Europaudvalget 2003-04
EUU Alm.del INFO-note I 31
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(Info-note I 31)
Folketingets Europaudvalg
Christiansborg, den 26. november 2003
Europaudvalgets sekretariat
udvalgets medlemmer og stedfortrædere
Oversigt over Europaudvalgets bilag vedrøren-
de regeringskonferencen
Til orientering omdeles en oversigt over Europaudvalgets bilag vedrørende of-
ficielle dokumenter til regeringskonferencen.
Bilag (03) 248-
(CIG 53/03)
Contribution from the Benelux countries for
the election of the President of the Council and other office-holders of EU
institutions and the procedure for the election of the President of the Euro-
pean Commission
Bilag (03) 246
(CIG 52/1/03)
Naples Ministerial Conclave: Presidency
Bilag (03) 245
(CIG 52/03)
Naples Ministerial Conclave: Presidency
Bilag (03) 232
(CIG 49/03)
Tilpasning af protokollen om ændring af
traktaten om oprettelsen af Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab
Bilag (03) 207
(CIG 40/03)
Draft revised ESCB/ECB statute prepared by
the ECB (2) Addition
(CIG 44/03)
Additional proposals aiming at consoli-
date the advances made in the draft constitution with respect to the consti-
tutional recognition of the EU’s local and regional dimension
Bilag (03) 162
(CIG 42/03)
Letter by Ambaassador Cangelosi to the
”Focal points”
(CIG 43/03)
Issues to be dealt with by the legal Experts
group (new mandate)
(CIG 45/03)
Union Minister of Foreign Affairs
Treaty revision
Bilag (03) 121
(CIG 35/03)
Kommissionens besvarelse af spørgeskemaet
om den lovgivende funktion, Rådets sammensætning af fo rmandskabet for
Bilag (03) 113
(CIG 1/03)
The Council Presidency
(CIG 2/03)
The Uni-
on Minister for Foreign Affairs: main points
(CIG 3/03)
The Declaration of
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(CIG 7/03)
Working Party of IGC Legal Experts
(CIG 9/03)
onnaire on the Legislative Function, the Formations of the Council and the
Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Bilag (03) 93
(CIG 37/03)
Ikke-institutionelle spørgsmål, heru nder æn-
dringer på det økonomiske og finansielle område
(CIG 38/03)
af kvalificeret flertal
(CIG 39/03)
Formandskabet for Rå det og Rådets
Bilag (03) 86
(CIG 37/03)
Non-institutional issues; including amend-
ments in the economic and financial field
(CIG 38/03)
Qualified Majority
Bilag (03) 84
(CIG 39/03)
Council Presidency and Council formations
Bilag (03) 83
(CIG 14/03)
Reply by the Federal Republic of Germany to
the Questionnaire on the Legislative Function, the Formations of the
Council and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers
(CIG 18/03)
es by France to the questionnaire on the Legislative Function, the Formati-
ons of the Council and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Bilag (03) 69
(CIG 36/03)
Council Presidency and Council formations
(CIG 36/03)
Formandskabet for Rådet og Rådets samme nsætninger
Bilag (03) 58
(CIG 10/03)
Reply from Benelux to the Questionnaire on
the Legislative Function, the Formations of the Council and the Presidency
of the Council of Ministers
Bilag (03) 47
(CIG 8/03)
Gruppen af Juridiske Eksperter
Bilag (03) 14
(CIG 6/03)
Preparation of the IGC ministerial meeting on
14 October 2003: questionnaires
Bilag (03) 1
(CIG 5/03)
Indicative timetable
Med venlig hilsen
Mongin Forrest
(Løbenr. 4590)
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