Europaudvalget 2001-02 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 181
Brussels, 13.11.2001
SEC(2001) 1745
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Table of contents
A. Introduction.................................................................................... 6
Relations between the European Union and Cyprus ....................................... 8
Recent developments under the Association Agreement (including bilateral trade)............ 8
Accession Partnership / National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis .................. 9
Community aid .............................................................................................................. 9
Twinning ..................................................................................................................... 10
Negotiations / screening............................................................................................... 10
B. Criteria for membership.............................................................11
1. Political criteria ............................................................................. 11
Introduction................................................................................................................. 11
Recent developments................................................................................................... 11
1.1. Democracy and the rule of law ...........................................................................12
The parliament............................................................................................................. 12
The executive .............................................................................................................. 12
The judicial system...................................................................................................... 13
Anti-corruption measures............................................................................................. 14
1.2. Human rights and the protection of minorities .............................................14
Civil and political rights................................................................................................ 15
Economic, social and cultural rights.............................................................................. 17
Minority rights and the protection of minorities.............................................................. 18
1.3. General evaluation ...............................................................................................18
2. Prospects for a political settlement ............................................... 19
The UN process.......................................................................................................... 19
EU position................................................................................................................. 20
The situation in the northern part of the island ............................................................... 20
A political settlement and EU accession........................................................................ 23
3. Economic Criteria ......................................................................... 25
3.1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................25
3.2. Economic Developments .....................................................................................25
3.3. Assessment in terms of the Copenhagen criteria...........................................28
The existence of a functioning market economy ............................................................ 28
The capacity to cope with competitive pressures and market forces within the union...... 32
3.4. General evaluation ...............................................................................................34
4. Ability to assume the obligations of membership.......................... 36
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Introduction................................................................................................................. 36
4.1. The chapters of the
Chapter 1: Free movement of goods....................................................................38
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 39
Chapter 2: Free movement of persons ................................................................40
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 41
Chapter 3: Freedom to provide services.............................................................42
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 42
Chapter 4: Free movement of capital .................................................................44
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 45
Chapter 5: Company law.......................................................................................46
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 47
Chapter 6: Competition policy..............................................................................48
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 48
Chapter 7: Agriculture..........................................................................................49
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 51
Chapter 8: Fisheries..............................................................................................53
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 54
Chapter 9: Transport policy .................................................................................55
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 57
Chapter 10: Taxation ............................................................................................58
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 58
Chapter 11: Economic and monetary union.......................................................59
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 60
Chapter 12: Statistics ............................................................................................60
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 61
Chapter 13: Social policy and employment ........................................................62
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 63
Chapter 14: Energy................................................................................................65
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 65
Chapter 15: Industrial policy...............................................................................66
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 67
Chapter 16: Small and medium-sized enterprises............................................67
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 68
Chapter 17: Science and research......................................................................68
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 69
Chapter 18: Education and training ...................................................................69
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 70
Chapter 19: Telecommunications and information technologies...................70
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Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 71
Chapter 20: Culture and audio-visual policy.....................................................72
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 72
Chapter 21: Regional policy and co-ordination of structural instruments...73
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 73
Chapter 22: Environment......................................................................................75
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 77
Chapter 23: Consumers and health protection..................................................78
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 78
Chapter 24: Co-operation in the field of justice and home affairs ................79
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 81
Chapter 25: Customs union ..................................................................................83
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 84
Chapter 26: External relations ............................................................................85
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 85
Chapter 27: Common foreign and security policy.............................................86
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 87
Chapter 28: Financial control .............................................................................87
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 88
Chapter 29: Financial and budgetary provisions .............................................88
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 89
4.2. General evaluation ...............................................................................................90
C. Conclusion....................................................................................93
D. Accession Partnership and National Programmes for the
Adoption of the
Global assessment ............................96
1. Accession Partnership ................................................................... 96
Short-term priorities (2000)......................................................................................... 96
Medium-term priorities................................................................................................ 99
2. National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis ................. 102
Human Rights Conventions ratified by the Candidate Countries, 30
September 2001............................................................................................104
Statistical data......................................................................................................105
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A. Introduction
In Agenda 2000, the Commission said it would report regularly to the European Council on
progress made by each of the candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe in
preparations for membership, and that it would submit its first Report at the end of 1998.
The European Council in Luxembourg decided that
“From the end of 1998, the Commission will make Regular Reports to the Council, together
with any necessary recommendations for opening bilateral intergovernmental conferences,
reviewing the progress of each Central and Eastern European applicant State towards
accession in the light of the Copenhagen criteria, in particular the rate at which it is adopting the
… “The Commission’s reports will serve as the basis for taking, in the Council
context, the necessary decisions on the conduct of the accession negotiations or their extension
to other applicants. In that context, the Commission will continue to follow the method adopted
by Agenda 2000 in evaluating applicant States’ ability to meet the economic criteria and fulfil
the obligations deriving from accession.”
On this basis, the Commission presented a first series of Regular Reports in October 1998, a
second series in October 1999, and a third in November 2000. The Commission has prepared
this fourth series of Regular Reports with a view to the Laeken European Council in December
The structure followed for this Regular Report is the same as that used for the 2000 Regular
Report. In line with previous Regular Reports, the present Report:
describes the relations between Cyprus and the Union, in particular in the framework of the
Association Agreement;
analyses the situation in respect of the political criteria set by the 1993 Copenhagen
European Council (democracy, rule of law, human rights, protection of minorities);
assesses Cyprus’ situation and prospects in respect of the economic criteria defined by the
Copenhagen European Council (a functioning market economy and the capacity to cope
with competitive pressures and market forces within the Union);
addresses the question of Cyprus’ capacity to assume the obligations of membership, that
is, the
as expressed in the Treaties, the secondary legislation, and the policies of the
Union. This part gives special attention to nuclear safety standards, as underlined by the
Cologne and Helsinki European Councils. It encompasses not only the alignment of
legislation, but also the development of the judicial and administrative capacity necessary to
implement and enforce the
as emphasised by the Madrid European Council in
December 1995, and confirmed by the Gothenburg European Council in June 2001. At
Madrid, the European Council underlined the necessity for the candidate countries to adjust
their administrative structures, so as to create the conditions for the harmonious integration
of those States. The Gothenburg European Council emphasised the vital importance of the
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candidate countries’ capacity to effectively implement and enforce the
and added
that this required important efforts by the candidates in strengthening and reforming their
administrative and judicial structures.
This Report takes into consideration progress since the 2000 Regular Report. It covers the
period until 30 September 2001. In some particular cases, however, measures taken after that
date are mentioned. It looks at whether intended reforms referred to in the 2000 Regular
Report have been carried out, and examines new initiatives. In addition, this Report provides
also an overall assessment of the global situation for each of the aspects under consideration,
setting out for each of them the main steps which remain to be taken by Cyprus in preparing for
In accordance with this approach, the assessment of progress in meeting the political and
criteria (including Cyprus’ administrative capacity to implement the
focuses on
what has been accomplished since the last Regular Report, complemented with a view of the
global situation for each of the aspects discussed. The economic assessment, for its part,
provides, besides an assessment of progress made over the reference period, also a dynamic,
forward-looking evaluation of Cyprus’ economic performance.
The Report contains a separate section examining the extent to which Cyprus has addressed the
Accession Partnership priorities.
As has been the case in previous Reports, “progress” has been measured on the basis of
decisions actually taken, legislation actually adopted, international conventions actually ratified
(with due attention being given to implementation), and measures actually implemented. As a
matter of principle, legislation or measures which are in various stages of either preparation or
Parliamentary approval have not been taken into account. This approach ensures equal
treatment for all the candidate countries and permits an objective assessment of each country in
terms of its concrete progress in preparing for accession.
The Report draws on numerous sources of information. The candidate countries have been
invited to provide information on progress made in preparations for membership since the
publication of the last Regular Report. The National Programmes for the Adoption of the
of each of the candidate countries, as well as the information they have provided in the
framework of the Association Agreement and in the context of the analytical examination of the
(screening) and the negotiations
, have served as additional sources. Council
deliberations and European Parliament reports and resolutions
have been taken into account in
the preparations. The Commission has also drawn on assessments made by various international
organisations, and in particular the contributions of the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the
International Financial Institutions, as well as that of non-governmental organisations.
As in previous years, the Report does not mention any commitments undertaken or requests made in the context of the
accession negotiations.
For the European Parliament the
is Mr. Jacques Poos.
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Relations between the European Union and Cyprus
Relations between the EU and Cyprus are based on the Association Agreement of 1973 and
the Accession Partnership (AP) of April 2000
. Cyprus has continued to implement the
Association Agreement correctly.
Recent developments under the Association Agreement (including bilateral
Cyprus and the European Community have been linked since 1973 by an Association
Agreement, which was intended to lead to a customs union by the year 2003. The Agreement
contains arrangements on trade and customs matters. It was supplemented by four Financial
Protocols concerning financial and technical co-operation. Full liberalisation of trade, due to
take place as the next stage, has not been completed because of the start of the accession
In December 2000, the
meeting of the EU-Cyprus Association Committee
took place in
Nicosia. The EU and Cyprus assessed the progress as regards the implementation of the
Accession Partnership and the enhancement of Cyprus' administrative capacity as well as its
participation in Community programmes. It was agreed that a few outstanding trade issues
under discussion (see below) would continue to be negotiated.
EU-Cyprus Association Council met for the 19th time in May 2001
in Brussels. The
country's preparation for EU accession and on the result of the enhanced pre-accession strategy
were discussed and financial co-operation was reviewed. International issues of common
interest concerning the situation in the Balkans and in the Middle East were also raised.
The 19
meeting of the
EU/Cyprus Joint Parliamentary Committee,
which took place in
Limassol in March 2001, focused on the progress of Cyprus’ accession course and laid special
emphasis on the implementation of the environmental
In the context of the envisaged second round of negotiations on reciprocal concessions for
agricultural products with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Commission is
presently preparing for negotiations with Cyprus, aiming at further trade liberalisation concerning
agricultural products.
The Council approved a mandate for the Commission to negotiate bilateral trade concessions in
the field of fish and fishery products with Cyprus. A derogation from the rules of origin for
certain textile products has been agreed between the Commission and Cyprus. The increase of
two import quotas (on canned grapes and table wine in bulk) is currently considered.
In general, trade relations between the EU and Cyprus developed well. In 2000 EC imports
from Cyprus stood at € 999 million (compared to € 607million in 1999), while during the same
period, EC exports to Cyprus were valued at € 3109 million (compared to € 2368million in
Council Decision (EC) No. 248/2000 of 20 March 2000 on the principles, priorities, intermediate objectives and
conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with the Republic of Cyprus, which entered into force on 1 April
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Accession Partnership / National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis
The first Accession Partnership with Cyprus entered into force in March 2000. Its
implementation is reviewed in Part D. This Regular Report is accompanied by a proposal from
the Commission to update the Accession Partnership.
In August 2001, Cyprus presented a revised National Programme for the Adoption of the
(NPAA), in which it outlined the strategy for accession, including how to achieve the
priorities of the Accession Partnership (see Part D).
Community aid
After the expiry of the 4
Financial Protocol at the end of 1999, the Council adopted the
Accession Partnership in May 2000. The total pre-accession budget allocated to Cyprus for the
period 2000-2004 adds up to € 57 million. These pre-accession funds will finance co-operation
projects and activities which are a priority to prepare for accession. One third of the funds
should be used to finance bi-communal projects (activities to contribute to the reconciliation of
the two Cypriot communities).
pre-accession allocation (€ 9 million) has been programmed to support activities in
the following sectors: taxation, customs, Schengen Information System, administrative
cooperation, bi-comunnal projects, and participation in the Community programmes in the
sector of education (Socrates, Leonardo, Youth).
The main projects foreseen under the
allocation ( 11.5 million) include the following
activities: bi-communal projects, VAT and customs harmonisation, upgrading of the state
laboratories, urban wastewater, and participation in Community programmes. The
implementation of these projects is expected to start in 2002.
As mentioned above, several
bi-communal projects
have been programmed under the 2000
and 2001 budget. The EU will contribute € 6.3 million to the urban revitalisation schemes and
historical preservation as part of the Nicosia Master Plan. This Plan is aiming to preserve the
cultural and historical heritage of the walled city, so as to provide a new impetus for private
investments and to improve the urban fabric. The EU project will be implemented through the
executing agency of the United Nations Development Programme called UNOPS (United
Nations Office for Project Services), which has been active with the Nicosia Master Plan since
1998. The EU is also providing € 0.3 million of support for Trade Unions to improve the links
between Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot unions and to develop shared interests in the light
of accession to the EU. A Communication Strategy (€ 0.2 million) is designed to increase public
awareness and interest in the EU for both Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities.
As regards participation in
Community Programmes,
Cyprus is currently participating in
Media II, Life II, the 5
Programme for R&D, Socrates, Leonardo,Youth, and the 3
annual Programme for SMEs. In order to streamline Community legal procedures and thereby
facilitate future participation of Cyprus in Community programmes, an Agreement is in the
process of being concluded between the European Community and Cyprus establishing the
general principles for such participation.
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One of the main challenges the candidate countries continue to face is the need to strengthen
their administrative capacity to implement and enforce the
As of 1998, the European
Commission proposed to mobilise significant human and financial resources to help them in this
respect, through the process of twinning of administrations and agencies. The vast body of
Member States’ expertise is now being made available to the candidate countries through the
long-term secondment of civil servants and accompanying short-term expert missions.
For Cyprus several twinning projects will take place in 2001 and 2002, particularly in the fields
of structural funds, state aids, metrology, insurance and asylum.
Negotiations / screening
The analytical examination of the
(screening) for Cyprus started in April 1998 and was
concluded in 2000, covering the new
up to 1 January 2000. Since that time, screening
takes place in the framework of the accession negotiations.
Since the opening of the accession negotiations, substantial discussions on the individual
chapters of the
have started, and negotiations on all chapters (with the exception of
chapter 30 - Institutions and chapter 31 – Other) have been opened. It is to be recalled that
President Clerides reiterated his invitation to the Turkish Cypriot community to nominate its
representatives in the negotiating team.
By the end of September 2001, the following 23 chapters had been provisionally closed: Free
Movement of Goods; Free Movement of Persons; Freedom to Provide Services; Free
Movement of Capital; Company Law; Fisheries; Transport; Economic and Monetary Union;
Statistics, Employment and Social Affairs; Energy; Industrial Policy; Small and Medium-Sized
Undertakings; Science and Research; Education and Training; Telecommunication and
Information Technologies; Culture and Audio-Visual Policy; Environment; Consumer and
Health Protection; Customs Union; External Relations; Common Foreign and Security Policy as
well as Financial Control.
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B. Criteria for membership
1. Political criteria
The political criteria for accession to be met by the candidate countries, as laid down by the
Copenhagen European Council in June 1993, stipulate that they must have achieved “stability of
institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection
of minorities.”
In its 2000 Regular Report on Cyprus’ progress towards accession, the Commission concluded
“Cyprus continues to fulfil the Copenhagen political criteria. The predominant political problem
is the continued division of the island, but over the last year important efforts have been made in
the search for a political settlement in line with the Accession Partnership. From the fourth round
of proximity talks held in September there were encouraging signs that the two sides were
engaging in substantive discussion.”
The section below provides an assessment of developments in Cyprus since the 2000 Regular
Report, notably from the perspective of the Copenhagen political criteria, including the
functioning of the executive and the judicial system. This is closely linked to Cyprus’ ability to
implement the
in particular in the field of justice and home affairs. More detailed
information on this can be found in the relevant section (Chapter
24 – Co-operation in the
field of justice and home affairs)
of part
of this Report.
Recent developments
Parliamentary elections were held on 28 May 2001, in line with international standards, and
were contested by eight parties. While the Progressive Party of the Working People now has
the most seats in Parliament, the results brought no change to the coalition government
consisting of the Democratic Rally and the United Democrats. Three new parties won seats for
the first time and are now represented in the National Council (advisory body to the President
on the Cyprus issue).
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has delivered three rulings in cases of relevance
to Cyprus: “Cyprus vs Turkey” (10 May 2001)
, “Egmez vs Cyprus” (20 December 2000) and
“Denizci and others vs Cyprus” (23 May 2001).
These principles have been emphasized in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, that was
proclaimed at the Nice European Council in December 2000.
This ruling is addressed in Part B. 1.3. Prospects for a political settlement.
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Democracy and the rule of law
As mentioned in the previous Regular Reports, Cyprus has achieved stability of institutions
guaranteeing democracy and the rule of law. This section focuses on the most significant
developments of the past year.
The parliament
The House of Representatives has eighty seats and the term of office is five years. Fifty-six
representatives are elected by the Greek Cypriot community while twenty-four seats are
allocated to the Turkish Cypriot community.
The House has continued to function smoothly and has made considerable progress with
legislation. A large number of bills regarding alignment with the
have been adopted over
the past year. The House applies a fast-track procedure for adopting EU-relevant bills and
regulations which have been examined by the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs.
The new parliament held its inaugural session on 7 June. The leader of the Progressive Party of
the Working People was elected President (Speaker) of the House. One notable change in the
working of the current Parliament is the division of the Foreign and European Affairs Committee
into two committees, for Foreign Affairs and European Affairs respectively, in view of the
amount of legislation still to be adopted in the context of EU accession.
The executive
Executive power is vested in the President of the Republic who is elected for a five-year term.
He appoints a Council of Ministers. Each Minister heads a Ministry (of which there are eleven)
which exercises executive power in its domain as defined in the Constitution. The Public Service
Commission, appointed by the President, is responsible for appointing, promoting, retiring and
exercising disciplinary control over officials.
The Chief Negotiator and Coordinator of the harmonisation process has overall responsibility
for the negotiations. He is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Law Office and the
Planning Bureau. The latter is responsible for inter-ministerial technical co-ordination on the
harmonisation process and the implementation of the pre-accession strategy. Each Ministry has
appointed one or two co-ordinators for the harmonisation process and the pre-accession
Public administration reform is an ongoing process aiming at increased effectiveness and
preparing for future participation in EU structures. During the last year the Public Administration
and Personnel Service has undertaken a number of studies in order to re-examine current
organisational structures, including staff numbers, grades and levels of responsibility. As a result
of these studies a supplementary budget for 2001 (including 185 additional posts) was
Efforts have been made to emphasise merit and transparency in the appointment and promotion
of staff, for instance, by clearly defining the boundaries within which the Public Service
Commission and advisory committees can exercise discretionary power. During the last year
there were 309 appeals to the Supreme Court against decisions of the Public Service
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Commission (245 in 1999). A law was adopted by the House of Representatives on 1 March
2001 which makes it illegal to intervene in the appointment or promotion of any person within
the Public Service or semi-governmental organisations. During the last year, 10 disciplinary
procedures have been brought before the Public Service Commission and six have been
concluded, some cases leading to dismissal.
The Cyprus Academy of Public Administration provides training for the civil service. It has
undertaken activities in the fields of management training, information technology and EU issues.
On the latter, training has been organised through the European Institute of Public
Administration at Maastricht and the National Centre of Public Administration of Greece.
Technical assistance has also been financed through TAIEX.
In line with requirements of the European Charter of Local Self Government, local government
in Cyprus is recognised by the Municipalities Law of 1985 and the 1999 Communities Law.
Cyprus is divided into 6 districts and two types of local government, i.e. Municipalities (33) and
Community Councils (576). The Union of Municipalities of Cyprus participates in special
sessions of the Committee of the Regions. The main financial resources of the Municipalities and
the Community Councils are government subsidies, and professional and local taxes. The
Council of Ministers has decided on the establishment of two programming regions that will
allow for a more coherent development policy. A Citizen´s Charter assists citizens in exercising
their rights vis-à-vis the administration.
The judicial system
There continues to be a high standard of justice. Independence and impartiality of the judiciary
is ensured. Through a two-tier system (first instance courts and Supreme Court), the right to fair
trial is guaranteed.
The Supreme Court is the final appellate court, determining
inter alia
the constitutionality of
laws and the legality of administrative acts. Supreme Court judges are appointed by the
President of the Republic.
There are currently 84 judges - 55 in the District Courts, 13 in the Supreme Court, and the
remainder in the Family, Industrial Disputes, Rent Control and Military Courts. The judiciary
has requested the creation of 10 new posts for this year. Adequate budgetary support and
appropriate remuneration for judges is ensured. First instance judges are appointed by the
Supreme Council of the Judicature. The tenure of judges is predetermined by the constitution in
the case of Supreme Court judges, and by law in the case of first instance judiciary. In addition,
a Tax Tribunal made up of arbitrators continue to decide in cases between the Inland Revenue
Department and individual taxpayers.
Cases are generally concluded within a reasonable time. According to a Supreme Court
regulation, all Court judgements must be delivered within 6 months from the conclusion of the
hearing of the case. However, twice in 2000 Cyprus was ordered by the European Court of
Human Rights to pay damages for unreasonable delays in civil proceedings before the Supreme
Court. Cyprus is addressing these shortcomings through a series of legislative amendments,
aiming at expediting the administration of justice at first instance. These include the expansion of
powers of District Court judges, and changes in the rules of civil and criminal procedure. In first
instance jurisdiction (civil, criminal, family, rent control, labour disputes and military courts), the
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number of cases pending has decreased in recent years. Judgements seem also to be enforced
more speedily. For example, out of 106 195 writs of movables issued between 1996 - 2000
(inclusive), 105 998 were executed in that period.
The training programme for judges includes human rights law with particular reference to the
European Convention on Human Rights, EC law, and civil and criminal procedure with special
emphasis on arrest and detention. Five seminars on European Law were organised during
The development of a Courts' administration system to facilitate the monitoring of all civil and
criminal cases and automation of the Courts' processes has continued. In addition, a
comprehensive legal information data bank is being prepared.
Criminal proceedings for any offence against any person in the Republic are conducted under
the instructions of the Attorney-General, an Independent Officer who holds office on the same
terms and conditions as the Supreme Court judges. The Attorney-General exercises his powers
in person or through officers of the Law Office who are qualified lawyers appointed by the
Public Service Commission. Prosecution may also be initiated by police officers or other
governmental officials such as District Administrations, Social Insurance Department, Customs
and Excise Department and Inland Revenue, under the direction of the Attorney General. 50
new posts for prosecutors will be created at the Law Office of the Republic, thus changing the
current system. In addition, following the Egmez vs. Cyprus case (see
the Attorney-
General can now appoint criminal investigators in any case concerning alleged use of criminal
force by the the police forces which may come to his notice.
Anti-corruption measures
Cypriot legislation contains extensive provisions to prevent and combat fraud and corruption.
The Criminal Code defines a series of offences of official corruption, such as extortion by public
officers, abuse of office, or neglect of official duty.
As regards the harmonisation process and the ratification of international conventions, Cyprus
ratified the Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption in January 2001, but has
not yet ratified the Civil Law Convention on Corruption that it signed in November 1999. It has
submitted an application to join the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign
Public Officials in International Business Transactions (for further details see chapter 24 –
Justice and Home Affairs – of Part B. 3.1).
Cyprus is a member of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) of the Council of
Europe which monitors the implementation measures against corruption in each member state.
The evaluation mission for Cyprus took place in December 2000 but the report has not yet
been published.
Human rights and the protection of minorities
As mentioned in the previous Regular Reports, Cyprus continues to respect human rights and
freedoms. The following section concentrates on major developments since the last Regular
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Cyprus has ratified all major human rights conventions (see Annex) and signed Protocol 12 to
the European Convention on Human Rights on 4 November 2000 prohibiting discrimination on
any grounds.
Whereas Art. 28 (2) of the Constitution prohibits any direct or indirect discrimination against
any person on the grounds of his community, race, religion, language, sex, political or other
convictions, national or social descent, birth, colour, wealth, social class, or any ground
whatsoever, there is no specific implementation legislation for the EC non-discrimination
directives adopted in 2000 (see in detail Chapter 13 – Social and Employment Policy of Part B.
The Office of the Ombudsman, whose task is to investigate, report on and recommend acts or
omissions of the administration, including local authorities, as well as alleged ill-treatment by
members of the police, continues to function well. During 2000, the Ombudsman dealt with
1 121 cases, a considerable number of which were filed against the Immigration Services.
Civil and political rights
The situation as regards the respect for civil and political rights continues to be generally
satisfactory. Several further positive developments can be reported, while some specific issues
that exist due to the Cyprus problem remain a matter of concern.
Art. 7(2) of the 1960 constitution allows for the
death penalty
in cases of premeditated
murder, high treason, piracy
jure gentium
and capital offences under military law provided that
a law exists to that effect. Under the revised Military Criminal Code of 1995 six military
offences are punishable with death only if committed in times of war. With the entry into force of
Protocol 6 to the ECHR in February 2000 Cyprus committed itself internationally not to
reintroduce the death penalty in times of peace.
Cypriot law prohibits
torture and inhuman or degrading treatment.
The Council of Ministers
has delegated to the Attorney General the power to appoint special investigators to look into
alleged criminal offences by the police force. Several times he has exercised this right and, in
some cases, criminal charges against police officers have been brought.
In two cases
, relating to events in 1995 and 1994 respectively, the European Court of Human
Rights found that policemen had gone beyond reasonable use of force against suspects who
were Turkish Cypriots. In the latter case the Court also found a violation of the right to liberty
and security, since no legal basis for the applicants’ arrest and detention could be shown. The
government promptly paid the compensation awarded to the applicant in the first case and has
announced its intention to pay shortly in the second. However, in the Denizci case, the
perpetrators have not yet been sanctioned.
As regards
trafficking in human beings
Cyprus signed the two Protocols to the UN
Convention against Transnational Crime on trafficking in women and children and the smuggling
of would-be immigrants in December 2000 (for more details, see Part B. 3.1. Chapter 24).
Pre-trial detention
is strictly regulated. Any person arrested must be brought before a judge
Egmez v. Cyprus of 20 December 2000 and Denizci vs. Cyprus of 23 May 2001.
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within 24 hours. Any person deprived of his liberty has the right to institute proceedings
challenging the validity of detention. He can also apply to the Supreme Court for the issue of a
writ of Habeas Corpus ordering his release. In April 2001, the Government proposed a bill
providing for payment of just and reasonable compensation to persons having partially served a
term of imprisonment following conviction for a criminal offence, when their conviction is
quashed or their sentence reduced on appeal to the Supreme Court.
In March 2001, a group of some 150 Turkish Cypriots of Roma origin crossed from north to
south. It appears that initially the Ministry of Interior was unable to offer housing and some of
this group were held at detention centres to determine their origin. Finally, the Attorney General
ordered and secured the immediate release of 43 Roma detained in violation of the law.
Prison conditions
in Cyprus respect international standards. During the last year two new
detention-centres have been created and two other wards are being upgraded. These measures
should alleviate overpopulation and allow for the separation of prisoners according to their age
and the severity of punishment, a principle that is currently not fully respected in practice. In
2001, 48 new posts were created to meet the needs of the Prisons Department.
legal aid
is currently available only in criminal cases. A bill providing for legal aid in civil
proceedings is pending.
According to statistics of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Cyprus received 651
applications for
status in 2000, followed by another 676 applications in the period up
to 1 August 2001, mainly from Yugoslav and Iranian nationals. Although this constitutes a sharp
increase compared with the average number of applications up until 1998, for the most part the
system operates satisfactorily, and the number of applicants kept in detention decreased in
2000. However, cases of forced return at the border have been reported this year.
Immigrants face incidents of
and discrimination according to the report of the European
Commission on Racism and Intolerance of 15 December 2000 and statements made by an
association for the rights of migrant workers, an association of foreign workers in Cyprus.
Following a recommendation of the Ombudsman, all complaints by foreign workers against their
employers about sexual harrassment of women, mistreatment, non-payment of wages and threat
of deportation are now dealt with by the District Labour Offices of the Ministry of Labour and
Social Insurance.
A difference in age as regards consent, depending on sexual orientation, remains in Cypriot
penal law.
Freedom of religion
freedom of speech
are guaranteed under Art. 18 and 19 of the
constitution and continue to be generally respected.
The constitution affords to every person the right of
freedom of peaceful assembly and of
with others, including the right to form and join trade unions for the protection of his
interests. The right of association also applies to the formation of companies, societies and other
associations functioning for profit.
Some specific issues in relation to various civil and political rights exist due to the Cyprus
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The exact state of
missing persons,
including children, is still uncertain since the UN Committee
involving both communities has not made any progress. However, the government has
unilaterally proceeded to exhume and identify remains bringing the original number of 1619
listed missing to 1 482 in July 2001. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested the assistance of
Turkish Cypriot relatives in the northern part in the DNA testing process.
right to marry
is restricted
de facto
for Turkish Cypriots living in the south since there are
no proper institutions to carry out the relevant law on marriages adopted by the Turkish Cypriot
Communal Chamber at the beginning of the 1960’s. Therefore inter-communal marriages are
impossible. A bill aimed at remedying this situation is pending.
right to vote
of Turkish Cypriots living in the south is restricted by the fact that the Turkish
Cypriot Community does not hold elections in accordance with the 1960 constitution. The
application by a Turkish Cypriot living in the south and holding a Cypriot passport to be
enrolled in the voters list of the Greek Cypriot Community for the national elections was
dismissed by the Supreme Court on 23 May 2001 on constitutional grounds. Two days later,
he filed an application before the ECHR for an alleged breach of his right to free elections.
A small number of the approximately 300-400 Turkish Cypriots residing in the south
complained to UNFICYP
of being subject to unlawful surveillance by members of the security
Economic, social and cultural rights
As regards
equal opportunities
Cypriot women have the same legal status as men. Measures
are being undertaken in order to implement equality between men and women in the field of
social security. There is an advisory body to the Council of Ministers on gender policies (for
further detail see Part B. 3.1., chapter 13: Social policy and employment). Despite the recent
increase in the number of women elected to the House of Representatives (of the 454
candidates for the House there were 86 women, compared to 55 in 1996; 6 were elected, 3
more than in the previous legislature), women are still under-represented in political life.
The minimum age for employment of
in the industrial sector is 16 years. The
application of this legislation is checked by Labour Inspectors. Laws prohibiting forced child
labour are effectively enforced. In February 2001 Cyprus signed the May 2000 Protocol to the
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child protection and child
Legislation provides incentives for employment of
disabled persons.
When applying for a
public sector position they are entitled to preference as long as their qualifications are the same
as those of the other applicants and they are considered able to perform the required duties.
There are also provisions that new buildings and tourist facilities should allow access for the
disabled, although they are not always enforced.
right to form and join trade unions
is guaranteed by the Constitution. More than 70% of
the workforce belong to trade unions. These unions are independent, and the right to strike is
Aziz vs. Cyprus, ref. number 69949/01.
United Nations Peace Keeping Force in Cyprus.
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granted. They are free to organise and bargain collectively, and most wages and benefits are the
result of such agreements.
Cyprus is a party to the
European Social Charter
as well as its revised version. It has
accepted the system of collective complaints under the Additional Protocol. Between June and
December 2000, the European Committee of Social Rights examined the report submitted by
Cyprus. It concluded that most of the provisions of the Charter are respected, but that Article 1
para. 2 on the prohibition of forced labour was not fully complied with.
Minority rights and the protection of minorities
Cyprus has ratified the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.
According to Art. 2 of the constitution, all Cypriot citizens are deemed to belong to either the
Greek Community or the Turkish Community. The three religious groups - Armenians (0.4%),
Maronites (0.6%) and Latins [Roman Catholics] (0.1 - which were given the option of
becoming members of either the Greek or the Turkish Community, opted as a group to belong
to the Greek Community. It appears that this constitutional provision may not be compatible
with Art. 3 of the Framework Convention under which every person belonging to a national
minority shall have the right freely to choose whether to be treated as such.
However, in addition to their normal voting rights, the Armenian, Maronite and Latin groups
elect non-voting representatives to the House of Representatives from their respective groups.
These advise on religious affairs.
The five major religious groups receive government subsidies and are exempt from taxes. The
right of religious groups and communities to set up and operate their own schools is safeguarded
and financially assisted by the State. The State thus covers fees and expenses of,
inter alia,
Turkish Cypriot pupils whose families reside in the south and who attend private schools, both
at elementary and secondary levels. The government has recently decided to establish an
elementary school for Maronites.
General evaluation
Cyprus continues to fulfil the Copenhagen political criteria. Further efforts have been made to
prepare the administration for operation within the EU, and the authorities’ record on
democratic and human rights remains generally good.
See "Making a success of enlargement: Strategy Paper and Report of the European Commission on the progress towards
accession by each of the candidate countries", COM (2001) 700.
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2. Prospects for a political settlement
The UN process
Since the last regular report, the fifth round of proximity talks took place in Geneva in
November 2000. At the end of that round, the UN Secretary-General (UNSG), Mr. Kofi
Annan, presented orally to both parties ideas for a comprehensive settlement with regard to the
four core issues – constitution, security, territory and property. He referred to two component
states, each with its own basic law, forming a common state. The component states should be
largely self-governing. He indicated that “a comprehensive settlement would commit Cyprus to
EU membership”. He expressed the hope that “the EU would be prepared to address special
and legitimate concerns in regard to accession”. Mr. Annan added that “a comprehensive
settlement negotiated by the UN should not present an obstacle for EU membership nor need to
be re-negotiated when the terms of accession are established”. It is to be noted that the Greek
Cypriot side expressed its readiness to continue the talks on the basis of the relevant UNSC
Resolutions and the UNSG’s ideas.
In December 2000 the UNSG invited the leaders of the two sides to attend a sixth round of
proximity talks in Geneva in late January 2001. The Turkish Cypriot leader, Mr. Denktash,
asked that no date for proximity talks be set, and since then the talks have not been resumed.
The UN continued to hold consultations with a number of governments and organisations. In
that context officials of the UN and the Commission have discussed (in March 2001 in Geneva
and in June 2001 in Brussels) aspects of the EC
In late August 2001 Commissioner Verheugen and Mr. Denktash met in Zurich. They
exchanged views on the Cyprus issue, the enlargement process and discussed how Turkish
Cypriot concerns could be taken into account.
A renewed invitation to resume the search for a comprehensive settlement was made by the UN
following the visit of the UN Secretary-General’s Special Adviser for Cyprus, Mr. Alvaro de
Soto, to the island in early September. While President Clerides accepted the invitation, Mr.
Denktash declined the invitation, claiming that the ground had not been sufficiently prepared.
Following this development, on 26 September, the President of the UNSC expressed in a
statement its disappointment. This statement was supported by the EU Presidency.
The UN Security Council adopted resolutions in December 2000 and June 2001 for the six-
month extension of the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP).
UNFICYP has assisted in organising activities involving both Greek and Turkish Cypriots at
Ledra Palace: meetings of political party representatives; an information technology conference;
gatherings of businessmen and non-governmental organisations; and a large public event
involving approximately 3,000 young people, organised by the youth branches of political
The UN Development Program (UNDP), through the UN Office for Project Services
(UNOPS), has continued to implement its bi-communal programmes in areas of mutual
concern, notably public health, environment, sanitation, water, urban renovation, preservation of
cultural heritage, natural resources and education.
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EU position
The Helsinki European Council of December 1999 underlined that
“…a political settlement
will facilitate the accession of Cyprus to the European Union. If no settlement has been
reached by the completion of the accession negotiations, the Council’s decision on
accession will be taken without the above being a precondition. In this the Council will
take account of all relevant factors.”
The EU Summit in Nice in December 2000 welcomed and strongly supported the efforts of the
UNSG to achieve an overall settlement of the Cyprus problem consistent with the UN Security
Council Resolutions and to arrive at a positive conclusion of the process initiated in December
1999. It appealed to all the parties concerned to contribute to the efforts made to this effect.
The European Parliament has frequently addressed various issues arising from the political
The Cyprus problem was discussed at meetings of the EU-Cyprus Association Committee
(December 2000) and Association Council (May 2001), and efforts for a settlement were
identified as a short-term priority in the Accession Partnership with Cyprus, published in
November 2000. As laid down in the Accession Partnership with Turkey of March 2001, it is
also a short-term priority for this country to strongly support the UN Secretary General’s efforts
to bring to a successful conclusion the process of finding a comprehensive settlement. The issue
was raised in the enhanced political dialogue and in the Association Council with Turkey in June
2001, and has also been discussed in bilateral contacts with certain third countries.
EU representatives expressed disappointment at Mr. Denktash’s unwillingness to continue to
participate in the UN proximity talks and his decision to decline the invitation of the UN
Secretary-General in early September referred to above. In this respect, the EU considers that
Turkey has an important role to play in ensuring that the efforts undertaken by UNSG lead to
positive results in the months ahead.
As requested by the General Affairs Council in 1995, the Commission promotes bi-communal
projects, partly in cooperation with the UN, and provides information about the EU to the
Turkish Cypriot community. These efforts include the opening of an information center,
supported by the Commission's Delegation in Nicosia, within the premises of the Turkish
Cypriot Chamber of Commerce. As part of the Commission’s information campaign, lectures
on Community policies are given to Turkish Cypriot businesspeople and other interested
persons through the framework of the Chamber of Commerce. Bi-communal activities could be
developed more effectively by the removal of restrictions imposed by the Turkish Cypriot
leadership on crossing the “green line” to take part in such events.
The situation in the northern part of the island
In last year’s Regular Report information was provided on the situation in the northern part of
Cyprus. The overall political situation remains essentially unchanged in the period covered by
the present report. Nonetheless a number of developments have occurred which are reported
below. This section also contains an analysis of the economic situation.
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The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), in a Decision of 10 May 2001
highlighting the
situation between 1974 and 1994 established
inter alia
that Turkey is obliged to secure all
human rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in northern Cyprus.
The Court found that “having effective overall control over northern Cyprus, its (Turkey’s)
responsibility cannot be confined to the acts of its own soldiers or officials in northern Cyprus
but must also be engaged by virtue of the acts of the local administration which survives by
virtue of Turkish military and other support”.
The Court also held that the refusal to allow the return of Greek-Cypriot displaced persons to
their homes in northern Cyprus constitutes a continuing violation of the ECHR.
Furthermore, the ECtHR found that Turkey has failed to conduct an effective investigation into
the fate of Greek Cypriot missing persons who disappeared after July 1974, which amounted to
a violation of the right to life and the right to personal liberty. Finally, it held that “there is a
functioning court system for the settlement of disputes (…) which is available to the Greek-
Cypriot population”.
The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, in its third interim resolution in the case
Loizidou vs Turkey on 26 June 2001, deplored the fact that Turkey has still not complied with
its obligations under this judgement to pay compensation for the unlawful interference with the
property rights of Mrs. Loizidou.
In other developments, a Greek Cypriot, Mr. Tsiakourmas, was abducted from a UK
Sovereign Base Area (SBA) on 12 December 2000. On 26 April 2001, he was sentenced for
possessing 1.1 kilos of cannabis to six months in prison, but was released the same day because
of time already served in prison. During the trial, SBA police presented statements to the effect
that there had been an abduction and that no trace of drugs had been found in Mr.
Tsiakourmas's car. This case, and the circumstances in which it was brought, pose a number of
questions concerning due process of law in the northern part of the island.
More encouragingly, proceedings against a journalist, who had written a critical article on the
quality of justice, were dismissed on the grounds that he had exercised the right of free speech.
A new organisation calling itself the National People’s Movement and professing extreme
nationalist views, was established on 19 May 2001.
On 24 May 2001, a bomb destroyed the printing materials of the newspaper AVRUPA, which
frequently expresses critical views. There is no evidence of proper investigation of this attack.
On 11 July 2001, four teachers of the Turkish Teachers Trade Union KTOS were prevented
from flying to Greece to attend the Children’s Olympics with 17 children from Famagusta.
KTOS, which has expressed dissatisfaction with the Turkish military presence on the island, has
been the subject of repressive measures.
Restrictions have been placed on bi-communal activities and non-governmental organisations
have been warned not to contact embassies.
Cyprus vs. Turkey, Application No. 25781/94.
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On 12 July 2001, forty one associations, opposition parties and trade unions organised a rally
with 3000-4000 participants under the slogan “This Country is Ours!”. The demonstrators
protested against the economic situation and called for a more positive attitude to the EU and to
bi-communal activities.
In terms of the
economic situation,
per capita income in the northern part of Cyprus continues
to lag far behind. Estimates put income at some €5000 per head in 2000. The northern part of
the island faces severe shortages of capital, skills and business opportunities. The public sector
is the largest employer and has a pervasive presence in the economy, with many branches of the
economy in public ownership.
The financial and economic crisis in Turkey in early 2001, following the crisis in 2000, further
aggravated the economic situation and the difficulties in the financial sector. Turkish currency is
in use in the northern part of the island, which has no independent monetary policy. High
inflation, currently over 50 per cent on an annual basis, coupled with large trade and budget
deficits, have produced an economic situation which is only sustained by transfers from Turkey.
Trade is heavily dependent on the Turkish market. The large tourism potential remains largely
Real growth in output fell from 7.4 per cent in 1999 to just 0.8 per cent in 2000. Although data
for 2001 are mostly lacking, it is clear that the northern part of Cyprus is facing an economic
crisis. Public-sector wages were raised by only 8 per cent for 2001, implying a substantial
decline in purchasing power. The loss of purchasing power by private-sector workers is of a
similar order of magnitude. Since February 2001, 76 companies in northern Cyprus have
declared bankruptcy, with the textile industry among the most affected. Eight banks have
collapsed since late 1999.
The northern part of Cyprus remains heavily dependent on fiscal transfers from Turkey. On an
annual equivalent basis, Turkey provides at least €100-200 million in economic and financial
support, in the form of direct aid, loans, subsidies and other grants. However, a protocol signed
in January 2000 effectively reduced annual economic support by at least 40 per cent for the
period 2001-2003.
Output in the agricultural sector, the largest sector in terms of employment after public services,
has increased so far this year. Rainfall has been sufficient, following severe droughts in recent
years. However, the increase in the local supply of agricultural products has led to a decline in
prices. Plans to end intervention in agricultural markets, in line with the economic and social
package, have been abandoned and a minimum price maintained.
Educational establishments have become an important source of earnings, generating around
fifteen per cent of gross income in the northern part of the island.
Turkey has indicated that it may pursue a greater level of integration of the northern part of
Cyprus with the Turkish economy; in January 2001, a programme along these lines was
approved in Ankara covering transport and trade.
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A political settlement and EU accession
It is the preference of the European Union that a settlement under UN auspices be reached
before Cyprus’s accession, although, in line with the Helsinki European Council conclusions,
this is not a pre-condition for Cyprus’s accession.
EU membership, in the context of a political settlement, will enable all Cypriots to enjoy the
guarantee of fundamental democratic and human rights including the respect of cultural, religious
and linguistic diversity. In the context of EU membership, the principles of democracy and the
rule of law will be safeguarded throughout the island. Both Greek and Turkish Cypriots will
participate in the work of EU institutions.
EU membership, in the framework of a settlement, will provide the most effective means for the
northern part of the island to catch up in terms of economic modernisation, growth and
development. The economic reforms associated with EU accession will reduce disparities in
incomes and in living standards on the island.
Structural adjustments will be needed to prepare for the implementation of the
and for
economic actors to cope with competitive pressure. With a view to accession, priority
objectives will include the establishment of a supportive and stable financial environment, and a
high level of public and private investment, leading to the improvement of physical infrastructure.
Trade and investment, in particular with EU partners, will expand rapidly, subject to any
conditions which may be included in a settlement. The EU’s customs union with Turkey will
ensure that no new barriers are created in trade with that country.
Many sectors, such as agriculture and tourism, will develop rapidly in the course of accession.
Efforts in the north to develop a market economy with the capacity to cope with competitive
pressure and market forces within the single market will be supported, in the context of
accession, through the structural funds and other EU programmes and networks.
There is a window of opportunity for reaching a settlement, reflecting the concerns of the
respective parties, before the end of the accession negotiations. This will allow the Turkish
Cypriots to be part of the accession process and to enjoy the benefits of accession.
The Commission considers that matters arising from a settlement, which have implications for
can be accommodated in the accession framework in line with the principles on
which the European Union is founded. In the pursuit of a settlement it should be borne in mind
that a Member State is free to determine its own constitutional arrangements provided that it is
able to speak with one voice in the EU decision-making process and to ensure fulfilment of its
EU obligations.
Member States of the European Union are entitled to decide on their own security
arrangements. Therefore security arrangements agreed by the parties in the framework of a
settlement of the Cyprus problem would not be affected by EU accession.
A majority of Cypriots throughout the island appreciate the economic and political benefits of
EU membership. Opinion polls show that more than 90 per cent of Turkish Cypriots favour EU
accession following a settlement.
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The efforts of the United Nations to find a solution to the Cyprus problem and the EU accession
process are mutually reinforcing. There is now an opportunity for the successful conclusion of
both processes. This will bring reconciliation, higher living standards and greater stability in the
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3. Economic Criteria
In its 1993 Opinion on the application of the Republic of Cyprus for EU membership, the
Commission concluded:
economy of the southern part of the island has demonstrated an ability to adapt and
seems ready to face integration provided that the work already started on reforms and
on opening up to the outside world is maintained, notably in the context of the customs
This finding was confirmed in the 1998 and 1999 Regular Reports. In its 2000 Regular Report
the Commission found that:
is a functioning market economy and should be able to cope with the
competitive pressures and market forces within the Union.”
In examining the economic developments in Cyprus since the Opinion, the Commission’s
approach was guided by the conclusions of the European Council in Copenhagen in June 1993,
which stated that membership of the Union requires;
the existence of a functioning market economy; and
the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union.
In the analysis below, the Commission has followed the methodology applied in the Opinion and
in the previous annual Regular Reports.
Economic Developments
During the last 12 months, the macroeconomic environment has improved.
growth has continued to be strong, largely as a result of strong tourism receipts. Consumer
demand has proven to be very resilient, despite the significant reduction in private sector wealth
in the wake of the stock market crash of 2000. The fiscal deficit, which has caused some
concern in recent regular reports, narrowed significantly. Inflation, which rose sharply during the
first half of 2000, began to fall quickly after the summer. Recently, strong consumption-related
import growth has led to a substantial current account deterioration.
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Main economic trends
Real GDP growth rate
Inflation rate
- annual average
- December-on-December
Unemployment rate, end-year
- ILO definition
per cent
2001 latest
per cent
per cent
2.2 Sept.
per cent
General government budget
Current account balance
per cent of
per cent of
Foreign debt
- debt export ratio
- gross foreign debt
Per cent
Foreign direct investment in
- balance of payments data
per cent of
Over the last year, Cyprus has also made progress towards resolving a number of
structural policy challenges, most notably within the financial sector, the environment,
and healthcare.
Both the financial sector and the capital account took major steps towards
greater liberalisation. In January 2001, the nine-percent interest rate ceiling was abolished. At
the same time, a further round of capital account liberalisation was completed. These measures
pose new challenges to the economy which need to be addressed. The supply of water - the
PROXY HICP since 1998 (see methodological notes).
Moving 12 month average rate of change
Unemployment rate until 1999 based on registered unemployed, as from 2000 based on LFS methodology\
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most pressing environmental challenge - was greatly improved with the completion of a new
desalination plant. The health sector reform process moved decisively into the implementation
stage when the enabling legislation was approved by Parliament.
Main Indicators of Economic Structure in 2000
Population (average)
GDP per head
per cent of EU
Share of agriculture
- gross value added
- employment
Investment-to-GDP ratio
Gross foreign debt/GDP
Exports of goods & services/GDP
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
million euro
euro per head
9.2 P
Stock of foreign direct investment
In recent years, GDP per capita has converged quickly towards the EU average.
In 2000,
GDP per capita in purchasing power standard (PPS) as a percentage of the EU average stood
at almost 83%, compared to just over 79% in 1995. The situation in the labour market is
favourable. The employment rate, at 65.5% in 2000, is high, especially for males. The overall
unemployment rate stood at 4.9% in 2000
. The unemployment rate for young people (under
25) was relatively high at 10.5% . The gap between male and female unemployment continued
to be wide, with 3.6% for males and 7.5 % for females in 2000. There is only limited long-term
unemployment, estimated at 28.6 % of all unemployed in 2000. There is a comprehensive social
security system, buttressed by a powerful informal social safety net based upon the family.
Figures have been calculated using the population figures from National Accounts, which may differ from those used in
demographic statistics.
Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing.
Data refer to Gross capital formation as % of GDP.
Figures have been calculated using the population figures from National Accounts, which may differ from those used in
demographic statistics.
The unemployment rate until 1999 was based on registered unemployment, while from 2000 onward it is based on
labour force survey (LFS) methodology.
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Assessment in terms of the Copenhagen criteria
The existence of a functioning market economy
The existence of a functioning market economy requires that prices, as well as trade, are
liberalised and that an enforceable legal system, including property rights, is in place.
Macroeconomic stability and consensus about economic policy enhance the performance of a
market economy. A well-developed financial sector and the absence of any significant barriers
to market entry and exit improve the efficiency of the economy.
There is broad consensus about the key objectives of economic policy.
Accession to the
European Union enjoys wide support among all political parties. In May 2000, the Cypriot
authorities presented their pre-accession economic programme (PEP) to the European
Commission. The programme was adopted by the Council of Ministers in July 2001, and a
summary presented to Parliament. There was a high degree of inter-institutional co-operation
during the elaboration of the PEP, particularly between the fiscal and monetary authorities. In
addition, relevant line ministries provided strong contributions to the structural reforms chapter.
Cyprus has enjoyed many years of robust economic growth.
Between 1996 and 2000, the
Cypriot economy grew by an average 4% per year. The external sector, and in particular the
tourism sector, has been the primary source of this impressive economic performance. In 2000
the economy is estimated to have grown by 4.8%. More recent data suggests that domestic
demand has become an increasingly important source of GDP growth. Private sector
consumption and investment grew rapidly, while government consumption growth was much
more subdued. Data for the first half year of 2001 suggest that growth has been slowing down
In 2000, the inflation rate increased relative to 1999.
The inflation rate based on the EU’s
harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) was 4.9%, while the authorities’ estimate of
consumer price inflation (CPI) was 4.3%. Higher world oil prices increased local energy prices.
A drought in early 2000 reduced local agricultural production and so pushed up prices of
domestically produced food. An increase in the standard VAT rate from 8 to 10% in July 2000
also placed upward pressures on prices. More recently, these transitory effects have subsided
and the inflation rate has fallen considerably. The year-on-year HICP inflation rate for
September stood at 2.2%
The labour market is operating close to full employment.
For 2000, the registered
unemployment rate was estimated at 3.4%
. Due to the rapid expansion of economic activity
during the first six months of 2001, registered unemployment fell to below 3%. In 2000, labour
productivity growth was 3.4%, unit labour costs increased by 3.5%, and real wages increased
by 2.7%.
The central government consolidated deficit declined significantly.
Following the
slowdown in economic activity in 1996, the fiscal deficit increased to unsustainable levels in
1998 and 1999. In response to the deteriorating fiscal position, in 1999 the authorities
introduced the Strategic Fiscal Consolidation Plan (SFCP). The SFCP has proved to be very
The labour force survey (LFS) methodology gives an unemployment rate of 4.9%; for 2001 no data are yet available
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successful. Subsequently, the consolidated central government deficit fell sharply, particularly
after July 2000, when VAT rates were increased by 2 percentage points. For 2000 as a whole,
the central government consolidated deficit was 2.7% of GDP, down from 4% in 1999, while
the primary surplus (the government budget balance corrected for interest payments) was 2.4%
of GDP. Despite the relatively low deficit, conditions in the domestic financial markets have
necessitated the renewed use of central bank advances to finance the deficit. The government’s
overdraft with the central bank accounted for the full deficit financing. General government gross
debt as a percentage of GDP increased marginally to 63%.
In 2000, the general government deficit according to harmonised EU standards (ESA95)
was 3.2% of GDP.
However, this estimate of the deficit is provisional and it does not include
the significant downward revisions of the data, which the Ministry of Finance has recently
included in the central government consolidated deficit.
Fiscal performance during the first half of 2001 has been slipping somewhat and it is
increasingly unlikely that the government will be able to meet its deficit objective of 2.2%
of GDP.
Although government revenues are enjoying the full impact of the 2% VAT increase,
introduced in July 2000, the revenue increase of 10% in January-May 2001 is far less than in
2000. Simultaneously, expenditures increased by 14.5% effectively doubling the government
deficit, compared to the same period of 2000.
Already in 1980 Cyprus introduced a full three-tier pension system.
All Cypriot workers
make an earnings-related contribution to the pension system. All pensioners are guaranteed a
minimum level of income, while those who made significant contributions to the system receive
higher pension levels. Furthermore, there is extensive private sector provision.
While the pension system is well financed, some adjustments are needed to ensure its
long-term sustainability.
While population demographics will deteriorate, the situation is not as
severe as in other European economies. At present, there are 24 pensioners for every 100
contributors to the pension system. This ratio is unlikely to deteriorate significantly in the next 20
years. However, population projections suggest that over the longer term the ratio of pensioners
to contributors will significantly rise. The authorities are considering a number of initiatives,
including raising the pension age slightly, and linking pensions more directly to the financial
performance of the pension fund.
The health sector reform process is proceeding well.
In April 2001, Parliament passed
enabling legislation, and now Cyprus has entered the implementation phase. The core ideas of
the reform remain unchanged – a) universal and free provision of healthcare, b) a general
practitioner-based referrals system, c) mandatory insurance based financing, and d) greater
emphasis on cost control mechanisms. Nonetheless, the parliamentary approval process
encountered some difficulties. The Legislature has requested the Health Ministry to re-estimate
the costs of the new system.
Over the last two years, the tourism sector has grown very rapidly.
In 2000, almost 2.7
million tourists visited the southern part of the island; an increase of over 10% compared to
1999. Tourism receipts account for 22% of GDP. Cyprus benefited from favourable exchange
rate developments, particularly with respect to the pound sterling.
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Despite increased tourist receipts, the current account worsened substantially.
The current
account deficit has increased from 2.4% of GDP in 1999 to 5.2% of GDP in 2000. Strong
private-sector consumption led to a sharp rise in imports, which led to a deterioration in the
external sector accounts. Exports of goods and services also enjoyed rapid growth, but imports
grew more strongly. In 2000, exports increased by 9%, but imports of goods and services
increased by 12.5%. In 2000, foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows were 1.8% of GDP,
suggesting that the difference with current account deficit was largely financed by debt creating
On 1 January 2001, the authorities finally abolished the 9% interest rate ceiling.
rates on certain high-risk loans have now broken the 9% ceiling. Additional charges, which
were endemic under the old regime, and essentially substituted for higher interest rates, have
now disappeared. Monetary policy has now entered a transitional phase. For the next twelve
months, a central bank policy determined rate – the Lombard rate – will be the base rate for
lending by the commercial banks. However, banks are now free to apply the spreads on their
lending according to their assessment of risk and the credit rating of the client. As part of the
abolition of the interest rate ceiling, the central bank introduced a number of provisions that
would provide temporary protection to vulnerable borrowers such as students and mortgage
holders. Due to the comparatively low level of interest rates, these initiatives have not yet had
any significant financial implications.
Recent strong capital inflows have exposed potential inconsistencies in the overall
macroeconomic policy framework.
The authorities are trying to combine a fixed exchange
rate with an independent monetary policy as the capital account becomes increasingly
liberalised. In January this year, capital account liberalisation took a major step forward. The
Central Bank of Cyprus abolished all restrictions on medium-term and long-term borrowing
with maturities over two years by residents. One practical implication of this change is that both
the banks and private individuals are now allowed to borrow in foreign currency. In an effort to
restrain domestic demand, the Central Bank has maintained a rather tight monetary stance.
However, during the first half of 2001, a sizeable interest rate differential has developed
between euro-denominated loans and domestic loans, and inevitably foreign currency
borrowing has risen. This has exposed clients and therefore banks to increased exchange rate
risks, although the Central Bank has repeatedly warned about this.
In an effort to confront the challenges posed by greater capital mobility, the central bank
has announced that the exchange rate regime will be more flexible.
The central bank at
first was committed to keeping the exchange rate within the +/-2.25% bands in normal times,
with fluctuations of +/-15% permitted in the event of unusual pressures in the exchange rate
market. Yet, during the first half of 2001, there were few convincing signs that the central bank
was prepared to be more flexible. Despite strong inflows, the exchange rate remained close to
its pre-announced central parity. The central bank’s resolve to defend the parity was tested in
June, when capital inflows were particularly strong, and it was forced to neutralise the impact of
these flows. Subsequently, the central bank abolished the narrower margins in August,
concurrent with a decision to lower interest rates to counter the anticipated negative impact of a
global economic slowdown on the Cyprus economy. This also reduced the interest differential
between euro denominated and domestic loans, diminishing pressure to borrow abroad.
If the authorities continue to maintain a relatively fixed exchange rate regime, fiscal
policy will have to become more flexible.
More specifically, the fiscal deficit will have to be
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reduced further, in order to curtail domestic demand and reduce the current account deficit to
more sustainable levels.
With the exception of petrol prices, the vast majority of prices are freely determined.
2000, the Cypriot authorities partially liberalised petrol prices. Previously, the authorities
operated a price stabilisation scheme which capped the price of petrol when world oil prices
increased. This scheme proved to be very costly in 2000 when world oil prices rose sharply.
While the new system links the domestic price more closely to world prices, there remains a
strong element of subsidisation. There are also residual price controls on milk, common bread,
and cement.
In 1999, the private sector produced around 80% of GDP.
During the last 12 months, the
authorities did not privatise any public enterprises. However, in the Pre-accession Economic
Programme, the authorities made a commitment to divesting their remaining equity holdings by
2003 in a number of important enterprises, including Cyprus Airways, Cyprus Forest Industries
Limited, and the Cyprus Oil refinery.
Market entry is relatively straightforward in most sectors and bankruptcy procedures
operate efficiently.
However, there are significant barriers to entry in certain key sectors.
Several semi-government organisations including telecommunications and electricity enjoy
extensive legal monopolies. The authorities are now committed to liberalising these sectors by
Cyprus has a highly effective legal system, with a well-established body of commercial
Indeed, the relative strength of its legal system is a major contributory factor to the growth
of the offshore sector. Property rights are well established in the southern part of the island,
notwithstanding certain complex political issues arising from the conflict in 1974, and the
subsequent de facto division of the island.
The financial system is highly developed, and it provides an effective intermediation
between savers and investors.
The commercial bank part of the sector is well regulated by the
central bank. In 2000, domestic banks were adequately capitalised. As of the end of 2000, the
average risk adjusted asset ratio of domestic banks was 13.5% (as against 11.7% in 1999).
With the exception of the Cyprus Development Bank, the financial sector is in private
The co-operative banking sector plays a very important role in providing financial
services, in particular, to the household sector.
There are about 360 co-operative credit and
savings societies (CCSS), and the sector accounts for around 30% of bank deposits. At
present, the co-operatives enjoy a number of legal advantages – most notably exemptions from
both stamp duties and required reserve ratios – which places them at a competitive advantage
relative to the commercial banks. The Department of Co-operative Development supervises the
co-operative banking sector, while the Co-operative Central Bank, an institution independent of
the Central Bank of Cyprus, manages the overall liquidity operations for the sector.
The banking sector needs be supervised in a consistent manner.
The Department of Co-
operative Development will continue to be the supervisory agency for the co-operative sector.
In an effort to improve its administrative capacity, the department will receive additional
resources, including more staff and training facilities. The largest co-operative banks will be
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given the opportunity to become full credit institutions with an EU "passport". Meanwhile the
central bank will continue to supervise the commercial banking sector. It will be necessary to
ensure that the supervision by different agencies of similar financial institutions, i.e. commercial
banks and the newly transformed co-operative banks, is sufficiently co-ordinated and carried
out in a uniform way.
The domestic securities and equities markets have developed rapidly in recent years.
However, confidence in the domestic equities market was shaken after the 1999 speculative
bubble in domestic share prices and the inevitable painful correction. This experience provided
an important lesson on the importance of capital market regulation. Parliament has recently
passed legislation strengthening the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and increasing
the penalties for companies who do not comply with stock market regulations.
Cyprus has an extensive offshore sector covering a wide range of activities, including re-
exports and financial services.
The strong legal structure, tax incentives, and infrastructure
have contributed to making Cyprus an important regional business centre. Notwithstanding this
achievement, preferential tax arrangements enjoyed by the offshore sector have introduced
distortions in the allocation of resources in the economy. The authorities have announced their
intention to introduce a major tax reform which would eliminate the preferential treatment.
The offshore financial system is the subject of close international scrutiny as a potential
location for money-laundering activities.
In recent years, the authorities have made strenuous
efforts to counter this reputation. In 1996, a comprehensive anti-money laundering law was put
in place. In 1999, the law was further amended to improve customer identification procedures.
The authorities have also developed an information reporting system, which has improved the
detection of suspicious transactions. A recent (July 2001) IMF assessment of the supervision of
the offshore financial sector in Cyprus indicated that supervision was generally effective and
The capacity to cope with competitive pressures and market forces within the
The ability to fulfil this criterion depends on the existence of market economy and a stable
macroeconomic framework, allowing economic agents to make decisions in a climate of
predictability. It also requires a sufficient amount of human and physical capital, including
infrastructure. State enterprises need to be restructured and all enterprises need to invest to
improve their efficiency. Furthermore, the more access enterprises have to outside finance and
the more successful they are at restructuring and innovating, the greater will be their capacity to
adapt. Overall, an economy will be better able to take on the obligations of membership the
higher the degree of economic integration it achieves with the Union before accession. Both the
volume and the range of products traded with EU Member States provide evidence of this.
Cyprus is a functioning market economy with a sufficient degree of macroeconomic
stability for economic agents to make decisions in a climate of predictability.
These are
essential requirements for confronting the competitive pressures and market forces within the
European Union.
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Cyprus has a strong human capital endowment.
Over the last 12 years, the tertiary
education sector has been strengthened. In 1990, the University of Cyprus was established, and
in subsequent years, its activities and facilities have been expanded. The authorities intend to
establish a second university in the southern part of the island. Several private sector tertiary
institutions have also recently been established. Since the establishment of the university, the
proportion of employed persons who have received tertiary education rose from just under
20% to over 28%.
Throughout the 1990s, employment increased by around 1.5% a year.
However, domestic
labour supply has grown more slowly, and the economy has become increasingly dependent
upon temporary foreign labour. In particular, labour force participation among women is low
compared to the European Union. Labour productivity increased rapidly. Between 1990 and
1999, GDP per employed person grew by over 20%. Most wages are influenced by the annual
cost-of-living adjustment mechanism, which limits the extent to which wage differentials can
adjust in response to market incentives.
A continuation of rapid economic growth would require that Cyprus maintain its recent
impressive rate of employment growth.
In the short term, this can only be achieved by either
increasing labour force participation, particularly amongst women, or becoming increasingly
dependent upon temporary foreign labour. In the summer of 2001, the Cypriot authorities and
the Commission services agreed a Joint Assessment of Employment Priorities. The Assessment
identifies measures that will mobilise additional domestic labour supply and raise skill levels in
the labour force. These measures include a more active role for the public employment service,
completion of reforms in education and training, and measures to improve women's access to
the labour market.
Physical capital, including infrastructure, is well developed.
A comprehensive system of
motorways links all the major cities. The telecommunications system is technologically
advanced, while internet services have grown rapidly in the last five years. The authorities have
launched major projects to upgrade the two international airports at Paphos and Larnaca
through a public-private partnership. Gross fixed capital formation accounts for a moderate
18% of GDP. In the past, capital account restrictions have limited foreign investment flows.
Cyprus has started to provide vital infrastructure investments to expand water supply.
Cyprus is suffering from a long-term decline in rainfall levels. Furthermore, the quantity of water
stored in dams and reservoirs has diminished by around 35%. At the same time, the demand for
water has increased. Until this year, the Cypriot water supply system has been unable to satisfy
household demand, and the authorities have been forced to ration supplies. To tackle the
structural water shortage, two desalination plants have been constructed and a third plant is
planned. At present, the two plants with a potential annual production capacity of 92,000 m³
can produce around 70% of domestic household water demand. When the third plant becomes
fully operational, desalination capacity will be sufficient to meet all domestic household demand.
Rationing to the household sector has now stopped, but the supplies available to the agricultural
sector continue to be subject to rationing. Water-pricing policy needs to be adjusted to more
accurately reflect production costs.
The agricultural sector needs to be restructured extensively.
Although agriculture still makes
a significant contribution to economic activity, its importance has declined both in terms of GDP
and employment. The prospects for future growth are poor. The sector is heavily concentrated
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in irrigation-dependent products, such as citrus fruits and vegetables. Agricultural production
consumes around three-quarters of the water available in the southern part of the island.
Moreover, the sector enjoys high levels of tariff protection and significant water-related
subsidies. Although the sector suffers from periodic rationing of water supply, the prices paid by
the agricultural sector are extremely low. At present, farmers pay between CYP0.08-0.10 per
cubic metre, while domestic residents pay around CYP 0.33. Production costs for desalinated
water are CYP0.50 and CYP 0.18 for “run-off” water.
In the past, Government policy and legislation provided a sheltered environment for the
growth and development of the private sector.
The Cypriot authorities adopted a
protectionist and interventionist approach to industrial policy, which has favoured domestic
producers at the expense of foreign competitors. The government is now committed to the
liberalisation of key sectors of the economy, including the air transport sector, the electricity
sector, telecommunications and postal services.
Cyprus has a strong entrepreneurial culture, demonstrated by the large number of small
and medium sized enterprises.
They are mostly found within the services sector, particularly
within the tourism industry.
Cyprus is a highly open economy.
Trade openness (total exports plus imports as a percentage
of GDP) stood at 97% of GDP in 2000. Moreover, international trade is highly integrated with
the European Union. At present, the EU accounts for 48% of Cypriot exports and 56% of
imports. However, these trade data understate the extent of integration between Cyprus and the
EU. The majority of tourist arrivals come from the EU with around half coming from the United
Kingdom alone. Reflecting its regional location, Cyprus also has intense trade relations with the
countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Export receipts are heavily concentrated in a small number of sectors.
The economy has
become increasingly dependent upon tourist revenues and financial services, while many
traditional sources of export earnings, particularly within the manufacturing sector, have suffered
from long term decline. The authorities are keenly aware of the problem, and have tried hard to
encourage alternative sources of export earnings. Most recently, the authorities have introduced
an initiative called the New Industrial Policy, which aims to reverse the declining contribution of
the agricultural and manufacturing sectors. This new instrument also provides support for
manufacturing restructuring, increasing FDI in the high-tech sector and improving industrial
research and innovation. However, Cyprus has a powerful comparative or competitive
advantage in the tourism sector and financial services which has tended to overwhelm all
government initiatives designed to diversify the economy.
General evaluation
Cyprus is a functioning market economy. It should be able to cope with competitive pressure
and market forces within the Union.
The macroeconomic situation has continued to be robust with high GDP growth, low inflation
and unemployment. The fiscal consolidation plan introduced in 1999 is successfully addressing
See "Making a success of enlargement: Strategy Paper and Report of the European Commission on the progress towards
accession by each of the candidate countries", COM (2001) 700.
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some important structural deficiencies in public finances. Progress has been made in structural
reforms, notably within the financial sector, the environment, and healthcare. Both the financial
sector and the capital account took major steps towards greater liberalisation.
However, the current account deficit increased significantly. The welcome liberalisation of the
financial sector and the capital account pose new challenges to the economy. Cypriot authorities
should ensure a proper and uniform supervision of the financial sector, including the co-
operative banking sector. In cases where prices are regulated, a more market-based approach
should be adopted. Cyprus must continue to prepare its private sector to operate in the single
market environment that integration in the EU implies, by opening key sectors to foreign
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4. Ability to assume the obligations of membership
This section aims to update the Commission’s 2000 Regular Report on Cyprus' ability to
assume the obligations of membership - that is, the legal and institutional framework, known as
by means of which the Union implements its objectives. Alongside an evaluation of
relevant developments since the 2000 Regular Report, this section seeks to provide an overall
assessment of Cyprus' ability to assume the obligations of membership, and of what remains to
be done. This section is structured to follow the list of twenty-nine negotiating chapters, and
incorporates an assessment of Cyprus' administrative capacity to implement the
in its
various aspects.
The European Council in Madrid in December 1995 referred to the need to create the
conditions for the gradual, harmonious integration of the candidates, particularly through the
adjustment of their administrative structures. Taking up this theme, in Agenda 2000 the
Commission underlined the importance of effectively incorporating Community legislation into
national legislation, and the even greater importance of implementing it properly in the field, via
the appropriate administrative and judicial structures. This is an essential pre-condition for
creating the mutual trust indispensable for future membership.
The European Council in Santa Maria da Feira and in Gothenburg in June 2000 and June 2001
respectively recalled the vital importance of the applicant countries’ capacity to implement and
enforce the
and added that this required important efforts by the applicants in
strengthening and reforming their administrative and judicial structures.
Building on the
assessment of Cyprus' administrative capacity provided in the 2000 Regular Report, the present
Report seeks to add further depth and detail, focusing on the main administrative structures
which are required for implementing the
in its various aspects.
In the 2000 Regular Report, the Commission concluded that:
“Since the last Regular Report, Cyprus has achieved substantive progress in various areas of the
and continued with further harmonisation measures. As regards administrative capacity,
it continued with the upgrading of the existing infrastructure, including staff recruitment.
Over the last year, there has been progress in adopting legislation in key areas of the internal
market. Although new legislation has been adopted in some areas of free movement of goods,
further efforts are still needed in respect of standardisation and certification as well as of the
framework for the New Approach Directives. In financial services further progress has been
achieved in the adoption of appropriate national legislation and enhancing administrative
capacity. The steps taken towards liberalisation of capital movements are positive; however,
further efforts are still needed for a timely and orderly removal of remaining restrictions on
capital movements before accession. Moreover, the already quite high degree of alignment on
anti-trust has been further improved by amending legislation on public undertakings and
undertakings with special and exclusive rights in respect of the rules of competition. However,
as regards State aid, the situation remains unsatisfactory, as there still exists no proper State aid
control and no legal basis for it. Cyprus has achieved progress in the field of indirect taxation, as
the standard rate of Value Added Tax (VAT) has been increased from 8% to 10% and
legislation for further alignment with the VAT
has been adopted.
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During the last year Cyprus has enacted some harmonisation legislation in the field of agriculture,
however, what has been done is mainly preparatory work, therefore harmonisation with the
in the veterinary and phytosanitary fields continues to be partial. Further efforts are still
needed regarding veterinary controls at border posts.
In the fields of transport and fisheries, Cyprus has undertaken serious efforts to achieve further
alignment with the
by adopting legislation as well as strengthening its administrative
As regards alignment with the environment
several laws and orders have been adopted,
but the emphasis lay on preparatory work. Although more attention has been paid to the
allocation of sufficient budgetary and administrative resources to the environmental sector to
ensure the implementation of the
given the size of the alignment task in this area, this
sector still remains a high priority.
In the area of justice and home affairs, Cyprus has made progress with the adoption of
legislation on asylum and also with a view to judicial co-operation in criminal and civil matters.
However, attention should be paid to the enforcement of border control, with special regard to
the fact that Cyprus will be an external border of the EU, as well as to efficient implementation
of the existing legislation on money laundering, although in this area considerable efforts have
already been undertaken.
Cyprus has further strengthened its
administrative capacity.
Several institutions have already
gained experience in several areas of the
such as for instance the Department of Social
Insurance in the case of the co-ordination of social security. In the fields of regional policy and
financial control the required structures are already to a large extent in place. Various measures
are being taken to further strengthen the capacity to implement the
and to upgrade the
existing equipment; this applies for example to the area of free movement of goods, company
law, fisheries and justice and home affairs. In some of these sectors, and as regards employment
and social policy, this also involves administrative restructuring and reorganisation. A concrete
example is the efforts undertaken for maritime transport, where in order to improve the safety
record of the Cyprus fleet, the last year has seen the number of ships inspected more than
double and an increase in the world-wide network of inspectors of Cyprus’ ships. Furthermore,
additional staff have been recruited/trained, or this is foreseen in the budget, for areas such as
taxation and combating money laundering.
However, despite the strong basis of its administrative capacity, the country still has to set up
regulatory authorities, and build institutions in the field of free movement of goods, agriculture,
energy, telecommunication and justice and home affairs. Further recruitment of staff in several
areas such as company law, transport, taxation, environment and justice and home affairs is
During the last year Cyprus has met the short-term priorities of its Accession Partnership with
regard to fisheries and transport. In most other areas the priorities were partially fulfilled.
However, in some areas of the
such as the State aid sector in the field of competition
and the transposition and enforcement of the environmental
further harmonisation
measures are needed.
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Cyprus has made progress in addressing the medium-term Accession Partnership priorities, and
has partially fulfilled a number of them, including in such areas as the internal market, energy,
and justice and home affairs.”
The chapters of the
As indicated, the review of Cyprus' ability to assume the obligations of membership that is
below has been structured in accordance with the list of twenty-nine negotiating chapters.
Accordingly, this section opens with an assessment of progress related to the so-called “four
freedoms”, the cornerstones of the internal market, and continues with a systematic review of
progress on each of the chapters, to cover the
in all its various aspects, including
sectoral policies, economic and fiscal affairs, regional policy, environment, justice and home
affairs, external policies, and financial questions.
Chapter 1: Free movement of goods
During the period covered by this report, Cyprus has made some further progress in the field of
free movement of goods, mainly in the area of sector specific legislation.
In the area of
horizontal and procedural measures,
on the basis of an agreement with the
British Standard Institute of February 2001 over 80 % of all European standards (almost 8,000
EN standards, of which 5, 600 CEN standards and 2, 350 CENELEC standards) have been
adopted as Cypriot standards. However, the Framework Law on the New and Global
Approach principles has not yet been adopted. Nor can any significant progress be reported on
the transposition of the
relating to the notification procedure, market surveillance and
safety checks at external borders.
As regards
sector specific legislation,
no progress can be reported in areas covered by
Approach Directives
because of the lack of framework legislation.
Concerning sectors covered by
Old Approach Directives,
new legislation on foodstuffs was
passed in 2001, including regulations on colouring matters in foodstuffs, sweeteners in
foodstuffs, food hygiene and the official control of foodstuffs (see also chapter 7 –
On chemicals, legislation aligning with the
on drug precursors was
adopted in March 2001. Since the last Regular Report progress was made in the
implementation of the acquis on pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, textiles, legal metrology and pre-
packaging. The Law on Medicinal Products for Human Use (Quality, Supply and Pricing
Control) was approved in April 2001, accompanied by five regulations on good manufacturing
practices, on colouring matters, on procedure and content of examinations for wholesalers
licenses and on fees. Similarly, four regulations complement the Law on Veterinary Medicinal
Products (Control of quality, Registration, Supply, Administration and Use) of July 2001. The
Cosmetics Law, adopted at the same date, is accompanied by regulations dealing with methods
of analysis and sampling. In the textile sector, the Trade Description Law and the Textile
Products Regulations were enacted in July 2001. In the area of metrology, further progress has
been made with the alignment with the
through the adoption of a set of regulations. They
refer to weight and measures, packaged commodities, alcohol-meters and alcohol,
alcoholmetric tables on weights, tyre pressure gauges for motor vehicles, measuring of standard
hectolitre, calibration of tanks of vessels and to gas volume meters.
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There have been no developments regarding the transposition of the
on firearms and
cultural goods.
As regards the development of Cyprus’ administrative capacity for the implementation of
horizontal and procedural measures and sector specific legislation, improvement can be
recorded. In view of its future responsibility in market surveillance (covered by the New
Approach), the Department of Labour Inspection was further enhanced with the appointment of
a Director and three Senior Labour Inspectors. In the field of foodstuffs, training programmes
for Health Inspectors have been implemented, six additional Health Inspectors have been
approved and several activities have taken place to ensure effective implementation of EC
legislation. The Type Approval Authority for Motor Vehicles is in the process of being
established. Cyprus’ Organisation for Standardisation and Accreditation (CYS) continued to
function well and is an affiliated member of CEN/CENELEC and a full member of ETSI.
On the basis of a ministerial decision of August 2000, a private organisation that will be
responsible for all certification activities is being established. The existing Drugs Council is now
assisted by an Advisory Drugs Price Committee, and a Cosmetics Council is in the process of
being set up. As regards products for veterinary use the competent authorities for
implementation are the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment and the
State General Laboratory. On information exchange, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and
Tourism has been designated as the authority responsible, and the Ministry of Interior as well as
the Department of Antiquities are assigned for the implementation of the relevant
in the
field of firearms and the return of unlawfully removed cultural goods.
Concerning the
non-harmonised sector,
screening of the existing legislation is currently taking
place in order to identify the statutes to be amended through the introduction of mutual
recognition clauses by the end of 2001.
As regards
public procurement,
no legislative or administrative progress can be reported.
Overall assessment
On the whole, the establishment of the general framework for the Old Approach is at an
advanced stage, whereas transposition of the New Approach and alignment in the public
procurement sector are still outstanding.
The Cypriot authorities continue the transposition of directives on industrial products.However,
further serious efforts will be needed to transpose and implement the
as far as possible
prior to accession.
Concerning horizontal and procedural measures, the government has adopted all currently
existing EN standards. Regarding restructuring in the areas of standardisation, accreditation,
notification procedure and certification, CYS is still in charge of the former three, but the private
organisation for certification activity should be established and become operational soon.
Cyprus is encouraged to finalise the adoption of the framework law on the principles of the
New and Global Approach Directives so that regulations providing for the transposition of the
New Approach Directives for product groups can be issued as well.
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As regards sector specific legislation, the foodstuffs
has been partially transposed, whilst
in particular the
concerning labelling and food for particular nutritional uses needs to be
enacted. Administrative capacity has been strengthened, but the efforts would need to be
intensified. In the chemical sector the legal framework on fertilisers and drug precursors is now
largely in line with the
and the administrative capacity in place, but the legislation on
dangerous substances and detergents remains to be adopted. With regards to the
pharmaceutical sector, new harmonised legislation concerning products for human and
veterinary use has been adopted. For the cosmetics, textiles and legal metrology sectors
transposition of the
has been completed.
Regarding pre-packaging, the work on alignment with the
should continue.
With respect to the free movement of goods within the Community, the legislation providing for
a general import licensing system and a compulsory origin marking of imported products is
contrary to Art. 28 EC. Therefore, this legislation should be repealed, as far as Community
products are concerned, before accession. The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
will be the administrative entity responsible for the follow-up of the application of Articles 28-30
EC on non-harmonised areas and the implementation of the principle of mutual recognition
whose practical implications must be urgently addressed.
As regards safety checks on products at external borders, Cyprus still needs to establish
appropriate customs and market surveillance infrastructure as well as effective administrative
co-operation between competent authorities.
In the field of public procurement, the Cypriot legislation maintains at present a national
preference clause by imposing a 20% charge over the duty free value of the respective imported
goods and up to 5% on the tender amount of services and works of foreign bidders (under
certain conditions). However, in accordance with a provision already incorporated in the
existing Public Procurement Law, this type of protection will be automatically eliminated upon
accession. In addition, laws extending coverage to local authorities, bodies governed by public
law, utilities sector and concessions, as well as achieving compliance with EC review
procedures, still need to be enacted.
In order to develop administrative capacity, the personnel of the competent Treasury
Department of the Ministry of Finance should be increased.
Chapter 2: Free movement of persons
Since the last Regular Report, progress in this area has been limited.
In the area of
mutual recognition of professional qualifications, citizens' rights,
movement of workers
, no legislative developments can be reported, although preparatory
work with regard to legal approximation has been undertaken.
Concerning co-ordination of social security systems, in April 2001 the House of
Representatives approved a new law, which provides for the introduction of a new national
health insurance scheme. The Scheme provides for universal coverage and its financing will be
based on contributions from the social partners. It is proposed that the government contribution
shall cover approximately 50 % of the scheme's total budget, and the remaining 50% be shared
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equally between employers and employees. The implementation of the General Health
Insurance Scheme will take place after the approval by the House of Representatives of the
implementing regulations to be issued under the new Law.
Overall assessment
Cyprus has already undertaken a number of measures to abolish existing discrepancies between
its legislation and the
in this area. Important legislative work, including the adoption of
framework legislation, still remains to be done for the
to be implemented by the time of
Concerning the mutual recognition of professional qualifications, a number of professions are
already regulated in Cyprus, but not all. For example, those not requiring a university degree are
not regulated yet. The preparation of the transposition of the General System Directives should
be accelerated. The legislation needs to ensure the distinction between academic and
professional recognition and include simpler procedures for the provision of services. No
provisions contrary to Community law, especially as regards nationality, residence or language
requirements may subsist by accession.
With respect to professional qualifications obtained before harmonisation, Cyprus will need to
introduce measures to ensure that all its professionals can, as from accession, meet the
requirements laid down by the
The various professional councils are the competent authorities in their specific spheres of
responsibility. A unit dealing with the recognition of professional qualifications still needs to be
created in the Ministry of Labour.
As regards citizens’ rights, amendments to the existing legislation relating to voting rights will be
required to comply with the
on municipal elections and elections to the European
Parliament. As existing legislation on student rights is not in line with the principle of equal
treatment, further efforts for alignment will be needed.
With respect to the free movement of workers, preparatory work has taken place, but further
efforts will be required in order to ensure complete alignment by accession.
In the area of co-ordination of social security systems, Cyprus applies bilateral social security
agreements which normally rely on the same principles as the Community rules in this field.
The Department of Social Insurance, which it is intended should be the competent body for
implementation of the EC regulations, has gained experience in co-ordinating social security
schemes through the implementation of bilateral agreements and started to train its staff on EC-
specific issues.
A detailed human resources needs analysis has been carried out by the Ministry of Labour and
Social Insurance regarding the implementation of the
in the areas of mutual recognition of
professional qualifications, free movement of workers (EURES) and co-ordination of social
security schemes. The conclusions of the analysis should be taken into account when deciding
how to strengthen the public administration in these areas.
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Chapter 3: Freedom to provide services
Since last year’s Regular Report, Cyprus has made good progress regarding financial services
and enhancing administrative capacity.
In the field of
the right of establishment and the freedom to provide services
(other than
financial services) no significant legislative and administrative development took place.
Alignment with the
in the area of
self-employed commercial agents
was achieved
through the entry into force of the Commercial Agents Law along with the related regulation, in
November 2000.
In the field of
financial services,
with regard to the
banking sector,
a Deposit Guarantee
Scheme for commercial banks became operational in September 2000. Membership of the
scheme is compulsory for all banks. They are required to make contributions in proportion to
their deposit base. Foreign banks, which are members of an equivalent scheme, may be
A similar Deposit Guarantee Scheme applies to deposits in Cypriot pounds held by Co-
operative Credit and Savings Societies.
As regards this particular sector, a high-level working group was set up in June 2001 in order to
prepare the measures required to align this sector with the
It is worth noting that 6 new
officers were recruited on a temporary basis as from April 2001, to help with the alignment
process as well as with the actual exercise of the functions of the Department in charge of these
institutions. The number of inspections (both onsite and offsite) increased significantly during
In the
insurance sector
no particular legislative developments have taken place during the
period under review.
The computerisation of the Insurance Companies Control Service (ICCS) of the Ministry of
Finance and an appropriate training of members of staff in using the developed system facilities
has been started in late 2000. New posts have been awarded to the ICCS in June 2001 so that
the additional recruitment of 11 staff members is expected for 2002.
With regard to
investment services and securities markets
a law approved by the House of
Representatives in April 2001 extended the supervisory powers and independence of the
Securities and Stock Exchange Commission so as to ensure greater effectiveness. In parallel,
the Parliament enacted the Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities
and other Related Matters Act, with the aiming of transposing the UCITS-Directive into
Cypriot law.
The Securities and Exchange Commission has recruited additional staff to ensure compliance
with the requirements of the securities and stock exchange laws.
Concerning the
protection of personal data and the free movement of such data
as well
as concerning the
Information Society regulations,
no legislative development can be
Overall assessment
Cyprus’ alignment process is overall satisfactory, although further legislative alignment is still
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In the field of the right of establishment and freedom to provide services, as from January 2000,
natural or legal persons from EU member states may freely set up companies in Cyprus or
acquire up to 100 % of existing companies. However, the administrative approach to EU
investors seems to be less open minded. There remain a few sectors (tertiary education, public
utilities, radio and television stations, publication of newspapers and magazines) which are
governed by specific restrictive legislation, such as the requirement of Cyprus nationality or
permanent residence.
self-employed commercial agents,
as a result of the legislation adopted in 2000,
Cyprus has aligned with the
The Central Bank as the regulator of the banking industry has issued rules and is implementing
policies and practices which are similar to the Recommendations of the Basle Committee of
Banking supervision and broadly in line with EC directives. The Banking Law empowers the
Central Bank to exchange information with foreign as well as with national supervisory
authorities. The Law contains extensive enforcement powers and penalties, which include the
power to revoke a licence. The supervisory process includes both on-site examination and off-
site monitoring. Upon accession the authorisation requirement with respect to the “economic
need criterion” which the Central Bank may presently apply should be waived and the exchange
of information with non-banking supervisory authorities and the notion of large exposure should
be streamlined. Due care should also be given to the timely implementation of the agreed
profound restructuring of the Co-operative Credit and Saving Societies sector. Furthermore, it
will be important to make sure that branches of Cypriot banks which may set up in other EU
countries are providing their customers with the same level of deposit guarantee as offered in
As regards the
insurance sector,
some basic features of the EC supervisory system are
covered by the current legislation. Cyprus should finalise the transposition of the Non-Life and
Life Insurances Directives and complete its reform of the legal bases for insurance supervision; it
should provide adequate staffing for its supervisory bodies. In addition, further alignment is
needed as regards accounting rules.
In the field of
investment services and securities markets,
in order to align Cypriot law with
there is still a need for certain amendments to the Securities and Stock Exchange
Laws, e.g., to ensure that the Securities and Exchange Commission is able to exchange
information and co-operate with other competent authorities. In particular, Cypriot authorities
are encouraged to immediately transpose the two key Directives in this area: the investment
services and the capital adequacy Directive, both of which are due to be transposed in autumn
2001. Furthermore, harmonisation is needed with regard to investor compensation and
The Council of the Stock Exchange and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are
the relevant competent authorities for the implementation and supervision of the Stock Exchange
Laws and Regulations. Given that their powers and human resources have been extended it is
likely that the implementation record will make progress.
The overall standard of supervision in the
financial service sector
in Cyprus appears to be
satisfactory. Cyprus is encouraged to continue the effective implementation of the
particular as regards the establishment of the necessary administrative and regulatory
infrastructure to ensure an efficient and well-supervised financial sector.
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In the field of the protection of personal data and the free movement of such data, Cyprus
should introduce legislation to be fully in line with the
and, on the basis of a bill yet to be
adopted in Parliament, establish a fully independent national supervisory authority for data
In the field of Information Society Services, regulations still need to be introduced on the
provision of information, in the field of technical standards and regulations, on the legal
protection of services, and on conditional access to information society services respectively.
Furthermore, the e-commerce Directive needs to be transposed. The Cyprus Organisation for
Standards and Control of Quality is the competent authority for provision of information on
technical standards.
Chapter 4: Free movement of capital
Since the last Regular Report, Cyprus has continued to make progress through liberalisation
measures in the area of capital movements, and significant measures to combat money
laundering have been taken both on the legislative and administrative level.
In the area of
capital movement,
steady progress was made in liberalisation. Medium and
long-term borrowing in foreign currencies by residents from banks in Cyprus or abroad was
liberalised as from the beginning of 2001, simultaneously with the abolition of blocked accounts.
In December 2000 the Central Bank of Cyprus authorized domestic banks to grant loans and
credits of any size in Cypriot pounds to non-residents to finance their activities in Cyprus.
Previously, loans and credits over 2000 Cypriot pounds (CY£) - approx. €3,500 - per person
were referred to the Central Bank of Cyprus for authorization.
In the second half of 2000 the Central Bank abolished the requirement for prior approval of the
Central Bank for the acquisition of over 5 % of the share capital of Cypriot companies, other
than banks, listed on the Stock Exchange by a natural or legal person from a third country.
However, the Central Bank maintained the ceiling of 49 % on the participation of person from
third countries in the share capital of such companies.
Following a legislative amendment of May 2001, a natural or legal person from an EU member
state can buy shares in a radio or television station up to 25 % (5 % for a person from a third
country, subject to approval by the Council of Ministers). A limit of 49 % was set on the
aggregate participation of persons from EU member states in the share capital of each such
company. Furthermore, the law provides for the complete abolition of restrictions on natural or
legal persons from EU member states regarding radio and television stations with effect from the
date of accession.
In May 2001 the Central Bank of Cyprus issued an order under the Exchange Control Law, by
which restrictions on the export of certificates of title to any securities were lifted. By the same
order, the amount of Cypriot banknotes that may be exported by resident travelers was
increased from € 175 to € 1,750 (CY£ 100 to 1000).
In July 2001, the ceiling on investments abroad by investment companies listed on the Cyprus
stock exchange was raised to € 35 million (CY£ 20m). At the same time the percentage limit on
investments abroad increased from 25% of each company’s investment portfolio to 50% of its
capital and reserves (net worth). Thus public investment companies may invest up to 50% of
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their capital and reserves (net worth) or € 35 million (CY£ 20m) in foreign stock exchanges
depending on which amount is smaller.
Due to a liberalization measure adopted by the Central Bank of Cyprus in July 2001, every
resident family is allowed to freely transfer up to € 175,000 (CY£ 100,000) abroad in order to
acquire a secondary residence outside Cyprus. Previously, investments in real estate abroad
were subject to prior approval of the Central Bank.
cross border credit transfers
, on the basis of the amendment to the Banking Law
adopted in June 2000, in November 2000 the Central Bank issued instructions according to
which it can take mandatory instructions including matters covered by the cross-border credit
transfers directive. These instructions took effect in April 2001. A committee has been
established under the auspices of the Central Bank to investigate complaints and take
appropriate action for the settlement of disputes.
As regards
prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money
an amendment of November 2000 implements the EU Joint Action of 3 December
1998 on money laundering, the identification, tracing, freezing, seizing and confiscation of
instrumentalities and the proceeds from crime.
In November, 2000 the Central Bank of Cyprus issued a Guidance Note under the Prevention
and Suppression of Money Laundering Activities Law of 1996 by virtue of which banks are
prohibited from accepting cash deposits in foreign currency notes in excess of US$100.000 or
other foreign currency equivalent from any person or group of connected persons without the
prior written approval of the CBC. By virtue of second Guidance Note issued in July 2001
banks must not accept cash deposits in foreign currency notes without the CBC’s prior
approval even for amounts below the threshold limit of US$100.000 if the aggregate amount of
cash deposits effected by the same customer or group of connected customers will exceed
US$100.000 in a calendar year. According to a third Guidance Note of 17 September 2001,
banks have to apply a stricter identification procedure for corporate customers, trusts and
nominees of third parties. Hence, banks are no longer allowed to open accounts without directly
establishing the identity of the beneficial owners of the company, or the private parties involved,
namely the trustee(s), settlor(s) and beneficiaries.
A decision of the Council of Ministers of March 2001 designates the supervisory authorities for
lawyers and accountants. There is now a realisation that MOKAS, the unit in charge of
combating money laundering, needs to work with these professionals to ensure that action is
taken preventively against money laundering. Also last year, MOKAS members participated in
numerous seminars organized by Interpol and the Egmont Group (International Group of
Financial Intelligence).
Overall assessment
Cyprus is steadily liberalising the movement of capital. It has already implemented a number of
liberalisation measures,
inter alia,
in the fields of direct investment, personal capital movements
and portfolio transactions.
However, the efforts in aligning with the
in the field of capital movements must continue
to ensure a proper functioning of the markets from the date of accession. A timely and orderly
removal of remaining restrictions for capital movements is essential to avoid the risk of sudden
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disruptions in the financial markets upon accession. This point refers to, portfolio transactions,
financial credits and the opening of deposits abroad. The abolition of the statutory limit in
interest rates and their determination as of January 2001 by the Central Bank should facilitate
the process of liberalisation.
Concerning cross border credit transfer Cypriot legislation has been aligned with the relevant
Directive through the amendments to the banking law of June 2000 and the instructions of the
Central Bank of November 2000 thereunder. The mechanism to settle disputes foreseen in Art.
10 of the Directive has also been established.
The legislation to prevent the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering
appears to be in line with the
With the amendment of November 2000, Cyprus
abandoned the “list approach”. Assets can now be searched for, seized and confiscated if they
are proceedings from a crime which carries potential sentence of a year or more. This widens
the scope of application of the law by accepting a larger definition of the predicate offences.
Cyprus has further tightened its implementing measures relating to the identification of account
holders and reporting of transactions in accordance with the recommendations of various
international fora. In general, it should continue to follow the broad range of the
recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force.
The number of measures taken by MOKAS has increased steadily since it started to operate in
January 1997. 462 cases have been reported to MOKAS up to April 2001, both from
domestic and foreign sources. It has obtained 43 freezing orders and 273 court disclosure
orders. There were five convictions between July 1998 and January 2001 while four cases are
pending before the courts. MOKAS supports international co-operation in this area of
combating criminal activities. To this end, it gives priority to requests for legal assistance
submitted by foreign authorities. Out of the above 462 cases dealt with by the unit, 95 cases
represent requests for legal assistance by foreign authorities through formal rogatory letters, 128
cases represent requests for information by foreign Financial Intelligence Units and 10 cases
represent requests for information by drug liaison officers posted in Cyprus.
Chapter 5: Company law
Since last year’s regular report, Cyprus has made further progress in the areas of company law
and the protection of intellectual and industrial property rights.
company law
as such, the First Company Law Directive on registration of
companies was aligned through an amendment to the Cyprus Companies Law that entered into
force in November 2000. Another amendment, that came into force in October 2001,
incorporates provisions of the Second Council Directive on the restriction of the acquisition of
own shares by a public limited company.
As regards the Eighth Company Law Directive on the approval of persons responsible for
carrying out the statutory audits of
documents, the Cyprus Companies (Amending)
Law of 2001 came into force as from May 2001.
The Company Law Regulations were amended by Parliament in December 2000 to enable the
introduction of new legal forms.
administrative capacity,
the Department of the Registrar of Companies and
Official Receiver started to transfer company data from the files to a newly established
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computerised system. The Company Section of the Department has been strengthened with 10
temporary clerical staff as from August 2000. In addition, four persons have been added to the
permanent technical staff, as examiners on companies.
In the field of
industrial and intellectual property rights
an amendment to the Trademarks
Law, aiming to comply with the First Council Directive on trademarks, entered into force in
December 2000. The definitions of a trademark and the exclusive rights of the proprietor of the
trademark have been brought into line with the
An amendment to the Patent Law and implementing regulations entered into force in November
2000, concerning the creation of a supplementary protection certificate for plant products
similar to the one provided for in the relevant Council Regulation.
To enhance
administrative capacity,
in September 2000 the Department of the Registrar of
Companies and Official Receiver launched a two-year co-operation programme for the
computerisation of the Patent Registry with the assistance of the European Patent Office.
Adequate funding has been included in the 2001 Budget and eight permanent specialised
officers had been added to the staff by March 2001.
As regards the
Regulation replacing the Brussels convention
on jurisdiction and
enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters and the
Rome convention
on the
law applicable to contractual obligations, preparatory work for swift implementation has started.
Overall assessment
Cyprus has already to a large extent achieved alignment with the
in the area of company
law, and transposition in the field of industrial and intellectual property rights is continuing at a
steady pace.
As regards Cypriot company law, even though many of the EC directives in this field are
already incorporated in the national law of Cyprus, some divergences still remain. Although
some preparatory work has started, the Second Directive on co-ordinating safeguards, the
Third Directive on mergers, the Sixth Directive concerning the division of public limited liability
companies, as well as the Eleventh Directive concerning disclosure requirements still need to be
fully aligned.
Cypriot legislation is already to a large extent in line with the
on accounting law.
Concerning administrative capacity, the computerisation of the Office needs to be finalised, and
training as well as further additional staffing need proper attention.
In the field of industrial and intellectual property rights (IPR), Cyprus’ trademark and patent law
is now far advanced. Only the implementation of the Directive on legal protection of
biotechnological inventions and the Designs Directive is outstanding. Some additional
adjustments of trade mark legislation will be necessary upon accession. It is imperative not to
postpone the implementation of the copyright
any longer. Substantial legislative changes
are necessary to align it with the Directives on legal protection of design and databases as well
as on certain aspects of Copyright and Neighbouring Rights in the Information Society and the
Resale Directive.
Further efforts are required to strengthen law enforcement capacity especially as regards border
controls and combating piracy and counterfeiting. Particular attention should be given to the
effectiveness of the administrative and judicial bodies involved in enforcement, such as the
customs services, the police and the judiciary, in particular by improving co-ordination among
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them. Targeted training necessary both for copyright officials and for enforcement officials,
including judges and prosecutors, should continue. Concerning the Regulation replacing the
Brussels convention on jurisdiction and enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial
matters and the Rome convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations, the
government is in close contact with the judiciary for the designation of the relevant courts which
will have to deal with applications and appeals. Cyprus seems to be in the position to apply this
part of the
effectively upon accession (see also
Chapter 24 - Co-operation in the
fields of justice and home affairs).
Chapter 6: Competition policy
During the period covered by this regular report, Cyprus has made some progress both in the
field of anti-trust and in the state aid sector.
In the field of
policy the Council of Ministers adopted block exemptions on vertical
agreements and concerted practices in December 2000.
In November 2000, an amendment to the Protection of Competition Law entered into force. It
strengthened the investigative and sanction powers of the Commission for the Protection of
Competition (CPC). According to the new law, the President will be a full-time post, whereas
the five CPC-members (appointed at the end of 2000) will have full-time occupations outside
their position with the Commission. The CPC’s enforcement record for 2000 consists of 19
decisions (2 on horizontal agreements, 7 on abuse cases and 10 on mergers). In March 2001,
Parliament approved new staff for the CPC.
state aid,
the new Public Aid Control law entered into force in April 2001 and was slightly
amended in July 2001. It incorporates into Cypriot law rules equivalent to those of Article 87
EC. Authorities that grant public aid must notify the Commissioner of all existing public aid
schemes and ad hoc measures, within six months. However, the law currently excludes control
over the most important State aid scheme in Cyprus, i.e. fiscal aid to international business
enterprises. In April 2001, Parliament adopted three important regulations covering public aid
to small and medium-sized enterprises, research and development, and professional training.
Further regulations and orders of July 2001 concern procedural issues as well as substantial
rules on aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty, aid for environmental protection
purposes, and aid in the form of guarantees.
A Commissioner for Public Aid was appointed in May 2001. Three qualified officials and two
support staff are attached to his office. A temporary Working Group for State aid headed by
the Commissioner has been set up in the Ministry of Finance. It prepared an initial list of existing
aid measures. Up to the end of September 2001, the Commissionar issued eleven decisions,
five of which were already published in the official Gazette. Training for Cypriot officials in the
various aspects of the
concerning state aid is ongoing since April 2001.
Overall assessment
Overall, Cyprus has seriously started to align with the
on competition policy, but further
legislative and administrative efforts are still needed.
Although Cyprus has already achieved good alignment with the EC’s anti-trust legislation
through its Protection of Competition Law of 1989 as amended, further alignment is still
necessary. In particular, the Community’s new policy on horizontal co-operation agreements
(block exemption regulations of November 2000 on specialisation agreements and research
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and development agreements) needs to be taken into account. The infrastructure, staff, and
especially the weak enforcement record of the CPC need to be improved considerably.
Presently, the CPC relies on 4 investigators and 3 support staff. The objective is to reach 20
employees in a year’s time. Due to current lack of qualified staff, the CPC is not yet in a
position to conduct investigations on its own initiative. The CPC should become more pro-
active and adopt a more deterrent sanctioning policy.
Cyprus has moved forward in state aid, but several thorny issues remain. This includes the
necessity to align the existing aid schemes and legislation under which authorities at various
levels grant aid well before accession with the
The specific tax privileges for the
offshore sector should be addressed as a matter of priority in the coming tax package reform
that must pave the way for the enforcement of state aid rules.
The powers of the newly appointed Commissioner for Public Aid appear to be weak. In the
case of illegal aid and of irregularities in the implementation of aid authorised by the
Commissioner, the powers of the Commissioner are limited to submitting a report to the
President of the Republic and publishing a summary of that report. The Commissioner does not
have the power to order the recovery of aid. Staff reinforcement is necessary.
Cyprus is encouraged to accelerate its efforts with a view to drawing up a regional aid map that
would fix the maximum aid intensities in the areas eligible to receive regional aid.
Chapter 7: Agriculture
In 2000, the contribution of agriculture was 3.8% of gross value added and 9.2% of
employment, compared with 4.2% and 9.5% respectively the previous year. The output of the
agricultural sector declined by 4.9% in real terms in 2000 following an increase of 7.5% in
The 2001 State agricultural budget was € 119.875 million (68.5 million Cyprus pounds)
compared with € 80.5 million (46 million Cyprus Pounds) the year before and included various
types of direct and indirect subsidies for farmers.
EC imports of agricultural products from Cyprus (raw plus industrial products of agricultural
origin) exhibited a marginal decline in 2000 and amounted to €96.6 million compared to €108.5
million in 1999, whereas EC exports to Cyprus showed a substantial increase, from €260.8
million in 1999 to €330.5 million in 2000
. The resulting trade surplus for the Community
increased from €152.3 million in 1999 to €233.9 million in 2000. Over the past three years, the
most important product groups in terms of EC imports from Cyprus have been new potatoes
(37%) and fruit and nuts (33%). EC exports to Cyprus are spread over a wider range of
products, the most important of which are barley (8%) and sugar (7%).
Horizontal issues
No progress can be reported as regards the implementation of measures related to the
European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF)
and as concerns
Uruguay Round definition of agricultural products, figures taken from EUROSTAT COMEXT (see U.E. 12/15:
Commerce des Produits Agricoles 1988-2000, 1 Partie D.G. AGRI/A.2 Analyses quantitatives, prévisions, statistiques,
études, 2001, p. 10-57 et 86-89).
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Concerning an
integrated administration and control system
(IACS), the Department of
Agriculture has undertaken preparatory work aimed at identifying the user requirements and
technical specifications for a state-of-the-art IACS software.
Common market organisations
Progress has been achieved in the sector of fruit and vegetables and in the sector of poultry and
New harmonised legislation on the quality and marketing standards for 33
fresh fruit and
for exports was enacted by House of Representatives in November 2000. New
legislation on the “Production, Grading, Labelling and Marketing Standards” of eggs entered
into force in August 2001.
The Department of Agriculture developed a software programme to project chick adequacy
over the following five-month period. Since January 2001, monthly data on chick production
has been forwarded to EUROSTAT. An interim in-house computer application has been
developed to set up registers of eligible farmers and training of staff has been carried out.
In August 2001, the Department of Agriculture started the recruitment of 21 additional
permanent officers.
Rural development and forestry
The Department of Agriculture is continuing to align its procedures for authorisation, internal
audit and execution of payments with those of the
The project for the support of young
farmers has been harmonised further and reinforced.
Veterinary and phytosanitary issues, including food safety
The veterinary medicinal products Law (control of quality, registration, supply, administration
and use), accompanied by four Regulations, was enacted in July 2001. In the field of animal
nutrition, in March 2001 the House of Representatives approved an amendment to the basic
Feeding-stuffs Law of 1993 and the necessary implementing regulations concerning the
registration and approval of establishments and intermediaries.
The animal identification and registration system has been set up and bovine animals already
identified and registered in the data bank. Five new veterinarians have been recruited and nine
additional posts have been approved. Temporary technical staff has also been employed for the
application of animal identification and registration as well as for disease campaigns, lab tests
and BSE surveillance. As regards establishments, Cyprus continued to give financial incentives
to upgrade to EC standards. The number of slaughterhouses has already been reduced from 69
to 50.
In the context of the Geographical BSE Risk Assessment, Cyprus has been classified in group
The Pesticides Authorisation Board decided that only those active substances that are already
authorised in at least one Member State will be authorised in Cyprus from now on, and that
those substances that are withdrawn in the EU as a result of the Community review will also be
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prohibited in Cyprus. The construction of a border inspection post at Larnaca airport has
started and progress has been made on the development of the border inspection post at
Limassol port. A decision to merge the different departments involved in phytosanitary
inspections has been taken.
In April 2001 Cyprus produced a Food Safety Strategy, which outlines the systems for co-
ordination between the various official bodies involved, their competencies, organisation and
staffing (see
also Chapter 1 – free movement of goods).
Overall assessment
Although Cyprus’ ongoing preparations for the Common Agricultural Policy are satisfactory,
substantial elements and mechanisms of the agricultural
remain to be applied, in
particular those related to the Common Market Organisations.
horizontal issues,
with regard to the
European Agricultural Guidance and
Guarantee Fund
(EAGGF), Cyprus has substantial experience in support, restructuring and
development measures, but the competencies are spread between the ministry of agriculture and
various other bodies.
Concerning budgetary and financial aspects, agricultural policy is conceived and implemented
within the framework of multi-annual Strategic Development Plans. Some administrative and
financial adjustments are required for full harmonisation with the procedures prescribed by the
The procedure for the establishment of the IACS has been accelerated but some important
steps have still to be taken with a view to implementation. The introduction of a direct payment
system for cereals that was due in 2001 has been delayed. The application is envisaged to be
based on the cadaster with the government controlling 100% of the plots declared by farmers.
The implementation of this system would create an opportunity to identify the eligible land on the
one hand (in view of creating the land parcel identification system) and on the other hand to
allow farmers and the administration to gain experience with a direct payment scheme. Cyprus
is encouraged to make progress in this regard.
Legislation in the field of
quality policy
relating to designations still needs to be adopted.
Harmonising legislation on the certification of geographical indications, of designations of origin
and of other specific character is still under legal vetting. The competent authority for
geographical indications, designations of origin and certificates of specific character as a special
unit within the Office of the Official Receiver and Registrar of Companies needs to be
appointed; the core already exists. A body of inspectors needs to be established too.
Though a register of all organic farmers has already been completed, Cyprus is encouraged to
finish harmonising legislation on organic farming.
As regards
Common market organisations,
several areas in the field of arable crops need to
be brought into line with the
The envisaged system of direct hectare payments for
still requires adoption by the Council of Ministers. Though preparatory works have
started, the procedure for the abolition of the monopoly of the Cyprus Grain Commission needs
to be accelerated. Moreover, the reorganisation of the existing administrative infrastructure, in
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order to create an intervention agency and intervention centres as well as management of export
and import licenses and tenders for cereal export, has not taken place yet.
With regards to
fresh fruit and vegetables,
the enactment of the new legislation on the quality
and marketing standards for 33 products intended for export is noted with satisfaction. As
agricultural holdings are, in general, small and divided into many parcels and as Cyprus has no
tradition as regards producers’ organisations in this sector, it is invited to adopt new legislation
for the setting up, recognition and operation of producer organisations without delay.
With regard to
bovine and pig meat
new legislation introducing a system of compulsory
carcass classification and regulating certain aspects of price collection and reporting was
completed early in 2001, and legal vetting is underway. In the
sheep and goat sector
most of
the elements of the
are already applied. With regard to
eggs and poultry,
legislation on production, grading, labelling and marketing standards has entered into force for
edible eggs and it is expected to enter into force in October 2001 for poultry meat.
Concerning the
industry, legislation is already partially harmonised and many implementing
regulations are before the House of Representatives or under legal vetting. However further
alignment with the
is needed, mainly as regards the rules of wine growing potential,
market rules for wine and the protection of wine designations. In addition, the monopoly status
of the Cyprus Vine Products Commission needs to be reformed. In connection with the
abolition of the Cyprus
Olive Products
Marketing Board, the preparation of the olive oil
registry is almost completed and verification as well as application of GIS for olive trees will
follow. No progress was recorded in the direction of the abolition of the monopoly status of the
Milk Industry
Organisation (CMIO), although the option of maintaining the CMIO as a
semi-independent organisation with certain functions delegated to it by the Paying Agency will
be examined.
In terms of administrative capacity to implement the
Cyprus has a good basis but the
state monopolies managing the various markets hamper the necessary restructuring of the
existing infrastructure. The process of abolishing these monopolies should therefore be
As regards
Rural development and forestry,
Cyprus already has some experience in these
areas, including agri-environmental measures. However, the control bodies necessary for the
environmental scheme will have to be put in place. Furthermore, a code of good agricultural
practice needs to be established.
As regards rural development, the Department of Agriculture is gradually aligning its procedure
for authorisation, internal audit and execution of payments with thatof the
administrative capacity for the implementation of the rural development
needs to be
further enhanced.
veterinary and phytosanitary legislation including food safety,
with regard to
issues, transposition of the
is partial, given that six framework bills aimed at
covering all Community Veterinary Legislation (namely in the areas of importation and trade,
animal health, hygiene of foods of animal origin, animal welfare, veterinary pharmaceutical
products and animal genetic material) need still to be enacted. Cyprus will have to take the
necessary measures to ensure that the procedure does not create a bottleneck for the
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transposition process. Furthermore, the directive on fees for veterinary inspections has not been
transposed yet.
The setting-up of an animal identification and registration system should be completed. In the
field of animal disease control measures, Cyprus laboratories are capable of carrying out
diagnosis for many notifiable diseases. Contingency plans, such as for foot and mouth disease
and classical swine fever are considered to be satisfactory. On animal nutrition, the legislative
package of March 2001 is harmonised to the
as it stood by the end of 2000 for
enforcement in October 2001. There remains a need of upgrading food processing
As for
phytosanitary issues,
the border inspection posts will,
inter alia,
have to be equipped
with laboratory facilities for initial on-the-spot examination of imported produce. The relevant
surveillance of domestic production and the control of imports of
(both of plant and animal
origin) are carried out mostly by the Veterinary Service and the Ministry of Health, although the
State General Laboratory is also involved in carrying out laboratory examinations on food.
Strengthening of personnel numbers and the diagnostic capability of the Laboratories of the
Veterinary Services will be required. A computerised system will also be needed for recording
movement of animals and products in the internal market. Inspection and Certification of organic
produce is currently undertaken by inspection bodies, approved for this purpose in Member
States of the EU, since there is no relevant legislation yet in Cyprus.
As regards administrative capacity, Cyprus has a good basis but the process of abolishing the
state monopolies in this area must be accelerated in order to clear the way for the restructuring
of the existing infrastructure. Cyprus should also take the necessary measures to implement
IACS. Moreover, Cyprus still needs to make significant efforts to prepare for the
implementation of the CAP mechanisms. While for eggs and poultry there is new legislation
since August 2001, together with marketing standards for fruit and vegetables, for a number of
sectors, the drafting of new legislation seems to be slow.
Chapter 8: Fisheries
Since the last Regular Report, Cyprus has made further progress, notably in the field of
resource management, inspection and control, as well as that of State aid to the fisheries sector,
while the administrative capacity has been strengthened.
resource management, inspection and control,
Cyprus decided to implement its
own satellite monitoring system to control vessels longer than 24 meters fishing in the high seas.
For this purpose, an amount of approx. €190 000 (120 000 Cypriot pounds) has been
earmarked in this year’s budget. The recruitment of one officer and two technicians was
approved, and the tendering process was initiated.
The Inspectorate Service of the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research has been
strengthened since the last report, with the appointment of three new inspectors, increasing the
manpower of this service from 11 to 14. The service has also scheduled a multi-purpose patrol
vessel for acquisition.
As far as
structural actions
are concerned, Cyprus continued to pursue its policy for the
reduction of the number of fishing vessels under its flag that operate in the high seas and to set
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up a Fishing Vessels Register. The relevant software and hardware were acquired and installed
early this year. A first data transmission test was sent to the Commission services in August
In the field of
market policy,
no concrete legislative developments can be reported.
state aid,
the subsidy scheme for Cypriot trawlers fishing in international waters was
abolished in January 2001.
Cyprus did not conclude any
international fisheries agreements
during the period covered
by this report.
Overall assessment
Cyprus' alignment with the
in this area is quite advanced. However, progress is still
needed with market policy, as well as with regard to the current and planned structure of the
fishing fleet under the Cypriot flag.
Concerning market policy, the Common Market Organisation for fisheries is of limited
importance for Cyprus, since it does not engage in fishing or importing of the main species
covered by CMO. As there is no wholesale market and representative wholesale price,
Cyprus will have to submit an equivalent representative wholesale price for imports of fish and
fish products. However, a relevant system for recording landing prices of imported products
already exists.
The four inspectors from the four District Offices, under the supervision of the central
administration in charge of the market, ensure
inter alia
the checking of landings and the
collection of prices. They carry out one to two control visits per week at each site.
Cyprus will have to enforce the common market standards and implement the recognition
conditions for producer organisations. Cyprus is encouraged to finalise the adoption of a new
Law on the responsible authority for the recognition of these organisations.
Concerning resources, management, inspection and control, with the operation of the fishing
licence system, Cyprus will be in a better position to assess the situation and review its policy on
this matter. Administrative capacity in this field is in place in the Department of Fisheries and
Marine Research, but equipment still needs to be improved.
As regards international fisheries agreements, Cyprus has initiated the procedure for ratifying
specific UN and FAO agreements. Cyprus co-operates with the relevant International and
Regional Fisheries Organisations for the sustainable exploitation of fishing resources. It is a
signatory to the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean Agreement.
Concerning structural measures, Cyprus’ policy of reducing the number of fishing vessels under
its flag that operate in distant waters should continue at a steady pace. The effectiveness of the
means introduced so far, including penalties for infringement, will have to be reviewed after a
year. The establishment of a Fishing Vessel Register in line with the requirements of the
is being pursued. The legal framework was adopted in June 2000 and implementing regulations
are under preparation.
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Information and guarantees on measures envisaged to implement structural policy and to
manage structural funds is lacking.
Concerning state aid, Cyprus has now aligned with the
by giving up the subsidy scheme
for trawling in international waters.
The measures taken to prepare a national action plan for the development of aquaculture are
positive steps.
Chapter 9: Transport policy
Since the last Regular Report Cyprus has made significant progress in nearly all sectors of
transport policy.
As regards
Trans-European Transport Networks,
no legislative development can be
As regards
land transport,
the House of Representatives adopted an amendment to the road
law in July 2001 in order to achieve compliance with the
on market access and on
combined transport. The amendments also foresee alignment for admission to the profession of
road haulage operator and road passenger transport operator as from 2003.
The law to achieve gradual compliance on road user charges for heavy goods vehicles was
enacted in March 2001. It will enter into force in 2003.
Concerning safety issues, a regulation concerning speed limitation devices took effect for all
newly registered vehicles as from January 2001 and will enter into force in January 2002 for
existing vehicles. A second regulation on maximum dimensions and weights and a third
regulation on roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and trailers came into force in March
2001. The House of Representatives adopted in June 2001 a new Law on driving licenses that
will enter into force by 2003. Another amendment to the road law of July 2001 is aimed at
aligning with the
on the use of safety belts.
The Department of Road Transport in the Ministry of Communications and Works has created
a new unit with a number of new posts to deal with market access and other issues of the
Roadworthiness tests on public vehicles are carried out by the Department itself
whereas private vehicles will be checked by the private sector under the direct supervision of
the Department.
In the field of
air transport
Cyprus has shown a clear willingness to accelerate harmonisation
with the
notably through its efforts to participate in the ongoing negotiations of the
European Common Aviation Area agreement. Some regulations adopting the Eurocontrol
standards for air traffic management equipment and systems entered into force in February
2001. In May 2001, the action plan on ‘Development of Safety Oversight Capabilities’ was
launched. It covers the provision of consultancy services and technical assistance for the
introduction of regulations, procedures and manuals, as well as on-the-job training of personnel,
with a view to achieving alignment for aircraft maintenance standards and flight operations
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To harmonise access to the groundhandling market, the accounts for the ground handling
sections have been separated from those for other activities of the Department of Civil Aviation
at Community airports since May 2001.
Concerning administrative capacity, the recruitment of five new professional staff for the
Department of Civil Aviation and of one accountant was approved in the Supplementary
Budget Law of March 2001.
In the field of
maritime transport,
two Ratification Laws were enacted in April 2001. They
incorporate amendments to the SOLAS and MARPOL conventions respectively, so as to align
with the relevant
Furthermore, two Merchant Shipping Laws were adopted on that
date, aimed at aligning with the
on port State control and on common rules and
standards for ship inspection and survey organisations respectively.
To align practice as regards the transfer of ships from one register to another within the
Community, the Council of Ministers adopted, in October 2000, the IMO Bulk Chemical Code
and the IMO Bulk Gas Carrier Code.
Over the last year, Cyprus carried out over 40 inspections on over-age bulk carriers and
deleted 18 of them from the Cyprus Register of Ships, as the owners were not willing to submit
their ships to close scrutiny. A programme to study the “long distance strength” of 40 over-age
bulk carriers was initiated at the beginning of the year; 10 individual studies are being prepared
at the moment. In January and May 2001, two ships were deleted from the Cyprus Register of
Ships on account of repeated detentions by foreign port State control authorities for serious
deficiencies relating to the safety of the ship. Lastly, since the beginning of 2001, a classification
society is no longer allowed to issue a passenger ship safety certificate unless an inspection of
the ship is conducted by surveyors and any deficiencies and non-conformities found are
satisfactorily dealt with.
With regard to the effective implementation of the International Safety Management (ISM)
Code, Cyprus has recently punished shipping companies that fail to pay their crews, by
withdrawing their safety management documents. Between July 2000 and May 2001, Cypriot
authorities revoked the Documents of Compliance required by the ISM Code of 6 companies,
managing 15 Cyprus flag vessels in total. The certification of 11 of these vessels has been
restored after thorough joint verification of their Safety Management System by official
surveyors and the respective classification societies involved and rectification of the non-
conformities found.
According to year 2000 statistics under the Paris Memorandum of Understanding, the
percentage of Cyprus flag vessels detained following port State control was 9.71 %, a decrease
compared to 9.97% in 1999. This compares to an average for EU-flagged vessels of 3.9% in
The process of full computerisation of the Department of Maritime Safety (DMS) has started.
Training on the
on maritime safety took place in September 2000. The Parliament
approved the recruitment of 25 more staff for DMS in March 2001. From July 2000 until May
2001, 14 additional ship inspectors working in several ports world-wide have been appointed
to monitor and to verify that the applicable safety standards are indeed implemented on Cyprus
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Overall assessment
Cyprus is well advanced in its harmonisation of the basic legislative and administrative
framework with the
but further efforts are still to be made.
Regarding horizontal issues, the overall responsibility for administering the Community guidelines
in the field of Trans-European Transport Networks lies with the Ministry of Communications
and Works; the Planning Bureau will be responsible for the financial aspects.
Regarding land transport, alignment has been achieved in the harmonisation of road-transport-
related fiscal measures, admission to occupation, technical requirement for vehicles, collection
of road transport statistics, co-operation between authorities and the road transport industry,
maximum dimensions and weights, and speed limitation devices. Legislation still to be passed
concerns recording equipment (tachographs), safety belts and minimum levels of driver training.
Cyprus should also continue its efforts to transpose the
on transport of dangerous
goods, and reinforce the relevant administrative capacity. The main responsibility for
administering and enforcing the land transport
lies with the Ministry of Communications
and Works.
The preparatory work to adopt a new law on air transport should continue to align the
outstanding discrepancies with the
in this sector. Cyprus has made a clear move towards
accelerating harmonisation, as shown by its willingness to join the European Common Aviation
area project. Measures should be taken to ensure that licensing and safety oversight capacities
are improved over the next months. The Department of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of
Communication and Works is the competent authority. Its staff has been considerably
strengthened recently. However, Cyprus is encouraged to set up an independent investigatory
body for accidents and incidents as well.
Concerning maritime transport, Cyprus has aligned its legislation to a considerable extent.
However, further transposition is needed with regard to the
on safety regimes for fishing
vessels of at least 24 metres in length and for passenger ships. Furthermore, despite
administrative practice to that effect, the
on mandatory surveys for the safe operation of
regular ro-ro ferry and high-speed passenger craft services and on the registration of persons
sailing on board of passenger ships operating to or from Community ports has still to be
Cyprus has improved its performance on safety controls. In line with the new law, Cyprus
should monitor the performance of the classification societies acting on behalf of the Cyprus
government. In this regard it is a promising sign that no transfer to other classification societies
has been allowed since June 2000. There have been steady decreases in detention rates and in
marine accidents (from 128 in 1997 to 72 in 2000). Stricter standards are being imposed on the
registration of over-aged ships and a more severe policy is being applied to sub-standard ships.
However, Cyprus’ detention rates as result of state Port controls remain considerably above the
average for EU-flagged vessels. The improvement of the safety record of the Cypriot fleet
should continue through,
inter alia,
the appointment of additional inspectors working in ports
The improvement of the administrative capacity of the Department of Merchant Shipping is a
step in the right direction and should be continued. The Ministry of Communications and
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Works, the Department of Merchant Shipping, and, as regards the operation of ports, the
Cyprus Ports Authority are the competent authorities in this area.
Chapter 10: Taxation
Since the last regular report, Cyprus has achieved limited progress in the area of taxation.
indirect taxation,
in April 2001 Cyprus adopted an amendment to the Customs
and Excise Duties Law according to which imports of small consignments of goods of a non-
commercial character from third countries are exempted from taxes. By the same amendment,
portable containers of fuel were exempted from the turnover tax and the excise duty on imports
in international travel. Furthermore, the definition of tobacco products was aligned with the
by a Law adopted in May 2001.
No legislative progress can be reported in the field of
direct taxation
administrative co-
operation and mutual assistance.
As regards
administrative capacity,
the computerisation of the relevant services of the
Ministry of Finance continued. The Value Added Tax (VAT) service has elaborated a detailed
“business strategy” defining its priority activities over the next 3 years. In March 2001, the
Parliament approved the recruitment of 48 new VAT officers, mainly in the field of VAT
Overall assessment
Overall, Cyprus has started to align its taxation legislation with the
but substantial further
efforts will be required.
While recognising the efforts that have been made in the past and the initiatives taken to further
align the tax legislation of Cyprus, by way of the scheduled Tax Reform in particular, concern
remains as to Cyprus’ ability to fully address the outstanding issues.
The main challenges in the field of indirect taxation relate to the level of taxation. Concerning
VAT, the current standard rate of 10% will have to be increased to a minimum of 15 % upon
accession. Part of such an increase in the rate level (3 %) is planned to enter into force by the
end of 2001, whereas the remaining 2 % will be effected six months prior to accession. In order
to compensate for the increase in the VAT rate by 3 %, Cyprus intends at the same time to
abolish its current defense levy. The introduction of a special VAT scheme for farmers, who in
principle are not subject to VAT at present, is scheduled to be initiated by mid-2002 and fully
implemented upon accession. The VAT Act, which was adopted by the House of
Representatives in June 2000 and will enter into force by the end of 2001, will align the VAT
legislation further with the
Concerning excise duties, further increases in the duty rates
are required for most product categories. Furthermore, for imported products, a full
replacement of the current import duties will have to be carried out. Moreover, the current
protection of domestically produced goods will have to be eliminated, so as to ensure that
excisable products are taxed equally, irrespective of origin. These issues, together with a
broadening of the taxable scope, in particular as regards mineral oils and alcoholic beverages,
are scheduled to be carried out in a three-step exercise during 2002. Further efforts are also
required with regard to the introduction of a tax warehouse system.
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In the field of direct taxation, the special regime for offshore companies in Cyprus needs to be
addressed urgently so as to fully comply with the Code of Conduct for Business Taxation to the
same extent as current Member States. 47 465 permits have been issued since 1976 in this
field, and it is estimated that roughly half of the beneficiaries are still operating. There were
1 080 entities maintaining a physical presence in 2000, and the number of their employees
amounted to 5 864. The economic branches most closely involved are trade, marketing,
distribution, ship management and maritime operations. The volume of activity of the offshore
companies, however, remains low. Although Cyprus stated that this problem would be tackled
within the framework of the Tax Reform, currently under preparation, this will now not take
place until the end of 2001, leaving little time for legislative adaptation and implementation of the
required adjustments.
The Department of Inland Revenue is the competent authority for the administration of direct
taxation. Currently, the Department employs around 600 employees. Its systems are
computerised for the issuing of income tax returns, raising of assessments and collection of
In the area of
administrative co-operation and mutual assistance,
Cyprus will have to
introduce harmonised legislation including the VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) and
develop the existing infrastructure to apply this system. Cyprus already has a computerised
system for the collection and processing of VAT returns. In order to be able to meet the new
demands concerning administrative co-operation and mutual assistance, Cyprus will have to
further reinforce its tax administration structures and control procedures.
As concerns administrative capacity, the VAT Service administers VAT, operating as a
separate structure within the Department of Customs and Excise. Although the Cyprus tax
administration is a modern institution, further efforts are needed to ensure it has enough
capacity, including computerization, to implement, control and enforce the
The increase
in VAT staff is satisfactory.
Overall, although there are some plans to address the outstanding issues, the scope of the
required changes means that Cyprus faces a considerable challenge with a short timetable.
Chapter 11: Economic and monetary union
A detailed assessment of Cyprus’s economic policy in its various aspects has been given above,
in the Chapter discussing the economic criteria (B-2). Therefore, the present section is limited to
a discussion of those aspects of the Economic and Monetary Union
defined by title
VII of the EC treaty and the other relevant texts--which candidate countries should implement
before accession, i.e. the prohibition of direct public sector financing by the central bank, the
prohibition of privileged access of the public sector to financial institutions, and independence of
the national central bank. As to the process of liberalisation of capital movements, upon the
completion of which compliance with the EMU
is conditional, this aspect has been
covered above, in the section on
Chapter 4 – Free movement of capital.
Since the last Regular Report, Cyprus has made some progress in the adoption of the EMU
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As regards the
direct public sector financing by the Central bank and the independence
of the Central Bank,
no legislative developments have been recorded in the reporting period.
Where the
prohibition of privileged access of the public authorities to financial
is concerned, a law abolishing the interest rate ceiling came into force on 1 January
Overall assessment
Cyprus will participate in EMU upon accession with the status of a country with a derogation
under article 122 EC. It will need to implement the necessary changes to its institutional and
legal framework by the date of accession.
Overall, Cyprus still has to implement substantial portions of the
relating notably to the
direct financing of the public sector and to the independence of the Central Bank.
According to present legislation, the Central Bank of Cyprus may still provide the government
with funds through direct advances and purchases of government paper. The Central Bank is
also permitted by law to purchase securities issued by public corporations. Cyprus is
encouraged to finalise its preparations for the change of its legislation and its Constitution in
order to provide for the statutory independence of the Central Bank and compatibility in all
material respects with the EMU
The liberalisation of interest rates constitutes progress in the field of privileged access of the
public sector to financial institutions, since the structure of interest rates is now differentiated
according to risk, including higher rates for unsecured loans.
administrative capacity
in the field of EMU, the departments responsible are the
Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank of Cyprus and the Planning Bureau. The Central Bank of
Cyprus has the overall responsibility for defining and conducting monetary policy.
Chapter 12: Statistics
Cyprus has made considerable progress over the past year due in particular to the
implementation of the Law on Statistics of January 2000.
In the field of
statistical infrastructure
a Statistical Council has been set up, representing the
government as well as bodies outside the government sector including the Trade Unions and
academia. It is chaired by the Director-General of the Ministry of Finance. As regards
administrative capacity, the Cypriot Statistical Office (CYSTAT) has strengthened its
information technologies infrastructure through the acquisition of advanced equipment and
software. It has introduced optical data entry and processing methods, starting from the 2001
population census. The ongoing computerisation of the Treasury Department and the
Department of Customs and Excise will enhance the statistical production process in the areas
of public deficit and debt as well as for external trade. The Budget of 2001 has been increased
to € 6.6 million, as compared to € 4.3 million in 2000 and € 3.6 million in 1999 and provides
for 12 more posts for statistics officers, three of which were already filled in May 2001.
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A fully harmonised business register of local units is being set up following the completion of a
census of enterprises in the first half of 2001.
As regards
the compilation of a fully harmonised monthly volume index of
industrial production at the appropriate level of the NACE classification took place. Output
prices (for manufacturing) both for the domestic and the non-domestic market have also been
made available on a monthly basis.
As regards
demographic and social statistics,
a population census is carried out since
October 2001 in line with EU standards and recommendations. In the field of
numerous harmonisation efforts were made. A labour cost survey is being carried out
since last year according to EC legislation.
There are no statistics available at
regional level.
In the area of
macro-economic statistics,
procedures for the compilation of public deficit and
debt data were initiated. From the 3 quarter of 2001 on, quarterly national accounts are
available. Moreover, the Central Bank of Cyprus has completed the first stage of a reporting
system for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) statistics.
Harmonised consumer price indices are produced and reported monthly. In the area of
business statistics,
business surveys have been extended to cover more variables; additional
short-term indicators such as volume index of industrial production have also been compiled.
Transport statistics
exist in the field of maritime transport and the motor vehicle register is in
the process of being set up (see
Chapter 9-Transport policy).
external trade
have been revised in January 2001 to include a special trade system for exports. In
agricultural statistics
livestock surveys have been harmonised whilst various crop registers
are being set up.
Overall assessment
Overall, Cyprus is quite well advanced in the field of statistics, although some further efforts are
needed to fully align practices with the
As regards statistical infrastructure, the new Statistics Law of 2000 provides an appropriate
legal framework for the work of CYSTAT on official statistics within the context of the EU.
Both the role and functions of CYSTAT have been redefined. There is strengthening of co-
operation and co-ordination with other data producers, such as the Central Bank of Cyprus, the
Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment and other organisations such as the
Cyprus Tourism Organisation. They now use common classifications and methods and they
adhere more strictly to the timetables for the transmission of data subject to confidentiality to
EUROSTAT. Furthermore, it is to be welcomed that the Statistics Law provides for the
immediate transposition of EC requirements in this area to the statistical system of Cyprus
without further legal measures. The fundamental principles of impartiality and reliability of data
as well as the transparency of statistics and confidentiality of personal data are safeguarded.
CYSTAT is highly computerised in terms of terminals, personal computers, connection to the
LAN and access to Internet.
As regards classifications, continuing efforts to use the NACE classifications are needed.
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In the area of sectoral statistics, Cyprus has progressed. A good level of alignment exists in
agricultural statistics. As regards demographic, social and regional statistics, several important
new data collection systems are being developed. The methods in macro-economic statistics
are improving. Business statistics, transport statistics, and external trade statistics seem to have
improved also.
Chapter 13: Social policy and employment
Since the last Regular Report Cyprus has achieved considerable progress in the field of social
policy and employment.
As regards
labour law,
legislation adopted by Parliament in March 2001 aims at transposing
the Directives on the protection of employees in the event of the insolvency of their employer
and the Directives on collective redundancies. A law of April 2001 sought alignment of Cypriot
law with the Directive on the protection of young people at work.
equal treatment of women and men,
regulations defining the powers of the
inspectors were issued in November 2000 under the equal pay legislation. Furthermore, an
amendment to the Social Insurance Legislation of April 2001 aims to bring Cypriot legislation in
line with aspects of the
on equal treatment for men and women in matters of social
A special group of officials was set up (including representatives of the Ministry of Labour and
Social Insurance, the Planning Bureau and the Law Office) to examine in detail the new
structures of the Government with regard to equal treatment of men and women.
In the field of
health and safety,
to bring legislation on the protection of chemical agents at
work in line with the
a regulation was issued in June 2001. Two other regulations of
April 2001 transposed the
on biological and carcinogenic agents. Finally, the health
standards for workers who manually handle loads would seem to have been incorporated by a
regulation of June 2001.
The administrative capacity of the recently established Department of Labour Inspection was
further enhanced by the appointment of a Director and three Senior Labour Inspectors, one in
charge of each of the three sections of the Department, namely the Section on Conditions at
Work, the Section on Industrial Pollution Control and the Section on Field Operations.
In the field of
public health,
Cyprus has further brought its legislation in line with the
labelling of tobacco products and on maximum tar yields, as of January 2001. A new laboratory
for measuring the tar yield of cigarettes was created at the General State Laboratory of the
Ministry of Health. A number of health prevention programmes have been developed and
implemented such as school education, anti-smoking campaigns, screening for cancer
prevention, promotion of health nutrition and combating drugs and cardiovascular diseases.
Whereas in the field of
social dialogue
no developments can be reported, the process of
policy review in Cyprus has been launched and a joint assessment paper on
employment policy has been agreed between the Commission and Cyprus. This will form the
basis for joint employment monitoring in the pre-accession period. Overall labour market
performance in Cyprus remains strong, with both the employment and unemployment rates
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comparing favourably with the EU average. The overall unemployment rate was still declining
and reached 5% in 2000.
As regards
social protection,
new legislation for a National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS)
was adopted by Parliament in April 2001. It provides for universal coverage and its financing
will be based on contributions by the social partners. It also aims to introduce checks and
balances that will lead to cost containment and improve the quality of services provided.
No further legislative progress can be reported in the field of
However, in
July 2001 the Council of Ministers appointed an interministerial committee, with a mandate to
study the Second Report on Cyprus (2000) of the European Commission against Racism and
Intolerance and to submit to the Council suggestions towards concrete measures and further
action to be taken on combating racism, xenophobia, discrimination and intolerance in specific
areas of concern.
Overall assessment
Although Cyprus is advanced in this area, some parts of the
have not yet been fully
In the area of labour law, the Directives on working time, part time work, fixed-term work,
posting of workers, and European Works Councils still need to be transposed. Cyprus is
encouraged to set up the independent guarantee institution foreseen in the
on protection
of workers in case of insolvency of the employer.
Concerning equal treatment for women and men, parts of the
remain to be transposed.
Legislation has been under preparation and/or consideration for a considerable period of time.
Gender mainstreaming was incorporated for the first time in the 1999-2003 National
Development Plan. The National Machinery for Women Rights advises the Council of Ministers
on policies, promotes women’s rights and subsidises women’s organisations. A large number of
NGOs are represented. In addition, each ministry has an official responsible for the promotion
of women’s rights, but there are no regional or local bodies dealing with the promotion of
equality of women. Cyprus also recognises that the implementation and enforcement machinery
needs to be strengthened.
In the field of health and safety at work, several regulations covering all fields of the
outstanding. The labour inspectorate team is small but consists of qualified professionals. The
high number of court cases (51 for 1998) indicates good enforcement of the present legislation.
In general, training and staff recruitment should continue.
As regards public health, minor changes in the definition of tobacco products and the
establishment of a public health laboratory are necessary. When harmonising tobacco
legislation, Cyprus should take into account the latest
in this field.
Regarding epidemiological surveillance and the control of communicable diseases, a notification
system for communicable disease exists under the Quarantine Law of 1935 and its
amendments. As this law is considered inadequate Cyprus is encouraged to introduce new
legislation, aligned with the principles of the Community network for epidemiological
surveillance and the control of communicable diseases by 2003. In this respect, a national
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structure for surveillance and control of communicable diseases should be developed which
would allow Cyprus to participate in the relevant Community network.
There are some deficiencies regarding health status monitoring. The computerisation of the
public health services is underway, while the actual establishment of a Health Information system
should begin by the end of June 2002. In this respect, Cyprus should continue its efforts to
develop a health monitoring and information system in order to obtain health data and indicators
comparable to the EC system.
Concerning social dialogue, Cyprus has a long-standing tradition in this area. Workers’ and
employers’ organisations are strong and play an active role in particular in various existing
tripartite bodies. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the tripartite process could be further
improved, especially considering the very small number of agreements reached in recent years.
Autonomous social dialogue, sectoral social dialogue and collective agreements could be
reinforced in order to prepare the social partners in Cyprus for the role they will be called upon
to play in the sectoral social dialogue at EU level. At company level, forms of workers’
consultation and information should be promoted along the lines of the Community
The Ministry of Labour is the national authority dealing with employment services. Cyprus is
computerising the existing system in order to be able to participate fully in the network.
However, the employment policy delivery systems, and specifically the Public Employment
Services will need to be strengthened.
In the field of social security the newly adopted National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS)
opens the way for major health reforms in Cyprus. Among others, the health monitoring system
has to be put in place, and surveillance for communicable diseases needs to be upgraded.
The combat against exclusion, as laid down in article 136 of the Treaty establishing the
European Community, is part of the objectives of EU social policy. As decided at the Lisbon
and Nice European Councils, policies to combat social exclusion combine commonly agreed
objectives at the EU level, and national action plans. The Gothenburg European Council in June
2001 invited candidate countries to translate the Union's objectives of promoting social inclusion
into their national policies.
In relation to the European Social Funds (ESF), the Planning Bureau will be the single Managing
Authority for the Community Support Framework or the Single Programming Document,
according to the Structural Funds Regulations. The Ministry of Labour and Insurance will be the
authority responsible for the ESF and, for the time being, staff have been trained in this field. A
Special Preparatory Programme (SPP) project for Structural Funds is under preparation, which
aims to review the envisaged Structural Funds implementation system. Following the
implementation of the SPP the necessary structures will have to be set up Cyprus is encouraged
to recruit additional staff in the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance in 2002 for the creation
of a specific ESF section.
In its analytical approach to policy development, the Ministry of Labour has already adopted
the four-pillar structure of the European Employment Guidelines, and work has commenced on
the preparation of a National Employment Action Plan in line with the annual procedures in the
Member States.
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Efforts are needed to ensure alignment with the
on anti-discrimination based on Art. 13
Chapter 14: Energy
Cyprus has made some progress in the energy sector although a number of measures still need
to be adopted.
In the fields of
security of supply, competitiveness and the internal energy market,
legislative development can be reported.
As regards
energy efficiency,
in June 2001 the House of Representatives enacted legislation
for the labelling of household appliances.
In May 2001 an Institute of Energy was established. It supports the promotion of measures for
the rational use of energy, renewable energy sources and fossil fuels. The Government has
introduced a grant scheme for investments in energy conservation and for the substitution of
electrical energy or conventional fuels with renewable energy sources to run until 1 January
2003. The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism has been designated as the
enforcement agency concerning the labelling of household appliances. The human resources of
the Energy Section of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism have been increased.
Overall assessment
Overall, the adoption of the
until now is satisfactory but further sustained efforts are
With regard to the security of supply, due to the heavy dependency of Cyprus on imported oil,
the issue of building up the required 90 days of oil stocks in accordance with the
is of
particular significance. Currently, stocks are held by the petroleum refinery, the Electricity
Authority and oil companies for their own requirements, but additional storage capacity needs
to be developed. Cyprus has taken some initial steps towards the progressive building up of its
oil stocks and storage capacity.
In the field of competitiveness and the internal energy market, concerning
Electricity Authority currently remains the sole producer and distributor of electricity in Cyprus.
It has the status of a semi-governmental organisation with a legal monopoly. Under the present
rules only when the Electricity Authority lacks capacity can permission to generate electricity be
granted to others. This monopoly position will need to be altered in order to comply with the
Cyprus should strengthen its efforts to comply with the
in the electricity sector. It
should also consider how to eliminate remaining price distortions.
Although possibilities for the future development of a
sector continue to be studied, the
current situation whereby there is no consumption of natural gas, no gas network and no
interconnections remains unchanged. Similarly, as Cyprus does not have any coal mines the
sector of
solid fuels
is of no significance, although a new oil-fired power plant is under
construction, which can also be converted for coal. Cyprus continues to have no plans for on-
shore/off-shore oil exploration.
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Concerning the oil-related
further adjustments are necessary for alignment.
Although Cyprus has already taken some steps with regard to energy efficiency, further efforts
are needed to improve efficiency, to achieve alignment with the
in this field and to
strengthen the relevant institutions.
As regards administrative capacity, the Energy Section of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry
and Tourism is the competent department for all energy matters and has overall responsibility
for implementing the
The Energy Section incorporates an Inquiry Point to which any
request for information about laws, regulations, and administrative rulings may be addressed.
No Regulatory mechanism as required by the internal energy market
has as yet been
established in Cyprus.
Whereas Cyprus does not generate electricity from nuclear power sources, the Council Report
on Nuclear Safety in the Context of Enlargement (June 2001) contains recommendations with
regard to other nuclear activities of relevance to Cyprus (that is the management and disposal of
institutional radioactive waste, i.e. mainly sealed sources from industrial and medical
The Report emphasises that its general observations and recommendations are relevant, in
particular with regard to the need for Cyprus to ensure that the appropriate regulatory oversight
is established according to good practices within the EU.
Cyprus will need to ensure compliance with Euratom requirements and procedures. In this
respect, continued attention should be given to preparing the implementation of Euratom
Safeguards, in particular regarding the reporting of nuclear material flows and inventories
directly by the persons or structures operating nuclear installations or storing nuclear material. It
should be noted that Cyprus has concluded a Full Scope Safeguards Agreement with the
IAEA. An additional Protocol to this Agreement has been signed in July 1999.
Chapter 15: Industrial policy
Since the last regular report, Cyprus has made some further progress in implementation, and as
during the previous year, mainly concentrated its efforts on investment promotion.
In the implementation of
industrial strategy,
Cyprus last year started to implement 12 support
schemes included in the “New Industrial Policy” adopted in 1999 to improve the
competitiveness of Cypriot industry. Ten of these schemes concern traditional industries, the
remaining two the diffusion of information technologies.
In the field of
privatisation and restructuring,
no further legislative development can be
reported. The government has decided to enhance the
administrative capacity
of the Ministry
of Commerce, Industry and Tourism for the effective implementation of the
Developments concering Industrial policy should be seen in relation to the overall enterprise policy, including the SME
policy (see
chapter 16 - Small and medium-sized enterprises).
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Overall assessment
The industrial policy of Cyprus is substantially in line with the concepts and principles of EC
industrial policy. It has always been based on the premise that productive and commercial
activity is the responsibility of the private sector, whereas the role of the state is to foster an
environment conducive to private initiative and to create the necessary infrastructure. The
degree of state intervention in the production process in the manufacturing sector in Cyprus is
limited, although the government holds equity in some companies. However, special efforts
have to be made to fight structural problems such as high production costs or low productivity.
Cyprus’ industrial policy is laid down in the 1999-2003 Strategic Development Plan. In this
framework, the New Industrial Policy contains incentives and schemes in twelve areas. These
areas are: high technology (business incubators and R&D); one-stop shop for foreign investors;
mergers, acquisitions and subcontracting; laboratories for quality improvement; access to
finance (guarantees for loans to SMEs); development of specialized software; energy
conservation; tax incentives; incentives to internationalisation; development of the Larnaca Free
Zone and grants for manufacturing industries. Measures have been introduced to support co-
operation between companies such as mergers, joint ventures or subcontracting, the
technological upgrading of industrial units and the quality improvement of manufactured
products. It should be noted that an important element of any industrial policy is the control of
state aid and the compatibility of support schemes with EC rules, including the current rules of
state aid of the ECSC Treaty, which will have to be examined (see
chapter 6 – Competition
The execution and monitoring of the implementation of industrial policy is the responsibility of
the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, which introduces the appropriate policy and
administrative measures and formulates policy or sets objectives according to emerging needs.
with other Ministries and the Planning Bureau is well established. Private sector
institutions such as chambers, business associations etc. participate, through the Advisory
Committee on Commerce and Industry, in both the formulation and the monitoring of
implementation of industrial policy. At local level, apart from the Cyprus Chamber of
Commerce, there are regional Chambers of Commerce in the five major cities.
Industrial policy is developed in an integrated manner among the different Ministries and private
sector institutions. There is no need to establish new institutions or administrative bodies for the
implementation and the enforcement of the
Chapter 16: Small and medium-sized enterprises
As regards
SME policy
business environment
Cyprus continued to make progress with
implementation during last year.
The Government has signed contracts with the private sector for the creation of two business
incubators. A new scheme has been put into effect by the Central Bank of Cyprus for financing
SMEs at favourable interest rates.
Developments concerning SME policy should be seen in relation to the overall enterprise policy, including Industrial
policy (see
chapter 15 - Industrial policy).
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A decision by the Council of Ministers of 16 June 2001 brought the
SME definition
in line
with the
In August 2001, the government drew up a catalogue of contact points in the
Ministries for information on Internal Market issues.
Overall assessment
As regards SME policy Cyprus is broadly in line with the principles and objectives of EU
enterprise policy. In the Strategic Development Plan for Cyprus (1999-2003) there is a specific
chapter on SMEs, which adopts the guidelines set out by the EU in the Third multi-annual
programme for SMEs. Its objective is the creation of a simplified legal and institutional
framework for SMEs, the improvement of the financial environment and the enhancement of
the competitiveness of SMEs through their internationalisation and their access to the
information society. A special scheme for start-up loans was introduced, but no agreement with
the banks was reached for a government guarantee scheme for loans and interest rate subsidies.
A new scheme was put into effect by Central Bank of Cyprus for financing SMEs at favourable
interest rates.
Policy to favour entrepreneurship is based on the co-ordination between the objectives of
educational, economic and employment policies, as well as on close co-operation with all the
actors concerned, especially the business community. Further improvements in the
administrative simplification for enterprises are still needed.
As regards the implementation of SME policy in Cyprus, sufficient infrastructure already exists.
The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism is responsible for SME policy. Its action is
supported by other ministries and private bodies such as Employers and Trade Associations or
Chambers of Commerce. Private sector institutions participate in both the formulation and the
monitoring of the implementation of the policy. An Institute of Technology exists as well as a
Centre for SMEs, which was set up within the Cyprus Development Bank.
Chapter 17: Science and research
Cyprus has undertaken further measures to strengthen its capacity to implement the
the field of Science and Research since the previous report.
The association with the Fifth Framework Programme continues to function well. Within the
framework of the Industrial Policy for the development of high technology industry in Cyprus,
the government has signed contracts with the private sector for the creation of two business
The budget for national research programmes increased from €437 500 (CY £ 250 000) in
1998 to €1,75 million (CY £ 1 million) in 2001. The Research Promotion Foundation is actively
involved in the co-ordination and encouragement of the participation of Cyprus’ institutions in
the 5th Framework Programme. Since January 2001 it has had an appointed liaison officer in
Brussels in order to be kept informed of all new developments and to foster co-operation with
the Commission and other liaison officers of Member States. One of the priorities of the
Foundation is the improvement of links between academia and research institutions with the
industry and SMEs.
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The Planning Bureau continues to play a pivotal role in the promotion of scientific and
technological co-operation with foreign research institutes.
Since May 2001 Cyprus has participated as an observer in the CREST Committee (Comité
pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique).
Overall assessment
In Cyprus, co-operation in the field of science and technology is well established and
participation in the Fifth Framework Programme should enable Cyprus’ authorities to become
more familiar with Community rules and proceedings. Further reinforcement of research-related
administrative capacity and infrastructure is necessary to enhance successful association. For a
further development of the sector and for an effective integration of Cyprus into the European
Research Area, it is important to significantly increase the gross domestic expenditure on
research and technological development. Within the framework of the New Industrial Policy for
the Development of High Technology Industry in Cyprus, the concept of incubators for high
technology companies and centres for applied research and development should be promoted.
With the increase of the human resources available to the Research Promotion Foundation, this
body now seems to be adequately staffed. Apart from launching national research programmes
the Foundation is actively involved in the co-ordination and encouragement of the participation
of Cypriot institutions in the Fifth Framework Programme for Science and Research.
Chapter 18: Education and training
Cyprus made significant progress in the last year in the field of education and training.
It has started to participate in the second phase of the
Community programmes
Leonardo da Vinci and Youth (see
section A.b - Relations between the European Union
and Cyprus).
In November 2000, the Parliament adopted the Education Degree, General Minimum
Education and Curriculum Act. It addresses – together with the National Education Act - the
requirements of the
Directive concerning education of children of migrant workers,
regulating the conditions for learning the mother tongue as well as the acquaintance with the
culture of origin of children of migrant workers. In this context funds were provided through the
2000 Budget enabling the training of trainers, the training of teachers and the provision of
technical assistance.
Cyprus has made progress in
reforming its education and training system.
amendments of November 2000 to the Vocational Education and Training Act introduce a legal
framework for licensing vocational training institutions as well as for the de-centralisation of
administration to regional, municipal and school level. The National Agency for Vocational
Education and Training is responsible for the monitoring of standards in these areas. However,
there are financial and human resource capacity constraints, which impede the implementation of
this Act and the adequate functioning of the Agency.
The Council of Ministers decided to establish the University of Applied Sciences and Arts (7
February 2001) and the Cyprus Open University (30 June 2001).
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Overall assessment
Participation in the relevant Community programmes is satisfactory and the established national
agencies are functioning. The Directive concerning the education of children of migrant workers
now seems to be fully transposed. Its implementation has to be ensured.
Reforms of the education and training system have made a big step forward with the
establishment of two universities. The Open University will develop e-learning on an initial level.
As far as continuing vocational training is concerned the training infrastructure is relatively good,
but the necessary legal basis, which provides incentives for employers to ensure continued
training for employees, needs to be further strengthened. In response to the Commission’s
memorandum on lifelong learning, Cyprus’ government has approved a reform proposal for
secondary vocational education and training. It has set up a consultation process but an overall
coherent continuing training policy is still missing. It will be important that the key players at
national level are brought together to ensure an increased effort towards the development of a
comprehensive approach to lifelong learning, incorporating initial education, continuing and
labour market training.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance has commissioned a study to review the
apprenticeship scheme. A committee has started work to define the framework for the creation
of a Technical University. Despite recent progress, there is a need to further strengthen the
administrative capacity of the Ministry of Education and Science, to further decentralise the
educational system to the regions and municipalities, as well as to develop a framework for
dialogue with social partners. The co-operation between the Ministry of Labour and Social
Insurance and the Ministry for Education and Science still needs to be improved.
Chapter 19: Telecommunications and information technologies
Since the last regular report good progress has been made concerning the improvement of the
telecommunications infrastructure, the quality of services and the introduction of tariffs reforms.
Little progress has however been made regarding liberalisation.
As regards the
liberalisation of the telecommunications market,
there have been no further
developments. However, in order to prepare for future competition, a new numbering plan has
been elaborated by the network operator CYTA with effect from November 2001.
As for the
regulatory framework,
in April 2001 the Parliament adopted the Law on the
creation of the office of the Commissioner for Telecommunications and Postal Regulation. The
Commissioner has not yet been appointed, but the budget for his office is under preparation.
The functions related to radio-communications will continue to be exercised by the Directorate
of Telecommunications of the Ministry of Communications and Works.
A study on the elaboration of a new numbering plan has been submitted to the Ministry of
Communications and Works by CYTA. Another study is currently prepared for this
Directorate, which covers issues of pricing for the frequency spectrum as well as criteria and
procedures for licensing of an additional GSM operator and the Third Generation Mobile
Telephony operators.
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The House of Representatives approved the new tariff-rebalancing package in November
2000. The scheme will be carried out in three steps up to December 2001, gradually reducing
tariffs on international and long-distance calls over the fixed network, mobile telephony and
ISDN, while prices for local calls will increase.
Although preparations have advanced, no legislative development has been recorded in the
postal services
since the last regular report. However, the domestic mail system was assessed
commencing November 2000 by external monitors, with the aim of improving its quality. Upon
a recommendation by a German expert, Cyprus Post has re-organised the sorting centre as
from April 2001. The universal service has been expanded to cover house-to-house delivery to
15 more communities, extending the service to 148 in total. In January 2001, the Government
decided to change the legal status of the Postal Services according to a model applied in EU
Member States.
administrative capacity
of the Directorate of Telecommunications is being enhanced with
two additional posts. The staff of the Directorate attended several workshops on
telecommunications regulation and spectrum management, and new frequency monitoring
equipment was acquired in November 2000.
On the initiative of the Government, all schools have been connected to the Internet since last
Overall assessment
Whereas infrastructure and services are well advanced in Cyprus, efforts to gradually open the
telecommunications and postal markets need to be maintained. In particular, Cyprus should
liberalise the mobile telephony market.
In the field of telecommunications, although the current moves towards cost-orientation of tariffs
are encouraging, the preparation and the adoption of legislation and secondary regulatory
instruments to transpose essential parts of the
is not progressing according to the plan.
The administrative procedures, and the requirement that even very detailed regulations have to
be passed through Parliament, make it difficult to adapt the legal framework to the rapidly
changing telecommunications technologies and markets and to promote the development of the
Information Society in Cyprus.
The public network operator (CYTA) is to be transformed into a joint stock company at the
end of 2001. Compared to the telecommunications sector, Internet use has developed only
slowly, with a current penetration rate of about 15 %, far below the EU average (about 36 %),
and a market still dominated by CYTANET.
As for the postal market, there is neither a licensing regime nor a legal provision for a Universal
Service Provider. However, in practice, the Department of Postal Services offers universal
service to nearly the whole population. The remaining 48 communities with more than 200
inhabitants are to be included in the service soon. Cyprus Post, as a member of the European
association of public postal operators (USPs)-PostEurop, participates in regular cross-border
assessment of the postal service and has started to monitor its domestic mail system as well.
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As the appointment of the Commissioner for Telecommunications and Postal Regulations is
delayed since May 2001 the new Regulatory Authority is still not operational. It is essential to
ensure that the authority has sufficient staff to carry out the tasks of drafting regulations and
ensuring market surveillance.
Despite the recent reinforcement of administrative capacity it seems that the human resources in
the Directorate of Telecommunications still need to be increased in order to cope with the tasks
of the Directorate.
Chapter 20: Culture and audio-visual policy
There have been no significant legislative developments in this area since the last regular report.
Cyprus has continued to develop its administrative capacity to implement the Radio and
Television Stations Law.
Developments in the field of
audio-visual policy
have been entirely administrative. The Cyprus
Radio and Television Authority (CRTA), established in 1998, has significantly raised its profile
among the public and broadcasters during the period covered by this report. It began to
monitor and intervene on questions relating to human rights, the right to privacy, the protection
of minors and it promoted and called for a public response, which itself brought an increase in
complaints against television and radio broadcasters. In figures released in February 2001 the
CRTA announced that it had considered 212 possible violations over the last year. Of the 160
cases examined, 104 resulted in penalties ranging from € 350 (C£ 200) to € 7000 (C£ 4000).
A new Director of the CRTA was appointed on 1 July 2001.
In the field of
no particular developments are to be reported.
Overall assessment
Overall, Cyprus’ legislation in this field is largely aligned with the
As regards audio-visual policy the Cyprus Radio and Television Stations Law is already largely
in line with the
The government has announced that the list identifying events of major
importance, to which viewing access should be ensured shall be approved soon. However,
further clarification is still needed as regards, in particular, certain definitions and the right to
reply. The CRTA seems to implement the law effectively.
Cyprus has ratified the Council of Europe Convention on Transfrontier Television and its
The Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture are responsible for formulating
and implementing the national cultural policy in the field of Letters and Arts. The Department of
Antiquities of the Ministry of Communications and Works is in charge of the discovery,
maintenance and protection of the cultural heritage of the Republic of Cyprus. The preservation
and rehabilitation of buildings of cultural importance is assigned to the Town and Country
Planning of the Ministry of Interior.
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Chapter 21: Regional policy and co-ordination of structural instruments
Over the reporting period Cyprus has made further progress in preparing for the implementation
of structural policies.
territorial organisation,
the Council of Ministers took a decision in December
2000 establishing two programming regions. In August 2001, Cyprus has submitted to
EUROSTAT a proposal for provisional definition of regions corresponding to NUTS Levels 2,
3 and 4; this has not been agreed upon by the Commission.
While the
legislative framework
has not changed, the
institutional structures
have been
strengthened. In December 2000, the Council of Ministers decided to set up Regional Councils
in each programming region. They will have a substantial role in the formulation of regional
development strategy. Elected representatives of local authorities and elected representatives of
other organizations will participate in the Regional Councils.
In the field of
financial management and control,
the implementation of the new
computerised financial information and management accounting system (FIMAS) commenced in
September 2000 and is expected to be fully operational in 24 months. FIMAS will make
possible the continuous monitoring of progress of implementation of all programmes/projects
included in the budget. This analysis will enable constant follow-up of progress achieved and
will constitute the basis for any appropriate corrective action in case of material budget
variances. Furthermore, an Internal Audit Manual is being developed, to provide guidelines and
support for internal auditors in carrying out their work. It has also been decided to concentrate
the management of the pre-accession aid in the hands of the Accountant-General (as National
Authorizing Officer) and the Permanent Secretary of the Planning Bureau (as National Aid
As regards
no particular developments for the management of Structural Funds are
to be reported since the latest Regular Report. No regional statistics have been provided in
support of the proposed similar to NUTS classification.
Overall assessment
Cyprus can be considered well on the way to having the full capacity to implement structural
policies. However, efforts still need to be speeded up, in particular as regards the establishment
of a territorial organisation which allows for the effective implementation of Structural Funds and
the setting up of the required monitoring and evaluation system. Other actions that are required
include: the preparation of a coherent development plan aiming at producing a Single
programming Document as required by the Structural Funds regulation, the definition of the
implementation structures of the final plan, and the definition of the paying authorities.
Although less urgent, issues such as the strengthening of administrative capacity (especially in
terms of recruitment and training), the alignment with the specific financial management and
control procedures for future Structural Funds and Cohesion Funds, and the technical
preparation of projects eligible for Structural and Cohesion Funds assistance (project pipeline)
also need attention.
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As regards territorial organisation, Cyprus’ administration relies on the division of the island into
six districts and 33 self-governing municipalities, as well as 576 Community Councils.
Concerning the legislative framework, no further legislative initiatives appear necessary in order
to implement the EC structural policy
The institutional structures are envisaged to be in place upon accession. The co-ordination of
government’s policies for regional development is performed by the Planning Bureau. Once an
agreement is reached on similar to NUTS classification the planned Regional Councils can help
in implementing a coherent regional policy, but the decision regarding their final composition
needs still to be taken.
On Structural Funds, the responsibilities have been shared out. The Planning Bureau will be the
single Managing Authority for the Community Support Framework or the Single Programming
Document and the lead authority for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and
the Cohesion Fund. The Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment will be the
lead authority for the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF)-Guidance
Section and the Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG). Finally, the Ministry of
Labour and Social Insurance will be the lead authority for the European Social Fund (ESF).
Payment agencies are to be designated in 2002. As regards preparation of programming, the
partnership principle, monitoring and evaluation, no particular developments can be reported.
Cyprus has prepared a special Programme for the Preparation of EU Structural Policy (SPP),
which is about to be launched. Its main aim is the enhancement of the administrative capacity to
manage the Structural Funds and regional planning. The Planning Bureau (comprising a staff of
57) is the national planning and co-ordination authority, and is also responsible for medium and
long term macroeconomic planning. A unit has been set-up within the Planning Bureau, currently
consisting of three officers responsible for the co-ordination of all preparatory activities in
relation to Structural Funds. The administrative capacity seems to be sufficient, although further
efforts are needed in terms of recruitment and training.
In general, the necessary structures and operational arrangements to implement the ESF
effectively, are already in place. However, adjustments and further strengthening is necessary in
order to improve both administrative capacity and the mechanism for co-ordination of ESF
interventions in the context of the European Employment Strategy and the Inclusion Process.
Since 1960, the Government of Cyprus has drawn up five-year national Strategic Development
Plans (SDP). The current SDP covers the period 1999-2003. The SDP is implemented
annually through the budget category of development expenditure. Programming of expenditure
is established on an annual basis with a Memorandum, which accompanies the budget
document covering multi-annual issues. This procedure corresponds to a large extent to the
pluri-annual commitment requirement of the Structural Funds. However, a coherent
development plan as required by the Structural Funds regulation has to be prepared and the
implementation structures for the final plan have to be defined. Support provided within the
framework of SPP should help to improve further this situation. Further efforts are required at
the level of the technical preparation of projects eligible for Structural and Cohesion Funds
assistance (project pipeline).
Concerning monitoring and evaluation, although Cyprus has already been implementing an ex-
post assessment of the development projects, the system is not at the level required by the
Structural Funds regulations, in particular for ex-ante evaluation and for the collection and
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processing of the relevant statistical information and indicators, in particular at regional and local
In the field of financial management and control, the budgetary procedures required for the
implementation of the Structural Funds are generally in line with the provisions of the relevant
regulations. The Directorate for the Development Expenditure of the budget, within the Planning
Bureau, is responsible for the formulation and implementation of development expenditure. Final
ex ante
control of payment vouchers has been moved from the Internal Audit Directorate to the
Accounting and Financial Services Directorate.
Financial control is carried out by the independent Internal Audit Directorate of the Treasury,
external auditing is carried out by the Office of the Auditor-General. In an effort to strengthen
the functional independence of the Internal Audit Directorate the Government will set up an
Internal Audit Board. The institutional, legal and administrative framework for the financial
control of structural assistance is already to a large extent in place but further efforts are needed.
Cyprus will still have to make some efforts to meet the specific financial management and
control provisions of the Structural Funds regulations.
As to regional statistics, further efforts are necessary to bring them up to the level required for
regional policy planning and programming, in particular ex-ante evaluation. Cyprus still needs to
improve the system for the collection and processing of relevant statistical information for the
purposes of ex-ante evaluation.
Chapter 22: Environment
Since the last Regular Report, Cyprus has made good progress in aligning with the
mainly in the fields of horizontal legislation, water quality and ozone depleting substances.
Cyprus has begun to
integrate the environment into other policies.
In agriculture, measures
have concentrated on the appropriate use of fertilisers and pesticides, the assignment of a
feasibility study for the installation of an incinerator for animal carcasses, the relocation of animal
husbandry units and the setting up of the legal framework for the promotion of organic
cultivation. In energy, Cyprus encourages the development of renewable energy sources
(primarily solar and wind) and promotes energy efficiency measures in all sectors. The erection
of a wind turbine by the Electricity Authority of Cyprus demonstrates the practical outcome of
these measures. Furthermore, through a wide range of fiscal measures, industrial policy assists
the predominantly small polluting units in adopting more environmentally friendly approaches.
Finally, “sustainable development” approaches are being applied to the transport and tourism
horizontal legislation,
the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
entered into force in April 2001. It aligns Cypriot law with the EIA Directive. The new law goes
beyond the minimum requirements of the Directive regarding the exception of defence projects,
the thresholds and categories of Annex I projects, transparency (the Cyprus Federation of
Environmental Organisations is a member of the EIA assessment committee) and the role of the
environmental authority (Environment Service).
In the field of
air quality,
the operating conditions for volatile organic compound (VOC)
emissions from the storage of petrol were issued in March 2001 under the Air Pollution Control
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Law. They oblige terminals to install the necessary equipment by January 2003. Furthermore, a
new comprehensive report on air quality assessment in Nicosia was completed and
disseminated at the end of 2000.
In the field of
waste management,
no specific waste legislation was adopted in the period
covered by this report. The Law on Environmental Impact Assessment of April 2001
transposed the provisions of the Decisions on the list of waste and hazardous waste.
With respect to
water quality
the Parliament enacted the Quality of Water Intended for Human
Consumption Law in May 2001, transposing the requirements of the Drinking Water Directive.
A strict monitoring programme for water supply will ensure the proper implementation of the
act. Concerning the discharge of dangerous substances into the water (dealt with by the water
Directive of 1976 and its six "daughter" directives) an Order based on the Water Pollution
Control Law was issued in January 2001. It adopted the remaining ambient water quality values
and the measurement methods under the directives.
Construction works for the central sewage and waste treatment plants in Larnaca, Paphos, Ayia
Napa – Paralimni and a number of rural centres are under way. Work has also begun on the
design of the Greater Nicosia central sewage system.
In the field of
nature protection,
in March 2001 the House of Representatives adopted a law
for the ratification of the UN Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as
Waterfowl Habitats. A bill providing for the ratification of the Convention for the Protection of
Migratory Species of Wild Animals was approved in July 2001. As regards the trade in
endangered species, an amendment to the Animals (Scientific Experiments) Law was enacted in
July 2000, taking into account the stricter protection requirements for species covered by the
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.
As regards the EC Birds and Habitat directives, the technical data sheets on the habitats and
species for which adaptation of the technical annexes is proposed have been provided to the
Commission. The government has not yet made its final decision on the protection measures to
be taken to safeguard the Akamas Peninsula.
With regard to
industrial pollution control and risk management,
an environmental impact
study for the installation of Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) at the Vasilikos power station was
completed in February 2001. It will be used by the Cypriot authorities to decide how to
complete the plant in compliance with the Large Combustion Plants (LCP) Directive.
In the field of
chemicals and genetically modified organisms,
the House of Representatives
passed a law in March 2001 providing for the ratification of the Copenhagen, Vienna and
Montreal II amendments to the Montreal Protocol. The law assigns the Minister of Agriculture,
Natural Resources and the Environment as the competent authority to issue regulations on
Ozone Depleting Substances permits and to issue licenses.
As regards
noise from vehicles and machinery,
no legislative development can be reported.
As regards
radiation protection,
a number of training activities were organised. Safety
equipment was upgraded; the preparation of an inventory of all radiation sources was initiated.
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Cyprus has also strengthened its
administrative capacity.
The Environment Service of the
Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment was allocated additional staff in
spring 2001. Furthermore, the public administration frequently takes advantage of the possibility
of purchasing private services. Thus eleven implementation programmes are already under way
(covering CO
strategy, ozone substances strategy, waste management strategy, environmental
information, IPPC and chemical substances, habitats, EMAS, PCBs, nitrate pollution, and
design of the Paphos landfill) and another five are about to commence (packaging, hazardous
waste, batteries, landfills assessment, and waste water systems design).
Overall assessment
Cyprus’ alignment with the
as well as strengthening administrative capacity are at an
advanced stage due to the national Programme for the Adoption of the Environmental Acquis.
With transposition now well underway, attention will need to be paid to implementation and
enforcement issues in the coming period.
Concerning horizontal legislation, efforts are still needed to achieve alignment with the
regards policies and measures intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and related
reporting requirements. In nature protection preparations to implement the birds and habitat
directives should continue although in relation to the latter, Cyprus is already party to the Bern
Convention on the protection of habitats. The government has not yet made its final decision
designating the sites to be covered by NATURA 2000. This issue will need to be further
monitored. Regarding water quality, Cyprus has made significant progress in transposition of the
acquis and has provided the Commission with detailed implementation programmes. The
necessary administrative and technical infrastructure is being developed. With regard to air
quality, transposition has continued in line with the commitments given by Cyprus. Concerning
VOC emissions from the storage of petrol the programme for the compliance of existing service
stations is on track.
Parts of the
in the field of industrial pollution control and risk management still need to be
transposed, The efforts to clarify the application of the
on large combustion plants in
Cyprus should continue following the receipt of the impact study on the Vasilikos plant in mid-
June 2001 and in the light of the forthcoming revision to the LCP Directive. The basic
institutional and administrative structures for effective control of industrial pollution and risk
management have been established. Within this context most of the industrial plants have been
licensed and are regularly inspected under the Atmospheric Pollution Control Law and the
Water Pollution Control Law.
As regards noise from vehicles and machinery Cyprus still needs to transpose the
household appliances as well as on equipment for use outdoors.
In the field of waste management, Cyprus rates of recycling are limited, partly because relevant
legislation has not been enacted. The recently launched Household Recycling Partnership
programme is a step into the right direction. Further alignment is needed regarding,
inter alia,
hazardous waste, supervision and control of shipment of such waste, packing and packaging
waste as well as batteries and accumulators containing dangerous substances. The pending
legislative bills covering these areas should be adopted soon.
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In the field of chemicals and genetically modified organisms, progress has been achieved to
reduce the emission of ozone depleting substances. A Law on the Control of GMO’s still has to
be adopted. Attention should be given to ensure the proper implementation of the said
legislation by the Veterinary Services of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and
Cyprus should continue to integrate environmental protection requirements into the definition
and implementation of all other sectoral policies with a view to promoting sustainable
Considerable investments need to be secured, also in the medium-term, to ensure
implementation of the environmental
As regards
administrative capacity,
at the national level, the small size of the country poses
particular problems in meeting the demands of the accession process. Competence for the main
requirements of the acquis has been clearly identified but the administrative system is fragmented
at national level where most regulatory activity occurs. These administrative structures inhibit
integration of permit, issuing and inspection functions. Either the restructuring of powers or the
adoption of an adequate formal integration mechanism should be considered as solutions.
Despite the recent strengthening staff resources remain weak, and this issue should be followed
Chapter 23: Consumers and health protection
Since the last regular report, Cyprus has made progress in consumer protection.
In the field of
safety related measures,
no legislative developments can be reported.
With regard to
non-safety related measures,
a law enacted in March 2001 aligned legislation
with the EC Directives on Consumer Credit. The Indication of the Prices of Products Offered
to Consumers Law came into force as from March 2001. A law aiming at transposing the
on timesharing and certain provisions of the Directive on injunctions entered into force in
July 2001. Concerning a
functioning market surveillance mechanism,
no further measures
have been adopted.
According to a decision of the Minister of Finance in June 2001, the Competition and
Consumer Protection Division of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism will be re-
enforced with 10 additional officers, out of a total of 32 new officers to be distributed among
the various Divisions of the Ministry.
Eight additional posts were approved by the House of Representatives in March 2001 for the
Department of Veterinary Services of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and
Overall assessment
Overall, the situation is already satisfactory as legislative transposition is at an advanced stage
and administrative capacity has been strengthened considerably.
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Concerning injunctions, a framework legislation to transpose the relevant EC Directive has still
to be introduced, although certain provisions have already been included in amending or new
As regards enforcement and market surveillance, the capacity of the Competition and
Consumer Protection Division in the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism should be
enhanced as planned by the Government. The existing and newly recruited staff will need to be
trained, in particular with respect to the implementation of the new areas of consumer
protection. An assessment of the future needs of the Division has led to identify some priority
fields for funding in 2001, such as advertising, package travel, general product safety, distance
selling, consumer credit, timesharing, and unfair contract terms.
Efficient activities are led by the Cyprus Consumers Association, which provides a complaint
and advice service and runs a number of educational activities for adults and children. The
association is also very active in promoting consumer interest in public life, taking active part in
the harmonisation process in Cyprus as regards consumer legislation and co-operating with
governmental services.
Chapter 24: Co-operation in the field of justice and home affairs
Since the last Regular Report, Cyprus has made progress especially in the fields of border
control migration and the fight against corruption and fraud.
In the field of
data protection,
although governmental preparations for a bill ratifying the
European Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of
Personal Data of 1981 have been finalised, no legislative developments can be reported.
As regards
visa policy
Cyprus has gradually abolished the practice of issuing visas at the
borders. In 2001, it has only been operating for nationals with whose countries Cyprus had has
bilateral agreements to this effect (i.e. Bulgaria, Lebanon, Syria and Israel) or in exceptional
cases for humanitarian reasons.
border control,
Cyprus has continued its efforts to upgrade border control
equipment and to improve training of personnel to prevent illegal immigration. The construction
plans of Larnaca and Paphos airports, which will both serve as
airports, have been
modified to include the separation of intra- and extra-Schengen passenger flows. Forgery
detection equipment was installed in summer 2001. The purchase of coastal radar, computer
equipment for the first phase of the National Schengen Information System (NSIS), two patrol
boats and three helicopters has been decided upon and is scheduled for 2001 and 2002.
Furthermore, in May 2001, Cyprus adopted a “Schengen Action Plan“.
Legislative harmonisation in the field of
has intensified. An amendment to the „Aliens
and Immigration Law“ relating to marriages of convenience came into force in March 2001.
Furthermore, the Council of Ministers adopted a large number of decisions in view of EU
measures in the field. The decisions of December 2000 concerned unaccompanied minors from
third countries, the exchange of information in the area of asylum and immigration, joint
principles for the exchange of data in the Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on
the Crossing of Frontiers and Immigration (CIREFI), transit for the purpose of expulsion,
checks on and expulsion of third country nationals residing or working without authorisation,
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means of combating illegal immigration and illegal employment, and clauses to be inserted in
future agreements combining matters of EU and Member-State competence. In January and
February 2001, the Council of Ministers also took decisions as regards forgery detection
equipment at ports of entry, a specimen bilateral readmission agreement and the principles for
the drafting of protocols on the implementation or readmission agreements. In June 2001, it
issued a decision to align with the
as regards concerted action and co-operation in
carrying out expulsion measures. Furthermore, in July 2001 Parliament enacted a regulation on
the concept of family reunification.
As regards
no legislative progress can be reported. Neither the discussed amendment
to the law of asylum substituting the Ministry of Interior by a Law Officer as the appellate
authority nor the implementation regulations have been adopted so far. However, administrative
capacity has been strengthened; the Refugee Authority was set up in October 2000. The three
desk officers who are officials of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Interior and Justice and
Public Order were sent to the UNHCR for training.
police co-operation and the fight against organised crime
, Cyprus was among
the signatories of the UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, adopted at the
UN Conference in Palermo in December 2000. It also signed the Convention’s two Protocols
covering combating the trafficking in women and children and the smuggling of immigrants.
In January 2001, Cyprus ratified the International Convention against Terrorist Bombings of
1997. The International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism was
signed by Cyprus in March 2001. National legislation for the protection of witnesses was
approved by the House of Representatives in June 2001. The law aligns with the
on the
protection of witnesses and of individuals who co-operate in the fight against international
organised crime.
In November 2000 the Council of Ministers designated the Focal Points and the relevant
Committees for combating organised crime for the implementation of the Pre-Accession Pact
on Organised Crime. It also decided, in March 2001, to second a police officer to the Embassy
of the Republic of Cyprus at The Hague, the Netherlands, to act as a liaison officer with
With a view to the
fight against fraud and corruption,
Cyprus has continued its efforts
towards signature of the 1997 OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public
Officials in International Business Transaction. Due to factors external to Cyprus, these efforts
have so far been unsuccessful. Furthermore, any attempts towards the improper influencing of
authorities or persons with regard to any appointments, transfers, promotions or exercise of
disciplinary control in the broad public sector have now been criminalized by law.
the Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law 29/1977 was amended in
March 2001 to meet EC requirements on the manufacture and placing on the market of certain
substances (precursors) used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic
The Anti-Drug Council and Fund provided for in a law enacted in July 2000 is responsible for
the preparation and implementation of a National Drugs Strategy and for co-ordinating public
and private initiatives in the field of drug demand reduction and drug supply reduction. The
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fourteen members of the Anti-Drugs Council were appointed by the Council of Ministers in
February 2001 and the Council started having regular meetings. With a view to Cyprus‘
participation in Reitox (European information network on drugs and drug addiction),
preparations for the necessary legislative and administrative arrangements for the appointment of
a national focal point and representative for the European Monitoring Centre for Drug
Addiction are continuing. To enhance their co-operation in the fight against drugs the Cypriot
police and the Customs and Excise Department have signed a Memorandum of Understanding
in August 2001.
money laundering,
Cyprus amended its existing law in November 2000, and has
enhanced its administrative capacity (for
more detail see Chapter 4 - Free movement of
In the field of
customs co-operation,
the EC and Cyprus have signed a Protocol on Mutual
Administrative Assistance in July 2001. Since September 2001 Cypriot police implements the
on the refining of targeting criteria, selection methods and collection of customs and
police information. In as far as the reinforcement of the operational capacity of the Customs
Department is concerned, reorganisation has taken place, while personnel training was
intensified since the second half of 2000. New equipment was also acquired and is in use since
the end of 2000. The computerisation of the Customs and Excise Department has been initiated
in 2001.
As regards
judicial co-operation in criminal and civil matters,
Cyprus adopted
implementing legislation for the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters on 22
February 2001. On 1 June 2001 Cyprus deposited the instrument of ratification of the
Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced persons.
Overall assessment
Overall, Cyprus has already achieved a good record of alignment with the
further efforts are needed to ensure full transposition of the
in the various fields of justice
and home affairs.
In the field of data protection, Cyprus still needs to establish a comprehensive framework for
the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data. It is
encouraged to align its legislation soon.
As regards visa policy, Cyprus has over the years achieved substantial alignment with the EU
policy. However, eight countries on the EU list are still exempted from the visa requirement in
Cyprus. The practice of issuing visas at the border is gradually being abolished. With regard to
visas issued at the border for seamen in transit, the legal basis of this practice – the Merchant
Shipping Agreements with six third countries – need to be renegotiated soon. Cyprus is
continuing its efforts to prepare for the issuing of a uniform visa and its preparations to
participate in the Schengen Information System.
Concerning border control, Cyprus has improved the infrastructure and installed the necessary
equipment for the detection of forged documents. Meanwhile the architectural plans for the
future Schengen-airports have been changed as well. The establishment of the Schengen
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Information System should be further speeded up, and the technical capacities to control the
maritime border by radar systems need to be enhanced.
As far as migration is concerned, due to its geographical situation, Cyprus is a target country
and a potential transit area for illegal immigration. As the majority of illegal residents have
entered legally, e.g. as visitors or under non-renewable work permits, the implementation of the
legislation on combating illegal migration should be further continued. The decisions of the
Council of Ministers of December 2000 on checks on and expulsion of third country nationals
residing or working without authorisation as well as the new legislation on marriages of
convenience are steps in the right direction.
The recent readmission agreement with Lebanon (a similar one is pending with Syria) foresees
the repatriation of illegal immigrants to Lebanon if it is proven that their port of departure was in
Lebanon. The implementation of this agreement should be scrutinised closely to ensure that it
conforms to the principle of non-refoulement, bearing in mind that Lebanon (and Syria) has not
ratified the Geneva Convention.
In the field of asylum a fair, effective and efficient set of procedures is still not in place. Cyprus
urgently needs to build up capacities to deal with more than 400 applications in 2001 alone.
Cyprus must take the necessary steps to ensure, in line with the
that at least an appeal
against the decisions of the Refugee Authority must be examined by an independent law officer.
Lastly, the scope of applications regarded as manifestly ill-founded seems to be rather broad.
To sum up, the alignment of the asylum law with European standards should be continued,
including the adoption of implementing regulations.
Regarding police co-operation and the fight against organised crime, Cyprus has already ratified
the major international conventions. The Cyprus police co-operates with the police authorities
of all Member States concerning exchange of information, for example in the fields of suspected
money-laundering cases, illegal trafficking in human beings or terrorist activities. Cypriot policy
forces have also established an information network with Interpol as regards the exchange of
information on suspected money laundering cases, unlawful drug trafficking, trafficking of
nuclear and radioactive substances, illegal immigration, motor vehicle crime and terrorist
A legislative framework is already in place with a view to fighting fraud and corruption (Criminal
Code, Prevention of Corruption Law, Customs and Excise Law). Cyprus needs to align these
provisions with the
on the protection of the financial interests of the EC, and in particular
with the relevant 1995 Convention and its Protocols.
Officers and members of the Cypriot police forces are regularly trained in the Cyprus Police
Academy and in the United Kingdom, the USA and Greece. The Police Academy courses are
constantly upgraded in co-operation with European Police Academies and Universities. They
include courses on combating organised crime, economic crime and computer crime.
As regards administrative infrastructure, public expenditure and control is within the sphere of
competence of the Auditor-General, who is an independent officer of the Republic.
Investigation of corruption cases is assigned to expert police officers who are members of a
special team at the Criminal Investigation Department (DCI) Headquarters. Enforcement and
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co-ordination of antifraud work is carried out,
inter alia,
by the Unit for Combating Money
Laundering at the Law Office of the Republic which has been recently strengthened.
Concerning drugs Cyprus adopted national legislation following its ratification of the UN Vienna
Convention on narcotic drugs and psychotrophic substances in 1990.
The Police and the Customs and Excise Department runs a special unit that co-operates with
various foreign institutions and government organisations through drug liaison officers. The
operation of the Anti-Drug Council and Fund will help to implement the National Drugs
Strategy. Cyprus preparations for participation in the European information network on drugs
and addiction (Reitox) of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
(EMCDDA) should continue.
Regarding money laundering, the “Unit for Combating Money Laundering” (MOKAS)
increasingly uses its investigative powers so that its the record in obtaining freezing orders and
disclosure court orders is improving (for
more detail see chapter 4,on free movement of
In the field of customs co-operation the Department of Customs and Excise works in close co-
operation with the Customs Administrations of other countries, including those of the EU
Member States. Cyprus should complete the signing of the Protocol between the EC and
Cyprus on Mutual Administrative Assistance and complete the computerisation of the Customs
Information System.
As regards judicial co-operation in criminal and civil matters, Cyprus is already party to the
most of the relevant conventions. It has ratified the European Convention on the transfer of
sentenced persons, and the Hague Conventions on Civil Procedure and on International Access
to Justice. Upon accession it will have to make sure that its reservation pursuant to Article 13 of
the European Convention of 1977 on the Suppression of Terrorism, according to which it
reserves the right to refuse extradition in respect of any terrorist offence which it considers to be
a political offence, does not apply to extradition between EU Member States.
The Ministry of Justice and Public Order is designated under all Conventions as the Central
Authority or the Transmitting/Receiving Agency and acts as the co-ordinator for the execution
of request. Other authorities involved in international judicial co-operation include the Judicial
Service and the police. A Unit for International Legal Co-operation is in charge of improving
and accelerating international co-operation.
Cyprus is a party to all human rights instruments under the Justice and Home Affairs
with the exception of the European Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to
Automatic Processing of Personal Data of 1981, which remains to be ratified. These
instruments take precedence over national legislation (Art. 169 § 3 of the Constitution).
Chapter 25: Customs union
Cyprus achieved significant progress in the fields of customs value, temporary importation, duty
relief, the Common Customs Tariff, precursors and the computerisation of the customs
administration during the period covered by this report.
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With respect to the
EC Customs Code and its implementing provisions,
the Customs and
Excise (Amendment) Law of 2001 and the Customs and Excise (Rate of Exchange Conversion
of Foreign Currency) Regulations of 2001 entered into force in April 2001. They align the
exchange rate used for customs matters with the
The law also contains provisions about
destruction and abandonment of goods. As regards customs procedures with economic impact,
a departmental circular covering operations permissible in customs warehouses in line with EC
requirements was sent to staff in May 2001. Furthermore, two regulations took effect in April
2001, one incorporating the provisions of the EC Customs Code for goods temporarily
imported for display or use for exhibitions, fairs, meetings or similar events, and the second
allowing temporary importation of professional equipment.
As regards the
the above mentioned amendment to the Customs Law of April
2001 also covers duty relief. The relevant implementation order (covering 11 out of 29 relief
cases) was adopted by the Council of Ministers on the same date. Another amendment to the
law and subsidiary legislation in March 2001 concerns the monitoring of precursor chemicals.
The Protocol on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters (Mutual Assistance and
Co-operation) between the EU and Cyprus was approved by the Council of Ministers in
December 2000.
administrative and operational capacity,
the Reform and Modernisation
Programme of the Department of Customs and Excise came into force in May 2001; it consists
of a business change management plan drawn up through the process of “gap-and-needs-
analysis” for the period 2000-2002. A national risk assessment document is in place in order to
assist in proper analysis of the risk involved in all areas where customs control is exercised.
Finally, Cyprus decided to adopt an updated version of the Danish Customs Administration's IT
The Department of Customs and Excise also underwent a number of significant organisational
changes. The process of recruiting new staff to fill more than 80 departmental vacancies (almost
20% of total manpower) continued. 15 new customs officers started working in May 2001.
Overall assessment
Overall, Cyprus has already reached a considerable level in the transposition of customs union
However, alignment with the EC customs code and its implementing provisions is still
needed with regard to some areas of temporary importation and customs procedures with
economic impact. Outside the Code, legislation is still needed as regards cultural goods, some
areas of duty relief and counterfeit and pirated goods, although legal vetting has been completed
with regard to the latter.
Cyprus also needs to speed up its preparations as regards administrative capacity in order to be
able to fully implement the
by the time of accession. A timely implementation of the
modernisation programme is necessary. In this respect, it must be emphasised that flawlessly
functioning EC-compatible IT systems should be put in place at least one year before accession
to the EU in order to guarantee interconnectivity with the EC customs computerised systems.
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Chapter 26: External relations
During the period covered by this report, Cyprus has continued harmonising with the
this chapter.
Upon accession, Cyprus will need to apply the Common External Tariff. In the framework of
the Customs Union Agreement with the EC, Cyprus has already adopted the Common
Customs Tariff for industrial products and for a number of agricultural products covered under
the Cyprus-EC Protocol. Cyprus‘ external trade regime is already substantially aligned with that
of the EC. In 2000, Cyprus‘ applied tariffs averaged 9.9 % (EC 6.3 %
) on all products, 4.1
% (EC 3.6 %) on industrial products, 133/4 % (EC 16.2 %) on agricultural products and 10.2
% (EC 12.4 %) on fishery products.
With regard to the
Common Commercial Policy,
Cyprus has continued to co-ordinate
positions and policies within the WTO with those of the EU, in particular with regards to the
preparation of the new round. Cyprus submitted in April 2001 a notification to the WTO
relating to the Agreement on Trade in Textiles and Clothing (ATC). Thereby it included those
products to the third stage of integration under the ATC which have been already integrated by
the EC.
bi-lateral agreements
on trade have been concluded with third countries.
In the
field of development policy and humanitarian aid
the co-operation with international
non-governmental organisations has been continued. In the last year Cyprus granted € 539,000
as bilateral aid mainly to the Russian Federation, several countries of Central and Eastern
Europe, South Africa and the Palestinian Autonomous Authority.
Overall assessment
Cyprus is advanced in aligning with the Common Commercial Policy
yet further
progress needs to be achieved.
As member of the WTO Cyprus has been supportive of EU policies and positions within the
WTO framework. In view of the new round of negotiations, co-operation should continue and
be strengthened to ensure Cyprus’ support for shared EU objectives. Concerning textiles,
Cyprus has used the third stage of integration under the WTO Agreement on Trade in Textiles
and Clothing to align with the
Further co-ordination is needed to ensure the alignment of
Cypus’ GATS commitments with the EC’s commitments and most-favoured nation exemptions.
By the time of accession Cyprus will need to have joined the WTO plurilateral agreements on
Civil Aircraft and Government Procurement.
As regards export credits, the Cypriot system has made progress in aligning to the OECD
Arrangement. In the area of medium and long term export credits, further efforts are necessary
to align with the
WTO bound tariffs after full implementation of all concessions including – where possible – estimated ad valorem
equivalents of specific and compound tariffs.”
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Cyprus is in the process of preparing legislation for the control of export and transit of dual–use
goods in order to comply with the new EC Regulation in this area. It is a member of the Nuclear
Suppliers Group and of the Australian Group.
Cyprus has not concluded any preferential trade agreement with third countries that would have
to be re-negotiated or renounced prior to accession.
As regards
administrative capacity,
responsibility for commercial policy lies with the Ministry
of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, which co-operates closely with other Ministries especially
the Department of Customs and Excise. The administrative infrastructure which needs to be in
place as regards customs services is addressed under
chapter 25 – Customs union.
existing Unit dealing with import licensing should be strengthened and restructured, in order to
handle efficiently the expected volume of work. Training of personnel should be envisaged.
development and humanitarian aid,
responsibility rests with the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs. The Planning Bureau is the competent authority for administering technical
assistance and development policy. Although no difficulties in the participation in the various
policy making and management bodies at different EU levels are expected, preparations should
be made to ensure that administrative infrastructure for development co-operation in the EU
framework is in place upon accession. For the purpose of the Cyprus’ future financial
contribution to the European Development Fund, the Cyprus’ management of its national
budget organisation and management of flow of funds to the EC budget is addressed under
Chapter 29 – Financial and budgetary provisions.
Chapter 27: Common foreign and security policy
Since the last Regular Report, Cyprus has continued to orient its foreign and security policy
towards that of the Union. It participated in the multilateral
political dialogue
within the
framework of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) including regular meetings of
Political Directors, European Correspondents and at the Working Group level.
Cyprus continued to show its keen interest in the developments of the European Security and
Defence Policy (ESDP) as part of the CFSP and has actively participated in all the meetings in
EU + 15 format (ie non-European NATO members and candidates for EU accession), at both
ministerial and expert level. At the Capabilities Commitment Conference, held in Brussels in
November 2000, the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Cyprus announced Cyprus’s
contribution, which includes services, infrastructure and support means.
As regards
alignment with EU statements and declarations
, Cyprus has regularly aligned its
positions with those of the Union and when invited to do so has associated itself with the
Union’s joint actions and common positions. Since October 2000, it has associated itself with 8
EU common positions, including 3 on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In addition, Cyprus
has continued its co-operation with the European Union in international fora such as the United
Nations and the OSCE.
Cyprus participated in the meeting of the EU and candidate countries on arms export policies
and control in Warsaw in January 2001 and hosted a follow-up meeting in Nicosia in June
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Cyprus has strengthened bilateral relations with a number of other candidate countries and with
Russia and China. It has maintained good and constructive relations with all neighbouring
countries in the Middle East. No significant changes in bilateral Cypriot-Turkish relations can be
Cyprus continues to comply with
mandatory sanctions
of the United Nations Security Council
and the autonomous measures of the European Union. Decisions of the Council of Ministers are
implemented by Decrees, Circulars and other administrative measures issued by the competent
Ministries and Departments. Such decisions, implementing EU Common Positions attach, as a
point of reference, the implementing regulations issued by the European Union.
Overall assessment
The policy pursued by Cyprus is generally in conformity with the CFSP.
Cyprus applies the mandatory sanctions of the United Nations Security Council and the
autonomous measures of the European Union. Cyprus maintains good and constructive relations
with all neighbouring countries in the Middle East. These relationships have allowed Cyprus to
contribute to the peace efforts in the area, by facilitating meetings in Cyprus between Israelis
and Palestinians and other parties and maintaining avenues of communication. Cyprus is an
active proponent of regional co-operation in the Eastern Mediterranean and strives to contribute
to regional stability in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.
At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) there are two divisions, the Multilateral Political
Affairs Division and the Bilateral Political Affairs Division. Overall responsibility in this area rests
with the Director of the Multilateral Political Affairs Division, who is also the Political Director.
The post of the European Correspondent is situated within this Division. The MFA is connected
to the Associated Correspondents' Network information system through which the EU
communicates within the Common Foreign and Security Policy with the associated partners.
Chapter 28: Financial control
Since the last Regular Report Cyprus has made further progress with the structural
modernization of its financial control system.
Cyprus has started reviewing its
Public Internal Financial Control
(PIFC) system. Following
discussions with the Commission, Cyprus has agreed to re-organise the Office of the
Accountant-General to ensure functional independence of the Internal Audit Directorate (IAD)
as central Audit Body on government level. The IAD will be placed directly under the authority
of a newly established Internal Audit Board chaired by the Minister of Finance. An Internal
Audit Manual, an Internal Audit Charter and a Strategic Audit Plan are currently being
The implementation of the new computerised financial information and management accounting
system commenced in September 2000. In March 2001, a team of fifteen government officials
headed by the Accountant General of the Republic was trained in Brussels.
In the field of
external audit,
no developments can be noted apart from a working visit by the
Cyprus Audit Office in April 2001 to the European Court of Auditors.
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As regards
control of structural action expenditure
, in August 2001 the Council of Ministers
decided that the Accountant General and the Permanent Secretary of the Planning Bureau will
be acting as National Authorising Officer (NAO) and National Aid Co-ordinator (NAC) for
receiving EC funds. Some progress has been made in developing an Operational Manual for the
National Fund as well as a preliminary audit- trail tool.
With regard to the
protection of EC financial interests,
no significant new developments can
be reported. However, OLAF has established regular contacts with the Law Office of the
Overall assessment
Cyprus’ financial control system is already close to European standards. Efforts are still needed
in the areas of implementation of risk analysis methods, internal control of revenues and the
proper management of pre-accession funding and structural funds.
With regard to Public Internal Financial Control, Cyprus should continue its ongoing review
process. The revised PIFC system should be able to cope with the criteria and conditions for
the application of the Extended Decentralised Implementation System (EDIS), as laid down in
the pre-accession strategy.
The independent Audit Office, headed by the Auditor General, is responsible for the external
audit. It employs about 100 auditors and 10 administrative staff. Its audit work covers the usual
types of audits (financial, technical, performance) based on International Standards
In the field of structural action expenditure, Cyprus undertook the first steps towards the
establishment of the necessary structures with the designation of the National Authorising
Officer and the National Aid Co-ordinator and the development of an Operational Manual for
the National Fund.
Regarding the protection of EC financial interests, Cyprus has put in place legislation and the
necessary administrative structures. Cyprus should officially designate, in consultation with
OLAF, the institution that will co-ordinate investigations into cases of fraud and irregularities
affecting the Communities’ financial interests and act as a single contact point in relations with
Preparations for fully decentralised implementation of pre-accession aid and later the Structural
Funds have reached an advanced stage.
Chapter 29: Financial and budgetary provisions
During the period covered by this report, some progress was made in the area of financial and
budgetary provisions.
In the field of the
national budget and EC co-financed measures,
there are no particular
developments to point out in the period covered by this Regular Report.
Concerning the area of
own resources and administrative infrastructures,
and in particular
the estimate of the weighted average rate for the VAT resource (which is basically an estimate
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of the average rate applicable to the various categories of taxable goods), progress was made in
the adoption of the Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP). The
technical committee chaired by the Statistical Service and involving representatives from
relevant government departments (VAT Service, Planning Bureau, Ministry of Finance)
continued its study on the calculation of VAT own resources taking into consideration the new
developments in this area as well as improved data and assistance from EUROSTAT.
However, the provision of GNP data in accordance with EC methodology has not yet been
achieved in the last year. Regarding the other classifications used in the European System of
Accounts (ESA 95), significant work has been carried out, including breakdown by institutional
As regards control measures, the Department of Customs and Excise continued its participation
in the Customs 2000 EU Programme in the fields of the fight against fraud, customs debt and
the issue of a database system on tariffs. In addition, 15 customs officers were recruited, whilst
48 new VAT officers are to be recruited by the end of the year, mainly in the area of VAT
Overall assessment
Cyprus’ financial and budgetary provisions are generally satisfactory. The implementation of
pre-accession aid should give a clearer picture of the management methods employed and
pinpoint any improvements that need to be made, and the extent to which Cypriot legislation,
structures and policies conform with the
As regards the national budget and EC co-financed measures, as from the year 2000 the three
budgets of the central government have been merged into a single budget. The new
comprehensive budget is divided into three categories of expenditure, i.e. direct charges on the
Consolidated Fund (e.g. pensions and gratuities), ordinary (current) expenditure and
development expenditure. The latter category covers all capital expenditure which is of a non-
recurrent development nature and reflects the public investment programme for that year. It
appears that the current legislation should allow for the establishment of rules and procedures in
line with the standards usually practised in the EU. Every possible step must be taken to
guarantee the sound financial management of Community budget resources, and budgetary
principles and rules must be brought fully into line with the standards generally applicable in the
Community. Traditional own resources fall under the responsibility of the Customs and Excise
Department of the Ministry of Finance. The Treasury (through its Internal Audit Directorate) is
responsible for conducting all checks and enquiries concerning the establishment and the
provision of Traditional Own Resources.
The VAT Service (within the Department of Customs and Excise), a fairly well organised and
computerised structure, is responsible for the collection of VAT in Cyprus. The system for
administering VAT is based on a central administration with local control. As regards GNP,
Cyprus is continuing its work on the implementation of the European System of Accounts (ESA
95). No difficulties are foreseen in the development of a reliable, accurate and transparent GNP
and VAT calculation.
The Directorate of Budget and Fiscal Control of the Ministry of Finance will ensure the co-
ordination of the proper collection, monitoring and payment of funds to and from the EC
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budget. The Directorate is continuing its efforts to enhance its capacity through the continuous
training of its staff and the upgrading of its technological infrastructure (equipment and software).
With regard to the control of future EC Own Resources, Cyprus should continue its efforts to
set up effective instruments to combat VAT and customs duty fraud so that the protection of the
financial interests of the EC can be assured. In addition to the need for central co-ordination for
the proper collection, monitoring and payment and control of funds to and from the EC budget,
administrative capacity should be strengthened in the context of the relevant policy areas
described elsewhere in this Report, such as Financial Control, Customs, Taxation, Regional
policy and Agriculture.
General evaluation
During the period covered by this Regular Report, Cyprus has achieved substantive progress in
different areas of the
and has continued at steady pace with further legislative alignment
as well as with the setting up and upgrading of the necessary administrative institutions. The
alignment process has gradually accelerated. However, there remain still a considerable number
of laws to be adopted.
Over the last year, there has been progress in important areas of the internal market.
free movement of goods,
the adoption of EN standards has been accelerated and
new legislation was passed as regards sector specific legislation. However, continuing serious
efforts are required to transpose and implement the
in particular as regards the
framework law on the new and global approach principles and subsequent regulations for the
transposition of the New Approach Directives. Furthermore, an overall strategy for better co-
ordination of the authorities responsible for market surveillance should be developed. Although
Cyprus has undertaken certain measures to abolish inconsistencies with the
in the area of
free movement of persons
in particular as regards the co-ordination of social security systems,
important legislative work remains to be done before accession. Concerning
financial services
good legislative progress can be reported, and the overall standard of supervision appears to be
satisfactory. Particular importance should be given to the restructuring of the co-operative and
saving societies sector. The liberalisation of
capital movements
has continued and should be
maintained to ensure a proper functioning of the markets upon accession. Significant measures
to combat money laundering have been undertaken e.g. with the inclusion of lawyers and
accountants within the scope of application of the relevant legislation. Cyprus has also tightened
its measures relating to the identification of account holders and reporting of transactions in
accordance with the recommendations of various international fora. The harmonisation process
should be accelerated with regard to
intellectual and industrial property rights.
The effective
application and enforcement of state aid rules, including the alignment of existing aid schemes as
regards in particular the tax regime for the off-shore sector, should be ensured.
Partial progress has been made in the field of
but substantial elements and
mechanisms of the
remain to be applied as regards in particular the Common Market
Organisations and the veterinary and phytosanitary sectors.
See "Making a success of enlargement: Strategy Paper and Report of the European Commission on the progress towards
accession by each of the candidate countries", COM (2001) 700.
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In the field of
the reinforcement of the administrative capacity has continued.
Additional progress is needed with regard to the current and planned structure of the fishing
fleet under Cypriot flag. Significant progress has been made in nearly all sectors of
particularly as regards maritime transport where safety controls have been improved.
The performance of the classification societies should be monitored.
While recognising the efforts made and the initiatives taken to further align the
tax legislation
with the
by way of e.g. the scheduled tax reform, concerns remain on the harmonisation
of the level of indirect taxation and the special regime of direct taxation for off-shore companies.
there is a considerable delay in the adoption of legislation
and the preparation of secondary regulatory instruments to transpose key parts of the
good progress can be reported. Cyprus has continued with harmonisation
measures both as regards legislative alignment as well as strengthening administrative capacity.
Particular attention should now be paid to proper implementation and enforcement.
In the area of
justice and home affairs
progress has been made in particular in the fields of
border control, migration and in the fight against corruption and fraud. On asylum, although the
administrative capacity has been strengthened with the setting up of a refugee authority, no
legislative progress can be reported. In the light of increasing numbers of application alignment
should be accelerated as regards in particular the criteria for applications and the setting up of
an independent appeal authority.
Cyprus has achieved considerable progress in the field of
leaving only some areas
where further alignment is necessary, in particular as regards temporary importation, customs
procedures with an economic impact and cultural goods.
As regards
financial control,
Cyprus’ financial control system is sound and consistent with
European standards; efforts should be undertaken as to the internal control of revenues and the
proper management of pre-accession funding and structural funds.
Over the last year, Cyprus has continued sustained efforts to further strengthen its
administrative capacity.
Training programmes have been organised in different sectors, such
as co-ordination of social security systems, maritime safety, and justice and home affairs.
Furthermore, additional staff has been recruited in key areas such as financial services, company
law, veterinary and phytosanitary issues, fisheries, transport, taxation, social policy and
employment, telecommunications, environment and justice and home affairs. This allowed
Cyprus to reinforce market surveillance systems in the field of free movement of goods, to
improve the due supervision of financial services, to upgrade the inspection arrangements in the
veterinary and phytosanitary field and to strengthen its labour inspectorates.
New administrative structures have been set up in order to efficiently apply the
these are an authority to settle disputes as foreseen in the credit border transfer Directive, a
state aid monitoring authority, a new unit within the Department of Road Transport to deal with
market access, a Statistical Council, a special group of officials to examine in detail the new
structures of the government with regard to equal treatment of men and women, and finally a
refugees authority. In other cases, the powers of the existing enforcement bodies have been
increased, such as in the case of the Securities and Stock Exchange Commission, the Unit for
Combating Money Laundering (MOKAS) and the Commission for the Protection of
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Competition. Finally, there are plans to set up a new body on pharmaceuticals (Drugs Price
Control Committee). In the field of customs, Cyprus has recently started to introduce an
updated version of the IT system so as to allow for the exchange of computerised data with the
In future, it is advisable to reinforce the administrative infrastructure for standardisation and
certification to enhance the free movement of goods. Further efforts should also be made to
strengthen enforcement capacity in the field of intellectual property rights, especially as regards
border controls and fight against piracy and counterfeiting. Although progress has been made
both in the fields of anti-trust and state aid, the infrastructure, staff, and the rather weak
enforcement record of the anti-trust legislation should be improved. As regards taxation, Cyprus
should develop IT systems, so as to allow exchange of electronic data with the Community and
its Member States. Following the expected nomination of the Independent Regulator in the
telecommunications sector his newly established authority should start working soon. An
upgrading of the border management in the field of justice and home affairs is imperative.
Further efforts are also required in establishing the necessary administrative capacity to ensure
the sound, efficient and controllable management of EC funds.
Overall, the administrative capacity of Cyprus is already largely in place to implement the
different aspects of the
Over the last year Cyprus has met the short–term priorities of its Accession Partnership with
regard to free movement of capital, environment and financial control. In most other areas the
priorities were partially fulfilled. Cyprus has continued to make progress in addressing the
medium-term Accession Partnership priorities, and has partially fulfilled a number of them, such
as justice and home affairs, regional policy and co-ordination of structural instruments and issues
relating to the internal market.
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C. Conclusion
Cyprus continues to fulfil the Copenhagen political criteria. Further efforts have been made to
prepare the administration for operation within the EU, and the authorities’ record on
democratic and human rights remains generally good.
Cyprus is a functioning market economy. It should be able to cope with competitive pressure
and market forces within the Union.
The macroeconomic situation has continued to be robust with high GDP growth, low inflation
and unemployment. The fiscal consolidation plan introduced in 1999 is successfully addressing
some important structural deficiencies in public finances. Progress has been made in structural
reforms, notably within the financial sector, the environment, and healthcare. Both the financial
sector and the capital account took major steps towards greater liberalisation.
However, the current account deficit increased significantly. The welcome liberalisation of the
financial sector and the capital account pose new challenges to the economy. Cypriot authorities
should ensure a proper and uniform supervision of the financial sector, including the co-
operative banking sector. In cases where prices are regulated, a more market-based approach
should be adopted. Cyprus must continue to prepare its private sector to operate in the single
market environment that integration in the EU implies, by opening key sectors to foreign
During the period covered by this Regular Report, Cyprus has achieved substantive progress in
different areas of the
and has continued at steady pace with further legislative alignment
as well as with the setting up and upgrading of the necessary administrative institutions. The
alignment process has gradually accelerated. However, there remain still a considerable number
of laws to be adopted.
Over the last year, there has been progress in important areas of the internal market.
free movement of goods,
the adoption of EN standards has been accelerated and
new legislation was passed as regards sector specific legislation. However, continuing serious
efforts are required to transpose and implement the
in particular as regards the
framework law on the new and global approach principles and subsequent regulations for the
transposition of the New Approach Directives. Furthermore, an overall strategy for better co-
ordination of the authorities responsible for market surveillance should be developed. Although
Cyprus has undertaken certain measures to abolish inconsistencies with the
in the area of
free movement of persons
in particular as regards the co-ordination of social security systems,
important legislative work remains to be done before accession. Concerning
financial services
good legislative progress can be reported, and the overall standard of supervision appears to be
satisfactory. Particular importance should be given to the restructuring of the co-operative and
saving societies sector. The liberalisation of
capital movements
has continued and should be
maintained to ensure a proper functioning of the markets upon accession. Significant measures
to combat money laundering have been undertaken e.g. with the inclusion of lawyers and
accountants within the scope of application of the relevant legislation. Cyprus has also tightened
See "Making a success of enlargement: Strategy Paper and Report of the European Commission on the progress towards
accession by each of the candidate countries", COM (2001) 700.
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its measures relating to the identification of account holders and reporting of transactions in
accordance with the recommendations of various international fora. The harmonisation process
should be accelerated with regard to
intellectual and industrial property rights.
The effective
application and enforcement of state aid rules, including the alignment of existing aid schemes as
regards in particular the tax regime for the off-shore sector, should be ensured.
Partial progress has been made in the field of
but substantial elements and
mechanisms of the
remain to be applied as regards in particular the Common Market
Organisations and the veterinary and phytosanitary sectors.
In the field of
the reinforcement of the administrative capacity has continued.
Additional progress is needed with regard to the current and planned structure of the fishing
fleet under Cypriot flag. Significant progress has been made in nearly all sectors of
particularly as regards maritime transport where safety controls have been improved.
The performance of the classification societies should be monitored.
While recognising the efforts made and the initiatives taken to further align the
tax legislation
with the
by way of e.g. the scheduled tax reform, concerns remain on the harmonisation
of the level of indirect taxation and the special regime of direct taxation for off-shore companies.
there is a considerable delay in the adoption of legislation
and the preparation of secondary regulatory instruments to transpose key parts of the
good progress can be reported. Cyprus has continued with harmonisation
measures both as regards legislative alignment as well as strengthening administrative capacity.
Particular attention should now be paid to proper implementation and enforcement.
In the area of
justice and home affairs
progress has been made in particular in the fields of
border control, migration and in the fight against corruption and fraud. On asylum, although the
administrative capacity has been strengthened with the setting up of a refugee authority, no
legislative progress can be reported. In the light of increasing numbers of application alignment
should be accelerated as regards in particular the criteria for applications and the setting up of
an independent appeal authority.
Cyprus has achieved considerable progress in the field of
leaving only some areas
where further alignment is necessary, in particular as regards temporary importation, customs
procedures with an economic impact and cultural goods.
As regards
financial control,
Cyprus’ financial control system is sound and consistent with
European standards; efforts should be undertaken as to the internal control of revenues and the
proper management of pre-accession funding and structural funds.
Over the last year, Cyprus has continued sustained efforts to further strengthen its
administrative capacity.
Training programmes have been organised in different sectors, such
as co-ordination of social security systems, maritime safety, and justice and home affairs.
Furthermore, additional staff has been recruited in key areas such as financial services, company
law, veterinary and phytosanitary issues, fisheries, transport, taxation, social policy and
employment, telecommunications, environment and justice and home affairs. This allowed
Cyprus to reinforce market surveillance systems in the field of free movement of goods, to
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improve the due supervision of financial services, to upgrade the inspection arrangements in the
veterinary and phytosanitary field and to strengthen its labour inspectorates.
New administrative structures have been set up in order to efficiently apply the
these are an authority to settle disputes as foreseen in the credit border transfer Directive, a
state aid monitoring authority, a new unit within the Department of Road Transport to deal with
market access, a Statistical Council, a special group of officials to examine in detail the new
structures of the government with regard to equal treatment of men and women, and finally a
refugees authority. In other cases, the powers of the existing enforcement bodies have been
increased, such as in the case of the Securities and Stock Exchange Commission, the Unit for
Combating Money Laundering (MOKAS) and the Commission for the Protection of
Competition. Finally, there are plans to set up a new body on pharmaceuticals (Drugs Price
Control Committee). In the field of customs, Cyprus has recently started to introduce an
updated version of the IT system so as to allow for the exchange of computerised data with the
In future, it is advisable to reinforce the administrative infrastructure for standardisation and
certification to enhance the free movement of goods. Further efforts should also be made to
strengthen enforcement capacity in the field of intellectual property rights, especially as regards
border controls and fight against piracy and counterfeiting. Although progress has been made
both in the fields of anti-trust and state aid, the infrastructure, staff, and the rather weak
enforcement record of the anti-trust legislation should be improved. As regards taxation, Cyprus
should develop IT systems, so as to allow exchange of electronic data with the Community and
its Member States. Following the expected nomination of the Independent Regulator in the
telecommunications sector his newly established authority should start working soon. An
upgrading of the border management in the field of justice and home affairs is imperative.
Further efforts are also required in establishing the necessary administrative capacity to ensure
the sound, efficient and controllable management of EC funds.
Overall, the administrative capacity of Cyprus is already largely in place to implement the
different aspects of the
Over the last year Cyprus has met the short–term priorities of its Accession Partnership with
regard to free movement of capital, environment and financial control. In most other areas the
priorities were partially fulfilled. Cyprus has continued to make progress in addressing the
medium-term Accession Partnership priorities, and has partially fulfilled a number of them, such
as justice and home affairs, regional policy and co-ordination of structural instruments and issues
relating to the internal market.
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D. Accession Partnership and National Programmes for the
Adoption of the
Global assessment
The purpose of the Accession Partnership is to set out in a single framework:
the priority areas for further work identified in the Commission’s regular report;
the financial means available to help candidate countries implement these priorities;
The conditions which will apply to this assistance.
Each candidate has been invited to adopt a National Programme for the Adoption of the
This sets out how the country in question envisages to deal with the Accession
Partnership, the timetable for implementing the Partnership’s priorities, and implications in terms
of human and financial resources. Both the Accession Partnerships and the National
Programmes for the Adoption of the
are revised on a regular basis, to take account of
progress made, and to allow for new priorities to be set.
1. Accession Partnership
In the following assessments the main sub-headings are indicated in bold type and further key
concepts taken from the Accession Partnership highlighted in italics
Short-term priorities (2000)
Political criteria:
The Cypriot government participated in the fifth round of the proximity talks
in November 2000 and
therefore continued to
maximise its efforts to support a
under the auspices of the UN. In the period under consideration no further rounds
took place following the withdrawal of the Turkish Cypriot Community from the talks.
Economic criteria:
Measures were taken to
correct the widening of the fiscal and account
so that the fiscal deficit narrowed significantly. With the abolition of the nine-percent
interest ceiling in January 2001 Cyprus has
strengthened the effectiveness of monetary
A third round of
capital account liberalisation
was completed at the same time. As
regards the
co-operative and saving societies,
Cyprus presented a convincing reform plan
that will enable it to restructure the sector in accordance with the
acquis and international
accounting standards.
Therefore these priorities have been met.
Internal Market
Public procurement:
Harmonisation of the law with regard to publication, time limits and
review bodies has not taken place. Laws extending coverage to local authorities and bodies
governed by public law still need to be enacted.
Industrial and intellectual property rights:
law is now in
line with the
However, legislative changes are necessary in the areas of
For the detailed text on the short and medium priorities established in the Accession Partnership please refer to Council
Decision 2000/258/EC (OJ L 78, 29.03.2000).
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and legal protection of design and databases. Further efforts are required to strengthen
capacity to enforce legislation as regards
border controls
and combating piracy and
Free movement of goods:
Cyprus aligned its legislation in the field of motor vehicles
already in February 2000. As regards sector specific legislation most of the
legislation has been adopted although the parts concerning materials and articles in contact
with foodstuff and labelling still need to be transposed; in the
pharmaceutical sector,
harmonised legislation concerning products for human use has been adopted; in the
cosmetics sector,
new harmonised legislation has been enacted. The administrative capacity
has been strengthened in all these sectors by way of appointing competent authorities for the
implementation of the new legislation, although further efforts are required. The government
of Cyprus has adopted most
EN standards.
The transposition of the new approach
Directives via a framework law has not yet been completed.
Free movement of capitals:
Cyprus is steadily
liberalising the movement of capital.
the area of capital movements, medium and long term borrowing in foreign currencies was
liberalised as from beginning 2001. As regards the introduction of
market interest rates,
law abolishing the interest rate ceiling has come into force on 1
January 2001.
Although Cyprus has already achieved good alignment with the EC’s
legislation through its Protection of Competition Law of 1989, further alignment is
necessary. In particular, the Community’s new policy on horizontal co-operation agreements
needs to be taken account of. The powers of the competition authorities have been
strengthened but the enforcement record remains weak.
As regards the regulatory framework, the Law on the creation of a
National Regulatory Authority
has been adopted in April 2001. Although some steps have
been taken towards cost-orientation of tariff in the telecommunications, there is a
delay in the adoption of legislation
and the preparation of secondary
regulatory instruments to transpose essential elements of the
Concerning the
alignment of VAT,
the VAT Act 2000, which introduces
additional measures to align with the acquis, will enter into force by the end of 2001. A
special VAT scheme for farmers is scheduled by mid 2002. The special regime for
needs to be addressed urgently so as to fully comply with the Code of Conduct
for Business Taxation. As regards
excise duties,
further increase in the duty rates is required
for most product categories. The current import duty has to be replaced and the protection
of domestically produced goods has to be eliminated.
Cyprus has adopted a pre-accession strategy for the harmonisation of its customs
legislation and accelerated its computerisation process.
Overall, the priorities related to the Internal Market have been partially met.
Although there has been some progress in
preparing Cyprus’s agriculture for the
Common Agricultural Policy,
substantial elements remain to be applied, particularly
related to Common Market Organisations (mostly wine, olives and milk). The establishment
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of an integrated administration and control system (IACS) has been accelerated but some
steps need still to be made, being a first priority the set up of a Paying Agency to handle the
agriculture expenditure. As regards rural
development and forestry,
the necessary control
bodies for the environmental scheme will have to be put in place, and a code of good
agricultural practice needs to be established. Concerning
veterinary and phytosanitary
legislation, transposition of the
is still partial. The upgrading of inspection
arrangements, in particular at future external borders, has been continued.
Therefore this
priority has continued to be partially met.
The restructuring of the
fishing fleet
under the Cypriot flag is ongoing. As regards
inspection and control measures,
according to the Fisheries Regulation, a ceiling to the
number of licences that can be issued for fishing within territorial waters exists. The
establishment of a
Fishing Vessel Register
is being pursued.
Therefore this priority has
continued to be met.
Law on Environmental Impact Assessment
entered into force in April 2001. Cyprus
completed a national Programme for the Adoption of the environmental
in September
2000. Alignment in the field of
water quality
is expected soon, after the introduction of the
necessary amendments to the Water Pollution Control Law. As regards
the strategy has been adopted with some relevant legislation on recycling
being prepared. Further alignment is required on hazardous and dangerous waste. With
regard to
air quality,
alignment with the
continues on volatile organic compounds;
however a decision has to be taken on how to upgrade the oil refinery of Larnaca.
In the
September 2000 programme, mentioned above, Cyprus indicates its financing
investments based on estimation of costs of alignment.
There is however no indication
or planning that indicates how these costs are to be met.
Therefore this priority has been substantially met.
Employment and social affairs
Social dialogue is a long standing practice and in addition to the various existing tripartite
bodies, bipartite social dialogue continues to develop in non formalised ways.
building efforts
social partners
should be further supported. The
in the fields of labour law, equal opportunities and co-ordination of social security
was reinforced by the definition of powers of the inspectors under the Equal Pay Law in
November 2000 and an amendment to the Social Insurance Act in April 2001. The
enforcement structure in the fields of health and safety at work,
especially the Labour
Inspectorate, has been strengthened.
Therefore this priority has continued to be
partially met.
maritime transport,
Cyprus has aligned its legislation to a considerable extent.
Cyprus has significantly improved its performance on safety controls and there have been
remarkable decreases in detention rates in foreign ports and in marine accidents. An action
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plan on Merchant Shipping, including monitoring of classification societies is implemented.
Therefore progress beyond the targeted level has been achieved.
Justice and Home Affairs
As regards
secondary regulations under the Asylum Law of 2000 are still pending.
Further efforts are needed to ensure the regular and complete reporting of the
banking sector.
border control,
Cyprus has improved the infrastructure and
installed the necessary equipment for the detection of forged documents. Preparations of the
administrative structures for joining the Schengen Information System should be pursued and
the technical capacities to control the maritime border need to be enhanced. Cyprus has
continued its efforts to accede to the
OECD Convention on Bribery;
the European
Convention on
Mutual Assistance
in Penal Matters entered into force in May 2000. As
money laundering,
Cyprus amended its existing law in November 2000, and
enhanced its administrative capacity.
Therefore this priority has continued to be
partially met.
Reinforcement of administrative and judicial capacity including capacity to manage
and control EU funds
Cyprus has started reviewing its
Public Internal Financial Control
system. An Internal
Audit Board has been established; and an Internal
Audit Manual,
an Internal Audit Charter
and a Strategic Audit Plan are being developed. And at present the internal and external
control systems in Cyprus are largely compatible with internationally accepted standards
following the adjustments made during 2001. Nevertheless Cyprus should continue this
review process and take all the necessary steps to ensure that
risk analysis
methods are
implemented as soon as possible. As regards GNP, Cyprus continues to work on the
implementation of the European System of Accounts (ESA 95) on the basis of the
experience obtained from the participation in EUROSTAT projects for candidate countries.
Therefore this priority has been met.
Medium-term priorities
Economic criteria
The government is committed to the
liberalisation of utilities,
such as air transport sector,
the electricity sector, telecommunications and postal services where the first steps have been
taken. During the last year Cyprus has made progress in resolving the
structural policy
challenge, most notably within the
financial sector.
It also
liberalised further capital
account operations,
whereas restrictions in
foreign participation in financial services, oil
refining, tourism and trading
remained. Generally, conditions for the
creation and
development of small and medium sized enterprises
have been improved and the
definition of SME’s has been brought in line with the
restructuring of textile
should continue. An
annual fiscal surveillance procedure aimed at bringing the
reporting, monitoring and control of public finances, specially fiscal positions, in line
with EU procedures,
still needs to be developed.
Therefore these priorities have been
partially met.
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Internal Market
Public procurement:
According to the law, the preferential treatment clause in favour of
local production will be eliminated by end of 2002.
Company law:
Second, Third, Sixth, and Eleventh Directives
need still to be
transposed. Concerning
accounting law,
Cyprus legislation is already in line with the
Data protection:
A draft bill is pending in Parliament as regards the protection
of personal
and the establishment of an independent supervisory authority.
Free movement of goods:
Draft legislation on
legal metrology
is expected to be enacted
by 2002. Different Ministries are carrying out
market surveillance
for machinery, lifts,
construction products, gas appliances, electrical equipment, medical devices and personal
protective equipment, but Cypriot authorities still should develop an overall strategy to
improve co-ordination. The transposition of
new approach directives
has not yet been
Free movement of capital:
Cyprus has not yet abolished all remaining restrictions and
authorisation procedures but complied with its timetable to do so until accession.
Free movement of persons:
Concerning the mutual
recognition of diplomas,
a number of
professions are already regulated in Cyprus, but not all. The transposition of the General
System Directives has not yet taken place.
Competition Policy:
Cyprus has reinforced its Commission for the Protection of
Competition and has started to review all state aids. The specific tax privileges for the
offshore sector should be addressed in the coming tax package reform that must pave the
way for the enforcement of state aid rules.
Although some steps have been taken towards cost-orientation of
tariff in the telecommunications, there is a considerable
delay in the adoption of legislation
and the preparation of secondary regulatory instruments to transpose essential elements of
Whereas the independent regulatory authority was established by law in 2001
the appointment of the regulator has not yet taken place.
As reported for the short-term priorities Cyprus has to address the alignment of
the VAT system and to increase the excise duty rates to EU minimum levels in the course of
the coming tax reform.
Consumer protection:
Cyprus continued alignment with the acquis and strengthened
enforcement authorities. There are only two remaining areas of divergence in the field of
non-safety related
measures: the law on unfair contracts raises some problems in particular
concerning the power of consumer associations to take actions before courts; a bill on
timesharing aligning with the relevant
still needs to be adopted. Concerning a
market surveillance mechanism
no further measures have been adopted.
Although Cyprus amended its Customs Code in April 2001, provision still needs
to be made for
customs procedures with economic impact and for simplified
However, that
administrative and operational capacity
was strengthened by
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the implementation of the Reform and Modernisation Programme of May 2001 permitting a
fight against fraud and corruption.
Overall, the priorities related to the Internal Market have been partially met.
As reported for the short-term criteria this priority has continued to be partially met.
Cyprus continues the
harmonisation measures
in terms of transposition of legislation as
well as strengthening administrative capacity due to the national Programme for the Adoption
of the environmental
finalised in September 2000. As regards
waste management,
the strategy has been adopted with some relevant legislation on recycling being prepared.
Further alignment is required on hazardous and dangerous waste. Cyprus has begun to
integrate environment into other policies
(mainly agriculture and energy).
Therefore this
priority has been met.
With regard to the security of supply, the issue of
oil stocks
(storage capacity needs to be
developed) should be addressed as soon as possible. Cyprus has undertaken to implement
Electricity Directive
by the date of accession. The monopoly of the Electricity Authority
should be altered to align with the
Further efforts are required to improve
Therefore this priority has been met to a limited extent.
Employment and social affairs
Although Cyprus has achieved good progress, some parts of the
have not yet been
fully transposed. In the area of
labour law,
the Directives on working time, part time work
and posting of workers still need to be transposed. Concerning
equality of treatment,
legal framework is largely in place, except EC Directives on parental leave and equal
treatment in employment and vocational training. No legislation to prevent
the grounds of race or ethnic origin has been prepared until now. Several regulations are still
outstanding in the field of
health and safety,
social security.
A National Plan for
according to the EC Employment Guidelines has been prepared. A Joint
Assessment of Employment Policy Priorities is ready for signature.
Therefore this priority
has continued to be partially met.
Economic and social cohesion
As regards the territorial organisation, the provisional NUTS classification necessary to
determine EU regional policy targets has been adopted in due time. Concerning the
preparation of programming, the partnership principle, monitoring and evaluation, and
statistics, Cyprus is about to prepare a special Programme for the Preparation of EU
Structural Funds policy.
Therefore this priority has been met.
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Alignment has been achieved in the harmonisation of
related fiscal measures,
admission to occupation, technical requirement for vehicles, collection of statistics, co-
operation between authorities and road transport industry, maximum dimensions and weights
and speed limitation devices. However, Cyprus should also continue its efforts to transpose
on transport of dangerous goods. Maritime transport legislation has been
harmonised to a considerable extent. The preparatory work to adopt a new law on
should continue to overcome the outstanding discrepancies with the
in this
sector. Therefore this
priority has continued to be partially met.
Justice and Home Affairs
Law enforcement bodies and the judiciary
have been
both in personnel and
equipment and Cyprus has progressively aligned with the EU
visa legislation
by largely
abolishing the practice of issuing visas at the border. Cyprus also made efforts to ensure the
effective application of international instruments on judicial co-operation.
this priority has been substantially met.
Reinforcement of administration and judicial capacity including capacity to manage and
control EU funds: As reported for the short-term criteria this priority has continued to be
2. National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis
In August 2000, Cyprus submitted its First National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis
to the Commission. It covers political and economic criteria, while the focus lies clearly on the
chapters of the
that are presented in line with the negotiation chapters. In the
area, Cyprus gives a description of the progress and degree of compatibility with European
standards, the implementation structures, budgetary aspects and timing.
The NPAA is a detailed and well-structured document. Its scope covers the priorities
mentioned in the Accession Partnerships with some minor exceptions (as in taxation). In
general, precise and realistic timetables enumerate the dates foreseen for adoption of laws,
relevant administrative infrastructure, Celex reference and budget. In some cases, the
Commission felt that the timetables could have included also intermediate steps in the legislation
process or shorter deadlines. Concerning links to provision of budgetary resources, the NPAA
generally gives a clear picture of those already allocated and those foreseen in the future.
Sometimes the figures presented could have been more detailed as to the concrete share among
different branches of administration concerned.
Cyprus presented a full second NPPA in August 2001 which is currently being assessed by the
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Human Rights Conventions ratified by the Candidate Countries,
30 September 2001
Adherence to following
conventions and protocols
ECHR (European Convention
on Human Rights)
Protocol 1 (right of property)
Protocol 4 (freedom movement
et al.)
Protocol 6 (death penalty)
Protocol 7 (ne bis in idem)
European Convention for the
Prevention of Torture
European Social Charter
Revised European Social
Framework Convention for
National Minorities
Covenant on Civil and Political
Optional Protocol to the
ICCPR (right of individual
Second Optional Protocol to
the ICCPR (death penalty)
Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights)
(Convention against
(Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of
Racial Discrimination)
(Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against
Optional Protocol to the
(Convention on the
Rights of the Child)
= Convention ratified
= Convention
BG=Bulgaria; CY=Cyprus; CZ=Czech Republic; EE=Estonia; HU=Hungary; LV=Latvia; LT=Lithuania; MT=Malta;
PL=Poland; RO=Romania; SK= Slovak Republic; SV=Slovenia; T=Turkey
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Statistical data
Basic data
Population (average)
Total area
National accounts
Gross domestic product at current prices
Gross domestic product at current prices
Gross domestic product per capita
at current prices
Gross domestic product at constant prices (nat. currency)
Gross domestic product per capita at current prices
Structure of production
- Agriculture
- Industry (excluding construction)
- Construction
- Services
Structure of expenditure
- Final consumption expenditure
- household and NPISH
- general government
- Gross capital formation
- Stock variation
- Exports of goods and services
- Imports of goods and services
Inflation rate
Consumer price index
Balance of payments
-Current account
-Trade balance
Exports of goods
Imports of goods
-Net services
-Net income
-Net current transfers
government transfers
- FDI (net) inflows
Public finance
General government deficit/surplus
General government debt
in 1000
in km²
Mio Cyprus Pound
1000 Mio ECU/euro
% change over the previous year
in Purchasing Power Standards
in % of Total Gross Value Added
as % of Gross Domestic Product
% change over the previous year
in Mio ECU
in % of Gross Domestic Product
Data provided refer to the Government controlled area only, with the exception of data on total area, population and
the various demographic indicators which refer to the whole of Cyprus. Indicators expressed in per capita were
calculated on the basis of the mid-year population in the Government controlled area: 1996: 648,1; 1997: 654,5; 1998:
660,4; 1999: 664,8 and 2000: 669,1.
Figures have been calculated using the population figures from National Accounts, which may differ from those used in
demographic statistics.
Changes in Methodology : PROXY HICP since 1998 (see methodological notes).
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Financial indicators
Gross foreign debt of the whole economy
Gross foreign debt of the whole economy
Monetary aggregates
- M1
- M2
- M3
Total credit
Average short-term interest rates
- Day-to-day money rate
- Lending rate
- Deposit rate
ECU/EUR exchange rates
- Average of period
- End of period
- Effective exchange rate index
Reserve assets
-Reserve assets (including gold)
-Reserve assets (excluding gold)
External trade
Trade balance
Terms of trade
Exports with EU-15
Imports with EU-15
Natural growth rate
Net migration rate (including corrections)
Infant mortality rate
Life expectancy:
Labour market (ILO methodology)
Economic activity rate
Unemployment rate, total
Unemployment rate, males
Unemployment rate, females
Unemployment rate of persons < 25 years
Unemployment rate of persons >= 25 years
Long-term unemployment rate
Average employment by NACE branches
- Agriculture and forestry
- Industry (excluding construction)
- Construction
- Services
in % of Gross Domestic Product
as % of exports
1000 Mio ECU /euro
% per annum
(1ECU/euro=..Cyprus Pound)
Mio ECU/euro
Mio ECU/euro
previous year=100
as % of total
per 1000 of population
per 1000 live-births
at birth
% of labour force
as % of all unemployed
in % of total
62,0 P
3,4 P
2,7 P
4,7 P
3,0 P
3,5 P
9,7 P
9,2 P
12,8 P
8,2 P
69,8 P
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Railway network
Length of motorways
Industry and agriculture
Industrial production volume indices
Gross agricultural production volume indices
Standard of living
Number of cars
Main telephone lines
Number of subscriptions to cellular mobile services
Number of Internet subscriptions
P=provisional figures
in km per 1000 km²
previous year=100
per 1000 inhabitants
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Methodological Notes
Inflation rate
As part of the preparations for the common currency the EU Member States (MSs) have
designed a new
consumer price index
in order to comply with the obligations of the EU
Treaty. The aim was to produce CPIs comparable between Member States. The main task was
to harmonise methodologies and coverage. The result was the Harmonized Index of Consumer
Prices (HICP). A similar exercise has been started with Candidate Countries (CC). In respect
to enlargement, it is equally important that their economic performance is assessed on the basis
of comparable indices. Some progress has already been made towards adapting the new rules.
Since January 1999 CCs report monthly to Eurostat so-called proxy HICPs that are based on
national CPIs but adapted to the HICP coverage. They are not yet fully compliant with the
HICPs of the MSs. In the table, the proxy HICPs are back-calculated to 1996 (rates from
Public finance:
The government deficit and debt statistics of the Candidate Countries are
provisional, in the sense that they do not yet fully comply with EU methodological requirements.
Broadly speaking, the general government deficit / surplus refers to the national accounts
concept of consolidated general government net borrowing / net lending of ESA95. General
government debt is defined as consolidated gross debt at end-year nominal value. The series for
Cyprus are presently available from 1998 only; the 1996-97 data are an approximation derived
from the IMF’s GFS methodology.
Gross foreign debt
is of the whole economy, covering both short- and long-term, but excluding
equity investment and money market instruments. The source for stock of outstanding debt is
OECD, while the source of GDP is Eurostat. For the ratio of gross foreign debt to exports, the
national accounts definition of exports of goods and services is used (source: Eurostat). The
data for 2000 are Eurostat estimates, based on joint OECD/IMF/BIS/World Bank series.
Monetary aggregates
are end-year stock data, as reported to Eurostat. Generally, M1 means
notes and coin in circulation plus bank sight deposits. M2 means M1 plus savings deposits plus
other short-term claims on banks. M3 means M2 plus certain placements in a less liquid or
longer-term form. Not all countries produce an M3 series. Total credit means loans by resident
monetary financial institutions (MFIs) to non-MFI residents.
Interest rates:
Annual average rates based on monthly series reported to Eurostat. Lending
rates refer to bank lending to enterprises for over 1 year. Deposit rates refer to bank deposits
with an agreed maturity of up to one year. Day-to-day money rates are overnight interbank
Exchange rates:
ECU exchange rates are those that were officially notified to DG ECFIN until 1 January 1999,
when the ECU was replaced by the euro. Euro exchange rates are reference rates of the
European Central Bank. The effective exchange rate index (nominal), as reported to Eurostat, is
weighted by major trading partners.
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Reserve assets
are end-year stock data, as reported to Eurostat. They are defined as the sum
of central bank holdings of gold, foreign exchange, SDRs, reserve position in the IMF, and
other claims on non-residents. Gold is valued at end-year market price.
External trade
Imports and exports (current prices).
The data are based upon the special trade system,
according to which, external trade comprises goods crossing the customs border of the country.
Trade data excludes direct re-exports, trade in services and trade with customs free zones as
well as licences, know-how and patents. Value of external trade turnover includes the market
value of the goods and the additional costs (freight, insurance etc.).
Trade Classification.
Trade in goods is recorded using the commodity classification according to the Combined
Nomenclature (CN).
The term FOB means that all costs incurred in transport up to the customs frontier are charged
to the seller. The term CIF means that the purchaser pays the additional costs. Imports are
recorded on CIF basis, exports on FOB basis.
Imports and exports with EU-15.
Data declared by the Republic of Cyprus.
Net migration rate.
Crude rate of net migration for year X, is:
{population as at 31 December (X) - population as at 1 January (X) + Deaths (X) - Births
(X)} / average population (X). This assumes that any change in population not attributable to
births and deaths is attributable to migration.
Labour force
Economic activity rate (ILO Methodology).
Percentage of labour force in the total population
aged 15+. This rate is derived from an Establishments Survey observing the following ILO
definitions and recommendations:
Labour force: employed and unemployed persons according to the ILO definitions stated
The employed: all persons aged 15+, who during the reference period worked at least one hour
for wage or salary or other remuneration as employees, entrepreneurs, members of
cooperatives or contributing family workers. Members of armed forces and women on child-
care leave are included.
The unemployed: all persons aged 15+ registered as unemployed at the District Labour Offices,
who concurrently meet all three conditions of the ILO definition for being classified as the
Have no work,
are actively seeking a job,
and ready to take up a job within a fortnight.
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Unemployment rate (by ILO methodology).
Percentage of the unemployed in labour force.
This rate is derived from the number of registered unemployed observing the ILO definitions
and recommendations (see ILO definitions above)
Average employment by NACE branches.
This indicator is derived observing the ILO
definitions and recommendations.
Railway network.
All railways in a given area. This does not include stretches of road or water
even if rolling stock should be conveyed over such routes; e.g. by wagon-carrying trailers or
ferries. Lines solely used for tourist purposes during the season are excluded as are railways
constructed solely to serve mines; forests or other industrial or agricultural undertakings and
which are not open to public traffic. The data considers the construction length of railways.
Length of motorway.
Road, specially designed and built for motor traffic, which does not
serve properties bordering on it, and which:
(a) is provided, except at special points or temporarily, with separate carriageways for the two
directions of traffic, separated from each other, either by a dividing strip not intended for traffic,
or exceptionally by other means;
(b) does not cross at level with any road, railway or tramway track, or footpath;
(c) is specially sign-posted as a motorway and is reserved for specific categories of road motor
Entry and exit lanes of motorways are included irrespectively of the location of the signposts.
Urban motorways are also included.
Industry and agriculture
Industrial production volume indices.
Industrial production covers mining and quarrying,
manufacturing and electricity, gas, steam and water supply (according to the NACE Rev.1
Classification, Sections C, D and E).
Gross agricultural production volume indices.
Gross agricultural production volume indices
are calculated in constant prices of 1995.
Standard of living
Number of cars.
Passenger car: road motor vehicle, other than a motor cycle, intended for the
carriage of passengers and designed to seat no more than nine persons (including the driver).
The term "passenger car" therefore covers all private saloon cars, taxis and hired passenger
cars, learner’s vehicles and invalid carriages, provided that they have less than ten seats. This
category does not include pick-ups.
Telephone subscribers.
The number of telephone subscribers per 1000 inhabitants refers to the
number of direct exchange lines (fixed telephone only) and does not include mobile phone
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Internet connections.
The number of internet connections per 1000 inhabitants refers to the
number of internet subscribers to all internet access service providers in Cyprus.
Total area, external trade, labour market, infrastructure, demography, industry and agriculture,
standard of living (including Internet connections): National sources.
National accounts, inflation rate, balance of payment, public finance, finance: Eurostat