Europaudvalget 2002-03
EUU Alm.del Bilag 451
Sharing the Future in a Community of Values
The Priorities of the Greek Presidency 2003
The Greek Presidency’s message
The five major priorities
The situation in Europe and worldwide
Enlargement: the Accession Treaty and the day after
The Lisbon Process: competitiveness, cohesion and sustainability
Immigration/Asylum: joint responsibility, comprehensive immigration
The Future of Europe; The Outcome of the Convention
External relations: the new Europe as an international motor for peace and
The main issues in the context of Community Policies
Employment, social policy, health and consumers
Competitiveness (internal market, entrepreneurship, industry, research and
Transport, communications, energy
Agriculture, fisheries and food safety
Education, Youth and Culture
Single area of justice, security, freedom
External relations – ESDP
General Affairs
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December 2002
1. Introduction
1. The Presidency Message: “Our
Europe. Sharing the future in a Community of
Our message reflects our objective of promoting a community of values: which
recognises the citizen’s right to security, democracy and a better quality of life; which
will create institutions able to guarantee participation and equality; and which will
make the European citizen sense that his or her voice is heard, that he or she belongs
to a new single family, to Our Europe.
Our Europe
belongs to all European peoples without exceptions or exclusions.
Everybody has a stake in such a
Enlargement brings this vision much closer.
Our Europe
welcomes the new member states, confident of achieving a new synthesis
and a new dynamism; the sort of dynamism that these states have shown during their
rapid social, political and economic transition. It is up to us all to make enlargement a
catalyst for accelerating European integration; a force which will ensure that Europe
is able to face the challenges of a new era in world affairs.
2. The Five Major Priorities
The greatest enlargement in the history of the EU, an enlargement that will erase the
artificial division of Europe and unify societies and economies that operated for
decades under completely different systems, represents a challenge that will not
disappear once negotiations have been completed and the decision on accession has
been made. The Greek Presidency will do its utmost to keep to the timetable and
facilitate the gradual integration of the new member states into the Community
The further implementation of the Lisbon Strategy and the Spring Summit in 2003
will take place within a new political and economic context, bringing major
challenges as well as opportunities. The political and economic uncertainties, with
regard to growth and stability in Europe and the world, will be offset by a European
currency, which has proved to be one of the world’s strongest, and by the prospect of
the EU’s enlargement. Within such a context, it should be clear that we remain
determined to achieve the goal of making the European economy the most
competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy, capable of promoting
sustainable growth with more and better jobs and stronger social cohesion. This will
require, however, significant reforms to enable faster growth, employment, prosperity
and improved quality of living.
The Union’s policy on immigration, asylum and the management of external borders,
is one of the most important priorities of the Greek Presidency. Community policies
in this area have so far not matched the magnitude of the immigration phenomenon
that we are facing. The operation of the single market, including the free movement of
workers, means that we have common responsibilities. At Seville we adopted
decisions that will have to be implemented before the European Council in
Thessaloniki. Over and above questions related to illegal immigration, joint border
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management and asylum, our approach should be more global, covering aspects of the
economic and social integration of immigrants. The Presidency will take specific
initiatives in order to arrive at common goals and a single set of uniform practices,
thus ensuring a balanced and long-term management of the immigration phenomenon.
At the European Council in Thessaloniki, we plan to have the first in-depth debate
about the Future of Europe, based on the proposals of the Convention. The questions
that were raised in Laeken concern both the future of the institutions and the future of
the enlarged Union’s policies. On that basis, the discussion should reflect the degree
of consensus achieved and the points on which the Intergovernmental Conference
should focus when it is convened during the Italian Presidency.
In the field of external relations, the Presidency will concentrate its efforts on regions
of immediate proximity, without of course disregarding the Union’s commitments
towards other areas of the world. The Balkans, the Mediterranean area and the Middle
East, Russia and the countries of the Black Sea demand our constant attention in the
interests of safeguarding peace and democracy. They offer, at the same time, major
opportunities for mutual benefits in the economic sector. The handling of the Iraq
crisis constitutes a particular challenge in terms of maintaining the cohesion of the
CFSP and enhancing the role of the Union in the international arena. Cooperation
with the United States, in the context of the transatlantic dialogue, will benefit both
sides by focusing on major issues that require a common approach.
3. The situation in Europe and worldwide
2003 will be a milestone year in the history of the EU. Ten new member states will be
joining forces with the present fifteen, in one of the most courageous steps towards
realising the goals set by the Union’s founders, namely peace and prosperity through
extensive European integration. A new era is dawning, which finds Europe stronger
and ready to meet new challenges. In this context, we shall be implementing a new
Treaty for the first time, the Treaty of Nice, while the discussion on the future of
Europe is reaching its climax and we are about to draft a fundamental text, of
constitutional character, that will enshrine the principles on which we have relied and
the new objectives we are setting for Europe.
At the same time, the Greek Presidency is expected to unfold in a particularly volatile
and unpredictable global environment. The emergence of new factors in shaping the
international balance, the existence of international terrorism, organized crime and,
more generally, the development of forces that are not subject to any institutional
control or discipline, create a climate of marked uncertainty on the world scene. The
Presidency needs to remain extremely vigilant in order to handle crises that may arise
and must also be ready to tackle major challenges such as:
Fighting international terrorism and organised crime. Recent experience has
shown that the fight against international terrorism is a complex process with
many dimensions: military, economic, political and cultural. A global strategy
should aim at combating both the symptoms and causes of this phenomenon.
Given the current economic slowdown, improving the climate of confidence
and investment, increasing productivity, levels of employment and fiscal
stability, are all objectives of critical importance.
The challenge of “sustainable development” on a global scale, that can
contribute to eradicating poverty and destitution and bridge growing socio-
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economic inequalities whilst, at the same time, protecting the environment and
safeguarding ecosystems.
Reaffirming the role of international law and international institutions and
promoting a new, democratic governance model, in the light of globalisation.
This situation of uncertainty and the major challenges that we face make it imperative
that we strengthen and restore the European citizen’s feeling of security, as our
primary and overarching objective. Whether this involves fighting terrorism and
organised crime, controlling the flow of immigration, protecting workers’ health and
safety, ensuring the viability of pension schemes, or food safety and consumer
protection, the European Union must re-establish a climate of security and
confidence. This is precisely the aim that most of the action included in the Greek
Presidency’s programme will strive to achieve.
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II. Priorities
1. Enlargement: The Accession Treaty and the day after.
The first priority of the Greek Presidency will be to secure the timetable for the
accession of the 10 candidate countries according to the Copenhagen decisions. After
the completion of accession negotiations with Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia,
Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia, the
Union looks forward to welcoming these states as members from 1 May 2004.
The historic decision at Copenhagen foresees that the new Treaty will be signed in
Athens in April 2003. Before that, the drafting of the new Treaty must be completed,
the opinion of the Commission must be received and the assent of the European
Parliament and the approval of the Council must also be given. Moreover, if the
settlement of the political problem in Cyprus is achieved before completing the
Accession Treaty, the Treaty will accommodate the agreed terms in line with the
principles on which the EU is founded.
The 10 candidate countries will participate as active observers in Council proceedings
from the signing of the Accession Treaty until full accession, i.e. after the new Treaty
has been ratified by the 15 present and 10 new member states, in accordance with
each country’s constitutional requirements.
The present member states will continue to monitor the progress of applicant
countries with respect to the adoption and implementation of the acquis, even after the
completion of the negotiations and until accession. This monitoring process will,
however, become more substantial during the second half of 2003 when, six months
before the accession date, the Commission will be asked to present a report on the
overall progress of candidate countries in this area.
The Greek Presidency will implement the new, enhanced pre-accession strategy for
Bulgaria and Romania. The decisions of Brussels and Copenhagen include a specific
timetable for closing the remaining chapters of the community acquis, provision for
increased pre-accession aid and a target date of 2007 for the two countries’ accession.
The pre-accession progress of Turkey will be enhanced by supporting her efforts to
move towards the starting of accession negotiations according to the timetable set by
Copenhagen. As stated in the Commission’s annual report, there is a need for an
analytical examination of the degree of implementation of the various legislative
initiatives undertaken by Turkey to achieve the Copenhagen criteria. At the same time
new methods will be sought for a better understanding of the Union’s requirements
and Accession Partnership priorities that must be fulfilled in the next two years. The
preparation of a new Accession Partnership for Turkey is also expected during the
Greek Presidency.
Finally, we consider enlargement as a leap towards European integration and under no
circumstances should it be allowed to create new dividing lines. Our aim is that
enlargement serves as a point of departure for building stronger relations in the wider
European space from Russia to the Mediterranean, based on common values and
economic interests.
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2. The Lisbon Process: Competitiveness, Cohesion, Sustainability
The Lisbon Process has achieved its initial goal of mobilising and supporting
Europe’s efforts towards economic and social reform. Three years after its adoption,
one third of the way to the 2010 target date, much has been achieved, but there is still
an implementation deficit in a number of areas. To better promote the objectives
agreed in 2000, the Greek Presidency intends to focus on the following issues:
2.1 Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses
Europe suffers from a lack of entrepreneurship, especially in knowledge-intensive
sectors. Young entrepreneurs and small businesses do not contribute as much as they
could to employment, growth and regional cohesion. To overcome this problem, it is
therefore necessary to eliminate barriers to market access, simplify administrative
procedures, facilitate access to capital, support the creation of networks, enhance skill
levels and the qualitative aspects of employment in small enterprises and encourage
entrepreneurship through the education system. The Greek Presidency will work to
ensure the adoption by the European Council of the Green Paper on Entrepreneurship,
to accelerate the implementation of the European Charter for Small Businesses, to
simplify the regulatory framework and to encourage the dissemination of best
practices in corporate governance, so as to enhance market confidence.
2.2 The European Knowledge Economy
Economic growth in Europe will depend, in the medium-term, on the use of new
development resources. The Greek Presidency will attempt to achieve concrete results
on the development of research in cutting edge technologies, including defence-
related research. It will also aim at increasing investment in research and technology
(in particular by the business sector), the adoption of the Community Patent and, more
generally, at ensuring that the Information Society will be accessible to all, through
the use of open standards and inter-operability at the level of networks and services.
In parallel, decisions on the financing of the e-Europe programme will be prepared as
well as an effective contribution by the Union to the UN Summit on the Information
Society. As human resources are essential for a knowledge-based economy, special
emphasis will be given to the reform of education and training systems (particularly in
basic skills and learning of foreign languages) and improved workforce mobility.
2.3 Interconnecting Europe
The EU today is becoming increasingly connected and interdependent; every possible
effort should therefore be made to eliminate any barriers to this integration,
particularly in the energy, transport and financial services markets. In the energy
sector, the Presidency will be aiming at an agreement for full and operational
liberalisation and a more limited role for the state, taking into account public interest
commitments, supply security and the protection of vulnerable areas and populations.
The Presidency will also seek to: promote the development of financial tools, with a
view to expanding Trans-European Energy and Transport Networks (also including
the new member countries); create a single European sky; progress the Action Plans
on Financial Services and Business Capital; lay down the principles governing
services of general economic interest; modernise legislation on competition rules; and
promote a single market for services.
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2.4 More and Better Jobs
The second Lisbon pillar concerns the modernization of the social model and is just as
important as the economic aspects. The European Councils of Lisbon and Stockholm
set ambitious objectives for increasing employment rates. For their attainment, it will
be necessary to redefine policy tools, improve market operation and also introduce
changes at the level of social and cultural patterns, in particular with regard to the
participation of women, older people and immigrants in the labour market. The spring
European Council in 2003 must therefore give strong encouragement to reforms, in
order to ensure the reduction of the quantitative and qualitative employment deficit in
Europe. The Greek Presidency is expected to focus in particular on: a) the
synchronising of the main economic and social policy measures to achieve improved
coordination and global supervision, b) the revision of the European Employment
Strategy on the basis of the Barcelona decisions, and c) the improvement of the
qualitative aspects of work, based on the Commission’s Communication on Health
and Safety.
2.5 Strengthening Social Cohesion
Stronger social cohesion can be achieved by the updating of policies on social
protection and inclusion, as well as by a rational and fair approach to demographic
changes and the effects of the ageing population. Member states should take specific
steps in the matter of pensions, maintaining the systems’ capacity to attain their social
objectives, whilst safeguarding the stability and viability of public finance. The Greek
Presidency will promote policies for the integration of groups suffering from social
exclusion, also in view of the fact that 2003 is the Year for People with Disabilities. It
also intends to draw appropriate conclusions from the examination of the joint report
on pensions, to update the Regulation on the coordination of pension schemes and to
consider the effects of ageing on health and welfare systems for senior citizens.
2.6 Safeguarding Future Prosperity Through Sustainability
Since 2001, when the environmental component was integrated in the Lisbon strategy
at Göteborg, special emphasis has been given to the compatibility of environmental
and economic policies. The spring European Council of 2003 will make it possible to
define clearly the main directions of this strategic approach for balanced sustainable
development and to set specific objectives, which will act as an incentive for further
progress. In promoting the objective of sustainable development, the Greek
Presidency will work towards the review of the EU strategy on sustainable
development, based on the Göteborg mandate and on the 6
Action Plan for the
Environment, aiming at decoupling economic development from the use of natural
resources and environmental degradation, as well as at implementing the
Johannesburg commitments. Emphasis will be placed on the ten-year framework of
programmes for sustainable production and consumption (clean technologies, savings
on materials and energy), as well as on the Water and Energy Initiatives through
specific action in areas such as: increased participation of renewable energy sources,
integration of the environmental dimension in the EU’s external policy, the removal
of obstacles to the development of environmental technology, and a global strategy
for chemicals. The Greek Presidency will also work towards the adoption of the
Regulation on the taxation of energy products for a more efficient use of energy, and
on the advancement of the Framework Regulation on the pricing of infrastructure.
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3. Immigration – Asylum: Joint Responsibility, Comprehensive Immigration
The values of “justice, freedom and security”, as highlighted in the Amsterdam Treaty
and the Tampere conclusions, reflect the steadfast wish of European citizens. As a
result of globalisation, poverty and regional conflicts, immigration phenomena have
assumed unprecedented proportions, creating new needs and obligations for the
Union. At the same time, the enlargement of the European Union is linked to new
challenges and opportunities in this sector, with regard to the shifting of the Union’s
external frontiers, as well as the implementation of its policies within the context of
25 or more states.
The relationship between immigration and development, the social and economic
integration of legal immigrants, and control of illegal immigration, will be areas of
action for the Greek Presidency.
The decisions of Seville on economic and technical support to third countries will
help them to establish social and economic conditions that allow economic
immigrants to remain in their countries of origin. Taking into account the vast
possibilities for better coordination of member states’ immigration policies, the
Presidency will work towards a comprehensive immigration policy, worthy of the
level of integration achieved in a Union without internal borders and proportionate to
the scale of the challenges we are facing. Aware of the unquestionable benefits that
planned legal immigration will have on the competitiveness of the European economy
and the handling of demographic problems, such a policy will manage and utilise
immigration flows and not simply provide for suppressive measures once the problem
has occurred.
The Greek Presidency also wants to emphasise the fact that the control of illegal
immigration is a collective problem for the Union and its resolution is a joint
responsibility. The elimination of illegal trafficking of human beings requires close
cooperation with the countries of origin and transit and the adoption of a cohesive
framework for readmission and repatriation. With respect to joint frontier
management and repatriation policies, the implementation of common actions, based
on the Danish Presidency’s road map and expected European Commission proposals
on fair burden sharing, represent an important priority of the Greek Presidency. The
Presidency’s report to the European Council in Thessaloniki on the implementation of
the guidelines of the Seville Conclusions is therefore critical.
In view of the above, for asylum issues, the promotion of measures for implementing
effective procedures should be combined with corresponding progress in the area of
common policies relating to legal immigration and the development of the joint
frontier management system.
4. The Future of Europe: The Outcome of the Convention
The Future of the European Union, with the prospect of the forthcoming enlargement
to 25 member states, is a question of fundamental interest for the Greek Presidency.
Greece has always believed that the Union’s enlargement should be linked to
deepening European unification. The enlarged Union should evolve into an
institutional system capable of making effective decisions with a democratic and
social content.
For that reason, Greece as Presidency of the Council, attaches particular importance to
the work of the Convention on the Future of Europe and welcomes the progress
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achieved so far during its proceedings. The contribution of all parties to the
Convention has been highly significant as regards the generation of ideas, proposals
and plans for the future architecture of the European Union. It is especially
noteworthy that the Convention is now working on a draft constitutional treaty, based
on the proposals that have been submitted by many sides.
In accordance with the conclusions of the Copenhagen European Council, Greece
expects that the Convention will have completed its work before the European
Council of Thessaloniki. This will enable the European Council to take the necessary
action, as agreed at the European Councils of Nice and Laeken, to enable the
completion of the procedure with the convening of the Intergovernmental Conference
and the adoption of a new Constitutional Treaty. To this end, Greece will be working
closely with all the parties involved in the Convention process, the member states and
the countries that will be joining the Union and, in particular, the European
Parliament and the European Commission.
The aim of the Greek Presidency is to establish all the conditions that will pave the
way for a new political phase in the process of European integration, as we prepare to
welcome our ten new partners in the European Union. In particular, our aim is to
that the enlarged European Union will operate as a democratically organised
system, close to the European citizen and society, based on the principles of
democracy, the rule of law, respect for civil and minority rights, equality of all
member states, solidarity and subsidiarity.
that the Union will be effective, capable of making decisions, equipped
with all the policies and resources that will enable it to resolve the problems of society
and citizens, to promote economic and social cohesion and real convergence, effective
management and reform of the European economy and sustainable development.
that the Union will be a strong player in the wider regional and international
system, as a factor for peace, stability and cooperation, an active contributor to the
process of building a better world, based on international law and institutions, and a
promoter of good governance, environmental protection and the eradication of
conflicts, organized crime and terrorism.
5. External Relations: the New Europe as an International Factor of Peace and
The Greek Presidency will take place at a time of critical change in Europe and new
challenges in the field of Security and Defence Cooperation, an area where the Union
is trying to forge a new identity. In a period when the EU will be carrying through the
greatest enlargement in its history, the Union will be called upon to reconsider the
context of its relations with its new neighbours and promote policies reflecting the
new situation in Europe. In this light, the promotion of the EU’s relations with the
Balkan countries will be a main priority for the Greek Presidency. The effective
development and deepening of relations with Russia will also constitute an important
parameter in the EU’s efforts to consolidate peace, stability and cooperation in
Europe. Relations with the Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, as well as the Caucasus
region, acquire a special significance in this new European reality. At the same time,
the strengthening of the EU’s cooperation with Mediterranean countries will be a
major task for the Greek Presidency.
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The Greek Presidency will promote political dialogue with all groups of countries. It
will give special emphasis to the respect of human rights and the rule of law. We will
seek closer cooperation between the Union and the US in the fight against inequality,
the proliferation of nuclear and chemical weapons, armaments control and conflict
prevention. We will also aim at a more active participation of the EU in the
international community’s fight against terrorism, promoting the development of
capabilities and policies and supporting multilateral cooperation with third countries
and international organizations, with the aim of eradicating this scourge, which has
developed into a major international problem following September 11, 2001. At the
same time, we will strive for stronger policies for combating poverty, protecting the
environment, preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, resolving
regional conflicts and facing the problem of drug trafficking.
The Greek Presidency’s immediate priorities include the strengthening of relations
with the US and cooperation at all levels, so as to form a joint response to
international challenges.
European citizens expect the Union to respond to its international responsibilities, by
preventing international conflicts and managing crises when they occur. The Greek
Presidency will endeavour to strengthen the EU’s capacity for effective political
intervention in conflict areas, by improving and further developing existing
institutional instruments (common strategies and joint actions). At a time when the
EU is trying to build new capabilities in the field of Security and Defence
Cooperation, the Greek Presidency will pursue its efforts in order to reinforce the
institutional framework of the CFSP, by creating the area of “Freedom, Security and
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III. Main issues in the context of EU policies
Macroeconomic policies and
structural reforms:
interconnection and
macroeconomic policies and structural reforms is the key to
the success of the Lisbon objectives. Macroeconomic
stability is the essential prerequisite for structural changes to
be implemented and achieve results. Likewise, structural
reforms will have a positive impact on macroeconomic
conditions. The observance of the Stability and Growth Pact
is an essential condition for achieving macroeconomic
stability as well as restoring a climate of trust. At the same
time, more intensive efforts towards economic and social
reforms and the increase of the European Union’s
production capacity will facilitate stricter compliance with
the Pact.
In this context, it is a priority for the Greek Presidency to
improve the coordination of fiscal policies and to achieve
better synchronisation between economic and social policies
by reinforcing the General Economic Policy Guidelines –
for a three-year period from now – and aligning related
processes (the Cardiff process for product and capital
markets and the Luxemburg process for employment).
During the Greek Presidency, the updated stability /
convergence programmes of the 15 member states will be
examined. For a better response to the need for policy
synchronisation, more efforts should be made to align
member states’ obligations with regard to reports and
With the aim of developing a more cohesive and effective
statistical system, capable of providing useful information
for political decision making, as well as for the fuller
analysis of the economic implications and progress of the
Lisbon Strategy, an upgrading of statistics and analytical
tools will be sought.
Regarding direct taxation, the Greek Presidency will
proceed on the basis of the agreed timetable and examine, if
necessary, new ways for promoting taxation of savings.
Regarding indirect taxation, the work will focus, on the
basis of the European Commission’s proposals, mainly on
the Travel Agencies Directive and the Regulation on
Administrative Cooperation, while improving cooperation
between the member states on direct and indirect taxation.
Energy tax is one of the issues that will be pushed forward,
together with a comprehensive energy package, before the
More effective coordination of
economic policies
Improving statistics and
analytical tools.
Tax package
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spring Council.
Integration of the internal
market for financial services
With the aim of further integration of financial markets, the
Presidency will seek rapid progress on the Action Plan for
Financial Services and the Action Plan on business capital,
while in parallel promoting discussion on the Directive on
Investment Services as well as on the legal framework and
conditions for periodic information (on the basis of the new
proposals of the Commission).
Finally, the ECOFIN council will enhance economic
cooperation between the EU and new members to ensure
that Enlargement will be a smooth process, whilst improving
prospects for development and prosperity for all.
Strengthening economic
cooperation with new
The European Employment strategy and the Lisbon strategy
constitute the driving force for increasing employment and
reducing unemployment, expanding the knowledge-based
society and strengthening social cohesion. An essential
prerequisite for attaining the objectives that have been set is
to promote vigorously all major policies simultaneously, by
means of an appropriate, coherent timetable. The Greek
Presidency will prepare the interim review of the social
policy agenda and promote the development of an enhanced
employment strategy, by aligning the Luxemburg process
with the wider Lisbon strategy. The synchronisation of
economic and employment policies should be conducted in a
way that improves the cohesion of guidelines (i.e. the
General Economic Policy and Employment Guidelines)
without affecting, however, the autonomy of each process.
The main objectives will be to increase employment, ensure
the social inclusion of weaker population groups, and
promote participation, social dialogue and gender equality.
Efforts will also be made to arrive at a political agreement
on the directive that deals with the working conditions of
temporary workers.
A dynamic employment sector is directly related to job
quality and security. The European Commission’s review of
the common strategy for health and safety at work will be
useful in this context. As part of the modernization of social
welfare, the whole question of the support given to national
strategies for secure and viable pensions, as well as the
health care and protection of senior citizens will be
reviewed. In particular, with regard to pensions, the Greek
Presidency will look for methods of applying a uniform
… and better jobs
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Presidency will look for methods of applying a uniform
process in this sector.
Mobility and skills
In order to balance job supply and demand in a constantly
changing environment, the Greek Presidency will promote
the upgrading of workforce skills, in addition to the
coordination of social insurance schemes, the possibility of
issuing a European social security card and the development
of a Web site with information on professional and
educational opportunities in the Union.
On the occasion of the Year for People with Disabilities,
initiatives aimed at increasing public awareness and
promoting the social inclusion of this population category
will be encouraged.
In the health sector, special attention will be given to
establishing quality and safety standards for the tissue and
cell issue and the revision of legislation on pharmaceuticals,
as well as arriving at a common position on tobacco issues.
The Greek Presidency will work towards the improvement
of the common level of consumer protection throughout the
Union, the effective implementation of related rules and the
participation of consumer organisations in European
People with disabilities
Improving consumer
An effective and functional
internal market, for the benefit
of undertakings…
To create an effective and functional internal market, the
Greek Presidency will intensify efforts to eliminate the
barriers that still prevent the full operation of the internal
market, with the aim of achieving optimum results for the
benefit of enterprises and consumers. To ensure equal
participation of all the Union’s regions in the single market,
we look forward to the European Commission’s
communication on a comprehensive policy for the
sustainable development of island regions.
The commitment to structural and economic reforms should
be renewed by means of immediate and specific action.
Reforms will involve the product and capital markets and
especially the identification of key issues in relation to
sustainable economic growth, i.e. competitiveness combined
with increased employment, greater social cohesion and
respect for the environment. In this same context, we will
promote the simplification and improvement of legislation
to the benefit of business ventures, particularly small
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enterprises, as well as the elimination of barriers to free
provision of services. Special weight will be given to the
modernisation of competition rules, the promotion of
corporate governance issues and the completion of
legislation on public procurement.
and consumers
The operation of the internal market should, however,
safeguard consumer trust and ensure a high level of
protection. The Greek Presidency will seek to advance the
question of consumer credit, and pursue the debate on sales
promotion practices in the internal market and on the
expected framework directive on fair commercial practices.
Emphasis will also be placed on the promotion of an
administrative cooperation framework for implementing
community legislation on consumer protection.
The set of legislative texts on public procurement will be
completed as part of the effort to probe the internal market.
We also intend to speed up examination of the consumer
credit issue. European Commission proposals are also
expected on company mergers, chemicals legislation and
company law.
Food safety
A viable internal market system should provide consumer
protection especially in the area of food chain safety. In this
context, the White Paper has already initiated the
implementation of the necessary action, which will be one of
our priorities.
In view of the changes brought about by Enlargement and
by globalisation, in particular, it is advisable to promote an
integrated and strategic approach to ensuring the
development and competitiveness of European enterprises.
At the same time, we must respond to the challenges of
environmental protection and social issues, as required by
the European social model.
The Greek Presidency will continue to give emphasis to the
role of SMEs in development, competitiveness and
employment in the Union. It will seek to create a more
favourable environment, fostering entrepreneurship and
competitiveness and to encourage small emerging
enterprises, supporting their capacity to innovate. It will also
facilitate the establishment of new, dynamic enterprises,
which are a major source of new jobs.
At the same time, following a “think small first” approach,
the Presidency will work to accelerate implementation of the
European Charter for small enterprises and draw lessons
from best practices, in accordance with the Barcelona
di i
The competitiveness of
Small and medium-size
enterprises and
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In order to meet the Union’s entrepreneurship deficit,
mainly in the area of technology and knowledge, the Greek
Presidency will promote public dialogue and the adoption of
specific political initiatives in favour of entrepreneurship at
the spring European Council.
The Greek Presidency, in particular, will move forward the
debate on the expected Green Paper on entrepreneurship,
with the aim of implementing a European Action Plan on the
issue. Similar emphasis will be given to the more profitable
use of innovation by enterprises, especially SMEs.
European industrial policy
The Greek Presidency attaches special importance to the
issue of industrial policy. Using the Commission’s
Communication and recommendations, it intends to initiate
an in-depth discussion of this matter and the promotion of
specific measures and actions.
Tourism plays a major part in employment and in the
development of the most remote and underprivileged
regions of Europe; at the same time tourism represents an
alternative economic activity from which the environment
can benefit significantly. The Greek Presidency will work
towards a common approach to the future of European
Tourism and relevant guidelines adopted by the Council.
In the research sector, emphasis will be given to the
consideration of measures and policies, in order to increase
expenditure for research and development and achieve the
Barcelona objective.
Tourism – a source of
development and employment
Bringing a new momentum to
research and innovation
A new momentum should be given to research and
innovation in Europe by furthering appropriate action, such
as the improved use of research facilities at European level,
the “opening” of national research and technology programs,
the application of article 169 of the Treaty, the establishment
of a framework for European Research and Development
Agencies, etc. The Greek Presidency will also deal with
outstanding issues on the adoption of the EU patent in the
course of 2003.
The Greek Presidency is looking forward to the
Commission’s report on life sciences and biotechnology and
will examine, in this context, appropriate measures for
biotechnology, depending also on the progress made in the
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Transport in an enlarged
Europe, trans-european
The transport sector is an important aspect of the single
market, in terms of free movement of people and goods and,
in this respect, it represents a priority for an enlarged
Europe. The Greek Presidency will deal, as a priority, with
the revision of the guidelines for the trans-european
networks and promote the question of tariffing
infrastructure, in accordance with the Commission’s
relevant communication.
The issue of road safety, a daily concern for European
citizens, we hope will lead to the adoption of guidelines for
action to be taken by the EU within the next five years. We
will pursue the examination of the 2
railway package,
which is expected to give new impetus to the rail market in
Europe. The Greek Presidency is particularly interested in
the urban transport sector, on which it will hold discussions.
Negotiations for an agreement on the Single Transatlantic
Aviation Area will bring a new dimension to the world air
transport market. The Greek Presidency will deal with the
pending issues of the package of proposals on the Single
European Sky.
In the matter of sea transport, the Greek Presidency will give
emphasis to improved ship safety and quality shipping, as
well as training, employment and motivation of young
people to work in this sector, in the context of action aimed
at increasing the competitiveness of EU shipping. Moreover,
proposals on the prevention and avoidance of terrorist acts
against ports and ships in the European Union will be
Modernising land transport
Strengthening Europe’s role
in the global air transport
Safety and competitiveness in
sea transport
Communications for all, at the
heart of an enlarged Europe
In the enlarged Europe, the development of communications
and of the information society, will contribute significantly
to reducing the digital divide and completing the integration
of the enlarged community area, providing access to all,
independent of geographical location, without any form of
At this level, the Greek Presidency, with the opportunity of
the launching of the e-Europe Action Plan 2005, will
support the further expansion of the data exchange network
Trans-european broadband
networks at the citizen’s
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between administrations, as well as the participation of third
countries in corresponding telematics programs. To build on
available technological resources, transition to digital
systems will be envisaged, in order to facilitate broadband
access. The framework for the re-utilisation of public
documents will be completed, with the aim of enhancing
electronic entrepreneurship,
e-Europe and network security
As part of the e-Europe program, the application of
statistical indicators will begin and the decision to extend
the financial instrument for network security will be taken.
For the purpose of guaranteeing the security of users of
electronic media, it is advisable to promote the Regulation
on the Network and Information Security Unit and prolong
the duration of the Action Plan for safer use of the Internet.
The Greek Presidency will hold discussions on e-
governance and e-integration, with the aim of contributing
to the wider debate on these issues.
As we are constantly looking for methods that will ensure
more transparency and participation of European citizens in
the critical choices and decisions that are made at EU level,
we cannot disregard the huge possibilities which new
information technologies can offer. On the Web site of the
Greek Presidency, we will establish, on an experimental
basis, an interactive dialogue between the Presidency and
European citizens on a series of important issues that we
will be asked to handle during the next six months. At an
appropriate time, the Council will be informed about the
results of this dialogue.
Moreover, e-governance will be the subject of a specially
convened ministerial meeting. Methods to help reduce red
tape, with the help of state of the art telematic technologies,
could become a new field of cooperation and exchange of
Electronic democracy and e-
Liberalisation of postal
Regarding postal services, the Commission’s first report on
the liberalisation of this sector in member states is awaited
with interest.
Development of a strong and
competitive energy sector
A steady and sustainable development of European
economics requires easy access, free from any technical or
economic impediments to available energy sources for the
production of goods and services. This makes it imperative
to secure adequate supply of available energy sources and to
carry through the liberalisation of the internal electricity and
natural gas market whilst developing, at the same time, all
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essential energy connections, both within Europe and with
the new developing energy production centres in the
European periphery.
Sustainable development and
With a view to achieving a balanced development of the
energy policy’s social, environmental and competitive
component, we will aim at ensuring wider integration of
sustainable development in the Union’s energy policies.
In the context of these objectives, the Greek Presidency will
seek to secure oil and natural gas supplies, coupled with the
deregulation of the internal electricity and natural gas
market (by providing public service and consumer
protection) and the development of trans-european networks.
In the context of sustainable development, the Greek
Presidency will encourage the use of renewable energies,
rational use and conservation of energy, the co-generation of
heat and electricity and the establishment of common rules
for the safety of nuclear plants and the handling of nuclear
waste and fuel.
The international dimension of
With a view to ensuring the economic viability of EU
energy policies, international cooperation in the energy
sector should be promoted, in particular with Mediterranean
partners, Russia and the countries of South-East Europe.
European Rural Model
Developments in agriculture, fisheries and food safety are an
integral part of the changes that are taking place at the level
of the European society and economy; they affect and are
directly linked to the role which the European Union aspires
to play on a global scale. The European Rural Model, a
major aspect of European culture, is mainly founded on two
pillars: farms on the one hand, which in most cases are
family holdings, and the social fabric, on the other, made up
of communities, small towns and villages throughout the
EU’s Rural Area.
The European Rural Model, directly or indirectly, preserves
millions of jobs; it supports the economy of many regions,
ensuring human presence and care in rural areas, with
beneficial effects for the environment.
Common Agricultural Policy
For four decades, the CAP has been supporting our rural
model. It guarantees the food sufficiency that Europe needs
for strategic reasons in a particularly troubled and
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unpredictable world. It has proven to be a cornerstone of the
structure of United Europe.
Sustainable Development
The contribution of the CAP and the Common Fisheries
Policy to sustainable development, in economic, social and
environmental terms is essential, not only for rural
populations but also for food safety and the quality of life of
all European citizens.
The interim revision of the CAP will be a central issue for
the Greek Presidency. The objective is to reach a good
outcome in the negotiations. The regulation proposals that
will be presented in January 2003 by the European
Commission and the framework agreed at the Brussels
Summit will be the main reference basis for discussions and
2003 will be a very important year for WTO negotiations.
The Greek Presidency will contribute to the preparation of a
firm and clear EU stand at the WTO’s Ministerial Session in
Cancun that will be held later in the year. The aim will be to
support the European rural model, sustainable development,
the healthy growth of international trade and solidarity with
developing and less developed countries.
In the context of the wider issue of citizens’ safety, be they
producers, workers, or consumers, emphasis will be given to
the promotion of legislation in the following sectors: food
health and safety, safe practice of agriculture and other
related activities, veterinary science, animal welfare and
nutrition, genetically modified organisms, safe use of
pesticides and the control of their waste.
In the Fisheries Sector, we will aim to complete a large
portion of the Common Fisheries Policy presently under
revision. An important part of this revision deals with
aquaculture and fishing in the Mediterranean.
Interim CAP revision
European Agriculture and
World Trade
Citizen’s Safety
Fisheries Policy
Development and environment
in close inter-relation
With the evaluation of the Commission’s strategy for
sustainable development, the Greek Presidency will promote
the completion of the Lisbon process, by enhancing the
environmental dimension of this strategy, with the help of
tools such as:
Eliminating barriers for environmental technology
Taking sustainability into account during impact
Further developing market mechanisms
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Speeding up the process of integrating environmental
requirements in the Union’s sectoral policies and the
Johannesburg commitments.
Fulfilment of the
Johannesburg commitments:
the Mediterranean dimension
By conveying a clear message, with regard to the fulfilment
of the commitments undertaken by the EU at the
Johannesburg Summit, both at global level and at the level
of an enlarged Europe, the Greek Presidency will be
contributing to the realisation of major cooperation
initiatives in the sectors of energy and water, with emphasis
on the Mediterranean dimension.
As it promotes the implementation of the 6
Action Program
for the Environment, the Greek Presidency will give priority
to environmental policies and, in particular, to important
legislative proposals that are already pending or will come
before Council. These include the establishment of a
Community environmental liability system, based on the
principle “the polluter pays”, linking the environment with
health, namely through the expected new proposal on
chemicals, the protection of the marine environment,
bathing waters in particular, as well as measures for
improving air quality. At the same time, the Greek
Presidency is invited to finalise political agreement on the
regulation that deals with the traceability and labelling of
Genetically Modified Organisms, and prepare EU positions
for several international events such as the ministerial
conference in Kiev on a regional strategy for sustainable
Political initiatives for critical
environmental aspects in the
new Europe
In search of a knowledge-
based Europe
In accordance with the Lisbon strategy, the Greek
Presidency will promote benchmarks for educational
objectives and will contribute to the adoption of a coherent
approach to the whole process. From this perspective, e-
learning, the learning of foreign languages and international
cooperation in tertiary education take on special
The Presidency’s interest in the possibility of creating a
common educational area of the EU, the Mediterranean and
South-East Europe should also be noted.
In the youth sector, our objective is to promote an open
coordination method and strive for a common approach to
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information and participation issues.
Cultural Olympiad
The Greek Presidency will pursue the working program on
European cooperation and continue to follow the progress of
the Culture 2000 program. At the same time, we will seek to
highlight the close link between the Olympic Games of
Athens and culture. In parallel, the Greek Presidency is
working with the Cultural Olympiad for the joint
organisation, within and outside Greece, of events aimed at
emphasising our common European roots, both at the level
of cultural traditions and present-day cultural achievements.
In the audiovisual sector, we hope that the re-examination of
the Television Without Frontiers Directive will move ahead
and that discussions on the expansion of the Community
media program will be carried forward.
Mutual trust
Flexibility – Coordination
The Union’s policies on immigration, external border
management and judicial cooperation in civil and criminal
cases are important priorities of the Greek Presidency. The
values of “justice, freedom and security”, enshrined in the
Amsterdam Treaty and the Tampere conclusions, reflect the
steadfast aspiration of all citizens in the Union.
Given the importance of immigration and asylum issues, the
Presidency will make all possible efforts to achieve balance
on the basis of three fundamental principles: mutual trust –
coordination – efficiency.
The Greek Presidency intends to work towards: the
realisation of the Union’s objectives, with special emphasis
on the European Council’s conclusions and the road map
elaborated by the Danish Presidency. In the sector of Justice,
cooperation on criminal and civil issues will be developed
with a view to creating the new judicial area, combating
international organised crime and enhancing the Union’s
external action.
Combating illegal
immigration and managing
external frontiers
Combating illegal immigration, through joint management
of external land and sea border, by all member states, will be
a major priority during the Greek Presidency, which will be
responsible for supervising the joint action already decided
under the Danish Presidency’s road map. In view of the fact
that most joint cooperation programs on border issues will
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be completed during the first half of 2003, the Greek
Presidency’s Report to the European Council in
Thessaloniki on the practical implementation of the Seville
guidelines for the management of external borders, is of
critical importance.
On matters of external frontier management, the Presidency
will focus on the following issues:
Successful implementation of all joint actions
announced under the Seville conclusions regarding the
EU’s external frontiers (with special emphasis on sea
borders); and the analysis, evaluation and utilisation of
their results, with a view to reaching useful conclusions
that will define the Union’s corresponding policies.
Promotion of repatriation programs and securing
community funding
Promotion of the establishment of a common database
on visas.
A collective problem that
requires a collective response
The Greek Presidency wants to make it clear that combating
illegal immigration is a collective problem for the Union and
its resolution therefore requires a common understanding of
its causes and expected results. For this reason, it feels that
the preparation of a study by the European Commission on
the rational distribution of responsibilities amongst member
states with regard to external frontier management is
important, as well as the development of the programme for
expulsion and repatriation policies together with the
necessary funding.
Regarding asylum, the promotion of measures ensuring
uniform implementation of asylum procedures should go
hand in hand with the adoption of corresponding measures
for combating illegal immigration, establishing common
principles with regard to legal immigration and the
integration of legal immigrants into the societies of member
states and encouraging joint initiatives aimed at more
efficient common management of the EU’s external
frontiers. Moreover, the joint responsibility of all member
states in the matter of rational distribution of rights and
obligations, with respect to both the expulsion of illegal
immigrants to the countries of origin and external frontier
control issues, should be promoted.
The issue of trafficking of human beings equally involves
cooperation with countries of origin and transit and the
adoption of a coherent common policy on readmission and
repatriation. Improved cohesion of the Union’s internal and
external policies could contribute to the handling of
problems related to the movement of populations from third
i Th G k P id
d l
Asylum in a global planning
Combating trafficking of
human beings and economic
exploitation of immigrants.
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countries. The Greek Presidency intends to develop closer
cooperation with the main countries of origin or transit of
immigrants entering the EU’s territory, with respect to re-
admission agreements.
The social dimension of the
The Presidency believes that it is important to facilitate the
social inclusion of immigrants. This would have a positive
impact on both social (directives on family reunion for long-
term residents) and economic issues, which concern the
Union and would help to allay the fears expressed by EU
citizens. To that end, the Presidency will seek an approach
that encourages the adoption of relevant policies by member
states. Non-discrimination in the economic, social and
cultural field through measures against racism and
xenophobia constitutes a priority for the European Union.
In parallel the Presidency will maximise efforts for the
adoption of the Directives on family reunification and long-
term immigrants. Further work will be done on the new
proposals for immigration for paid employment and for
The Greek Presidency will seek to open the debate on the
direct relationship between immigration and development,
taking into account the Seville appeal for economic and
technical assistance to third countries, for the purpose of
establishing social and economic conditions that will enable
people to remain in their countries of origin or return to
The EU has increased its efforts, particularly after 1999, in
response to citizens’ demand for more security in the area of
freedom and justice. In this context, the Greek Presidency
will continue to implement the necessary measures for
creating a single area where citizens will feel secure. The
fight against terrorism remains a top priority issue under the
Greek Presidency. Cross-border organised crime and the
trafficking of human beings, are important issues to which
special emphasis will be given. We shall continue the
implementation of the EU Action Plan and the Seville
declaration. Moreover, combating cross–border organised
crime and the trafficking of human beings are crucial
problems to which utmost attention will paid in compliance
with the conclusions of Tampere and later European
Coordination with third countries, in particular the US,
Russia, Balkan and Mediterranean countries is an important
element in achieving the objectives of judicial and police
cooperation. The advancement of the EU–US judicial
ill b h fi i
Family reunification and long-
term immigrants
The relationship between
immigration and development
Combating terrorism, cross-
border crime, trafficking of
human beings
Coordination with third
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cooperation agreement will be the first important step that
guides our future action in this area.
Drugs policy
The gradual development of a single European policy on
drugs is another area of initiatives for the Greek Presidency.
Major benefits can result from the use of harmonised
methods in dealing with this problem, both at the level of
law enforcement and criminal procedures as well as
detoxification systems and the social integration of users.
The effectiveness of existing international treaties on the
control of narcotics production and trafficking, should be
reviewed. The extension of the Drugs Action Plan (2000–
2004) to the Balkan region and stronger regional
cooperation, through joint MS/EUROPOL and MS/SECI
operations on drugs related issues, will significantly
contribute to a coherent approach to this problem
EU enlargement will bring new challenges and
opportunities, resulting from the expansion of the Union’s
external frontiers and, more generally, from a situation
where 25 or more states will be cooperating and carrying out
Union policies. At the same time, economic and social
conditions are changing, as a result of globalisation, creating
new needs and obligations for the Union. For this reason,
with a view to achieving the objectives within the original
deadlines laid down by the Amsterdam Treaty through to the
road map and laying the foundations of a common
immigration and asylum policy by 2004, the Union must
prepare its future course of action on these issues. The Greek
Presidency will seek, on the one hand, to contribute to the
attainment of the Union’s present objectives, whilst
participating in the debate on Union policies, after the
completion of the Tampere program.
Mutual recognition of court rulings is the cornerstone of
judicial cooperation, as it strengthens the EU’s capacity to
prosecute international crime, by simplifying and speeding
up judicial cooperation, whilst providing better service to
citizens. The Greek Presidency will promote the draft
regulation for mutual recognition in all member states of
court decisions on parental responsibility, which regulate
relations between parents and children. It will also promote
the draft regulation on the European Enforcement Order on
uncontested claims, to further simplify and speed up the
recognition of court decisions and their execution in other
member states.
Regarding criminal proceedings, efforts will be made to
further improve judicial cooperation by promoting the draft
framework decision on the execution of confiscation
d ii
l i
Beyond the Tampere program
Mutual recognition of court
rulings in civil and criminal
Convergence of legislations
for combating severe forms of
criminal behaviour
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decisions in relation to specific serious crimes.
The Greek Presidency has set as its objective to further the
convergence of criminal legislation relating to serious
crimes with a view to effectively promoting the rule of law
within the European Union. For that purpose it intends to
speed up work on the finalisation of the framework decision
on the crimes of racism and xenophobia.
Western Balkans
The Union’s relations with the Western Balkan region will
be a major priority of the Greek Presidency. The Presidency
is set to capitalise on the positive results achieved so far in
the implementation of the Stabilisation and Association
Process. In this context, the Presidency will work in a
systematic way in order to deal with issues such as the
consolidation of democratic institutions and civil liberties in
the countries of the region, protection of minorities,
promotion of economic reconstruction and development and
further enhancing of regional cooperation. Furthermore, the
Greek Presidency considers the objective of Romania and
Bulgaria joining the EU in 2007 to be an important incentive
for West Balkan countries, which have already been
recognised as potential applicants. The scheduled EU-
Western Balkans Summit Meeting (Zagreb II Process) next
June in Thessaloniki will contribute to the development of
EU relations with the Western Balkans. It is clear that the
Greek Presidency, capitalising on its knowledge of the
region and its tradition of bilateral relations with these
countries, will give the necessary impetus to all initiatives,
such as the Stability Pact, aimed at furthering the
development of the region.
Russia is a strategic partner of the EU and this will be
demonstrated at the EU-Russia Summit in May 2003, which
we hope will be the starting point for the effective renewal
of EU-Russia relations. During our Presidency, we shall
push forward the creation of the Common European
Economic Area, the energy dialogue between the EU and
Russia, substantial progress on negotiations for Russia’s
accession to the WTO, as well as cooperation on crisis
management and link-up on ESDP. Relations with Russia
need to be reviewed within a coherent and integrated
framework, not only on the economic, but also on the social
and security level. To this end, the revision process of the
Common Strategy for Russia, to be completed during the
Greek Presidency, is particularly important.
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Wider Europe /
New Neighbours
Following the accession of the new member states, the
enlarged Union will focus its attention on developing closer
relations with all new neighbouring countries. The EU has
already established contractual relations with partners in the
South Mediterranean and the Commonwealth of
Independent States, including the Caucasus. Building on this
diversified contractual relationship, the Presidency, working
together with the Secretary General/High Representative and
European Commission, will explore existing possibilities for
developing these relations further, in sectors of growing
importance after enlargement (trade and economic relations,
area of freedom, security and justice, etc.).
In the new geography that will emerge after enlargement in
Europe, countries within our immediate proximity will be
the subject of a new debate. We feel it would be advisable to
elaborate proposals to enhance cooperation with these
countries in all sectors (economy, institutions building, rule
of law, freedom, security and justice) and through the
improvement of the conventional framework.
The significance of the South Caucasus region for an
integrated EU energy policy and its proximity to high
interest areas, have led to the Union’s decision to assume a
more active role in this region. Implementing this decision
will be the main target of the Greek Presidency for South
Caucasus. An important aspect of our objectives will be to
utilise appropriately the partnership and cooperation
agreements, whilst at the same time enhancing cooperation
and the EU’s presence in the region, through the Special
The US is an important EU partner and in this context we
will seek to enhance dialogue and cooperation at all levels.
The fight against terrorism, the handling of international
issues, the growth of international trade and the promotion
of sustainable development are all aspects of globalisation in
which we share common values and interests. In the context
of the Transatlantic Dialogue with the US, the Greek
Presidency will put the emphasis on relations with the
Balkans, Russia, CIS countries, the Middle East,
Afghanistan, disarmament and illegal immigration, and on
promoting the issues contained in the Positive Economic
Agenda. Our aim is to achieve tangible results in all sectors
at the EU-US summit that will be held during the Greek
Relations between the EU and Canada will be further
supported and enhanced, based on major international
Transatlantic Dialogue-EU-
US and EU-Canada Relations
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The Mediterranean
The Mediterranean has always enjoyed advanced relations
with the EU, which we will try to enhance further during our
Presidency. The main aim is to achieve a de-escalation of
tension in the region, by encouraging dialogue and
cooperation amongst Mediterranean countries and
strengthening their ties with Europe (confidence building
measures, new institutions, such as the EuroMediterranean
Parliamentary Assembly). The Action Plan that was adopted
at the last EuroMediterranean Foreign Ministers Conference
in Valencia represents a suitable framework for promoting
the Barcelona Process and a more active involvement of
Mediterranean partners in this Process. The Greek
Presidency will work for the fulfilment of the Valencia
commitments and promote dialogue with Mediterranean
countries and cooperation in the sectors of trade,
environment. The establishment of the EuroMediterranean
Institute for Intercultural Dialogue will strengthen
cooperation on questions related to culture, youth and
information. During our Presidency, conferences of Foreign
and Energy Ministers will be convened.
The Union’s traditional relations with the region of the
Middle East should be further developed by creating an
opportunity for effective action to put an end to violence,
allow political considerations to prevail over military
prospects and revive the peace process. To this end, the
“Quartet” should be promoted as a decisive element of
coordination of the international community’s efforts. In this
context, we will be supporting efforts aimed at reforming the
Palestinian Authority and obtaining a positive response on
the part of Israel, since these are elements that affect the
peace process. The partisans of peace on both sides should
be supported through the resumption, inter alia, of contacts
between representatives of the two civil societies concerned.
We shall maintain our contacts with Iran’s neighbours and
pursue dialogue with this country. Our objective is to
develop relations with the Arab and Islamic world, with a
view to establishing a climate of trust and cooperation that
will be beneficial for the region’s security. In the wider
region, the promotion of negotiations for a free trade
agreement will be a positive development for the countries
of the Gulf.
Middle East
The role of the EU in the African continent needs to be
enhanced. The Europe-Africa Summit in Lisbon, on 5 April
2002, provides a good opportunity along these lines. At the
ibl ff
ill b
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same time, all possible efforts will be made to avert conflicts
in crisis areas and to address the humanitarian crisis on the
African continent.
For the Asian region, our aim will be to build on the
conclusions of the 4
ASEM and the opportunities provided
by the EU-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting, which will be held
in Brussels. The development of the EU’s relations with
Japan and China should gradually reach a level
commensurate with the size and importance of these two
countries. The Union’s role has already been instrumental in
normalising relations between India and Pakistan and in
preventing a new crisis. To further stabilise security in this
region, we shall continue to support the efforts for the
reconstruction of Afghanistan and the implementation of the
Bonn Agreement.
Capitalising on the opportunities provided by the Ministerial
Meetings with Latin American countries, following on the
efforts of the recent Madrid Summits, we will strive, during
the Presidency, to enhance the EU's relations with the
countries of this region. The Ministerial Conference of the
EU and the Rio Group will be a further step in this direction.
In the field of development, it is important to make progress
with respect to the economic partnership agreements and we
hope that the EU-ACP Ministerial Conference in May 2003
will accelerate this process. Meanwhile, we will be
examining a number of issues in the Council, such as the
orientation discussion on European foreign policy and
immigration and development issues. We shall work
together with the European Commission to establish better
partnerships between North and South, in conformity with
the commitments made at Monterey and Johannesburg.
With the aim of arriving at a satisfactory outcome at the 5
Ministerial Session in Cancun, we shall seek to obtain
satisfactory and balanced results during the negotiations on
the development agenda in Doha. We will try to achieve
progress in all areas and, in particular, on those issues for
which there is an agreed calendar for the first half of 2003,
i.e. services, agriculture and market access. At the level of
bilateral trade relations, we will give special emphasis to the
EU-US Positive Economic Agenda. We will support the
process of the EuroMediterranean free trade area and try to
achieve progress in the negotiations with Gulf countries,
Mercosur countries, Iran and ACP countries and the
completion of negotiations for the cooperation agreement
with Syria.
Latin America
Trade Relations
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Fight against terrorism
International cooperation, and especially cooperation with
the US, in the fight against terrorism is of paramount
importance. The political dialogue between the EU and third
countries on this issue is necessary so that the international
alliance against terrorism becomes more effective. We shall
continue efforts to include this issue in all facets of EU
external policy, in international fora as well as in bilateral
During our Presidency, the text on the priorities for the
preparation of the European position with regard to the
General Assembly will be drawn up. At the same time, we
will be studying the UN Secretary General’s Report on the
reform of the organisation.
The difficulties encountered by the EU positions at the
Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development
have highlighted an important gap in EU external policies,
with respect to environmental diplomacy. Greece will try to
promote the development of common European diplomacy
on the environment and sustainable development. In
addition to the support it will bring to European positions on
these issues, environmental diplomacy may constitute an
effective tool for preventive policies and a policy of
rapprochement between peoples. In this context, contacts
will be organised with interested member states, the
Council’s General Secretariat and the European Commission
and efforts made to establish a network of the Environment
Policy Directorates of member states Foreign Ministries. An
international conference on “Peace and Sustainability” will
also be convened, in cooperation with the World Bank.
Every opportunity will be taken to promote the Olympic
Truce initiative, including at selected multinational events,
during the Greek Presidency. Information will be available
on this international peace initiative, and there will be the
possibility of holding special Truce signing ceremonies by
leaders and personalities wishing to contribute to the spread
of the initiative.
United Nations
Environmental diplomacy
Olympic Truce
European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP)
With regard to the ESDP, a main priority of the Greek
Presidency will be to conclude all pending issues in order to
achieve, during 2003, the EU’s full operational capability
for global crisis management, through a balanced
development of political and military facets and the
promotion of political – military coordination.
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Military aspects
In this context, with regard to the ESDP’s military aspects,
the efforts of the Greek Presidency will focus on:
improving military capability, to allow the Union to
conduct, on an autonomous or non-autonomous basis,
Petersberg type missions. At this level, emphasis will be
given to the armaments sector and, especially, to the
strengthening of the European Defence Industry, mainly
through the development of research and technology.
consolidating and further expanding and deepening
cooperation with NATO,
promoting the necessary adjustments to the ESDP's
mechanism, following enlargement, to ensure the
smooth integration of new members,
finalising the institutional framework for the
mechanism’s operation by adopting the necessary
operational concepts and general ideas,
re-adjusting and testing procedures, mainly through
preliminary work, for the implementation of the exercise
tightening relations with third countries, potential
partners in particular, with special emphasis on relations
with Russia, in view of its integration in the European
security system and by promoting dialogue and closer
relations, at ESDP level, with Mediterranean and Balkan
At the level of political crisis management, the main aim of
the Greek Presidency is to integrate the capabilities and
operational framework in all four areas (police, rule of law,
civil protection, public administration) while, at the same
time, promoting horizontal issues such as financing, the
participation of third countries and cooperation with
international and non-governmental organisations. Special
emphasis will be given to political – military coordination.
Regarding conflict prevention, the Greek Presidency will
present the annual progress report, which will reflect results
achieved in this area during the second half of 2002 and the
first half of 2003. The objectives of the Greek Presidency
will be to develop the regional approach, by focusing on
prevention in areas like the Balkans, to establish the
prevention mechanism and procedures and to promote
cooperation with international and non-governmental
Crisis management
Conflict prevention
GAC, the main coordinating
Under the Seville guidelines the GAC will pursue its
coordinating role and will have primary responsibility for
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preparing the European Council. In the context of the
Council, we will continue the debate, which began during
the Danish Presidency, on language issues and the rotating
Presidency, in view of the forthcoming enlargement.
The regime applicable to
European MPs and parties
and the status of EU staff
During our Presidency, the Council will examine the regime
applicable to European MPs and political parties, with
special emphasis on funding. Similarly, we will strongly
focus on the status of Community officials, which
constitutes a question of wider interest for the Union’s
operation, in the hope of reaching a final conclusion.
The Greek Presidency attaches importance to the future of
the policy on economic and social cohesion and we are
awaiting with interest the 2
Interim Report on Cohesion. In
this framework, we shall promote the dialogue on the future
of cohesion policy after enlargement and on the policies to
assist areas with particular structural disadvantages, such as
the islands.
The Council will continue the discussion on the
restructuring of external actions, giving emphasis to its
operational aspects. Furthermore, in the Seville context, the
Commission will present, in addition to the annual
programme for 2004, the multi-annual programme, which is
expected to contribute significantly to the inter-institutional
dialogue within the Union.
Cohesion Policy
Restructuring of external
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IV. Epilogue
The task of organising an EU Presidency has now reached completely different
dimensions, compared to the previous Greek Presidency in 1994. The duties of the
Presidency in the areas of external relations and Justice and Home Affairs are
particularly enhanced.
During the first half of 2003, there will be 2 European Councils, 5 international
summit meetings (EU-Africa, the signing of the Accession Treaty, the European
Conference, EU-Russia, EU-Western Balkans), 39 regular meetings of the Council of
Ministers and 14 informal ministerial councils and meetings. In addition, 16 troika
meetings at summit level are planned, as well as 37 ministerial troika meetings and
more than 180 meetings and conferences at various other levels in 36 Greek cities.
As it completes its two-year preparations, the Greek Presidency has a strong feeling of
responsibility towards the European family for the critical role it will be assuming in a
period that will clearly be one of transition. It will seek, in a balanced way, to
continue the highly positive role of the Danish Presidency, pursuing or completing
pending matters, whilst bringing forward new ideas and proposals for action for an
enlarged Europe. An enlarged Europe that is more competitive, socially fairer, safer,
with a strong international presence and, above all, much closer to its citizens. Close
cooperation with the Italian Presidency that follows will ensure, we believe, the
necessary continuity and cohesion of action in 2003, a year of major decisions for the
Union’s future.