Europaudvalget 2003-04
EUU Alm.del Bilag 248
Bruxelles, den 24. november 2003 (25.11)
(OR. en)
CIG 53/03
Benelux-landenes delegationer
RK 2003
– Bidrag fra Benelux-landenes delegationer vedrørende proceduren for valg af for-
manden for Det Europæiske Råd og valg til andre poster i EU-institutionerne samt
proceduren for valg af formanden for Europa-Kommissionen
Vedlagt følger til delegationerne et bidrag fra Benelux-landenes delegationer samt et ledsagende
brev vedrørende proceduren for valg af formanden for Det Europæiske Råd og valg til andre poster
i EU-institutionerne samt proceduren for valg af formanden for Europa-Kommissionen.
CIG 53/03
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His Excellency Franco Frattini
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Hague, 18 November 2003
On behalf of the Benelux countries we would like to put forward two draft protocols on (1) the
procedure for the election of the President of the European Council and other office-holders of EU
institutions and (2) the procedure for the election of the President of the European Commission.
Both in the Convention and in the IGC the Benelux countries have made joint proposals on
institutional issues. These proposals were based on the conviction that the institutions that guard the
general interest of the Union have to be strengthened. Reinforcement of the community method was
- and still is - the guiding principle of the Benelux. In our view the attached proposals are in line
with this principle, without undermining the institutional balance arrived at in the Convention.
The Benelux countries will table these two proposals at the Focal Points Meeting in Rome on 20
and 21 November 2003. We trust that you will include them in the agenda for the Ministerial
Conclave in Naples on 28 and 29 November 2003 and allow room for discussion on each of them.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Atzo Nicolaï
Minister for European Affairs
of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
CIG 53/03
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“Equal access” to office of the elected President of the European Council
Principles underpinning the election to the office of President of the European Council and other
office-holders of EU institutions
The draft Treaty states that the European Council shall elect its President. The Convention
concentrated its work on the extent of the President’s powers and duties whereas the procedure for
electing the President and the principles that should be observed in the election process have not
been thoroughly discussed. Therefore the Benelux countries suggest to take up the matter during the
Intergovernmental Conference. The debate should also include the principles guiding the election to
other top EU office-holders and in particular the President of the Commission and the Union
Minister for Foreign Affairs.
The Benelux countries do not wish to alter the provision in the draft Treaty. What they suggest is to
embody in a Protocol existing election practice which takes into account the geographical and
demographic diversity of the Union and its member states.
Protocol on the election of the President of the European Council and other office-holders of
EU institutions
The High Contracting Parties,
Desiring to ensure in a Protocol the principles guiding the election of the President of European
Council and other top office-holders of EU institutions
Have reached agreement on the following provision, which shall be appended to the Treaty
establishing a constitution for Europe
Article 1.
1. The election of the President of the European Council shall be considered in conjunction with
the election of the President of the European Commission and the appointment of the Union
Minister for Foreign Affairs. During the elections to these offices, the geographical and
demographic diversity of the Union and its member states has to be respected.
CIG 53/03
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Procedure for the election of the President of the European Commission
Principles underpinning the election of the President of the European Commission
The Benelux countries feel that the discussion in the Convention on the issue of the procedure for
the election of the President of the European Commission has resulted in a better procedure than the
one provided for in the current Treaty. Nevertheless we think it can be further improved. This can
be done by intensifying the prescribed consultation between the European Council and the
European Parliament, without, however, altering the institutional balance contained in the
Convention outcome. Thus their joint responsibility for the success of the entire process will be
increased, which will be an improvement for all concerned. The draft-protocol set out below is an
elaboration of the procedure as foreseen by the draft Conventional Treaty. It determines the
principles underpinning the appropriate consultations between the European Council and the
European Parliament as mentioned in article 26, paragraph 1, of the draft-Treaty.
Protocol concerning the principles underpinning the procedure for the election of the President of
the European Commission
The High Contracting Parties,
In order to intensify the co-operation between the European Council and the European Parliament in
the procedure for the election of the President of the European Commission and thereby increasing
their joint responsibility for the success of the entire process,
Desiring to determine the principles underpinning the appropriate consultations between the
European Council and the European Parliament as mentioned in article 26, paragraph 1, of the
Treaty establishing a constitution for Europe,
Have reached agreement on the following provision, which shall be appended to the Treaty
establishing a constitution for Europe.
CIG 53/03
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Article 1
1. In the procedure for the election of the President of the European Commission, the European
Council and the European Parliament are summoned to have appropriate consultations.
2. Appropriate consultations shall in any event include:
a joint debate by the European Parliament and the European Council on the President’s
profile; and, subsequently,
the drawing up of the profile by the European Parliament on the basis of which the
European Council proposes a candidate
3. The European Council and the European Parliament will, within one year after entering into
force of the Treaty, conclude an Inter-institutional Agreement in which the arrangements for
appropriate consultations are established in detail, on the basis of the principles mentioned in
paragraph two.
CIG 53/03