Europaudvalget 2001-02 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 183
Brussels, 13.11.2001
SEC(2001) 1744
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Table of contents
A. Introduction.................................................................................... 6
Preface ..................................................................................................................... 6
Relations between the European Union and Bulgaria.................................... 8
Recent developments under the Association Agreement (including bilateral trade)............ 8
Accession Partnership / National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis .................. 8
Community aid .............................................................................................................. 9
Twinning ..................................................................................................................... 12
Negotiations / screening............................................................................................... 13
B. Criteria for membership.............................................................14
1. Political criteria ............................................................................. 14
Introduction................................................................................................................. 14
Recent developments................................................................................................... 15
1.1. Democracy and the rule of law ...........................................................................15
Parliament ................................................................................................................... 15
The executive .............................................................................................................. 15
The judicial system...................................................................................................... 17
Anti-corruption measures............................................................................................. 19
1.2. Human rights and the protection of minorities .............................................20
Civil and political rights................................................................................................ 20
Economic, social and cultural rights.............................................................................. 22
Minority rights and the protection of minorities.............................................................. 23
1.3. General Evaluation...............................................................................................24
2. Economic criteria .......................................................................... 26
2.1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................26
2.2 Economic developments ......................................................................................26
2.2. Assessment in terms of the Copenhagen criteria...........................................29
The existence of a functioning market economy ............................................................ 29
The capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union...... 33
2.3. General evaluation ...............................................................................................36
3. Ability to assume the obligations of membership.......................... 37
Introduction................................................................................................................. 37
3.1. The chapters of the acquis ...................................................................................38
Chapter 1: Free movement of goods....................................................................39
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 40
Chapter 2: Free movement of persons ................................................................41
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Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 41
Chapter 3: Freedom to provide services.............................................................42
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 43
Chapter 4: Free movement of capital .................................................................44
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 44
Chapter 5: Company law.......................................................................................45
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 46
Chapter 6: Competition policy..............................................................................46
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 47
Chapter 7: Agriculture..........................................................................................48
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 51
Chapter 8: Fisheries..............................................................................................52
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 53
Chapter 9: Transport policy .................................................................................53
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 55
Chapter 10: Taxation ............................................................................................56
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 56
Chapter 11: Economic and Monetary Union .....................................................57
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 57
Chapter 12: Statistics ............................................................................................58
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 59
Chapter 13: Social Policy and Employment .......................................................59
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 61
Chapter 14: Energy................................................................................................63
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 65
Chapter 15: Industrial policy...............................................................................67
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 67
Chapter 16: Small and medium-sized enterprises............................................68
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 69
Chapter 17: Science and research......................................................................69
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 69
Chapter 18: Education and training ...................................................................70
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 71
Chapter 19: Telecommunications and Information Technology ....................71
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 72
Chapter 20: Culture and audio-visual policy.....................................................73
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 73
Chapter 21: Regional Policy and co-ordination of structural instruments...73
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 74
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Chapter 22: Environment......................................................................................76
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 77
Chapter 23: Consumer and health protection ...................................................78
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 78
Chapter 24 - Co-operation in the field of justice and home affairs ...............79
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 82
Chapter 25: Customs Union..................................................................................85
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 86
Chapter 26: External relations ............................................................................86
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 87
Chapter 27: Common foreign and security policy.............................................88
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 89
Chapter 28: Financial control .............................................................................90
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 90
Chapter 29: Financial and budgetary provisions .............................................91
Overall assessment ...................................................................................................... 92
3.2. Translation of the
into the national language.....................................92
3.3. General evaluation ...............................................................................................93
C. Conclusion....................................................................................96
D. Accession Partnership and National Programmes for the
Adoption of the
Global assessment ............................99
1. Accession Partnership ................................................................... 99
Short-term priorities .................................................................................................... 99
Medium-term priorities.............................................................................................. 102
2. National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis ................. 106
Human Rights Conventions ratified by the Candidate Countries, 30
September 2001............................................................................................108
Statistical data......................................................................................................109
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A. Introduction
In Agenda 2000, the Commission said it would report regularly to the European Council on
progress made by each of the candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe in
preparations for membership, and that it would submit its first Report at the end of 1998.
The European Council in Luxembourg decided that:
“From the end of 1998, the Commission will make Regular Reports to the Council, together
with any necessary recommendations for opening bilateral intergovernmental conferences,
reviewing the progress of each Central and Eastern European applicant State towards
accession in the light of the Copenhagen criteria, in particular the rate at which it is adopting the
… “The Commission’s reports will serve as the basis for taking, in the Council
context, the necessary decisions on the conduct of the accession negotiations or their extension
to other applicants. In that context, the Commission will continue to follow the method adopted
by Agenda 2000 in evaluating applicant States’ ability to meet the economic criteria and fulfil
the obligations deriving from accession.”
On this basis, the Commission presented a first series of Regular Reports in October 1998, a
second series in October 1999, and a third in November 2000. The Commission has prepared
this fourth series of Regular Reports with a view to the Laeken European Council in December
The structure followed for this Regular Report is the same as that used for the 2000 Regular
Report. In line with previous Regular Reports, the present Report:
describes the relations between Bulgaria and the Union, in particular in the framework of the
Association Agreement;
analyses the situation in respect of the political criteria set by the 1993 Copenhagen
European Council (democracy, rule of law, human rights, protection of minorities);
assesses Bulgaria’s situation and prospects in respect of the economic criteria defined by
the Copenhagen European Council (a functioning market economy and the capacity to cope
with competitive pressures and market forces within the Union);
addresses the question of Bulgaria’s capacity to assume the obligations of membership, that
is, the
as expressed in the Treaties, the secondary legislation, and the policies of the
Union. This part gives special attention to nuclear safety standards, as underlined by the
Cologne and Helsinki European Councils. It encompasses not only the alignment of
legislation, but also the development of the judicial and administrative capacity necessary to
implement and enforce the
as emphasised by the Madrid European Council in
December 1995, and confirmed by the Gothenburg European Council in June 2001. At
Madrid, the European Council underlined the necessity for the candidate countries to adjust
their administrative structures, so as to create the conditions for the harmonious integration
of those States. The Gothenburg European Council emphasised the vital importance of the
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candidate countries’ capacity to effectively implement and enforce the
and added
that this required important efforts by the candidates in strengthening and reforming their
administrative and judicial structures.
This Report takes into consideration progress since the 2000 Regular Report. It covers the
period until 30 September 2001. In some particular cases, however, measures taken after that
date are mentioned. It looks at whether intended reforms referred to in the 2000 Regular
Report have been carried out, and examines new initiatives. In addition, this Report provides
also an overall assessment of the global situation for each of the aspects under consideration,
setting out for each of them the main steps which remain to be taken by Bulgaria in preparing for
In accordance with this approach, the assessment of progress in meeting the political and
criteria (including Bulgaria’s administrative capacity to implement the
focuses on
what has been accomplished since the last Regular Report, complemented with a view of the
global situation for each of the aspects discussed. The economic assessment, for its part,
provides, besides an assessment of progress made over the reference period, also a dynamic,
forward-looking evaluation of Bulgaria’s economic performance.
The Report contains a separate section examining the extent to which Bulgaria has addressed
the Accession Partnership priorities.
As has been the case in previous Reports, “progress” has been measured on the basis of
decisions actually taken, legislation actually adopted, international conventions actually ratified
(with due attention being given to implementation), and measures actually implemented. As a
matter of principle, legislation or measures which are in various stages of either preparation or
Parliamentary approval have not been taken into account. This approach ensures equal
treatment for all the candidate countries and permits an objective assessment of each country in
terms of its concrete progress in preparing for accession.
The Report draws on numerous sources of information. The candidate countries have been
invited to provide information on progress made in preparations for membership since the
publication of the last Regular Report. The National Programmes for the Adoption of the
of each of the candidate countries, as well as the information they have provided in the
framework of the Association Agreement and in the context of the analytical examination of the
(screening) and the negotiations
, have served as additional sources. Council
deliberations and European Parliament reports and resolutions
have been taken into account in
the preparations. The Commission has also drawn on assessments made by various
international organisations, and in particular the contributions of the Council of Europe, the
OSCE and the International Financial Institutions, as well as that of non-governmental
As in previous years, the Report does not mention any commitments undertaken or requests made in the context of the
accession negotiations.
For the European Parliament the
is Mr Geoffrey van Orden.
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Relations between the European Union and Bulgaria
Recent developments under the Association Agreement (including bilateral
Bulgaria has continued to implement the Europe Agreement correctly and contributed to the
smooth functioning of the various joint institutions.
The Association Council met on 10 October 2000. An Association Committee meeting was
held on 4 October 2001. The system of sub-committees continues to function as a forum for
technical discussions.
The Joint Parliamentary Committee comprising representatives of the Bulgarian and European
Parliaments met three times, in November 2000, and March and October 2001. The Joint
Consultative Economic and Social Committee met in November 2000, and March and
November 2001.
The share of the European Community in Bulgaria’s overall foreign trade dropped from 52.1 %
of all exports in 1999 to 51.1% in 2000. The share of the European Community dropped from
48.4% of all imports in 1999 to 44.0% in 2000. Bulgaria's main exports to the Community
were base metals, textiles and machinery, its main imports from the EC were machinery, textiles
and chemical products.
Regarding agricultural products, a new agreement on reciprocal concessions with Bulgaria
entered into force in July 2000 on an autonomous basis, pending the conclusion of an Additional
Protocol to the Europe Agreement. As a consequence of this agreement, approximately 66 %
of traditional EC agricultural imports from Bulgaria are duty-free while 51 % of EC agricultural
exports to Bulgaria is exempted from duties. A second round of bilateral negotiations for trade
liberalisation is presently being prepared and would cover more sensitive sectors, in which
current trade is low, in particular due to a high degree of tariff protection.
The previous bilateral wine agreement between the Community and Bulgaria expired on 31
December 2000. In November 2000, conclusions were reached in negotiations for a wine and
spirits agreement involving trade concessions and the mutual protection of wine names and spirit
designations. The trade provisions were applied as from 1 January 2001 as autonomous trade
measures pending the adoption of the new agreements as an Additional Protocol to the Europe
For processed agricultural products, negotiations have been concluded at technical level and are
being discussed in the Council.
Negotiations regarding a free trade agreement on fish and fisheries products are still ongoing.
An anti-dumping complaint relating to imports of urea was lodged in October 2000 against
Bulgaria (among other countries). The investigation was concluded and a provisional price
undertaking reached in July 2001. Definitive anti-dumping duties were imposed in September
2001 on imports of hardboard from Bulgaria (among other countries).
Accession Partnership / National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis
A revised Accession Partnership was adopted in December 1999. Its implementation is
reviewed in Part D. This Regular Report is accompanied by a proposal from the Commission to
update the Accession Partnership.
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In June 2001, Bulgaria presented a revised National Programme for the Adoption of the
(NPAA), in which it outlines its strategy for accession, including how to achieve the priorities of
the Accession Partnerships (see
part D below).
Community aid
There are three
pre-accession instruments
financed by the European Community to assist the
applicant countries of Central and Eastern Europe in their pre-accession preparations: the
which provides aid for agricultural and rural development; and
which finances infrastructure projects in the fields of environment and transport. These
programmes concentrate their support on the Accession Partnership priorities that help the
candidate countries to fulfil the criteria for membership.
For the years 2000-2002 total indicative financial allocations to Bulgaria amount annually to €
100 million from Phare, € 53 million from SAPARD, and between € 83 and 125 million from
In addition to its annual Phare allocation, Bulgaria receives additional Phare funding in the
context of the understanding reached in November 1999 on early closure dates for units 1-4 of
the Kozloduy nuclear power plant. The agreement foresaw additional Phare funding of € 200
million over the period 2000-2007, subject to certain conditions being met. The funds are used
for nuclear decommissioning and associated measures in the energy sector, and are largely
managed by the EBRD.
programme has been providing support to the countries of Central and Eastern
Europe since 1989, helping them through a period of fundamental economic and social
transition and political change. Its current “pre-accession” focus was put in place in 1997, in
response to the Luxembourg European Council’s launching of the present enlargement process.
Phare provides the applicant countries of Central and Eastern Europe with support for
institution building (around one third of the Phare allocation), investment to strengthen the
regulatory infrastructure needed to ensure compliance with the
(equally around one third
of the allocation), and investment in economic and social cohesion (the remaining one-third of
the Phare allocation). This support comprises co-financing for technical assistance, “twinning”
and investment-support projects, to help these countries in their efforts to adopt the
strengthen the institutions necessary for implementing and enforcing the
This also helps
the candidate countries develop the mechanisms and institutions that will be needed to
implement Structural Funds after accession and is supported by a limited number of measures
(investment or grant schemes) with a regional or thematic focus.
programme allocated to Bulgaria commitments of around € 1000 million during the
period 1990-1999 and € 151 million in 2000
. The
2001 Phare Programme
for Bulgaria
consists of an allocation of € 82.8 million for the National Programme, concentrated on the
following priorities:
Commitments in both 2000 and 2001 were augmented by exceptional allocations from the Reserve, together with the
special Phare funding for nuclear decommissioning and associated measures. The 2000 figure includes an allocation of
€28 million to Cross-Border Co-operation (CBC) Programmes.
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Economic reform and the adoption and implementation of the acquis: projects to strengthen
the central bank, encourage equity investment in medium-sized private sector enterprises,
improve phytosanitary and veterinary control, raise fisheries standards, implement the
Seveso environment directive, and strengthen maritime safety. (€ 11 million)
Economic and social cohesion: investment projects focusing on SME and tourism sector
development, labour market measures and social inclusion, and business-related
infrastructure, and an institution building project to strengthen capacity to prepare ESF-type
programmes. (€ 37 million)
Strengthening public administration: projects for strategic policy-making and co-ordination,
implementing civil service reform, developing a recruitment and training strategy for the
judiciary, combating money laundering, streamlining bankruptcy proceedings, strengthening
the national customs and refugee agencies, improving the quality of agricultural statistics, and
strengthening the management of EC funds. (€ 15 million)
Ethnic integration and civil society: projects for integrating the Roma population, ensuring
ethnic minority access to health care, combating social exclusion, developing a self-sustaining
and dynamic civil society, and raising professional standards in journalism. (€ 7 million)
An additional € 28 million was allocated for cross-border co-operation programmes mainly
concerning infrastructure projects on Bulgaria’s borders with Greece and Romania. A further €
70 million was allocated for nuclear decommissioning and associated measures using the special
funds agreed in the context of the understanding on early closure dates for units 1-4 of the
Kozloduy plant, plus € 7 million from the Phare horizontal nuclear safety programme.
Bulgaria also participates in and benefits from other Phare funded multi-country and horizontal
programmes, such as TAIEX and the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Facility.
Bulgaria participates, or intends to participate, in the following Community programmes and
agencies: Altener, Combating Cancer, Customs 2000, IDA II, e-Content, Enterprise and
Entrepreneurship, Fiscalis, Gender Equality, Health Monitoring, Leonardo da Vinci II, Media
Plus, Pollution-related Diseases, Prevention of AIDS, Save, Socrates II and Youth. Bulgaria is
also included in the Fifth Framework Programmes for Research, Technological Development
and Demonstration Activities. Phare helps meet part of the costs of participation in most of
these programmes and agencies. In order to streamline Community legal procedures and
thereby facilitate future participation of Bulgaria in Community programmes, a Decision is in the
process of being adopted by the EU-Bulgaria Association Council establishing the general
principles for such participation.
Following the ratification and entry into force of the agreement, the formal participation of
Bulgaria in the European Environment Agency will start in January 2002.
Overall, the impact of Phare has been positive. Effective transfer of know-how, equipment and
financial resources has taken place in a number of important fields such as economic and
structural reform, modernisation of public institutions, strengthening the judiciary and border
control, adoption and implementation of the acquis, and important issues relating to social
cohesion and the protection of vulnerable groups. Phare support to agriculture and SME
development has helped in developing sector strategies and initiating necessary institutional and
financial mechanisms for enterprises in these sectors.
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Examples of successful Phare projects in Bulgaria include:
Institutional strengthening of the border police was supported by a project under the 1999
Phare programme (€ 3 million). Using a combination of twinning assistance and investment
in new equipment, the project has already contributed significantly to strengthening the
police’s capacity to monitor and guard Bulgaria’s borders.
Harmonisation of customs legislation was supported by a project under the 1998 Phare
programme (€ 1 million). Most EC customs directives and regulations have been
successfully integrated into Bulgarian legislation, with assistance from a twinning partner.
The creation and equipping of the SAPARD Agency in Bulgaria was supported by a
succession of Phare interventions, delivered by consultants and SIGMA experts. Bulgaria
was the first candidate country to secure partial accreditation of its SAPARD Agency in
May 2001, allowing implementation of the SAPARD programme to commence.
The Phare Review for 2000 confirmed the accession-driven approach and emphasised the
importance of helping countries to prepare for the Structural Funds. The Review foresees the
possibility that management of the Phare funds can be fully decentralised from 2002 if the strict
pre-conditions set down in the Co-ordination Regulation 1266/99 are met. Second, Phare
programming can be moved onto a multi-annual basis if supporting strategies are in place. Third,
the trends introduced in 1997 continue with an increased role for Delegations, further
streamlining of procedures and, lastly, increasing emphasis on raising the verifiable and
quantifiable impact of Phare projects in institution building, investment in compliance with the
and economic and social cohesion.
the Commission approved Bulgaria’s National Agriculture and Rural
Development Plan in October 2000. The operational programme for a total public expenditure
of around €808.3 million, of which €371.2 million will be financed by EC SAPARD funds, has
four priority axes: improving the production, processing and marketing of agricultural and
forestry products as well as the processing and marketing of fishery products in compliance with
EC acquis; promoting environmentally-friendly farming and environmental protection; integrated
rural development aimed at protecting and strengthening rural economies and communities; and
investment in human resources and technical assistance.
The Multi-annual financing agreement between the Commission and Bulgaria setting out the
rules for implementing SAPARD was signed in December 2000 and the Annual financing
agreement setting out the Community financial commitments for the year 2000 was signed in
February 2001 and entered into force in April 2001.
The State Fund for Agriculture has been designated as the SAPARD Agency, and has
responsibility for arranging co-financing of EC projects as well as managing short and medium-
term national loans to farmers. In May 2001, Bulgaria became the first candidate country to
gain the Commission’s partial accreditation of its SAPARD implementing structures for the
implementation of three measures (investments in agricultural holdings, processing and marketing
and diversification of economic activities), and payments began shortly afterwards. Bulgaria’s
SAPARD commitment in 2000 was € 53 million.
the national strategies for transport and the environment were agreed in 2000
and have provided the basis for identifying priority projects. In the case of transport
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infrastructure the emphasis is put on completing the main trans-European corridors,
development of border connections including the new Danube bridge, electrification of railways,
and the reconstruction of Sofia airport. In the case of the environment the main priorities are the
water sector (drinking water supply and wastewater treatment), solid waste management, and
air pollution. Administrative structures and procedures have now been put in place by the
Bulgarian authorities for the implementation of ISPA projects. The whole of the available ISPA
allocation for Bulgaria (€104 million) was committed in 2000, helping to support the following
projects: Sofia airport reconstruction and extension, transit roads rehabilitation (sections on
main trans-European corridors), urban wastewater treatment plants at Stara Zagora and
Dimitrovgrad, and six regional household waste disposal sites at Montana, Rousse, Pernik,
Sevlievo, Silistra and Sozopol.
Bulgaria now receives in total around € 300 million a year in Community grant-financed, pre-
accession assistance, equivalent to over 2% of its GDP. Programming, implementing, monitoring
and evaluating such a large volume of essentially project-based assistance, and ensuring robust
systems of financial management and control, represents a real challenge for Bulgaria’s public
administration. While there have been some notable successes in this regard, including the early
accreditation of the SAPARD Agency, considerable further efforts are needed to ensure that
administrative capacity
is adequate to handle Community assistance effectively. At the
programming stage, the authorities are now developing a more pro-active approach to
identifying strategic priorities. But more needs to be done to ensure that these priorities are
translated into mature projects, and that ministries collaborate with one another and with outside
groups and co-ordinate donor assistance more effectively. At the implementation stage, there is
a need to strengthen both financial management and control systems and project management
capacity in many areas. Efforts are needed to reduce staff turnover and provide adequate
resources for contracting, technical and financial aspects of project implementation. At the
monitoring and evaluation stages, the new arrangements must be made to work effectively, so
that a higher proportion of projects are steered to a successful conclusion and lessons are
learned systematically from successes and mistakes in the past. Tackling all these issues will
require a major and sustained investment in key parts of the public administration.
One of the main challenges the candidate countries continue to face is the need to strengthen
their administrative capacity to implement and enforce the
As of 1998, the European
Commission proposed to mobilise significant human and financial resources to help them in this
respect, through the process of twinning of administrations and agencies. The vast body of
Member States’ expertise is now being made available to the candidate countries through the
long-term secondment of civil servants and accompanying short-term expert missions and
To start with, twinning focused primarily on the priority sectors of agriculture, environment,
public finance, justice and home affairs and preparatory measures for the Structural Funds. It
now covers all sectors pursuant to the
A total of 372 twinning projects, primarily in the fields of agriculture, environment, public
finance, justice and home affairs and preparation for the management of Structural Funds, have
been funded by the Community between 1998-2000. These represent the principal priority
sectors that have been identified in the Accession Partnerships. But also other important
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sectors of the
have been addressed through twinning, for example, social policy, fight
against drugs, transport, and telecommunications regulation.
Thanks to the strong support and response from EU Member States 103 twinning partnerships,
funded by Phare 1998 and involving all candidate countries and almost all Member States are
coming to an end or have been concluded. Under Phare 1999 a further 124 projects are being
implemented and the programming exercise for Phare 2000 includes a further 145 twinning
projects. The 2001 programming exercise foresees 131 twinning projects in all Phare
beneficiary countries as well as Cyprus and Malta. Furthermore, the candidate countries are
being offered the possibility of drawing on Member States’ expertise through Twinning light in
order to address well-circumscribed subjects of limited scope, which emerge during the
negotiation process as requiring adaptation. It is estimated that around 250 twinning projects
are operational throughout the candidate countries at any one time.
For Bulgaria, eleven projects under the 1998 Phare programme, fifteen under the 1999
programme, and fourteen under the 2000 programme are being delivered wholly or partly using
twinning. Twinning will again be an important element under the 2001 project, contributing to
the results of up to ten projects. These span a broad range of sectors including veterinary and
fisheries control, implementation of environmental acquis, strengthening the central bank and
customs agency, streamlining bankruptcy proceedings, combating money laundering and
improving maritime safety standards.
Negotiations / screening
The analytical examination of the
(screening) has taken place in the context of meetings
of the Association Committee and the sub-committees.
Since the opening of the accession negotiations, substantial discussions on the individual
chapters of the
started, and by October 2001, negotiations on 21 chapters had been
By the end of September 2001, the following 11 chapters had been provisionally closed: Free
Movement of Capital, Company Law, Fisheries, Statistics, Small and Medium-sized
Enterprises, Science and Research, Education and Training, Culture and Audio-Visual Policy,
Consumers and Health Protection, External Relations, Common Foreign and Security Policy.
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B. Criteria for membership
1. Political criteria
The political criteria for accession to be met by the candidate countries, as laid down by the
Copenhagen European Council in June 1993, stipulate that these countries must have achieved
“stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for
and protection of minorities.
In its 2000 Regular Report on Bulgaria’s progress towards accession, the Commission
concluded that:
“Bulgaria continues to fulfil the Copenhagen political criteria.
Bulgaria has made progress in adopting secondary legislation necessary to implement the Civil
Service Law, and also to implement this. The adoption of the Child Protection Act in June
2000, which creates a State Agency for Child Protection, is another positive step forward.
However, very little has been done to upgrade the judiciary, which remains weak. Also
corruption continues to be a very serious problem and a global, transparent anti-corruption
strategy with overt backing from government and parliament would be of benefit. Since the
adoption of the framework programme for the integration of Roma last year, some progress has
been made but the administrative capacity of the National Council on Ethnic and Demographic
Issues to implement the programme remains low, and the limited financial means allocated for
implementation make effective performance of its task difficult.
Major efforts are needed to develop a strong, independent, effective and professional judicial
system. The fight against corruption needs to be strengthened. In line with the short-term
Accession Partnership priority on Roma, further concrete actions and adequate financial
resources are still required.”
The section below aims to provide an assessment of developments in Bulgaria since the 2000
Regular Report, as well as of the overall situation in the country, seen from the perspective of
the political Copenhagen criteria, including as regards the overall functioning of the country’s
executive and its judicial system. Developments in this context are in many ways closely linked
to developments regarding Bulgaria’s ability to implement the
in particular in the domain
of justice and home affairs. Specific information on the development of Bulgaria’s ability to
implement the
in the field of justice and home affairs can be found in the relevant section
24 – Co-operation in the field of justice and home affairs)
of part
of this
These principles have been emphasised in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, that was
proclaimed at the Nice European Council in December 2000.
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Recent developments
Following the general election of 17 June 2001, a government led by the National Movement of
Simeon II in coalition with the Movement for Rights and Freedoms came into power, replacing
the United Democratic Forces government which had been the first to remain in office for a full
term since 1989. Integration of the country into the EU remains a key priority for the new
government. The consensus of all political forces in parliament towards the goal of integration
into the EU and NATO remains very strong. Bulgaria continued to play a positive role in efforts
for enhanced co-operation in South Eastern Europe.
The OSCE-ODIHR final report on the elections of 17 June 2001 concluded that: “While these
elections met the OSCE commitments for democratic elections, there is room for further
improvements in the electoral process. The election legislation contains provisions that raise
concerns, including the lack of reference to the right of accredited domestic and international
observers to monitor the aggregation of results. Also, the media regulations are overly
restrictive.” The Bulgarian government has acknowledged these recommendations.
Democracy and the rule of law
As mentioned in the previous Regular Reports, Bulgaria has achieved stability of institutions
guaranteeing democracy and the rule of law. This section focuses on the most significant
developments of the past year.
The Parliament has continued to operate smoothly over the past year. Following the elections in
June, a new Standing Committee on European Integration was created to replace the
parliamentary Council on European Integration. It combines elements of the former Council on
European Integration and Foreign Affairs Committee dealing with EU issues. The new
committee will continue to adopt decisions on the basis of consensus between the four
parliamentary groups and preserve a fast track procedure for legislation related to EU
The executive
Last year, progress in laying the legal framework for a modern, professional and independent
public administration was reported. This has continued through the adoption of most necessary
secondary legislation and progress in implementation of the legal framework, thus making further
progress towards the short–term Accession Partnership priority of implementing the civil service
law. The legal framework for the Bulgarian civil service is now largely satisfactory but a number
of issues still require attention. There is now a need to focus on its implementation to ensure
establishment of a professional and impartial civil service.
Further steps have been taken towards the implementation of the Laws on State Administration
and the Civil Service. Statutes setting out the structures for most ministries and executive bodies
have been adopted by the Council of Ministers. Employees in the administration are gradually
being covered by the new civil servant status. By September 2001, 17 300 people had civil
servant status. This represents about 30% of those employed in state administrative structures
(including national, regional and municipal administrations). These figures exclude the Interior
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Ministry where about 8% of staff (5119) have been demilitarised and have Civil Servant status.
People with this status received significant salary increases of approximately 20%, which is
intended to contribute towards recruitment and retention of high quality personnel. Civil service
salary levels and pay components (e.g. allowances and bonuses) are regulated by law.
In December 2000, the Prime Minister approved a Code of Ethics for Civil Servants in his
capacity as Minister of State Administration. This offers guidance on ethical conduct in relations
with the public on duty and in public and private life.
Also in December 2000, the statute of the State Administrative Commission was approved by
the Council of Ministers. The State Administrative Commission’s role is to ensure respect of the
Civil Service Law.
As far as recruitment is concerned, competitions with selection based on merit have been
organised for a limited number of posts, but not yet for the majority of appointments. In
particular these are not yet the norm for internal appointments.
Several steps have been taken towards improving openness and transparency of public
administration. A register of state structures and acts of the executive has been created and is
published on the Internet. This contains inter alia information on the role and organisation of
main ministries and agencies and information of interest to the general public. It also contains
information on public procurement.
The adoption of the Law on Access to Public Information is a positive step forward. This
regulates the right of citizens and legal entities to gain access to information from state and local
government bodies on matters of public interest. In case of refusal, appeals can be made to the
courts. However, the act contains some ambiguous legal definitions, which will make use by the
administration (especially at local level) and interpretation by the courts difficult, so needs
After a decision of the Council of Ministers in June 2000 on measures for the improvement of
administrative services to the public, a pilot project to organise services based on “one-stop-
shops” has begun in six local administrations.
Currently there are Ombudsman-type activities in number of municipalities in the country and in
Sofia. Bulgaria does not yet have an Ombudsman with national responsibilities.
The Supreme Administrative Court has continued to function and there has been an increase in
the number of cases it has examined. Administrative acts of central and local government can be
contested before the court. It has taken several decisions on important matters and the
executive has complied with these. However, the role of the court needs to be further
Concerning planning and policy-making capacity, there have been some developments. As
reported last year, in policy areas which involve several departments and sectors (e.g.
preparation for structural funds) the quality of inter-ministerial co-ordination needs to be further
improved. Whilst new laws go through a mandatory impact assessment, this process varies in
quality and is often superficial. As far as consultation with the public is concerned, the new
practice of publishing draft laws on the Internet to initiate wider public debate is welcome but
consultation, for example with social and economic partners, could be further improved. As
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mentioned last year, there is insufficient attention to how laws will be implemented, which results
in delays between adoption and actual implementation. After new laws enter into force, more
attention needs to be paid to monitoring implementation and enforcement, in particular in the
court system.
The new government has made a commitment that structures in charge of the European
Integration process will remain intact to ensure continuity. In general the structures created for
the European Integration process have functioned effectively for work on accession
preparation, negotiations and implementation of the Europe Agreement. However administrative
structures lack the capacity necessary for fully effective use of EC assistance and need to be
An Institute for Public Administration and European Integration was established as foreseen in
the civil service law. Its statute has been adopted and staff recruited. State funding goes
towards staff salaries and premises, with work to establish training courses and training of tutors
currently funded by donors. Preparation of a national strategy for training of the state
administration started at the beginning of 2001.
There are no changes to report on the structures for regional and local administration.
Although some further steps have been taken towards establishment of a modern and open
public administration, much remains to be done to develop the civil service and promote a new
administrative culture so that it is ready to cope with EU membership. These include further
efforts to implement the legal framework and strengthening procedures to ensure accountability.
The judicial system
Since the 2000 Regular Report, there has been an increased debate in Bulgaria on the state of
the reform in judiciary.
On 1 October 2001, the new government adopted a Strategy for Reform of the Judicial System
in Bulgaria. Its aim is to develop European standards in justice to contribute to preparation for
EU membership. Objectives include improvement of human resources, administration and
physical infrastructure of the judiciary. The capacity of the Supreme Judicial Council to fulfil its
role is to be enhanced and co-ordination between the Supreme Judicial Council and the
Ministry of Justice on the management of the judiciary improved. The Magistrates Training
Centre is to be transformed into a public institution. Steps are to be taken to promote equal
access to justice (improving free legal aid provision) and to improve the execution of
judgements to ensure more effective protection of citizen’s rights. A detailed implementation
plan also needs to be developed. Whilst the adoption of the strategy is a clear step forward, it
does not yet address issues where constitutional change will be required, such as changes to the
immunity of magistrates.
The Constitution and the Law on the Judicial System provide for the independence of the
judiciary. These also give members of the judiciary (judges, prosecutors, and investigators)
immunity from prosecution from all but serious crimes that carry over 5 years in prison. The fact
that criminal investigators with the functions they exercise in Bulgaria (some of which are
exercised by police elsewhere), are members of the judiciary, is unusual. Requests to the
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Supreme Judicial Council to lift immunity are rare. Such provisions on immunity make it difficult
to know the potential scale of corruption or criminal activity in the judiciary.
According to the Constitution and the Law on the Judiciary, the Supreme Judicial Council
(SJC) is the highest body representing and governing the judicial system. The Council comprises
representatives of judges, prosecutors, investigators and the legal profession.
According to Bulgarian law, the judiciary should have its own budget. The Supreme Judicial
Council has prepared a budget for the judiciary. Nevertheless, in the last few years, the
executive has submitted to the Parliament a different draft of the judiciary budget , which has
been adopted. The budget allocated has been about 30% lower than proposed by the Supreme
Judicial Council.
Whilst the Supreme Judicial Council has quite wide administrative responsibilities for the
operation of the court system, it does not have the necessary administrative capacity to exercise
them. Its secretariat is insufficiently staffed for this role.
About 80% of the budget for the judiciary goes on salaries for judges and staff, and much of
what remains goes on day-to-day running costs of the judiciary, leaving little for equipment.
Procedures for funding the management of court, prosecution and investigation service premises
are complicated and untransparent. The conditions in the majority of the courts, prosecution
offices and investigation services remain very poor. Concerning court administration, manual
registration and administrative processing of cases remain common practice. Where courts have
introduced information technology, this is largely due to local initiatives or donor assistance
The unclear split of roles and responsibilities between the SJC and Ministry of Justice is an issue
which contributes to the poor functioning of the judicial system.
There are often delays in administrative processing of cases. This is due to a number of factors.
Poor administrative support obliges judges, prosecutors and investigators to spend a lot of time
(estimated at well over 20% of judges’ time) on administrative and clerical matters. This
reduces time available for handling cases. Case management also lacks transparent standards
for assignment. Inter-agency co-operation is weak and complicated. For example, an unusually
large proportion of cases is sent back by the courts to the public prosecutor, because the courts
consider that the investigation is incomplete. Return of cases to the public prosecution also
occurs in EU member states, but the high level of this in Bulgaria suggests a structural weakness.
Conditions for return are not transparent and there is no system for appeal against such a
Concerning recruitment, there has been no progress to introduce transparent national criteria
and competitions for recruitment or promotion of judges. Whilst in April 2001 the Supreme
Judicial Council announced its intention to introduce selection panels for appointment of judges
and prosecutors to regional courts, this has not yet been put into practice. Local initiatives in
several major courts to recruit junior judges by competition continue.
Training remains inadequate. As yet no systematic training is provided for members of the
judiciary. The Magistrates Training Centre, an NGO funded largely by foreign donors, focuses
on the training of judges. Newly appointed judges now attend initial training. A pilot programme
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for training of public prosecutors was started in April 2001. The Centre also delivers some
general courses in EC law and EU institutions. Several specialised courses have been organised
for magistrates on international co-operation in penal matters, extradition and insolvency
proceedings. Since the last Regular Report, a consensus has emerged between the Supreme
Judicial Council and the Ministry of Justice on the need to establish a national public institute for
training of members of the judiciary.
Whilst there have been developments in some areas, there is as yet no reason to change the
overall assessment made last year that further efforts are needed for the judicial system to
become strong, independent, effective and professional and able to guarantee full respect for the
rule of law as well as effective participation in the internal market.
Anti-corruption measures
Whilst there have been some improvements since last year, in particular in the legal framework,
corruption continues to be a very serious problem in Bulgaria. According to several surveys
since the last Regular Report, customs, the police, university teachers, business people, public
sector officials who have close contact with the public and the judiciary were perceived to be
among the most corrupt professions. Corruption continues to be considered as one of the main
problems facing Bulgarian society. It is still seen as an efficient means of addressing private
problems. However there is a decrease in public acceptance of corruption and civil society has
been active in raising awareness and putting corruption on the political agenda. The new
government has made a commitment to combat corruption. There is a perceived tendency
towards improvement of the business and investment environment, but corruption remains a
serious obstacle to business development and the improvement of the investment climate.
On 1 October, the Council of Ministers adopted a national Strategy for Combating Corruption.
This has 4 main areas: creating an institutional and legal environment which will curb corruption,
anti-corruption reform in the judiciary, curbing corruption in the economy and anti-corruption
co-operation between government institutions, non-governmental organisations and the mass
media. The strategy emphasises transparency, accountability and clarity of relations, for
example between (on the one hand) government and (on the other) the private sector and the
citizen. Specific measures are planned, for example to cover the Customs Agency, public
financial control and local government. The National Assembly is given the role of setting an
example in anti-corruption effectiveness which will be followed by other institutions.
Whilst the legal framework for combating corruption is coming into place, enforcement of the
existing legal framework poses a significant challenge. There has not yet been sufficient focus on
prevention of corruption. A number of new measures have been taken since last year:
a Code of Ethics for Civil Servants has been approved, setting basic principles and rules of
ethical conduct for civil servants in their relations with the public whilst on duty, and in their
public and private life;
A new Political Parties Act came into force, introducing clearer rules for financing political
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The Law on Access to Public Information has come into force. This should increase
transparency in the administration, however there is a need for more legal clarity
(see section
on the executive)
to ensure this is fully effective in achieving this aim;
All public procurement tenders since 1 January 2001 have been published in the Public
Procurement Register. The register is accessible to the public on the Internet;
The Government submitted amendments to 21 laws to the National Assembly aimed at
facilitating or eliminating various registration and licensing regimes.
The main bodies responsible for dealing with cases of corruption are the public prosecutor’s
office, investigators, the courts, the police, the National Service on Combating Organised Crime
and the Bureau of Financial Intelligence. However, it should be noted that many of the people in
the judicial system handling cases have immunity from prosecution for certain offences (see
section on the judiciary).
As far as the administration is concerned, in accordance with the Public Register Law, which
invites high-ranking government officials to declare property, income and expenses, first
declarations of income and expenses of high-ranking government officials were submitted in
summer 2000.
Bulgaria continues to participate in the monitoring of anti-corruption measures through the
OECD Working Group on bribery in international commercial transactions and the Group of
States against Corruption (GRECO).
Human rights and the protection of minorities
As mentioned in previous Regular Reports, Bulgaria continues to respect human rights and
freedoms. The following section concentrates on subsequent major developments since the last
Regular Report.
Bulgaria has ratified most human rights conventions (see annex). In November 2000, Bulgaria
ratified Protocol No. 4 and Protocol No. 7 to the European Convention for the Protection of
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Bulgaria has ratified the Revised European Social
Charter and undertaken to be bound by the Additional Protocol providing for a system of
collective complaints.
The EC anti-discrimination
has not yet been transposed.
Civil and political rights
Since last year, Bulgaria has made progress in the areas of human rights training of police,
trafficking, pre-trial detention, and the legal framework for non-governmental organisations.
Human rights organisations continue to make critical reports about
police violence,
provides cause for serious concern. These indicate that minorities, homosexuals and prostitutes
are most likely to be subject to police ill-treatment. Investigations into police abuse remain rare
and a very small number of cases come to court. Surveys also indicate no change in the situation
regarding the frequent use of force in arrests. There was a reported slight reduction in the
number of detainees reporting use of physical force inside police stations. As in previous years,
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reports also indicate that the Roma continued to constitute a disproportionate number of the
victims of this violence. One positive development is that the National Police Service has set up
a specialised human rights committee which has the role of aligning police practice with
international law and organising training. Regional co-ordinators, who will organise activities at
local level, have been appointed and are receiving periodical training on human rights issues.
Bulgaria remains a source and transit country for
in human beings. However, the
government is making efforts to combat trafficking. Two police units are dedicated to dealing
with this problem. Trafficking in human beings is not yet defined as a specific offence, which
makes it harder to bring cases to court, but a proposal to remedy this is pending in parliament.
Few prosecutions have yet taken place. There is also close co-operation with other
governments to combat trafficking.
As concerns
pre-trial detention,
there has been some improvement. There has been a trend
towards shorter preliminary proceedings, which means few defendants are detained for more
than 6 months. 14 out of the total of 29 pre-trial detention centres housed underground have
been closed.
still have problems with overcrowding, poor food and sanitary conditions. Concerning
correctional boarding schools and social educational boarding schools, there has been no
improvement in the legal framework for placing young people in such institutions. The legal
framework still needs to be revised to ensure cases have been heard in full conformity with the
right to a fair trial before detention.
On 5 October 2000, the European Court of Human Rights delivered a judgement in the case of
Varbanov v. Bulgaria. It established a violation of Article 5 of the European Convention on
Human Rights, the right to liberty and security, by ruling that his detention in a psychiatric
hospital was arbitrary. Deficiencies in Bulgarian legislation were identified. The Bulgarian
government has announced its intention to make changes to the Public Health Law or through a
new Law on Mental Health, but has not yet done so.
Concerns have been raised that over a third of criminal case defendants do not have access to a
lawyer during trial before a court of first instance. Bulgaria needs to take steps to ensure that
fundamental human rights are fully respected, especially though ensuring that in practice all
detained individuals who cannot afford a lawyer have access to legal aid.
Regarding freedom
of expression,
as mentioned in the last Regular Report, fines for libel remain
very high but indications are that restraint is shown in implementation.
religious freedom,
in the last Regular Report concerns were raised that interested
parties had not been consulted in the preparation of the new Denominations Act. Adoption of
the Act was postponed to allow for consultation. The Act has not yet been adopted.
One positive development is that a number of applications for alternative service have been
granted over the last year in accordance with the law of October 1999.
Concerning the
right to privacy,
concerns have been expressed by human rights organisations
at the high number of permits granted for wiretapping and the need to ensure proper judicial
controls on the issuing of these.
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Bulgarian law currently discriminates against
Discriminatory provisions in the
Penal Code need to be removed to avoid discrimination.
The Non-profit Legal Entities Act entered into force in January 2001, providing a new legal
framework for
non-governmental organisations
in Bulgaria. This is a sign of progress as it
established clear rules for the registration of associations of citizens and foundations. The new
law also increases transparency, through a public register of organisations and the obligation to
provide annual reports on activities and finances. However, the tax environment for NGOs and
donations remains rather restrictive. The new National Assembly has established a
parliamentary committee on civil society issues.
Economic, social and cultural rights
Some limited progress was made in this area over the past year, notably in reinforcing the
institutional framework for child protection.
There has been no further progress in adopting legislation on
equal opportunities
for women
and men. Concerning political representation, following the June 2001 elections, women make
up about 25% of the new National Assembly, a significant increase from 11% in the previous
Whilst the
Child Protection
Act (mentioned in the last Regular report) aims to reduce the
number of children in institutions through placement in foster families, at the end of 2000 there
was no significant change in the number of children in institutions. Conditions in social institutions
for children are mixed and indicate that some orphanages offer relatively high standards of care,
but in many living conditions are very poor. The situation is particularly serious in some of the
homes for severely handicapped children. Poor living conditions and inadequate care are said to
have contributed to especially high mortality rates in some homes for children with mental
disabilities. Around 65% of children in residential accommodation come from minority groups.
Staff caring for children rate amongst the country’s lowest paid. An ordinance on terms and
conditions of providing police protection to children has been adopted.
The Government has adopted a regulation for the establishment of the Child Protection Agency
and appointed a Chairman. The Agency should improve co-ordination and implementation of
policies at national and regional level, and provide guidance to and control of municipal services
on child protection activities. Efforts are oriented towards preventing social exclusion and
towards de-institutionalisation. Several steps are necessary if the Child Protection Agency is to
become fully operational. Secondary legislation is still required to clarify its precise role, as are
adequate human and financial resources. The second central body envisaged in the Child
Protection Act, the National Council for Child Protection (a consultative body) has also been
set up. Members come from eight government departments. Seven NGOs participate as
associate members. Representatives of two international organisations are also invited as
associate members. Bulgaria needs to ensure the full implementation of the UN Convention on
the Rights of the Child and ensure the necessary administrative capacity is in place and is
functioning efficiently.
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Minority rights and the protection of minorities
Bulgaria has ratified the Framework Convention of the Council of Europe for the Protection of
National Minorities.
In the census conducted in 2001, 4.6% of the population identified themselves as Roma and
9.4% as of Turkish ethnic origin.
As reported in previous years, the Roma continue to suffer from social discrimination due to
accumulation over time of factors that have worsened their living conditions. Many Roma live in
very poor conditions in illegally built housing. According to a survey approximately 70% of
houses in Roma neighbourhoods are built illegally, which means there is very limited access, and
no right to public services. Very few municipalities have acted on the call in the Framework
Programme to legalise such homes. Unemployment is very high, with estimates reaching 60-
75% of working age Roma. The political commitment from the government to remedy their
problems needs to be matched by more effort into translating this into concrete action.
Progress in improving the situation of the Roma community has been limited. As concerns the
Framework Programme for Roma Integration adopted in 1999, very little progress has been
made on implementation. No progress has been made in the last year in strengthening the
capacity of the National Council on Ethnic and Demographic Issues (NCEDI) to implement the
programme. However, the programme to appoint Roma as experts in the administration
referred to last year continued.
Access to healthcare and public services remains uneven for the Roma. The Government took
measures to facilitate the issuing of new identification documents to ethnic minorities. Under
social programmes, people from minorities were targeted. However, there were Roma protests
over non-payment of social benefits in some municipalities. The National Health Insurance Fund
targeted minorities with a special campaign and added the names of the people not registered to
local doctors’ lists of patients. Doctors receive the standard fee for a patient plus additional
funds due to the vulnerability of the population. However, there are reports of discriminatory
practices in access to public health care.
Many Roma children do not attend school and for those who do, drop out rates are very high.
Factors for this include poverty. Despite their formal status as regular schools, schools in Roma
areas remain in practice segregated schools which offer low quality education. This puts the
large majority of Roma at a disadvantage compared to their peers in mixed schools. These
schools are usually overcrowded, lack basic facilities and in many cases have poorly qualified
teachers. Whilst Roma tutors and teachers have been appointed in bilingual schools, further
steps are needed to ensure the access of Roma children to the education system. It is a positive
step that the process of desegregation of Roma schools has started, with some NGO projects
testing different methodologies. But still it has to become Government policy, and the
methodology and the approach have to be broadly discussed and accepted by the Roma
There are some projects in municipalities. Sofia and Plovdiv, for example, have started projects
for Roma to build homes and generate employment. Some funding comes from international
donors to support this. Sofia Municipal Council has also adopted a medium-term programme
for the development of the Roma community in Sofia, which should be completed by 2005.
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In the general elections in June 2001, an increased political participation by Roma was
observed and there are Roma National Assembly members. The Turkish minority is better
integrated into political life through elected representation at national and local levels. The
Movement for Rights and Freedom, which has a large representation amongst ethnic Turks, is
part of the ruling coalition in the National Assembly.
Further efforts are needed for the socio-economic integration of those ethnic Turks who live in
economically underdeveloped regions.
The Parliament passed amendments to the Civil Registration Act simplifying the procedure
which ethnic Turks in Bulgaria, coercively renamed under the communist regime, should follow
to get their names back. This is now done through an administrative rather than court procedure
which, whilst free of charge, was rather slow.
In almost all electronic media, there is minority participation through specialised programmes.
Bulgarian National TV broadcasts news in Turkish and has two programmes addressing
minority issues and produced by minorities’ representatives. Roma Cable TV from Vidin has
received a license to broadcast nationwide. Some local radio stations also broadcast
programmes directed at the Roma population. There are a number of regular Roma newspapers
and magazines.
As reported last year, minorities have a low level of representation in senior appointments in the
administration or as officers in the military and police. Some steps are being taken to tackle this,
for example through a programme to encourage police recruits.
General Evaluation
In its 1997 Opinion, the Commission concluded that Bulgaria fulfilled the political criteria. Since
that time, Bulgaria has made considerable progress in further consolidating and deepening the
stability of its institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for
and protection of minorities. Over the past year, further efforts have been made in this
direction. Bulgaria continues to fulfil the Copenhagen political criteria.
Since last year, further progress has been made in public administration reform. Many
employees have civil servant status and there is now a Code of Ethics for Civil Servants. The
Law on Access to Public Information is a positive step, but needs further clarification to ensure
effective implementation. Further steps are needed to ensure an efficient, transparent and
accountable public administration.
The recent adoption by the government of two strategies, one on judicial reform and the other
on combating corruption, is a significant development. The challenge now is to implement these.
The judicial system remains weak and there is as yet no reason to change the assessment made
last year that further efforts are needed for it to become strong, independent, effective and
professional and able to guarantee full respect for the rule of law as well as effective
participation in the internal market. Corruption has continued to give serious cause for concern.
See "Making a success of enlargement: Strategy Paper and Report of the European Commission on the
progress towards accession by each of the candidate countries", COM (2001) 700.
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Enforcing the legal framework effectively presents a challenge and greater focus is needed on
prevention of corruption.
Some progress has been made on human rights training of police and on combating trafficking
of human beings. However, there is a need to address police behaviour, notably as regards
reported cases of ill-treatment. continues to give cause for serious concern.
A child protection agency and a national advisory council for child protection have been set up.
Further steps need to be taken to make the Child Protection Agency operational. On child
welfare, there is not yet a significant change in the number of children in institutions. Poor
conditions in some homes for children with mental disabilities are cause for concern.
Roma continue to suffer from widespread social discrimination. Political commitment from the
government to remedy their problems has still not been matched by concrete action. One more
positive development is that some NGOs have pursued projects on desegregation of Roma
Very little further progress has been made to meet the Accession Partnership priority to start
implementation of the Roma Framework Programme, and to strengthen the National Council on
Ethnic and Demographic Issues.
Concerning other related Accession Partnership priorities, Bulgaria has made further progress
to implement the Civil Service Law. However, the priority of strengthening the judiciary has not
yet been met.
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2. Economic criteria
In its 1997 Opinion on Bulgaria's application for EU membership, the Commission concluded:
“Bulgaria’s progress in the creation of a market economy has been limited by the absence of a
commitment to market-oriented economic policies; it would not be able to cope with
competitive pressure and market forces within the Union in the medium term.”
This finding was confirmed in the 1998 and 1999 regular reports. In its 2000 regular report the
Commission found that:
“Bulgaria has clearly made further progress towards becoming a functioning market economy. It
is not yet able to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union in the
medium term.
In examining the economic developments in Bulgaria since the Opinion, the Commission’s
approach was guided by the conclusions of the European Council in Copenhagen in June 1993,
which stated that membership of the Union requires:
the existence of a functioning market economy;
the capacity to cope with competitive pressures and market forces within the Union.
In the analysis below, the Commission has followed the methodology applied in the Opinion, as
well as in the previous regular reports.
Economic developments
Largely as a result of past economic reforms supported by an improved external
environment, economic growth has accelerated.
The Bulgarian economy grew by 5.8% in
2000, the highest figure since the 1996-97 economic crisis. Macroeconomic stability has been
preserved, and the state of Bulgaria’s public finances and the current account balance bear
witness. However, inflation rose substantially, mainly due to one off factors, while
unemployment slightly moved down from its high level. Private investment has remained low but
rising slowly, while foreign direct greenfield investments are high and rising.
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Main economic trends
Real GDP growth rate
Inflation rate
- annual average
- December-on-
Unemployment rate, end-
- ILO definition
General government
budget balance
Current account balance
per cent
2001 latest
4.8 H1
per cent
per cent
9.4 June
19.4 P Q2
per cent
per cent of
per cent of
Foreign debt
- debt export ratio
- gross foreign debt
Foreign direct
investment in flow -
balance of payments
per cent
per cent of
Progress is being made with the restructuring of the economy and privatisation.
share of the private sector in GDP rose further and the remaining assets in the state hands
consist largely of utilities. The financial performance of the remaining state owned enterprises is
improving and continues to be monitored closely by the Ministry of Finance. The business
climate has improved but the licensing, tax and customs regimes still have shortcomings and they
needs to improve further. Privatisation procedures are not always open and transparent and the
implementation of bankruptcy procedures needs to be improved. The banking sector is
developing slowly, but remains in a state in which it has not yet contributed significantly to
a rapid restructuring of industries and services.
PROXY HICP since 1997 (see methodological notes).
Moving 12 month average rate of change
Source: Website of National Bank
Source: Website of National Bank
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Main Indicators of Economic Structure in 2000
Population (average)
GDP per head
Per cent of EU average
Share of agriculture
- gross value added
- employment
Investment-to-GDP ratio
Gross foreign debt/GDP
Exports of goods & services/GDP
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
per cent
Million Euro
Euro per head
Stock of foreign direct investment
P: provisional data
Bulgaria has recently resumed its process of catching up with the EU.
Bulgaria's 2000
average per capita income in purchasing power standards was low at only 24% of the EU
average. This meant a slight increase over 1999, but the relative income level was still below
the pre-crisis level of 1996. Regional income differences are small in Bulgaria, ranging from
22% to 24% of the EU average (data for 1998). Employment rates for both genders are
relatively low. In 2000 the overall employment rate was 51.5%. The economic activity rate has
been on a declining trend over the past years, reaching a low 47.5% in 2000. Unemployment
showed a small decrease to 16.4% of the labour force in the year 2000, but increased to
19.4% (2001Q2). More than half of the unemployed (58.6%) are long-term unemployed.
Unemployment rates are slightly higher for men than women, but for young people (<25 years)
at 34.2% much higher than for older people. Regional unemployment differences are higher than
income differences: while in the two regions in and around the capital unemployment is well
under the national average, in all other regions unemployment is over average (data for 1999).
Figures have been calculated using the population figures from National Accounts, which may differ from those used in
demographic statistics.
Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing.
Data refer to Gross fixed capital formation as % of GDP.
Figures have been calculated using the population figures from National Accounts, which may differ from those used in
demographic statistics.
Data refer to 1999
Data refer to 1999
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Average old-age pensions as a percentage of average salaries increased slightly (36.8% in 2000
against 34.6% in 1999).
Assessment in terms of the Copenhagen criteria
The existence of a functioning market economy
The existence of a functioning market economy requires that prices, as well as trade, are
liberalised and that an enforceable legal system, including property rights, is in place.
Macroeconomic stability and consensus about economic policy enhance the performance of a
market economy. A well-developed financial sector and the absence of any significant barriers
to market entry and exit improve the efficiency of the economy
There is continued support for the medium-term economic reform programme and for
EU accession-related policies.
Following the June 2001 elections, all parties represented in
parliament support the stability oriented and EU accession related policies (the currency board
arrangement, sound public finances, further reforms and accession to the EU). The policy
measures of the new government confirm its commitment to these goals.
In May 2001 the Bulgarian authorities submitted their pre-accession economic programme. In
the summer of 2001, Bulgaria is negotiating a stand-by arrangement with the International
Monetary Fund, after it successfully completed its extended fund facility that ran from
September 1998.
Over the year 2000 government has improved consultation with social partners. The dialogue
promotes useful ideas for economic reforms.
GDP growth in 2000 increased to 5.8%.
Investment grew by 8% and contributed, together
with net exports, most to aggregate demand. Manufacturing industry expanded most rapidly
(+15%) while services expanded at half that rate. The agricultural sector contracted further
along the trend of declining agriculture of the last years, reinforced by the drought that hurt
farming in the summer of 2000. In the first part of 2001, these trends continued. In the first half
of 2001, GDP expanded by 4.8% relative to the first half of 2000 and the manufacturing
industry’s growth was faster than the services’ expansion; still, the agricultural sector was
Unemployment fell over the year.
Unemployment fell to 16.4% of the labour force at the end
of 2000 (from 17.0% in 1999), of which 58.9% are long-term unemployed. In the second
quarter of 2001, unemployment increased to 19.4%. These job losses are due to the
employment losses associated with structural reforms, which are not yet compensated by job
creation because of the weak business climate and due to a skills mismatch. The lack of
effective labour market policies (i.a. insufficient retraining possibilities) means that the latter
aspect of unemployment is not adequately tackled. The low and steadily falling economic
activity rate (47.5%) suggests that a significant number of workers have left the labour market
Consumer price inflation rose substantially from 2.6% in 1999 to 10.3% in 2000.
on-year inflation rose to over 10% from May 2000 onwards.However, since January 2001
inflation has returned to single-digit levels. Fuel and food prices – high energy prices, the high
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value of the USD, a drought in the summer of 2000 – were chiefly responsible for these
developments. The adjustment of administered prices contributed to the rise in inflation as well.
Bulgaria has continued to adhere to the currency board arrangement.
Due to the inflation
differential between the euro area and Bulgaria, the BGN experienced a real appreciation of
more than 7% relative to the euro. At the start of 2000, the base interest rate was 4�½%. It
fluctuated over the year and is around 4% in the summer of 2001, which, with a higher rate of
inflation than in early 2000, implies lower real interest rates. The broad monetary aggregate
grew by 13.5% in real terms and by a quarter in nominal terms. As under a currency board
money supply is exclusively determined by economic actors’ demand for money, this shows that
money demand is being re-established after its fall in the 1996-97 period of high inflation.
The fiscal policy conducted by the government over the reporting period continued to be tight
and consistent with the currency board arrangement. The fiscal programme was over-fulfilled in
2000. The general government deficit according to harmonised EU standards (ESA95)
amounted to 0.7% of GDP, according to the national definition 1% of GDP in 2000 against a
planned deficit of 1.5% of GDP)
. This deficit was less than expected, while the primary
surplus (the government budget balance corrected for interest payments) was 3.6% of GDP.
The cause of this deficit lies in a rapidly growing central government deficit that was only
partially offset by a growing social security sector surplus. Revenues increased by 4.2% in real
terms exceeding by 9.3% the planned value. In the period January - May 2001 the budget
revenues were higher than in the same period of 2000 despite the reduction in corporate tax
rates since 1.1.2001 (from 25 to 20% for companies whose profits exceed € 25 600 (BGN 50
000) and from 20 to 15% for companies whose profits are lower)
. (See also under Chapters
10 and 29).
The current account deficit fell to 5.0% of GDP in 2000 (from 6.0%) despite
unfavourable terms-of-trade developments.
It was pushed up by the rising trade deficit
(8.4% of GDP in 2000), which was mainly due to the oil price rise. The increased surplus on
the services account, primarily because of sharply rising tourist revenues, brought down the
deficit. In any case, foreign direct investment (at nearly € 1 billion) well exceeded the current
account deficit so that the foreign debt did not increase.
The macroeconomic policy mix has continued to be appropriate.
With the fiscal position
turning into a small deficit and the primary surplus falling, the authorities loosened budgetary
policy somewhat. The high growth of monetary aggregates was not the result of a policy choice
because of the currency board arrangement. Real interest rates fell due to the unanticipated
acceleration of inflation. The real appreciation of the BGN relative to the euro does imply a
tightening of monetary conditions and offsets to some extent the effect of budgetary policies and
real interest rate developments.
Liberalisation of prices has continued.
The number of goods and services with administered
prices has decreased but, since the weights of such goods and services in the basket of
Two figures are given for the government balance. One is based on the most commonly used national concept, and the
other is calculated according to the European System of Accounts (ESA 95), which was reported by the candidate
countries for the first time this year.
This seems to be the case among others because of the bank restructuring company’s (BCC) profits over the year 2000
due to the sale of Bulbank. However, according to ESA1995, these privatisation proceeds should not be included in the
government revenues but directly affect the public debt.
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consumer goods increased, their relative share increased from 20% in 2000 to 20.6% in 2001.
Administered prices now cover costs, except for district heating, household electricity prices
and passenger railway transport. In 2000 the overall growth of administered prices was 13.8%
(end of year) and contributed some 2.8 percentage points to the overall consumer price index
(CPI) increase.
Progress has been made with privatisation.
The private sector share in GDP grew from
65.3% in 1999 to 69.3% in 2000. In 2000, 1325 privatisation deals were concluded (for an
amount of over 1% of GDP). Almost 100% of manufacturing industry are in private hands. The
share of privatisations through management, or management and employee, buyouts has
decreased. By the end of the year 2000, 77.8% of all assets slated for privatisation (i.e. all
assets of enterprises not on a shortlist for definitive public ownership) had actually been
privatised. For the remaining assets (chiefly telecommunications, banking, insurance, energy and
maritime transport companies, and the state-owned tobacco company), the new government is
reviewing the privatisation strategy.
Two thirds of minority shares in already privatised enterprises, out of the total 1,609,
were sold by the end of 2000.
In addition, 5 packages of shares were listed on the stock
exchange and some 20% were allocated for privatisation by the Centre for Mass Privatisation.
In the remaining companies with state participation, this participation does not exceed 20%. The
completion of the selling of state minority shares has been scheduled for end of 2001.
Continuous progress in selling these has been made, but, at the same time, newly privatised
enterprises lead to additions to the list with state minority shares.
In the energy sector slow progress has been recorded.
The former electricity monopoly
NEC has been split into 15 units: one owning the network, seven producers and seven
distributors. Currently, NEC still owns the network, a nuclear power plant, a thermal power
plant and hydro-power facilities. The other 14 units are slated to be privatised. Bulgargaz has a
monopoly over gas distribution and is 100% state-owned. It continues to make losses, primarily
because of its contract with Russian gas suppliers with fixed prices and quantities. Action plans
for the restructuring and development of coal mining and district heating sectors have been
developed. The district heating sector is still state-owned, with the exception of the Sofia district
heating company, which belongs to the municipality. The sector has been heavily subsidised
these past years. The authorities plan to transfer ownership to their main debtors, the
In the course of the year 2000, amendments to the privatisation law have been adopted.
These were aimed at increasing transparency and eliminating the bias towards management-
employee buy-outs. Further measures are expected in the year 2001. Methods and quality of
Bulgarian privatisation have not always been based on transparent and open procedures and
include a preference for management or management and employee buyouts. Moreover, some
shortcomings of the privatisation procedures also create a barrier to market entry
Post-privatisation control has continued to slow down enterprise restructuring.
Bulgarian authorities have continued to use the instrument of company-specific obligations on
privatised companies. This approach has negatively affected the flexibility and entrepreneurial
freedom of these companies. In addition, the negative effects were compounded by the,
sometimes, poor enforcement of such obligations. The authorities have sought to address this
issue by eliminating their preference for privatisation by management buy-out, where post-
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privatisation control is mostly used, and restructuring the division of responsibilities among the
bodies involved in privatisation.
Entry and exit in the market place is still not working properly, although the situation is
The central administration procedures to start operating a firm have been
somewhat reduced; 63 of the existing licensing regimes were abolished and the Council of
Ministers has proposed to close down or simplify 58 more through an act of the Parliament..
There remain, over 400 other licensing regimes that make difficult enterprise creation and,
particular the functioning of SMEs. These remaining licensing requirements still impose a
significant burden on enterprises in terms of time and money. Their non-transparent nature
provides an opportunity for the public administration to use their discretionary power, leaving
open opportunities for corruption. The procedures of the local administrations, which represent
also a considerable burden, have not been reformed.
The number of new private firms being set up in 2000 in Bulgaria is growing, even though
investors are often faced with long bureaucratic procedures. There were 60 thousand
companies registered for VAT by end March 2001, a 7.2% increase over a year earlier and a
quarter more than three years before (less than 10% of the total number of companies, inter alia
because of the relatively high VAT threshold). This growth is an indication of the dynamism of
the growing private enterprise sector. In support of enterprise creation, one-stop shops in many
areas and institutions such as the Foreign Investment Agency, the regional SME agencies, etc.
have been established but are still not sufficiently effective and have not made a breakthrough in
helping companies to overcome entry barriers. For example, only Bulgarian legal persons are
eligible for granting a concession for the operation of infrastructure. This requirement might deter
foreign investors because, under Bulgarian law, in case of a conflict with another Bulgarian entity
international arbitration is not permitted and in case of a conflict with the Bulgarian state, no
arbitration at all. The ways the customs and tax administrations function do not encourage
economic development. In particular, foreign owned companies complain about unusually
frequent visits from the tax authorities.
Unclear ownership rights are hampering the development of the land, housing and
construction markets.
The reason lies in the often unclear state of ownership, even after the
almost completed restitution process. Tracing historic ownership can prove difficult in many
cases due to the lack of a functioning cadastre and the slow work of courts in sorting out
controversial cases, resulting in slow progress. The land and real estate markets are not yet
functioning effectively. Unclear property rights and underdeveloped property markets also
create problems for financial intermediation. It can be difficult to establish the value of collateral
and in transferring owners’ property rights. With the support of international donors, progress is
being made and the land registration and cadastre system is being modernised. For private
houses and apartments in the major cities a market has emerged.
Contract enforcement remains difficult.
As a result of the shortcomings of the judicial
system, parties would be discouraged from taking cases to court. The extent to which contracts
are respected is affected correspondingly by this lack of reliable enforcement. Whilst large
foreign companies are sometimes able to bridge these shortcomings in the legal and regulatory
environment by turning directly to political decision-makers, this path is not available to other
companies so means there is not a level playing field for businesses.
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Market exit procedures have been improved.
The bankruptcy law has been amended and
special legal chambers have been set up to deal with cases. However, it remains to be seen
whether their implementation will result in an acceleration of the handling of cases. Their
slowness remains a deterrent to bank lending to the private sector. Although progress has been
made, a number of firms are still operating at a loss without being forced to restructure.
Further progress has been made with bank privatisation and restructuring.
After the
privatisation of the biggest Bulgarian bank, Bulbank, in July 2000, 80% of the commercial
banks’ assets are in private hands and over 73% are foreign-owned. Still publicly owned
remain the State Savings Bank (DSK), where 25% of the capital was recently transferred from
the Agriculture state Fund to the Banking Consolidation Company; Biochim, whose
privatisation has been postponed since 1999; the Municipal Bank and the Central Cooperative
Bank, where the state owns 34.3% of the capital. A new law on bank bankruptcy that has been
drafted to facilitate the restructuring of failing banks awaits approval by Parliament. The
profitability of the banking sector increased by 32.4%. The 3 biggest banks, Bulbank, UBB and
DSK generated 85% of profits. Only 4 out of the 35 banks were making losses in 2000,
against 6 loss-makers out of 34 banks in 1999. Over the year 2000, non-performing loans fell
from 7.9%, with the three largest banks and the branches of foreign banks in best shape, to
5.4% with all groups of banks improving except for the one of the branches of foreign banks.
Financial intermediation has remained too low and inefficient.
In 2000, credit to the
private sector, represented only 14.7% of GDP, up from 13.5% in 1999, and it continues to
grow in 2001. The spread between deposits and lending rates was over ten percentage points
in 2000, which gives an indication of the costs of financial intermediation and the perceived
risks. Banks are restricted in their lending behaviour because of the difficulty of retrieving
collateral in case of default and criminal liability of the loan officers under certain circumstances.
Longer-term financing is difficult to obtain and rates are higher and variable.
The capital markets improved but remain underdeveloped.
The turnover on the Bulgarian
Stock Exchange remains low. Market capitalisation of listed companies is estimated to be € 0.7
billion or 4.7% of GDP (€ 0.8 billion in 1999) but only half of the listings are tradable and fewer
actually traded. The volume traded outside the stock exchange is much larger than that on the
stock exchange, accentuating the problem of high costs and low liquidity of official trading and
the lack of transparency in the market as a whole.
The financial sector supervision has been kept strict and the indicators of the banking system’s
health, such as capital adequacy, liquidity, and profitability continue to be good. However, the
low rate of credit to the private sector implies that there is much scope for development in all
sectors of the financial markets.
The capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the
The ability to fulfil this criterion depends on the existence of market economy and a stable
macroeconomic framework, allowing economic agents to make decisions in a climate of
predictability. It also requires a sufficient amount of human and physical capital, including
infrastructure. State enterprises need to be restructured and all enterprises need to invest to
improve their efficiency. Furthermore, the more access enterprises have to outside finance and
the more successful they are at restructuring and innovating, the greater will be their capacity to
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adapt. Overall, an economy will be better able to take on the obligations of membership the
higher the degree of economic integration it achieves with the Union before accession. Both the
volume and the range of products traded with EU Member States provide evidence of this.
The continued macroeconomic stability has contributed further to Bulgaria’s track
record on economic reform.
Growth has accelerated and the current account deficit, the
exchange rate and the general government deficit remain all under control. Only inflation has
grown over the year 2000, but this was largely due to external circumstances, such as the rise in
the world oil prices, and the adjustment of administered prices.
The quality of infrastructure is low, but improving.
The overall quality of road, railway and
port infrastructure is such that a substantial number of domestic and foreign investors see this as
a major problem. Nevertheless, the infrastructure is improving through the efforts of the
Bulgarian authorities and is supported by EU funds. As a result the investors’ view of the level
of infrastructure has steadily improved over the last years. Information and telecommunication
structure is improving as well. The fixed telephone network is making some progress, while the
mobile telephone network has improved rapidly (see
also chapter 19, telecommunications
and information technologies)
and internet use is growing rapidly, albeit from a very low level.
Education is not sufficiently focussed on the needs of a market economy.
The shortage of
corporate management skills and a properly trained judiciary and public administration
adversely affect the performance of the economy and its competitiveness prospects.
In 2000, the investment-to-GDP ratio (gross fixed capital formation) amounted to 16.6%
of GDP, up from 15.9% in 1999.
However, it will be necessary for investment to grow
further, as the current rate is too low to support continued high growth.
Foreign direct investment grew substantially in the year 2000.
Bulgaria attracted around €
1.25 billion, which means a substantial growth since 1999 (around € 0.9 billion). Over half of
foreign direct investments are in green field investments. Between 50 and 60% of total foreign
direct investments are channelled into industry; investments in trade, finance and tourism are the
next most important sectors. Clearly these developments reflect a growing confidence in the
Bulgarian economy. In the year 2000 only 22% of foreign direct investment originated from
outside the EU against more than half in 1999. Over the last years, the accumulated per capita
foreign direct investments have increased rapidly, reaching € 470 by the end of 2000. Still,
portfolio investment is negligible, as capital markets are not sufficiently developed.
There is not much progress in the restructuring of the energy sector.
In the energy sector a
number of hydroelectric power stations were privatised but some of the initiated procedures
were recently suspended because of the government's preference to first update the strategy for
the energy sector. This move created additional uncertainty among interested foreign investors.
However, negotiations on the sale of two thermal power plants, Maritsa East 1 and 3, have
been completed with foreign strategic investors.
There has been some further progress in restructuring the steel industry, though the process
remains incomplete. A restructuring plan for the steel sector should be implemented in line with
EC requirements.
Although small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) account for the vast majority of all
companies in Bulgaria they create only one quarter of the value added in the economy and
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account for 40% of the jobs. SMEs have not developed their full potential for generating growth
and employment since they are suffering the worst aspects of the unfriendly business climate,
including red tape, corruption, lack of access to finance, information and management skills.
(see also under Chapter 16, small and medium-sized enterprises)
State aid fell from 2.2% of GDP in 1999 to 0.37% in 2000.
Sectoral aid fell from 85% of
total aid to 76%, which benefited mostly the district heating companies, the Bulgarian post
services and the Bulgarian Telecommunications Company while before the steel and
shipbuilding companies were the primary beneficiaries. Regional aid was approximately constant
in money-terms and hence its share increased (to almost 17%). State aid for horizontal
objectives fell in absolute terms. There have been several cases of state aid and the government
did not follow in most of the cases the requirements of the law to notify the competition
authorities prior to granting the aid.
Financial discipline has improved.
Tax, and social securities arrears and debt to suppliers
have been decreased (monitored tax arrears, i.e. only large arrears, have fallen by € 94 mln.
over the year 2000). This implies a lowering of an obstacle to exit and a more level playing field.
Financial discipline of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) has been maintained. The Ministry of
Finance monitors remaining SOEs closely. These SOEs can only obtain credits for investments,
not for operational costs. For the monitored enterprises, the overall financial position improved.
However, the VMZ-Sopot and Bulgartabac companies and some parts of the energy sector
continue to generate losses. Several SOEs in insolvency managed to reduce their losses
substantially (Varna Shipyard and two metal sector enterprises).
Bulgaria reduced import tariff rates further.
However, compared to EU rates, Bulgarian
tariffs are still high. There is room, therefore, for further tariff reduction and opening of the
The openness of the Bulgarian economy increased.
In 2000, both the volume and the price
level of Bulgarian international trade increased substantially. Imports and exports as a
percentage of GDP increased from 96% in 1999 to 122% in 2000 - exports 58%, imports
64%. The export volume increased by around 17%, reflecting the steady integration of the
Bulgarian economy into the EU and global economy. As Bulgarian imports and exports are
energy intensive, their market value rose with the increased energy prices -export prices grew
by around 20%.
Trade with the European Union expanded.
Due to an expansion of trade opportunities in the
neighbouring countries, as the economic environment in the Balkans improved, trade with non-
EU countries grew even more rapidly (+45% in nominal euro terms) than with EU countries
(+38%). This resulted in a slightly diminished share of exports to the EU from 52.1% in 1999 to
51.1% in 2000.
Exports to the EU consist mostly of food and manufactured goods while imports from the EU
are mostly machinery and transport equipment. Bulgaria is a net exporter to the EU of wine,
meat, fruit and vegetables, of tobacco and leatherwear and clothes and various metals and metal
products. Although the BGN experienced a real appreciation vis-à-vis the euro, Bulgaria’s real
effective exchange rate did not appreciate over the year 2000 so that there was no loss of
competitiveness against trade partners. More technology-intensive products, ranging from
optical equipment and aluminium products to manmade fibres, dominate Bulgarian imports.
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General evaluation
Bulgaria is close to being a functioning market economy. It should be able to cope with
competitive pressure and market forces within the Union in the medium term, provided it
continues implementing reform and intensifies the reform effort to remove persistent difficulties.
The Bulgarian macroeconomy is going into its fourth year of stable conditions, having
established a satisfactory track record of macroeconomic performance. Good progress has
been made in privatisation, especially as regards banks, and with structural reform, setting the
microeconomic basis for sustained growth.
However, inflation has risen considerably in 2000. Investment remains insufficient. Financial
intermediation continues to be low and inefficient. Specific deficiencies remaining in the land
market affect the performance of this market and of other economic sectors. The authorities
should give priority to strengthening the judiciary and the enforcement of the regulatory
framework. Administrative obstacles to private sector development, affecting enterprise
creation, their development and their closing down, including bankruptcy procedures, must be
eliminated. A sustained implementation of these reform measures and higher levels of private
and public investment are key requirements for sustainable growth, and building up
See "Making a success of enlargement: Strategy Paper and Report of the European Commission on the
progress towards accession by each of the candidate countries", COM (2001) 700.
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3. Ability to assume the obligations of membership
This section aims to update the Commission’s 2000 Regular Report on Bulgaria ability to
assume the obligations of membership - that is, the legal and institutional framework, known as
by means of which the Union implements its objectives. Alongside an evaluation of
relevant developments since the 2000 Regular Report, this section seeks to provide an overall
assessment of Bulgaria ability to assume the obligations of membership, and of what remains to
be done. This section is structured to follow the list of twenty-nine negotiating chapters, and
incorporates an assessment of Bulgaria administrative capacity to implement the
in its
various aspects. Bulgaria progress in translating the
into its official language is assessed
in a separate section.
The European Council in Madrid in December 1995 referred to the need to create the
conditions for the gradual, harmonious integration of the candidates, particularly through the
adjustment of their administrative structures. Taking up this theme, in Agenda 2000 the
Commission underlined the importance of effectively incorporating Community legislation into
national legislation, and the even greater importance of implementing it properly in the field, via
the appropriate administrative and judicial structures. This is an essential pre-condition for
creating the mutual trust indispensable for future membership.
The European Council in Santa Maria da Feira and in Gothenburg in June 2000 and June 2001
respectively recalled the vital importance of the applicant countries’ capacity to implement and
enforce the
and added that this required important efforts by the applicants in
strengthening and reforming their administrative and judicial structures.
Building on the
assessment of Bulgaria administrative capacity provided in the 2000 Regular Report, the
present Report seeks to add further depth and detail, focusing on the main administrative
structures which are required for implementing the
in its various aspects.
In the 2000 Regular Report, the Commission concluded that:
“Since the last Regular Report, Bulgaria has maintained a good pace of alignment of legislation
with the acquis but needs to pay more attention to how this will be implemented and enforced.
Progress on public administration reform, in particular to implement the Civil Service law, is a
positive sign. However, very little has been done to upgrade the judicial system, which remains
weak and needs to be strengthened, in particular to ensure future effective participation in the
internal market.
Regarding the
internal market,
Bulgaria has made further progress in most areas. In particular
in free movement of goods, progress has been made in standardisation to introduce the New
and Global Approach principles. Bulgaria has made good progress in liberalisation of movement
of capital with the adoption of laws on foreign exchange and securities. Nevertheless, the poor
functioning of the land market remains an obstacle for potential investors. Substantial progress
has been made on legal alignment of industrial property rights. Good further progress has also
been made in consumer protection and statistics. However, further efforts will be needed in the
area of data protection, where Bulgaria lacks a framework compatible with the acquis. State
aids remain a matter of concern and Bulgaria is still only starting to develop and implement a
legal framework in this field, an issue that needs to be addressed as a matter of priority.
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Bulgaria’s progress to achieve a substantial degree of alignment on the audio-visual
be commended.
In agriculture, Bulgaria has made significant progress in approximation of legislation and some
progress on implementation, but as mentioned last year, this remains problematic partly due to
lack of funding. Further work is needed on veterinary inspection. Bulgaria has made good
progress for the start of the SAPARD programme where it has moved swiftly towards
accreditation for its paying agency. Concerning regional policy, Bulgaria has adopted a new
territorial organisation, for six planning regions corresponding to level II statistical units.
However, more attention needs to be paid to co-ordination and implementation both at national
and regional levels. Bulgaria has achieved further progress in terms of transposition of the EU
environmental acquis and for the preparation of the implementation of EU environmental
Progress in transport has accelerated compared to previous years. Steps have been taken in all
sectors and work has started on maritime safety. The long-standing issue of a second bridge
across the Danube to Romania has been resolved with an agreement between Bulgaria and
Romania in February 2000.
The restructuring of the energy sector has gained momentum during 2000. Particular attention
must be drawn to nuclear safety. The commitments for early closure of Kozloduy Units 1 to 4
made by the Bulgarian Government in the Understanding of November 1999 mark an important
step forward in Bulgaria’s pre-accession course.
In justice and home affairs, further progress has been made on legislation and there has been
more focus on implementation. Further resources and investment in modern equipment will be
needed to ensure success.
In general, the capacity of the Bulgarian administration and judicial system to ensure application
of the
is still limited. Efforts are focussed on preparation and adoption of legislation with
insufficient attention on how this will be implemented and enforced. This means that in areas
where an adequate legal framework has been adopted, implementation and enforcement of laws
remains poor because of weak administrative and judicial capacity and lack of preparation for
Bulgaria has fulfilled partially the large majority of short-term Accession Partnership priorities
relating to the acquis. Concerning administrative capacity, Bulgaria has advanced on priorities
with the exception of those on building the capacity to assess the financial and institutional
impact of new legislation and on strengthening the judiciary, where little or no progress has been
Bulgaria has already started to address some of the medium-term Accession Partnership
The chapters of the acquis
As indicated, the review of Bulgaria ability to assume the obligations of membership that is
below has been structured in accordance with the list of twenty-nine negotiating chapters.
Accordingly, this section opens with an assessment of progress related to the so-called “four
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freedoms”, the cornerstones of the internal market, and continues with a systematic review of
progress on each of the chapters, to cover the
in all its various aspects, including
sectoral policies, economic and fiscal affairs, regional policy, environment, justice and home
affairs, external policies, and financial questions.
Chapter 1: Free movement of goods
Since the last Regular Report, Bulgaria has continued to make good progress in this domain.
In the area of
horizontal and procedural measures,
Bulgaria has made the first steps to
transpose the principles of CE marking of the New Approach legislation by adopting a Decree
on Conformity Marking in August 2000.
Good progress can be recorded regarding
sector specific legislation.
In the areas covered by
New Approach Directives,
nine directives on gas appliances, construction products, toys, low
voltage, equipment used in potentially explosive atmosphere, simple pressure vessels,
machinery, lifts, and electromagnetic compatibility have been transposed. The
Telecommunications Act was amended in early 2001 to provide liberalisation for the market for
technical devices, but it is not in line with the
regarding conformity assessment
As regards sectors covered by the
Old Approach Directives,
the situation has slightly
improved compared to last year but transposition remains behind schedule. Some progress can
be recorded on motor vehicles, glass, footwear, pharmaceutical products and cosmetics.
However, there are some delays in transposition of legislation on chemicals, textiles, pre-
packaging and on legal metrology. In the area of food safety and foodstuffs legislation (see
chapter 7 - Agriculture)
- Bulgaria has transposed EC legislation on hygiene requirements for
non-plastic materials intended to come into contact with food.
As concerns the development of administrative capacity for the implementation of horizontal and
procedural measures and sector-specific legislation, the main achievement since the last Regular
Report has been membership of the European Accreditation since March 2001 by the
Bulgarian Accreditation Agency (BAA). So far the Agency has only accredited one certification
body for machinery, electrical equipment, furs and leather. Standardisation, certification and
market surveillance activities are still in the hands of the State Agency for Standardisation and
Metrology, although within different directorates.
Since the last Regular Report, no new developments have taken place as regards the
harmonised sector.
In the area of
public procurement,
increased efforts have been carried out to adapt the legal
framework for public procurement, notably with the adoption in November 2000 of an
ordinance for the Public Procurement Register. The Register publishes procurement notices,
invitations to pre-qualify, contracts planned for the next year along with other information on
experts, good practices, invitations to tender and contract awards.
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Overall assessment
Bulgaria has reached a reasonable degree of alignment with the
on free movement of
goods. However, much legislation intended to transpose the
is still in the drafting stage.
concerning pressure equipment, medical devices, legal metrology, radio and
telecommunication terminal equipment, non-automatic weighing instruments, and recreational
crafts has not been adopted yet. Efforts should be made to speed up the adoption of legislation.
The framework Law on Technical Requirements adopted in September 1999, which introduced
into domestic legislation the New and Global Approach principles, is still not fully in line with the
In particular, the chapter on high-risk equipment (e.g. lifts, pressure vessels) needs to
be amended as it could partially affect the proper application of some New Approach
As regards standardisation, the adoption rate has increased by 40% although it still has not
reached the level required for membership of CEN and CENELEC.
As regards food safety legislation, considerable efforts need also to be devoted to harmonising
Bulgarian legislation with the
while abolishing the pre-market approval system.
Furthermore, the administration (including the laboratory network) will have to be re-structured
and adapted to the principles underlying the EC food safety system.
Legislation on firearms is not yet fully aligned with the
It remains difficult to assess progress made on the administrative capacity of the standardisation
body. The functional reorganisation of the State Agency for Standardisation and Metrology is
still pending, including the separation of standardisation, certification and market surveillance
activities. This agency took over market surveillance of the gas appliances sector in June 2001,
thus taking the first concrete step in assuming its responsibility for market surveillance in the
areas covered by the New Approach directives. Bulgaria still needs to create an effective
network of independent certifying bodies and laboratories. Special attention needs to be given
to the development of a national conformity assessment system, and in particular to certification
bodies which supply services under the conformity assessment procedures of the Global
As regards safety checks on products at external borders, Bulgaria has still not introduced
appropriate customs checks on conformity. Major efforts are required to establish appropriate
customs and market surveillance infrastructure as well as effective administrative co-operation
between competent authorities.
In non-harmonised areas, Bulgarian authorities should ensure that the principle of mutual
recognition is integrated into every piece of relevant Bulgarian legislation on goods.
In the area of public procurement, whilst the Public Procurement Law of 1999 provides for a
general framework comparable to international procurement legal standards, it is still not fully in
line with the
Modifications are still required concerning conditions for tender, inclusion
of public/private utilities, the remedies system and the application of the national preference
scheme. Moreover, the duties of the Public Procurement Directorate have not yet been fully
defined and it is currently understaffed. The Public Procurement Register has proved to be a
well-used tool and has contributed to transparency. However, there is still much progress to be
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made in terms of improving knowledge of public procurement operations on the part of the
contracting authorities. The current institutional capacity of the directorate responsible for public
procurement needs to be reinforced in terms of resources and staffing. Both the supreme audit
institution (National Audit Office) and the internal audit body (Public Internal Financial Control
Agency) can decide to perform specific audits on contracts made under the Public Procurement
Law. However, the current control system needs to be strengthened to ensure prevention of
possible corruption in the awarding of public contracts. Many companies, especially foreign
companies, have expressed complaints about the nature of public procurement transactions.
The complaints review procedure is burdensome and time-consuming and should be improved.
The legal regulations and procedures for the control and audit of procurement operations need
Chapter 2: Free movement of persons
Bulgaria has made some progress in aligning with Community provisions. Preparations for
complete alignment, as well as for the establishment of the required administrative structures,
have also continued.
In the area of
mutual recognition of professional qualifications
some progress has been
made with the development of standards for 18 professions and with the establishment of a list
of professions and specialities for vocational education and training.
Bulgaria has continued approximation of legislation relating to architects by revising the notion of
legally recognised technical capacity in the Act on Construction of Territory. However, further
measures are required in this area in order to achieve full harmonisation.
Progress has also been made in the area of medical and para-medical activities where a number
of secondary legislative acts have been adopted.
As a result of restructuring measures and additional human resources, the administrative
capacity of the three line ministries and the concerned state agencies has improved.
Some progress can be reported on
citizens’ rights.
By adopting the Act on amendment and
supplement to the Foreigners' Act, which entered into force in April 2001, Bulgaria extended
the right to family reunification for foreign long-term residents and seems to have aligned its
legislation with the relevant provisions on student rights. No particular developments are to be
reported in the area of voting rights. It is recalled that the Constitution will need to be amended.
No particular developments are to be reported in the area of
free movement of workers
although a new Ordinance on Work Permits of Foreign Nationals is under preparation to ensure
equal treatment for migrant workers in Bulgaria.
In the light of the future
co-ordination of social security
systems, Bulgaria has adopted
secondary legislation, aimed at the completion of the social security reform.
Overall assessment
Bulgaria has partially aligned with the
in this area. Steps have been taken to align with
but efforts will need to be stepped up and institutional capacity strengthened in all
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areas. Further legislative work is necessary to achieve full alignment in the area of mutual
recognition of professional qualifications. Efforts are needed both to provide an appropriate
legislative framework and to ensure alignment with the individual directives. It will need to be
ensured that, by accession, there are no provisions in Bulgarian legislation which contradict
Community rules, in particular with respect to nationality, residence or language requirements.
Legislation on mutual recognition needs to be monitored to ensure that it distinguishes between
academic and professional recognition and includes simpler procedures to allow the provision of
services. It will need to be ensured that the administrative structures in place are in line with the
and that any adaptations and reinforcements needed can take place in good time.
With respect to professional qualifications obtained before harmonisation, Bulgaria will need to
introduce measures to ensure that all its professionals can, as from accession, meet the
requirements laid down by the
With the amendments to the legislation on residence rights, Bulgaria has made some progress in
aligning with the
on citizens’ rights. Preparations should continue and include
amendments to the provisions on voting rights.
In the area of the free movement of workers, legislation is only partially aligned and substantial
efforts are required to ensure complete alignment by accession, in particular with the
Regulations on free movement which will apply directly and automatically upon accession.
Following the proposal of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy a working group has been
set up to carry out a complete review of the current national legislation.
With a view to the future co-ordination of social security systems, Bulgaria needs to complete
its social security reform and to develop sufficient administrative structures, in particular to
train the necessary staff. Furthermore, Bulgaria is encouraged to conclude further social security
agreements, in particular with Member States, as they normally rely on the same principles as
the Community rules in this field.
Chapter 3: Freedom to provide services
Since last year’s Regular Report, Bulgaria has recorded some progress in most of the areas
covered by this chapter.
In the field of
the right of establishment and the freedom to provide services
(other than
financial services) some progress has been made to improve the situation of non-residents. The
Law on Foreigners was amended in April 2001 in a view to improving the conditions for
foreigners exercising free-lance activities to obtain long-term residence. However, amendments
are still required to ensure alignment of the law with the right of establishment under the Europe
In the field of
financial services,
some legislation has been adopted to align the
further with the requirements of the
This includes in particular a new regulation
on standards of capital adequacy for banks which partially transposes the relevant Directives.
However, no progress can be recorded on important legislation regarding better protection of
creditors and bankruptcy of banks, which is delaying subsequent updating of the legislation on
bank deposit guarantees.
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Concerning the
insurance sector,
there has been no progress. The National Council on
Insurance and the newly created Agency on Supervision over Insurance and Gambling are
responsible for the supervision of the insurance sector. The political independence of the latter
has also been put into question since its creation in early 2001. Its capacity to carry out its role
is weak, its inspections are rather superficial and the rationale behind its two roles, i.e. to
supervise both the insurance and the gambling sector is still inconsistent with EC practices.
With regard to
investment services and securities markets,
important secondary legislation to
implement the Public Offering of Securities Act has been adopted. Between mid January and
May 2001, the Bulgarian National Securities Commission was inactive because of the expiry of
the term of office of the Commissioners. It was only in mid-May that the new management of
the Commission was established and started performing its functions. Concerning the
protection of personal data and the free movement of such data,
Bulgaria has not yet
adopted a law.
information society directives,
Bulgaria adopted in April 2001 the E-document
and E-signature Law, providing for alignment with the most recent
in this area.
Regarding implementation, the State Telecommunications Commission (STC) is responsible for
the supervision of provision of certification services.
Overall assessment
Bulgarian legislation is quite well aligned with the
in this area. It is maintaining stability of
the financial sector, although further steps are still required.
In the field of the right of establishment and freedom to provide services, some efforts have
been made to reduce provisions which lead to discriminatory effects on non-nationals, but
significant problems remain. Also, Bulgarian law in this area is rather complex, which makes it
difficult to assess whether regulatory provisions have been aligned.
Efforts will have to be continued to create a stable and efficient financial sector. Bulgaria has
maintained the stability of its banking system and developed sound banking supervision
practices through the Bulgarian National Bank’s Banking Supervision Directorate. The higher
share of loans to private enterprises in the total lending to trade and industry (over 77%) is a
positive sign, as is the declining share of loans to the public budget and state enterprises. The
structure of the banking system has changed with the share of private banks reaching 81% at
the end of 2000. The largest Bulgarian commercial bank, Bulbank, was privatised at the end of
2000. A number of formerly privatised banks have already changed majority ownership,
attracting foreign banks. The share of foreign-owned bank assets is thus around 73%. The
privatisation of the banking system has resulted in a more competitive environment which, for
instance, has triggered an upgrading of information systems of commercial banks, thus creating
conditions for higher quality services and modernisation of the product range. There is also a
substantial increase in the demand for credit cards and international debit cards in the country.
Risk evaluation capacities should however be improved. There is still a shortage of know-how
in the banking sector that needs to be addressed, even though the Institute of the Bulgarian
Banking Association is carrying out intensive training programmes. Despite the progress made
in adopting securities legislation, the capital market has not developed further. The Securities
Commission as a regulator of the capital market, will need further training, particularly since its
management was renewed in May 2001.
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Bulgaria also needs to complete significant further steps in alignment with the
in the
insurance sector. The situation in terms of transposition of EC insurance
is still lagging
behind as only the first generation Directives have been transposed so far. The privatisation of
the biggest state-owned insurance company has not yet taken place. Bulgaria still needs to
develop a competitive insurance market. The staff of the newly created agency for supervision
over insurance and gambling is in urgent need of training to carry out its tasks. The legitimacy of
this agency is in any case open to question as long as it remains responsible for supervision of
both insurance and gambling. However, the Government has just announced its intention to
separate these responsibilities.
Wide consultation has taken place on the protection of personal data and the free movement of
such data with the public and stakeholders, and legislation is under preparation. Bulgaria still
needs to adopt legislation and ensure full independence of the supervisory body for the control
over activities related to personal data processing.
Chapter 4: Free movement of capital
Bulgaria has achieved substantial alignment of its national legislation with EC legislation in the
field of free movement of capital.
Almost no progress was observed in the area of
payment systems,
although the start of work
to establish a real-time gross settlement system (RTGS) is a small but positive step.
In the area of
money laundering,
the amendments to the Law on Measures against Money
Laundering reorganised the Bureau of Financial Intelligence into a state agency. This Bureau is
entirely financed by the State Budget and reports annually to the Minister of Finance.
Overall assessment
As regards capital movement, Bulgaria’s significant degree of liberalisation was introduced
through the Foreign Exchange Act, which has been in force since January 2000. This included
provisions which completely liberalised inward and outward direct investment. A number of
transactions, mainly outflows, are not yet fully liberalised and require prior registration with the
Bulgarian National Bank.
However, the main remaining restriction on capital movements concerns the constitutional ban
on the acquisition of real estate by foreigners. An amendment to the Law on Ownership was
adopted in July 2000. This removes the obligation that required foreign natural and legal
persons to request an authorisation from the Minister of Finance to acquire ownership rights
over buildings (rights to own, use and transfer) and limited property rights over real estate in the
country (the right to use, build and to add to an existing building) except in border zones and
areas of importance to national security. This limitation also applies to local companies with
foreign participation.
Further efforts are required on the harmonisation of the Bulgarian legislation with the Directive
on settlement finality in payment and securities settlement systems and Directive on cross-
border credit transfers. According to the Foreign Exchange Law, the Ministry of Finance and
the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) are responsible for its implementation and for foreign
exchange control. The BNB balance-of-payment department, however, needs substantial
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capacity building in order to ensure permanent and detailed monitoring of the capital inflow and
Bulgaria needs to implement the acquis on payment systems and establish adequate and
effective procedures for handling customers’ complaints and for the settlement of disputes
between banks and customers.
Work remains to be done also in order to develop the payment systems infrastructure in
accordance with European requirements and standards.
Progress has been achieved in the area of fight against money laundering. Though the new
amendments have increased the legal competencies of the Bureau of Financial Intelligence, the
slow pace of legal proceedings seems a considerable impediment to the fight against money
laundering in Bulgaria. The lack of resources also remains a problem. Bulgaria also needs to
ensure that all relevant organisations and in particular all credit and financial institutions,
co-operate fully with the Bureau.
A special unit within the “Special Supervision” Directorate at the BNB is responsible for the
implementation of the amendments to the Law on Measures against Money-Laundering
regarding the control and prevention of money laundering with respect to banks and financial
houses. The extension of the unit’s functions requires organisational development and further
training of its officials. Bulgaria also needs to ensure compliance with the Recommendations of
the Financial Action Task Force.
Chapter 5: Company law
Since last year’s Regular Report, Bulgaria has made further progress in aligning company law
and improving the legal framework for protecting intellectual and industrial property rights.
company law,
amendments to the Commercial Law were adopted in October
2000. These amendments implement the requirements of the First Directive on disclosure of
information, the Second Directive on capital, the Eleventh Directive on disclosure requirements
in respect of branches of foreign companies, and the Twelfth Directive on single-member
private limited liability companies.
A number of training initiatives have been held over the past year to improve legal practitioners'
awareness of developments in commercial law.
In the field of
intellectual and industrial property rights,
the Law on Copyright and Related
Rights was amended in December 2000 to protect the rights of films and strengthen border
control measures against goods infringing copyright. The National Assembly ratified the WIPO
Copyright Treaty and Performance and Phonograms Treaty in January 2001. The National
Assembly ratified the Madrid Agreement Protocol on international registration of marks in
March 2001. A regulation on border control measures for industrial property rights protection
was adopted in November 2000.
Policy on and enforcement of intellectual property rights is the responsibility of the Ministry of
Culture, which maintains a national copyright database, with support from the Ministry of
Interior, the Customs Agency and the courts. Over the past year, the Ministry of Culture has
issued numerous penal ordinances relating to violations of copyright law, and the courts have
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examined many intellectual property cases. The Ministry of Interior has seized and destroyed
large quantities of pirate compact discs and software. A specialised working group has been
established to improve co-ordination between the various bodies involved in enforcing
intellectual property rights.
Regarding the regulation replacing the
Brussels convention
on jurisdiction and enforcement of
judgements in civil and commercial matters, there are no new developments to report.
also chapter 24, co-operation in the fields of justice and home affairs.)
Overall assessment
Bulgarian legislation in the areas of company law, accounting law, industrial and intellectual
property rights is broadly in compliance with the
However, some gaps remain, notably
the need for alignment with the Third and Sixth Directives on mergers and divisions of
companies, the adoption of the proposed Accounting Law, and the introduction of
supplementary protection certificates for industrial property purposes. Other legislation requires
adjustment, in order to ensure alignment to the Directive on the harmonisation of certain aspects
of copyrights and related rights in the information society and the Directive on the resale right for
the benefit of the author of an original work.
Policy responsibility for company law rests with the Ministry of Justice, and the courts are
responsible for enforcement. There is an electronic commercial register, which is open to public
inspection. The Ministry of Finance has policy responsibility for accounting law and takes
advice from the Institute of Certified Public Accountants, which is responsible for accounting
The Patent Office is the principal authority responsible for protecting industrial property. 9199
marks, 1047 invention and utility model applications and 361 industrial designs were filed at the
Office in 2000. The Office received 52 requests to investigate alleged infringements. It plans to
set up a specialised unit to deal with infringements and impose sanctions.
The main challenge now is to strengthen the capacity of, and co-ordination between, the various
bodies responsible for applying the law in the area of intellectual and industrial property rights
protection, so that it is enforced in an accurate, timely and transparent way, which provides
business with the necessary confidence that legal rights are effectively protected. The
enforcement of intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights remains a particular
concern: the continuing trade in pirate compact discs and computer software in many cities in
Bulgaria provides an indication of the gap between the letter of the law and its enforcement.
Special attention should be given to the functioning of the legal system, including its capacity to
enforce legislation, to streamlining administrative procedures, and to eliminating the scope for
corruption. Further efforts should be made to ensure efficient co-operation among the bodies
dealing with enforcement (police, customs and judiciary) and border control. Training for
enforcement bodies, including judges and prosecutors, should be stepped up.
Chapter 6: Competition policy
Bulgaria has made further progress in this area since last year’s Regular Report.
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In the field of
the main legislative development was the entry into force in June 2001
of a decision on block exemptions of certain categories of vertical agreements. This decision is
based on new EC
The Commission for Protection of Competition (CPC) was reorganised in November 2000 and
the status and remuneration of many employees improved in line with the civil service law. The
number of experts dealing with anti-trust cases reached 40. A new management information
system that will improve case handling should be operational by the end of 2001. The CPC
made 155 decisions on cases in 2000. About a third of the CPC’s cases relate to anti-trust and
two-thirds to unfair competition, though latest figures suggest an increasing proportion of anti-
trust cases. The CPC contributed to the design of several important pieces of new market-
related legislation, including the railway transport and postal services laws.
Almost half of the CPC’s decisions in 2000 were subsequently appealed to the Supreme
Administrative Court (SAC). Comparable data on the outcome of appeals to the SAC are not
available, though its rulings tend in most cases to confirm the CPC’s decisions. Progress was
made during the year in improving co-operation between the CPC and SAC, with a common
training project covering both organisations.
In the field of
state aid,
a working group on state aid legislation was created in early 2001.
Staffing in the Ministry of Finance’s state aid department, which is responsible for monitoring
state aid, reached its full complement of six persons during the year.
As far as state aid control is concerned, the CPC has over the past year started to exercise its
control responsibilities on the limited basis permitted under existing legislation, using the Europe
Agreement and
as points of reference. Six state aid cases were handled by the CPC
over the past year, half of them at the initiative of the CPC itself without prior notification of the
aids. The state aid directorate of the CPC was upgraded during the year and now comprises
ten experts.
Overall assessment
Bulgaria's legislation and enforcement record on anti-trust is developing in a broadly satisfactory
manner, whereas both the legislative framework, monitoring and control of state aid need to be
improved as a matter of priority.
As regards
Bulgaria’s legislation is largely in line with and covers most of the
provisions, though further liberalisation is needed. The recent adoption of a decision on block
exemption of vertical agreements was an important step. Further alignment is needed notably in
the areas of the new
on horizontal co-operation agreements.
The CPC has continued to establish a reasonably good enforcement record and raised public
awareness of competition policy. The CPC should develop a more deterrent sanctioning policy,
and should give priority to cases concerning the most serious distortions of competition. Further
efforts are needed to strengthen the CPC’s administrative capacity and its retention of qualified
As regards
state aid,
Bulgaria is finally starting to develop and implement a control system for
state aid, but cannot yet be considered as complying with the
The existing Law on the
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Protection of Competition contains only the most basic provisions on state aid control. It is
essential that Bulgaria adopts comprehensive new legislation, and acts to raise public awareness
of EC state aid rules and practices. In this context, the on-going preparation of the draft state
aid law should be speeded up.
Responsibility for the monitoring of state aid rests with the Ministry of Finance, while state aid
control is handled by the CPC. An inter-institutional memorandum of understanding governs the
relations between the two organisations, but collaboration between them on state aid cases still
appears to be underdeveloped.
The current state aid notification system does not in practice ensure ex ante control of all state
aid projects by the CPC. Establishing a comprehensive ex ante notification system should be a
priority. The methodology and coverage of the state aid inventory and annual report need to be
improved: state aids granted via the tax system, for example, should be included in a
comprehensive manner. Bulgaria has not yet submitted a regional aid map. The division of state
aid monitoring and control responsibilities requires a sustained collaborative effort between the
relevant organisations if it is to work effectively in practice. In the absence of a sufficient
enforcement record, it is too early to judge the enforcement capacity of the CPC in state aid
Further transparency and effective control is needed as regards any possible aid granted in the
context of steel restructuring.
Chapter 7: Agriculture
Bulgaria has made generally good progress in terms of approximation of legislation. The partial
accreditation of SAPARD can be considered a major success in this area.
The agriculture sector, including processed products, generated 14.5% of Bulgaria’s Gross
Value Added in 2000
. The sector accounted for 11.3% of employment in 2000.
. Agricultural
incomes are in many cases low or very low. Agricultural output fell to 90% of the previous
year’s level. In 2000, EC imports
of agricultural products originating in Bulgaria amounted to
€215.7 million and EC exports to Bulgaria to €265.7 million, the trade balance in favour of the
Community amounting to €50 million compared with the balance of €51.3 million in favour of
Bulgaria in 1999. The most important products groups in terms of EC imports from Bulgaria are
alcoholic beverages (24 %) with a decrease of 31 % since 1999, meat (18 %) and oilseeds (12
%). As far as EC exports to Bulgaria are concerned, the most important products are cotton
(13%) with an increase of 9%, since 1999, meat (12 %) with an increase of 46 %, and tobacco
(9 %) with an increase of 41 %.
Since the last Regular Report Bulgaria has taken further steps in developing its agricultural
policy. The 2000 report on the state of agriculture in Bulgaria, approved by the government in
The source for all agricultural statistics is Eurostat unless otherwise stated.
EUROSTAT Labour Force Survey definitions (LFS). Agricultural employment is defined in LFS terms as economically
active persons who gain a significant part of their income from agriculture. As Bulgaria only recently introduced the
LFS, figures should be treated with care.
Source of trade figures: Uruguay Round definition of agricultural products, figures taken from EUROSTAT COMEXT
(see EU 12/15: Agricultural Product Trade 1988-2000, 1 Part D.G. AGRI/A.2 Quantitative analyses, forecasts, statistics,
studies, 2001, p. 10-57and 86-89).
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February 2001, lists the main objectives including the further development of market structures,
the stimulation of the land market, the completion of restitution of forests, improving the
competitiveness of the farming and processing sectors, creating an environment favouring
export-oriented agriculture and exercising effective post-privatisation control. The report
envisages provision of investment aid to diversify business activities in agricultural regions and
promote rural tourism, traditional crafts and the development of services and small and medium-
sized enterprises in the processing industry. Preparation for EU accession is another priority
area. The preparation for efficient implementation of EC farming regulations, the introduction of
the common agricultural policy and of Eurostat methods are among measures planned.
In the area of land reform, following the adoption of the Cadastre and Property Register Act of
April 2000, the Bulgarian Government adopted in April 2001 a programme for the
establishment of a cadastre and property register. The agricultural cadastre should be ready by
2004. The programme for establishment of a property register covers 2001-2015. A working
group has been created by the Council of Ministers to co-ordinate and control the activities
involved in the establishment of the cadastre and the property register.
Ownership rights for 99.58% of arable land subject to restitution have been restored. Forestry
restitution is almost complete and 90% of rights have been restituted. For forests and forestland,
ownership rights have been acknowledged for 625 918 hectares. Of this, 534 213 hectares had
been returned to previous owners by March 2001, which represents more than 90%.
Horizontal issues
Being the first candidate country to have its SAPARD Agency partially accredited by the
European Commission, Bulgaria has taken a considerable step towards the implementation of
measures related to the
European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF).
This took place in May 2001. Following the approval of the Bulgarian National Agricultural and
Rural Development Plan by the Commission in October 2000, and the decision to allocate
Bulgaria € 53 million for the year 2000, the Commission decided on the conferral of
management of aid to the Bulgarian authorities for three types of measures: investments in
agricultural holdings, improvement in the processing and marketing of agricultural and fisheries
products and the development and diversification of economic activities and alternative income.
Bulgaria does not yet have a system for the administration and control payments similar to
Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) but is in the process of establishing a
system. Bulgaria has already created some of the databases on which IACS will be built. The
obligations related to animal identification have been met for large ruminants and are underway
for small ruminants. Further progress has been made on the introduction of the Eurovet system,
which will be complete at the beginning of 2002.
organic farming,
Bulgaria adopted legislative acts on the control of organic production.
These cover the certification of products and the conversion period for plants and plant
products, and livestock and animal products.
Preparation for determining the typology of the agricultural farms and for the implementation of
Farm Accountancy Data Network
has started.
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Common Market Organisations
Bulgaria is at an early stage in the development of Common Market Organisations (CMOs).
Since the last Regular Report, it has finalised three studies for the alignment and implementation
of CMOs in the cereals, fruit and vegetables and milk sub-sectors, which is an important
contribution to preparation for accession. Studies cover legal, institutional and economic aspects
and include proposals on how to introduce CMOs in Bulgaria.
In the
cereals sector,
no new legislation has been adopted. However, the warehouse structure
which is necessary for intervention purposes continued to be reinforced.
In the field of
specialised crops,
Bulgaria has adopted a number of measures regulating wine
and spirit production. An Executive Vine and Wine Agency and National Vine and Wine
Chamber have been established. The role of the Agency is to ensure that laws related to wine
and viticulture are observed. Concerning fruit and vegetables, in April 2001 Bulgaria created an
administrative structure to carry out conformity checks and quality control of fresh fruit and
vegetables and to participate in the process of harmonisation with EC legislation. In July 2001,
an ordinance on the conditions and procedures for recognition of producer organisations in
fruits and vegetables as well as tobacco was adopted.
Rural development and forestry
Bulgaria’s development of the administrative capacity for the implementation of the SAPARD
programme contributes to preparation for the implementation of EC legislation in the area of
rural development. SAPARD procedures are closely modelled on the payment, monitoring and
financial control principles which are used in the preparation and implementation of EC rural
development measures. In addition, a number of advice centres have been established for rural
Veterinary and phytosanitary issues, including food safety
Significant progress has been made in terms of adoption of legislation for the veterinary and
phytosanitary sectors, but implementation capacity remains a serious problem. Further progress
has been made on animal identification and registration. Ear-tagging and identification of large
ruminants has been completed and is underway for small ruminants. A computer system for
animal identification and registration of animal holdings has been started and the system should
be fully operational in March 2002.
animal nutrition,
there has been some progress through the establishment of a
Directorate on Feed Control, which will exercise control over products and substances
intended for animal nutrition. A register of producers and traders is maintained. In addition,
regulations were adopted on feed additives, circulation of feed materials and control on
products intended for animal nutrition.
On animal health, ordinances have been adopted covering prevention and control of a number
of diseases. The National Veterinary Service (NVS) has also developed surveillance and
monitoring programmes for control of diseases. Preparatory work for the introduction of the
Animal Disease Notification System (ADNS) has been completed since the last Regular
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As regards administrative capacity, there has been some progress. The NVS adopted its statute
in February 2001 which determines its staffing and organisation. It has 3,090 personnel,
including 1,515 veterinarians. The NVS has a general directorate and subordinate structures for
animal health, public health control of animal products, border veterinary control and animal
breeding and laboratory control. Its public health control units carry out inspections and control
through regional inspectorates, with the support of laboratories within the Regional Veterinary
Services. These cover public health controls on raw materials and products of animal origin in
production, slaughter and processing establishments, as well as on final products placed on the
Concerning borders, detailed surveillance programmes on some diseases have been
implemented within a 10-kilometre zone on the border with Turkey. Bulgaria has also adopted
measures on general requirements for veterinary checks on import and transit of live animals.
There are currently 35 functioning veterinary border inspection posts, with 263 employees,
including 149 veterinarians. Staff training on registration, control and trade is still required.
Bulgaria has indicated that 10 locations will become long-term border inspection posts with
third countries.
Concerning the
phytosanitary sector,
there has been some progress in approximation of laws.
plant variety protection,
an ordinance on the official variety list was adopted in March
2001. A law on seeds and planting material was adopted in October 2000 and aims to create a
legislative framework for the introduction of the seeds and planting material
and for the
testing and inscription of varieties into the official plant variety list. In the area of plant health, a
number of ordinances have been adopted on the control of plant diseases.
As regards administrative capacity in the phytosanitary field, some border inspection points,
central and regional laboratories and trial stations have upgraded their equipment.
As regards
food safety
also chapter 1 – free movement of goods)
the Bulgaria adopted
a Food Safety Strategy in June 2001. This outlines the systems for co-ordination between the
various official bodies involved, their competencies, organisation and staffing. The controls
carried out by the NVS and its regional offices include laboratory analysis of food safety.
However, upgrading of food processing establishments is needed.
Overall assessment
Bulgaria's overall level of alignment means that meeting the
in this area still poses a very
major challenge. Further efforts are needed to address the lack of capital and investment in
agriculture from the private sector.
In the area of
horizontal measures
in order to accomplish full harmonisation with the
Bulgaria envisages the adoption of amendments to the Farmers Support Act and related
secondary legislation, which will regulate the establishment of an EAGGF Paying and
Intervention Agency and of an Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS).
However, the completion of government plans to establish market intervention institutions
needed under the CAP still lie some years ahead.
As regards
common market organisations,
Bulgaria will need to adjust further its agricultural
policy to conform to the CAP.
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rural development,
significant progress has been made in building up the
administrative capacity for implementation of policies as a result of the accreditation of the
SAPARD agency.
Whilst land restitution was virtually completed in 2000 and progress was achieved in the
implementation of the Cadastre Law, Bulgaria does not yet have a functioning and transparent
land market.
With some exceptions in the richer agricultural areas, the land market is generally
still under-developed due to fragmentation of property, small size of plots and undivided family
co-ownership. These factors hamper both domestic and foreign investment in agriculture and
limit the possibility of land to be used as collateral.
veterinary and phytosanitary issues,
whilst progress has continued, much
remains to be done to enforce veterinary/hygiene control standards and animal welfare. Human
resources need to be strengthened both at central and regional level in terms of number and
quality. Training is required for the industry to set up its own control systems and compliance
with EC regulations.
Bulgaria still needs to revise its law on plant protection, as some provisions of the current law
are not in line with the
particularly in relation to the marketing of plant protection
products, the control of organic farming and marketing of fertilisers. The National Service for
Plant Protection, Quarantine and Agrochemistry covers administrative needs in line with
requirements in the area of plant health, however further improvements of human resource
capacity and equipment are needed.
Concerning food safety, considerable further steps will be needed to implement the strategy.
Bulgaria created a National Council for Food Safety in 2000. Upgrading of food processing
establishments is needed.
Chapter 8: Fisheries
Since the last Regular Report, Bulgaria has made legal, institutional and operational progress
aimed at the adoption and implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).
The Fishery and Aquaculture Act (FAA), which replaces the 1982 Fish Farming Act, was
approved by the Parliament in April 2001. The FAA incorporates the basic principles of the EC
and provides the legal basis for the implementation of all major aspects of the
CFP, but much has still to be done to put these into practice.
With regard to
resource management, inspection and control,
the increase of staff in the
National Agency for Fisheries and Aquaculture (NAFA) from 48 in December 2000 to 210,
and the increase in the number of Regional Fisheries Inspectorates from 6 to 27, are first steps
towards the reinforcement of administrative capacity which is necessary for effective
implementation of the
in the fisheries sector. The NAFA, including Regional Fisheries
Inspectorates, has lead responsibility for implementation of legislation in this sector. It reports to
the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) and issues licences for commercial fishing.
In the area of
structural actions,
there has been progress since the last Regular Report on the
establishment of the Fishing Vessels Register as required by the CFP. The Register will be a
part of the State Shipping Register and will be maintained jointly by the Executive Agency
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Maritime Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the MAF
(NAFA). Staff have been recruited and trained to work on the development of the register.
Software has been acquired with a view to future enlargement of the system to carry out cross-
market policy,
no concrete progress has been made. However a study on the
establishment of a market intervention institution is currently underway. As concerns
state aid,
there are no developments to report.
Overall assessment
Despite recent progress, considerable further work and investment is still needed for Bulgaria to
achieve compliance with the
This includes in particular the adoption of secondary
legislation, development of administrative capacity, training of staff, upgrading the technical
resources of the inspection and control bodies, and the completion of the fishing vessels register.
Bulgaria is advanced on privatisation of both the processing and marketing industry which is
now almost complete.
Additional efforts are also required in the important areas of introducing producers’
organisations and of improving licensing and registration of fishing and aquaculture activities.
Market intervention in fisheries in Bulgaria is still at planning stage. There are no state aids for
the improvement of transport and storage conditions. There is still the need for harmonised
statistics and market (including price) information. At present, the NAFA lacks the required
equipment and trained personnel to implement EC statistical requirements effectively.
Further commercial development of marketing and wholesale infrastructure, as well as of the
markets themselves, is required before the Bulgarian government can sensibly plan the
structures most suited to Bulgaria’s situation.
The State Fund for Agriculture has been given the task of managing future aid and acting as
paying agency for the fisheries sector, however it is not yet adequately equipped and trained to
perform these functions in compliance with EC structural action requirements. Regarding
administrative capacity in the area of structural funds, the SAPARD paying agency in the
Ministry of Agriculture is intended as the future platform for financial management of the
Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG).
As regards international fisheries agreements, Bulgaria is a party to a number of conventions and
international agreements: North-West Atlantic Fisheries Organisation, North Eastern Atlantic
Fisheries Commission, General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean and various
bilateral or multilateral agreements, in particular covering fishing in the Black Sea. A draft
Convention on Fishing and conservation of life resources in the Black Sea is under negotiation.
Chapter 9: Transport policy
Bulgaria has continued to make reasonable progress not only in adopting the necessary laws to
transpose the transport
but also to create, for each sector, the administrative structures
necessary to implement and enforce the
Investments in transport infrastructure are
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As regards
Trans-European Transport Networks,
in February 2001 Bulgaria presented its
programme for transport infrastructure development, excluding road infrastructure, for the
period 2001-2005, in compliance with the National Strategy for Development of the Transport
Sector drawn up in 2000. This programme foresees investments of around € 4,900 million of
which about 31% will come from the national budget. Preparation for the construction of the
second Danube bridge between Romania and Bulgaria, at Vidin-Kalafat, is well under way.
In the
land transport
sector, progress has continued with the adoption of further secondary
legislation on the application of the 2000 Road Traffic Law and Road Transport Law.
However, no concrete progress can be reported in the field of vehicle taxation (minimum tax
levels), which forms a key element of fiscal harmonisation in this sector. The institutional
framework for the
road transport
sector now relies in particular on the Road Transport
Administration (RTA), the Traffic Police and the Road Executive Agency. The RTA is a legal
entity funded through the budget of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The Traffic
Police is under the Ministry of Interior. The Road Executive Agency, which succeeded the
General Road Administration, is funded through the Ministry of Regional Development and
Works. The Road Executive Agency is responsible mainly for the design and management of
the national road infrastructure and is the competent authority for issuing and controlling permits
for freight transport, controlling vehicles which exceed the maximum allowed norms and
collecting road charges. It has 3210 staff.
The bilateral agreement establishing certain conditions for the carriage of goods by road and the
promotion of combined transport, signed last year with the EC, entered into force in May 2001.
The European Agreement on International Occasional Carriage of Passengers by Coach and
Bus (INTERBUS) was signed in December 2000. Its implementation will result in partial
harmonisation with the road passenger transport
a new law on railway transport was adopted in November 2000 as part of the
third phase of railway transport restructuring. This law is due to enter into force in 2002, and
will be the basis for the sector’s unbundling and the end of the state monopoly on transport of
passengers and goods by rail. The law should ensure separation of railway infrastructure,
administered by the state, from services operation. BDZ (Bulgarian Railways) will be
transformed into a state-owned joint stock company, with its own accounts and budget, and
will prepare its own business plan. The law includes measures for ensuring the independence of
the resulting companies, market access, professional qualifications, liability and insurance, and
safety certification. It also contains a separate chapter on combined transport. The law also
resulted in the creation, in July 2001, of an executive agency, the ‘Railway Administration’,
which employs 65 people and which is answerable to the Ministry of Transport and
Communications. A regulation on the agency's structure, functions and activities was adopted.
In the
inland waterways
sector, no particular developments can be reported. The blockage of
the Danube still has severe effects: 43% of the workforce has had to be cut and 82% of oil
barges are not in operation.
As concerns
air transport,
over 30 acts have been adopted, including an amendment to the
Civil Aviation Act and a Regulation on airports and airport procurement. This has resulted in the
strengthening and more precise definition of the legal status of Air Traffic Service Authorities
(ATSA). The overall situation and prospects of the national carrier, Balkan Airlines, currently in
liquidation, has however affected the privatisation process across in this sector.
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As regards
maritime transport,
according to 2000 statistics under the Paris Memorandum of
Understanding, the percentage of Bulgarian flag vessels detained following port state control
was 7.2%, a decrease compared to 1999 (8.1%) and 1998 (12.5%). This compares to an
average for EU-flagged vessels of 3.9 % in 2000
Overall assessment
Bulgaria’s legislative framework has reached a fair level of alignment with the
still needs to adopt further legislation in the field of maritime safety (Merchant Shipping Code)
as well as further amendments to the road transport laws. The new administrative structure of
the sector is now substantially in place as are the main administrative bodies. However, one
problem is the frequent lack of experience in the new administrative structures in dealing with
the obligations stemming from the new market conditions. Efforts need to be made to adopt
and enforce the necessary secondary legislation. Regulatory efforts, in particular on land
transport legislation, will have to focus on the transposition of the technical provisions of the EC
and its implementation. Technical, safety and in particular fiscal harmonisation will be
key issues. In the road sector, for example, whilst the new laws and secondary legislation are
important developments, Bulgarian road charging and taxation systems are still not compatible
with EC norms. However, a calendar for developing these systems, involving a progressive
reduction of the difference between charges applied to Bulgarian and to EC vehicles, has been
Bulgaria will need to prepare for the significant investments that will be needed in infrastructure
(in particular to ensure that Bulgarian roads can cope with EC vehicle axle weight standards)
and by operators to ensure conformity of their fleets, particularly as regards the part of the road
haulage fleet which carries out national operations only. The Bulgarian road transport fleet is still
divided into vehicles carrying out international transport, which conform to EC technical and
safety norms, and those reserved for domestic transport only.
The inland waterways fleet will also need to be adapted to ensure conformity with EC technical
and safety norms.
Rail restructuring should continue, bearing in mind that infrastructure charging and capacity
allocation, as well as the managerial independence of Bulgarian railways, are issues that will
need to be addressed soon in order to comply with the most recently adopted railway
Bulgaria is engaged in a process of legislative harmonisation in the air transport sector. Further
efforts will be needed to ensure the objective of transposing most of the aviation legislation by
the entry into force of the European Common Aviation Area agreement. Part of the
been implemented including some Joint Aviation Requirements, Eurocontrol standards and EC
rules on civil aviation accident investigation. An ordinance under the civil aviation act transposes
some principles of the
on access to the ground-handling market although full compliance
will need to be ensured.
As regards maritime safety, Bulgaria’s vessel detention rates as a result of Port State controls
has notably improved in the past two years, but is still well above the average for EU-flagged
vessels. Bulgaria should continue with its efforts. Improving the performance of maritime safety
administrative institutions, firstly as a Flag State, and then as a Port State, must be a priority.
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The enforcement of EC legislation on maritime safety and prevention of pollution will require
additional human resources and training for ship inspectors and associated support personnel.
Chapter 10: Taxation
Bulgaria has continued to make legislative progress in the field of taxation, although at a reduced
pace compared to the previous period.
In the area of
indirect taxation,
an amendment to the VAT Act has reduced the time for tax
credit refunds from 6 to 4 months. Also, a procedure for VAT refunds to foreign legal entities
for services used on the territory entered into force in April 2001. According to this refund
scheme, the minimum refund must exceed 500 Bulgarian Leva (€ 255.65) per year and the
foreign entity must be registered in a country providing reciprocal refunds to Bulgarian entities.
The introduction of a special scheme for travel agents was postponed until 2002.
As regards excise duties, Bulgaria has unified the duty on wine, regardless of the percentage of
alcohol, thus aligning its legislation with the
direct taxation,
no particular developments can be reported.
In the area of
administrative co-operation and mutual assistance,
no progress can be
As regards administrative capacity, Bulgaria has continued to modernise its tax administration. It
has established a public web-site with information on the structure of the administration,
statistics, return forms and instructions. The site also contains a public bulletin of all VAT-
registered entities, in order to allow companies to verify tax registration of their counterparts. An
advisory board to the General Tax Director representing different taxpayers groups has been
established, which provides advice on taxpayers’ issues. Furthermore, a tax fraud unit was
established and is now operational. The establishment of the Unified Revenues Agency, which
was mentioned in last year's report, has been postponed until the end of 2001. The agency will
become operational as of 1 January 2003.
Overall assessment
Bulgaria's legislation is broadly in line with the
on VAT and excise duties, and Bulgaria
has continued to align its legislation. Nevertheless, further alignment is still needed in the area of
VAT, in particular with regard to exempt transactions, the right of deduction of input VAT and
special schemes for travel agents and second-hand goods. As regards excise duties, the
structure of the duty on cigarettes is contrary to the
as it provides different duty rates for
filter and non-filter cigarettes. Moreover, the levels of the duties are still considerably below the
EC minimum.
With the exception of Greece, international agreements on avoidance of double taxation have
entered into force with all EU member states and most candidate countries.
administrative capacity,
some progress has been achieved in the modernisation of
the tax administration, but significant further effort is needed in order for Bulgaria to be able to
implement fully and enforce the EC
upon accession. The extensive reform of the tax
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administration, which began last year, has resulted in a structure consisting of 10 horizontal and
28 geographical directorates, including 121 tax offices, which, in several cases, have a number
of local offices. Out of the total staff of about 9500 employees, there are currently 2300
auditors and 900 operational inspectors (who carry out inspections on compliance with VAT
rules). It can be noted that the law on tax procedures, which has been in force since 1 January
2000, significantly increased the enforcement powers of the tax administration and has had a
positive impact on collection figures. However, better techniques to select and implement tax
audits are needed. On the whole, co-operation with other state enforcement agencies remains
It will be important to ensure that existing and future legislation complies with the principles of
the Code of Conduct for Business Taxation.
In addition, work on the establishment of the Unified Revenue Agency should be pursued
Chapter 11: Economic and Monetary Union
A detailed assessment of Bulgaria’s economic policy in its various aspects has been given in the
Chapter discussing the economic criteria (B-2). Therefore, the present section is limited to a
discussion of those aspects of the Economic and Monetary Union
acquis (as
defined by title
VII of the EC treaty and the other relevant texts) which candidate countries should implement
before accession, i.e. the prohibition of direct public sector financing by the central bank, the
prohibition of privileged access of the public sector to financial institutions, and independence of
the national central bank. As to the process of liberalisation of capital movements, upon the
completion of which compliance with the EMU
is conditional, this aspect has been
covered above, in the section on
Chapter 4 – Free movement of capital.
Since the last Regular Report, there have been no substantial legislative changes.
Over the reporting period, no changes have been introduced for
direct public sector
by the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB).Also, no further progress can be reported in
ensuring the full
independence of the central bank.
Overall assessment
Bulgaria will participate in EMU upon accession with the status of a country with a derogation
under article 122 of the EC treaty. It will need to implement the necessary changes to its
institutional and legal framework by the date of accession.
Bulgaria is already well advanced in implementing the
However it has not completely
aligned its legislation with the requirements of the Treaty concerning the independence of its
central bank, notably in the area of personal independence of the members of the board of the
Amendments to the BNB Act to explicitly prohibit the Central Bank from all forms of direct
financing of the public sector still have to be adopted.
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According to the Bulgarian authorities, there is no provision in the BNB Act allowing for
privileged access to the public sector to financial institutions, but compliance with the acquis in
this area will need to be monitored further.
Chapter 12: Statistics
Bulgaria has continued to make progress over the past year.
As regards
statistical infrastructure
, in April 2001 an amendment to the statistical law was
adopted. This includes provisions resulting from the Civil Service and Public Administration
Laws, as well as provisions dealing with statistical data confidentiality and provision of data for
statistical surveys. The National Statistical Institute (NSI) is an independent state agency
attached to the Council of Ministers. The Prime Minister nominates the President and Deputy
Presidents of the NSI, but once nominated they have 7-year mandates and can only be
dismissed for specific reasons. On the basis of the Strategy for the Development of Statistics
from 2000-2006, a detailed plan for priority tasks until 2005 was developed. This further
defines tasks, objectives, and those responsible for undertaking these. A Strategy for staff
training in the national statistical system for the period 2001-2006 has been prepared. This sets
out training needs, the main challenges ahead, policies for staff selection and career
development and training possibilities. To implement this an annual training plan for 2001 has
been prepared. This emphasises training in statistics, computer skills and foreign languages.
, national classifications, providing direct implementation of
European classifications and nomenclatures such as NACE and CPA, came into force on 1
January 2001.
demographic and social statistics,
further progress has been made. In line with
the Law on a Census of Population, Housing Fund and Agricultural Farms adopted in 2000, the
census was carried out in March 2001. A household budget survey was conducted in
December 2000 and data has been published. The Labour Cost survey is included in the 2001
Bulgaria statistical programme.
As regards availability of statistics at
level, efforts have been made to improve
infrastructure for production of regional statistics. Staff from regional offices have received
further training.
In the field of
macro-economic statistics,
there is little new to report but legal compliance is
generally high. However, there is need for work on enforcement and practical implementation.
business statistics,
there has been progress with improving the quality of the business
register. Further activities focused on structural business statistics. A survey on short-term
construction indicators was launched.
transport statistics,
the register for motor vehicles has been updated and is now
operational. A survey on road transport was conducted in 2000 in line with EC regulations.
Inland waterways transport statistics are still incomplete and new laws are in preparation to
oblige ports to compile and transmit data. Transit transport through inland waterways is not
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external trade
, work is underway to improve the quality of primary data involving co-
operation between the Customs Agency and the NSI to develop additional requirements for
data control and checks. The NSI is also conducting comparisons on trade flows data with
seven partner countries.
agricultural statistics,
during the past year, Bulgaria has made progress in testing the
methodologies and questionnaires for the farm structure survey, livestock survey, slaughterhouse
survey and the survey of milk processing enterprises. Good progress has been made to
strengthen the administrative infrastructure and there are additional staff in the central agro-
statistics department and the 9 regional offices. There is no farm register but data from the
population census will be used to establish a provisional one.
Overall assessment
Overall, Bulgaria is quite well advanced in the field of statistics. The population census was
conducted on schedule and there have been steps to build the basis for a stronger administration
for statistics. However, in a number of areas, more work is needed on methodology, quality and
completeness of data to achieve compliance with the
Whilst some progress has been made in training of staff and improving their capacity to conduct
work according to the
turnover of staff dealing with EU matters is still very high at the
NSI. Staffing of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry's agro-statistics department has been
The building of IT capacity remains a priority. Whilst investments have been made under Phare
projects, further training is needed in making effective use of the equipment and the software
applications, in particular for staff of the regional statistics infrastructure.
Chapter 13: Social Policy and Employment
Bulgaria has made some progress in this area since the last Regular Report.
Progress has been made in the area of
labour law
through amendments to the Labour Code
adopted in March 2001, which entered into force in April 2001. Some of the amendments aim
at full or partial transposition of the
concerning certain aspects of the organisation of
working time, protection of young people at work, the employer’s obligation to inform
employees of the conditions applicable to the contract of employment relationship, the
safeguarding of employees’ rights in the event of transfers of undertakings and the
collective redundancies. A number of the amendments aim at enhancing labour market flexibility
and promotion of employment through eliminating some of the more restrictive provisions of the
old code, including unduly generous standards for layoffs, or the reduction of the cost of
overtime work, and the introduction of the possibility to terminate contracts for economic
reasons and of flexibility in working hours.
Very little progress has been made concerning
equal treatment for women and men.
amendments to the Labour Code, adopted in March 2001, introduce the concept of “indirect
discrimination”, but not for the self-employed. They introduce the principle of equal pay for
equal work and aim to protect women’s jobs during leave for pregnancy and childbirth.
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Limited progress has been made since the last Regular Report concerning
occupational health
and safety.
Amendments to the Labour Code which were adopted in March 2001 further
transpose the
on the introduction of measures to improve the safety and health of
workers at work. An ordinance of the Ministry of Social Policy and the Ministry of Health
adopted in April 2001 introduces further alignment with the
on personal protective
equipment. The General Labour Inspectorate has improved its administrative capacity. By the
end of 2000, Regional Councils on Working Conditions were established in all 28 districts,
thereby strengthening the social dialogue on occupational safety and health. By March 2001,
223 Occupational Health Services aiming at assisting employers in fulfilment of their obligations
on health and safety had been registered.
Bulgaria has continued its
public health
reform, starting with outpatient health care reform on 1
July 2000 and inpatient health care reform from 1 July 2001. More than 16,000 medical
specialists were transferred from the state to the private health care sector. The emergency care
system regulated under the Health Care Establishments Act was further improved by upgrading
the existing 28 emergency care centres and their 183 branches. Some progress has been made
in strengthening the administrative capacity of the National Health Insurance Fund, the body
responsible for the development, operation and management of the compulsory health insurance
scheme, at central and regional level. Secondary legislation which aims at transposing the
on labelling of tobacco products entered into force in January 2001. In October 2000, the
World Health Organisation approved the Bulgarian national health care strategy 2001-2010.
With a view to preparation for participation in the Community Network for epidemiological
surveillance and control of communicable diseases, a network for registration and reporting of
communicable diseases in the Balkan region is currently being established. The implementation
of a national strategy for prophylactics and control of AIDS and other sexually transmitted
diseases (2001-2007) started in March 2001. Furthermore, a 5- year national programme for
prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in the area of drug abuse was adopted.
The recent amendments to the Labour Code determine in which cases organisations of
employees or employers can be considered as representative organisations at the national level.
Furthermore, they strive for a more autonomous bipartite
social dialogue
by clarifying the
conditions under which the application of a collective agreement of industry at branch level can
be extended to all enterprises of that industry or branch. A law adopted in April 2001
establishes an Economic and Social Council, which is consulted on draft laws and national
programmes concerning economic and social development.
The unemployment rate fell to 16.4% of the labour force at the end of 2000 (from 17.0% in
1999) of which 58.9% are long-term unemployed. In the second quarter of 2001,
unemployment increased to 19.4
Bulgaria has continued, in close co-operation with the European Commission, an Employment
Policy Review to examine progress made in adapting the employment system to implement the
European Employment Strategy. This includes work on a Joint Assessment Paper that started in
2000. Though the government has recently started a more active employment policy, including
some decentralisation of labour market policies through Regional Employment Councils, there
were few measures, such as training, in enterprises threatened with redundancies. This was
mainly due to the chronic deficit of the Unemployment and Vocational Training Fund; the
National Employment Service still concentrates on passive labour market policies. Positive
steps are the preparation of a Strategy on Human Resource Development, the adoption, in
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March 2001, of a National Action Plan for Employment based on the four pillars and the
guidelines of the European Employment Strategy, and the adoption of the law on the Social
Investment Fund in April 2001. The latter strives to support priority projects identified in the
National Economic Development Plan and the National Plan for Regional Development as well
as in the National Action Plan for Employment.
Little progress has been made on preparations for administering support received through the
European Social Fund,
although a new Directorate was created by the Ministry of Labour
and Social Policy in March 2001. The administrative capacity of this unit needs to be further
As regards
social protection,
substantial progress has been made toward the introduction of a
diversified multi-pillar pension system, which will gradually shift a share of contributions into a
second pillar and private pension funds, thereby restoring long-term viability of the traditional
pay-as-you-go scheme. The adoption of certain amendments to the mandatory social security
code which entered into force in January 2001, aim to establish a stronger link between
contributions and benefits. Preparations for the introduction of a fully funded second pillar from
2002 and for the creation of voluntary private contribution funds (third pillar) are underway.
Amendments to the Act on Protection, Rehabilitation and Social Integration of Disabled People
were adopted in March 2001 aiming for better opportunities for disabled people. The
amendments envisage
inter alia
the establishment of a National Council on Rehabilitation and
Social Integration within the Council of Ministers including representatives of NGOs active in
this field, the government and employers.
No progress has been made in adopting detailed and effective anti-discrimination legislation.
Overall assessment
Overall, Bulgaria has advanced little in this area. It still needs to make major efforts to achieve
compliance with the
Concerning labour law, Bulgarian legislation is partly in line with worker’s rights as defined by
The latest amendments to the Labour Code include several provisions aiming for
consistency with the
However, further strengthening of administrative capacity is needed
if the
is to be implemented. Further alignment will need to take place to achieve full
compatibility with the
including on European Works Councils, protection of employers
in the event of an insolvency, part-time work and posting of workers.
Much of the
in the field of equal treatment for women and men remains to be transposed
and it is a matter of concern that transposition of the
in this area is slow.
There is an urgent need to introduce a legal definition of discrimination into Bulgarian law. The
current lack of such a definition significantly hinders the implementation of existing Bulgarian
anti-discrimination legislation.
Adoption of legislation in the field of occupational safety and health appears rather slow: for
example, no progress has been made concerning hazardous work and the application of labour
and occupational safety and health regulations by employers remains weak. Further alignment of
legislation is needed to cover the whole range of specific Health and Safety at Work Directives,
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particularly the use and protection from hazardous agents, including chemical, biological or
carcinogenic materials. In addition, administrative capacity in this area will need to be further
developed to enforce health and safety at work rules. With regard to communicable diseases,
further steps are needed for the development of a health monitoring system in order to obtain
health data and indicators comparable to the EC system, in particular in view of the Community
network for the epidemological surveillance and control of communicable diseases.
While further progress has been achieved in continuing the public health reform, further efforts
are necessary to reduce unequal access to medical care as well as to improve the relatively
poor health status of the population. Alignment to the EC tobacco
requires further
adoption of legislation.
Structured involvement of social partners in the decision-making process needs to be improved.
While there has been some progress in developing a framework for social dialogue at sectoral
level, social dialogue in general is still characterised by a high degree of centralised bargaining
and direct government involvement in labour negotiations. Also local bargaining tends to apply
only to specific and rather less important issues. Further progress needs to be made to improve
autonomous social dialogue, particularly more decentralised bargaining to address high and
persistent regional unemployment differentials and working conditions, especially in view of the
implementation of the
There is also an urgent need to improve the coverage rate of
collective bargaining, especially among new private enterprises. Tripartite consultations should
also be improved in order to give a real opportunity to social partners to influence policy-
making. This is particularly needed on employment, enlargement issues, and social policy in
general. Social dialogue in the public sector also needs to be developed.
The overall labour market situation continues to be of concern. Access to the labour market
remains difficult for ethnic minorities, the disabled and young people. The Bulgarian government
has started a number of employment programmes, but the skill mismatch is not sufficiently
addressed through active labour market measures. Special attention should be given to
developing an effective delivery system for public employment services. Temporary employment
and training programs could be better targeted at vulnerable groups for which they would have
the highest impact.
The timely finalisation of the Joint Assessment Paper should help focusing the national
employment strategy on the main challenges for the employment policy.
As regards preparation for the European Social Fund, substantial efforts are required to
improve both the administrative capacity and the mechanisms for co-ordination of ESF
interventions in the context of the European Employment Strategy and the social inclusion
In the field of social protection, sustained efforts are required to implement the reforms
introduced. Though some progress has been made, further efforts are needed to strengthen the
role of NGOs in the provision of social services to people who are socially excluded, in
particular for ethnic minorities and disabled people.
The combat against exclusion, as laid down in Article 136 of the Treaty establishing the
European Community, is part of the objectives of EC social policy. As decided at the Lisbon
and Nice European Councils, policies to combat social exclusion combine commonly agreed
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objectives at the EU level and national action plans. The Gothenburg European Council in June
2001 invited candidate countries to translate the Union's objectives of promoting social inclusion
into their national policies.
Further efforts are needed to ensure alignment with the
on anti-discrimination based on
Article 13 of the EC Treaty.
Chapter 14: Energy
The restructuring of Bulgaria’s energy sector progressed at a very slow pace throughout 2001,
following delays in the planned revision of the legislative framework. On the basis of the 1999
Energy and Energy Efficiency Law, a number of laws and secondary legislation were adopted
but delays in the adoption of other key texts have hindered efficiency improvement and
preparation for privatisation.
security of supply,
there has been no progress as regards harmonisation with the
on oil stocks.
In relation to
competitiveness and the internal energy market,
the implementation of the
Energy and Energy Efficiency Law (EEEL), adopted in July 1999 and which lays down the
basis for the restructuring of the sector, has been slow and is still not satisfactory. Amendments
to the Law, required so as to bring it into full conformity with the Electricity Directive, have not
been passed. The National Electricity Company (NEK) has been split into 15 entities: as well as
the Transmission System Operator, there are 7 generation and 7 distribution companies. The
main existing generation branches of NEK were split off as independent producers, with the
exception of the thermal power plant Maritsa East 3, the large hydropower plants and the
pumped-storage hydropower plant. The performance of the Transmission System Operator has
still to be checked , especially as regards economic dispatching and planning. The State Energy
Regulatory Committee (SERC) has begun its licensing activity. SERC is entirely state-funded.
Despite its limited experience, the authority works well and its staff have been increased to
reach 70 out of the planned 85. Energy prices, which were intended to remain frozen until
2002, (when this issue was to become the responsibility of the regulatory authority) rose in
October 2001. Long-term marginal costs are, however, still not being met with the current price
In the
gas sector,
accounts have been unbundled. Bulgargaz has reported a significant loss for
the year 2000.
district heating,
a strategy and related action plan for the development of this sector
have been prepared. Progress has been reported in the area of subsidy restructuring, by
switching to subsidisation of specific needy customer groups.
Restructuring of the
solid fuels
sector is continuing with a view to privatising viable coal-mining
companies and liquidating others. The Government has adopted an Action Plan for this sector
which should be implemented by 2003.
As regards
energy efficiency
and the use of renewable energy sources, limited progress can
be reported. There is a gap between the stated strategic policy goals and the actual support
given to this matter. The State Agency for Energy Efficiency, the main government body in
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charge of this policy, has not been given the appropriate means to carry out its role, despite the
fact that the Energy and Energy Efficiency Law calls for an increase of its mandate to implement
the national policy for energy conservation. It is still insufficiently staffed although an increase by
11 positions was granted in the 2001 budget.
In the field of
nuclear energy,
Bulgaria operates the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant with 4
units of VVER 440/230 design type (Units 1 to 4), and 2 units of the VVER 1000/320 design
(Unit 5 and 6). In addition to the Kozloduy reactors, Bulgaria has one research reactor in
Sofia, which is presently shut down pending decisions on its future. Spent fuel from the power
reactors is stored at Kozloduy and spent research reactor fuel at the research reactor. Existing
waste treatment and disposal facilities are being upgraded and new ones are planned.
Regarding nuclear material safeguards, Bulgaria has concluded a full scope safeguards
agreement with the IAEA. An Additional Protocol to this agreement entered into force in
October 2000.
As regards nuclear safety, Bulgaria has made progress on improving the legislative and
regulatory framework. In particular, a decree on nuclear damage liability has been adopted.
Kozloduy will be held responsible for any damages incurred by civil nuclear accidents, in
compliance with the Vienna Convention. A national insurance pool was formed in June. The
restructuring of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant is continuing, with outsourcing and
unbundling of a number of activities.
During the reporting period, Bulgaria undertook various steps to implement its below-mentioned
commitment to close reactors 1 to 4 of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant as set out in the
Understanding signed between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the European
Commission in November 1999, and has proceeded with the assistance package offered by the
Commission under this Understanding. A special unit has been established in the Kozloduy
Nuclear Power Plant to oversee the process of decommissioning Units 1 and 2. A set of
projects is currently being finalised in this respect, including the construction of a new dry
storage spent fuel facility on the Kozloduy site. An ordinance, setting out the requirements of the
Bulgarian nuclear safety authority for ensuring safety in the process of decommissioning
activities, has been adopted. Furthermore, Bulgaria concluded a Grant Framework Agreement
with the EBRD as manager of the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund, thus
allowing the international grant fund to commence its operations. In June 2001, the Fund held its
first meeting of the Assembly of Contributors and the first work plan was approved. The
Assembly is chaired by the European Commission representing the European Community, as
the main contributor to the Fund. The Fund has attracted several other donors. Regarding Units
3 and 4, which are of the same design type as units 1 and 2, Bulgaria has undertaken a
programme of major investments. It is understood that these are intended to ensure their safe
operation until final shut down in accordance with the early closure commitment contained in the
Understanding. The modernisation of the VVER 1000 design type units 5 and 6 officially
started in June 2001. The first part of the Euratom loan, which is part of the assistance package
provided for under the Understanding and amounting to € 212.5 Million, has been disbursed.
The various elements of the Understanding form an integral whole.
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Overall assessment
Bulgaria has reached a certain degree of alignment with the
but this is still not sufficient
notably as concerns preparation for the internal energy market and oil stock
Bulgaria needs to enhance its efforts to be able to to comply with the energy
attention should be given to the creation of a legislative framework compatible with the
as regards emergency oil stocks. Given the costs involved, Bulgaria should begin immediately to
adopt the necessary legislation, implement a comprehensive programme to harmonise the
ensure adequate administrative capacity. It should also start to constitute the necessary
storage facilities and stocks themselves. In addition, the fact that the level of oil stocks
continues to be considered a state secret raises serious concern.
Also the preparation for the internal energy market (electricity and gas directives) needs
attention. In this respect, Bulgaria should speed up substantially adoption of amendments to the
Energy and Energy Efficiency Law of 1999 and should continue to determine an appropriate
and efficient regulatory mechanism able to carry out the functions as defined in the internal
energy market directives. The failure to pass these amendments further delays necessary
changes, including the adoption of bylaws, creating practical problem for the implementation of
this Law by entities in the sector. This could cause delays in the modification of the model of
access to the network that should gradually change from that of a single buyer to regulated third
party access in 2003. In particular, the “eligible customer” called for in the Law and the
approach to be followed are still to be defined. Investments in the distribution network and to
improve energy resources are under way, in order to make a full interconnection to the western
European electricity networks (UCTE) possible, hopefully in 2002. In the gas sector, it is still
unclear how market opening in accordance with the
can be ensured, given the quantities
of gas Bulgaria has already contracted to buy from abroad, notably from Russia, which exceeds
national consumption. The lack of financial discipline of energy companies continues to be a
problem, even if improvements have been recorded in the recovery of unpaid bills. The main
non-payers are state budget-funded organisations. In district heating, the collection rate varies
between 40-45% and 70% depending on the region. Removal of price distortions should
continue while “stranded costs” also need attention.
The National Energy Strategy is to be updated next year, taking into consideration in particular
the early closure commitments for Units 1-4 of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant. Forecasts
for energy demand confirm that this is not growing at the rate foreseen in the previous strategy
(1998). This will be taken into account in the new strategy. It must be pointed out that Bulgaria
still has an energy consumption per capita three to four times the EU average. Despite plans to
activate an energy efficiency fund, it is of concern that Bulgaria has not been able to put into
practice an active policy on energy efficiency during the period under consideration. The lack of
such an active policy, both on the production and end-user side, should be underlined.
Substantial efforts must be made rapidly in this area, a first step would be substantially
improved co-ordination between the State Agency for Energy Resources (SAER) and the State
Energy Efficiency Agency (SEEA). Concrete steps to enhance support for energy efficiency,
energy saving and the use of renewable energy sources should be taken rapidly.
In general, the co-ordination of energy sector activities, under the Ministry of Economy, has
been weak. There is still uncertainty and apparent disagreement on the division of
responsibilities between the State Agency for Energy and Energy Resources and the State
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Energy Efficiency Agency. Nevertheless, the provisions contained in the Energy and Energy
Efficiency Law give the latter a mandate to implement the national policy for energy
As regards nuclear energy, the European Union has repeatedly emphasised the importance of a
high level of nuclear safety in candidate countries, including the need to respect closure
commitments and to set precise dates for the closure of units 3 and 4 of the Kozloduy NPP. In
June 2001, the Council of the European Union took note of a Report on Nuclear Safety in the
Context of Enlargement. This report contains findings on the situation and perspective of nuclear
safety in each candidate country, as well as recommendations for specific improvements. In
July, the Commission conveyed this report to the candidate countries.
General recommendations of the Council Report call for all candidate countries with Nuclear
Power Plants to complete their plant-specific safety improvement programmes, and to ensure
that their programmes include measures considered good practice within the European Union,
particularly regarding various specified safety measures such as assessment practices,
emergency procedures, feedback of experience, resources of the regulatory authority and other
The report recommends that all candidate countries continue their national programmes
regarding the safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste, and regarding the safety of
their research reactors.
With regard to Bulgaria, the Council Report recommends twelve specific measures to ensure
the safe operation of the Kozloduy NPP and other nuclear installations, including nuclear
legislation, resources of the regulatory authority, national emergency exercises and other
specified technical aspects.
It is recalled that reactors 1 to 4 of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant are subject to early
closure commitments of the Republic of Bulgaria, contained in the Understanding signed in
November 1999 between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the European
Commission. Under the Understanding, the Republic of Bulgaria commits itself to close
definitively Units 1-4 of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant at the earliest possible dates. Units
1 and 2 of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant will therefore be closed down before the year
2003. The definitive closure dates for Units 3 and 4, which will be before the currently
envisaged closure dates of 2008 and 2010 respectively, will be decided in 2002 in agreement
with the European Commission and on the occasion of the updating of the National Energy
strategy. The Commission’s understanding is that the definitive closure of units 3 and 4 will take
place in 2006 at the latest. Bulgaria should accelerate preparations for a comprehensive
decommissioning plan and start to implement it soon.
The status and the resources of Bulgaria’s regulatory authority should be further strengthened in
the short term and its independence should be guaranteed.
Bulgaria will need to ensure compliance with Euratom requirements and procedures. In this
respect, continued attention should be given to preparing the implementation of Euratom
Safeguards, in particular regarding the reporting of nuclear material flows and inventories
directly by the persons or undertakings operating nuclear installations or storing nuclear material.
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Chapter 15: Industrial policy
Since the last Regular Report, Bulgaria has made some further progress in its efforts to develop
and implement a market-oriented industrial policy aimed at creating a competitive and dynamic
market economy.
Industrial policy
is conducted within the framework of the Strategy for Improvement of the
Productive Sector, an integral part of the National Economic Development Plan 2000-2006. A
revised version of the Plan was drawn up under the overall co-ordination of the Ministry of
Regional Development and submitted, together with an independent
ex ante
evaluation, to the
Commission in May 2001.
Privatisation and restructuring
of state-owned enterprises and banks neared conclusion in
2000, including the sale of residual state shareholdings. The Privatisation Law was amended in
November 2000 to improve the efficiency and transparency of privatisation procedures and
reduce incentives favouring management and employee buy-outs.
There has been some further progress in restructuring the steel industry, though the process
remains incomplete. Following the sale of a majority stake in its largest steel plant, Bulgaria
submitted to the Commission in 2000 a viability plan for this plant which provided for a
significant restructuring including a reduction of capacity and employment over the coming
years. The authorities have emphasised that the steel industry does not receive any ongoing state
aids, and will not do so in future.
Many unviable state-owned enterprises are still being liquidated. Bankruptcy and liquidation
procedures were reformed during 2000, and special bankruptcy chambers established in 2001.
Overall assessment
Bulgaria’s policy towards industry is largely in conformity with the principles of EC industrial
policy, being market-based, stable and predictable. The National Economic Development
Plan, which states clearly national priorities in this field, needs to be finalised and fully embedded
in national decision-making to ensure that it plays an operational role in guiding policy.
Privatisation of commercial state-owned banks and enterprises is now nearing completion,
though the sales of the telecoms and tobacco companies have not yet taken place. There
continue to be complaints about a lack of transparency in some privatisation procedures. Less
progress has been made in placing the public utilities, notably in the energy and transport
sectors, on a financially sound and competitive basis. It is uncertain whether the steps so far
taken to restructure the steel industry are sufficient to assure its medium-term viability. There
remain concerns about the viability of some privatised enterprises, particularly those sold by
management or employee buy-out, where the new owners may lack the financial resources and
management skills to run the enterprises successfully.
Developments concerning Industrial policy should be seen in relation to the overall enterprise policy, including the SME
policy (see
Chapter 16 – Small and medium-sized enterprises).
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It is too soon to assess whether recent changes to the legal framework and procedures for
bankruptcy and liquidation have succeeded in streamlining the exit of unviable enterprises and
the recycling of their assets to more productive use.
It should be noted that an important element of any industrial policy is the control of state aid
and the compatibility of support schemes with EC rules, including the current rules of state aid
of the ECSC Treaty, which will have to be examined.Bulgaria maintains a restrictive approach
to granting state aids to industry, though the monitoring and control of state aids needs to be
(see chapter 6, competition).
The Ministry of Economy is responsible for developing and implementing industrial policy, with
supporting roles for the Ministries of Finance and Regional Development, the Privatisation
Agency, the National SME Agency and the Foreign Direct Investment Agency.
The Ministry of Economy generally plays a pro-active approach to industrial policy for the
sectors for which it has responsibility. Now that privatisation and restructuring is nearing
completion, the Ministry is re-orienting its role away from the control of state enterprises and
towards the wide-ranging reforms necessary to create a more favourable business environment.
This will require the Ministry to strengthen its co-operation with other ministries and public
agencies and to consult with business organisations on an equal and transparent basis.
While the Ministry of Finance has successfully implemented policies for macroeconomic
stability, it also needs to play a more pro-active role in developing and implementing economic
strategies to encourage private sector development. The capacity and profile of the Foreign
Direct Investment Agency and Centre for Export Promotion could usefully be enhanced.
Chapter 16: Small and medium-sized enterprises
Bulgaria has made some further progress in encouraging the creation and development of
While no particular developments can be reported regarding the overall
SME policy
as such,
efforts continued to create a more favourable
business environment,
and some of the reforms
will benefit small enterprises in particular. The work of an inter-institutional working group
resulted in the actual or proposed simplification or abolition of 121 licensing and other
requirements by the end of 2000. At the beginning of 2001, a number of tax reforms were
implemented to encourage incentives and business development, including a 5- percentage point
reduction in the rate of profit tax and a reduction of the VAT reclaim period. Dialogue between
the public administration and the business community intensified, with the Ministry of Economy
holding regular consultative meetings with business associations.
As far as access to finance is concerned, several new initiatives were launched with the
encouragement of the National SME Agency. The state-owned Promotional Bank increased its
lending activities to SMEs, while a variety of other state-owned and commercial banks stepped
up their SME lending, some with the support of donor credit lines. There remains a dearth of
venture capital for the provision of external equity finance to small businesses.
Developments concerning SME policy should be seen in relation to the overall enterprise policy, including the industrial
policy (see
Chapter 15 - Industrial policy).
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The Ministry of Economy and the National SME Agency in the Council of Ministers, with its six
regional offices, are responsible for developing and implementing SME policy. The Agency’s
staff rose to 34 persons during the past year, of which 12 are employed in the six regional
No development can be noted regarding the alignment of the
SME definition.
Overall assessment
Bulgaria’s SME policy is in line with the principles and objectives of EC enterprise policy,
though the Bulgarian definition of SMEs, notably as regards medium-sized enterprises, still
differs from the EC definition and should be aligned.
Bulgaria needs to persist with and intensify its efforts to develop a more favourable business
environment, and to address the administrative, financial, fiscal and managerial obstacles to
SME creation and development. Despite the removal and streamlining of numerous licensing
procedures, there remain significant administrative barriers to setting up and running a business
in Bulgaria. The slow and unpredictable functioning of the judicial system and the prevalence of
petty corruption are also cited by business people as deterrents to economic activity. Much
activity still takes place in the informal economy. Further efforts are required to develop the
capacity of business associations and ensure they are consulted in an even-handed and
transparent manner.
Greater resources for policy development and particularly implementation are required at the
Ministry of Economy and National SME Agency, at both central and regional levels. The
respective responsibilities of these two organisations for SME policy could usefully be clarified.
Co-ordination of both national and donor-supported activities in the area of SME development
should be improved.
Chapter 17: Science and research
Little progress has been made in this area since the last Regular Report.
Amendments to the Act on Higher Education were adopted in March 2001; they aim at
improving the system of institutional accreditation. A National Centre for Agricultural Science
was established in December 2000 and includes a national network with approximately 30
During the reference period, Bulgaria continued to be fully associated with the Fifth Framework
Programme, as well as with the Euratom Framework Programme. As for other candidate
countries associated with the Fifth Framework Programme, Bulgaria has been granted observer
status to CREST (Comité
pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique).
Overall assessment
Though the framework for co-operation in the field of science and technology is well
established, the research-related administrative capacities and infrastructure should be further
inter alia
to ensure successful association of Bulgaria to the Fifth Framework
Programme. For the further development of the sector and for an effective integration of
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Bulgaria into the European Research Area, it is important to increase the gross domestic
expenditure on research and technological development. The promotion of science and research
in Bulgaria will particularly need a further increase of business expenditure on research and
development (BERD), i.e. of expenditure on science and research activities from the industry,
small and medium-sized enterprises and the private business sector in general. Furthermore,
there is a need to foster research activities in universities and to introduce proper risk capital
legislation. Emigration of young and experienced specialists continues to hamper the
development of this sector.
An overall framework strategy for the development of research – although under- preparation –
is still missing. The same goes for legislation dealing with promotion of scientific research as well
as with high-tech parks and activities. The fact that almost no legislative developments have
taken place in the reference period, combined with the lack of an effective policy maker for this
sector (the National Council for Research and Technological Development lacks administrative
structure and support) and the still low percentage of GDP spent on science and research,
indicates that improvement of research and technological development has not been given
particular attention by the government in the reference period. The Ministry of Education and
Science lacks staff to deal effectively with research-related issues.
Chapter 18: Education and training
Some further progress has been made in this area over the past year.
During the reference period, Bulgaria started to participate in the second generation of the
Community programmes
Leonardo da Vinci and Socrates (
section A.b – Relations
between the European Union and Bulgaria).
Procedures for participation in the new Youth
programme (which incorporates European Voluntary Service activities) are underway.
No particular developments can be reported regarding the
Directive concerning education
of children of migrant workers.
Bulgaria has made little progress in
reforming its education and training system
and in
further introducing European standards. Secondary legislation was adopted which introduced
some state requirements for education and qualification of teachers as well as standard
conditions for progressive decentralisation concerning the admission of pupils to general
secondary schools. Concerning vocational education and training, expert groups have been
established on curricula reform and the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training
has drawn up a new list of vocations which has been approved by the Ministry of Education
and Science. Furthermore, a number of criteria and specific procedures for licensing have been
worked out for vocational education and training, as well as national educational programmes
for children (September 2000) and young people (September 2001).
Some measures were taken to improve equal access to higher education. Secondary legislation
on the organisation and activities of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency as well
as on the recognition of higher education in some foreign universities was adopted.
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Overall assessment
Participation in the Community Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci programmes is satisfactory and
the established national agencies are functioning. However, co-operation between the Ministry
of Education and Science and the National Agency for Socrates needs to be improved.
The Directive concerning the education of children of migrant workers still has to be fully
transposed and implementation ensured.
Though legislation for a mobile and adaptable vocational education and training system is in
place, including the regulation governing the organisation, management and financing of
vocational education and training, progress in implementing this comprehensive reform of the
vocational education and training system has not progressed significantly. There is no clear
strategy for and linkage between the planned optimisation and decentralisation of the vocational
education and training system. Capacity-building and development of vocational education and
training at regional level as well as teacher training reform should be given higher priority. Co-
operation between companies and schools remains limited. Investment in active labour market
measures, including workforce participation in continuing training, needs to be further enhanced.
Structured involvement of social partners in vocational education and training issues – though in
principle legally enshrined in existing legislation - is still insufficient and has resulted
inter alia
the absence of any national standards for acquiring vocational qualifications. The National
Agency for Vocational Education and Training – the body
inter alia
responsible for
accreditation and licensing in the area of vocational education and training - lacks human and
financial resources. Co-operation with the Ministry of Education and Science needs to be
Co-operation between enterprises, universities, the Ministry of Education and Science and
social partners needs to be further enhanced to overcome the existing (partial) skills mismatch in
the area of higher education. The current system of institutional evaluation and accreditation
lacks transparency.
Chapter 19: Telecommunications and Information Technology
Some progress has been made since the last regular report.
Concerning the
liberalisation of the telecommunication market,
Bulgaria’s second GSM
licence, valid for 15 years was awarded in January 2001 after a transparent international open
As regards the
regulatory framework,
the Ministry of Transport and Communications holds
ownership rights of the current main operator the Bulgarian Telecommunications Company
(BTC), but also performs some regulatory functions. In order to achieve a more effective
separation between ownership and regulatory functions, the Ministry of Transport and
Communications has undertaken to transfer ownership rights to another state body if BTC has
not been privatised by 1 January 2005.
The National Frequency Plan was updated in November 2000 and in May 2001. The
frequency allocation for GSM is now in line with the
Amendments to the
telecommunications law were adopted in April 2001. They further transpose the Licensing
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Directive and update the definition of Universal Service, although this still does not include
explicitly data and facsimile services in line with the
The amendments provide the State
Telecommunications Commission (STC) with the possibility
inter alia
to withdraw licenses of
any mobile operator that presents a threat to national security. The regulation of Voice Over
Internet Protocol was brought into line with the
A number of pieces of secondary legislation were adopted in 2001 thereby revising the licensing
arrangements for different telecommunication activities and establishing licensing regimes for
private mobile radio, fixed relay lines and VSAT services.
In 2001, Bulgaria revised its sector policy in telecommunications and its National Programme
for the development of the information society.
postal services,
in December 2000 Bulgaria adopted a strategy for the
development of this sector. Priorities include the upgrading of the national postal infrastructure,
the creation of proper conditions for attracting investments and the promotion of fair
competition among postal operators in view of planned liberalisation by 1 January 2003.
Overall assessment
Bulgaria has achieved a reasonable degree of alignment with the
but further efforts are
required on both transposition and enforcement in a number of areas.
Competition has finally been introduced into the GSM market in Bulgaria although there is
probably room for more operators in the market.
However, further transposition and enforcement of the
is required particularly in the
areas of cost orientation for operators with significant market power, and in carrier selection,
number portability and unbundling of the local loop. Progress needs to be made in improving the
efficiency of BTC so that the company can withstand competition after liberalisation envisaged
for 2003. It is still unclear how necessary investments to modernise fully BTC’s fixed line
network will be attracted. Consideration should be given to bringing forward the date for the
introduction of UMTS services which is envisaged for 2006 at the latest. The proposed
regulatory regime in Bulgaria needs to be reviewed to ensure that national security concerns do
not distort the civilian market.
Further steps will be necessary to strengthen the administrative capacity of the National
Regulatory Authority to enforce the
including an upgrading of its frequency management
capabilities. Several bodies share the responsibility for frequency allocation with the STC,
including the National Radio Frequency Council. Their respective roles need to be clarified. In
view of liberalisation on 1 January 2003 and the need to attract investments, consideration
should be given to bringing the date of 1 January 2005 forward for separation of ownership
from regulatory responsibilities.
Concerning postal services, further steps need to be taken to ensure that service quality does
not suffer from the lack of a fully independent regulatory authority after the planned full
liberalisation on 1 January 2003. Also, attention needs to be paid to ensuring the provision of
Universal Service.
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Although Bulgaria attaches some importance to the development of the information society,
consideration should be given to the allocation of greater financial resources to this area.
Chapter 20: Culture and audio-visual policy
Some developments have taken place in this area as concerns administrative capacity.
Concerning the
area, the administrative capacity of the National Council on Radio
and Television has improved in terms of human resources: staffing has increased from 30 in
2000 to 45 in 2001 (nine members of the Council and 36 in the secretariat).
A number of activities have been conducted in the area of monitoring, particularly as far as
prevention of violations of the Law on Radio and Television is concerned. The sanctioning
powers of the National Council on Radio and Television have been significantly strengthened
through the amendments to the Law on Radio and Television adopted in October 2000.
Sanctions on broadcasters can now be imposed without the involvement of the State
Telecommunication Commission.
No significant developments are to be reported in the field of
Overall assessment
Bulgaria has achieved substantial alignment with the
under this chapter.
Bulgaria has signed and ratified the Council of Europe Convention on Transfrontier Television
and its Protocol.
Though the administrative capacity, budget allocation and infrastructure of the National Council
on Radio and Television have somewhat improved in the reference period, further efforts in
these areas will be necessary.The premises, staff and infrastructure of this body are still
insufficient: for instance, monitoring activities are under-resourced, with inadequate equipment
and a base away from the main building. Proper monitoring structures still need to be developed
and particularly proper technical equipment will need to be at this body’s disposal. Given the
high number of license applications (525 license applications were received in 2000 and 320
licenses granted), the National Council on Radio and Television still needs to strengthen the
human resources it allocates to this activity. Only two people are currently dealing on a full-time
basis with licensing. Both the capacity and transparency of this body need to be strengthened, in
particular the transparency of the criteria used in licensing procedures. The current way in which
both the National Council of Radio and Television and the State Telecommunications
Commission are involved in the licensing process does not provide adequate transparency.
In the field of culture, the Directorate for International Cultural Policy at the Ministry of Culture
is responsible for Bulgarian cultural centres abroad as well as for cultural relations with the EU,
the Council of Europe, UNDP and other organisations.
Chapter 21: Regional Policy and co-ordination of structural instruments
Since the last Regular Report, little progress has been achieved in preparing for the
implementation of structural policies.
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No new developments can be reported concerning the
territorial organisation.
With regard to the
legislative framework,
a Council of Ministers decision was adopted in
December 2000 which creates a Regional Development and Sector Monitoring Sub-
Committee for cross border co-operation at central level. The Law on the Social Investment
Fund entered into force in April 2001. The Fund will provide financial assistance for the
implementation of projects given priority in the National Economic Development Plan. A law on
spatial planning was adopted in March 2001. Secondary legislation was adopted in June 2001
which revises the structure and functions of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public
Works. This aims to improve the
institutional structure
of the ministry by defining more
precisely the functions and responsibilities as regards planning, programming, management,
control, monitoring and evaluation of the relevant pre-accession programmes. New units
dealing with strategic planning and co-ordination are created. There has been some
administrative strengthening of the inter-ministerial Commissions for Economic and Social
Cohesion set up in 2000 in the six planning regions corresponding to NUTS II level.
capacity remains very limited. There has been some progress at the regional
level, where Commissions for Economic and Social Cohesion have started to participate in the
programming process. Sector strategies have been established for the relevant pre-accession
instruments. A revised version of the National Economic Development Plan was forwarded to
the Commission in May 2001 after an evaluation by consultants.
Very little progress has been made in setting up
evaluation and monitoring systems.
This is
the responsibility of the Ministry of Regional Development. The secondary legislation of June
2001, which revises the structure and functions of the Ministry of Regional Development and
Public Works, addresses this issue for the first time by envisaging the creation of a new
monitoring committee for the implementation of the National Economic Development Plan.
With a view to
financial management and control,
recently adopted secondary legislation
also creates a new structure for payment and accounting within the Ministry of Regional
Development. No developments can be reported concerning the preparation for a multi-annual
budgeting system.
No developments can be reported in the area of regional
Overall assessment
Bulgaria has advanced little in developing the necessary structures for the implementation of the
Structural Funds. Bulgaria needs to strengthen and accelerate considerably its efforts to be able
to manage these successfully upon EU accession.
Concerning territorial organisation, Bulgaria has six planning regions corresponding to NUTS II.
There is a need to define clearly the responsibilities of the ministries and all other bodies
involved in the preparation for future Structural Funds both at national and regional level.
Bulgaria needs to ensure that the structures for inter-ministerial co-ordination are efficient and
based on political consensus.
While administrative structures at regional level have been established, their role in programme
development, implementation and evaluation needs to be further clarified. Genuine partnership
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structures need to be established at regional level, including the regional and local authorities and
economic and social partners. This would ensure a more transparent involvement of the regions
in programming, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of EC assistance in line with the
partnership principle.
The existing legal framework does not provide clear provisions for institutional arrangements.
Recently passed legislation lacks a structured approach.
Administrative capacity on projects for regional development and economic and social cohesion
in key ministries remains a substantial problem. Capacity on preparation, implementation,
financial management and control, monitoring and evaluation is weak. Better-qualified and
better-trained staff are needed at all levels. The poor performance of the Ministry of Regional
Development in co-ordination and implementation of these projects is a matter of concern.
The experience from various preaccession programmes indicates that insufficient administrative
co-ordination between the Ministry of Regional Development and relevant line ministries has a
negative effect on the quality of programming, management and implementation of programmes.
The identification and development of projects continues to rely heavily on technical assistance.
Consequently, substantial improvement in the technical preparation of projects is necessary.
As regards programming, the significant number of programming documents results in the lack
of an integrated development framework. The National Economic Development Plan is not yet
fully embedded in national policy-making, including the preparation of the budget.
Consequently, it does not serve as an integrated and operational development tool. The quality
of this plan, which will serve as a programming document for pre-accession instruments prior to
accession, has somewhat improved compared to the previous version. However, it still contains
a number of inconsistencies. There is a lack of selectivity and prioritisation of measures
envisaged, notably in terms of coherence between the different development axes. This stems
from a lack of inter-ministerial co-ordination and consultation of relevant stakeholders, including
economic and social partners.
In the field of financial management and control, Bulgaria has made some progress. The legal
basis for adequate public internal financial control has been established. However, the newly
established internal audit departments still need to be strengthened. The training of internal
auditors should be a priority. To fulfil the specific requirements of the Structural Funds
regulations, appropriate systems and procedures for financial management and control need to
be established in relation to the structure of the managing and paying authorities. The
mechanism for the allocation of co-financing in the national budget is still not clear.
Significant work to ensure compliance with the
requirements for monitoring and
evaluation is still necessary, in particular as regards the ex-ante evaluation of the National
Development Plan and the collection of the relevant statistical information and indicators. The
timely availability and functioning of an effective monitoring and evaluation system will be of
crucial importance for the effective and efficient implementation of the Structural Funds.
In relation to the European Social Fund, substantial efforts are required to improve both the
administrative capacity and the mechanisms for co-ordination of European Social Fund
interventions in the context of the European Employment Strategy and the Inclusion Process.
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As to regional statistics, further efforts are necessary to bring these up to the level required for
regional policy planning and programming, in particular for ex-ante evaluation. Bulgaria still
needs to improve the system for the collection and processing of relevant statistical information.
Chapter 22: Environment
Since the last Regular Report, Bulgaria has made some significant progress in terms of
transposition of the EC environmental
The development of approximation programmes
and implementation strategies has continued. Implementation and cost of alignment remain,
however, challenges.
Efforts have been maintained towards the
integration of the environment into other
notably at local level.
In the field of
horizontal legislation,
no progress has been made in the reporting period, as the
delay in the adoption of the new Environmental Protection Act, designed to improve compliance
with a number of EC directives, has postponed the transposition of the
on environmental
impact assessment and access to environmental information.
As regards
air quality,
there was progress with transposition. The law on ratification of the
Protocol on persistent organic pollutants to the Convention on long-range transboundary air
pollution was adopted.
In the area of
harmonisation of legislation continued with the adoption of new
Regulations on batteries and accumulators, waste oils and sewage sludge. The Regulation
regarding permission for import, export and transit of waste was amended to align with the
In the field of
water quality,
secondary legislation was adopted regarding drinking
water, bathing water, fish and shellfish, groundwater and water management based on river
basins. Authorities responsible for water management have been designated.
In the field of
nature protection,
progress to align with the Directives on birds was made
through adoption of a law on hunting and game protection. In terms of administrative capacity,
directorates of the three national parks have been significantly reinforced.
As regards
industrial pollution control and risk management,
the transposition of the
Directives on integrated pollution prevention and control and on control of major accident
hazards has been delayed. An inventory of enterprises and sites covered by the Directive on
control of major accident hazards was commenced. As regards administrative capacity, the
Ministry of Environment and Water has developed a multi-annual implementation plan.
As regards
genetically modified organisms
, there was no new development. Regarding
a number of laws and secondary legislation were adopted in order to align with the
Bulgaria ratified the Rotterdam Convention on international trade in certain dangerous
chemical substances and pesticides and the Cartagena Protocol on bio-safety.
There were no new developments as regards
from vehicles and machinery.
In the field of
radiation protection
also chapter 14 - Energy),
there were no further
developments in the reporting period.
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Whilst it is difficult to give a precise figure on investment and expenditure on environment, there
has been an increase in funding from the national budget, national environmental protection fund
and other sources (e.g. municipalities, donor funding and private investors). The total amount is
over 2.0% of GDP for 1999.
Overall assessment
Bulgaria has reached a fairly good level of alignment with the
Efforts will however
continue to need strengthening, in particular in relation to transposition of the
environmental impact assessment, air quality, waste management, water quality, nature
protection, industrial pollution control and risk management and radiation protection.
Achieving full implementation continues to be a challenge. Particular emphasis needs to be put
on the development of implementation plans, including financing strategies, and institutional
strengthening to ensure proper implementation. This is relevant for all sectors.
The environmental situation has generally improved in Bulgaria, also as an effect of the
economic restructuring and the closure or modernisation of polluting enterprises. There are still
environmental hot spots which should be treated, for example the air quality in big cities such as
Sofia and Plovdiv. Major efforts are still needed, as was pointed out last year, in terms of
consultation with, and information for, industry on its responsibilities and obligations, notably as
regards the preparation of necessary investments. The national programmes for investments that
have been finalised to date must be followed by concrete results on the ground. Further
progress is needed, however, regarding transposition and implementation, in particular as
regards landfill and incineration of waste. Bulgaria benefits from a well-preserved nature and
wild life that is attracting more and more visitors in many areas of the country. Further
transposition is still needed on the habitats directive and certain aspects of the birds’ directive,
and concrete implementation measures are still needed. The attention that has been paid to
nature protection should be maintained and enhanced.
In the field of radiation protection, delays in adopting the new act on protection of the
environment have postponed the adoption of a legislative basis for radiation background
Meeting the requirements of the environment sector requires enhanced efforts and co-operation
between the various ministries and with the other relevant organisations. Most European issues
are centralised in the European Integration Unit in the Environment Ministry. Co-ordination with
other ministries remains strongly dependent on the resources allocated, in particular by the
Ministries of Agriculture and Health. The Ministry of the Environment needs to be strengthened.
Administrative capacity at local level also remains a matter of concern. Implementation of
environmental policy is entrusted to the regions and municipalities, a level at which there are still
major weaknesses. Training is needed on the requirements of the
inspectorates need to be reinforced, notably as regards waste management and nature
protection. Awareness at regional and local levels should also be improved. Dialogue and co-
operation with NGOs and local populations remains limited, especially in terms of access to
information and of the environmental impact assessment procedure.
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Bulgaria should pay increasing attention to the integration of environmental protection
requirements into the definition and implementation of all other sectoral policies with a view to
promoting sustainable development.
Chapter 23: Consumer and health protection
During the reference period little progress has been made in terms of legal alignment.
Some progress was made on
safety-related measures.
Secondary legislation was adopted in
May 2001, which is intended to transpose the
on dangerous imitations.
No major progress can be reported as regards
non-safety related measures.
Some progress has been made in implementing the Law on Consumer Protection and Trade
Rules of 1999, which creates the general framework for consumer protection in Bulgaria. Some
efforts have been made to enhance the administrative capacity and infrastructure of the
Commission on Trade and Consumer Protection, which is the main enforcement body in the
field of consumer protection and
market surveillance.
The Commission on Trade and
Consumer Protection has concluded some agreements with other controlling bodies (e.g.
Standardisation Agency, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Ministry of
Agriculture and Forests, Customs Agency) in 2000, aiming at better co-ordination and co-
operation in the area of market surveillance.
Following checks carried out, the Commission on Trade and Consumer Protection issued 7063
penalty acts in 2000. An information system has been established. This contains consumer
claims a register of sites checked and the result of the checks. Progress has been made in the
handling of consumer complaints. A number of out of court settlements have been made through
the nine Conciliation Commissions.
The National Council on Consumer Protection, a consultative body to the Minister of Economy,
has been more active in this period. A step forward is that this body has triggered a public
discussion on how to deal with consumer rights to provision of public utilities, even though these
issues are not yet specifically mentioned in existing legislation. A plan of priorities for 2001 has
been developed and partly implemented, including continued efforts to strengthen the market
surveillance system, the information exchange system for dangerous products and the
administrative capacity of Conciliation Commissions. Some measures were taken to develop the
system for exchange of information on dangerous goods, both at national level and through the
TRAPEX system, which operates in countries of central and eastern Europe.
Overall assessment
Bulgaria has already transposed a considerable part of the
The adoption of the Law on
Trade and Consumer Protection in 1999 has been followed by the adoption of a number of
implementing regulations. However, further alignment is needed particularly as concerns certain
aspects of the sales of consumer goods and associated guarantees, injunctions for the protection
of consumer interests, package travel, timeshare and consumer credit, which have not been
transposed into national legislation or, as it is the case for distance contracts, are only partially
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Full adoption and implementation of the
is hampered by a number of factors. Effective
co-ordination between market surveillance authorities and other control bodies with regard to
product safety is still lacking. This is partly due to existing legislation which indicates that the
Commission on Trade and Consumer Protection is responsible for market surveillance in all
areas where sector specific legislation has not been issued. While implementation of the Law on
Trade and Consumer Protection has improved, market surveillance continues to be conducted
on an ad hoc basis and lacks a proper strategy and is not co-ordinated. The quality of checks
of the Commission on Trade and Consumer Protection is limited due to the lack of funding for
testing laboratories. The consumer protection department in the Ministry of Economy works in
relative isolation. Though the National Council for Consumer Protection has been slightly more
active, no legislative proposals have been made concerning consumers interests in the area of
public utilities.
Municipal consumer protection units envisaged by existing legislation are only partly established.
However, the major municipalities are already covered by the structures of the Commission of
Trade and Consumer Protection.
Insufficient attention has been paid to misleading advertising and to the protection of consumers’
interests in cases of unfair contract terms.
Overall, further strengthening of the market surveillance and enforcement capacity of the
Commission of Trade and Consumer Protection is necessary. Effective consumer access to
justice with a view to individual redress remains limited since relevant courts lack proper
capacity to deal with consumer protection legislation. The capacity of Conciliation Commissions
needs to be further strengthened. A number of out of court dispute settlements have been
suspended, partly due to a lack of understanding as to which issues are to be dealt with by
these bodies.
Though consumer associations are relatively numerous and have in general a good working
relationship with the government, they lack proper capacity themselves which results in a
relatively low impact on the development of a culture of consumer protection within the
population. Currently, seven consumer associations are operational in Bulgaria. Six of them
participate in the National Council on Consumer Protection. However, none of them takes on
the role of an umbrella organisation.
Chapter 24 - Co-operation in the field of justice and home affairs
Since the last report, Bulgaria has continued to make progress in most areas in terms of aligning
its legislation to the
Substantial efforts to strengthen administrative capacity will need to
The adoption of a
personal data protection
act has been delayed several times, but is in
Parliament. No progress is to be reported as regards the ratification of the Council of Europe
Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal
Significant efforts over the past few years have brought Bulgaria’s
policy largely into line
with the policy of the EU. As a result, since 10 April 2001 Bulgaria has enjoyed a visa-free
regime with all Schengen member states. From October 2001, Bulgaria introduced visa
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obligation for citizens from Russia, Ukraine and Georgia. At the end of 2000, a new Training
Centre for Consular officers was established. The equipment of the Visa Centre in the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs is being updated with the introduction of a new visa control computer system.
Bulgaria has introduced a visa classification that is in line with the Schengen classification. The
provisions of the Bulgarian Identity Documents Act and the Regulation on the Terms and
Conditions for Issuing Visas by the Diplomatic and Consular Missions of the Republic of
Bulgaria are in line with the requirements for a uniform visa format. Border police officials have
access to the database on all visas issued by the visa centre, thereby reducing the possibilities
for misuse or falsification. The Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) has been
operational since October 2000 at the main border check points.
The preparation for future participation in
is partially underway. Border police
officials operate an automated information system, which contains categories of information
similar to those of the Schengen Information System. However, some of the legal framework is
still missing.
The process of replacing the identity documents of Bulgarian citizens and long-term residents,
which started in 2000, continued and is due to be completed by the end of 2001. The new
Bulgarian passports and identity documents are considered to be of very high quality from the
point of view of document security.
Some progress has been registered in alignment with, and implementation of, the
in the
field of
external border
control. Demilitarisation of the border police has continued, but at a
slower pace than envisaged last year. The Bulgarian border police is being transformed into a
modern agency with increasing focus on human resource policy. The first specialised border
police training centre was established in October 2000. However, there is still room for
improvement as regards co-operation with other national agencies working in the field of border
According to statistics from the National Border Police Service, 6,071,759 border crossings
were registered in the period 1 January - 20 June 2001. This is about the same number as the
previous period. However, 862 people were denied exit, which is 25.62% more than in the
first half of 2000. 2,602 foreign nationals were denied entry for violating the passport and visa
regime (2.47% less compared to last year). Over the reference period, 859 foreign nationals
were expelled from Bulgaria and the number of readmitted persons was 1.268 (40.62% less
than last year). The latter figure does not take into account the high number of Bulgarian citizens
returned from Norway over the summer of 2001.
As regards
the 1998 Foreign Nationals Act, which regulates the conditions of entry,
stay and control of foreigners in Bulgaria, has been brought further into line with the
Amendments entered into force in April 2001 in areas such as family reunification, travel
facilities for school pupils from third countries residing in a Member State, marriages of
convenience and admission of self-employed persons. Since November 2000, the border
police at Sofia airport has been checking identity documents of persons coming from countries
representing a risk whilst the passengers are still on board aeroplanes.
A readmission agreement between Bulgaria and Ukraine was signed in September 2001. In
May 2001, Bulgaria and Croatia approved a readmission agreement. Bulgaria also submitted
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draft readmission agreements to Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, Russia, Tunisia and Lebanon, and
signed a readmission agreement with FYROM in June 2001. Bulgaria and Turkey have
exchanged readmission agreement drafts. A readmission agreement with the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia entered into force in August 2001.
As regards administrative capacity, in May 2001, the Ministry of Interior established a Human
Trafficking Task Force. This comprises representatives from different ministries and the
judiciary. It started working on the preparation of a Memorandum of Co-operation, which
should lead to a common action framework against trafficking. A permanent working group has
been established to solve urgent migration problems in Bulgaria.
The National Action Plan on
policy has been followed by a report on further
harmonisation of national legislation with the
An interdepartmental working group
chaired by the Agency for Refugees has been formed to ensure full compliance of the Refugees
Act, with the 1951 Geneva Convention (e.g. as regards the non-refoulement principle) and the
Apart from the ratification of the Agreement between Bulgaria and Belgium on
in March 2001, no progress can be reported in the area of police co-operation.
Bulgaria is still negotiating a co-operation agreement with Europol.
Also, with regard to the
fight against organised crime
, little progress can be reported.
Proposed amendments to the Penal Code were rejected by the last National Assembly before
the recent elections took place. In September 2001, Bulgaria and Ukraine signed an agreement
on co-operation in combating crime and a protocol on co-operation between the respective
Ministries of Interior.
As far as the
fight against fraud and corruption
is concerned, (see
also Section B.1.1. -
Democracy and the rule of law)
little progress can be reported. However, in October 2001,
Bulgaria adopted a national anti-corruption strategy, which is a positive step.
In the area of
some progress can be noted as regards approximation of legislation
through the adoption of several legal instruments to make the 1999 narcotic drugs and
precursors control act operational, but the legislation is not yet fully harmonised with the
In 2000, the Bulgarian Customs Agency intercepted a total of 2,620 kg of narcotics. 71% of
this was heroin originating from the Middle East. Between January 2001 and August 2001 the
Bulgarian Customs authorities seized a total of 1,260 kg of narcotic substances, including 948
kg of heroine.
money laundering,
the Bureau of Financial Intelligence was established as a
separate agency by virtue of a law adopted in the beginning of 2001. The bureau collects,
inspects, analyses and reveals information related to money laundering activity. It may use inter-
service, banking or commercial confidential information, as well as protected personal data. The
new provisions widen the range of legal entities under an obligation to identify their clients in
case of operations over € 15 320 to include for example the Bulgarian National Bank, pension
funds and sports organisations. Entities obliged to provide relevant information to the bureau
must adopt internal rules of control and submit these to the agency for approval.
In the area of
customs co-operation,
in July 2001 Bulgaria adopted a strategy for rationalising
border operations performed by Bulgarian Customs. Bulgaria included the provisions of the
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Istanbul Convention on temporary admission in the Customs Act and its implementing
regulation, so that it can join the convention in 2002. It also concluded a bilateral customs co-
operation agreement with the USA and entered into arrangements with Slovenia, Slovakia and
the Czech Republic, through CEFTA. As to administrative capacity, the Customs Agency
adopted a strategy on organisation and management of human resources.
As regards
judicial co-operation in criminal and civil matters,
some progress has been
made. In April 2001, Bulgaria ratified the UN Convention against trans-national organised
crime including the Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially
women and children, and the Protocol against smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air. In
March 2001, it adopted a law on withdrawal of Bulgaria’s reservation on article 12 of the
European Convention on Extradition. This reservation allowed Bulgaria to retain its right to
request evidence of crime from the country claiming extradition, which hampered the quick
examination of the extradition requests.
Overall assessment
Overall, Bulgaria is quite well advanced in alignment in the areas of visa policy, migration,
border control, customs co-operation and judicial co-operation. However, in all these areas,
efforts to upgrade the administrative capacity will need to continue. Shortcoming remains in
implementation capacity, training and equipment.
Bulgaria has not yet adopted a law on
data protection,
so it does not yet have a system of
protection of personal data compatible with the
Bulgaria has already largely aligned its
policy with that of the European Union. It maintains
visa-free regimes with FYROM, Romania, Tunisia, and Yugoslavia. Despite recent efforts,
the capacity of the visa centre will need to be strengthened to deal efficiently with the large
increase in the number of requests for visas.
Bulgaria has established an automated information system, which contains categories of
information similar to those of the
Information System, and has introduced a visa
classification in compliance with the Schengen classification, but needs to adopt the necessary
laws in order to have a comprehensive legal framework in this field. It still needs to bring the
procedure for issuing transit visas for Turkish citizens at the Bulgarian border into line with the
Bulgaria should continue its overall preparation for future participation in the Schengen
area and develop and present a Schengen Action Plan.
As regards
external borders
, demilitarisation of the border police continues and a border
management strategy has been developed. However there is a need to widen it towards an
integrated border management strategy whereby all agencies active in the border region - in
particular the future external border of the EU - are involved.
Although the border police has started the process of modernising its mobility, communication
and surveillance equipment, the equipment used at the green and blue borders is to a large
extent outdated and not fully operational, in particular as concerns radio communication.
Regarding administrative capacity, the current structure comprises a central directorate with ten
main divisions and 13 regional border sectors. The central directorate directs and controls 28
border checkpoints. As of March 2001, the strength of the National Border Police Service was
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8,168 , of whom 4,468 were professional police officers and sergeants, 3,013 military
conscripts and 687 technical personnel.
With regard to
there are now readmission agreements with all EU member states
(except the United Kingdom and Ireland) and with Norway, the Czech Republic, Poland,
Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, and Yugoslavia. Bulgaria is negotiating with the United
Kingdom and Ireland. Bulgaria should continue its current efforts and sign further agreements
with candidate countries and third countries.
Bulgarian legislation on
is already to a large extent aligned with the
and the main
international instruments such as the UN Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees of
1951, the New York Protocol on the Status of Refugees of 1967, and the European
Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 1950. However
a number of gaps in the legislation exist and will need to be addressed in the amendments to the
Refugees Act. The current role of the police, in particular the border police, in the accelerated
procedure for asylum applications, as well as the lack of a fully independent appeal procedure
against these decisions, is not in line with EU standards and provisions. This needs to be
addressed. The number of asylum seekers in Bulgaria remains limited, although a sharp increase
in the number of applications lodged in the past year can be noted. According to the Agency of
Refugees, 1,513 filed for asylum in Bulgaria between January and August 2001. Refugee status
has been granted to 292 people, and humanitarian status to 750 in this period. From March
1993 to the end of August 2001, 7,451 asylum request were filed in Bulgaria. Refugee status
was granted in this period to 1,188 persons.
Infrastructure remains to a certain extent underdeveloped; there is one refugee centre in Sofia
with a capacity of about 500 persons and another centre in Banya with a capacity of 60
persons. In addition, a temporary transit centre for refugees has been opened at the Kapitan
Andreevo border checkpoint with the assistance of the UNHCR and a non-governmental
organisation. The Government has adopted a decree establishing two registration centres at
Sofia airport and the Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint, but work is still at a preparatory
stage. In this perspective, Bulgaria needs to make substantial efforts to have sufficient capacity
in refugee transit centres and administrative screening. Additional efforts are needed also to
better integrate recognised asylum seekers and refugees into Bulgarian society.
In the field of
police co-operation and the fight against organised crime
, Bulgaria has
signed intergovernmental agreements on combating international organised crime with Austria,
Belgium, Greece, Italy and Spain, as well as with the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland,
Romania and Slovakia.
As regards administrative capacity, the Bulgarian Police Services are handicapped by a
complicated organisational structure which results in a significant overlap of responsibilities (e.g.
between the Criminal Police and the National Service to Combat Organised Crime), services
with unclear roles (e.g. the Gendarmerie) and a lack of communication between different police
forces (especially at local and regional level). Despite the fact that police officers are
comparatively well paid (above the national average), the police force suffers from a poor image
linked to perceived corruption. The main reason for this is the lack of transparency and
accountability in the Bulgarian Police. The introduction of a modern human resources policy is
indispensable to improve the efficiency within the Police services.
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Bulgaria is a source of, and transit country for, trafficking of human beings. Women from
Romania, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are trafficked for
sexual exploitation to FYROM, Greece, Turkey, Kosovo, Bosnia, Italy, Poland, and other
countries in western Europe. Although Bulgaria is making significant efforts to combat
trafficking, these need to be strengthened. Bulgaria does not have a specific anti-trafficking law
but uses other provisions to prosecute trafficking, which makes taking cases to court more
difficult. Bulgaria does investigate trafficking, encourages victims to testify, and has two police
units dedicated to the problem. Statistics on prosecutions are unavailable, but it appears that
few traffickers have been prosecuted yet. Bulgaria also needs to adopt a programme for
prevention and for the protection of victims.
As regards the
fight against fraud and corruption,
significant further efforts need to be
undertaken. A new strategy to combat organised crime needs to be developed. With regard to
the protection of the financial interests of the European Communities, Bulgaria needs to
complete aligning its legislation with the
and in particular with the 1995 Convention on
the Protection of the Financial Interests of the European Communities and its protocols.
In the area of
Bulgaria has adopted several legal instruments to make the 1999 narcotic
drugs and precursors control act operational, but needs to make further efforts to harmonise its
legislation with the
It also needs to elaborate a comprehensive national anti-drugs
strategy, covering not only the law enforcement side but also the prevention and health aspects,
and to strengthen the administrative capacity in this area. Regarding administrative capacity, the
National Council on Narcotic Drugs has set up a secretariat, which should become the National
Focal point for co-operation with the European Monitoring Cemtre for Drugs and Drugs
Addiction in Lisbon. However, the Focal Point is not operational yet.
The Bureau of Financial Intelligence (BFI) still lacks the capacity to deal efficiently with the
documents submitted by the numerous entities and thus additional resources should be
provided. Co-operation between the BFI and other law enforcement agencies and the judiciary
in particular remains an issue of great concern. The BFI is a modern agency with a small but
highly motivated staff. However, an anti-money
policy can only be successful if
co-operation between BFI and all other law enforcement agencies is successful and in particular
if all cases brought to the attention of the court by the BFI are also treated with the attention
they deserve.
Bulgaria is party to the major international agreements in the area of
co-operation and
is preparing for accession to the EC conventions in this area upon accession. It has concluded
bilateral agreements with Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Greece, FYROM, Mongolia, Romania,
Russia, Turkey, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, the USA and Yugoslavia. Intelligence and
investigation services within the Bulgarian customs are being established but do not yet meet EU
standards. They are in need of both administrative strengthening and specialised training,
including in covert surveillance techniques. The effectiveness of their work will depend on the
further development of risk analysis and modern methods to fight fraud and corruption.As
regards the fight against fraud and corruption, significant further efforts need to be undertaken.
As regards
judicial co-operation
in criminal and civil matters, Bulgaria has signed 37 bilateral
agreements on judicial co-operation and multilateral agreements with its neighbours to combat
transnational organised crime. Judges and practitioners still face major difficulties in extradition
cases. Bulgaria's existing reservation on article 23 of the European Convention on Extradition,
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which requires an extradition request to be submitted to the court with a translation into one of
the official languages of the Council of Europe, causes delay and loss of procedural time.
The capacity to deal with international legal cases, and in particular for extradition matters,
needs to be reinforced in order to deal rapidly with incoming requests. The Directorate
responsible for this in the Ministry of Justice needs to be strengthened. The appropriate level of
co-operation as regards mutual recognition and enforcement of judicial decisions, and direct
court-to-court dealings in cross-border situations also needs to be ensured.
human rights
legal instruments covered by the Justice and Home Affairs
have been
ratified by Bulgaria, with the exception of the 1981 Council of Europe Convention on the
protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data.
Chapter 25: Customs Union.
Bulgaria has made some progress in this field since the last Regular Report.
As regards alignment with the
EC Customs Code and its implementing provisions,
it can be
noted that Bulgaria has already achieved a high degree of alignment. Bulgaria made further
progress in aligning its legislation on free zones, transit, recovery of customs debt and customs
regimes with economic impact.
As far as the
outside the Customs Code
is concerned, legislation was
adopted which further aligns Bulgaria’s legislation in the field of duty reliefs and cultural goods
with the
A more detailed procedure for administering tariff quotas, defining the
responsibilities of the customs offices and the central customs directorate was introduced.
As far as the
administrative and operational capacity
to implement the
is concerned,
little progress can be reported. Rules of procedure for the National Customs Agency were
adopted and an ordinance on the procedures related to the customs declaration was amended.
In order to prevent corruption among customs officials, Bulgaria formalised ethics rules,
provided training, introduced a rotation system, strengthened control of employees and their
secondary income, and increased sanctions.
The legal framework has improved with the adoption of the law on the civil service, which
applies to customs officers and which stipulates that civil servants shall be recruited through
general selection tests only. However, transitional rules are being applied, and recruitment is
often done by local offices on the basis of diverging criteria. Only about 750 customs officers,
out of a total of about 3,750, are likely to be employed as civil servants, as opposed to
employment under a fixed-term contract. Salaries are low and staff turnover is high.
A regulation determining the organisation of the central administration of the customs
administration has been adopted, but the rules for the organisation of the 5 regional directorates
have not yet been published. Compared to the previous structure, it can be noted that a post-
clearance control directorate in charge of preventing and collecting customs debts has been
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Overall assessment
Bulgarian legislation is in a large part identical to the EC Customs Code, so a high degree of
legislative alignment has been achieved. Some further adaptation is needed, for example in
customs debts appeals procedures.
As far as the customs
outside the Customs Code is concerned, further alignment is
required. Bulgaria’s integrated customs tariff contains a number of elements of the EC
Integrated Tariff (TARIC), however, some elements such as anti-dumping and countervailing
duties, reference and minimum prices, export and import restrictions and prohibitions are not yet
included in the integrated tariff.
Regarding the administrative and operational capacity to implement the
Bulgaria needs
to strengthen substantially its administrative capacity and capacity to combat fraud.
Communication between the various directorates should be improved as regards analysis and
discussion of regulatory changes. A basic declaration processing system has been set up, but
the issue of interconnectivity and compatibility with systems used by EU customs administrations
will need to be addressed. Many border crossing points still lack modern equipment, in
particular laboratory and detection equipment, e.g. for container screening.
Considerable further efforts are needed in order to combat corruption among customs officials.
Apart from improving detection mechanisms, Bulgaria will have to ensure that sufficient numbers
of its customs staff benefit from the statutory protection offered by the status of civil servant, in
particular with regard to staff performing clearance operations or post-clearance audits. The
rules on recruitment have to be more coherent and transparent, and the criteria of dismissal must
be made much more precise. Salaries remain low and career management needs to be
improved. Moreover, officials need strengthened investigative powers.
Training is necessary to ensure that customs offices apply the rules in a uniform way. There is
also a need for better co-ordination with other border-related services, especially the border
police and the other police forces.
Chapter 26: External relations
Since the previous Regular Report, Bulgaria has continued to align with the
with regard
to the common commercial policy and to co-ordinate positions and policies within the World
Trade Organisation with those of the EU. Bulgarian policy in this area follows the path of further
liberalisation of global trade, notably its trade relations with preferential partners, in particular
with the EU.
As regards the
common commercial policy,
upon accession Bulgaria will be required to align
its tariffs with those of the EU. Bulgaria’s applied MFN tariffs currently average 12.7% on all
products, 23.7% on agricultural products, 10.1% on industrial products and 11.8% on fish and
fish products. By comparison the EC tariffs
currently stand at 6.3% on all products, 16.2% on
agricultural products, 3.6% on industrial products and 12.4% on fish and fish products.
WTO bound tariffs after full implementation of all concessions including - where possible - estimated ad valorem
equivalents of specific and compound tariffs.
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Bulgaria increased its tariff rates from 25% to 40% for fertilisers (only ammonium nitrate, not
carbamide) during the reporting period, but abolished the measure before schedule. This
safeguard measure was justified by the need to ensure higher protection for the local fertiliser
plants against relatively low-cost import mainly from Romania. The rate did not concern EU
companies but was applicable on imports from CEFTA countries.
Legislative progress has been made in further liberalising and streamlining the licensing
procedures to facilitate imports and exports.
Amendments to the law on export insurance, ensuring further alignment with the
indicated as a short-term priority in the NPAA, were not adopted as foreseen. Nevertheless,
there has been progress in implementing the provisions of the law on export insurance.
In the field of dual-use goods, the law on controlling arms was not passed by the Parliament,
although the first reading took place in 1999.
Negotiations on a new wine and spirits agreement with the EC were finalised in December
2000. Negotiations on further trade concessions for processed agricultural products have been
concluded on a technical level.
bilateral agreements with third countries,
a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) was
signed with Lithuania and the FTA with Israel was ratified in 2001. Negotiations are ongoing for
concluding FTAs with Latvia, Estonia, Croatia and Morocco.
Bulgaria became a signatory to the Memorandum of Understanding on Trade Liberalisation and
Facilitation in the framework of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe on 27 June 2001.
Under this Memorandum of Understanding, Bulgaria has committed to conclude with the six
other signatories (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
FYROM and Romania) a network of bilateral free trade agreements by 2002, liberalising at
least 90% of their trade, within a transitional period of six years.
Bulgaria progressed further towards accession to the WTO Public Procurement Agreement. It
submitted the questionnaire/check-list required by the WTO Committee on Public Procurement.
The next step will be for Bulgaria to prepare its offer on public procurement.
Concerning the Information Technology Agreement (ITA), Bulgaria has been applying its
provisions on an autonomous basis. In February 2001 Bulgaria submitted its list of commitments
concerning tariff reductions on IT products and the list was approved by the WTO. At present
the formal decision by the committee on the accession of Bulgaria to the ITA is expected.
In the field of
development policy and humanitarian aid,
Bulgaria has so far no specific
budget allocation for these purposes.
Overall assessment
Bulgaria is rather advanced in the area of bilateral free trade agreements with EC preferential
partners, in regional trade liberalisation as well as with regard to its overall trade policy. Further
progress is however still needed to achieve full alignment with the EC’s international trade
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Bulgaria has progressed towards acceding to WTO instruments, particularly in the fields of
public procurement and IT. It will need to have joined the WTO plurilateral agreements on IT
and Government Procurement by the time of accession to the EU. In addition, further co-
operation is needed to ensure the alignment of Bulgaria's GATS commitments with EC
commitments and MFN exemptions. With regards to the WTO Agreement for Textiles and
Clothing (ATC), Bulgaria needs to use its third stage notification to align its list of integrated
products under the ATC to the EU's while avoiding integrating products that have not yet been
integrated by the EC.
Bulgaria actively co-ordinates its policy in the WTO with the EU and has been supportive of
EU policies and positions within the WTO framework. As regards a new WTO round, Bulgaria
concurs with the EU on the need to launch a comprehensive trade round as soon as possible
and shares the view that the results of work under the built-in agenda would be less substantial
in its absence.
Bulgaria has bilateral Free Trade Agreements with the CEFTA countries, EFTA, FYROM,
Lithuania and Israel.
Bulgaria should keep the Union fully informed about existing trade agreements or negotiations
aimed at the conclusion of any new trade agreements with a third country. Any international
agreement which is incompatible with the obligations of membership will have to be renegotiated
or renounced prior to accession.
Where medium and long-term export credits are granted, further alignment with the
still necessary.
Further alignment is also necessary in the field of dual-use goods.
Bulgaria’s alignment with and future participation in the common commercial policy is
administered by the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Export
Insurance Agency. The administrative capacity in the area (particularly in the trade policy area,
FTAs and bilateral relations) is good overall; human resources have a high level of qualification
and are sufficiently experienced. Substantial work still lies ahead in the area of export control.
The administrative infrastructure which needs to be in place as regards customs services is
addressed under
chapter 25 –Customs union.
Decisions on development and humanitarian aid are made by the Council of Ministers. Bulgaria
should ensure that preparations are made to ensure the administrative infrastructure
(participation in EU committees and working groups) for development co-operation is in place
upon accession. For the purpose of Bulgaria’s future financial contribution to the European
Development Fund, Bulgaria’s management of its national budget organisation and management
of flow of funds to the EC budget is addressed under
chapter 29 – Financial and budgetary
Chapter 27: Common foreign and security policy
Since the previous Regular Report, Bulgaria has continued to align its foreign policy with that of
the European Union and has participated constructively in the framework of the Common
Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).
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The regular
political dialogue
established by the Association Agreement with Bulgaria is
proceeding smoothly and Bulgaria continues to orient its foreign and security policy towards the
Union. It continues to participate actively in the framework of the CFSP, including all the
relevant meetings at the level of Political Directors, European Correspondents and Working
Bulgaria has shown a keen interest in the development of the European Security and Defence
Policy (ESDP) as part of CFSP and has actively participated in the exchanges in this context
with the EU, in the EU + 15 format (i.e. non-EU European NATO members and candidates for
accession to the EU). Bulgaria has developed considerable efforts to support international
peacekeeping missions and has participated in a series of UN, KFOR and OSCE
peacekeeping observer operations.
Bulgaria played an active role in the first Capabilities Commitment Conference in November
2000 and, in March 2001, held bilateral consultations with the EU on its participation in ESDP
missions. It has announced its preparedness to contribute both to the EU Rapid Intervention
Force missions and to EU civilian instruments for crisis management.
As regards alignment with
EU statements and declarations
, Bulgaria's statements have
consistently been in line with those of the Union and when invited to do so it has associated itself
with the Union’s joint actions and common positions, including
sanctions and restrictive
Since October 2000, it associated itself with 8 EU common positions, including 3
on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Bulgaria has trilateral co-operation relationships with Greece and Romania, Romania and
Turkey, FYROM and Albania, and Greece and Turkey. It is an active member of the Stability
Pact. Relations with most neighbours remain good or even improved (Romania, FRY). The
developments in FYROM have been of great concern in Bulgaria and a priority of the
Regarding arms exports, the law on control of trade in arms, which had its first reading in
Parliament in 1999, has not yet been adopted and will need to be amended to ensure full
compatibility with EU rules. On 5 April 2001 a decree was adopted imposing a ban or
restrictions on the sale and supply of armaments and equipment of any kind, including arms and
ammunition, military means of transportation, spare parts and military assistance and training of
military personnel to 19 countries. The decree was adopted in compliance with UN Security
Council resolutions and decisions of the EU and the OSCE. Bulgaria thus adopted the practice
of EU Member States where the government indicates which countries are subject to sanctions.
Overall assessment
Bulgaria’s alignment in this field is satisfactory. Bulgaria continues to contribute substantially and
actively to regional stability. Bulgaria maintains good relations with its neighbours and adopted a
constructive attitude to the FYROM crisis (supporting the EU initiatives and the international
community). As the
in the field of foreign policy and security develops further, Bulgaria
should maintain the orientation of its foreign policy in line with that of the Union.
Concerning the administrative capacity to implement the provisions relating to the CFSP, the
Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has an administrative set-up compatible with EU Member
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States’ CFSP structures. The Bulgarian MFA is connected to the Associated Correspondent’s
Network’s information system through which the EU communicates within the CFSP with the
associated partners.
Chapter 28: Financial control
During the period covered by this Regular Report, Bulgaria has made further progress in this
As regards
public internal financial control,
the new Public Internal Financial Control (PIFC)
law came into effect at the beginning of 2001. The law allows the independent PIFC Agency in
the Ministry of Finance to perform
ex ante
control and a centralised version of internal audit.
The Agency is also responsible for harmonising internal audit systems and financial management
and control in the wider public sector. Regulations relating to the implementation of the new law
were adopted in May. Meanwhile, a regulation on the structure of the Agency was adopted in
February 2001, the Agency now has a total of 1 421 staff, including 1 134 auditors, in Sofia
and the country’s 28 administrative regions.
As regards
external audit,
the National Audit Office (NAO) prepared new legislation in 2000
to bring the legal framework into line with internationally accepted and EU-compliant external
audit standards, in consultation with the European Court of Auditors and as foreseen in the
NAO’s Strategic Plan. The draft legislation was withdrawn from the National Assembly in
September 2000 for modifications Meanwhile, the NAO made progress in harmonising its audit
methodology with INTOSAI standards and European implementing guidelines, and in drawing
up and testing national audit standards. The NAO, which has 474 staff including 355 auditors,
has also put considerable efforts into training, qualification and other activities to improve the
professional capacity of the organisation.
With regard to
EC pre-accession funding,
the National Fund in the Ministry of Finance has
overall responsibility for managing EC funds. An ongoing programme of institution-building
aims to improve the capacity of the National Fund and the various Implementing Agencies, in
preparation for the eventual extended decentralisation of Phare and ISPA implementation. Both
the National Fund and CFCU are now staffed by permanent civil servants. Bulgaria’s
SAPARD Agency was the first in any candidate country to secure partial accreditation from the
Commission, in May 2001. New arrangements were made in 2001 to ensure that national co-
financing for projects supported by EC funds was made available in a more systematic and
timely way. The PIFC Agency will certify the accounts of the newly accredited SAPARD
Agency in addition to auditing the use of Phare and ISPA funds.
In the field of
protecting EC financial interests,
the PIFC Agency is entitled to carry out
investigations, including joint on-the-spot checks in relation to EC pre-accession and other
Overall assessment
Public financial control is a key priority in Bulgaria’s preparations for accession. With the
adoption of the new PIFC law, the legal basis for adequate public internal financial control has
been achieved. The functional independence of the PIFC Agency itself will have to be
reviewed. The adoption of new legislation on external audit has been significantly delayed but
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the latest draft legislation contains all the necessary provisions for organising and operating
external audit to international standards. It is important that the new legislation is adopted as
soon as possible.
There will need to be a sustained and determined effort to implement the new legislative
frameworks and ensure that the PIFC Agency and the NAO discharge their responsibilities in
an effective manner that delivers tangible improvements in public sector financial control. As far
as the PIFC Agency is concerned, the priorities include developing manuals for financial
management and control systems and internal audit, including the audit of EC funds, and phasing
out the practice of funding the PIFC Agency partly from funds recovered during investigations.
As far as the NAO is concerned, the priorities include a redirection towards systems based and
performance audit activities.
These activities will need to be supported by a substantial investment in training staff in the PIFC
Agency, NAO and line ministries. The establishment of a Public Finance School should be
considered. Some first steps have been taken to plan for the eventual extended decentralisation
of Phare and ISPA implementation. Bulgaria needs to strengthen the capacity of the National
Fund, CFCU and other Implementing Agencies dealing with pre-accession funds in preparation
for the eventual extended decentralisation of Phare and ISPA implementation, which will itself
be essential preparation for participation in Structural Funds after accession. The Ministry of
Finance should play a pro-active role in ensuring progress in this area.
Bulgaria should nominate as soon as possible, in consultation with OLAF, an institution or
administrative structure with the appropriate competencies to co-ordinate investigations into
cases of fraud and irregularities affecting the EC's financial interests, and to act as a single
contact point for relations with OLAF.
Chapter 29: Financial and budgetary provisions
Bulgaria has made some progress over the reporting period, notably as regards the
budget and EC co-financed measures.
A new text in the State Budget Law covers the
domestic and foreign currency guarantees of budgetary organisations. The Decree
implementing the latest State Budget Law was adopted in January 2001, which reflects a
substantial improvement in the timeliness of budgetary procedures. The Ministry of Finance
approved the Chart of Accounts for budget entities in February 2001; this will ensure the
preparation of public sector accounts on an accrual basis.
The state budget planning process has been improved by using cost-benefit analyses, bringing
forward the planning process, preparing medium-term spending and revenue forecasts,
increasing control on budgetary spending, and placing a greater emphasis on the outputs of
public spending programmes. The number of extra-budgetary accounts is being gradually
reduced. The Ministry of Finance has started implementing a new treasury system to improve
management of national and EC funds; it should cover all budgetary and extra-budgetary
accounts by 2003. A new system for electronic budgetary payments has become operational.
The Ministry has set up a department for budgetary aspects of European integration.
As regards
Own Resources and administrative infrastructure
, Bulgaria’s customs and tax
administrations have continued to strengthen their administrative and operational capacity
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through new information systems, training and improving their internal organisation
(see also
chapters 10, taxation, and 25, customs union).
Overall assessment
Although basic budgetary rules are broadly satisfactory, Bulgaria should ensure that further
efforts are made to bring the budgetary principles and rules into line with those standards
generally applicable in the Community. Public expenditure management and control has
improved. The broadened scope and medium-term perspective of public expenditure planning
and control, the phasing out of extra-budgetary funds, and the introduction of the Treasury
Single Account and Chart of Accounts are positive developments. There has been less
progress in improving the analysis of policy, programme and project outputs, with public
expenditure still essentially input-driven.
In the immediate future, the priorities include extending and implementing the Treasury Single
Account, the new accounting system and the Financial Management Information System,
strengthening top-down mechanisms for making budget decisions, and implementing the multi-
annual budgeting framework. In the medium term, national accounts statistics must be brought
into compliance with the ESA95 standard, a more detailed functional budget classification
should be developed, budget legislation should be aligned with EU and international standards,
the remaining extra-budgetary funds should be closed and the number of budget entities
reduced, and the Ministry of Finance should pursue its own internal restructuring to strengthen in
particular its strategic capacity to evaluate the composition and quality of public expenditure.
In relation to the control of future EC Own Resources, Bulgaria should strengthen its efforts to
set up effective instruments to combat fraud relating to VAT and customs duties so that the
protection of the financial interests of the EC can be assured. In addition to the need for central
co-ordination for the proper collection, monitoring and payment and control of funds to and
from the EC budget, administrative capacity should be strengthened in the context of the
relevant policy areas described elsewhere in this report such as Financial Control, Customs,
Taxation, Regional Policy and Agriculture. Appropriate administrative steps should be taken by
Bulgaria to ensure adequate co-ordination between the various authorities involved in the
application of the system of Own Resources. The capacity to calculate in a reliable, accurate
and transparent way the level of customs duties and VAT collected by Bulgaria and to calculate
Bulgaria’s GNP needs to be improved to allow calculations to be made in a harmonised and
controllable way. Adequate administrative capacity to duly collect and transfer in a timely
manner all Own Resources to the Community budget, building on the Own Resources Unit
established in the Ministry of Finance, will need to be established prior to accession, as well as
the ability to accurately and regularly report to the Commission on the situation with regard to
each of the types of own resources.
Translation of the
into the national language
Applicant countries are required to translate the various legal texts constituting the
their national languages by the time of their accession. Primary and secondary legislation alone
represents a considerable volume of acts, roughly estimated at 60,000-70,000 pages of the
Official Journal. To help the candidate countries in this process, assistance is being provided
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under the Phare programme. With the help of TAIEX, a centralised Translation Co-ordination
Unit has been created in each of the ten candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
In Bulgaria, a Central Translation Unit was created in 1997 within the Ministry of Justice and
Legal European Integration. A strategy on the priorities for translation of the
during the
process of accession to the EU was drawn up. This strategy provides for four stages in the
translation process: initial translation, linguistic revision, legal revision and final revision. In 2001,
in order to meet the increasing need for translations of the
the Central Translation Unit
was replaced by the National Document and Translation Centre under the responsibility of the
Minister of Public Administration. This new centre brings together the functions of the Central
Translation Unit, the National Documentation Centre of the Ministry of Justice, and the editorial
unit on regulatory acts. The new centre, which was only set up in May 2001, is currently in the
process of taking on new staff following the holding of competitions.
The basic treaties have been translated. Regarding secondary legislation, 13 785 pages of the
Official Journal have been translated and 3 000 of these have been fully revised. Last year’s
report mentioned that by 2001, a minimum of 17 000 pages of the Official Journal will be being
translated each year. Current performance appears to be well below this target, but it is hoped
that the new centre will be able to speed up work once staff are in place. Without prejudice to
the outcome of the accession negotiations, considerable further efforts are required in this area.
Due attention must also be given to the training of conference interpreters.
General evaluation
Bulgaria has continued a good pace of alignment of legislation with the
but still needs to
pay more attention to how this will be implemented and enforced. Progress on public
administration reform has continued and is a positive sign. This needs to be sustained to ensure
public administration is prepared for its role at EU accession. However, little has been done to
prepare the judicial system, which needs to be modernised and strengthened, in particular to
ensure effective enforcement of the
Regarding the internal market, Bulgaria has made further progress in most areas. In free
movement of goods progress continued with membership of European Accreditation as a major
achievement. Reinforcement of administrative infrastructure for standardisation and certification,
and of market surveillance systems, is still necessary. On financial services, Bulgaria has
developed sound banking supervision practices. Company law has been further aligned and the
legal framework for protecting intellectual and industrial property rights improved, but further
steps are needed to ensure this is enforced. On state aids, Bulgaria is at last starting to develop
and implement a framework for state aids but this is not yet compatible with the
Bulgaria still lacks a legal framework on data protection compatible with the
In agriculture, Bulgaria has continued generally good progress on approximation of legislation
but implementing the
poses a significant challenge. Veterinary and phytosanitary
inspection arrangements need further upgrading. The partial accreditation of SAPARD is a
noteworthy success. Progress on fisheries has accelerated compared to previous years.
See "Making a success of enlargement: Strategy Paper and Report of the European Commission on the
progress towards accession by each of the candidate countries", COM (2001) 700.
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Whilst progress has been made to amend labour law towards alignment with the
progress on equal treatment legislation remains slow. Whilst administrative capacity of the
general labour inspectorate has been reinforced, the capacity to implement the
occupational health and safety will need to be increased.
Concerning regional policy, Bulgaria has made little further progress and much more attention
needs to be paid to preparation for implementing structural policies.
Bulgaria has continued its positive efforts on transposition of the EC environmental
implementation and the cost of alignment remain a challenge.
The pace of progress on transport has been pursued both on adoption and creation of
implementing structures. There has also been an increase in investments.
The restructuring of the energy sector has progressed at a very slow pace throughout 2001
following delays in the planned revision of the legislative framework. These delays have
hindered efficiency improvement and preparation for privatisation. As regards nuclear energy,
Bulgaria must respect the de-commissioning commitments of the Memorandum of
Understanding and ensure a high level of nuclear safety.
In justice and home affairs, further progress has been made in most areas in terms of legislation
but progress on strengthening administrative capacity was not as strong as required. Some
progress has been made on control of external borders; however, there is scope for further
improvement, in particular in inter-agency co-operation.
In external policies, Bulgaria’s performance remains strong, continuing to make a substantial
contribution to regional stability and following the path of trade liberalisation with the EC and its
preferential partners.
For customs and taxation, Bulgaria will need to develop IT systems that allow for exchange of
data with the EC.
Further progress has been made to strengthen financial control and on improving public
expenditure management and control. Efforts should be pursued.
Whilst some progress can be noted on establishment of the institutions necessary to implement
the acquis and on public administration reform, the capacity of the Bulgarian administration
remains limited. Further sustained progress and allocation of the necessary resources will be
necessary to meet the challenges ahead. Further efforts are also required in establishing the
necessary administrative capacity to ensure the sound, efficient and controllable management of
EC funds.
Whilst work on public administration is progressing, the slow pace of preparation of the judicial
system to enforce the
is worrying. Progress on judicial reform needs to be substantially
Bulgaria has fulfilled partially and made progress since last year on all of the short-term
Accession Partnership priorities relating to the
Concerning administrative capacity,
Bulgaria has moved forward on priorities, with the exception of that of strengthening the
judiciary, where little progress has been made. The implementation of the recently adopted
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strategy for judicial reform should make a difference. Bulgaria has started to address the
majority of medium-term Accession Partnership priorities.
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C. Conclusion
In its 1997 Opinion, the Commission concluded that Bulgaria fulfilled the political criteria. Since
that time, Bulgaria has made considerable progress in further consolidating and deepening the
stability of its institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for
and protection of minorities. Over the past year, further efforts have been made in this
direction. Bulgaria continues to fulfil the Copenhagen political criteria.
Since last year, further progress has been made in public administration reform. Many
employees have civil servant status and there is now a Code of Ethics for Civil Servants. The
Law on Access to Public Information is a positive step, but needs further clarification to ensure
effective implementation. Further steps are needed to ensure an efficient, transparent and
accountable public administration.
The recent adoption by the government of two strategies, one on judicial reform and the other
on combating corruption, is a significant development. The challenge now is to implement these.
The judicial system remains weak and there is as yet no reason to change the assessment made
last year that further efforts are needed for it to become strong, independent, effective and
professional and able to guarantee full respect for the rule of law as well as effective
participation in the internal market. Corruption has continued to give serious cause for concern.
Enforcing the legal framework effectively presents a challenge and greater focus is needed on
prevention of corruption.
Some progress has been made on human rights training of police and on combating trafficking
of human beings. However, there is a need to address police behaviour, notably as regards
reported cases of ill-treatment. continues to give cause for serious concern.
A child protection agency and a national advisory council for child protection have been set up.
Further steps need to be taken to make the Child Protection Agency operational. On child
welfare, there is not yet a significant change in the number of children in institutions. Poor
conditions in some homes for children with mental disabilities are cause for concern.
Roma continue to suffer from widespread social discrimination. Political commitment from the
government to remedy their problems has still not been matched by concrete action. One more
positive development is that some NGOs have pursued projects on desegregation of Roma
Very little further progress has been made to meet the Accession Partnership priority to start
implementation of the Roma Framework Programme, and to strengthen the National Council on
Ethnic and Demographic Issues.
Concerning other related Accession Partnership priorities, Bulgaria has made further progress
to implement the Civil Service Law. However, the priority of strengthening the judiciary has not
yet been met.
See "Making a success of enlargement: Strategy Paper and Report of the European Commission on the
progress towards accession by each of the candidate countries", COM (2001) 700.
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Bulgaria is close to being a functioning market economy. It should be able to cope with
competitive pressure and market forces within the Union in the medium term, provided it
continues implementing reform and intensifies the reform effort to remove persistent difficulties.
The Bulgarian macroeconomy is going into its fourth year of stable conditions, having
established a satisfactory track record of macroeconomic performance. Good progress has
been made in privatisation, especially as regards banks, and with structural reform, setting the
microeconomic basis for sustained growth.
However, inflation has risen considerably in 2000. Investment remains insufficient. Financial
intermediation continues to be low and inefficient. Specific deficiencies remaining in the land
market affect the performance of this market and of other economic sectors. The authorities
should give priority to strengthening the judiciary and the enforcement of the regulatory
framework. Administrative obstacles to private sector development, affecting enterprise
creation, their development and their closing down, including bankruptcy procedures, must be
eliminated. A sustained implementation of these reform measures and higher levels of private
and public investment are key requirements for sustainable growth, and building up
Bulgaria has continued a good pace of alignment of legislation with the
but still needs to
pay more attention to how this will be implemented and enforced. Progress on public
administration reform has continued and is a positive sign. This needs to be sustained to ensure
public administration is prepared for its role at EU accession. However, little has been done to
prepare the judicial system, which needs to be modernised and strengthened, in particular to
ensure effective enforcement of the
Regarding the internal market, Bulgaria has made further progress in most areas. In free
movement of goods progress continued with membership of European Accreditation as a major
achievement. Reinforcement of administrative infrastructure for standardisation and certification,
and of market surveillance systems, is still necessary. On financial services, Bulgaria has
developed sound banking supervision practices. Company law has been further aligned and the
legal framework for protecting intellectual and industrial property rights improved, but further
steps are needed to ensure this is enforced. On state aids, Bulgaria is at last starting to develop
and implement a framework for state aids but this is not yet compatible with the
Bulgaria still lacks a legal framework on data protection compatible with the
In agriculture, Bulgaria has continued generally good progress on approximation of legislation
but implementing the
poses a significant challenge. Veterinary and phytosanitary
inspection arrangements need further upgrading. The partial accreditation of SAPARD is a
noteworthy success. Progress on fisheries has accelerated compared to previous years.
Whilst progress has been made to amend labour law towards alignment with the
progress on equal treatment legislation remains slow. Whilst administrative capacity of the
general labour inspectorate has been reinforced, the capacity to implement the
occupational health and safety will need to be increased.
Concerning regional policy, Bulgaria has made little further progress and much more attention
needs to be paid to preparation for implementing structural policies.
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Bulgaria has continued its positive efforts on transposition of the EC environmental
implementation and the cost of alignment remain a challenge.
The pace of progress on transport has been pursued both on adoption and creation of
implementing structures. There has also been an increase in investments.
The restructuring of the energy sector has progressed at a very slow pace throughout 2001
following delays in the planned revision of the legislative framework. These delays have
hindered efficiency improvement and preparation for privatisation. As regards nuclear energy,
Bulgaria must respect the de-commissioning commitments of the Memorandum of
Understanding and ensure a high level of nuclear safety.
In justice and home affairs, further progress has been made in most areas in terms of legislation
but progress on strengthening administrative capacity was not as strong as required. Some
progress has been made on control of external borders; however, there is scope for further
improvement, in particular in inter-agency co-operation.
In external policies, Bulgaria’s performance remains strong, continuing to make a substantial
contribution to regional stability and following the path of trade liberalisation with the EC and its
preferential partners.
For customs and taxation, Bulgaria will need to develop IT systems that allow for exchange of
data with the EC.
Further progress has been made to strengthen financial control and on improving public
expenditure management and control. Efforts should be pursued.
Whilst some progress can be noted on establishment of the institutions necessary to implement
the acquis and on public administration reform, the capacity of the Bulgarian administration
remains limited. Further sustained progress and allocation of the necessary resources will be
necessary to meet the challenges ahead. Further efforts are also required in establishing the
necessary administrative capacity to ensure the sound, efficient and controllable management of
EC funds.
Whilst work on public administration is progressing, the slow pace of preparation of the judicial
system to enforce the
is worrying. Progress on judicial reform needs to be substantially
Bulgaria has fulfilled partially and made progress since last year on all of the short-term
Accession Partnership priorities relating to the
Concerning administrative capacity,
Bulgaria has moved forward on priorities, with the exception of that of strengthening the
judiciary, where little progress has been made. The implementation of the recently adopted
strategy for judicial reform should make a difference. Bulgaria has started to address the
majority of medium-term Accession Partnership priorities.
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D. Accession Partnership and National Programmes for the
Adoption of the
Global assessment
The purpose of the Accession Partnership is to set out in a single framework:
the priority areas for further work identified in the Commission’s Regular Report;
the financial means available to help candidate countries implement these priorities;
the conditions which will apply to this assistance.
Each candidate has been invited to adopt a National Programme for the Adoption of the
This sets out how the country in question envisages to deal with the Accession
Partnership, the timetable for implementing the Partnership’s priorities, and implications in terms
of human and financial resources. Both the Accession Partnerships and the National
Programmes for the Adoption of the
are revised on a regular basis, to take account of
progress made, and to allow for new priorities to be set.
1. Accession Partnership
Short-term priorities
In the following assessments the main sub-headings are indicated in bold type and further key
concepts taken from the Accession Partnership
highlighted in
Political criteria
Compared to last year, very little further progress has been made to
start implementation of
the Roma Framework Programme.
strengthening the National Council on
Ethnic and Demographic Issues including provision of necessary financial support,
administrative capacity of the NCEDI to implement the programme remains low and the lack of
financial means allocated for its implementation continue to make effective performance of its
task difficult. There are few new developments as concerns progress
to implement measures
aimed at fighting discrimination (including within the public administration) and foster
employment opportunities.
The appointment of Roma experts to ministries did however
This priority continues to be only partially met.
Economic criteria:
Privatisation has still not always brought with it the necessary
market-based enterprise
restructuring to promote competitiveness.
There has been some further work to simplify
business environment, and stimulate domestic and inward investments,
which have
increased to a level above previous years but further efforts are still needed to support
simplification of legal and administrative procedures. Privatisation of state owned
enterprises and banks
has progressed but lack of
in the process has remained a
For the detailed text of the short and medium term priorities established in the 1999 Accession Partnership please refer
to Council Decision 1999/857/EC, OJ L 335, 28/12/1999, pp. 48-54.
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concern. Whilst special legal chambers to handle bankruptcy are being developed, further
progress is still required to
improve bankruptcy and liquidation procedures and streamline
Bulgaria has still not
adopted a restructuring plan for the steel sector
as a
Therefore, this priority has been partially met but progress has been made.
Internal Market
Bulgaria has taken further steps to
align public procurement procedures.
Whilst it has
its laws, the
enforcement of intellectual and industrial property rights
and the
fight against piracy
remain a particular concern. Bulgaria has still not
national legislation and established a monitoring body on personal data protection.
This priority continues to be partially met.
free movement of goods:
Bulgaria has
adopted a framework law on
technical requirements
which introduces
New and Global Approach principles
some amendments are still needed to ensure full compatibility with the acquis. Bulgaria has
gained membership of European Accreditation but further attention needs to be paid to
enforce the new law on standardisation and reinforce infrastructure.
As mentioned last
year, Bulgaria has
adopted framework laws on chemicals, foodstuffs and
In the area of
free movement of capital,
there is a generally high level
liberalisation of direct investment abroad and investment in foreign securities by
Bulgaria has
established a timetable for the liberalisation of the remaining
restrictions on capital movements including acquisition of real estate sector.
free movement of services,
Bulgaria has made good progress to
supervisory bodies;
particularly in the
sector but more attention needs to be paid
to the insurance sector.
This priority has been met to a large extent.
Bulgaria is finally starting to develop a framework and control system for
state aids,
but still needs to
comprehensive new
legislation on state aid, and to
increase awareness of EU state aids rules and practices. The state aid report needs to
be improved. A state aid inventory has been established
but still need improvement.
Progress has been made in the field of
secondary legislation on anti-trust,
with a decision
on block exemptions of certain categories of vertical agreements based on new EU acquis.
This priority continues to be partially met.
In the field of
Bulgaria has already achieved much
alignment of VAT legislation
to the acquis. Further steps have been taken to
improve tax collection system at national
and regional level
however the establishment of the Unified Revenue Agency has been
postponed. In
further efforts are needed as regards the strengthening of the
administrative and operational capacity
to ensure enforcement of the new Customs code.
These priorities continue to have been partially met.
Bulgaria’s efforts to
continue alignment of the veterinary and phytosanitary legislation
have progressed further,
but as mentioned last year much remains to be done to complete
up-grading of inspection arrangements, in particular at future external borders.
modernising meat and dairy plants to meet EC hygiene and public health
the State control bodies carried out checks to ensure requirements had been
met and as a result of this some further plants were closed. Preparation to
establish a
vineyard register
is still underway.
This priority continues to be partially met.
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Since last year, there has been limited further progress to
implement the energy law and
adopt related secondary legislation, to prepare legislation by sector and related
reform plans (electricity and gas) and strengthen the regulatory bodies.
As concerns
establishment of a price and tariff structure leading to cost based and transparent
energy prices,
work has begun but the objective of full price liberalisation by the end of
2001 will not be met. Implementation of the
energy strategy
has started, however no
progress has been made to
revise energy demand forecasts on the basis of more
realistic growth and energy intensity scenarios.
With the Understanding reached on
a realistic timetable for closure and decommissioning of units 1 and 2 of
Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant was adopted
and since then work has started for its
Also, with the said Understanding, the framework was set for the
adoption of a realistic timetable for closure of units 3 and 4 of the same plant.
needs to
continue to strengthen the independence and technical capability of the
nuclear safety authority.
This priority has been partially met with only limited
progress since last year.
There has been progress to
align legislation on maritime safety issues
but further
alignment is still needed.
This priority continues to be partially met.
Employment and Social Affairs
Whilst some progress has been made to
support social partners' capacity-building
further progress needs to be made to improve autonomous social dialogue; Bulgaria
has continued to work on a Joint Assessment Paper. The finalisation is a priority.
With a
view to later participation in the European Employment strategy,
a National Action
Plan on Employment 2000-2001 has been prepared.
This priority continues to be
partially met.
Bulgaria has
continued transposition of framework legislation in the water, air and
waste sectors.
Further emphasis is needed to
prepare and implement detailed directive
specific approximation programmes.
Bulgaria has made progress
strengthen the
administrative capacity of the Ministry of Environment and Water but further work is
needed to
strengthen implementation structures, particularly at the regional level.
Adoption of amendments to
complete transposition and enforce the Environmental
Impact Assessment Directive
have been postponed which is regrettable. Some progress
has been made but
this priority has been partially met.
Justice and Home Affairs
Bulgaria has
continued progressive alignment of visa legislation and practice with
that of the EU.
Some progress has been made towards
implementing effective border
management control systems and co-ordination of services to prevent illegal
immigration and to enable full participation in Schengen.
There has also been progress
implement and enforce new legislative framework relating to migration and
asylum procedures;
but further efforts in particular on enforcement are still needed.
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However, Bulgaria’s Law on Refugees, criticised for not being in line with some basic
principles of the Geneva Convention, has still not been amended. Very little progress has
been made to
upgrade the judiciary, which remains weak.
Methods of
inadequate training and equipment
remain problems. Further efforts are needed to
upgrade law enforcement bodies to continue the fight against organised crime, drug
trafficking and corruption and ensure better co-ordination between law enforcement
The Bulgarian government has just adopted a
national strategy to combat
Some steps have been taken to
strengthen capacity to deal with money
through the Bureau of Financial Intelligence. Bulgaria has
ratified the Council
of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption and the Convention on the
Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime. Bulgaria
has signed the OECD convention on bribery.
Whilst further progress has been made
to meet some of the JHA priorities, that on strengthening the judiciary has not yet
been met.
Reinforcement of administrative and judicial capacity, including the management and
control of EC funds
and ISPA
, Bulgaria has
further developed its National
Development Plan,
finalised its ISPA environment and transport strategies, adopted a
Rural Development Plan,
and gained partial accreditation from the Commission for its
However, there remain significant weaknesses in the capacity of the
Bulgarian public administration to programme externally supported assistance in a strategic
and co-ordinated fashion and implement and evaluate projects in an effective manner.
priority continues to be partially met.
Bulgaria has made further progress in adopting and implementing the secondary legislation
to implement the Civil Service Law.
This priority has been partially met
and further progress has been made.
Little progress has been made to
strengthen the independence of magistrates, judges
and the efficiency of the court system.
This priority has still not been met.
Whilst some improvements have been made to procedures for
assessing the financial and
institutional impact of new legislation,
more needs to be done in particular to consider
implementation and enforcement issues.
This priority continues to be partially met.
Medium-term priorities
Political criteria
Very little progress has been made
to implement Roma framework programme.
priority has not been met.
PHARE: Action plan for co-ordinated aid to Poland and Hungary.
ISPA: Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-Accession.
SAPARD: Special Accession Programme for Agriculture or Rural Development.
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Economic criteria
Bulgaria has
maintained overall macro-financial stability;
Steps have been taken
towards restructuring but more efforts are needed to
improve competitiveness through
market-based restructuring.
Progress has been made towards
completing the
privatisation process.
More efforts are needed to
strengthen market economy
and to
improve the legal and regulatory framework for enterprises.
Bulgaria is participating in
an annual fiscal surveillance procedure aimed at bringing the
reporting, monitoring and control of public finances, specifically fiscal positions, in
line with EU procedures;
Bulgaria has still not adopted a restructuring plan for the steel
sector as a whole so has not
implemented the steel restructuring programme;
still needs to
establish a functioning land market and finalise the land and property
This priority has been partially met.
Internal Market
public procurement,
Bulgaria has taken some steps towards
transparent public procurement procedures at central and regional level.
Intellectual and industrial property rights,
further efforts are needed
to complete
alignment and implement industrial property rights (trade marks, geographical
destinations and industrial designs),
and in particular to introduce
effective border
control measures.
data protection,
legislation has still not been adopted therefore
cannot be
Free movement of goods,
further work on transposition is
needed before work can start on
implementation of new approach legislation.
work is needed to
pursue alignment of traditional technical legislation;
Major efforts
are needed to
implement market surveillance system.
This priority has been partially
Free movement of persons:
Bulgaria still has to
complete alignment of mutual
recognition of diplomas.
This priority has not yet been met.
Free movement of services:
Steps have been taken towards
complete alignment and
implementing the banking law.
This priority has been partially met.
Whilst progress has been made on anti-trust, much more work is needed to
reinforce the state aid authorities and procedures;
This priority has not yet been
Further efforts are needed to
strengthen the capacity of the
national regulatory authorities.
This priority has not yet been met.
Taxation: Further
alignment is needed to reach
full alignment of the tax acquis
including the Community's transitional VAT regime;
and to
strengthen administrative
capacity and control procedures including administrative co-operation and mutual
This priority has not yet been met.
Consumer protection:
Bulgaria has made considerable steps to
continue alignment.
Some progress to
strengthen market surveillance and enforcement authorities
been made but the administrative capacity, in particular the Commission on Trade and
Consumer Protection, needs to be strengthened.
This priority has been partially met.
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Work is progressing to
strengthen border control;
Bulgaria has progressed to
develop an integrated tariff;
Major challenges remain to
develop operational capacities
and computerisation of the customs administration;
Whilst efforts have begun, Bulgaria
still needs to
reinforce the fight against fraud and corruption
in customs.
This priority
has been partially met.
Detailed feasibility studies on
Common Agricultural Policy management mechanisms
under some of the key common market regulations (milk and dairy, fruit and vegetables and
grain) are underway or complete. Bulgaria has continued to
restructure the agri-food
and close enterprises that do not meet the hygiene requirements. Monitoring
programmes to check the residues of harmful substances are in place.This
priority has
been partially met.
Recently Bulgaria has made major efforts to start work
towards developing the capacity
to implement and enforce the common fisheries policy;
however considerable further
work and investment is still needed in the areas of adoption of secondary legislation,
development of administrative capacity, training of staff and upgrading of technical
resources of the inspection and control bodies, and the establishment of the fishing vessels
This priority has been partially met.
Nothing has yet been done to
align oil stock requirements
and insufficient importance is
given to
improving energy efficiency.
prepare for the internal energy market,
notably the electricity and gas directives (including adaptation of energy prices to
cost levels),
Bulgaria should speed up substantially the path of adopting legal amendments
and to develop an appropriate and efficient regulatory mechanism able to carry out the
functions defined in the internal energy market directives. It is too early to assess whether
Bulgaria will
implement commitments on the phased closure and decommissioning of
units 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Kozloduy NPP and to maintain a high level of nuclear safety for
Kozloduy units 5-6.
Further work is needed to
strengthen regulatory structures
for nuclear safety and radiation protection.
This priority has not yet been met.
A start has been made to
align road transport (market access, road safety and
taxation), railways; maritime transport, inland waterways (technical requirements for
vessels) and air transport (in particular air safety and air traffic management),
there is still much more to do.
This priority has not yet been met.
Employment and social affairs
equal treatment for women and men,
Bulgaria needs for further changes in
legislation and the legal framework for enforcement of equal treatment, including proper
complaint procedure, monitoring and control mechanisms. Transposition in other areas has
begun (occupational
health and safety, labour law).
Efforts are needed to
related administrative structures and those required for the co-ordination of social
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a General Labour Inspectorate and regional inspectorates have been created.
Bulgaria has not
established an independent guarantee fund for employees in the case
of employer's insolvency.
This priority has not yet been met.
Economic and social cohesion
Bulgaria has prepared a National Economic Development Plan, which covers inter alia
national policy for economic and social cohesion
but is not yet fully integrated into the
national and policy-making framework. Regional Economic and Social Cohesion
Commissions provide for some consultation of economic and social interest groups at
regional level. Bulgaria has a long way to go to
prepare for the implementation of
regional development programmes as well as Community initiatives; improve
administrative procedures and establish a budgetary system allowing for multi annual
commitments and manage it according to structural funds standards, including
appraisal and evaluation.
This priority has not yet been met.
Significant further efforts will be needed to
complete transposition and implementation
of framework and sectoral legislation according to pre-defined timetable;
and to
integrate sustainable development principles into the definition and implementation
of all other sectoral policies.
This priority has not yet been met.
Justice and home affairs
Whilst progress has been made, work needs to be pursued to further
up-grade facilities
for asylum seekers and refugees,
and to
further intensify international co-ordination
and co-operation in the field of combating trans-border crime, especially in the field
of transiting, producing and selling drugs as well as money laundering; implement
anti-corruption strategy; continue fight against trafficking in women and children.
No steps have been taken to
reinforce the independence of judiciary.
This priority has
not yet been met.
Reinforcement of administrative and judicial capacity, including the management and
control of EC funds
Bulgaria is making efforts to
complete the establishment of a professional and impartial
civil service on the basis of the Civil Service Law and to establish a civil service
management structure.
Work to
ensure simplification of procedures
should be
accelerated. Whilst work has begun, more needs to be done to
upgrade teaching of
European matters, including training of judges with regard to European Community
This priority has not yet been met.
Progress has been made in improving the legislative framework and institutional capacity for
financial control
and public external audit, though new legislation on
external audit has been badly delayed and has not yet been finally adopted.
This priority
has been partially met.
Bulgaria has substantially developed and improved the administrative organisation of the
statistical system, which contributes to
strengthening statistical capacities.
This priority
has been partially met.
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2. National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis
The revised Bulgarian National Programme for the Adoption of the
was adopted by the
Council of Ministers on 29 June 2001 and then presented to the Commission. As before, the
NPAA covers political and economic criteria and all chapters of the acquis in line with
negotiation chapters. Priority objectives are aimed at meeting the Copenhagen criteria. The
2001 document integrates textual comments and tables of legislative measures. Whilst last year
it was mentioned that the format of separation into two volumes, one textual and the second of
tables, led to greater clarity, the overall quality of the 2001 NPAA reflects progress on previous
For the political and economic criteria, the NPAA gives brief descriptions of past developments
and those expected in future but does not go into detail either on legislative or budgetary matters
related to these; the focus of the document is clearly intended to be on the acquis chapters.
For each acquis area, the document starts with the Bulgarian assessment of the degree of
compatibility reached and progress made. It then gives for each sub-chapter of the acquis a
description of the main laws and plans for harmonisation, followed by tables with the date
foreseen for adoption of laws, relevant administrative infrastructure, Celex reference and
budget. The budget figures cover donor support and national budgetary allocations.
As for last year, tables are generally well structured, but information is not always complete and
quality varies. The NPAA’s content is, as in previous years, generally consistent with
commitments made by Bulgaria in other fora (e.g. Europe Agreement meetings) and Accession
Partnership priorities and comments from the 2000 Regular Report.
Concerning links to provision of budgetary resources, this has been improved compared to past
years with more references to national budgetary contributions but there is considerable further
scope for improvement in these elements which are important if the NPAA is to become a more
valuable instrument for Bulgaria in co-ordinating its preparations for membership.
The quality of the NPAA is not consistent across all chapters but certain general remarks are
valid for all chapters. The document still lacks a truly co-ordinated and strategic approach being
more a collection of work plans. It could benefit from more emphasis on financial aspects and
administrative structures necessary to implement and enforce the acquis as well as adoption of
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Human Rights Conventions ratified by the Candidate Countries,
30 September 2001
Adherence to following
conventions and protocols
ECHR (European Convention
on Human Rights)
Protocol 1 (right of property)
Protocol 4 (freedom movement
et al.)
Protocol 6 (death penalty)
Protocol 7 (ne bis in idem)
European Convention for the
Prevention of Torture
European Social Charter
Revised European Social
Framework Convention for
National Minorities
Covenant on Civil and Political
Optional Protocol to the
ICCPR (right of individual
Second Optional Protocol to
the ICCPR (death penalty)
Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights)
(Convention against
(Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of
Racial Discrimination)
(Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against
Optional Protocol to the
(Convention on the
Rights of the Child)
= Convention ratified
= Convention
BG=Bulgaria; CY=Cyprus; CZ=Czech Republic; EE=Estonia; HU=Hungary; LV=Latvia; LT=Lithuania;
MT=Malta; PL=Poland; RO=Romania; SK= Slovak Republic; SV=Slovenia; T=Turkey
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Statistical data
Basic data
Population (average)
Total area
National accounts
Gross domestic product at current prices
Gross domestic product at current prices
Gross domestic product per capita
at current prices
Gross domestic product at constant prices (nat.
Gross domestic product per capita
in 1000
in km²
110.994 110.994
Mio New Lev
1000 Mio ECU/euro
% change over the previous year
in Purchasing Power Standards
in % of Gross Value Added
at current prices
Structure of production
- Agriculture
- Industry (excluding construction)
- Construction
- Services
Structure of expenditure
- Final consumption expenditure
- household and NPISH
- general government
- Gross fixed capital formation
- Stock variation
- Exports of goods and services
- Imports of goods and services
Inflation rate
Consumer price index
Balance of payments
-Current account
-Trade balance
Exports of goods
Imports of goods
-Net services
-Net income
-Net current transfers
government transfers
as % of Gross Domestic Product
% change over the previous year
In Mio ECU/euro
Note that Bulgaria has rebased their currency in July 99, dividing it by 1000. The curency is now called "New Bulgarian
Figures have been calculated using the population figures from National Accounts, which may differ from those used in
demographic statistics.
Figures have been calculated using the population figures from National Accounts, which may differ from those used in
demographic statistics.
Including FISIM.
These figures include changes in inventories, acquisitions less disposals of valuables and the statistical discrepancy
between the GDP and its expenditure components.
Changes in Methodology: PROXY HICP since 1997 (see methodological notes).
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- FDI (net) inflows
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Public finance
General government deficit/surplus
General government debt
Financial indicators
Gross foreign debt of the whole economy
Gross foreign debt of the whole economy
Monetary aggregates
- M1
- M2
- M3
Total credit
Average short-term interest rates
- Day-to-day money rate
- Lending rate
- Deposit rate
ECU/EUR exchange rates
- Average of period
- End of period
- Effective exchange rate index
Reserve assets
-Reserve assets (including gold)
-Reserve assets (excluding gold)
External trade
Trade balance
Terms of trade
Exports with EU-15
Imports with EU-15
Natural growth rate
Net migration rate (including corrections)
Infant mortality rate
Life expectancy
Labour market (ILO methodology)
Economic activity rate
Unemployment rate, total
Unemployment rate, males
Unemployment rate, females
Unemployment rate of persons < 25 years
Unemployment rate of persons >= 25 years
Long-term unemployment rate
Average employment by NACE branches
- Agriculture and forestry
- Industry (excluding construction)
- Construction
in % of Gross Domestic Product
in % of Gross Domestic Product
as % of exports
1000 Mio ECU /euro
% per annum
(1ECU/euro=..New Lev)
Mio ECU/euro
Mio ECU/euro
previous year=100
as % of total
per 1000 of population
per 1000 live-births
at birth
% of labour force
as % of all unemployed
in % of total
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- Services
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Railway network
Length of motorways
Industry and agriculture
Industrial production volume indices
Gross agricultural production volume indices
Standard of living
Number of cars
Main telephone lines
Number of subscriptions to cellular mobile services
Number of Internet subscriptions
P=provisional figures
in km per 1000 km²
in km
previous year=100
112,4 100,2 P
99,4 P
per 1000 inhabitants
105,8 P
90,9 P
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Methodological Notes
Inflation rate
As part of the preparations for the common currency the EU Member States (MSs) have
designed a new
consumer price index
in order to comply with the obligations of the EU
Treaty. The aim was to produce CPIs comparable between Member States. The main task was
to harmonise methodologies and coverage. The result was the Harmonized Index of Consumer
Prices (HICP). A similar exercise has been started with Candidate Countries (CC). In respect
to enlargement, it is equally important that their economic performance is assessed on the basis
of comparable indices. Some progress has already been made towards adapting the new rules.
Since January 1999 CCs report monthly to Eurostat so-called proxy HICPs that are based on
national CPIs but adapted to the HICP coverage. They are not yet fully compliant with the
HICPs of the MSs. In the table, the proxy HICPs are back-calculated to 1996 (rates from
Public finance:
The government deficit and debt statistics of the Candidate Countries are
provisional, in the sense that they do not yet fully comply with EU methodological requirements.
Broadly speaking, the general government deficit / surplus refers to the national accounts
concept of consolidated general government net borrowing / net lending of ESA95. General
government debt is defined as consolidated gross debt at end-year nominal value. The series
are available from 1997; the 1996 data are an approximation derived from the IMF’s GFS
Gross foreign debt
is of the whole economy, covering both short- and long-term, but excluding
equity investment and money market instruments. The source for stock of outstanding debt is
OECD, while the source of GDP is Eurostat. For the ratio of gross foreign debt to exports, the
national accounts definition of exports of goods and services is used (source: Eurostat). The
data for 2000 are Eurostat estimates, based on joint OECD/IMF/BIS/World Bank series.
Monetary aggregates
are end-year stock data, as reported to Eurostat. Generally, M1 means
notes and coin in circulation plus bank sight deposits. M2 means M1 plus savings deposits plus
other short-term claims on banks. M3 means M2 plus certain placements in a less liquid or
longer-term form. Not all countries produce an M3 series. Total credit means loans by resident
monetary financial institutions (MFIs) to non-MFI residents.
Interest rates:
Annual average rates based on monthly series reported to Eurostat. Lending
rates refer to bank lending to enterprises for over 1 year. Deposit rates refer to bank deposits
with an agreed maturity of up to one year. Day-to-day money rates are overnight interbank
Exchange rates:
ECU exchange rates are those that were officially notified to DG ECFIN until
1 January 1999, when the ECU was replaced by the euro. Euro exchange rates are reference
rates of the European Central Bank. The effective exchange rate index (nominal), as reported to
Eurostat, is weighted by major trading partners.
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Reserve assets
are end-year stock data, as reported to Eurostat. They are defined as the sum
of central bank holdings of gold, foreign exchange, SDRs, reserve position in the IMF, and
other claims on non-residents. Gold is valued at end-year market price.
External trade
Imports and exports (current prices).
The data is based upon the special trade system,
according to which external trade comprises goods crossing the customs border of the country.
Trade data excludes direct re-exports and trade in services and trade with customs free zones
as well as licences, know-how and patents. Value of external trade turnover includes the market
value of the goods and the additional costs (freight, insurance, etc.). The term FOB means that
all costs incurred in the course of transport up to the customs frontier are charged to the seller.
The term CIF means that the purchaser pays the additional costs. Exports are recorded here on
FOB basis. Imports are recorded on CIF basis.
Trade Classifications.
Merchandise trade flows are recorded according to Combined
Nomenclature (CN) and the Single Administrative Document (SAD).
Imports and exports with EU-15.
Data declared by Bulgaria.
Net migration rate.
Crude rate of net migration (recalculated by EUROSTAT) for year X, is:
population (X+1) - population (X) - Deaths (X) + Births (X). This assumes that any change in
population not attributable to births and deaths is attributable to migration. This indicator
includes therefore also administrative corrections (and projection errors if the total population is
based on estimates and the births and deaths on registers). Figures are in this case more
consistent. Further, most of the difference between the Crude rate of net migration provided by
a country and the one calculated by Eurostat is caused by an under reporting or delay in
reporting of migration.
Life expectancy.
Data are compiled on the basis of a survey carried out with three-years
Labour force
Economic activity rate (ILO Methodology).According
to the Labour Force Survey (LFS),
the economic activity rate represents the labour force as a percentage of population at working
age (15 years or more), where:
- Labour force: employed and unemployed persons (according to the ILO definitions).
- The employed: all persons aged 15+, who during the reference period worked at least one
hour for wage or salary or other remuneration as employees, entrepreneurs, and members of
co-operatives or contributing family workers. Members of armed forces and women on full-
paid child-care leave are included.
- The unemployed: all persons aged 15+, who concurrently meet all three conditions of the ILO
definition for being classified as the unemployed:
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have no work,
are actively seeking a job and,
are ready to take up a job within a fortnight.
Unemployment rate (by ILO methodology)
The data by ILO methodology are for ,
November 1996, November 1997,November 1998 November 1999 and December 2000.
Conscripts on compulsory military services and persons, attending military school are not
considered as persons in the labour force. Also considered as not in the labour force are
persons on partially paid or unpaid maternity leave.
Average employment by NACE branches:
data are based on LFS. Employment data by ILO
methodology are for November 1996, November 1997,November 1998 November 1999 and
December 2000. Conscripts on compulsory military services and persons, attending military
school are not considered as persons in the labour force. Also considered as not in the labour
force are persons on partially paid or unpaid maternity leave.
Railway network.
All railways in a given area. This does not include stretches of road or water
even if rolling stock should be conveyed over such routes; e.g. by wagon-carrying trailers or
ferries. Lines solely used for tourist purposes during the season are excluded as are railways
constructed solely to serve mines; forests or other industrial or agricultural undertakings and
which are not open to public traffic. The data considers the construction length of railways.
Length of motorway.
Road, specially designed and built for motor traffic, which does not
serve properties bordering on it, and which:
(a) is provided, except at special points or temporarily, with separate carriageways for the two
directions of traffic, separated from each other, either by a dividing strip not intended for traffic,
or exceptionally by other means;
(b) does not cross at level with any road, railway or tramway track, or footpath;
(c) is specially sign-posted as a motorway and is reserved for specific categories of road motor
Entry and exit lanes of motorways are included irrespectively of the location of the signposts.
Urban motorways are also included.
Industry and agriculture.
Industrial production volume indices:
Industrial production covers mining and quarrying,
manufacturing and electricity, gas, steam and water supply (according to the NACE Rev.1
Classification Sections C,D,E).
The index of annual industrial production is based on the exhaustive survey of enterprises
(public and private) assigned to industrial sector.
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Gross agricultural production volume indices:.
Data are based on SNA methodology and
include agriculture and forestry ( NACE sections A and B).
Standard of living
Number of cars.
Passenger car, road motor vehicle, other than a motor cycle, intended for the
carriage of passengers and designed to seat no more than nine persons (including the driver).
The term "passenger car" therefore covers microcars (need no permit to be driven), taxis and
hired passenger cars, provided that they have less than ten seats. This category may also include
Internet subscriptions:
Data are provided by Bulgarian Telecommunication Company.
Total area, external trade, labour market, infrastructure, demography, industry and agriculture,
standard of living (except Internet connections): National sources.
National accounts, inflation rate, balance of payment, public finance, finance: Eurostat.