Europaudvalget 2001-02 (2. samling)
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Europaudvalget (2. samling)
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Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
og deres stedfortrædere
8. marts 2002
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges Økonomi- og Erhvervsministeriets redegørelse for
rådsmøde (indre marked, forbruger og turisme) den 1. marts 2002.
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Rådsmøde (Indre Marked, Forbruger og
Turisme) den 1. marts 2002
overgangen til euro’en er forløbet godt.
Forbrugerne gik hurtigt over til at bruge
euro’en, og der har ikke været store
prisstigninger. Kommissionen fremlægger
den 6. marts 2002 en meddelelse om alle
aspekter (dvs. ikke kun forbruger-
aspekterne) af euro’ens indførelse. Sagen
skal drøftes igen på rådsmødet (indre
marked, forbruger og turisme) den 21. maj
Sag 01-874-23
Debatten tog udgangspunkt spørgsmål,
som formandskabet på forhånd havde
bedt euro-landene tage stilling til: 1)
hvordan det generelt er gået med
indførelsen af euro’en, 2) hvordan
forbrugerne har reageret, herunder især
handicappede, ældre og økonomisk svagt
stillede, 3) har der været tilfælde af
uberettigede prisstigninger, og hvad er
der gjort for at modvirke dette og 4) hvor
længe bør den dobbelte p elig;rkning
fortsætte, og er der risiko for, at priserne
på længere sigt justeres opad.
Rådet vedtog resolutionen om beskyttelse af
forbrugere, især unge, om mærkning af visse
videospil og computerspil efter aldersgrupper.
Der var ikke yderligere bemærkninger.
Formanden konkluderede, at sagen
drøftes igen på rådsmødet den 21. maj
2002, hvor Kommissionen vil fremlægge
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et skriftligt oplæg om resultaterne af
høringen samt forslag til næste skridt.
baggrunden og indholdet af grønbogen
samt om resultaterne af høringen.
Der var kommet mange høringssvar – i
alt 180. Der var mange forbehold i
høringssvarene, hvilket nok skyldtes, at
grønbogen ikke er så detaljeret med
hensyn til konkrete forslag til lovgivning.
Kommissionen oplyste, at de fleste gik
ind for den blandede metode fremfor den specifikke metode. Både forbruger- og erhvervsorganisationer og
medlemsstater er positive overfor spørgsmålet om styrket håndhævelse.
Rådet vedtog Cardiff-konklusioner om den økonomiske reformproces (vedlagt).
Kommissionen præsenterede sin synteserapport. Kommissionen og medlemsstaterne havde herefter en bred
debat om forberedelsen af Det Europæiske Råds møde i Barcelona. Medlemsstaterne betonede vigtigheden af
at følge op på Lissabon-dagsordenen. Mange medlemsstater mente, at Cardiff-processen burde justeres, og
mange pegede også på, at bioteknologi er en vigtig sektor. Mange medlemsstater fremhævede og så
liberalisering af energimarkederne og reduktion af administrative byrder. Formanden konstaterede, at
topmødet bør give retningen for fx offentlige udbud og EF-patentet.
Fra dansk side blev der lagt vægt på bedre gennemførsel af EU-direktiver og forenkling af regler samt fortsat liberalisering af
forsyningsvirksomheder – især el og gas. Der blev også lagt vægt på vedtagelse af revisionen af udbudsreglerne, vedtagelse af
EF-patentet, færdiggørelse af den finansielle handlingsplan. Danmark lagde også vægt på, at der skabes optimale rammevilkår
for anvendelsen af bioteknolo biovidenskab gennem sikker og gennemskuelig regulering, og at der bliver skabt tillid til
udnyttelsen af bioteknologien ved at indrage etiske aspekter.
Rådet vedtog konklusionerne. Portugal og Grækenland afgav en erklæring om, at de eksisterende nationale
kontaktpunkter burde modtage finansiering fra fællesskabet.
På baggrund af drøftelse under frokosten konstaterede formandskabet, at der var enighed om, at Rådet skulle arbejde
målrettet mod at nå et kompromis om væsentlige udeståender som sprog, omkostninger og domstolsspørgsmålet til
Rådsmødet den 21. maj 2002. Formandskabet konstaterede, at statusrapporten var taget til efterretning, og bad Coreper
arbejde videre med de udestående vigtige punkter.
Kommissionen forklarede, at den havde gennemført en høring, hvor hovedparten af svarene havde været
negative. Årsagerne til den negative indstilling er, at en europæisk brugsmodel vil have negativ effekt på
konkurrenceevnen og underminere patenterne. Kommissionen vil på et senere tidspunkt afgive en skriftlig
rapport. Formandskabet så frem til, at Kommissionen afgav sin skriftlige rapport, så R&ari ng;det den 21. maj
2002 ville kunne drøfte sagen i detaljer.
Kommissionen forklarede, at forslaget blot gør eksisterende praksis klar. Forslaget giver ikke mulighed for, at
softwareprogrammer i sig selv kan patenteres. Patenterbare opfindelser skal give et teknisk bidrag.
Formandskabet konkluderede, at Rådet tog præsentationen til efterretning.
Kommissionen opfordrede kraftigt til hurtig vedtagelse af forslagene, fordi man allerede er bagud for
Lissabon-tidsplanen, og opfordrede medlemsstaterne til at være fleksible. Da parlamentet har udtalt sig, er der
ikke noget til hinder for en hurtig vedtagelse.
Formandskabet vil søge at nå til politisk enighed om udbudsdirektiverne ved næste rådsmøde den 21. maj. Dette
blev støttet af flere medlemsstater og Kommissionen, som opfordrede medlemsstaterne til at være fleksible. Fra
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dansk side var der tilfredshed med de hidtidige forhandlinger om at sikre bedre muligheder for at inddrage miljø-
og sociale hensyn, og Danmark ville derfor anlægge en fleksibel linie i de videre forhandlinger. Formandskabet
konstaterede, at statusrapporten var taget til efterretning.
Kommissionen henviste til at industrien meget gerne ville have forslaget vedtaget hurtigst muligt.
Kommissionen mente, at der var tale om et fleksibelt og moderne instrument, som ikke afløser national
lovgivning, men bygger oven på. Kommissionen mente, at andelsselskaber bør kontrolleres og ejes af
medlemmerne. Formanden konstaterede, at statusrapporten var taget til efterretning og henviste til at forslaget
burde kunne vedtages på rådsmødet (indre marked) den 21. maj 2002.
Rådet vedtog konklusionerne, og at konklusionerne kan offentliggøres i EF-Tidende. Kommissionen holdt et
kort indlæg om standardiseringens betydning og nævnte, at rådskonklusionerne var af betydning for de
politiske beslutningstagere.
From :
To :
No. prev doc:
Subject :
Council (Internal Market, Consumer Affairs and Tourism)
Barcelona European Council ( 15-16 March, 2002), ECOFIN Council
6496/02 MI 35
Internal market aspects of the Cardiff economic reform process: Council
In the Annex to this note are reproduced the Conclusions adopted by the Council (Internal Market, Consumer Affairs
and Tourism) at its meeting on 1 March 2002 on the internal market aspects of the Cardiff economic reform process.
The Council forwards these Conclusions to the European Council as its contribution to the assessment of progress on
economic reform at its forthcoming meeting in Barcelona.
The Conclusions are also forwarded to the ECOFIN Council, to assist with its further work on the development of the
Broad Economic Policy Guidelines for 2002, and to the Commission in the context of its annual review of its Strategy
for the Internal Market.
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In the context of the new strategic goal for the European Union defined by the Lisbon European Council and as the
contribution of the Internal Market, Consumer Affairs and Tourism Council to the forthcoming Barcelona European
welcoming the progress which has already been achieved with economic reforms in terms of market opening and lower
prices for consumers whilst preserving the universal service and quality dimensions of services of general interest;
noting, however, that in the present economic conditions it is important to give a new impetus to product market reforms,
particularly in those areas where progress has been slow, building on the stability resulting from the successful
introduction of the euro, in order to achieve the objectives set out by the Lisbon European Council;
emphasising the need to strengthen the confidence of business and consumers in markets, goods and services;
recalling that the proper functioning of the internal market needs to contribute to the objectives set out in the Treaty of
promoting the overall harmonious and sustainable development of the Community and of strengthening the horizontal
integration of economic, social and territorial cohesion;
stressing the importance of well-functioning markets in view of the approaching enlargement of the European Union;
recalling its contribution to the Göteborg European Council regarding a strategy for the integration of sustainable
development and environmental protection into internal market policies;
recalling the internal market aspects included in the 2001 Broad Economic Policy Guidelines;
with reference to the forthcoming review and update of the Commission’s Strategy for the internal market;
drawing on the analysis of the annual reports of the Member States and the Commission on the functioning of product
and capital markets within the framework of the Cardiff process;
developing its contribution of 31 January 2002 on key issues for the 2002 Broad Economic Policy Guidelines in the area
of the internal market, and considering the relevant aspects of the internal market issues included in the Commission’s
Communication to the Spring European Council in Barcelona "The Lisbon strategy - Making change happen";
Creating optimum conditions for business
1. The Internal Market, Consumer Affairs and Tourism Council stresses the need to take decisive action to
deliver the reform agenda agreed upon by successive European Councils in order to further improve the
internal market as a dynamic environment for business.
2. Member States should pursue their efforts to reduce the overall level of
State aid,
in particular ad hoc aid,
and redirect it towards horizontal objectives of common interest including economic and social cohesion. To
this end, the Commission is encouraged to continue to provide regular information through the State Aids
Register and Scoreboard.
3. Modernisation of the
competition rules
should be actively pursued with a view to approval by the
Council of the proposal to that effect by the end of this year. Competition rules need to be applied
coherently by the Commission and by effective, independent national competition authorities.
4. Efforts should be intensified with a view to rapid adoption by the Council and the European
Parliament of the
public procurement
legislative package. The Council particularly encourages the
Commission to pursue work to facilitate SME access to procurement markets.
5. In the light of the high priority which the Council and the Commission attach to
and improving the regulatory environment,
and taking into account the conclusions of the
Laeken European Council, the Council urges the Commission to present its action plan as early as
possible in the first half of 2002, taking into account in particular the report of the Mandelkern
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Group. The Community and the Member States should step up current efforts to simplify and
modernise l egislation and administrative procedures having an effect on business and consumers at
Community, national and regional levels. In addition, legislative acts at both Community and
national level should be preceded by a regulatory impact assessment.
6. The elimination of remaining
technical barriers to trade
in the internal market should be
pursued more vigorously. A specific scoreboard should be developed which clearly identifies
technical barriers still in place and those Member States in which they remain, as well as progress in
standardisation work.
With regard to
the Council has adopted separate conclusions on 1 March 2002,
bearing in mind the strategic importance of standardisation to the implementation of different
Community policies and the need to give urgent consideration to the follow-up to the
Commission's report of September 2001. Particular priority should be given in this context by
standards bodies to setting targets with a view to improving their efficiency and to developing a
gradu ated system of new products.
The Commission is invited to present as soon as possible a report on the implementation of the
Council Resolution of 28 October 1999 on
mutual recognition
and to reflect on determining
those areas in which mutual recognition is more appropriate and those in which harmonisation is
more appropriate.
7. The Council awaits the report which the Commission will present on the issue of the exhaustion
of trade mark rights in response to the European Parliament's Resolution of 5 October 2001.
8. Improving the internal market in
is a crucial strategic challenge for the Community. Competition
should be reinforced in services sectors, supported by the removal of barriers to cross-border trade and market
entry. To this end, the Council urges the Commission to present as soon as possible its promised follow-up to
its Communication on an Internal Market Strategy for Services and calls upon Member States to cooperate with
the Commission to this end.
9. Further efforts are needed to remove barriers to the
right of establishment
of natural and legal persons and
to the
cross-border provision of professional and technical services.
Measures should also be taken to
promote improved mobility within the Union. To this end, priority should be given to the proposal for a
Directive on the mutual recognition of academic and professional qualifications, which the Commission is
expected to present shortly.
10. Full implementation of all internal market legislation is a legal obligation on all Member States and a
prerequisite for the proper functioning of the internal market. Although progress has been made towards this
goal in recent years, Member States should reinforce their commitment to the complete and timely
transposition of internal market legislation
and to an accelerated reduction of transposition deficits in
accordance with the interim transposition target of 98,5% by th e time of the Barcelona European Council, as
established by Stockholm.
In assessing the results achieved, the Barcelona European Council should consider what further measures need
to be taken. The Commission is also invited to pursue vigorously its efforts as the guarantor of correct
and effective
of Community legislation, including through prompt and effective
pursuit of infringement.
Building confidence in markets, goods and services
11. Business and consumer confidence in goods and services and the functioning of markets is an essential
prerequisite for the development of business in the internal market.
Consumer confidence in cross-border
will be enhanced by open and accessible markets and should be fostered by
strengthening consumer protection, by easier access to information and to appropriate judicial and other
redress mechanisms, by ensuring a
high level of quali ty and safety of goods and services,
and by regular
monitoring of price developments.
12. Priority should be given to effective follow-up to
the Commission's Green Paper on Consumer
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Work should be continued on the proposal for a Regulation on sales promotion.
13. With regard to the improvement of the present
problem-solving mechanisms
in order to strengthen
confidence of business and consumers in the internal market, the Council has adopted separate conclusions
on 1 March 2002 on the "SOLVIT" initiative.
14. Priority should be given to full and timely implementation of the
Action Plan for Financial Services.
The introduction of the euro is an additional reason why it is essential to reduce the cost of and time taken to
make cross-border commercial transactions for consumers and businesses. In this context, implementation
of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 December 2001 on cross-border
payments in euro, the final adoption of the Dire ctive on the distance marketing of financial services and
increasing security in the use of new means of payment are of particular importance.
15. The Council awaits with great interest the Commission's forthcoming proposal on take-over bids.
Utilities and network industries
16. While progress is being made on the
opening to competition of utilities and network industries,
renewed commitment is called for to implement the reforms agreed at Lisbon in order for the internal market to
perform more effectively in key sectors, taking due account of the Council Conclusions on services of general
interest adopted on 26 November 2001.
17. Priority should be given to reaching agreement on the basis of the proposals relating to the opening and
further development of
energy markets,
taking into account the requirement to satisfy user needs and the need
for transparency in the market through appropriate regulatory instruments with a view to implementing the
objective of market-opening in these sectors.
18. Recalling the importance of the accession of the Community to Eurocontrol, work should be pursued
actively on the
Single Sky initiatives
which aim at the creation of a Single European Sky by 2004.
19. In accordance with the Conclusions of the Stockholm and Laeken European Councils and following the first
horizontal assessment of the market performance
of network industries providing services of general
presented by the Commission in the framework of the Cardiff process, the Commission is invited to
present further assessments.
20. Action should be taken to ensure effective
interconnection and interoperability,
particularly in the sectors
where deficits are identified such as transport and energy. In this context, work on the Commission's proposal
including their financing, should be intensified.
Innovation policy
21. Particular emphasis should be placed on
improving access of business, and in particular SMEs, to
information and communication technologies
in order to enable them to take full advantage of the
opportunities these technologies offer. Recalling the Stockholm European Council Conclusions, the Sixth
Research Framework Programme should therefore make full use of the new instruments, among others, for
promoting networks of excellence, integrated projects and the joint implementat ion of national programmes
within its focused set of priorities, taking into account inter alia the need to reinforce cohesion and small and
medium-sized enterprises.
22. Efforts should continue to
promote innovation, research and development, and entrepreneurship by
SMEs in particular
and to improve their access to venture capital, including for business start-ups in high-tech
sectors, through timely implementation of the Risk Capital Action Plan. An environment favourable to private
sector investment in research and development should be encouraged.
23. Taking into account the Conclusions of several European Councils, work should be continued on the
Community patent and utility model. As stated by the Laeken European Council, the
Community patent
should be a flexible instrument involving the least possible cost while complying with the principle of non-
discrimination between Member States' undertakings and ensuring a high level of quality.
24. Efforts should also continue to provide a coherent and effective framework for
new technologies.
This will
enable Community businesses to exploit the full potential of biotechnology, which is a key sector, while taking
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due account of the precautionary principle, respecting fundamental values and meeting ethical and social
concerns. In this context, the Council welcomes the Commission's recent communication on life sciences and
Further attention should be paid to the contribution that new technologies can make to employment,
competitiveness and growth in the Union.
Review of the methods used in the context of the Cardiff economic reform process
25. The Council invites the Permanent Representatives Committee to conduct a thorough review of the
methods used so far with regard to the internal market aspects of the annual Cardiff exercise and to report to it
by September 2002 at the latest.
These Conclusions are forwarded to the Barcelona European Council. They also serve as a contribution to the
preparation of the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines for 2002 and to the Commission's annual review of its Strategy for
the Internal Market.