministers held in
Marseilles on 15 an ;
7. The contributions presented by the various Mediterranean partners and the recommendations and positions adopted by
the various parliaments have also been amply presented and taken into account, including the Final Declaration of the 1
session of the Euro-Mediterranean Forum held on 27 and 28 October 1998 in Brussels;
A. The need for a new vision of the future for the Euro-Mediterranean region
8. Is in favour of establishing a comprehensive partnership based on the approach adopted in the Barcelona Declaration, taking account, in every
case, of the mutual interests of the parties and setting out a genuine strategic perspective for the whole of the region;
9. Reminds the States which are partners in the Barcelona Process of the need to establish an external policy for the region which accords it the
importance it deserves and which takes account of its geopolitical significance and of the ties created by geography and by a long shared history;
10. On the eve of the enlargement of the European Union, points out the need for Europe to turn to the countries of the southern Mediterranean
and to strengthen their mutual cooperation in the context of the partnership;
B. The new common strategy of the European Union for the region
11. Notes the adoption at Feira on 19 June 2000 of the new common strategy for the Mediterranean region, but regrets that the partner States
were not much more closely involved in drafting this common strategy;
12. Considers that the new strategy must lead to the establishment of an area of peace and stability based on political partnership and economic
and commercial cooperation and the human and cultural dimension; it must also lead to the formation of a region of shared prosperity by means
of the gradual establishment of a free-trade area between the European Union and its partners and among the partners themselves, and to better
understanding between the peoples of the region and the emer gence of a more active civil society;
C. The need to impart fresh impetus to the Barcelona Process
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13. Reaffirms that strict respect for human rights, individual liberties and democratic principles as fundamental elements in the creation of an
area of peace, stability and sustainable economic development in the Euro-Mediterranean region is essential to the Barcelona Process;
14. Gives its support to the strengthening of a Euro-Mediterranean partnership in which solidarity should play a far greater role and which should
be far more effective than at present. This partnership should also be based on respect for national sovereignty and on justice, mutual trust and
democratic parliamentary dialogue; in this context the Parliamentary Forum intends to play a much more active role in order to counteract the
excessively intergovernmental approach of the current p rocess and to integrate to a greater extent the views of public opinion in the process;
15. The Forum takes the view that the progress made in the text of the Euro-Mediterranean association remains insufficient and calls on all the
governments of the States which are parties to the Barcelona Process and on the institutions concerned to step up their efforts to improve
financial and technical assistance, to impart fresh impetus to political cooperation and to do everything in their power to make full use of all the
opportunities offered by the new MEDA II programme;
16. Also calls for the revised Barcelona Process not to establish any hierarchy among the three current fields for action and for the qualitative
importance of social, cultural and immigration aspects to be equivalent to that assigned to economic and political aspects;
D. The Middle East conflict and peace process and their impact on the Barcelona Process
17. Since the Middle East conflict and the peace process are already on the Forum's agenda, the Forum unanimously deplores the loss of human
life and the material damage caused by the conflict; unreservedly supports the efforts to negotiate a comprehensive, just peace in the Middle East
on the basis of strict compliance with all relevant UN resolutions concerning the problems of refugees, security, borders, settlements and
Jerusalem, on the basis of the principles of the Madrid Confere nce and the subsequent agreements concluded between the conflicting parties;
18. Unanimously calls for a much more active political role to be played by the European Union with a view to securing progress in the Middle
East peace process and welcomes the initiative of involving the Secretary-General of the Council/High Representative of the European Union in
the work of the fact-finding commission decided upon at Sharm-el-Sheikh; also stresses the importance it attaches to privilege diplomatic
channels and dialogue in the search for a just and lasting peace in the region;
19. Calls for the unconditional lifting of all restrictions on the free movement of persons and goods within, to and from the Palestinian territories,
in accordance with the Oslo agreements;
20. Requests that negotiations resume in the immediate future, on the basis of the progress made during the latest negotiations, and reaffirms that
renunciation of the excessive use of force and of all forms of violence is an essential condition to be respected, as required by the relevant
international conventions;
21. Unanimously expresses its support for the right of the Palestinian people to a sovereign, democratic, viable and peaceful State and the right of
the people of Israel to live in safety within secure and recognised borders;
22. Stresses the need to ensure that the spirit of partnership is maintained by more frequent parliamentary meeting and recognises that a
favourable development of the Middle East peace process constitutes the basis for reinforcing and reinvigorating the Euro-Mediterranean
23. Calls on the European Commission to continue to support the Palestinian National Authority and its institutions and, at the same time,
declares the European Union's determination to continue cooperation with Israel whilst respecting the commitments and principles underlying
Euro-Mediterranean policy;
E. Other issues of interest to the partnership
24. Calls for the lifting of the economic embargo on Iraq for humanitarian reasons and for compliance with the United Nations resolutions;
25. In the light of the most recent developments, wishes the obstacles linked to the embargo to be removed, in accordance with the United
Nations resolutions, so that Libya can take a full part in the Barcelona Process;
26. Reiterates its call for Mauritana to be able to participate as a full member in the political dialogue of the Barcelona Process;
27. Expresses its conviction of the need to find a solution to the problem of Cyprus which complies with the UN resolutions, and appreciates the
efforts made by the Secretary-General to find a solution to the Cypriot problem;
F. The political and security partnership; the desirability of a new Euro-Mediterranean political and
security association to promote stability in the region
28. Regrets that it was not possible to adopt the Euro-Mediterranean Charter for Peace and Stability at the 4
Euro-Mediterranean Conference in
Marseilles and hopes that it will be adopted as soon as possible and that this Charter will develop politically and will genuinely be able to
contribute to the implementation of the principles stated in the Barcelona Declaration as regards all aspects of peace and stability in the region;
29. Agrees on the need to broaden the agenda for political dialogue in the region to include a number of other topics relating to security, arms
control, terrorism, migration, respect for human rights and the principle of the rule of law, as well as issues relating to the environment, the safety
of maritime transport and combating drug-trafficking;
G. The role of civil society in the revised Barcelona Process
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30. Attaches the utmost importance to supporting civil society and to far closer involvement by civil society in all its forms in the activities of the
Barcelona Process, by means, inter alia, of greater support for the MEDA Democracy programme and also by promoting participation by local
authorities and institutions in the work of the partnership;
31. Encourages the States participating in the Barcelona Process and the institutions concerned to draw up information and communication
programmes in order to make all their citizens aware of the activities involved in this Process;
32. Calls for the adoption of measures to promote the development of the information society, the use of the Internet and investment in
information and schooling;
33. Calls also for an assessment to be carried out of the partner countries' capacity to absorb the budgetary resources allocated under the MEDA
programme and of the financial instruments of the new European strategy for the Mediterranean;
34. Recommends consolidating all the mechanisms and programmes for promoting women in order to involve them more in the Barcelona
Process and welcomes the convening of the Euro-Mediterranean Women{{PU2}}s Parliamentary Forum to be held in Malta on 2 and 3 March
35. Welcomes the work carried out by the Euro-Mediterranean network of economic and social councils and the representatives of organised
civil society;
H. Economic and trade aspects of the Barcelona Process and the establishment of a free trade area
36. Expresses its agreement with the creation of a free trade area by 2010, which should involve the creation of a genuine {{PU1}}common
market{{PU2}} for all goods, capital and services. In this connection a regulatory framework and a timetable for harmonisation measures in
certain priority sectors could already be established between now and 2002;
37. Agrees that this free trade area should cover all sectors and help to improve the quality of life in all the partner countries, and calls for the
highest possible level of prosperity and social cohesion to be attained in the framework of this free trade area;
38. Notes that foreign direct investment in the region is inadequate and encourages all the partner States and institutions concerned to increase
investment constantly; also considers it desirable and useful to provide the Mediterranean partner States with comprehensive information on all
aspects of the Euro and the European economy;
39. Recommends particularly the development, as soon as possible, of a large volume of South-South trade in order better to integrate all the
economies of the countries in the region;
40. Gives particular backing to the regional integration process across the Mediterranean Basin and calls for the creation of a new regional
development financial institution;
41. Favours debt conversion, given that the Mediterranean countries' development efforts are greatly handicapped by debt; takes the view that
there should be priority reinvestment of converted external debt in co-development policies involving the Mediterranean countries;
42. Calls for regional cooperation projects to be brought into line with environmental requirements and sustainable development; partner
countries are asked to take the necessary measures with regard to integrated management of water resources, waste disposal, critical points
(polluted areas and biodiversity risks) integrated management of coastal areas and measures to combat desertification, making use of the
European Union's know-how and experience;
I. Bilateral economic relations and the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements
43. Expresses its support for the free movement of goods and services in the Euro-Mediterranean zone and for improving free movement of
persons, as well as for the need for progressive, reciprocal liberalisation of agricultural trade in accordance with the principles laid down in the
Barcelona Process and the WTO rules; calls on the institutions concerned to draw up a Euro-Mediterranean development policy for agriculture
taking account of the social, territorial and environmental dimen sions of agriculture;
44. Calls on the Member States to speed up the process of ratification of the bilateral agreements already signed and encourages the conclusion,
as soon as possible, of Association Agreements with the countries in respect of which the procedure is still under way;
45. Calls for the Association Agreements to be ultimately consolidated in a multilateral agreement on the common issues, and encourages all
partner countries which have signed an Association Agreement with the European Union to conclude, within the next five years, free-trade
agreements with all the other signatories to an Association Agreement;
46. Takes the view that the development of cooperation in the area of public services (transport, energy, telecommunications, health) would be
conducive to the economic development of the Mediterranean countries and to satisfying the needs of their people; also wishes an assessment to
be carried out of the economic, social and environmental consequences of the Association Agreements already implemented, with a view to
benefiting from their lessons;
J. Strengthening Euro-Mediterranean association in the social, cultural and human spheres which
bring it closer to the people of the region
47. Regrets that this aspect had not been sufficiently developed in relation to the political and economic aspects of the Barcelona Process, and
calls in particular for account to be taken of the social impact of economic transition in the various national programmes;
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48. Calls for the implementation of policies for vocational training, universities, technology and education, the definition of local and regional
development programmes, the promotion of programmes to further equal opportunities, health and safety at work, and promotion of the role of
women in economic development and support for women's organisations, associations, businesses and networks in the countries of the region;
49. Expresses its support for the regional programmes under way in the culture, audiovisual and youth fields in the context of a spirit of cultural
identity, and voices its satisfaction at the recent launching of the Euromed Heritage II programme, as well as its support for the implementation,
as soon as possible, of the Euromed Heritage and Euromed Audiovisual II programmes;
50. Recognises the importance of cross-border cooperation and, in this connection, calls on the Mediterranean partner States to use the
experience of the INTERREG programme and the spirit of partnership to promote cross-border cooperation between the two shores of the
51. Stresses the need to launch a regional programme in the sphere of justice and home affairs, which should pay particular attention to
cooperation in combating smuggling and trafficking in persons and to the establishment of co-development strategies;
K. Support for a new approach to issues concerning immigration and the free movement of persons
52. Recommends that the partner States and the European Union introduce harmonised legislation on migration flow organisation and the fight
against illegal immigration, lay down temporary immigration policies, create specific visas for Euro-Mediterranean operators, assist immigrants
with their projects in their country of origin and adopt a policy of integration in host countries for lawfully resident immigrants;
53. Decides to set up an internal working party with responsibility for migration and human exchanges to meet during the inter-session periods,
consisting of one member from each parliament of the countries party to the Barcelona Process, plus appropriate European Parliament
representation. This working party should follow closely the work of the Migration Observatory proposed for the European Commission with a
view to ongoing and detailed follow-up to all issues concerning migration f low in the Mediterranean region;
54. Invites the European governments to accord immigrants resident in the European Union equal treatment with regard to economic and social
rights and recognition of civil and cultural rights and to consider recognition of certain political rights;
L. Financing of the measures stemming from the revised Barcelona Process and the MEDA II
55. Stresses the vital importance of much greater and more effective financial cooperation for the implementation of the three aspects of the
Barcelona Process and, accordingly, regards the {{X80}} 5.350 bn MEDA II budget adopted by the Council of the European Union for the
period 2000-2006 as extremely inadequate;
56. Calls for better management of the MEDA programme and much more decentralised cooperation with regard to financial aid, which should
be aimed at achieving progress as regards democracy, good governance, the rule of law and sustainable development;
M. Regional cooperation programmes
57. Voices its support for the implementation of regional cooperation programmes with a limited number of Member States and Mediterranean
countries, guaranteeing that those partners who so desire can participate, and ensuring that all cooperation projects take account of environmental
and sustainable development requirements whilst also taking social aspects into consideration;
58. Gives its agreement to the implementation of existing regional programmes in the priority sectors such as industry, water, the environment,
transport, energy and the information society; pays particular attention to industrial cooperation and the research sector;
N. Follow-up to the conclusions of the Second Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Forum
59. Adopts by consensus the decision to meet annually in future and to set up a Group to follow up the conclusions of the previous Forum,
comprising one member of each parliament of the countries party to the Barcelona Process plus appropriate European Parliament representation,
to operate between sessions;
60. Agrees on the need to approve definitive rules of procedure for the Forum as soon as possible and, in this connection, decides to set up a
working party made up of one member from each parliament of the countries party to the Barcelona Process plus appropriate European
Parliament representation;
61. Decides to accept the invitation from the Italian Parliament; the Third Forum will therefore meet in the first half of 2002 in Italy;
62. Instructs the Co-Presidents of the Forum to forward this Declaration to the Parliaments of the Member States of the Barcelona Process, the
Commission, the Council of the European Union and the governments of the countries participating in the Barcelona Process.