Europaudvalget 2005-06
KOM (2004) 0002
Brussels, 4.4.2006
COM(2006) 160
2004/0001 (COD)
Amended proposal for a
on services in the internal market
(presented by the Commission)
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The Commission presents an amended proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament
and of the Council on services in the internal market. The amended proposal incorporates
those amendments proposed by the European Parliament in first reading which are acceptable
to the Commission as well as many of the clarifications which have been discussed by the
Council. It also fully respects the European Council conclusions, stressing the need to make
the internal market for services fully operational, while preserving the European social model.
The Commission adopted its proposal on 13 January 2004. It was formally transmitted to the
European Parliament and to the Council on 6 February 2004.
The Committee of the Regions gave its opinion on 29 September 2004 and the European
Economic and Social Committee gave its opinion on 9 February 2005. The European
Parliament adopted a legislative resolution at its first reading on 16 February 2006, and
proposed amendments to the Commission proposal.
Improve the basis for economic growth and employment in the EU.
The proposal is part
of the process of economic reform launched by the Lisbon Strategy. As services account for
the bulk of the EU economy, competitive services markets are essential for economic growth.
At present, a wide range of Internal Market barriers prevent many service companies,
especially SMEs, from growing across national borders and fully benefiting from the Internal
Market. This also undermines the global competitiveness not only of EU service providers,
but also of the EU manufacturing sector, which increasingly relies on high quality services. It
also makes Europe a less attractive place for foreign investment.
Achieve a genuine Internal Market in services by removing legal and administrative
barriers to the development of service activities.
Those barriers arise both when service
providers from one Member State wish to establish themselves in another Member State and
when they wish to provide a service from their Member State of establishment into another
Member State, for example by moving to the other Member State on a temporary basis. The
proposal seeks to facilitate the exercise of these two fundamental freedoms enshrined in the
EC Treaty – the freedom of establishment and the freedom to provide services- and to give
service providers greater legal certainty.
Strengthen the rights of consumers as users of services.
The consumer demand for cross-
border services is not being met due to considerable legal and administrative difficulties and a
lack of information on, and of trust and confidence in, services from other Member States.
The proposal will address these problems by imposing obligations on Member States to
remove restrictions on the use of cross-border services, by applying the principle of non-
discrimination and by requiring greater transparency and information from services providers.
Establish legally-binding obligations for effective administrative co-operation between
Member States.
Efficient and well-functioning administrative co-operation is essential to
making the Internal Market work properly. Regulatory authorities in Member States have
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little knowledge of, and therefore little trust in, the legal framework and supervision in other
Member States. This results in duplication of rules and controls for cross-border activities and
can also be used by rogue traders to avoid supervision or to circumvent applicable national
rules, with the consequent risk for users of services. The proposal establishes legal obligations
of information exchange and mutual assistance between Member States, underpinned by an
effectively-functioning electronic information system which will allow competent authorities
to easily identify their relevant interlocutors in other Member States and to communicate with
one another.
Scope of application and other general provisions (Articles 1-4)
Services of General Interest. Amendments 13, 44, parts of 72 and 289,
relating to Articles
1 and 2 and corresponding recitals, make clear that
Services of General Economic Interest
are included in the scope of application of the Directive, but that the Directive does not
provide for their liberalisation or for the privatisation of public entities providing such
services, nor does it deal with their funding or with state aids.
Amendment 73
clarifies in
Article 2 that
Services of General Interest
fall outside the scope of the Directive. The
Commission agrees with amendments 44, relevant parts of 72 and 289. The Commission also
accepts amendments 13 and 73, however, it slightly redrafts the text of amendment 73
(Article 2) as well as the text of amendment 13 (new Recital 7a) explaining that –subject to
explicit exclusions of certain specific sectors –
Services of General Economic Interest
within the scope of application of the Directive because these services are of an economic
Healthcare services. Amendment 78
excludes from the scope of application both private and
public healthcare services, adding the corresponding modification in Article 2.
specifies in Recital 10c that this exclusion covers healthcare and pharmaceutical services
provided by regulated health professionals to patients to assess, maintain or restore their state
of health.
Amendments 233/403
explain in Article 1 that the Directive does not affect public
healthcare services or access to public funding by healthcare providers.
Amendment 305
adds a new Recital 10d explaining that the Directive does not affect the reimbursement of the
costs of healthcare provided in another Member State and stresses that this issue should be
addressed in another legal instrument in order to achieve greater legal certainty and clarity.
The Commission accepts the exclusion of healthcare services from the scope of application
and confirms its commitment to come forward with a specific initiative on health services.
Therefore, amendments 78, 304 and 305 are accepted. Amendments 233/403 on public
healthcare have become obsolete due to the overlapping with the definition in Article 2.
Social services. Amendment 292,
states, in Article 1, that the Directive does not affect
services pursuing social welfare objectives and
amendment 252,
relating to Article 2,
excludes social services such as social housing services, childcare and family services from
the scope of the directive.
Amendments 294
provide for two new recitals which
explain the nature of social services and, in particular, of social housing, childcare and support
to families.
Amendment 295
introduces a recital which specifies that the Directive does not
deal with the funding of, or aids linked to, social housing or with the criteria or conditions set
by Member States for social housing services. Furthermore,
amendment 10
adds, in another
recital, that the Directive does not concern requirements governing access to public funds, for
example for social services. The Commission is of the opinion that any exclusion from the
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Directive must be clearly defined so as to ensure increased legal certainty and to avoid
diverging interpretations in Member States. Accordingly, the Commission redrafts the
definition of amendment 252 (Article 2) and merges amendments 294 and 296 in a new
Recital 10h, in order to specify that the exclusion from the directive concerns those social
services relating to social housing, childcare and support to families and persons in need
which, because of their interest for society, are either provided by the State, or by providers
mandated by the State, with the objective of ensuring support to those who are in a particular
state of need. It follows that amendment 292 becomes redundant. The text of amendment 295
is redrafted to clarify that it concerns social services in general and not only social housing.
Amendment 10 is accepted in its entirety.
Amendment 232
highlights the specific social role
of non-profit sport activities. It is accepted and inserted in new Recital 16a, subject to
redrafting to ensure the legal coherence of the text.
Other sectorial exclusions and full exclusion of taxation. Amendments 300 and 302/332
concern Article 2 and exclude respectively
temporary work agencies
security services
from the scope of the directive. Corresponding recitals, added by
amendments 301 and 303,
underline that the rules applicable to these sectors should be fully harmonised.
legal services
to the extent they are governed by other Community instruments.
Amendment 79, 80 and 81,
relating to Article 2, and
amendments 16, 17 and 18,
on the
corresponding recitals, exclude from the scope of application
audiovisual services -
regardless of their mode of production, distribution and transmission-
gambling activities,
professions connected with the exercise of official authority,
notaries in particular. The
Commission accepts the exclusion of services of temporary work agencies and private
security services provided by amendments 300 and 302/333. However, the need for full
harmonisation for temporary work agencies and security services has not been proved and, as
a consequence, amendments 301 and 303 cannot be accepted. The Commission does not
accept amendment 77 on the exclusion of legal services; this is not required given that Article
3 already provides that in case of conflict between the provisions of the Services Directive
and a provision of another Community instrument governing specific aspects of the services
activity the provision of the latter will prevail. With regard to audiovisual services, the
Commission accepts the exclusion provided by amendment 79 and has redrafted amendment
19 (new Recital 10e) to align it with the amendment to the article and to clarify that the
Directive does not apply to aids granted in the audiovisual sector which are covered by
Community rules on competition. The Commission also accepts in spirit the exclusion of
gambling services but redrafts the texts of amendments 17 and 80 in order to limit it clearly to
gambling activities as such . The Commission accepts only in part amendments 19 and 82,
regarding professions connected with the exercise of official authority and brings the wording
of the exclusion into line with the precise limits set out by Article 45 of the EC Treaty, which
provides for a derogation from the freedom of establishment and the freedom to provide
services for specific activities which involve direct and specific participation in the exercise of
official authority, and not for whole professions as such.
The Commission accepts the full exclusion of
provided by
amendments 82,
Article 2, and
amendment 19
(Recital 11).
Amendments 14, 15, 20, 74, 75 and 306
concern sectorial exclusions (in Article 2 and
correspondent recitals) originally proposed as
regards financial services, electronic
communication services and transport services
but provide additional clarification. The
Commission can accept amendments 14, 15, 20, 74 and 306 in their entirety or subject to
redrafting to ensure the legal coherence of the text (see Article 2 and Recitals 9, new 10a, new
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10b), but cannot accept Amendment 75, because Recital 10a already contains the relevant
explanation on telecommunications services.
Specific areas of law. Amendment 298
clarifies in article 1, the relationship of the Directive
fundamental rights
as recognised in the Member States and by the Charter of
Fundamental Rights, and
amendment 299
introduces a new recital stipulating that the
Directive should be interpreted in such a way as to reconcile the exercise of fundamental
rights with the fundamental freedoms laid down in Articles 43 and 49 of the Treaty.
Amendment 8
clarifies that the Directive fully respects Community initiatives based on
Article 137 of the Treaty concerning the promotion of employment and improved living and
working conditions.
Amendment 297,
relating to Article 1, and
amendment 9,
relating to the
corresponding recital, state that the Directive shall not apply to or affect
labour law
i.e. any
legal or contractual provision concerning employment conditions, working conditions,
including health and safety at work, and the relationship between employers and workers, and
that it shall fully respect the relations between social partners including the right to industrial
action and not affect social security legislation of the Member States.
Amendments 290,
relating to Article 1,
and 291
(recital) state that the Directive should not affect rules of
criminal law. Amendments 7
and part of
amendment 72
clarify, both in a recital and in the
text of Article 1, that the Directive does not affect measures taken by Member States, in
accordance with Community law, in relation to the
protection or promotion of cultural and
linguistic diversity and media pluralism.
The Commission accepts, in relation to
fundamental rights issues, amendment 298, subject to redrafting to ensure the legal coherence
of the text, and amendment 299, in its entirety. Concerning labour law, the Commission
agrees that the Directive does not affect labour law as set out in Amendment 297, including
the right to take industrial action as well as Member States' social security law. However, in
order to ensure the legal coherence of the text and to improve clarity and ease of
understanding, the Commission streamlines the texts of Amendments 297 and 298 so that
labour law is addressed by Article 1, paragraph 6 and the issue of fundamental rights
including rights regarding collective agreements by Article 1, paragraph 7. With regard to
criminal law, the Commission accepts amendment 290 stating that the Directive does not
affect criminal law provisions, as well as amendment 291 (new recital 6e) subject to
redrafting in order to further clarify that criminal law rules should not be misused to
circumvent the rules laid down in the Directive. Concerning protection or promotion of
cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism, the Commission accepts amendment 7 in
its entirety and redrafts the relevant part of amendment 72 to ensure the legal coherence of the
text. Finally, the Commission accepts in its entirety Amendment 8 (new Recital 6f).
Relationship of the Directive with other provisions of Community law. Amendments 83
and 21
address this issue, in Article 3 and corresponding Recital 13. The Commission accepts
further clarification contained in Amendment 83 that the Directive does not override other
Community instruments and that in the event of a conflict with other Community instruments
governing specific aspects of access to and exercise of a services activity, the provisions of
those specific aspects in such instruments shall prevail. In order to ensure overall consistency
of the text and to bring the work of the European Parliament and the Council closer together,
the Commission has added additional clarifications (Recitals 13a and 13b). In addition,
amendments 307 and 219
(merged with amendment 83) states that this Directive is without
prejudice to private international law, in particular, private international law governing
contractual and non-contractual obligations, and explain the effect for consumer protection
rules. The Commission accepts amendment 307 and amendment 219 subject to minor
redrafting to make the reference to consumer protection legally sound.
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Definitions (Article 4). Amendments 23 to 26, 39, 84 to 90, 308, 92 to 98
relate to the
definitions of the terms contained in the text of the Directive (see Article 4 and corresponding
recitals). The Commission accepts amendments 25-26, 93-94 and 97-98 in their entirety and
amendments 23-24 subject to minor redrafting and merging them. In addition, the
Commission accepts amendments 39, 84, 88 to 90, 95 and 308, in principle, but has redrafted
them in order to make the text consistent with the Community
or with the scope of the
Directive. However, the Commission cannot accept amendments 85 and 86. Amendment 96,
on the definition of "worker", is also redundant in relation to the re-defined scope of
application and is not accepted. Amendment 92, with regard to the notion of "competent
authorities", and amendment 87, on the notion of "provider" are not accepted for reasons of
clarity and coherence of the text with the Community
Finally the Commission cannot
amendment 22,
deleting the exemplificative list of services covered by the Directive
contained in Recital 14. This recital is useful to clarify the Directive and it is thus reinstated,
with minor drafting modifications to reflect the new scope of application. In addition, in order
to draw on the useful additional clarification provided by the Council, the Commission has
completed Recital 18a (amendment
and Recital 20a and added new Recital 18b.
The Commission accepts in their entirety or subject to minor redrafting,
amendments 1 to 3,
5, 6, 11,
which relate to recitals describing the general objectives of the Directive, and its non
interference with the internal allocation of powers within the Member States, but cannot
amendment 4.
Administrative simplification (Articles 5-8)
Simplification of procedures (Article 5). Amendment 99
transforms section 1 of the
Chapter on the right of establishment for service providers in a distinct new Chapter on
"Administrative Simplification".
Amendment 27
clarifies that the rules relating to
administrative procedures do not aim at harmonising national administrative law, but rather at
the removal of overly burdensome elements which hinder the freedom of establishment.
Amendment 100
states, in Article 5, that Member States shall examine (the verb
'authenticate' used in the amendment does not seem accurate) and if appropriate simplify the
procedures and formalities applicable to access to, and exercise of, a service activity. In
addition, it introduces an obligation for Member States, "in conjunction with the
Commission", to introduce harmonised European forms (the same flows from
and adds a list of existing Community legislation to which Article 5(1a) and (2) shall not
apply. Amendment 100 also explains that Member States’ right to require
translations of documents in their official languages is not affected.
Amendment 30
that formal requirements, such as presentation of original documents including certified
translations, cannot be imposed unless justified by an overriding reason relating to the public
interest. The Commission accepts amendments 99, 27 and 29-30 in their entirety and
amendment 100 in principle, subject to redrafting necessary to make the text legally coherent
and to draw on the work at the Council. In particular, the Commission text makes it clear that
the establishment of European forms will be carried out according to the comitology
procedure and adds a new Recital (22b) which suggests a number of parameters that Member
States may take into account while examining the need for simplifying procedures and
Points of single contact (Article 6). Amendment 102
explains that, in cases where a
registration is required, it must be available by electronic means at the points of single
Amendment 103
requires the Commission to co-ordinate points of single contact by
establishing a European point of single contact.
Amendment 104
clarifies that the creation of
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points of single contact is without prejudice to the allocation of functions and powers among
authorities within national systems.
Amendment 309
sets out a new timetable for the
establishment of points of single contact.
Amendment 310
stipulates that it should also be
possible to complete all procedures and formalities necessary for the supervision of
compliance with Directive 96/71/EC at these points. The Commission accepts amendments
309 and 104 and furthermore clarifies in new Recital 25a, reflecting the work in the Council,
that the fee that points of single contact may charge should be proportionate to the cost of
procedures and formalities. However, the Commission cannot accept amendment 102 since
pro forma
registration with the points of single contact would be an unnecessary
administrative burden. The Commission cannot accept amendment 103 either, because a
European point of single contact would represent an unnecessary administrative structure and
would be contrary to the principle of subsidiarity (since administrative cooperation can be
best dealt with by Member States themselves). Amendment 310 cannot be accepted because
reference to the supervision of compliance with Directive 96/71/EC, which is not affected in
any way by the present proposal, is inappropriate.
Right to information (Article 7). Amendment 105
makes it clear that the right to
information only concerns means of redress generally available.
Amendments 31, 106 and
clarify that the obligation for competent authorities to provide assistance does not cover
legal advice in individual cases; that the obligation to provide information can be fulfilled by
making it accessible through a website; that advice could include a step-by-step guide; and
that information shall be provided in plain and intelligible language.
Amendment 107
that information and assistance should be accessible, inter alia, at a distance and by electronic
Amendment 108
sets out a deadline for implementation of information obligations
amendment 109
clarifies that the availability of the information in other languages has to
be compatible with Member States' legislation on the use of languages.
Amendment 33,
introducing a new recital, reinforces the provisions in Article 7. The Commission accepts
amendments 105-106, 108-110, 31, 33 and, in line with the work of the Council, adds in
amendment 31 (Recital 25c), that issues such as liability for incorrect or misleading
information are for Member States to determine. On the other hand, the Commission cannot
accept amendment 107 since it would remove the obligation to provide information by
electronic means, which is an essential tool for making administrative simplification a reality.
Procedures by electronic means (Article 8). Amendment 111
sets out a revised timetable
for implementation, explains that the procedures and formalities may be easily completed,
inter alia, by electronic means (as does
amendment 32)
and that electronic procedures should
not apply to cases when original documentation can be requested. The Commission cannot
accept amendment 111, apart from the revised timetable, or amendment 32 because, as
mentioned above, electronic procedures are an essential measure of administrative
simplification and they can also be used for original documentation since proof of authenticity
can be provided by electronic authentication. However, the Commission deems it fit to clarify
on the basis of amendment 32 (Recital 26), which draws on the work of the Council, that the
obligation to provide for procedures by electronic means does not prevent Member States
from offering other means, in addition to electronic ones, to complete procedures and
Freedom of establishment for providers (Articles 9-15)
Authorisation schemes. Amendment 35
clarifies in Recital 27c that the provisions of the
Directive dealing with authorisation schemes concern neither decisions by authorities to set
up a public or private entity nor the conclusion of contracts by authorities.
Amendment 37
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indicates that overriding reasons relating to the public interest such as public health may
justify the application of authorisation schemes and other restrictions to social services, on
condition that the principles of non-discrimination, necessity and proportionality are
Amendments 112-113
reorganise and rename the Chapter and the Section
Amendment 116
(as well as amendment
excludes authorisation schemes
from the mutual evaluation process. The Commission accepts amendments 35, 112-113 in
their entirety and amendment 37 subject to minor drafting changes. On the other hand, the
Commission cannot accept amendments 116 and 209 because the obligation to evaluate and
report on authorisation schemes is an essential measure for facilitating the access to and the
exercise of service activities. However, the Commission specifies in a new Recital (27d), in
accordance with the work in the Council, that the reporting obligation concerns only the
existence of authorisation schemes and not the criteria and conditions for the granting of an
authorisation. As regards
amendments 114, 115 and 117,
which contain mainly technical
changes, the Commission accepts amendment 115 and amendment 117, subject to redrafting
necessary for legal coherence. However, the Commission cannot accept amendment 114,
which would make the text less clear.
Conditions for granting of authorisation. Amendments 34 and 121
stipulate that the
authorisation should normally cover the entire national territory except if a more limited
geographical scope is justified by an overriding reason relating to the public interest, such as
environmental protection.
Amendments 34
provide that local and regional
competencies in the granting of authorisations are not affected by the Directive.
adds "transparency" and "accessibility" to the criteria with which authorisation schemes
must comply.
Amendment 120
clarifies that, in assessing whether the conditions for granting
an authorisation are equivalent or essentially comparable to those to which the provider is
already subject in another Member State (non-duplication), not only their objective and
purpose but also their effect and the effectiveness of their enforcement need to be considered.
Amendment 122
excludes decisions to grant an authorisation from the requirement to state
reasons and to provide for means of redress before the courts.
Amendment 118
deletes the
word 'objective' from the phrase "justified by an overriding reason relating to the public
interest" in Article 10. The Commission accepts amendments 34, 118, 119 and 123 in their
entirety. As far as amendment 120 is concerned, acceptance is coupled by the insertion of a
new Recital (27g): this aims to clarify that the requirement of non-duplication does not
prevent Member States from applying their own conditions but merely require them to take
into account equivalent conditions already satisfied by the provider in another Member States.
In addition, the Commission agrees with the substance of amendment 121, but opts for a
different wording. On the other hand, the Commission cannot accept amendment 122 because
the exclusion of decisions to grant an authorisation from the obligation to state reasons is
capable of rendering judicial review of an administrative decision, in particular for third
parties, less effective or even virtually impossible.
Duration of authorisation. Selection from among several candidates. Amendments 128
and 36
state that Member States' ability to revoke authorisations, especially when conditions
for their granting are no longer met, is not affected.
Amendments 124-127, 129, 38 and 30
provide useful clarifications in Article 11 and corresponding recitals.
Amendment 130
provides that Member States may take into account, in applying their selection procedure, a
number of public interest objectives. The Commission accepts amendments 128 and 36,
limited to situations where conditions for granting of the authorisation are no longer met. In
addition, the Commission accepts amendments 124-127, 129, 38 in their entirety and
amendments 130 and 30 subject to minor drafting adjustments.
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Authorisation procedures. Amendment 134 and 28
delete the rule according to which in
the absence of a response within the set time limit, the authorisation shall be deemed to be
granted ("tacit authorisation").
Amendment 135
states that an acknowledgement of receipt
for applications should only be provided at the request of the applicant and does not need to
specify the available means of redress.
Amendments 131-133 and 136-137
contain technical
clarifications which the Commission can accept, subject to minor changes as far as
amendments 136-137 are concerned. On the other hand, the Commission cannot accept
amendments 134 and 28 because tacit authorisation (in the absence of a reply from the
authorities) is key to facilitating the freedom of establishment. However, the Commission
clarifies in a new Recital (28a), in accordance with the work of the Council, that, as regards
tacit authorisation different arrangements may be put in place in respect of certain activities
where they are objectively justified by overriding reasons relating to the public interest.
Likewise, the Commission cannot accept amendment 135, because this would create an
additional burden for the applicants and render judicial review more difficult.
Prohibited requirements (Article 14). Amendment 138
modifies the title of this section.
Amendment 140
clarifies that the prohibition of a case-by-case application of an
economic test does not concern planning requirements which do not pursue economic aims
but serve overriding reasons relating to the public interest.
Amendment 141
clarifies that the
prohibition on involving directly or indirectly competing operators in the granting of
authorisations does not concern the consultation of organisations such as chambers of
commerce on matters other than individual applications.
Amendment 40
provides that in
some cases it may be justified to compel a service provider to be present in person during the
exercise of the activity.
Amendment 142
explains that the prohibition on requiring a financial
guarantee or insurance from a service provider established in a Member State’s territory does
not affect Member States' ability to require financial guarantees as such, or to require that
insurance be taken out from an undertaking with special or exclusive rights, nor that it affects
requirements relating to participation in a collective compensation fund.
Amendment 143
clarifies the requirement of previous registration. The Commission accepts amendments 138,
140, 141, 143 and 41 in full, amendment 40 subject to an additional clarification. The
Commission accepts the spirit of amendment 142, but redrafts the relevant provision to make
it coherent with Community law and added further clarification in new Recital 32a, in line
with the Council's work. In addition, amendment 143 provides for technical clarifications
which the Commission accepts, whilst at the same time providing in a new Recital (32b)
based on the Council's work, further clarification about the prohibition of pre-registration.
Requirements to be evaluated (Article 15). Amendment 42
clarifies that the mutual
evaluation process does not affect the freedom of Member States to set a high level of
protection of the public interest in their legislation and that the evaluation has to take into
account the specificity of Services of General Economic Interest and of the particular tasks
assigned to them, which might justify certain restrictions on the freedom of establishment.
Amendments 144 and 145
remove examples of requirements concerning the provider's legal
form or the shareholding of the company.
Amendments 147/242
exclude from the evaluation
process requirements concerning selling below cost and sales.
Amendments 149/242
the word 'objectively' from the phrase "justified by an overriding reason relating to the public
Amendments 148/242
(as well as amendment
exclude "must-carry" obligations
from the evaluation process. Likewise,
amendment 150
excludes Services of General
Economic Interest and social insurance schemes from Article 15, paragraphs 1 to 4. In
addition, amendment 150, together with
amendment 151,
removes the prohibition on
Member States to introduce any new requirement of a similar kind unless these fulfil the
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criteria of non-discrimination, necessity and proportionality, and the corresponding obligation
of Member States to notify such new laws, regulations or administrative provisions.
Amendment 146
adds a reference to the Professional Qualification Directive. The
Commission accepts amendments 42, 147 and 148/149/242. The Commission also accepts the
deletion of examples from the relevant articles as in amendments 144 and 145. The
Commission also adds in Recital 34, in line with the work of the Council, a clarification that
the evaluation of requirements imposing minimum and/or maximum tariffs only concerns
tariffs imposed by competent authorities for the provision of certain services, whereas it does
not concern general rules on price determination such as for the renting of houses. The
Commission accepts in principle amendment 150 relating to Services of General Economic
Interest and it specifies that paragraphs 1 to 4 of Article 15 only apply to legislation in the
field of Services of General Economic Interest in so far as the application of such rules does
not obstruct the performance, in law or in fact, of the particular task assigned to them
Deletion of the notification obligations (amendment 151) would seriously water down the
evaluation process and therefore cannot be accepted. Finally, amendments 146, 148 and
149/242 propose technical changes which the Commission accepts (as far as 146 is
concerned, however, reference is made to the Professional Qualification Directive as a whole
and not to its Title II only).
Freedom to provide services and derogations (Articles 16-19)
Freedom to provide services (Article 16). Amendment 152
(concerning the title of the
Chapter) and
amendment 293/rev4
(concerning Article 16) replace the former country of
origin principle by a provision on the freedom to provide services. Amendment 293/rev4
confirms the right of service providers to provide a service in a Member State other than the
one where he is established and obliges the Member State where the service is provided to
ensure free access to and free exercise of the service activity within its territory. Paragraph 1
of Article 16 additionally stipulates that the Member State where the service is provided
cannot apply its own national requirements to service providers established in another
Member State unless these are justified on grounds of public policy, public security, public
health or the protection of the environment, they are non-discriminatory, necessary and
proportionate. Paragraph 3 again confirms the possibility of Member States provided for in
paragraph 1 to impose their national rules where they are justified on grounds of public
policy, public security, public health or the protection of the environment on service providers
from other Member States moving into its territory. Paragraph 3 also clarifies that Member
States, in conformity with Community law, are not prevented from applying their
employment conditions. Article 16 paragraph 2 establishes a list of requirements, such as a
requirement to have an establishment in the territory in order to be allowed to provide a
service, which Member States may not impose on service providers established in other
Member States. Amendment 293/rev4 also provides that the Commission, after consultation
of the Member States and the social partners, shall submit a report on the application of
Article 16 including consideration of the need to propose harmonising measures.
The Commission accepts amendments 152 and 293/rev4 subject to minor drafting adjustments
in paragraph 3 clarifying that – in accordance with the jurisprudence of the ECJ – national
requirements always have to be non-discriminatory, necessary and proportionate. The
Commission also accepts – subject to drafting adjustments – amendment 45 on Recital 37,
indicating that Member States can impose their requirements which are indispensable for
reasons of public policy, public security, public health and the protection of the environment
as well as amendments 46-47 which delete recitals referring to the former country of origin
principle. Furthermore, the Commission, in accordance with the work of the Council, adds
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further explanatory recitals, one recital referring to the jurisprudence of the ECJ on the right
of Member States to take measures in order to prevent service providers from abusively
taking advantage of the Internal Market principles (Recital 37a), another recital stressing the
necessity of ensuring that providers are able to take equipment which is an integral part of the
provision of the service with them when providing services in another Member State (Recital
39a) as well as one additional recital explaining the concept of equipment (Recitals 39 b).
Additional derogations from the freedom to provide services (Article 17). Amendment
renames Article 17 and stipulates that the provision on the freedom to provide services
shall not apply to
Services of General Economic Interest
provided in another Member State,
inter alia to postal services, electricity, gas and water distribution, waste water services and
the treatment of waste. The Commission accepts amendment 400.In addition, the Commission
clarifies, based on the work of the Council, in a Recital (40a) that the derogation for postal
services covers both activities reserved to the universal service provider and other postal
services. Furthermore, amendment 165 clarifying the derogation in Article 17 point 12 for the
authorisation regime provided for in Articles 3 and 4 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93
on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into and out of the European
Union, can also be accepted.
Concerning activities of
lawyers and notaries, amendment 160
deletes the derogation for
matters covered by Council Directive 77/279/EEC to facilitate the effective exercise by
lawyers of the freedom to provide services and
amendment 166
deletes the derogation for
acts requiring by law the involvement of a notary. These amendments become obsolete given
that the Commission does not accept a general exclusion of the activities of lawyers of or
notaries from the scope of application of the Directive. These derogations should therefore be
maintained. Concerning the judicial recovery of debts,
amendment 161
introduces a new
derogation which can be accepted by the Commission. At the same time the Commission
clarifies in a new recital (40b) in line with the Council work, the scope of this derogation.
requirements which reserve an activity to a particular profession,
amendment 162/404
adds – in addition to the derogation concerning matters covered by Title
II of Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications – a new
derogation. Amendment 162/404 as well as amendment 48 which explains this new
derogation in a recital (41c) can be accepted in principle subject to redrafting to make its
wording more precise.
Concerning the
free movement of persons and their residence, amendment 163
the derogation relating to Directive 2004/38/EC and can be accepted.
Concerning the
derogation for the movement of third country nationals in the context of
the provision of a service, amendment 164
reformulates the wording of the derogation
contained in Article 17 point 11. Since Article 25 has been deleted, the derogation in Article
17 point 11 had to be further reworded.
Amendments 50 and 51
which introduce Recitals
41a and 41b providing explanations on the derogation for the Posting of Workers Directive
are accepted subject to minor drafting changes.
specific prohibitions and specific requirements justified by reasons relating
to public policy, public security, public health or the protection of the environment,
amendments 167 and 168
provide for modifications of the derogations contained in Article
17 point 16 and 17. In the Commission's view these amendments are obsolete since, as a
consequence of the fact that Article 16 now gives Member States in more general terms the
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possibility to impose national requirements relating to public policy, public security, public
health and the protection of the environment, the more specific derogations in Article 17 point
16 and 17 have become superfluous. Consequently they are deleted together with the
corresponding recitals.
reimbursement of hospital care, amendment 169
deletes the derogation for the
authorisation system applicable to the reimbursement of hospital care. In line with the
exclusion of health services from the scope of application and the deletion of Article 23 on the
assumption of health care costs, the Commission accepts amendment 169.
private international law, amendment 170
introduces in Article 17 a derogation
for all provisions of private international law, particularly those dealing with contractual and
non-contractual obligations, including the form of contracts. The Commission accepts this
amendment which is required in Article 17 because the provision on the freedom to provide
services is the provision of this Directive that could possibly conflict with the application of
rules of private international law.
Amendments 171, 172 and 173
delete the derogations for
consumer contracts, formal validity of contracts relating to immovable property and the non-
contractual liability of the provider in case of an accident which are now covered by the
broader derogation for all provisions of private international law. The Commission accepts
these amendments as well as the corresponding changes in the Recitals (amendments
53 and
relating to Recitals 45 and 46).
In addition, the Commission has added technical clarifications reflecting the work of the
Transitional derogations (Article 18). Amendment 174
fully deletes Article 18 containing
transitional derogations from the (former) country of origin principle. The Commission
accepts this because gambling activities have been excluded from the scope of application of
this Directive, the access to the activity of judicial recovery of debts is covered by a new
derogation in Article 17 point 7a and transport of cash and valuables has been included in
Article 40(1).
Case-by-case derogations (Article 19). Amendment 175
adapts the title in line with the new
renamed Article 16.
Amendment 176
refers to the conditions under which the case-by-case
derogation can be taken and removes the obligation to comply first with the mutual assistance
procedure before taking such measures. The case-by-case derogations relating to public health
and public policy and to the exercise of health professional have become obsolete due to the
exclusion of healthcare from the scope of application of the Directive and due to the fact that
Article 16 now allows Member States in more general terms to impose requirements relating
to public policy and public health. The Commission therefore deletes the corresponding case-
by-case derogations and limits Article 19 to the safety of services. However, the Commission
cannot accept the deletion of the mutual assistance procedure which is essential to ensure that
this derogation does not lead to unnecessary restrictions to the freedom to provide services.
Rights of recipients of services (Articles 20-23)
Prohibited restrictions/Non-discrimination. Amendments 177 and 55,
relating to Article
21 and Recital 50 state that the recipient of services should not be made subject to
discriminatory requirements based "solely" on his nationality or place of residence. The
Commission cannot accept this addition to the non discrimination clause set out in Article 21,
because this could be interpreted as allowing discrimination if they are based also on other
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grounds. The rest of amendment 55 clarifies Recital 50 and can be accepted. In addition, the
Commission adds some clarifications in line with the Council's work concerning the concept
of financial assistance mentioned in Article 20 (see Recital 48 and new Recital 48a).
Assistance for recipients. Amendment 178,
concerning Article 22, on the assistance for
recipients of services clarifies a number of points on information and advice given by the
points of single contact to recipients. In addition this amendment deletes the contact points of
the European Consumer Centres Network from those associations and organisations whose
contact details recipients should be informed of and who could provide practical assistance.
Amendment 179
adds a new Article 22a concerning the possibility for a service provider to
complete all procedures and formalities with the points of single contact. The Commission
accepts amendment 178, except the part which deletes the reference to European Consumer
Centres Network, which, for the Commission, should play a particularly active role in giving
practical assistance to consumers. The Commission cannot accept amendment 179 and the
provision of a new Article 22a, given that role and responsibilities of single points of contacts
are already sufficiently dealt with in the Chapter of the Directive on administrative
Reimbursement of healthcare received in another Member State. Amendments 56 to 62
and 180/247
delete Article 23, the provisions dealing with the reimbursement of healthcare
received in another Member State, and corresponding recitals. The Commission accepts these
deletions and, as mentioned above, it will come forward with a separate initiative on health
Posting of workers (Articles 24-25)
Specific provisions on posting of workers and posting of third country nationals.
Amendments 181, 182/248, 63-64, 183/249 and 65-66
delete the relevant provisions
regarding the removal of administrative obstacles and regarding obligations of Member States
to cooperate regarding the posting of workers and the posting of third country nationals.
While the Commission believes that it is of high importance to address any undue
administrative burdens which hinder the opportunities for service providers to provide cross-
border services by posting their staff and that it is important to improve administrative
cooperation in order to combat black labour and social dumping, the Commission accepts the
deletion of these provisions as part of an overall compromise. In order to address undue
administrative burdens and to establish a better-functioning system of administrative
cooperation the Commission will provide guidance for Member States on these issues.
Quality of services (Articles 26-32)
Information on providers and their services (Article 26). Amendments 184 and 186
out a systematic obligation for service providers to make information to be given to recipients
available via the points of single contact.
Amendment 185
introduces an obligation to make
available to the recipients information on the legal form of the service provider. The
Commission accepts amendment 185 subject to minor redrafting. On the contrary, the
Commission cannot accept amendments 184 and 186 because they would create an
unnecessary burden to service providers.
Professional liability insurance (Article 27).
The first sentence of
amendment 187
the obligation for Member States to ensure that service providers whose services present a
particular risk to the health or safety of the recipient or a particular financial risk to the
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recipient take out professional liability insurance and replaces it by a mere declaration of the
possibility for Member States to require such insurance coverage. The second sentence
specifies that the insurance shall also cover risks presented by such services when they are
provided in other Member States. The Commission accepts both sentences of this amendment
subject to minor drafting adjustments. Furthermore,
amendment 67
adding Recital 63a is
accepted subject to necessary adjustments reflecting the changes in Article 27(1). Recital 63
was adjusted accordingly.
Amendments 188, 189 and 190
are accepted by the Commission
as far as they are necessary and do not create an additional burden for service providers. In
addition, based on the work in the Council, the Commission clarifies the text of Article 27 and
the corresponding Recitals, in particular on the scope of application of this Article, and
addresses the risk of failure of the insurance market by providing for the possibility to
establish a procedure dealing with situations of verifiable failure of the insurance market.
After-sales guarantees (Article 28). Amendment 191
deletes the obligation for service
providers to provide information on the after-sales guarantees they supply.
Amendment 192
deletes the provision clarifying that after-sales guarantees provided for in other Community
instruments should not be affected. The Commission cannot accept amendment 191 because
the relevant information on after-sales guarantees must be provided to recipients by service
providers. Moreover, the Commission cannot accept amendment 192 because the link with
other Community legislation on after-sales guarantees has to be explicitly mentioned.
Commercial communications (Article 29).
The Commission clarifies the text reflecting the
work in the Council, according to which professional rules on commercial communications
must comply with the principles of non-discrimination, necessity and proportionality.
Multidisciplinary activities (Article 30). Amendment 193
(as well as
amendment 210)
excludes multidisciplinary activities from the mutual evaluation process. The Commission
cannot accept amendments 193 and 210 because the obligation to evaluate and report on
restrictions on multidisciplinary activities is an essential measure for facilitating access to, and
exercise of, service activities. The Commission, on the basis of the Council's work, provides
further clarification on what restrictions may be justified and explains this in a new recital
Policy on quality of services (Article 31). Amendment 194
clarifies that Member States in
cooperation with the Commission shall encourage the development of voluntary European
standards. The Commission accepts amendment 194, whilst stressing at the same time, on the
basis of the Council's work, the role of consumer associations.
Settlement of disputes (Article 32). Amendment 195
introduces further contact details to be
supplied by providers. Amendment 196 replaces the word 'appropriate' by 'satisfactory'. The
Commission accepts amendments 195 and 196, whilst clarifying at the same time, on the
basis of the Council's work, what equivalent financial guarantees are to be deemed equivalent
within the meaning of this Article explains this in a new recital (65a).
Administrative co-operation (Articles 34-38)
Mutual assistance and supervision. Amendments 199 to 202 and amendments 68 to 69
reorganise the chapter on administrative cooperation and clarify the obligations of the
respective Member States. Amendment 199 renames the chapter. Amendments 200-202 aim
to set out more clearly the distribution of tasks between the Member State of establishment
and the Member State where the service is provided. In particular, the Member State of
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establishment is responsible for the supervision of service providers established in its territory
and cannot refuse to take supervisory or implementing measures on the ground that the
service has been provided in another Member State. The Member State of establishment must
carry out checks, inspections and investigations as well as provide information on service
providers established in its territory at the request of another Member State. The Member
State where the service is provided is responsible for the supervision of the activity of the
service provider in its territory with regard to matters in respect of which it can impose its
national requirements in accordance with Article 16 paragraph 1 (Article 21 paragraph 1 in
the consolidated text of the Parliament). In other cases, it shall carry out the checks,
inspections and investigations on the spot when objectively justified and non-discriminatory
or when requested by the Member State of establishment. Amendment 69 explains that
effective administrative co-operation is necessary in order to avoid proliferation of rules
applicable to service providers or duplication of controls for cross-border activities and to
remove the possibility for rogue traders to avoid supervision or circumvent applicable
national rules on services. Amendment 68 sets out the need for a well functioning electronic
information system. The Commission accepts amendments 68-69 in their entirety and
amendments 200-202 in spirit. Recognising the need to set out clearly the tasks and
obligations of the Member State of establishment and the Member State where the service is
provided in order to have effectively working administrative cooperation, the Commission
incorporates the amendments of the European Parliament into the structure drawn up by the
Alert mechanism. Amendment 203
sets out an alert mechanism, in case a Member State
becomes aware of serious specific acts or circumstances that could cause serious damage to
the health or safety of persons, to inform immediately the Commission and the Member States
concerned. The Commission accepts amendment 203 and has also added the environment to
the reasons which come under the alert mechanism. However, this new system serves a
different purpose than the mutual assistance system in the event of case-by-case derogations
and cannot therefore replace it.
Information on the good repute of providers. Amendment 197
adds that the information
Member States' must supply at the request of a competent authority in another Member State
must be directly relevant to the service provider's competence and that the request itself must
be duly substantiated.
Amendment 198
stipulates that the provisions on information requests
must comply with rules on the provision of personal data and that any information which is
public should be accessible to consumers. The Commission accepts both amendments and
further clarifies, reflecting the work of the Council, that Member States shall supply
information on disciplinary or administrative actions or criminal sanctions and decisions
concerning insolvency or bankruptcy, in conformity with their national law; that the sanctions
and actions shall only be communicated where a final decision has been taken; and that the
provisions on the good repute of providers do not pre-empt initiatives in the area of police and
judicial co-operation in criminal matters (new Recital 66f).
Accompanying measures. Amendment 68
describes the need for a well-functioning
electronic information system to improve administrative cooperation between Member States.
The Commission acceps amendment 68, transfers its contents to an Article and explains this
in a new recital (66g). Moreover, the Commission, reflecting the work of the Council,
introduces another accompanying measure for the exchange of officials in charge of the
implementation of mutual assistance.
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Convergence programme and final provisions (Articles 39-48)
Codes of conduct (Article 39).
Amendments 205 and 70 stress the importance of codes of
conducts at Community level drawn up, in particular, by professional bodies, organisation and
associations, and clarify that the codes of conducts are complementary to Member States'
legal requirements.
Amendment 71
moves into a recital the description of the areas which
should be included in the codes of conduct. The Commission accepts these amendments and
adds, reflecting the work of the Council, a new recital (67b) which describes the objective of
the codes of conduct.
Additional harmonisation (Article 40).
In line with the redefined scope,
amendment 206
deletes gambling activities and
amendment 208
deletes other subjects from matters for
possible additional harmonisation, such as those identified through the case-by-case
derogations or the mutual evaluation procedure.
Amendment 207
adds security services to
the list of subjects to be assessed for additional harmonisation. The Commission accepts
amendments 206, 208 and 207, while specifying that an assessment of the possibility of
additional harmonisation for security services and transport of cash and valuables will be
made, one year after the date of implementation of the Directive.
In addition, the Commission accepts
amendments 211-212
which concern the date when the
Commission shall present the report on mutual evaluation and the review clause.
amendment 213
sets out a 3-year deadline for the transposition of the Directive into
Member States' laws. Due to the urgency of advancing the Internal Market for services, the
Commission considers that 2-year deadline for transposition should be preserved.
Pursuant to Article 250(2) of the EC Treaty, the Commission amends its proposal as described
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2004/0001 (COD)
Amended proposal for a
on services in the internal market
(presented by the Commission)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular the first
and third sentence of Article 47(2) and Articles 55, 71 and 80(2) thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission
Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee
Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions
Acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the Treaty,
The European Union is seeking to forge ever closer links between the States and
peoples of Europe and to ensure economic and social progress. In accordance with
Article 14(2) of the Treaty, the internal market comprises an area without internal
frontiers in which the free movement of services and the freedom of establishment are
ensured. The elimination of obstacles to the development of service activities between
Member States is essential in order to strengthen the integration of the peoples of
Europe and to promote balanced and sustainable economic and social progress.
eliminating such barriers it is essential to ensure that the development of service
activities contributes to the fulfilment of the task laid down in Article 2 of the Treaty
of promoting throughout the Community a harmonious, balanced and sustainable
development of economic activities, a high level of employment and of social
protection, equality between men and women, sustainable and non-inflationary
growth, a high degree of competitiveness and convergence of economic
performance, a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the
environment, the raising of the standard of living and quality of life, and economic
and social cohesion and solidarity among Member States.
A competitive market in services is essential in order to promote economic growth
and create jobs in the EU. At present numerous barriers within the internal market
COM(2004) 2, 13.1.2004.
OJ C 221, 8.9.2005, p. 113.
OJ C 43, 18.2.2005, p. 18.
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prevent service providers, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs),
from extending their operations beyond their national borders and from taking full
advantage of the internal market. This weakens the worldwide competitiveness of
EU service providers. A free market which compels the Member States to eliminate
restrictions on cross-border provision of services while at the same time increasing
transparency and the information for consumers would give consumers wider
choice and better services at lower prices.
The report from the Commission on "The State of the Internal Market for Services"
drew up an inventory of a large number of barriers which are preventing or slowing
down the development of services between Member States, in particular those
provided by SMEs, which are predominant in the field of services. The report
concludes that a decade after the envisaged completion of the internal market, there is
still a huge gap between the vision of an integrated European Union economy and the
reality as experienced by European citizens and service providers. The barriers listed
affect a wide variety of service activities across all stages of the service provider’s
activity and have a number of common features, including, in particular, the fact that
they often arise from administrative burdens, the legal uncertainty associated with
cross-border activity and the lack of mutual trust between Member States.
Since services constitute the engine of economic growth and account for 70% of GDP
and employment in the majority of Member States, this fragmentation of the internal
market has a negative impact on the entire European economy, in particular on the
competitiveness of SMEs
and the movement of workers,
and prevents consumers
from gaining access to a greater variety of competitively priced services.
It is
important to point out that the services sector is a key employment sector for women
in particular, and that they therefore stand to benefit greatly from new opportunities
offered by the completion of the internal market for services.
The European
Parliament and the Council have emphasised that the removal of legal barriers to the
establishment of a genuine internal market is a matter of priority for achieving the goal
set by the Lisbon European Council of
improving employment and social cohesion
and achieving sustainable economic growth so as to make
the European Union the
most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based,
economy in
the world by 2010. Removing those barriers,
while ensuring an advanced European
social model, is thus a basic condition for overcoming the difficulties encountered in
implementing the Lisbon Strategy and for reviving
the European economy,
particularly in terms of employment and investment.
It is therefore important to
achieve an internal market for services, with the right balance between market
opening and preserving public services and social and consumer rights.
It is therefore necessary to remove barriers to the freedom of establishment for service
providers in Member States and barriers to the
free movement of
services as between
Member States and to guarantee
recipients and providers
the legal certainty necessary
for the exercise in practice of those two fundamental freedoms of the Treaty. Since the
barriers in the internal market for services affect operators who wish to become
established in other Member States as well as those who provide a service in another
Member State without being established there, it is necessary to enable service
providers to develop their service activities within the internal market either by
COM(2002) 441.
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becoming established in a Member State or by making use of the
free movement of
services. Service providers should be able to choose between those two freedoms,
depending on their strategy for growth in each Member State.
Those barriers cannot be removed solely by relying on direct application of Articles 43
and 49 of the Treaty, since, on the one hand, addressing them on a case-by-case basis
through infringement procedures against the Member States concerned would,
especially following enlargement, be extremely complicated for national and
Community institutions, and, on the other hand, the lifting of many barriers requires
prior coordination of national legal schemes, including the setting up of administrative
cooperation. As the European Parliament and the Council have recognised, a
Community legislative instrument makes it possible to achieve a genuine internal
market for services.
This Directive establishes a general legal framework which benefits a wide variety of
services while taking into account the distinctive features of each type of activity or
profession and its system of regulation. That framework is based on a dynamic and
selective approach consisting in the removal, as a matter of priority, of barriers which
may be dismantled quickly and, for the others, the launching of a process of
evaluation, consultation and complementary harmonisation of specific issues, which
will make possible the progressive and coordinated modernisation of national
regulatory systems for service activities which is vital in order to achieve a genuine
internal market for services by 2010. Provision should be made for a balanced mix of
measures involving targeted harmonisation, administrative cooperation,
the provision
on the freedom to provide services
and encouragement of the development of codes of
conduct on certain issues. That coordination of national legislative regimes should
ensure a high degree of Community legal integration and a high level of protection of
general interest objectives, especially protection
of consumers,
which is vital in order
to establish mutual trust between Member States.
This Directive also takes into
account other general interest objectives, including the protection of the
environment, public security and public health as well as of the need to comply with
labour law.
Since the objectives of the proposed action, namely the elimination of barriers to the
freedom of establishment for service providers in the Member States and to the free
provision of services between Member States, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the
Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale of the action, be better
achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance
with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance
with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Directive does not
go beyond what is necessary to achieve those objectives.
It is appropriate that the provisions of this Directive concerning the freedom of
and the free movement of services
should apply only to the extent that
the activities in question are open to competition, so that they do not oblige Member
either to liberalise services of general economic interest or to privatise public
entities which provide such services or
to abolish existing monopolies
for other
activities or certain distribution services.
This Directive does not concern requirements governing access to public funds for
certain service providers. Such requirements include notably those laying down
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conditions under which service providers are entitled to receive public funding,
including specific contractual conditions, and in particular quality standards which
need to be observed as a condition to receive public funds, for example for social
This Directive does not interfere with Member States' measures taken, in
accordance with Community law, in relation to the protection or promotion of
cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism, including the funding thereof.
This Directive aims at creating a legal framework to ensure the freedom of
establishment and the free movement of services between the Member States and
does not harmonise or prejudice criminal law. Therefore, rules of criminal law will
generally not be affected by this Directive. However, it should not be possible for a
Member State to circumvent the rules laid down in this Directive and to restrict the
freedom to provide services by applying criminal law provisions which specifically
affect the access to or the exercise of a service activity(6f) It is equally important
that this Directive fully respects Community initiatives based on Article 137 of the
Treaty with a view to achieving the objectives of Article 136 of the Treaty
concerning the promotion of employment and improved living and working
This Directive does not affect terms and conditions of employment, including
maximum work periods and minimum rest periods, minimum paid annual holidays,
minimum rates of pay as well as health, safety and hygiene at work, nor does it
affect relations between social partners, including the rights to negotiate and
conclude collective agreements, the right to strike and to take industrial actions, nor
does it apply to services provided by temporary work agencies. This Directive does
not affect the social security legislation of the Member States.
This Directive should be interpreted in such a way as to reconcile the exercise of
fundamental rights as recognised in the Member States and by the Charter of
Fundamental Rights of the European Union with the fundamental freedoms laid
down in Article 43 and 49 of the Treaty. Those fundamental rights include i.a. the
right to take industrial action. This Directive should be interpreted in such a way as
to give full effect to those fundamental rights and the fundamental freedoms.
This Directive concerns only service providers established in a Member State and
does not cover external aspects. It does not concern negotiations within
international organisations on trade in services, in particular in the framework of
[Recital 7 deleted]
This Directive covers only services which are performed for an economic
consideration. Services of general interest are not covered by the definition in
Article 50 of the Treaty and therefore do not fall within the scope of this Directive.
Services of General Economic Interest are services that are performed for an
economic consideration and therefore do fall within the scope of this Directive.
However, certain Services of General Economic Interest, such as those that may
exist in the field of transport, are excluded from the scope of application of this
Directive and certain other services of general economic interest, for example, that
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may exist in the area of postal services, are derogated from the provision on the
freedom to provide services.
Directive does not deal with the funding of services
of general economic interest and does not apply to systems of aids granted by
Member States, in particular in the social field, in accordance with Community
rules on competition. This Directive does not deal with the follow-up to the
Commission White Paper on services of general interest.
[Recital 8 moved]
Financial services should be excluded from the scope of this Directive since
activities are subject of specific
Community legislation
aimed, as is this Directive, at
achieving a genuine internal market for services.
Consequently, this exclusion covers
all financial services such as banking, credit, insurance, including reinsurance,
occupational or personal pensions, securities, investment, funds, payments,
investment advice, including the services listed in Annex I to Directive 2000/12/EC
of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March 2000 relating to the
taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions
In view of the adoption in 2002 of a package of legislative instruments relating to
electronic communications networks and services, as well as to associated resources
and services, which has established a regulatory framework to facilitate access to those
activities within the internal market, notably through the elimination of most
individual authorisation schemes, it is necessary to exclude issues dealt with by those
instruments from the scope of this Directive.
(10a) The exclusions from the scope of application regarding matters of electronic
communications services as covered by Directives 2002/19/EC
, 2002/20/EC
, 2002/22/EC
and 2002/58/EC
of the European Parliament and of the
Council should apply not only to questions specifically dealt with in these Directives
but also to matters for which the Directives explicitly leave to Member States the
possibility of adopting certain measures at national level.
(10b) Transport services,
including urban transport, taxis, and ambulances as well as port
are excluded from the scope of this Directive.
(10c) The exclusion of healthcare covers healthcare and pharmaceutical services provided
by health professionals to patients to assess, maintain or restore their state of health
where those activities are reserved to a regulated health profession in the Member
State in which the services are provided.
(10d) This Directive does not affect the reimbursement of healthcare provided in a
Member State other than that in which the recipient of the care is resident. This
issue has been addressed by the Court of Justice on numerous occasions, and the
OJ L 126, 26.5.2000, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Commission Directive 2004/69/EC (OJ L 125,
28.4.2004, p. 44).
OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 7.
OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 21.
OJ L 108 24.4.2002, p. 33.
OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 51.
OJ L 201, 31.7.2002, p. 37.
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Court has recognised patients' rights.. It is important to address this issue in another
Community legal instrument in order to achieve greater legal certainty and clarity to
the extent that this issue is not already addressed in Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71
on the coordination of social security systems
(10e) Audiovisual services, whatever their mode of transmission, including within
cinemas, should also be excluded from the scope of this Directive. Furthermore, the
Directive does not apply to aids granted by Member States in the audiovisual sector
which are covered by Community rules on competition.
(10f) Gambling activities, including lottery and betting transactions, should be excluded
from the scope of this Directive, in view of the specific nature of these activities,
which entail implementation by Member States of policies relating to public policy
and consumer protection.
(10g) This Directive is without prejudice to the application of Article 45 of the Treaty
concerning notably certain activities, of notaries and of other professions, related to
the power of authentication and certification.
(10h) This Directive does not cover those social services in the area of housing, childcare
and support to families and persons in need provided by the State or by providers
mandated by the State – at national, regional or local level- with the objective of
ensuring support to those who are in a particular state of need because of their
insufficient family income, total or partial lack of independence or to those who risk
to be marginalised. These services are essential to guarantee the fundamental rights
to human dignity and integrity and are a manifestation of the principles of social
cohesion and solidarity and should not be affected by this Directive.
This Directive does not deal with the funding of, or the system of aids linked to,
social services. Nor does it affect the criteria or conditions set by Member States to
ensure that social services effectively carry out a function to the benefit of the public
interest and social cohesion.
In view of the fact that the Treaty provides specific legal bases for taxation matters and
for the Community instruments already adopted in that field, it is necessary to exclude
the field of taxation from the scope of this Directive.
[Recital 12 moved]
There is already a considerable body of Community law on service activities.
Directive builds on, and thus complements, the Community acquis. Conflicts
between this Directive and other Community instruments have been identified and
are provided for in this Directive, including by means of derogations. However, it is
necessary to provide a rule for any residual and exceptional cases where there is a
conflict between a provision of this Directive and a provision of another Community
instrument. The existence of such a conflict should be determined in compliance
with the rules of the Treaty on the right of establishment and the free movement of
OJ L 149, 5.7.1971, p. 2. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 647/2005 (OJ L 117,
4.5.2005, p. 1).
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services. A conflict between a provision of the Directive and a future Community
instrument should be avoided in the drafting and negotiation of such an instrument.
(13a) This Directive is consistent with and does not affect Directive 2005/36/EC
on the
recognition of professional qualifications. It deals with questions other than those
relating to professional qualifications, for example professional liability insurance,
commercial communications, multidisciplinary activities and administrative
simplification. Concerning temporary cross-border service provision a derogation
from the provision on the freedom to provide services in this Directive ensures that
Title II on the free provision of services of Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition
of professional qualifications is not affected. Therefore, none of the measures
applicable in the Member State where the service is provided under the Directive on
the recognition of professional qualifications is affected by the provision on the
freedom to provide services.
(13b) This Directive is consistent with other Community initiatives concerning services,
particularly those relating to the safety of services. It is also consistent with other
initiatives concerning the internal market, and those concerning consumer protection,
such as Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11
May 2005 on unfair commercial practices
and Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 2004 on cooperation between
national authorities responsible for the enforcement of consumer protection laws ("the
Regulation on consumer protection cooperation")
The services covered by this directive concern a wide variety of ever-changing
activities, including business services such as management consultancy, certification
and testing; facilities management, including office maintenance; advertising;
recruitment services; and the services of commercial agents. The services covered are
also services provided both to businesses and to consumers, such as legal or fiscal
advice; real estate services such as estate agencies; construction, including the services
of architects; distributive trades; the organisation of trade fairs; car rental; travel
agencies. Consumer services are also covered, such as those in the field of tourism,
including tour guides; leisure services, sports centres and amusement parks; and,
to the
extent that they are not excluded from the scope of application of the Directive,
household support services, such as help for the elderly. Those activities may involve
services requiring the proximity of provider and recipient, services requiring travel by
the recipient or the provider and services which may be provided at a distance,
including via the Internet.
[Recital 15 deleted]
According to the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice, the assessment of whether
certain activities, in particular activities which are publicly funded or provided by
public entities, constitute a ‘service’ has to be carried out on a case by case basis in
the light of all their characteristics, in particular the way they are provided,
organised and financed in the Member State concerned. The Court has held that the
OJ L 255, 30.9.2005, p. 22.
OJ L 149, 11.6.2005, p. 22.
OJ L 364, 9.12.2004, p. 1.
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essential characteristic of remuneration lies in the fact that it constitutes
consideration for the services in question and has recognized that
the characteristic
of remuneration is absent in the case of activities performed, for no consideration, by
the State
or on behalf of the State in the context of its duties in the social, cultural,
educational and judicial fields, such as courses provided under the national
education system, or the management of social security schemes which do not
engage in economic activity. The payment of a fee by recipients, for example, a
tuition or enrolment fee paid by students in order to make a certain contribution to
the operating expenses of a system, does not in itself constitute remuneration
because the service is still essentially financed by public funds.
These activities are,
therefore, not covered by the definition
of "service"
in Article 50 of the Treaty and do
not therefore fall within the scope of this Directive.
(16a) Non profit making amateur sporting activities are of considerable social importance.
They often pursue wholly social or recreational objectives. Thus they might not
constitute economic activities within the meaning of Community law and fall outside
the scope of this Directive.
[Recital 17 moved]
The concept of provider covers any natural person who is a national of a Member State
or any legal person who is engaged in a service activity there, in exercise either of the
freedom of establishment or of the free
movement of
services. The concept of
provider is thus not limited solely to cross-border service provision within the
framework of the
free movement of
services but also covers cases in which an
operator establishes itself in a Member State in order to develop its service activities
there. On the other hand, the concept of a provider does not cover the case of branches
in a Member State of companies from third countries because, under Article 48 of the
Treaty, the freedom of establishment and free movement of services may benefit only
companies constituted in accordance with the laws of a Member State and having their
registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the
The notion of recipient also covers third country nationals who already
benefit from rights conferred upon them by Community acts such as Regulation
(EEC) No 1408/71
or Directive 2003/109/EC
, Regulation (EEC) No 859/2003
and Directive 2004/38/EC
. Furthermore, Member States have the possibility to
extend the notion of recipient to other third country nationals that are present
within their territory.
Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 of the Council of 14 June 1971 on the application of social security
schemes to employed persons and their families moving within the Community (OJ L 149, 5.7.1971,
p. 2).
Council Directive 2003/109/EC of 25 November 2003 concerning the status of third-country nationals
who are long-term residents (OJ L 16, 23.1.2004, p. 44).
Council Regulation (EC) No 859/2003 of 14 May 2003 extending the provisions of Regulation (EEC)
No 1408/71 and Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 to nationals of third countries who are not already
covered by those provisions solely on the ground of their nationality (OJ L 124, 20.5.2003, p. 1).
Directive 2004/38/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the right of
citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the
Member States amending Regulation (EEC) No 1612/68 and repealing Directives 64/221/EEC,
68/360/EEC, 72/194/EEC, 73/148/EEC, 75/34/EEC, 75/35/EEC, 90/364/EEC, 90/365/EEC and
93/96/EEC (OJ L 158, 30.4.2004, p. 77).
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The place at which a service provider is established should be determined in
conformity with the case-law of the Court of Justice according to which the concept
of establishment involves the actual pursuit of an economic activity through a fixed
establishment for an indefinite period. This requirement may also be fulfilled where
a company is constituted for a given period or where it rents the building or
installation through which it pursues its activity. It may also be fulfilled where a
Member State grants authorisations for a limited duration only in relation to
particular services. An establishment does not need to take the form of a subsidiary,
branch or agency, but can consist of an office managed by a provider’s own staff or
by a person who is independent but authorised to act on a permanent basis for the
undertaking, as would be the case with an agency. According to this definition
which requires the actual pursuit of an economic activity at the place of
establishment of the service provider, a mere letter box does not constitute an
establishment. In cases where a provider has several places of establishment it is
important to determine from which place of establishment the actual service
concerned is provided. In cases where it is difficult to determine from which of
several places of establishment a given service is provided, this is the place where
the provider has the centre of his activities relating to this particular service.
The Treaty provisions on establishment leave economic operators free to choose the
legal form which they deem suitable for carrying out their activity. Accordingly,
"legal persons", within the meaning of the Treaty, means all entities constituted
under, or governed by, the law of a Member State, irrespective of their legal form.
[Recital 19 moved]
The concept of authorisation scheme covers,
inter alia,
the administrative procedures
for granting authorisations, licences, approvals or concessions, and also the obligation,
in order to be eligible to exercise the activity, to be registered as a member of a
profession or entered in a register, roll or database, to be officially appointed to a body
or to obtain a card attesting to membership of a particular profession. Authorisation
may be granted not only by a formal decision but also by an implicit decision arising,
for example, from the silence of the competent authority or from the fact that the
interested party must await acknowledgement of receipt of a declaration in order to
commence the activity in question or for the latter to become lawful.
(20a) The
notion of
overriding reasons relating to the public interest to which reference is
made in certain provisions of this Directive
has been developed progressively
by the
Court of Justice
in its case-law
in relation to Articles 43 and 49 of the Treaty
and may
continue to evolve. The notion as recognised in the case law of the Court of Justice
covers at least the following grounds: public policy, public security and public
health, within the meaning of Articles 46 and 55 of the Treaty; the maintenance of
order in society; social policy objectives; the protection of the recipients of services;
consumer protection; the protection of workers, including the social protection of
worker;, the preservation of the financial balance of the social security system; the
prevention of fraud; the prevention of unfair competition; the protection of the
environment and the urban environment, including town and country planning; the
protection of creditors; safeguarding the sound administration of justice; road
safety; the protection of intellectual property; cultural policy objectives, including
safeguarding the freedom of expression of various elements, in particular social,
cultural, religious and philosophical values of society; the maintenance of press
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diversity and the promotion of the national language; the preservation of national
historical and artistic heritage and veterinary policy.
[Recital 21 deleted]
The rules relating to administrative procedures do not aim at harmonising
administrative procedures but at removing overly burdensome authorisation
schemes, procedures and formalities that hinder the freedom of establishment and
the creation of new services undertakings resulting therefrom.
One of the fundamental difficulties faced, in particular by SMEs, in accessing service
activities and exercising them is the complexity, length and legal uncertainty of
administrative procedures. For this reason, following the example of certain
modernising and good administrative practice initiatives undertaken at Community
and national level, it is necessary to establish principles of administrative
inter alia
through the introduction, coordinated at Community level, of
a system of
points of single contact,
limitation of the obligation of prior authorisation
to cases in which it is essential and the introduction of the principle of tacit
authorisation by the competent authorities after a certain period of time elapsed. Such
modernising action, while maintaining the requirements on transparency and the
updating of information relating to operators, is intended to eliminate the delays, costs
and dissuasive effects which arise, for example, from unnecessary or excessively
complex and burdensome procedures, the duplication of procedures, the red tape
involved in submitting documents, the use of
powers by the competent
authorities, indeterminate or excessively long periods before a response is given, the
limited duration of validity of authorisations granted and disproportionate fees and
penalties. Such practices have particularly significant dissuasive effects on providers
wishing to develop their activities in other Member States and require coordinated
modernisation within an enlarged internal market of twenty-five Member States.
Member States should introduce, where appropriate, forms harmonised at
Community level, as established by the Commission, which will serve as an
equivalent to certificates, attestations or any other document in relation to
(22b) In order to examine the need for simplifying procedures and formalities Member
States may in particular take into account their necessity, number, possible
duplication, cost, clarity, accessibility as well as the delay and practical difficulties
that they could give rise to for the service provider concerned.
In order to facilitate access to service activities and the exercise thereof in the internal
market, it is necessary to establish an objective, common to all Member States, of
administrative simplification and to lay down provisions concerning,
inter alia,
of single contact,
the right to information, procedures by electronic means and the
establishment of a framework for authorisation schemes. Other measures adopted at
national level to meet that objective may involve reduction of the number of
procedures and formalities applicable to service activities and the restriction of such
procedures and formalities to those which are essential in order to achieve a general
interest objective and which do not duplicate each other in terms of content or
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With the aim of administrative simplification, general formal requirements, such as
presentation of original documents, certified copies or
a certified translation,
not be imposed, except where objectively justified by an overriding reason relating to
the public interest, such as the protection of workers,
public health, the protection of
the environment or the protection of consumers.
It is also necessary to ensure that an
authorisation normally permits access to, or exercise of, a service activity throughout
the national territory, unless a new authorisation for each establishment, for example
for each new hypermarket,
or an authorisation that is restricted to a specific part of
the national territory
is objectively justified by an overriding reason relating to the
public interest.
It is appropriate to provide for
points of single contact
in order to ensure that each
provider has a single point at which he can complete all procedures and formalities.
The number of
points of single contact
per Member State may vary according to
regional or local competencies or according to the activities concerned. The creation of
points of single contact
does not interfere with the allocation of functions among
competent authorities within each national system. Where several authorities at
regional or local level are competent, one of them may assume the role of
point of
single contact
and coordinator.
Points of single contact
may be set up not only by
administrative authorities but also by chambers of commerce or crafts, or by the
professional organisations or private bodies to which a Member State decides to
entrust that function.
Points of single contact
have an important role to play in
providing assistance to providers either as the authority directly competent to issue the
documents necessary to access a service activity or as an intermediary between the
provider and the authorities which are directly competent. In its Recommendation of
22 April 1997 on improving and simplifying the business environment for business
, the Commission was already encouraging Member States to introduce
points of contact to simplify formalities.
(25a) The fee which may be charged by points of single contact should be proportionate to
the cost of procedures and formalities with which they deal. This does not prevent
Member States to entrust the points of single contact with the collection of other
administrative fees such as the fee of supervisory bodies.
(25b) Providers and recipients of services must have easy access to certain types of
information. This should include in particular information on procedures and
formalities, contact details of the competent authorities, conditions for access to
public registers and data bases and information concerning available remedies and
the contact details of associations and organisations from which providers or
recipients can obtain practical assistance. This information must be easily
accessible, i.e. it should be available to the public easily and without obstacles. This
information should be provided in a clear and unambiguous manner.
(25c) The obligation for Member States to ensure that relevant information is easily
accessible to providers and recipients can be fulfilled by making this information
accessible through a website. The obligation for competent authorities to assist
providers and recipients does not include the provision of legal advice in individual
cases. Nevertheless, general information on the way in which requirements are
OJ L 145, 5.6.1997, p. 29.
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usually interpreted or applied should be given. The way in which information is
provided to providers and recipients is for each Member State to determine within
the framework of the Directive. Issues such as liability for providing incorrect or
misleading information are for Member States to determine.
The setting up, in the reasonably near future, of electronic means of completing
procedures and formalities will be vital for administrative simplification in the field of
service activities, for the benefit of providers, recipients and competent authorities. In
order to meet that obligation as to results, national laws and other rules applicable to
services may need to be adapted.
This obligation does not prevent Member States
from providing other means of completing such procedures and formalities, in
addition to electronic means.
The fact that it must be possible to complete those
procedures and formalities at a distance means in particular that Member States must
ensure that they may be completed across borders. The obligation as to results does
not cover procedures or formalities which by their very nature are impossible to
complete at a distance.
Furthermore, this does not interfere with Member States'
legislation on the use of languages.
The possibility of gaining access to a service activity may be made subject to
authorisation by the competent authorities only if that decision satisfies the criteria of
non-discrimination, necessity and proportionality. That means, in particular, that
authorisation schemes should be permissible only where an
a posteriori
would not be effective because of the impossibility of ascertaining the defects of the
services concerned
a posteriori,
due account being taken of the risks and dangers
which could arise in the absence of a prior inspection. However, the provision to that
effect made by this Directive cannot be relied upon in order to justify authorisation
schemes which are prohibited by other Community instruments such as
Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of
13 December 1999 on a Community framework for electronic signatures
, or
Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2000
on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic
commerce, in the internal market ('Directive on electronic commerce')
. The results of
the process of mutual evaluation will make it possible to determine, at Community
level, the types of activity for which authorisation schemes should be eliminated.
This Directive is without prejudice to the possibility for Member States to withdraw
authorisations after they have been issued, if the conditions for the granting of the
authorisation are no longer fulfilled.
(27b) According to the case law of the Court of Justice, public health, consumer
protection, animal health and the protection of the urban environment constitute
overriding reasons relating to the public interest. Such overriding reasons may
justify the application of authorisation schemes and other restrictions applicable to
social services. However, no such authorisation scheme or restriction may
discriminate on grounds of nationality. Further, the principles of necessity and
proportionality must always be respected.
OJ L 13, 19.1.2000, p. 12.
OJ L 178, 17.7.2000, p. 1.
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(27c) The provisions of this Directive relating to authorisation schemes should concern
cases where the access to or exercise of a service activity by economic operators
requires a decision by a competent authority. This concerns neither decisions by
competent authorities to set up a public or private entity for the provision of a
particular service nor the conclusion of contracts by competent authorities for the
provision of a particular service which is governed by rules on public procurement.
(27d) In order to facilitate access to and exercise of service activities, it is important to
evaluate and report on authorisation schemes and their justification. This reporting
obligation concerns only the existence of authorisation schemes and not the criteria
and conditions for the granting of an authorisation.
The authorisation should normally enable the provider to have access to the service
activity, or to exercise that activity, throughout the national territory, except if a
territorial limit is justified by an overriding reason relating to the public interest.
For example, environmental protection may justify the requirement to obtain an
individual authorisation for each installation on the national territory. This
provision does not affect regional or local competences for the granting of
authorisations within the Member States.
(27f) This Directive, and in particular the provisions concerning authorisation schemes
and the territorial scope of an authorisation, do not interfere with the division of
regional or local competences within the Member States, including regional and
local self-government and the use of official languages.
(27g) The provision relating to the non duplication of conditions for the granting of
authorisation does not prevent Member States from applying their own conditions
which are specified in the authorisation scheme. It only requires that competent
authorities, when considering whether these conditions are met by the applicant,
take into account the equivalent conditions which have already been satisfied by the
applicant in another Member State. This provision does not require the application
of the conditions for the granting of authorisation provided in the authorisation
scheme of another Member State.
In cases where the number of authorisations available for an activity is limited because
of scarcity of natural resources or technical capacity, as may be the position, for
example, with regard to the award of analogue radio frequencies or the exploitation of
hydro-electric plant, a procedure for selection from among several potential candidates
must be adopted, with the aim of developing through open competition the quality and
conditions for supply of services available to users. Such a procedure must provide
guarantees of transparency and impartiality and the authorisation thus granted must
not have an excessive duration, or be subject to automatic renewal, or confer any
advantage on the successful provider. In particular, the duration of the authorisation
granted must be fixed in such as way that it does not restrict or limit free competition
beyond what is necessary to enable the provider to recoup the cost of investment and
to make a fair return on the capital invested.
This provision does not prevent Member
States from limiting the number of authorisations
for reasons other than scarcity of
natural resources or technical capacity.
These authorisations
remain in any case
subject to the other provisions of this Directive relating to authorisation schemes.
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(28a) This Directive provides that failing a response within a time period, authorisation
shall be deemed to have been granted. However, different arrangements may be put
in place in respect of certain activities, where objectively justified by overriding
reasons relating to public interest.
[Recital 29 moved]
In order to establish a genuine internal market for services, it is necessary to abolish
any restrictions on the freedom of establishment and the free movement of services
which are still enshrined in the laws of certain Member States and which are
incompatible with Articles 43 and 49 of the Treaty respectively. The restrictions to be
prohibited particularly affect the internal market for services and should be
systematically dismantled as soon as possible.
The Court of Justice has consistently held that the freedom of establishment is
predicated, in particular, upon the principle of equal treatment, which entails the
prohibition not only of any discrimination on grounds of nationality but also of any
indirect discrimination based on other grounds but capable of producing the same
result. Thus, access to a service activity or the exercise thereof in a Member State,
either as a principal or secondary activity, may not be made subject to criteria such as
place of establishment, residence, domicile or principal provision of the service
In certain cases, however, overriding reasons relating to the public interest
may justify compelling a service provider, or one of his employees or a
representative, to be present during the exercise of his activity.
Similarly, a Member
State may not restrict the legal capacity or the right to bring legal proceedings of
companies incorporated in accordance with the law of another Member State on whose
territory they have their primary establishment. Moreover, a Member State may not
confer any advantages on providers having a particular national or local socio-
economic link; nor may it restrict, on grounds of place of establishment, the provider’s
freedom to acquire, exploit or dispose of rights and goods or to access different forms
of credit or accommodation in so far as those choices are useful for access to his
activity or for the effective exercise thereof.
The prohibition of economic tests as a prerequisite for the grant of authorisation
covers economic tests as such, but not requirements which are objectively justified by
overriding reasons relating to the public interest, such as protection of the urban
social policy and public health objectives.
That prohibition does not
affect the exercise of the powers of the authorities responsible for applying
competition law.
(32a) With respect to financial guarantees or insurance, the prohibition of requirements
only concerns the obligation that the requested financial guarantees or insurance
must be obtained from a financial institution established in the Member State
(32b) With respect to pre-registration, the prohibition of requirements only concerns the
obligation that the provider, prior to the establishment, be pre-registered for a given
period in a register held in the Member State concerned.
In order to coordinate the modernisation of national rules and regulations in a manner
consistent with the requirements of the internal market, it is necessary to evaluate
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certain non-discriminatory national requirements which, by their very nature, could
severely restrict or even prevent access to an activity or the exercise thereof under the
freedom of establishment.
This evaluation process is limited to the compatibility of
these requirements with the criteria already established by the Court of Justice on
the freedom of establishment. It does not concern the application of Community
competition law. Where such requirements are discriminatory or not objectively
justified by an overriding reason relating to the public interest or where they are
disproportionate, they must be abolished or amended.
The outcome of this assessment
will be different according to the nature of the activities and the public interest
concerned. In particular, according to the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice, such
requirements could be fully justified when they pursue social policy objectives.
(33a) For the purposes of this Directive, services may only be considered as Services of
General Economic Interest in this directive and without prejudice to Article 16 of
the EC Treaty, if they are provided in application of a special task of public interest
entrusted to the provider by the Member State concerned. This assignment must be
made by way of one or more acts, the form of which is determined by each Member
State, and must specify the precise nature of the special task.
(33b) The mutual evaluation process provided for in this Directive does not affect the
freedom of Member States to set in their legislation a high level of protection of
public interests, in particular of social policy objectives. Furthermore, the mutual
evaluation process has to take fully into account the specificity of services of general
economic interest and of the particular tasks assigned to them. These may justify
certain restrictions on the freedom of establishment, in particular where such
restrictions pursue the protection of public health and social policy objectives and
where they satisfy the conditions in Article 15(3)(a) to (c). For example, concerning
the obligation to take a specific legal form in order to exercise certain services in the
social field, the Court of Justice has already recognised that it may be justified to
submit the service provider to a requirement to be non-profit making.
The restrictions to be examined include national rules which, on grounds other than
those relating to professional qualifications, reserve access to
activities to
particular providers.
These restrictions also include obligations on a provider to take
a specific legal form, in particular to be a legal person, to be a company with
individual ownership, to be a non-profit making organisation or a company owned
exclusively by natural persons, and requirements which relate to the shareholding of
a company, in particular obligations to hold a minimum amount of capital for
certain service activities or to have a specific qualification in order to hold capital
in, or to manage certain companies. The evaluation of the compatibility of fixed
minimum and/or maximum tariffs with the freedom of establishment concerns only
tariffs imposed by competent authorities specifically for the provision of certain
services and not, for example, general rules on price determination such as for the
renting of houses.
(34a) The mutual evaluation process means that during the transposition period, Member
States will first have to conduct a "screening" of their legislation in order to ascertain
whether above mentioned requirements exist in their legal systems and, at the latest by
the end of the transposition period, Member States must draw up a report on the results
of their screening. Each report will be submitted to all other Member States and
interested parties. Member States will then have six months in which to submit their
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observations on these reports. At the latest by 31 December 2008, the Commission
will draw up a summary report, accompanied where appropriate by proposals for
further initiatives. If necessary the Commission, in cooperation with the Member
States, will assist the Member State in order to design a common methodology.
[Recital 35 deleted]
The fact that this Directive specifies a number of requirements to be abolished or
evaluated by the Member States during the transposition period is without prejudice to
any infringement proceedings against a Member State for failure to fulfil its
obligations under Articles 43 or 49 of the Treaty.
(36a) This Directive does not concern the application of Articles 28 to 30 of the Treaty
relating to the free movement of goods. The restrictions prohibited pursuant to the
provision on the freedom to provide services
cover the requirements applicable to
access to service activities or to the exercise thereof and not those applicable to goods
as such.
(36b) Where an operator travels to another Member State to exercise a service activity there,
a distinction should be made between situations covered by the freedom of
establishment and those covered, due to the temporary nature of the activities
concerned, by the free movement of services.
As regards the distinction between the
application of the freedom of establishment and the free movement of services
respectively according to the case-law of the Court of Justice the key element is the
question whether the economic operator is established or not in the Member State
where he provides the service concerned. If he is established in the Member State
where he provides his services, he comes under the scope of application of the
freedom of establishment. If by contrast the economic operator is not established in
the Member State where the service is provided, his activities are covered by the free
movement of services.
The Court of Justice has consistently held that the temporary
nature of the activities in question must be determined in the light not only of the
duration of the provision of the service, but also of its regularity, periodical nature or
continuity. In any case, the fact that the activity is temporary does not mean that the
service provider may not equip himself with some forms of infrastructure in the host
Member State, such as an office, chambers or consulting rooms, in so far as such
infrastructure is necessary for the purposes of providing the service in question.
In order to secure effective implementation of the free movement of services and to
ensure that recipients and providers can benefit from and supply services throughout
the Community regardless of frontiers, it is necessary
to clarify to which extent
requirements of the Member State where the service is provided can be imposed. It is
indispensable to provide that the provision on the freedom to provide services does
not prevent the Member State where the service is provided from imposing, in
compliance with the principles set out in Article 16(1)(a) to (c), its specific
requirements for reasons of public policy or public security or for the protection of
public health or the environment.
The Court of Justice has consistently held that a Member State retains the right to
take measures in order to prevent service providers from abusively taking advantage
of the Internal Market principles. Abuse by a provider must be established on a case
by case basis.
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[Recital 38 deleted]
[Recital 39 deleted]
(39a) It is necessary to ensure that providers are able to take equipment which is integral
to the provision of their service with them when they travel to provide services in
another Member State. In particular, it is important to avoid cases in which the
service could not be provided without the equipment, situations in which service
providers incur additional costs, for example, by hiring or purchasing different
equipment to that which they habitually use or by needing to change significantly
the way they habitually carry out their activity.
(39b) The concept of equipment does not refer to physical objects which are either
supplied by the provider to the client or become part of a physical object as a result
of the service activity such as building materials or spare parts or which are
consumed or left in situ in the course of the service provisions such as combustible
fuels, explosives, fireworks, pesticides, poisons or medicines.
It is necessary to provide that the
provision on the freedom to provide services
may be
departed from only in the areas covered by derogations. Those derogations are
necessary in order to take into account the level of integration of the internal market or
certain Community instruments relating to services pursuant to which a provider is
subject to the application of a law other than that of the Member State of
establishment. Moreover, by way of exception, measures against a given provider may
also be adopted in certain individual cases and under certain strict procedural and
substantive conditions. In addition, any restriction of the free
movement of
should be permitted, by way of exception, only if it is consistent with fundamental
rights which, as the Court of Justice has consistently held, form an integral part of the
general principles of law enshrined in the Community legal order.
(40a) The derogation from the provision on the freedom to provide services concerning
postal services covers both activities reserved to the universal service provider and
other postal services.
(40b) The derogation from the provision on the freedom to provide services relating to the
judicial recovery of debts and the reference to a possible future harmonisation
instrument concerns only the access to and the exercise of activities which consist,
notably, in bringing actions before a Court relating to the recovery of debts.
[Recital 41 moved]
(41a) This Directive should not affect terms and conditions of employment which,
pursuant to Directive 96/71/EC, apply to workers posted to provide a service in the
territory of another Member State. In such cases, Directive 96/71/EC stipulates that
service providers have to comply with terms and conditions of employment in a listed
number of areas applicable in the Member State where the service is provided.
These are: maximum work periods and minimum rest periods, minimum paid
annual holidays, minimum rates of pay, including overtime rates, the conditions of
hiring out of workers, in particular the protection of workers hired out by temporary
employment undertakings, health, safety and hygiene at work, protective measures
with regard to the terms and conditions of employment of pregnant women or
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women who have recently given birth and of children and young people and equality
of treatment between men and women and other provisions on non-discrimination.
This does not only concern terms and conditions of employment which are laid
down by law but also those laid down in collective agreements or arbitration awards
that are officially declared or de facto universally applicable within the meaning of
Directive 96/71/EC. Moreover, this Directive should not prevent Member States
from applying terms and conditions of employment on matters other than those
listed in Article 3 paragraph 1 of Directive 96/71/EC on the grounds of public policy
(41b) This Directive should neither affect terms and conditions of employment in cases
where the worker employed for the provision of a cross-border service is recruited in
the Member State where the service is provided. Furthermore, this Directive does
not affect the right for the Member States where the service is provided to determine
the existence of an employment relationship and the distinction between self-
employed persons and employed persons, including "false self-employed persons".
In that respect, according to the case law of the Court of Justice, the essential
characteristic of an employment relationship within the meaning of Article 39 of the
Treaty is the fact that for a certain period of time a person provides services for and
under the direction of another person in return for which he receives remuneration;
any activity which a person performs outside a relationship of subordination must
be classified as an activity pursued in a self-employed capacity for the purposes of
Articles 43 and 49 of the Treaty.
(41c) The provision on the freedom to provide services does not apply in cases where, in
conformity with Community law, in a Member State, an activity is reserved to a
particular profession, for example requirements which reserve legal advice to
[Recital 42 deleted]
[Recital 43 deleted]
from the
provision on the freedom to provide services
of matters
relating to the registration of vehicles leased in a Member State other than that in
which they are used follows from the case-law of the Court of Justice, which has
that a Member State may impose such an obligation, in accordance with
proportionate conditions, in the case of vehicles used on its territory. That exclusion
does not cover occasional or temporary rental.
Contractual relations between the service provider and the client as well as between
an employer and employee should not be subject to this Directive. The determination
of the applicable law regarding the contractual or the extra-contractual obligations
of the service provider shall be determined by the rules of private international law.
[Recital 46 deleted]
It is necessary to allow Member States the possibility, exceptionally and on a
case-by-case basis, of taking measures which derogate from
the provision on the
freedom to provide services
in respect of a provider established in another Member
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State, on
of the safety of services. It should be possible to take such measures
only in the absence of harmonisation at Community level.
Restrictions on the free movement of services, contrary to this Directive, may arise not
only from measures applied to providers, but also from the many barriers to the use of
services by recipients, especially consumers. This Directive mentions, by way of
illustration, certain types of restriction applied to a recipient wishing to use a service
performed by a provider established in another Member State.
Such discriminatory
restrictions include national rules according to which financial assistance
concerning the costs of language or vocational training are limited to cases where
such training is carried out on the territory of the Member State concerned. This
also includes cases where recipients of a service are under an obligation to obtain
authorisation from or to make a declaration to their competent authorities in order
to receive a service from a provider established in another Member State. This does
not concern general authorisation schemes which also apply to the use of a service
supplied by a provider established in the Member State of the recipient.
(48a) The concept of financial assistance provided for the use of a particular service does
not apply to systems of aids granted by Member States, in particular in the social
field or in the cultural sector, which are covered by Community rules on competition
or to general financial assistance not linked to the use of a particular service, for
example grants or loans to students.
In accordance with the Treaty rules on the free movement of services, as interpreted by
the Court of Justice, discrimination on grounds of the recipient’s nationality or
national or local residence is prohibited. Such discrimination could take the form of an
obligation, imposed only on nationals of another Member State, to supply original
documents, certified copies, a certificate of nationality or official translations of
documents in order to benefit from a service or from more advantageous terms or
prices. However, the prohibition of discriminatory requirements does not preclude the
reservation of advantages, especially as regards tariffs, to certain recipients, if such
reservation is based on legitimate, objective criteria.
Whilst this Directive is not intended to harmonise artificially prices across the
European Union, in particular where market conditions vary from country to
if an internal area without frontiers is to be effectively achieved,
the principle
of non-discrimination imposes that
Community citizens must neither be prevented
from benefiting from a service which is technically accessible on the market, nor be
made subject to different conditions and tariffs by reason of their nationality or place
of residence. The persistence of such discrimination with respect to the recipients of
services highlights, for the Community citizen, the absence of a genuine internal
market in services and, in a more general sense, compromises the integration of the
peoples of Europe. The principle of non-discrimination within the internal market
means that access by a recipient, and especially by a consumer, to a service on offer to
the public may not be denied or hampered by application of a criterion, included in
general conditions made available to the public, relating to the recipient's nationality
or place of residence. It does not follow that it will be unlawful discrimination if
provision were made in such general conditions for different tariffs and conditions to
apply to the provision of a service, where those tariffs, prices, and conditions are
justified for objective reasons
that can vary from country to country,
such as
additional costs effectively incurred because of the distance involved or the technical
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characteristics of the provision of the service, or different market conditions,
such as
higher or lower demand influenced by seasonality, different vacation periods in the
Member States and pricing by different competitors,
or extra risks linked to rules
differing from those of the Member State of establishment.
(50a) The way in which information is provided to recipients in their Member State of
residence is for that Member State to determine within the framework of this
Directive. Issues such as liability for providing incorrect or misleading information
are for Member States to determine.
[Recital 51 deleted]
[Recital 52 deleted]
[Recital 53 deleted]
[Recital 54 deleted]
[Recital 55 deleted]
[Recital 56 deleted]
[Recital 57 deleted]
[Recital 58 deleted]
[Recital 59 deleted]
[Recital 60 deleted]
[Recital 61 deleted]
It is appropriate to provide that, as one of the means by which the provider may make
the information which he is obliged to supply easily accessible to the recipient, he is to
supply his electronic address, including that of his website. Furthermore, the
obligation to present certain information in the provider’s information documents
presenting his services in detail should not cover commercial communications of a
general nature, such as advertising, but rather documents giving a detailed description
of the services proposed, including documents on a website.
Any operator providing services involving a
direct and
particular health, safety or
financial risk for the recipient
or a third person
in principle
be covered by
appropriate professional
insurance, or by another form of guarantee which is
equivalent or comparable, which means, in particular, that
he should have
adequate insurance coverage for services provided in one or more Member States
other than the Member State of establishment.
(63a) The insurance or guarantee should be appropriate to the nature and extent of the
risk. That means that service providers should have cross-border coverage only if
they actually provide services in other Member States. Member States should not
lay down more detailed rules concerning the insurance coverage and fix for
example minimum thresholds for the insurance sum or limits on exclusions from
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the insurance coverage. Service providers and insurance companies should
maintain the necessary flexibility to negotiate insurance policies precisely targeted
to the nature and scope of the risk. Furthermore, it is not necessary that an
obligation of appropriate insurance is laid down by law. It is sufficient if an
insurance obligation is part of the deontological rules laid down by professional
bodies. Finally, there should be no obligation for insurance companies to provide
insurance cover.
It is necessary to put an end to the total prohibitions of commercial communications
by the regulated professions, not by removing bans on the content of a commercial
communication but rather those which, in a general way and for a given profession,
forbid one or more forms of commercial communication, such as a ban on all
advertising in one or more given media. As regards the content and methods of
commercial communication, it is necessary to encourage professionals to draw up, in
accordance with Community law, codes of conduct at Community level.
It is necessary and in the interest of recipients, in particular consumers, to ensure
that service providers have the possibility to offer multidisciplinary services and that
restrictions in this regard be limited to what is necessary to ensure the impartiality
and independence and the integrity of regulated professions. This does not affect
restrictions or prohibitions to carry out particular activities which aim at ensuring
independence in cases in which a Member State entrusts a service provider with a
particular task notably in the area of urban development.
In order to increase transparency and promote assessments based on comparable
criteria with regard to the quality of the services offered and supplied to recipients, it is
important that information on the meaning of quality labels and other distinctive marks
relating to these services be easily accessible. That obligation of transparency is
particularly important in areas such as tourism, especially the hotel business, in which
the use of a system of classification is widespread. Moreover, it is appropriate to
examine the extent to which European standardisation could facilitate compatibility
and quality of services. European standards are drawn up by the European standards-
setting bodies, the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN), the European
Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (CENELEC) and the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). Where appropriate, the Commission
may, in accordance with the procedures laid down in Directive 98/34/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998
laying down a procedure
for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and
of rules on Information Society services, issue a mandate for the drawing up of
specific European standards
In order to solve potential problems with compliance with a judicial decision, it is
appropriate to provide that Member States recognise equivalent guarantees lodged
by institutions or bodies such as banks, insurance providers, or other financial
services providers established in another Member State.
The development of a network of Member State consumer protection authorities,
which is the subject of Regulation (EC)
No 2006/2004 of the European Parliament
OJ L 204, 21.7.1998, p. 37. Directive as last amended by the Act of Accession 2003.
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and of the Council of 27 October 2004 on cooperation between national authorities
responsible for the enforcement of consumer protection laws
, complements the
cooperation provided for in this Directive. The application of consumer protection
legislation in cross-border cases, in particular with regard to new marketing and
selling practices, as well as the need to remove certain specific obstacles to
cooperation in this field, necessitates a higher degree of cooperation between Member
States. In particular, it is necessary in this area to ensure that Member States require
the cessation of illegal practices by operators in their territory who target consumers in
another Member State.
(66a) Administrative cooperation is essential to make the internal market in services
function properly. Lack of cooperation between Member States results in
proliferation of rules applicable to service providers or duplication of controls for
cross-border activities, and can also be used by rogue traders to avoid supervision or
to circumvent applicable national rules on services. It is, therefore, essential to
provide for clear, legally binding obligations for Member States to cooperate
(66b) For the purposes of the Chapter on administrative co-operation, “supervision”
refers to activities such as monitoring and fact finding, problem solving,
enforcement and imposition of sanctions, and subsequent follow-up activities.
(66c) In normal circumstances mutual assistance shall take place directly between
competent authorities. The points of contact designated by Member States shall be
required to facilitate this process only in the event of difficulties being encountered,
for instance if assistance is required to identify the relevant competent authority.
(66d) Certain obligations of mutual assistance apply to all matters covered by this
Directive, including those relating to cases where a service provider establishes in
another Member State. Other obligations of mutual assistance apply only in cases of
cross-border provision of services, where the provision on the freedom to provide
services applies. A further set of obligations apply in all cases of cross-border
provision of services, including areas not covered by the provision on freedom to
provide services. Cross-border provision of services includes cases where services
are provided at a distance and where the recipient travels to the Member State of
establishment of the service provider in order to receive services.
(66e) In cases where a provider moves temporarily to a Member State other than the
Member State of
it is necessary to provide for mutual assistance
between those two States so that the former can carry out checks, inspections and
enquiries at the request of the Member State of
or carry out such checks
on its own initiative if these are merely factual checks.
(66ea) It should not be possible for Member States to circumvent the rules laid down in this
Directive, including the provision on the freedom to provide services, by conducting
checks, inspections or investigations which are discriminatory or disproportionate.
OJ L 364, 9.12.2004, p. 1.
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(66f) The provisions of this Directive concerning the exchange of information regarding
the good repute of providers do not pre-empt initiatives in the area of police and
judicial cooperation in criminal matters, in particular on the exchange of
information between law enforcement authorities and criminal records of the
Member States.
(66g) Cooperation between Member States requires a well-functioning electronic
information system in order to allow competent authorities easily to identify their
relevant interlocutors in other Member States and to communicate in an efficient
It is necessary to provide that the Member States, in cooperation with the Commission,
are to encourage interested parties to draw up codes of conduct at Community level
aimed in particular at promoting the quality of services and taking into account the
specific nature of each profession. Those codes of conduct should comply with
Community law, especially competition law.
They may not be incompatible with
legally binding rules governing professional ethics and conduct in the Member
(67a) Member States should encourage the setting up of codes of conduct particularly by
professional bodies, organisations and associations at Community level. These codes
of conduct should include, as appropriate to the specific nature of each profession,
rules for commercial communications relating to regulated professions, and rules of
professional ethics and conduct of the regulated professions which aim in particular
at ensuring independence, impartiality and professional secrecy. In addition, the
conditions to which the activities of estate agents are subject should be included in
such codes of conduct. Member States should take accompanying measures to
encourage professional bodies, organisations and associations to implement at
national level the codes of conduct adopted at Community level.
(67b) Codes of conduct at Community level are intended to set minimum standards of
conduct and are complementary to Member States' legal requirements. They do not
preclude Member States, in accordance with Community law, from taking more
stringent measures in law or national professional bodies from providing for greater
protection in their national codes of conduct.
[Recital 68 deleted ]
[Recital 69 deleted]
[Recital 70 moved]
[Recital 71 moved]
[Recital 72 deleted]
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The measures necessary for the implementation of this Directive should be adopted in
accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the
procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission
General provisions
Article 1
This Directive establishes general provisions facilitating the exercise of the freedom
of establishment for service providers and the free movement of services,
maintaining a high quality of services.
This Directive does not
with the liberalisation of services of general economic
interest, reserved to public or private entities, nor with the privatisation of public
entities providing services.
This Directive does not deal with the abolition of monopolies providing services
nor with aids granted by Member States which are covered by Community rules on
This Directive does not affect the freedom of Member States to define, in
conformity with Community law, what they consider to be services of general
economic interest, how those services should be organised and financed, in
compliance with the State Aid rules, and what specific obligations they should be
subject to.
This Directive does not affect measures taken at Community level, or at national
level, in conformity with Community law, in order to protect or promote cultural or
linguistic diversity or media pluralism.
This Directive does not affect Member States' rules of criminal law.
This Directive does not affect labour law, that is any legal or contractual provision
concerning employment conditions, working conditions, including health and
safety at work, and the relationship between employers and workers, which
Member States apply in compliance with Community law. Equally this Directive
does not affect the social security legislation of the Member States, as referred to in
OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23.
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Article 4 of Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the coordination of social security
This Directive does not affect the exercise of fundamental rights as recognised in
the Member States and by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European
Union, including the right to negotiate conclude and enforce collective
agreements and to take industrial action.
Article 2
This Directive shall apply to services supplied by providers established in a Member
This Directive shall not apply to the following activities:
(-a) services of general interest;
financial services,
such as banking, credit, insurance and re-insurance,
occupational or personal pensions, securities, investment, funds, payment,
investment advice, including the services listed in Annex I to Directive
2000/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March
2000 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit
electronic communications services and networks, and associated facilities and
services, with respect to matters covered by Directives 2002/19/EC
, 2002/21/EC
, 2002/22/EC
and 2002/58/EC
of the European
Parliament and of the Council ;
transport services
and transport related services falling within the scope of
title V of the EC Treaty;
(ca) port services;
(cb) services of temporary work agencies;
(cc) healthcare services whether or not they are provided via healthcare facilities,
and regardless of the ways in which they are organised and financed at
national level or whether they are public or private;
OJ L 149, 5.7.1971, p. 2. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 647/2005 (OJ L 117,
4.5.2005 p.1).
OJ L 126, 26.5.2000, p. 1, as last amended by Commission Directive 2004/69/EC (OJ L 125,
28.4.2004, p. 44).
OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 7.
OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 21.
OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 33.
OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 51.
OJ L 201, 31.7.2002, p. 37.
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(cd) audiovisual services, whatever their mode of production, distribution and
transmission, including radio broadcasting and the cinema;
(ce) gambling activities which involve wagering a stake with pecuniary value in
games of chance, including lotteries, gambling in casinos and betting
(cf) activities which are connected with the exercise of official authority as set out
in Article 45 of the Treaty;
(cg) social services relating to social housing, childcare and support of families
and persons in need;
(ch) private security services.
This Directive does not apply to the field of taxation.
Article 3
Relationship with other provisions of Community law
If the provisions of this Directive conflict with a provision of another Community
act governing specific aspects of access to or exercise of a service activity in specific sectors
or for specific professions, the provision of the other Community act shall prevail and shall
apply to those specific sectors or professions. These include:
a) Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision
of services
b) Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to
employed persons, to self-employed persons and members of their families moving within
the Community
c) Directive 89/552/EEC concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities
d) Directive 2005/36/EC
concerning the recognition of professional qualifications;
2. This Directive does not affect rules of private international law, in particular rules
governing the law applicable to contractual and non contractual obligations. As a
consequence, consumers will, in principle, benefit from the protection granted to them by
the consumer protection rules laid down in the consumer legislation in force in his Member
Member States shall apply the provisions of this Directive in compliance with the
rules of the Treaty on the right of establishment and the free movement of services.
OJ L 18, 21.1.1997, p. 1.
OJ L 149, 5.7.1971, p. 2, as last amended by Regulation (EC) 647/2005 (OJ L 117, 4.5.2005, p. 1).
OJ L 298, 17.10.1998, p. 23, as last amended by Directive 97/36/EC (OJ L 202, 30.7.1997, p. 60).
OJ L 255, 30.9.2005, p. 22.
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Article 4
For the purposes of this Directive, the following definitions shall apply:
"service" means any self-employed economic activity,
normally provided for
as referred to in Article 50 of the Treaty;
"provider" means any natural person who is a national of a Member State, or any
legal person,
as referred to in Article 48 of the Treaty, established in a Member
who offers or provides a service;
"recipient" means any natural
person who is a national of a Member State or who
benefits from rights conferred upon him by Community acts,
or any legal person,
referred to in Article 48 of the Treaty, established in a Member State
who, for
professional or non-professional purposes, uses, or wishes to use, a service;
"Member State of
means the Member State in whose territory the
provider of the service concerned is established;
"establishment" means the actual pursuit of an economic activity, as referred to in
Article 43 of the Treaty,
by the provider for an indefinite period and through a
stable infrastructure from where the business of providing services is actually
carried out;
"authorisation scheme" means any procedure under which a provider or recipient is
in effect required to take steps in order to obtain from a competent authority a formal
decision, or an implied decision, concerning access to a service activity or to the
exercise thereof;
"requirement" means any obligation, prohibition, condition or limit provided for in
the laws, regulations or administrative provisions of the Member States or in
consequence of case-law, administrative practice the rules of professional bodies, or
the collective rules of professional associations or other professional organisations,
adopted in the exercise of their legal autonomy;
rules laid down in collective
agreements negotiated by the social partners shall not as such be seen as
requirements within the meaning of this Directive;
“overriding reasons relating to the public interest” means reasons recognised as
such in the case law of the Court of Justice, including the following grounds:
public policy; public security; public safety; public health; preserving the financial
equilibrium of the social security system; the protection of consumers, recipients of
services and workers; fairness of trade transactions; combating fraud; the
protection of the environment and the urban environment; the health of animals;
intellectual property; the conservation of the national historic and artistic heritage;
social policy objectives and cultural policy objectives;
"competent authority" means any body or authority which has a supervisory or
regulatory role in a Member State in relation to service activities, including, in
particular, administrative authorities, professional bodies, and those professional
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associations or other professional organisations which, in the exercise of their legal
autonomy, regulate in a collective manner access to service activities or the exercise
"Member State where the service is provided"
means the Member State
where the
service is supplied by a service provider established in another Member State;
"regulated profession" means a professional activity or a group of professional
as referred to in Article 3(1)(a) of Directive 2005/36/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications
"commercial communication" means any form of communication designed to
promote, directly or indirectly, the goods, services or image of an undertaking,
organisation or person engaged in commercial, industrial or craft activity or
practising a regulated profession. The following do not in themselves constitute
commercial communications:
information enabling direct access to the activity of the undertaking,
organisation or person, including in particular a domain name or an
electronic-mailing address;
communications relating to the goods, services or image of the undertaking,
organisation or person, compiled in an independent manner, particularly when
provided for no financial consideration.
OJ L 255, 30.9.2005, p. 22.
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Chapter II
Administrative simplification
Article 5
Simplification of procedures
Member States shall
examine and, if need be,
simplify the procedures and formalities
applicable to access to a service activity and to the exercise thereof.
The Commission may introduce harmonised forms at Community level, in
accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 42 (2). These forms shall be
equivalent to certificates, attestations and any other documents required of a service
Where Member States require a provider or recipient to supply a certificate, attestation
or any other document proving that a requirement has been satisfied, they shall accept any
document from another Member State which serves an equivalent purpose or from which it is
clear that the requirement in question has been satisfied. They may not require that a
document from another Member State be produced in its original form, or as a certified copy
or as a certified translation, save in the cases provided for in other Community instruments or
where such a requirement is justified by an overriding reason relating to the public interest
including public order and security.
The first subparagraph shall not affect the right of Member States to require non-certified
translations of documents in one of their official languages.
shall not apply to the documents referred to in Article
50 of Directive
of the European Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of
professional qualifications, in Articles 45(3), 46, 49 and 50
of Directive 2004/18/EC
of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004
on the coordination of procedures
for the award of public works contracts, supply contracts and public service contracts, in
Article 3(2) of Directive 98/5/EC
of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16
February 1998 to facilitate practice of the profession of lawyer on a permanent basis in a
Member State other than that in which the qualification was obtained; in Council
Directive 68/151/EEC
, as amended by Directive 2003/58/EC
of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 15 July 2003, as regards disclosure requirements in
respect of certain types of companies ; and in the Eleventh Council Directive 89/666/EEC
of 21 December 1989 concerning disclosure requirements in respect of branches opened in
a Member State by certain types of company governed by the law of another State.
OJ L 255, 30.9.2005, p. 22.
OJ L 134, 30.4.2004, p. 114.
OJ L 77, 14.3.1998, p. 36.
OJ L 65, 14.3.68, p. 8.
OJ L 221, 4.9.2003, p. 13.
OJ L 395, 30.12.89, p. 36.
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Article 6
Points of single contact
Member States shall
by three years after the entry into force of this
at the latest, it is possible for a service provider to complete the following
procedures and formalities
in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and Chapter II
at contact points known as
points of single contact:
all procedures and formalities needed for access to his service activities, in
particular, all necessary declarations, notifications or applications for
authorisation from the competent authorities, including applications for
inclusion in a register, a roll or a database, or for registration with a
professional body or association;
any applications for authorisation needed to exercise his service activities.
The establishment of points of single contact shall be without prejudice to the
allocation of functions and powers among the authorities within national systems.
Article 7
Right to information
Member States shall ensure that the following information is easily accessible to
providers and recipients through the
points of single contact:
requirements applicable to providers established in their territory, in particular
those requirements concerning the procedures and formalities to be completed
in order to access and to exercise service activities;
the contact details of the competent authorities enabling the latter to be
contacted directly, including the particulars of those authorities responsible for
matters concerning the exercise of service activities;
the means of and conditions for accessing public registers and databases on
providers and services;
the means of redress
which are generally
available in the event of dispute
between the competent authorities and the provider or the recipient, or between
a provider and a recipient or between providers;
the contact details of the associations or organisations, other than the
competent authorities, from which providers or recipients may obtain practical
Member States shall ensure that it is possible for providers and recipients to receive, at
their request, assistance from the competent authorities, consisting in information on the way
in which requirements referred to in point (a) of paragraph 1 are generally interpreted and
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Where appropriate, such advice shall include a simple step-by-step guide. The
information shall be provided in plain and intelligible language.
Member States shall ensure that the information and assistance referred to in
paragraphs 1 and 2 are provided in a clear and unambiguous manner, that they are easily
accessible at a distance and by electronic means, and that they are kept up-to-date.
Member States shall ensure that the
points of single contact
and the competent
authorities respond as quickly as possible to any request for information or assistance as
referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 and, in cases where the request is faulty or unfounded,
inform the applicant accordingly without delay.
Member States shall implement paragraphs 1 to 4
by three years after the entry into
force of this Directive at the latest.
Member States and the Commission shall take accompanying measures in order to
points of single contact
to make the information provided for in
this article
available in other Community languages
as far as this is compatible with their legislation on
the use of languages.
The obligation for competent authorities to assist providers and recipients does not
require these authorities to provide legal advice in individual cases but concerns only
general information on the way in which requirements are usually interpreted or applied.
Article 8
Procedures by electronic means
Member States shall ensure that,
by three years after the entry into force of this
Directive at the latest,
all procedures and formalities relating to access to a service activity
and to the exercise thereof may be easily completed, at a distance and by electronic means, at
the relevant
point of single contact
and with the relevant competent authorities.
Paragraph 1 shall not apply to the inspection of premises on which the service is
provided or of equipment used by the provider or to physical examination of the capability of
the provider.
The Commission shall in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 42(2)
adopt detailed rules for the implementation of paragraph 1 with a view to facilitating the
interoperability of information systems and use of procedures by electronic means between
Member States.
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Chapter IIa
Freedom of establishment for service providers
Article 9
Authorisation schemes
Member States shall not make access to a service activity or the exercise thereof
subject to an authorisation scheme unless the following conditions are satisfied:
the authorisation scheme does not discriminate against the provider in question;
the need for an authorisation scheme is justified by an overriding reason
relating to the public interest;
the objective pursued cannot be attained by means of a less restrictive measure,
in particular because an
a posteriori
inspection would take place too late to be
genuinely effective.
In the report referred to in Article 41, Member States shall identify their authorisation
schemes and
give reasons showing their compatibility
with paragraph 1.
This section shall not apply to those aspects of authorisation schemes which are
subject to harmonisation under other Community instruments.
Article 10
Conditions for the granting of authorisation
Authorisation schemes shall be based on criteria which preclude the competent
authorities from exercising their power of assessment in an arbitrary or discretionary manner.
The criteria referred to in paragraph 1 must be:
justified by an overriding reason relating to the public interest;
proportionate to that public interest objective;
precise and unambiguous;
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made public in advance;
(fa) transparent and accessible.
The conditions for granting authorisation for a new establishment shall not duplicate
requirements and controls which are equivalent or essentially comparable as regards their
purpose, to which the provider is already subject in another Member State or in the same
Member State. The contact points referred to in Article 33 and the provider shall assist the
competent authority by providing any necessary information on those requirements.
assessing whether conditions are equivalent or essentially comparable, their effect and the
effectiveness of their enforcement shall be considered, besides their objective and purpose.
The authorisation shall enable the provider to have access to the service activity, or to
exercise that activity, throughout the national territory, including by setting up agencies,
subsidiaries, branches or offices, except where an authorisation for each individual
or a limitation of the authorisation to a certain part of the territory
is justified
by an overriding reason relating to the public interest.
The authorisation shall be granted as soon as it has been established, in the light of an
appropriate examination, that the conditions for authorisation have been met.
Any refusal or other response from the competent authorities, including the refusal or
withdrawal of an authorisation, shall be fully reasoned, in particular with regard to the
provisions of this Article, and shall be open to challenge before the courts.
This Article shall not call into question the allocation of the competences, at local or
regional level, of the Member States' authorities that grant such authorisation.
Article 11
Duration of authorisation
An authorisation granted to a provider shall not be for a limited period, except in cases
the authorisation is being automatically renewed
or is subject only to the
continued fulfilment of requirements;
the number of available authorisations is limited
by an overriding reason
relating to the public interest; or
a limited authorisation period can be justified by an overriding reason relating
to the public interest.
Paragraph 1 shall not concern the maximum period during which the provider must
actually commence his activity after receiving authorisation.
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Member States shall require a provider to inform the relevant
point of single contact
provided for in Article 6
of the following changes:
the creation of subsidiaries whose activities fall within the scope of the
authorisation system;
changes in his situation which result in the conditions for authorisation no
longer being met.
This Article shall be without prejudice to the Member States’ ability to revoke
authorisations, when the conditions for authorisation are no longer met.
Article 12
Selection from among several candidates
Where the number of authorisations available for a given activity is limited because of
the scarcity of available natural resources or technical capacity, Member States shall apply a
selection procedure to potential candidates which provides full guarantees of impartiality and
transparency, including, in particular, adequate publicity about the launch of the procedure,
the conduct thereof and its completion.
In the cases referred to in paragraph 1, authorisation must be granted for an
appropriate limited period and may not be open to automatic renewal, nor confer any other
advantage on the provider whose authorisation has just expired or on any person having any
particular links with that provider.
Subject to paragraph 1 and to Articles 9 and 10, Member States may take into
account, in establishing the rules for the selection procedure, considerations of public
health, social policy objectives, the health and safety of employees or self-employed persons,
the protection of the environment, the preservation of the cultural heritage and other
overriding reasons relating to the public interest, in conformity with Community law.
Article 13
Authorisation procedures
Authorisation procedures and formalities shall be clear, made public in advance and
such as to provide
the applicants
with a guarantee that their application will be dealt with
objectively and impartially.
Authorisation procedures and formalities shall not be dissuasive and shall not unduly
complicate or delay the provision of the service. They shall be easily accessible and any
charges which
the applicants
may incur from their application shall be proportionate to the
cost of the authorisation procedures in question
and shall not exceed the cost of the
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Authorisation procedures and formalities shall provide applicants with a guarantee that
their application will be processed as quickly as possible and, in any event, within a
reasonable period which is fixed and published in advance.
The period shall run only from
the time when all documentation has been submitted.
Failing a response within the time period set in accordance with paragraph 3,
authorisation shall be deemed to have been granted. Different arrangements may nevertheless
be put in place in respect of certain specific activities, where justified by overriding reasons
relating to the public interest.
All applications for authorisation shall be acknowledged as quickly as possible. The
acknowledgement must specify the following:
the period for response referred to in paragraph 3;
the available means of redress;
a statement that in the absence of a response within the period specified, the
authorisation shall be deemed to have been granted.
In the case of an incomplete application the applicant must be informed as quickly as
possible of the need to supply any additional documentation,
as well as any possible effects
on the reasonable period of processing referred to in paragraph 3.
When a request is rejected because it fails to comply with the required procedures or
formalities, the applicant must be informed of the rejection as quickly as possible.
Article 14
Prohibited requirements
Member States shall not make access to or the exercise of a service activity in their territory
subject to compliance with any of the following:
discriminatory requirements based directly or indirectly on nationality or, in the case
of companies, the location of the registered office, including in particular:
nationality requirements for the provider, his staff, persons holding the share
capital or members of the provider’s management or supervisory bodies;
a requirement that the provider, his staff, persons holding the share capital or
members of the provider’s management or supervisory bodies be resident
within the territory;
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a prohibition on having an establishment in more than one Member State or on being
entered in the registers or enrolled with professional bodies or associations of more
than one Member State;
restrictions on the freedom of a provider to choose between a principal or a
secondary establishment, in particular an obligation on the provider to have his
principal establishment in their territory, or restrictions on the freedom to choose
between establishment in the form of an agency, branch or subsidiary;
conditions of reciprocity with the Member State in which the provider already has an
establishment, save in the case of conditions of reciprocity provided for in
Community instruments concerning energy;
the case-by-case application of an economic test making the granting of authorisation
subject to proof of the existence of an economic need or market demand, or an
assessment of the potential or current economic effects of the activity, or an
assessment of the appropriateness of the activity in relation to the economic planning
objectives set by the competent authority;
this prohibition does not concern
planning requirements which do not pursue economic aims but serve overriding
reasons relating to the public interest;
the direct or indirect involvement of competing operators, including within
consultative bodies, in the granting of authorisations or in the adoption of other
decisions of the competent authorities, with the exception of professional bodies and
associations or other organisations acting as the competent authority;
this prohibition
does not concern the consultation of organisations such as chambers of commerce
or social partners on matters other than individual applications for authorisation;
an obligation to provide or participate in a financial guarantee or to take out
insurance from a service-provider or body established in their territory.
This does not
affect the possibility for Member States to require financial guarantees as such,
nor does it affect requirements relating to the participation in a collective
compensation fund, for instance for members of professional bodies or
an obligation to have been
for a given period, in the registers held in
their territory or to have
exercised the activity for a given period in their
Article 15
Requirements to be evaluated
Member States shall examine whether, under their legal system, any of the
requirements listed in paragraph 2 are imposed and shall ensure that any such requirements
are compatible with the conditions laid down in paragraph 3. Member States shall adapt their
laws, regulations or administrative provisions so as to make them compatible with those
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Member States shall examine whether their legal system makes access to a service
activity or the exercise of it subject to compliance with any of the following
non-discriminatory requirements:
quantitative or territorial restrictions in particular in the form of limits fixed
according to population, or of a minimum geographical distance between
an obligation on a provider to take a specific legal form;
requirements which relate to the shareholding of a company;
requirements, other than those concerning
matters covered by Directive
on the recognition of
professional qualifications or provided for
in other Community instruments, which reserve access to the service activity in
question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity;
a ban on having more than one establishment in the territory of the same State;
requirements fixing a minimum number of employees;
fixed minimum and/or maximum tariffs with which the provider must comply;
an obligation on the provider to supply other specific services jointly with his
Member States shall verify that requirements referred to in paragraph 2 satisfy the
following conditions:
non-discrimination: requirements must be neither directly nor indirectly
discriminatory according to nationality or, with regard to companies, according
to the location of the registered office;
necessity: requirements must be justified by an overriding reason relating to the
public interest;
proportionality: requirements must be suitable for securing the attainment of
the objective pursued; they must not go beyond what is necessary to attain that
objective; and it must not be possible to replace those requirements with other,
less restrictive measures which attain the same result.
4. Rules provided for in paragraphs 1 to 3 only apply to legislation in the field of Services
of General Economic Interest in so far as the application of such rules does not obstruct
the performance, in law or in fact, of the particular task assigned to them.
OJ L 255, 30.9.2005, p. 22.
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In the mutual evaluation report provided for in Article 41, Member States shall specify
the following:
the requirements that they intend to maintain and the reasons why they
consider that those requirements comply with the conditions set out in
paragraph 3 and 4;
the requirements which have been abolished or made less stringent.
From the date of entry into force of this Directive, Member States shall not introduce
any new requirement of a kind listed in paragraph 2, unless that requirement satisfies the
conditions laid down in paragraph 3 and the need for it arises from new circumstances.
Member States shall notify to the Commission any new laws, regulations or
administrative provisions which set requirements as referred to in paragraph 5, together with
the reasons for those requirements. The Commission shall communicate the provisions
concerned to the other Member States. Such notification shall not prevent the adoption by
Member States of the provisions in question.
Within a period of 3 months from the date of notification, the Commission shall examine the
compatibility of any new requirements with Community law and, as the case may be, shall
adopt a decision requesting the Member State in question to refrain from adopting them or to
abolish them.
Chapter III
Free movement of services
Article 16
Freedom to provide services
Member States shall respect the right of service providers to provide services in a
Member State other than that in which they are established.
The Member State in which the service is provided shall ensure free access to and
free exercise of a service activity within its territory.
Member States shall not make access to or exercise of a service activity in their
territory subject to compliance with any requirements which do not respect the
following principles:
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(a) non-discrimination: the requirement may be neither directly nor indirectly
discriminatory with regard to nationality or, in the case of legal persons, with
regard to the Member State in which they are established,
(b) necessity: the requirement must be justified for reasons of public policy, public
security, public health or the protection of the environment,
(c) proportionality: the requirement must be suitable for securing the attainment of
the objective pursued, and must not go beyond what is necessary to attain that
Member States may not restrict the freedom to provide services in the case of a
provider established in another Member State by imposing any of the following
(a) an obligation on the provider to have an establishment in their territory;
(b) an obligation on the provider to obtain an authorisation from their competent
authorities including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or
association in their territory, except where provided for in this Directive or other
instruments of Community law;
(c) a ban on the provider setting up a certain infrastructure in their territory,
including an office or chambers, which the provider needs to supply the services in
(d) the application of specific contractual arrangements between the provider and
the recipient which prevent or restrict service provision by the self-employed;
(e) an obligation on the provider to possess an identity document issued by its
competent authorities specific to the exercise of a service activity;
(f) requirements, unless those necessary for health and safety at work, which affect
the use of equipment and material which are an integral part of the service
(g) restrictions on the freedom to provide the services referred to in Article 20.
The Member State to which the service provider moves shall not be prevented from
imposing requirements with regard to the provision of a service activity, where they are
justified for reasons of public policy, public security, public health or the protection of the
environment, and in accordance with paragraph 1. Nor shall that Member State be
prevented from applying, in conformity with Community law, its rules on employment
conditions, including those laid down in collective agreements.
By five years after the entry into force of this Directive at the latest, the Commission
shall, after consultation of the Member States and the social partners at Community level,
submit to the European Parliament and the Council a report on the application of this
article, in which it shall consider the need to propose harmonisation measures regarding
service activities covered by this Directive.
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Article 17
Additional derogations from the freedom to provide services
Article 16 shall not apply to:
Services of general economic interest which are provided in another Member State,
inter alia:
in the postal sector, services covered by Directive 97/67/EC
of the European
parliament and of the Council;
in the electricity sector, services covered by Directive 2003/54/EC
of the
European Parliament and of the Council;
in the gas sector, services covered by Directive 2003/55/EC
of the European
Parliament and of the Council;
water distribution and supply services and waste water services;
treatment of waste;
matters covered by Directive 96/71/EC
of the European Parliament and the
Council concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of
matters covered by Directive 95/46/EC
of the European Parliament and of the
on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal
data and on the free movement of such data;
matters covered by Council Directive 77/249/EEC
to facilitate the effective
exercise by lawyers of freedom to provide services;
the activity of judicial recovery of debts;
matters covered by title II
of Directive
on the recognition of
professional qualifications,
as well as requirements in the Member State where the
service is provided which reserve an activity to a particular profession;
OJ L 15, 21.1.1998, p. 14.
OJ L 176, 15.7.2003, p. 37.
OJ L 176, 15.7.2003, p. 57.
OJ L 18, 21.1.1997, p. 1.
OJ L 281, 28.11.1995, p. 1.
OJ L 78, 26.3.1977, p. 17.
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matters covered by Regulation (EEC) n° 1408/71 on the coordination of social
security systems
as regards administrative formalities concerning the free movement of persons and
their residence, matters covered by
the provisions of Directive 2004/38/EC
of the
European Parliament and the Council of 29 April 2004 on the right of citizens of the
Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the
Member States, that lay down the administrative formalities that beneficiaries must
undertake before the competent authorities of the Member
State where the service is
as regards third country nationals who move to another Member State in the
context of the provision of a service the possibility for Member States to require
visa or residence permits for third country nationals who are not covered by the
mutual recognition regime provided for in Article 21 of the Convention
implementing the Schengen Agreement or the possibility to oblige third country
nationals to report to the competent authorities of the Member State in which the
service is provided on or after their entry;
the authorisation regime provided for in Articles 3 and 4 of Council Regulation
(EEC) No 259/93
of 1 February 1993 on the supervision and control of shipments
of waste within, into and out of the European Community
copyright, neighbouring rights, rights covered by Council Directive 87/54/EEC
by Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
as well as
industrial property rights;
acts requiring by law the involvement of a notary;
matters covered by Directive …/…/EC on statutory audit of annual accounts and
consolidated accounts and amending Council Directives 78/660/EEC
the registration of vehicles leased in another Member State;
OJ L 255, 30.9.2005, p. 22.
OJ L 149, 5.7.1971, p. 2. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 647/2005 (OJ L 117,
4.5.2005 p. 1).
OJ L 158, 30.4.2004, p. 77.
OJ L 30, 6.2.1993, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 2557/2001
(OJ L 349, 31.12.2001, p. 1).
OJ L 24, 27.1.1987, p. 36.
OJ L 77, 27.3.1996, p. 20.
OJ L 222, 14.8.1978, p. 11.
OJ L 193, 18.7.1983, p. 1.
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provisions regarding contractual and non-contractual obligations, including the
form of contracts, determined pursuant to the rules of private international law.
[Article 18 deleted]
Article 19
Case-by-case derogation
By way of derogation from Article 16, and in exceptional circumstances only, a
Member State may, in respect of a provider established in another Member State, take
measures relating to the safety of services.
[(a), (b) and (c) deleted]
The measures provided for in paragraph 1 may be taken only if the mutual assistance
procedure laid down in Article 37 is complied with and all the following conditions are
the national provisions in accordance with which the measure is taken have not
been subject to Community harmonisation in the field referred to in
paragraph 1;
the measures provide for a higher level of protection of the recipient than
would be the case in a measure taken by the Member State of establishment in
accordance with its national provisions;
the Member State of establishment has not taken any measures or has taken
measures which are insufficient as compared with those referred to in Article
the measures are proportionate.
Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be without prejudice to provisions, laid down in Community
instruments, which guarantee the freedom to provide services or which allow derogations
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Article 20
Prohibited restrictions
Member States may not impose on a recipient requirements which restrict the use of a service
supplied by a provider established in another Member State, in particular the following
an obligation to obtain authorisation from or to make a declaration to their competent
limits on the grant of financial assistance by reason of the fact that the provider is
established in another Member State or by reason of the location of the place at
which the service is provided;
requirements which subject the recipient to discriminatory or disproportionate
on the equipment necessary to receive a service at a distance from another Member
Article 21
Member States shall ensure that the recipient is not made subject to discriminatory
requirements based on his nationality or place of residence.
Member States shall ensure that the general conditions of access to a service, which
are made available to the public at large by the provider, do not contain discriminatory
provisions relating to the nationality or place of residence of the recipient, but without
precluding the possibility of providing for differences in the conditions of access where those
differences are directly justified by objective criteria.
Article 22
Assistance for recipients
Member States shall ensure that recipients can obtain
via the points of single contact:
information on the requirements applicable in other Member States relating to
access to and exercise of service activities, in particular those relating to
consumer protection;
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information on the means of redress available in the case of a dispute
between a provider and a recipient;
the contact details of associations or organisations, including the contact points
of the European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net),
from which
providers or recipients may obtain practical assistance.
Where appropriate, advice from the competent authorities shall include a simple
step-by-step guide.
Information and assistance shall be provided in a clear and unambiguous manner,
shall be easily accessible at a distance including by electronic means, and shall be
kept up-to-date.
Member States may confer responsibility for the task referred to in paragraph 1 to
points of single contact
or to any other body, such as the contact points of the European
Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net),
consumer associations or Euro Info Centres.
By the date specified in Article 45 at the latest, Member States shall communicate to
the Commission the names and contact details of the designated bodies. The
Commission shall transmit them to all Member States.
In order to be able to send the information referred to in paragraph 1, the relevant body
approached by the recipient shall contact the relevant body for the Member State concerned.
The latter shall send the information requested as soon as possible. Member States shall
ensure that those bodies give each other mutual assistance and shall put in place all possible
measures for effective cooperation.
The Commission shall, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 42(2),
adopt measures for the implementation of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, specifying the technical
mechanisms for the exchange of information between the bodies of the various Member
States and, in particular, the interoperability of information systems.
[Article 23 deleted]
[Article 24 deleted]
[Article 25 deleted]
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Quality of services
Article 26
Information on providers and their services
Member States shall ensure that providers make the following information available to
the recipient:
the name of the service provider,
his legal status and form,
the geographic
address at which he is established, and the details which enable him to be
contacted rapidly and communicated with directly and, as the case may be, by
electronic means;
where the provider is registered in a trade or other similar public register, the
name of that register and the provider's registration number, or equivalent
means of identification in that register;
where the activity is subject to an authorisation scheme, the particulars of the
relevant competent authority or the single point of contact;
where the provider exercises an activity which is subject to VAT, the
identification number referred to in Article 22(1) of Directive 77/388/EEC
in the case of the regulated professions, any professional body or similar
institution with which the provider is registered, the professional title and the
Member State in which that title has been granted;
the general conditions and clauses, if any, used by the provider;
contractual clauses concerning the law applicable to the contract and/or the
competent courts.
Member States shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 1, according
to the provider's preference:
is supplied by the provider on his own initiative;
is easily accessible to the recipient at the place where the service is provided or
the contract concluded;
can be easily accessed by the recipient electronically by means of an address
supplied by the provider;
OJ L 145, 13.6.1977, p. 1.
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appears in any information documents supplied to the recipient by the provider,
setting out a detailed description of the service he provides.
Member States shall ensure that, at the recipient’s request, providers supply the
following additional information:
the main features of the service;
the price of the service or, if an exact price cannot be given, the method for
calculating the price so that the recipient can check it, or a sufficiently detailed
[(c) deleted]
as regards the regulated professions, a reference to the professional rules
applicable in the Member State of establishment and how to access them.
Member States shall ensure that the information which a provider must supply in
accordance with this Chapter is made available or communicated in a clear and unambiguous
manner, and in good time before conclusion of the contract or, where there is no written
contract, before the service is provided.
The information requirements laid down in this Chapter are in addition to
requirements already provided for in Community law and do not prevent Member States from
imposing additional information requirements applicable to providers established in their
The Commission may, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 42(2),
specify the content of the information provided for in paragraphs 1 and 3 of this Article
according to the specific nature of certain activities and may specify the practical means of
implementing paragraph 2.
Article 27
Professional liability insurance and guarantees
Member States
ensure that providers whose services present a
direct and
particular risk to the health or safety of the recipient
or a third person,
or to the financial
security of
the recipient, subscribe to professional
insurance appropriate to the nature
and extent of the risk, or provide any guarantee or similar arrangement which is equivalent or
essentially comparable as regards its purpose.
The professional liability insurance or other
guarantee shall cover risks presented by such services when they are provided in other
Member States in the same way as when they are provided in the Member State of
establishment of the service provider.
Member States shall ensure that providers supply a recipient, at his request, with
information on the insurance or guarantees referred to in paragraph 1, and in particular the
contact details of the insurer or guarantor and the territorial coverage.
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When a provider establishes himself in their territory, Member States may not require
insurance or a guarantee from the provider where he is already covered
by a guarantee which is equivalent, or essentially comparable as regards its purpose
and the
coverage it provides in terms of the insured risk, the insured sum or a ceiling for the
guarantee and possible exclusions from the coverage,
in another Member State in which the
provider is already established. Where equivalence is only partial, Member States may require
a supplementary guarantee to cover those aspects not already covered.
When a Member State requires service providers established in its territory to subscribe to
professional liability insurance or to provide any other guarantee, that Member State shall
accept as sufficient evidence attestations of such insurance coverage issued by credit
institutions and insurers established in other Member States.
1, 2 and 3 do
not affect professional insurance or guarantee
arrangements provided for in other
For the implementation
paragraph 1, the Commission may, in accordance with the
procedure referred to in Article 42(2), establish a list of services which exhibit the
characteristics referred to in paragraph 1 and establish common criteria for defining, for the
purposes of the insurance or guarantees referred to in that paragraph, what is appropriate to
the nature and scope of the risk.
In accordance with the procedure referred to in Article
42(2) the Commission may also establish a procedure which would, in the event of
verifiable failure of the insurance market to provide adequate insurance and subject to
specific conditions including notification to the Commission, allow Member States for a
limited period of time to replace the obligation in this Article by an information
For the purpose of this Article
-"direct and particular risk" means a risk arising directly from the delivery of the
- "health and safety" means, in relation to a recipient or a third person, the
prevention of death or serious personal injury;
- "financial security" means, in relation to a recipient, the prevention of
substantial losses of money or of value of property;
- "professional liability insurance" means insurance taken out by a provider in
respect of potential liabilities to recipients and, where applicable, third parties
arising out of the provision of the service.
Article 28
After-sales guarantees
Member States shall ensure that providers supply a recipient, at his request, with
information on the existence or otherwise of an after-sales guarantee, on its content and on the
essential criteria for its application, in particular, its period of validity and territorial cover.
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Member States shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 1 appears in
any information documents supplied by providers, setting out a detailed description of the
services offered.
Paragraphs 1 and 2 do not affect the regulation of after-sales guarantees provided for
in other Community instruments.
Article 29
Commercial communications by the regulated professions
Member States shall remove all total prohibitions on commercial communications by
the regulated professions.
Member States shall ensure that commercial communications by the regulated
professions comply with professional rules, in conformity with Community law, which relate,
in particular, to the independence, dignity and integrity of the profession, as well as to
professional secrecy, in a manner consonant with the specific nature of each profession.
Professional rules on commercial communications must be non-discriminatory, justified by
an overriding reason relating to the public interest and proportionate.
Article 30
Multidisciplinary activities
Member States shall ensure that providers are not made subject to requirements which
oblige them to exercise a given specific activity exclusively or which restrict the exercise
jointly or in partnership of different activities.
However, the following providers may be made subject to such requirements:
the regulated professions, in so far as is justified in order to guarantee
compliance with the rules governing professional ethics and conduct, which
vary according to the specific nature of each profession,
and it is necessary to
ensure their independence and impartiality;
providers of certification, accreditation, technical monitoring, test or trial
services in so far as is justified in order to ensure their independence and
Where multidisciplinary activities
between service providers referred to in paragraph
1 (a) and (b)
are authorised, Member States shall ensure the following:
that conflicts of interest and incompatibilities between certain activities are
that the independence and impartiality required for certain activities is secured;
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that the rules governing professional ethics and conduct for different activities
are compatible with one another, especially as regards matters of professional
Member States shall ensure that providers supply the recipient, at his request, with
information on their multidisciplinary activities and partnerships and on the measures taken to
avoid conflicts of interest. That information shall be included in any information document in
which providers give a detailed description of their services.
In the report referred to in Article 41, Member States shall indicate which providers
are subject to the requirements laid down in paragraph 1, the content of those requirements
and the reasons for which they consider them to be justified.
Article 31
Policy on quality of services
Member States shall, in cooperation with the Commission, take accompanying
measures to encourage providers to take action on a voluntary basis in order to ensure the
quality of service provision, in particular through use of one of the following methods:
by having their activities certified or assessed by independent bodies;
by drawing up their own quality charter or participating in quality charters or
labels drawn up by professional bodies at Community level.
Member States shall ensure that information on the significance of certain labels and
the criteria for applying labels and other quality marks relating to services can be easily
accessed by recipients and providers.
Member States shall, in cooperation with the Commission, take accompanying
measures to encourage professional bodies, as well as chambers of commerce and craft
and consumer associations,
within Member States to cooperate at Community
level in order to promote the quality of service provision, especially by making it easier to
assess a provider’s competence.
Member States shall, in cooperation with the Commission, take accompanying
measures to encourage the development of independent assessments,
notably by consumer
in relation to the quality and defects of service provision, and in particular the
development at Community level of comparative trials or testing and the communication of
the results.
Member States,
in cooperation with
the Commission, shall encourage the
development of voluntary European standards with the aim of facilitating compatibility
between services supplied by providers in different Member States, information to the
recipient and the quality of service provision.
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Article 32
Settlement of disputes
Member States shall take the general measures necessary to ensure that providers
contact details, in particular
a postal address, fax number or e-mail address
and a
phone number
to which all recipients, including those resident in another Member State, can
send a complaint or a request for information
the service provided.
Providers shall
supply their legal address if this is not their usual address for correspondence.
Member States shall take the general measures necessary to ensure that providers
respond to the complaints referred to in paragraph 1 in the shortest possible time and make
best efforts to find
Member States shall take the general measures necessary to ensure that providers are
obliged to demonstrate compliance with the obligations laid down in this Directive as to the
provision of information and to demonstrate that the information is accurate.
Where a financial guarantee is required for compliance with a judicial decision,
Member States shall recognise equivalent guarantees lodged
by a credit institution or insurer
established in another Member State.
Such credit institutions must be authorised in a
Member State in accordance with Directive 2000/12/EC
relating to the taking up and
pursuit of the business of credit institutions and such insurers in accordance, as
appropriate, with Directive 73/239/EEC
on taking up and pursuit of the business of direct
insurance other than life insurance and Directive 2002/83/EC
concerning life insurance.
Member States shall take the general measures necessary to ensure that providers who
are subject to a code of conduct, or are members of a trade association or professional body,
which provides for recourse to a non-judicial means of dispute settlement, inform the
recipient accordingly, and mention that fact in any document which presents their services in
detail, specifying how to access detailed information on the characteristics of and conditions
for the use of such a mechanism.
OJ L 126, 26.5.2000, p. 1.
OJ L 228, 16.8.1973, p. 3.
OJ L 345, 19.12.2002, p. 1.
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Article 33
Mutual assistance
General obligations
Member States shall give each other mutual assistance, and shall put in place all
possible measures for effective cooperation with one another in order to ensure the
supervision of providers and the services they provide.
For the purposes
of this Chapter,
Member States shall designate one or more points of
contact, the contact details of which shall be communicated to the other Member States and
the Commission.
The Commission shall publish and regularly update the list of points of
Information requests and requests to carry out any checks, inspections and
investigations under this Chapter shall be duly motivated, in particular by specifying the
reason for the request. Information exchanged shall be used only in respect of the matter
for which it was requested.
In the event of receiving a request for assistance from competent authorities in
another Member State, Member States shall ensure that providers established in their
territory supply their competent authorities with all the information necessary for
supervising their activities in compliance with their national laws.
In the event of difficulty in meeting a request for information or in carrying out
checks, inspections and investigations, the Member State in question shall rapidly inform the
requesting Member State with a view to finding a solution.
Member States shall supply the information requested by other Member States or
the Commission by electronic means and within the shortest possible period of time.
Member States shall ensure that registers in which providers have been entered, and
which may be consulted by the competent authorities in their territory, may also be consulted,
in accordance with the same conditions, by the equivalent competent authorities of the other
Member States.
Member States shall communicate to the Commission information on cases where
other Member States do not fulfil their obligations of mutual assistance. Where necessary,
the Commission shall take appropriate steps, including proceedings provided for in Article
226 of the EC-Treaty, in order to ensure that the Member States concerned comply with
their obligations of mutual assistance. The Commission shall periodically inform Member
States about the functioning of the mutual assistance provisions.
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Article 33a
Mutual assistance – General obligations for the Member State of establishment
With respect to providers providing services in another Member State,
the Member
State of establishment shall supply information on providers established in its territory when
requested to do so by another Member State and, in particular, confirmation that a service
provider is established in its territory and, to its knowledge,
is not exercising his activities in
an unlawful manner.
The Member State of establishment shall undertake the checks, inspections and
investigations requested by another Member State and shall inform the latter of the results
and, as the case may be, of the measures taken. In so doing, the competent authorities shall
act to the extent permitted by the powers vested in them in their Member State. The
competent authorities can decide on the most appropriate measures to be taken in each
individual case in order to meet the request by another Member State.
gaining actual knowledge
of any conduct or specific acts by a provider
established in its territory which
provides services in other Member States,
that, to its
knowledge, could cause serious damage to the health or safety of persons or to the
environment, the Member State of establishment shall inform all other Member States and the
Commission within the shortest possible period of time.
Article 34
Supervision by the Member State of establishment in the event of the temporary
movement of a provider to another Member State
With respect to cases not covered by Article 35(1), the
Member State of establishment
shall ensure
that compliance
with its
requirements is supervised in
conformity with the
powers of supervision provided for in its national law,
in particular through supervisory
measures at the place of establishment of the service provider.
The Member State of establishment shall not refrain from taking supervisory or
enforcement measures in its territory on the grounds that the service has been provided or
caused damage in another Member State.
The obligation laid down in Paragraph 1 shall not entail a duty on the part of the
Member State of establishment to carry out factual checks and controls in the territory of
the Member State where the service is provided. Such checks and controls are carried out
by the authorities of the Member State where the service provider is temporarily operating,
on request of the authorities of the Member State of establishment, in accordance with
Article 35.
Article 35
Supervision by the Member State where the service is provided in the event of the
temporary movement of the provider
With respect to national requirements which may be imposed pursuant to Article 16
or Article 17, the Member State where the service is provided is responsible for the
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supervision of the activity of the service provider in its territory. In conformity with
Community law, the Member State where the service is provided:
- shall take all measures necessary to ensure that service providers comply with
those requirements as regards the access to and the exercise of a service activity;
- shall carry out the checks, inspections and investigations necessary to supervise
the service provided.
With respect to requirements other than the ones referred to in paragraph 1,
where a
provider moves temporarily to another Member State in order to provide a service without
being established there, the competent authorities of that Member State shall participate in the
supervision of the provider in accordance with paragraphs 3
and 4.
At the request of the Member State of establishment,
the competent authorities of the
Member State where the service is provided shall carry out any checks, inspections and
investigations necessary for ensuring effective supervision
by the Member State of
establishment. In so doing, the competent authorities shall act to the extent permitted by the
powers vested in them in their Member State.
The competent authorities can decide on the
most appropriate measures to be taken in each individual case in order to meet the request
by the Member State of establishment.
On their own initiative, the competent authorities of the Member State where the
service is provided may conduct checks, inspections and investigations on the spot, provided
that those checks, inspections or investigations
are not discriminatory, are not motivated by
the fact that the provider is established in another Member State and are proportionate.
[(a), (b) and (c) deleted]
Article 36
Alert mechanism
Where a Member State becomes aware of serious specific acts or circumstances
relating to a service activity that could cause serious damage to the health or safety of
persons or to the environment in its territory or in other Member States, that Member State
shall inform the Member State of establishment, the other Member States concerned and
the Commission within the shortest possible period of time.
The Commission shall promote and take part in the operation of a European
network of Member States’ authorities in order to implement paragraph 1.
The Commission shall adopt and regularly update, in accordance with the
procedure referred to in Article 42(2), detailed rules concerning the management of the
network referred to in paragraph 2.
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Article 36a
Information on the good repute of providers
Member States shall, at the request of a competent authority in another Member State,
supply information,
in conformity with their national law, on disciplinary or administrative
actions or criminal sanctions and decisions
concerning insolvency or bankruptcy involving
fraud, taken by their competent authorities in respect of the provider,
directly relevant to the
service provider’s competence or
professional reliability.
The Member State which supplies
the information shall inform the service provider thereof.
A request made pursuant to paragraph 1 must be duly substantiated, in particular as
regards the reasons for the request for information.
Sanctions and actions referred to in paragraph 1 shall only be communicated if a
final decision has been taken.
With regard to other decisions referred to in paragraph 1, the
Member State which supplies the information shall specify whether a particular decision is
final or whether an appeal has been lodged in respect of it, in which case the Member State in
question should provide an indication of the date when the decision on appeal is expected.
Moreover, that Member State shall specify the provisions of national law pursuant to which
the provider was found guilty or penalised.
Implementation of
paragraphs 1 and 2
must comply with
rules on the provision of
personal data and
with rights guaranteed to persons found guilty or penalised in the Member
States concerned,
including by professional bodies. Any information in question which is
public shall be accessible to consumers.
Article 36b
Accompanying measures
The Commission, in cooperation with Member States, shall establish an electronic
system for the exchange of information between Member States.
Member States shall, with the assistance of the Commission, take accompanying
measures to facilitate the exchange of officials in charge of the implementation of mutual
assistance and training of such officials including language and computer training.
The Commission shall assess the need to establish a multi-annual programme in
order to organise relevant exchanges of officials and training.
Article 37
Mutual assistance in the event of case-by-case derogations
Where a Member State intends to take a measure pursuant to Article 19, the procedure
laid down in paragraphs 2 to 6 of this Article shall apply without prejudice to proceedings
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before the courts
including preliminary proceedings and acts carried out in the framework
of a criminal investigation.
The Member State referred to in paragraph 1 shall ask the Member State of
establishment to take measures with regard to the service provider, supplying all relevant
information on the service in question and the circumstances of the case.
The Member State of establishment shall check, within the shortest possible period
of time, whether the provider is operating lawfully and verify the facts underlying the
request. It shall inform the requesting Member State within the shortest possible
period of time of the measures taken or envisaged or, as the case may be, the reasons
why it has not taken any measures.
Following communication by the Member State of establishment as provided for in
the second subparagraph of paragraph 2, the requesting Member State shall notify the
Commission and the Member State of establishment of its intention to take measures, stating
the following:
(a) the reasons why it believes the measures taken or envisaged by the Member
State of establishment are inadequate;
(b) the reasons why it believes the measures it intends to take fulfil the conditions
laid down in Article 19.
The measures may not be taken until fifteen working days after the date of notification
provided for in paragraph 3.
Without prejudice to the possibility for the requesting Member State to take the
measures in question upon expiry of the period specified in paragraph 4, the Commission
shall, within the shortest possible period of time, examine the compatibility with Community
law of the measures notified.
Where the Commission concludes that the measure is incompatible with Community
law, it shall adopt a decision asking the Member State concerned to refrain from
taking the proposed measures or to put an end to the measures in question as a matter
of urgency.
In the case of urgency, a Member State which intends to take a measure may derogate
from paragraphs 2, 3 and 4. In such cases, the measures shall be notified within the shortest
possible period of time to the Commission and the Member State of establishment, stating the
reasons for which the Member State considers that there is urgency.
Article 38
Implementing measures
In accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 42(2), the Commission shall adopt the
implementing measures necessary for the implementation of this Chapter, specifying the time-
limits provided for in
Articles 33
and 37 and the practical arrangements for the exchange of
information by electronic means between
Member States,
and in particular the
interoperability provisions for information systems.
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Chapter VI
Convergence programme
Article 39
Member States shall, in cooperation with the Commission, take accompanying
measures to encourage the drawing up at Community level,
particularly by professional
bodies, organisations and associations, of codes of conduct aimed at facilitating the
provision of services or the establishment of a provider in another Member State,
conformity with Community law.
Member States shall ensure that the codes of conduct referred to in paragraph 1 are
accessible at a distance, by electronic means.
Member States shall ensure that providers indicate, at the recipient’s request, or in any
information documents which present their services in detail, any codes of conduct to which
they are subject and the address at which these codes may be consulted by electronic means,
specifying the language versions available.
Article 40
Additional harmonisation
The Commission shall assess, by one year after the
date of transposition
of this
Directive at the latest, the possibility of presenting proposals for harmonisation instruments on
the following subjects:
Article 41
Mutual evaluation
By the [date of transposition] at the latest, Member States shall present a report to the
Commission, containing the information specified in the following provisions:
access to the activity
of judicial recovery of debts.
security services and transport of cash and valuables;
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Article 9(2), on authorisation systems;
Article 15(4), on requirements to be evaluated;
Article 30(4), on multidisciplinary activities.
The Commission shall forward the reports provided for in paragraph 1 to the Member
States, which shall submit their observations on each of the reports within six months. Within
the same period, the Commission shall consult interested parties on those reports.
The Commission shall present the reports and the Member States’ observations to the
Committee referred to in Article 42(1), which may make observations.
In the light of the observations provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3, the Commission
shall, by
year after the date referred to in Article 45(1)]
at the latest, present a
summary report to the European Parliament and to the Council, accompanied where
appropriate by proposals for additional initiatives.
Article 42
The Commission shall be assisted by a Committee, consisting of representatives of the
Member States and chaired by the Commission representative.
Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 3 and 7 of
Decision 1999/468/EC
shall apply, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of that
The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.
Article 43
Review clause
Following the summary report referred to in Article 41(4), the Commission shall, every three
years, present to the European Parliament and to the Council a
report on the
application of this Directive,
in particular of Articles 2 and 16 thereof,
accompanied, where
appropriate, by proposals for its amendment.
OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23.
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Article 44
Amendment of Directive 1998/27/EC
In the Annex to Directive 1998/27/EC
, the following point shall be added:
"13. Directive../../EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of … on services in
the internal market (OJ L […], […], p. […])".
Chapter VII
Final provisions
Article 45
Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative
provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by
at the latest. They shall
forthwith communicate to the Commission the text of those provisions and a correlation table
between those provisions and this Directive.
When Member States adopt those provisions, they shall contain a reference to this
Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official
publication. Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made.
Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the main provisions
of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.
Article 46
This Directive shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the
Official Journal of the European Union.
Article 47
This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
Done at Brussels,
For the European Parliament
The President
For the Council
The President
OJ L 166, 11.6.1998, p. 51.
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Policy area(s): Internal Market
Activit(y/ies): Internal Market for goods and services
: A
In January 2004, the Commission adopted a proposal for a directive on services in the Internal
. The proposal was accompanied by a legislative financial statement.
The European Parliament adopted its first reading report on this proposal on 16 February
2006. The Commission is now presenting an amended proposal largely based on the first
reading of the European Parliament but also taking into account the discussions in the Council
to date. The amended proposal contains the following changes, relative to the Commission's
original proposal, which will entail Commission resources and will therefore have budgetary
The amended proposal provides for the establishment of an electronic Internal Market
information system for the exchange of information between Member States. This is aimed at
ensuring that competent authorities have a practical system enabling them to fulfil more easily
their obligations of administrative cooperation under the amended proposal by being able to
easily identify their relevant interlocutors in other Member States and to communicate in an
efficient way. Thus, the legal obligations of administrative cooperation will be underpinned
by a mechanism enabling it to work effectively in practice. This will entail costs for the
Commission in terms, firstly, of development of the system; and, secondly, the administration
of the database.
The amended proposal also sets out an alert mechanism pursuant to which a Member State
becoming aware of serious specific acts or circumstances that could cause serious damage to
the health or safety of persons or to the environment must inform the Member State of
establishment, the other Member States concerned and the Commission. The Commission is
required to promote and take part in the operation of a European network of Member States'
authorities in order to implement this alert mechanism, as well as adopt and regularly update
detailed rules concerning its management, in accordance with the Committee procedure set
out in Article 42. The promotion and operation of this network will entail costs, particularly in
terms of staff, for the Commission.
The amended proposal provides for an assessment by the Commission of the need to establish
a multi-annual programme in order to organise relevant exchanges of officials and training.
There will be costs for the Commission in relation to the carrying out of assessment of the
need for a multi-annual programme.
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on services in the internal
market - COM(2004) 2, 13.1.2004.
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Estimates of the overall figures in terms of costs for the Commission are set out below. These
have been updated from the legislative financial statement which accompanied the
Commission's original proposal in order to take account the changes that have been made in
the Commission's amended proposal. These changes include those set out above as well as the
fact that the two studies initially foreseen will no longer be carried out. Part of the costs of the
electronic information system are already financed under the IDAbc programme and therefore
the figures below only reflect the additional costs required. In addition, the Article 42
committee was already foreseen in the original proposal.
12 02 01 Implementation and development of the internal market
12 01 04 01 Implementation and development of the internal market – Expenditure
on administrative management
Total allocation for action (operational expenditure): EUR 0.900 million in
commitment appropriations, already covered by existing allocation under
internal market policy area in the financial programming.
Period of application:
2006 - 2011
Overall multiannual estimate of expenditure:
Schedule of commitment appropriations/payment
(see point 3.1.1)
EUR million (to three decimal places)
Technical and administrative assistance and support expenditure
(see point 3.1.2)
Subtotal a+b
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Overall financial impact of human resources and other administrative expenditure
(see points 4.2 and 4.3)
TOTAL a+b+c
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Total financial impact on operational expenditure - (over the entire
programming period)
Financial intervention
Commitments (in EUR million to three decimal places)
2011 and
Action 1
Action 2
Technical and administrative assistance, support expenditure and IT expenditure
(commitment appropriations)
2011 and
administrative assistance
a) Technical
b) Other technical and
administrative assistance:
- intra muros:
- extra muros:
of which for construction
computerised management
Subtotal 1
2) Support expenditure
a) Studies
b) Meetings of experts
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Subtotal 2
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Calculation of costs by measure envisaged in operational expenditure (over the
entire programming period)
Commitments (in EUR million to three decimal places)
of outputs
(projects, files )
Number of
(total for years
Average unit
Total cost
(total for years
Action 1
- Measure 1 (development and
monitoring of economic indicators)
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Human and administrative resource requirements will be covered from within the budget
allocated to the managing DG in the framework of the annual allocation procedure.
Impact on human resources
Staff to be assigned to management of the
action using existing resources
Types of post
Number of
permanent posts
Number of
temporary posts
Because the Directive covers a wide
range of services activities specific
knowledge is needed on a multitude of
professions, construction, certification,
craftsmen etc.) as well as on specific
questions such as administrative
Description of tasks deriving from the
temporary staff
Other human resources
Overall financial impact of human resources
EUR million to three decimal places
Type of human resources
Amount (EUR)
(specify budget line)
Method of calculation*
9* 0.108
0.5* 0.108
1* 0.043
Temporary staff
Other human resources
The amounts are total expenditure for twelve months.
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Other administrative expenditure deriving from the action
EUR million to three decimal places
Budget line
Amount EUR
(number and heading)
Overall allocation (Title A7)
12 01 02 11 01 – Missions
12 01 02 11 02 – Meetings, conferences
12 01 02 11 03 – Committees (consultative committee)
12 01 02 11 04 – Studies and consultations
Other expenditure (specify)
Information systems
Other administrative expenditure
96 experts*650
24 experts* 650
Method of calculation
The amounts are total expenditure for twelve months.
EUR million to three decimal places
Annual total (4.2 + 4.3)
Duration of action
Total cost of action (I x II)
2 years
* costs for human resources could be extended beyond the 2 years depending on the results of the negotiation
and the subsequent work programme