Europaudvalget 2004-05 (1. samling)
2617 - økofin Bilag 6
Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
og deres stedfortrædere
29. november 2004
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges Finansministeriets
redegørelse for rådsmøde (økonomi- og finansministre) den 16. november
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25. novem
12 CHM
Referat fra rådsmødet (ECOFIN) den 16. november 2004
Wim Koks rapport – opfølgning på DER
På grundlag af oplæg fra Kommissionen og formanden for Den Økonomiske-
Politiske Komité (EPC) var der med udgangspunkt i Wim Koks rapport en drøftel-
se af det videre arbejde med midtvejsevalueringen af Lissabon-strategien.
Der blev vedtaget konklusioner (vedlagt) om det videre arbejde med midtvejsevalu-
eringen af Lissabon-strategien.
Stabilitets- og Vækstpagten: Styrkelse, klargøring
og bedre implementering
Ministrene drøftede med udgangspunkt i et ’key issues’ papir, hvordan man kan
styrke implementeringen af Stabilitets- og Vækstpagten.
Ministrene var enige om, at de grundlæggende regler i traktaten dvs. budgetunder-
skud på højst 3 pct. af BNP og gæld på højst 60 pct. af BNP ikke skal ændres, og at
ændringer i Stabilitets- og Vækstpagtens regelsæt bør begrænses til et minimum.
Der var desuden bred støtte til at styrke fokus på konsolidering i gode tider, tage
højde for den offentlige gæld og finanspolitikkens langsigtede holdbarhed.
Der var et flertal mod at diskriminere mellem forskellige budgetposter herunder, at
udgifter til bestemte områder skulle kunne fratrækkes i opgørelsen af den saldo,
som bruges til at vurdere landenes overholdelse af 3-procentgrænsen.
Der vil blive arbejdet videre med de rejste temaer med henblik på en ny drøftelse i
ECOFIN i januar.
Stabilitets- og Vækstpagten: Statistik vedrørende
offentlige finanser i Grækenland
Kommissionen præsenterede en rapport fra Eurostat med tal vedrørende de offent-
lige finanser i Grækenland siden 1997, der viser, at underskuddene i alle årene har
været over 3 pct. af BNP.
Der blev vedtaget konklusioner (vedlagt), der bl.a. hilser Eurostats rapport vel-
kommen og konstaterer, at budgetunderskuddet har ligget betydeligt over referen-
ceværdien på de 3 pct. siden 1997. Ministrene opfordrer de græske myndigheder til
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at leve op til forpligtelserne under proceduren for uforholdsmæssigt store under-
skud og implementere de nødvendige tiltag.
De finansielle perspektiver 2007-2013 – egne
Ministrene havde på baggrund af formandskabets udsendte spørgsmål en drøftelse
af Kommissionens ændringsforslag til finansieringen af EU’s budget for perioden
Ministrene udtrykte tilfredshed med det eksisterende finansieringssystem, men der
var et ønske om forenkling, og et flertal så gerne, at den nuværende momsindtægt
kunne bortfalde til fordel for en BNI baseret indtægt. Et flertal var imod Kommis-
sionens forslag om nye skattebaserede indtægtskilder på EU-niveau. Der var bred
skepsis overfor rabatordninger.
Finansielle tjenesteydelser:
Finansiel integration – opfølgning på den
finansielle handlingsplan
Vurdering af Lamfalussy-processen
Ministrene vedtog to konklusionstekster (vedlagt) om hhv. Komitéen for Finansiel-
le Tjenesteydelser (FSC)’s rapport vedrørende finansiel integration samt vurdering
af Lamfalussy-processen.
Moms: One stop shop
Kommissionen præsenterede sit forslag, der tilsigter at reducere administrative byr-
der for virksomheder med grænseoverskridende salg. Rådet hilste forslaget vel-
kommen og tog præsentationen til efterretning. Fra dansk side udtrykte man skepsis
overfor den forslåede ændring af fjernsalgsreglerne og opfordrede til konsekvent
indførsel af forbrugslandsprincippet.
Forbyggende toldsamarbejde mod hvidvask-
ning af penge
Der blev opnået enighed om Kommissionens forslag, der skal sikre en mere ensar-
tet kontrol med likvide midler, som passerer EU’s ydre grænser. Rådet fastsatte
beløbsgrænsen for angivelsespligt til 10.000 euro.
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Kommissionen og Den Europæiske Investeringsbank (EIB) orienterede om arbej-
det med implementeringen af vækstinitiativet. Ministrene tog præsentationen til
Der blev efterspurgt en plan for arbejdet med direktiv om nedsat moms. Formand-
skabet bekræftede, at sagen skal behandles på ECOFIN i december.
Rådet vedtog uden drøftelse Kommissionens forslag til ny forordning om admini-
strativt samarbejde på punktafgiftsområdet.
Under morgenmaden drøftede man velfærdsforskellene mellem EU og USA. Dis-
kussionen gik særligt på, hvad landene kan gøre for at forbedre levestandard og
beskæftigelse samt hvilke begrænsninger, herunder politiske, der er herfor.
Rådet havde under frokosten en drøftelse med finansministrene fra EFTA-landene
vedrørende aldringens implikationer for offentlige finanser og økonomisk vækst.
Endelig havde Rådet i margen af mødet en dialog med kandidatlande. Drøftelsen
vedrørte landenes notifikationer angående offentlige finanser og EPC-rapporten
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Rådskonklusioner vedrørende Lissabon-strategien.
"The following conclusions focus on the economic aspects of the Lisbon process.
They are part of the follow-up to the European Council Conclusions of 4-5 No-
vember, which underline the three dimensions of the Lisbon strategy.
The Ecofin Council broadly welcomes the Report of the High-Level Group chaired
by Mr Wim Kok. The Council agrees the direction of the Lisbon strategy “is right
and imperative, but much more urgency is needed in its implementation”. While
some progress has been made, the Council also agrees that the challenges facing
Europe are greater now than in 2000.
In discussing the Report, Ministers stress, in particular, the following elements and
invite the Commission, when preparing their comprehensive proposals on the mid-
term review, to pay regard to them:
Achieving higher growth and employment should be at the centre.
agree that the Lisbon agenda “has become too broad” and Europe must now prior-
itise and “focus on growth and employment to achieve the Lisbon strategy”. Higher
growth and employment are conducive to social cohesion and environmental sus-
tainability, and are necessary to help deal more easily with ageing-related fiscal chal-
lenges. Ministers also welcome the reference in the Report on the need for a mac-
roeconomic framework supportive of stability and growth.
Reforms aimed at accelerating Europe’s employment and productivity
Ministers broadly endorse the five priority areas as identified by the High
Level Group. Within these priority areas, Ministers underlined in particular: (i) cre-
ating a knowledge society – the importance of R&D and innovation, better frame-
work conditions and overcoming the outstanding problems for a Community Pa-
tent; (ii) completing the internal market – more effective competition and a single
market for services; (iii) creating the right climate for entrepreneurs – regulatory
reform and improving access to risk capital; (iv) reforming labour markets – in-
creasing flexibility, including through working more hours on a life-time basis, re-
balancing the concept of job security and taking action on benefit reforms; and (v)
enhancing environmental sustainability – eco-innovations. Ministers urge strict
compliance with the implementation calendar of the Internal Market Strategy.
Political ownership and leadership.
Ministers agree that policy-makers must
sharpen their commitment to, and ownership of, the Lisbon strategy and accept
their national responsibility in promoting the implementation of the agreed reforms
to stimulate growth and employment. National governments and the Commission
must take “the political lead that is so vitally required.” There should also be better
involvement of national parliaments and social partners with respect to the Lisbon
The central role of the BEPGs and of multilateral surveillance.
welcome the reference in the Report to the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines
(BEPGs). The BEPGs, by the power of the Treaty, are at the centre of the eco-
nomic policy co-ordination process. They provide the framework for policy rec-
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ommendations and the framework for the monitoring of their implementation.
Employment guidelines that are consistent and coherent with the BEPGs also have
a central role in delivering the objectives of the Lisbon process. Ministers invite the
Commission to pay attention to maintaining, and where possible, to strengthening
the key process of multilateral surveillance.
Increasing accountability.
Ministers agree that greater emphasis on benchmark-
ing national performance can strengthen the accountability of Member States for
implementing reform. Ranking of Member States’ absolute performance and pro-
gress over a recent period against core and instrumental economic targets has a part
to play, carried out carefully, accompanied by qualitative assessment and reflecting
initial structural conditions, as well as the reforms which have taken place in the
Member States. Improvements to the structural indicators should provide for more
accurate monitoring of Member State performance.
Ministers also insist on the following issues:
Strengthening governance.
The national action programmes, proposed by the
High-Level Group, in principle, could help to strengthen the governance of the
strategy, with Member States setting out clear and specific commitments to the
labour, product and capital market reforms needed to deliver higher growth and
employment. If adopted, these programmes should be used
in a streamlined and consistent governance framework, based, as proposed by the
Report, on the agreed recommendations in the BEPGs as adopted by the Ecofin
Points on which additional emphasis is needed.
The opportunity provided by
growth must be used to pursue fiscal consolidation more actively. Policy actions
must be consistent with the strengthening of quality and sustainability of public
finances, including the modernisation of the welfare state. Continued efforts are
also necessary to increase external openness, also in a multilateral context, as an
important spur to growth, employment and productivity by increasing competition
and lowering barriers to entry and increasing incentives for innovation.
A sustained focus on the core objectives.
Ministers insist that in focusing on
growth and employment, underpinned by a clear set of headline targets, the list of
objectives and targets should not be subject to continued pressure to expand, lead-
ing to a dilution of coherence and consistency in implementation.
The Ecofin Council will closely examine the proposals to be presented by the
Commission on the mid-term review, and invites the Economic Policy Committee,
in this regard, to assist it in the preparation of its contribution to the 2005 Spring
European Council."
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Rådskonklusioner vedrørende græsk budgetdata.
"The (Ecofin) Council welcomed the report by Eurostat on Greece’s deficit and
debt data for the period since 1997. The Council commended the Greek authorities
for their co-operation in clarifying Greece’s budgetary statistics and in bringing
them into line with the ESA 95 requirements.
The decision on Greece’s adoption of the euro in June 2000 was based inter alia on
statistical data compiled by the Greek authorities which had been validated by Eu-
rostat. Ministers acknowledged that part of the revisions reflect the uncertainties in
the transition to the new ESA95 methodology introduced at the time of the March
2000 fiscal notification. Revised and more complete data show that budgetary defi-
cits have been consistently above the reference value. Moreover, the debt to GDP
ratio has been revised upwards; it has not sufficiently diminished and approached
the reference value as Treaty Article 104 requests.
It is of paramount importance that the Greek government complies fully and rapid-
ly with budgetary discipline in support of the single currency. Ministers encourage
the Greek authorities to live up to their commitment under the excessive deficit
procedure to take sufficient corrective measures.
Ministers will assess the excessive deficit situation of Greece at the earliest oppor-
tunity based on a Commission recommendation.
Ministers stated their intention to return to the question of accountability and pos-
sible future action to prevent the re-occurrence of such an event, based on a Com-
mission report. Ministers mandated the Economic and Financial Committee (EFC)
to examine such a report closely and report quickly to the Ecofin."
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Rådskonklusioner vedrørende finansiel integration:
"The Council:
reaffirms its invitation to the Commission to take full account of the FSC's
May 2004 report in its future plans on financial integration;
restates the relevance of the conclusions of 2 June 2004, in particular that it
supports an approach to further integration of the financial sector based on
systematic analysis of remaining obstacles and the impact of tackling this ob-
stacles, and that "the emphasis should be on convergence of supervision and
implementation. Non-legislative action should be taken where possible and
appropriate, and new legislation should be introduced where necessary";
in particular, emphasises that full and consistent implementation and effec-
tive enforcement by the Member States must have top priority;
notes with satisfaction the progress made on the short term priorities set out
in the May 2004 FSC report, including on further convergence of supervisory
practice, the development of a financial stability framework at the EU level
and the enhancement of corporate governance;
stresses the importance of completing the current proposals in the area of
financial services, like the Capital Adequacy Directive for banks and invest-
ment firms, the 8
Company Law Directive on Statutory Audit, the 3
Laundering Directive, the Reinsurance Directive and Accounting Standards;
takes note of the preparatory work done by the Commission to prepare its
priorities for future work and welcome the Commission’s efforts to actively
consult market participants, including end-users, by having set up sectoral
expert groups and a network of experts charged with formulating policy rec-
ommendations from a user perspective (FIN-USE);
invites the Commission to examine further issues affecting financial market
integration and stability, including the functioning of deposit guarantee
schemes in the context of integrating financial markets;
requests that all future legislative proposals be accompanied by thorough
impact assessment."
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Rådskonklusioner vedrørende vurdering af Lamfalussy-processen
"The Council finds that experience, while still limited to date, shows the introduc-
tion of Lamfalussy framework to have been successful, meeting its key objectives.
The application of the framework has generated additional momentum to, and in-
creased the flexibility of the legislative process in allowing it to respond to techno-
logical change and market developments, by adopting implementing rules on a fast-
er and more flexible basis. It has also paved the way for more effective supervisory
co-operation and convergence. The Council welcomes the positive contribution of
improved transparency, through open and early consultation of market participants,
while recognising that consultation processes have put significant demands on the
expertise available with market participants.
The Council notes with satisfaction that this positive evaluation is shared by all
three institutions involved in the legislative process, which have also decided to
extend its application to the banking and insurance sector, based on appropriate
guarantees for inter-institutional balance.
Financial markets and services continue to develop, and at a much faster pace than
ever before, as they exploit new technology and innovate. The introduction of the
Euro and the pursuit of the Lisbon economic reform agenda have combined with
the continuing development of financial markets to accelerate the pace of European
financial integration. The Council considers the Lamfalussy approach an important
element in the overall regulatory stance developed to face this challenge. This
framework should therefore continue to be applied, in the context of a dynamic
and open dialogue between all institutions and bodies concerned and market partic-
ipants - such an ongoing dialogue should aim to address any shortcomings and en-
sure that the Lamfalussy approach remains capable of meeting future challenges.
Therefore, the Council:
– Stresses the need to enhance the Lamfalussy framework and to achieve suffi-
cient flexibility in the way securities markets are regulated, in order to respond
to rapidly changing market developments and innovations;
Emphasizes the need to bear constantly in mind the original reasons behind
the four level split in the Lamfalussy framework, as well as the respective roles
of the different parties in the process and the need for political accountability;
Stresses the necessity of finding the appropriate balance between the need for
speed in the legislative process and the need to ensure the quality of the legisla-
tion and the practical implementation and enforcement;
Considers that the development of Level 3, including enhancing supervisory
co-operation and convergence of supervisory practices, and full and consistent
implementation as well as enforcement of adopted legislative measures are cru-
cial for the delivery of the benefits of the Lamfalussy framework to market par-
Agrees that, in light of the extension of the Lamfalussy framework to all finan-
cial sectors, the Mandate of the Inter-Institutional Monitoring Group should
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be extended to cover the new areas of banking, insurance and occupational
pensions. New members should therefore be nominated to take account of the
new mandate of the group. Its working arrangements and the duration of its
mandate should be agreed by the European
Parliament, the Commission and the Council."