Europaudvalget 2002-03
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Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
og deres stedfortrædere
25. september 2003
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges formandskabets
kommenterede dagsorden vedrørende Det Europæiske Råds møde i Bru-
xelles den 16.-17. oktober 2003, 12724/03.
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Brussels, 23 September 2003
The Presidency
Permanent Representatives Committee/Council
European Council (16/17 October 2003)
– Annotated draft agenda
According  to  the  Seville  European  Council  Conclusions  the  General  Affairs  and
External Relations Council, acting on a presidency proposal, shall draw up an anno-
tated draft agenda at least four weeks before the meeting of the European Council.
The  Presidency  accordingly  submits  the  following  annotated  draft  agenda,  which
sets out the main items it expects the European Council to address in Brussels on
16/17 October. The revised final version of the annotated draft agenda which the
Presidency will submit to the GAERC immediately preceding the European Coun-
cil  will  take  into  account  the  outcome  of  relevant  work  in  sectoral  Councils
(ECOFIN, TTE, JHA) meeting earlier in the month.
The  Presidency  furthermore  recalls  that  Heads  of  State  or  Government  will  also
meet as an Intergovernmental Conference on the new Constitutional Treaty in the
margins of this European Council. For the sake of completeness, indications on the
likely proceedings of the IGC will be contained in the revised version of this note.
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The Presidency intends to limit the agenda to the following items:
Relaunching the European economy
Strengthening the area of freedom, security and justice
External relations
After  a  period  of  uncertainty,  some  positive  signs  are  emerging  in  Europe.  An
improvement  in  the  international  economic  environment,  low  levels  of  inflation,
stabilised  oil  prices  and  better  conditions  in  the  financial  markets  are  key  factors
behind a pick up in economic activity, which is expected to begin in the second part
of the year and strengthen in the course of 2004.
Since  the  situation  remains  fragile,  a  message  of  confidence  in  the  European
Union's  economic  future  is  needed.  Enhancing  sound  macroeconomic  policies,
accelerating structural reforms and promoting investment in profitable infrastructu-
re and human capital are key priorities.  The expected pick up in economic activity
should be used to strengthen budgetary consolidation with a view to improve the
growth potential of the European economies and to ensure the long-term sustaina-
bility of public finances, as emphasised by the Brussels Spring European Council.
To this end, appropriate measures aimed at relaunching growth along a number of
axes  should  be  taken,  in  the  context  of  the  Lisbon  Strategy.  The  purpose  of  this
European Council, without seeking to pre-empt the Spring 2004 rendez-vous, is to
focus attention on certain areas of particular and immediate relevance to growth, in
order to organise work and to offer guidance in view of concrete conclusions at the
European Council on 12/13 December.
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Boosting investment in key projects in a framework of sound macroecono-
mic policies
Speeding  up  the  implementation  of  European  physical  networks  and  increasing
investment in human capital while enhancing sound macroeconomic policies will be
crucial for growth and help achieve an effective integration of the enlarged Europe,
with significant gains in productivity.
To this end the European Council is expected to endorse the ECOFIN Council’s
report  of  7  October  in  relation  to  the  Initiative  for  Growth  with  a  view  to  the
ECOFIN Council’s assessment prior to the European Council in December. The
involvement of the private sector in financing European projects is a key compo-
nent  in  making  this  programme  a  reality  through  the  provision  of  additional  and
larger sources of private funding.
(Initiative for Growth – To be completed after the ECOFIN Council on 7 October)
Connecting the internal market
Completing  a  fully  effective  internal  market  also  plays  a  vital  role  in  boosting
growth. Maximising its benefits requires modern, efficient transport infrastructure
to ensure easy and equal access to and from all EU Member States, also in view of
the upcoming enlargement. In this framework, the European Council is expected to
give particular attention to the new Decision on the priority projects for transport
TENs – accompanied by proposals intended to boost the volume and the efficiency
of investment in those projects – and other proposals being examined by the TTE
(to be updated after the TTE Council on 9/10 October)
. To this end, a higher rate
of Community co-financing and stronger coordination among Member States will
be considered. This must be accompanied by a modern transport policy which ac-
cords due importance to considerations of safety and sustainability.
The completion of an integrated market for electricity and gas will enhance security
of supply and competitiveness, giving further impetus to growth . In addition, the
development of energy infrastructures will also ensure the full involvement of the
new EU's neighbours and partner countries in the European market.  
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Enhancing the competitiveness and long-term growth potential of the Euro-
pean economy
Enhancing competitiveness remains a key to stimulating economic growth. In this
regard, the European Council is expected to give concrete substance to the indica-
tions provided by Spring European Councils in the following areas:
accelerating structural reforms across the board,
evaluating the role of Industrial policy at European level, addressing gen-
eral framework conditions for businesses
implementing an effective better regulation (improved quality of legisla-
tion and simplification) at European and national level, in order to provide
the appropriate environment for businesses,
further extending and deepening the knowledge base, with investment in
research and advanced technologies as well as in human capital playing a
crucial role in this regard.
The European Council could also give consideration to how further action to en-
environmental protection
could contribute to boosting
growth, while evaluating its impact on competitiveness.
Completing the integration of the Financial Markets
Fully integrated and stable financial markets will play a crucial role in channelling
savings  into  productive  investment  and  enhancing  economic  growth.  The  Euro-
pean Council is accordingly expected to call for rapid progress on all the outstan-
ding components of the Financial Services Action Plan with a view to finalisation in
accordance with the agreed timetable.
The European Council is also expected to give impetus for bringing work on the
take-over bids Directive to a rapid and successful conclusion.
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Reinforcing the social dimension
The systems of social protection play a vital role in achieving the goals set out in the
Lisbon  Strategy  and  reinforcing  competitiveness  while  maintaining  the  European
social cohesion model. The improvement of these systems requires reforms to be
pursued in order to ensure their long-term sustainability, particularly in the context
of the challenges posed by an ageing population.  
The European Council is accordingly expected to consider and support the Mem-
ber States on ways of enhancing the global and mutually-reinforcing nature of the
Lisbon Strategy
on the one hand, by ensuring that social aspects are fully integra-
ted into the Union's economic and employment policies, and on the other, by deve-
loping policies aimed at reforms of the labour market and preparing for the chal-
lenges  posed  by  an  ageing  population,  in  particular  the  sustainability  of  pensions
systems while maintaining their quality, adequacy and availability.
Immigration, Frontiers And Asylum
The European Council conclusions are likely to include the following elements:
The European Council reaffirms the principles and priorities of the EU policies on
immigration and asylum as set out in the European Councils in Thessaloniki, Sevil-
le, Laeken and Tampere. In the framework of a balanced approach between illegal
migration and reception and integration of legal immigrants, it invites the Council
and  the  Commission  to      continue  the  active  implementation  of  the  initiatives
agreed  upon  in  the  field  of  migration  and  asylum.  In  this  regard,  the  European
Council recalls the priority of defining the pending proposals for Council directives
in the field of asylum, in order to complete the legal framework provided for in the
Treaty of Amsterdam.
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At the same time, it underlines the urgency of full implementation of the Plan on
the management of external borders, including the close coordination and monito-
ring of   “Centres” and operational activities, . Furthermore, the European Council
supports joint initiatives between Member States for border management, also on a
regional basis. In this framework, the European Council invites the Commission to
put forward as soon as possible a  Communication on the possible  creation of an
Agency for the management of external borders, in time for the Council to discuss
main issues at its 27/28 November session, . This  Communication should draw on
experience by the Common Unit activities [reflecting Thessaloniki point 13 and 14].
The  European  Council  takes  note  of  the  results  of  the  study  launched  by  the
Commission on maritime borders and invites the Council to draw up a work pro-
gramme to be adopted by the end of the year.
The European Council reaffirms that the use of all appropriate instruments in the
context  of  the  EU's  external  relations  should  be  an  essential  component  of  the
EU's  strategy  to  combat  illegal  migration.  In  this  context,  the  European  Council
underlines  the  importance  of  an  active  partnership  with  third  countries  of  origin
and transit of migratory flows, in the framework of an overall integrated, compre-
hensive and balanced dialogue with those countries.
In this regard, it regrets the slow progress in concluding Community readmission
agreements, invites the Commission, the Council and the Member States to set up a
[package of instruments – to be clarified] in order to facilitate the successful conclu-
sion of these agreements. It welcomes the Commission's initiation of a study into
national legal immigration quotas and notes that each Member State is responsible
for the number of legal immigrants admitted to its territory, in accordance with its
law and reflecting its specific situation. The value of combining national quotas to
support the Commission in its international negotiations on behalf of the Commu-
nity shall be analysed and it invites all Member States, Accession States and Candi-
date States to cooperate fully with the Commission to this end [reflecting results of
the informal JHA Council in Rome].
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The European Council reaffirms the importance of solidarity in the implementation
of a common return policy and in this framework invites the Commission to pre-
sent proposals, taking into account the current financial perspectives and the finan-
cial envelope foreseen in Thessaloniki, to provide financial support for the repatria-
tion in humane and dignified conditions to the main countries of origin and transit
of flows of illegal immigration.
Judicial Cooperation
The European Council welcomes with satisfaction the approval of the Regulation
on  parental  responsibility  as  a  fundamental  step  to  improve  the  legislative  frame-
work  in  civil  proceedings  concerning  the  custody  and  the  protection  of  minors.
This Regulation and the related international Conventions will also contribute to a
better regime in this matter in the relationships with third countries. Furthermore,
the Regulation is a major first step towards the construction of a European family
Recalling the Laeken Conclusion, the European Council reaffirms the importance
of  intensifying  the  fight  against  drug  trafficking  and  the  urgency  of  adopting  the
Commission proposal on the subject by the end of 2003.
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