Europaudvalget 2002-03
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stedfortrædereBilagJournalnummerKontor1400.C.2-0EUK29. september 2003
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges formandskabets
reviderede kommenterede dagsorden vedrørende Det Europæiske Råds møde i
Bruxelles den 16.-17. oktober 2003, 12940/03.
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COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNIONBrussels, 26 September 2003 12940/03
From:The PresidencyTo:CouncilSubject:European
Council (16/17 October 2003) -
Annotated draft agenda
According  to  the  Seville  European  Council  Conclusions  the  General  Affairs  and  External
Relations Council, acting on a presidency proposal, shall draw up an annotated draft agenda
at least four weeks before the meeting of the European Council.
The Presidency accordingly submits the following annotated draft agenda, which sets out the
main items it expects the European Council to address in Brussels on 16/17 October. The
revised final version of the annotated draft agenda which the Presidency will submit to the
GAERC immediately preceding the European Council will take into account the outcome of
relevant work in sectoral Councils (ECOFIN, TTE, JHA) meeting earlier in the month.
The Presidency furthermore recalls that Heads of State or Government will also meet as an
Intergovernmental  Conference  on  the  new  Constitutional  Treaty  in  the  margins  of  this
European Council. For the sake of completeness, indications on the likely proceedings of the
IGC will be contained in the revised version of this note.
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The Presidency intends to limit the agenda to the following items:
Relaunching the European economy
Strengthening the area of freedom, security and justice
External relations
The Growth Initiative
After a period of uncertainty, some positive signs are emerging in Europe. An improvement
in the international economic environment, low levels of inflation, stabilised oil prices and
better  conditions  in  the  financial  markets  are  key  factors  behind  a  pick  up  in  economic
activity, which is expected to strengthen in the course of 2004.
Since  the  situation  remains  fragile,  a  message  of  confidence  in  the  European  Union's
economic  potential  is  needed.  Maintaining  sound  macroeconomic  policies,  accelerating
structural  reforms  and  promoting  investment  in  infrastructure  and  human  capital  are  key
priorities. In this context, economic policies should continue to be aimed at producing job-
creating growth.
The purpose of this European Council, without seeking to pre-empt the Spring 2004 rendez-
vous,  is  to  focus  immediate  attention  on  certain  areas  of  the  EU's  agenda  for  growth,  in
order  to  organise  work  and  to  offer  guidance  in  view  of  concrete  conclusions  at  the
European Council on 12/13 December. Relaunching growth calls for determined action to
be taken before the end of the year on the following three fronts:
Boosting investment in key projects
Speeding up the implementation of European physical networks and increasing investment
in  human  capital  will  be  crucial  for  growth  as  well  as  for  helping  to  achieve  an  effective
integration of the enlarged Europe, with significant gains in productivity.
To  this  end  the  European  Council  is  expected  to  pave  the  way  for  putting  into  place  a
programme  for  supporting  growth  by  increasing  overall  investment  in  TENs  and  R&D
projects  through  more  substantial  private  sector  involvement.  This  will  require  greater
efforts to encourage and channel private capital towards productive uses.
(Initiative for Growth
- To be completed after the ECOFIN Council on 7 October)
Connecting up the Member States
Building modern, efficient transport infrastructures to ensure easy and equal access between
all Member States will have a twofold positive effect: it will boost growth directly, and it will
boost  growth  by  maximising  the  benefits  of  the  internal  market.  In  this  framework,  the
European Council is expected to give particular attention to the new Decision on the priority
projects for transport TENs - accompanied by proposals intended to boost the volume and
the efficiency of investment in those projects - and other proposals being examined by the
TTE Council
(to be updated after the TTE Council on 9/10 October)
. To this end, a higher rate of
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Community  This  must  be  and   stronger by  a  modern  transport  policy  which  accords  due
considered.   co-financing  accompanied   coordination   among   Member   States   will   be
importance to considerations of safety and sustainability.
Securing supplies of energy
The  completion  of  an  integrated  market  for  electricity  and  gas  will  enhance  security  of
supply and competitiveness, giving further impetus to growth. In addition, the development
of energy infrastructures will also ensure the full involvement of the new EU's neighbours
and partner countries in the European market. Given the heavy dependence of the EU on
energy  imports  and  the  importance  of  neighbouring  countries,  in  particular  those  of  the
Mediterranean  region  as  suppliers  or  countries  of  transit,  the  European  Council  could
discuss ways and means of promoting new energy networks with these countries, inter alia in
view  of  the  Rome  Euro-Mediterranean  Ministerial  Conference  on  energy  to  be  held  in
Favourable conditions for growth
Priority action under the Growth Initiative will be carried out in the context and against the
backdrop  of  on-going  efforts  to  give  concrete  substance  to  the  indications  provided  by
previous Spring European Councils in a number of other key areas. Continued efforts in the
following areas will contribute to enhancing the longer-term growth potential of the Union
while keeping in mind environmental considerations and the social dimension:
Enhancing the competitiveness of the European economy
Enhancing   competitiveness   remains   essential   for   stimulating   economic   growth.   The
European Council is therefore expected to call for:  
the pace of structural reforms across the board to be kept up and where possible
an evaluation of the role which could be assigned to Industrial policy at European
effective better regulation (improved quality of legislation and simplification) at
European and national level, in order to provide the appropriate environment for
a further extension and deepening of the knowledge base, with investment in
research and advanced technologies as well as in human capital playing a crucial
role in this regard.
The  European  Council  could  also  give  consideration  to  how  further  action  to  enhance
environmental protection
could contribute to boosting growth, while
evaluating its impact on competitiveness.
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Completing the integration of the Financial Markets
Fully  integrated  and  stable  financial  markets  will  play  a  crucial  role  in  channelling  savings
into  productive  investment  and  enhancing  economic  growth.  The  European  Council  is
accordingly   expected   to   identify   as   a   priority   rapid   progress   on   all   the   outstanding
components of the Financial Services Action Plan with a view to finalisation in accordance
with the agreed timetable; more robust enforcement of existing legislation will also be called
The European Council is also expected to give impetus for bringing work on the take-over
bids Directive, intended to create a level playing field in this area, to a rapid and successful
Reinforcing the social dimension
The systems of social protection play a vital role in achieving the goals set out in the Lisbon
Strategy  and  reinforcing  competitiveness  while  maintaining  the  European  social  cohesion
model. These systems nevertheless need to undergo reform if their long-term sustainability,
particularly in the context of the challenges posed by an ageing population, is to be ensured.
Such action will, in turn, contribute to relaunching the economy in the short term.
The European Council is accordingly expected to consider and support the Member States
on ways of enhancing the global and mutually-reinforcing nature of the Lisbon Strategy
the one hand, by ensuring that social aspects are fully integrated into the Union's economic
and employment policies, and on the other, by developing policies aimed at reforming labour
markets  and  preparing  for  the  challenges  posed  by  an  ageing  population,  in  particular  the
sustainability of pensions systems while maintaining their quality, adequacy and availability.
Managing the Union's common borders
The European Council is likely to:
stress that with the forthcoming enlargement, the Union's borders are expanding,
and recall the common interest of all Member States in establishing a more
effective management of the borders, in particular with a view to enhancing the
security of its citizens;
underline the importance of full implementation of the Plan for the management of
external borders and the setting up of the Border Management Centres, which
should operate in close coordination with each other;
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invite the Commission to submit a proposal for the creation of a Border
Management Agency, in time for the Council to reach a political agreement on
main elements by the end of the year. This proposal should draw on the experience
of the Common Unit of External Border Practitioners;
take note of the study carried out for the Commission on maritime borders and
invite the JHA Council to draw up a work programme on this issue to be adopted
by the end of the year.
Controlling migratory flows
The European Council is likely to:
confirm the top political priority ascribed to the issue of migration and reaffirm its
commitment to a balanced approach between, on the one hand, the urgent need to
stop illegal migration and to fight against the trafficking of human beings, and, on
the other hand, the reception and integration of legal immigrants, in accordance
with the principles and priorities set out in the European Councils in Thessaloniki,
Seville, Laeken and Tampere;
commit itself to the use of all appropriate
of EU's external relations,
including strengthened partnerships with the third countries concerned, in pursuit
of the EU's strategy to combat illegal migration. In this context the European
Council could:
invite the Commission, the Council and the Member States to make every
effort to facilitate the successful conclusion by the Community of
readmission agreements. It is likely to invite the Council and the Commission
to prepare, in view of its Spring 2004 meeting, a report identifying in
particular the priorities of a common readmission policy and the measures
taken to ensure the successful development of such a policy;
reaffirm that a common return policy is a key element for an efficient and
comprehensive immigration policy and invites the Council and the
Commission to give the highest priority to the implementation of the action
plan adopted in November 2002. In this framework, it is likely to invite the
Commission to present a proposal, taking into account the financial
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perspectives, to provide financial support for the repatriation in full
compliance with humanitarian principles and respect for the dignity of the
person of illegal immigrants and unsuccessful applicants for asylum to
countries of origin and transit;
note with satisfaction the work under way within the Union and in
international bodies (ICAO, G8) on the introduction of biometric identifiers
in visas, residence permits and passports; call upon the JHA Council to reach
a political agreement by the end of 2003 on the two Commission proposals
for Council Regulations on biometrics identifiers and to take the necessary
decisions on the development of the Visa Information System (VIS) and the
Schengen Information System (SIS) II.
Furthermore the European Council could also:
recognise that, while each Member State is responsible for the number of legal
immigrants admitted to its territory, in accordance with its law and reflecting its
specific situation, including labour markets, there could be considerable value in
combining national
to support the Commission in its international
negotiations in the field of migration on behalf of the Community; in this
framework, the European Council could welcome the Commission's initiation of a
study into the relationship between legal and illegal immigration including setting
quotas, and invite all Member States, Accession States and Candidate States to
cooperate fully with the Commission to this end;
call upon the JHA Council to complete its work urgently on proposals for the
qualification and procedures directives, in order to comply with the
deadline already set by the Seville and Thessaloniki European Councils for the end
of 2003, to enable us to tackle asylum abuse and inefficiency while fully respecting
the Geneva Convention and our humanitarian traditions.
Judicial Cooperation
The European Council is likely to:
call for continued efforts towards closer police, judicial and customs cooperation
and a strengthening of law enforcement cooperation, particularly as concerns the
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fight against serious crime and terrorism;
reaffirm the importance of the fight against drug trafficking and call for adoption of
the Commission proposal for a Council Framework Decision on this subject by the
end of 2003;
welcome the approval of the Council Regulation on parental responsibility and
matrimonial matters, which, by allowing the recognition and enforcement
throughout the Community of national judgements, will greatly enhance citizens
access to justice in matters of direct concern to them in their daily lives. This
Regulation constitutes in particular an important step in the creation of a coherent
legislative framework for the custody and the protection of minors.
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