23 JUNE 2005
It is an honour to be here in the European Parliament today. With your permission,
I will come back after each European Council during the UK Presidency and report
to you. In addition, I would be happy to consult the Parliament before each
Council, so as to have the benefit of the views of the European Parliament before
Council deliberations.
This is a timely address. Whatever else people disagree upon in Europe today,
they at least agree on one point: Europe is in the midst of a profound debate about
its future. I want to talk to you plainly today about this debate, the reasons for it
and how to resolve it. In every crisis there is an opportunity. There is one here for
Europe now, if we have the courage to take it.
The debate over Europe should not be conducted by trading insults or in terms of
personality. It should be an open and frank exchange of ideas. And right at the
outset I want to describe clearly how I define the debate and the disagreement
underlying it.
The issue is not between a "free market" Europe and a social Europe, between
those who want to retreat to a common market and those who believe in Europe as
a political project.
This is not just a misrepresentation. It is to intimidate those who want change in
Europe by representing the desire for change as betrayal of the European ideal, to
try to shut off serious debate about Europe's future by claiming that the very
insistence on debate is to embrace the anti-Europe.
It is a mindset I have fought against all my political life. Ideals survive through
change. They die through inertia in the face of challenge.
I am a passionate pro-European. I always have been. My first vote was in 1975 in
the British referendum on membership and I voted yes. In 1983, when I was the
last candidate in the UK to be selected shortly before that election and when my
party had a policy of withdrawing from Europe, I told the selection conference that
I disagreed with the policy. Some thought I had lost the selection. Some perhaps
wish I had. I then helped change our policy in the 1980's and was proud of that
Since being Prime Minister I signed the Social Chapter, helped, along with France,
to create the modern European Defence Policy, have played my part in the
Amsterdam, the Nice, then the Rome Treaties.