10651/05 1 DQPG EN merne af Folketingets Europaudvalg stedfortrædere Journalnummer Kontor 400.C.2-0 EUK 30. juni  2005 Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges de foreløbige dagsordener for råds- møder, der forberedes af De faste repræsentanters Komité (del 2) under det britiske formand- skab, 10651/05.
10651/05 2 DQPG EN COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Brussels, 29 June 2005 10651/05 POLGEN 30 NOTE from : Presidency to : Delegations Subject : UK Presidency – (Part 2) In accordance with Article 2, paragraph 6, of the Council's rules of procedure, the Presidency attaches for  information  the  indicative  provisional  agendas  for  Council  meetings  prepared  by  the  Permanent Representatives Committee (Part 2) for the period up to 31 December 2005. ________________________
10651/05 3 DQPG UK Presidency Draft Work Programme for Council meetings prepared by COREPER (Part 2) NOVEMBER DECEMBER 18/19.07.05 03.10.05 07.11.05 21/22.11.05 12/13.12.05 12.07.05 15.07.05 (Budget) 11.10.05 08.11.05 24.11.05 (Budget) 06.12.05 12/13.10.05 01/02.12.05
PROVISIONAL AGENDA GENERAL AFFAIRS AND EXTERNAL RELATIONS COUNCIL BRUSSELS – 18/19 JULY 2005 Session on General Affairs 1. Presidency Work Programme 2. Resolutions, opinions and decisions adopted by the European Parliament at its sessions in Strasbourg on 22-23 June and 4-7 July 3. Enlargement Session on External Relations 1. UN Millennium Review Summit 2. Syria/Lebanon 3. Iran 4. MEPP 5. EU–China Summit preparation 6. Uzbekistan Likely to become "A" items Progress of work in other Council configurations Transparency: open debates on acts adopted in accordance with the co-decision procedure (Art. 251 TEC) and Art. 8.1.a of the Council's Rules of Procedures EU position for the Co-operation Council with Kazakhstan EU position for the Stabilisation and Association Council with FYROM EU– India Summit preparation
10651/05 5 Iraq Renewal of mandates of EUSRs: FYROM, Bosnia, Great Lakes, Southern Caucasus, Middle East, Moldova, Afghanistan New EUSRs: Sudan, Central Asia ESDP: EUPM ESDP: Co-ordination Office for Palestinian Police Support (COPPS) Joint Action on support for the IAEA (poss.) Aceh Sudan: Joint Action (poss.) Code of Conduct on Military and Technology Exports (poss.) Renewal/replacement of  anti - dumping measures in respect of No r- wegian salmon imports (poss.)GSP (poss.) EU– (poss.)EU– ESDP: Canada Framework Participation Agreement EU Priorities for UNGA 60 Model Status of Mission Agreement Georgia Joint Co-operation Commission: Joint Action European Security and Defence College: Joint Action In the margins of the Council 18 July: EU– 19 July: EU– -operation Council
10651/05 6 PROVISIONAL AGENDA GENERAL AFFAIRS AND EXTERNAL RELATIONS COUNCIL LUXEMBOURG – 3 OCTOBER 2005 Session on General Affairs 1. Resolutions, opinions and decisions adopted by the European Parliament at its sessions in Strasbourg on 5-8 and 26-29 September 2. (poss.) Financial Perspective 2007–2013   3. (poss.) Structural and Cohesion Funds 4. Enlargement: Turkey Session on External Relations 1. Western Balkans 2. (poss.) Afghanistan   3. EU–Russia Summit preparation 4. (poss.) EU-Ukraine Summit preparation Likely to become "A" items Progress of work in other Council configurations MEPP ICTY: assets freeze against indictees COPPS: Joint Action (poss.) EUPOL Kinshasa Human Rights: Approval of draft EU Annual Report (poss.) Russia Human Rights: following September consultations In the margins of the Council EU–
10651/05 7
10651/05 8 PROVISIONAL AGENDA GENERAL AFFAIRS AND EXTERNAL RELATIONS COUNCIL BRUSSELS – 7 NOVEMBER 2005 Session on General Affairs 1. Resolutions, opinions and decisions adopted by the European Parliament at its sessions in Strasbourg on 12-13 and 24-27 October 2. (poss.) Financial Perspective 2007–2013 Session on External Relations 1. MEPP 2. Iraq 3. Western Balkans 4. (poss.) Iran Likely to become "A" items Progress of work in other Council configurations EU position for the Association Council with Bulgaria EU position for the Association Council with Morocco EU position for the Co-operation Council with South Africa EUPM: Joint Action (poss.) EUPOL Kinshasa: Joint Action (poss.) EUSEC DRC China Human Rights: following October dialogue Iran Human Rights: following September dialogue Serbia and Montenegro Joint Actions on small arms and light weapons : = Cambodia = Ukraine = South East Europe = Albania Joint Action on support to OPCW
10651/05 9
10651/05 10 In the margins of the Council 7 November: EU– EU– EU-– South Africa Co-operation Council
10651/05 11 PROVISIONAL AGENDA GENERAL AFFAIRS AND EXTERNAL RELATIONS COUNCIL BRUSSELS – 21/22 NOVEMBER 2005 Session on General Affairs 1. Resolutions, opinions and decisions adopted by the European Parliament at its sessions in Strasbourg on 14-17 November 2. Preparation of the European Council on 15-16 December: approval of annotated draft agenda 3. (poss.) Financial Perspective 2007–2013 4. (poss.) Structural and Cohesion Funds Session on External Relations Foreign Ministers (21 November) 1. Western Balkans 2. Iraq 3. (poss.) Tsunami follow-up 4. EU– 5. EuroMed 10th Anniversary Summit preparation 6. Migration in external relations Defence Ministers (21 November) 1. ESDP: EUFOR Althea 2. Requirements Catalogue for Headline Goal 2010 3. SSR/Civ Mil Cooperation  
10651/05 12 Development Ministers (22 November) 1. Development policy: joint Council–Commission statement 2. Effectiveness of the EC's external assistance 3. EU Strategy for Africa 4. (poss.) EDF 5. (poss.) AIDS/HIV/poverty diseases   Trade Ministers 1. EU position for WTO Ministerial Likely to become "A" items Progress of work in other Council configurations EU position for the Association Council with Jordan (poss.) EU position for EU– Bosnia: EUSR Review of EUMM ESDP: EUPM ESDP: military capabilities/Single Progress Report (poss.) ESDP: Battlegroups Civilian Capability Improvements Conference Declaration (poss.) Bosnia: Stabilisation and Association Agreement European Defence Agency (EDA): = Council guidelines for 2006 = Budget for 2006 = Work programme Annual report on EC Development Policy and External Assistance Sugar/ACP In the margins of the Council 21 November EDA Steering Board Civilian Capabilities Improvement Conference EU– (poss.) EU– on Ministerial meeting
10651/05 13 PROVISIONAL AGENDA GENERAL AFFAIRS AND EXTERNAL RELATIONS COUNCIL BRUSSELS – 12/13 DECEMBER 2005 Session on General Affairs 1. Resolutions, opinions and decisions adopted by the European Parliament at its session in Strasbourg from 30 November – 1 December 2. Preparation  of  the  European  Council  on  15/16  December  :  draft conclusions 3. (poss.) Financial Perspective 2007–2013   4. (poss.) Structural Funds and strategic guidelines for Cohesion   5. Enlargement Session on External Relations 1. MEPP 2. Africa 3. Western Balkans 4. (poss.) Iran   5. (poss.) Iraq Likely to become "A" items Progress of work in other Council configurations EU position for the EEA Council EU position for the Association Council with Israel (poss.) EU position for the Association Council with Egypt EU position for the Co-operation Council with the Kyrgyz Republic (poss.) ENP Review of autonomous trade measures (ATM) for Western Balkans Renewal Western Balkans Stability Pact Co-ordinator's mandate
10651/05 14 (poss.)Africa: EU– Future EU needs for operational analysis and information gathering ESDP: Headline Goal Questionnaire Review of EU– a- tion in crisis management Report on "Strategic Partnership with the Mediterranean and the Middle East" Annual review of implementation of Human Rights policy Biennial review of Guidelines on Children and Armed Conflict (poss.) Liberia:  restrictive measures (poss.) EUPOL Kinshasa In the margins of the Council 12 December: EU– Israel Association Council 13 December (poss.) EU– EU– -operation Council EEA Council
10651/05 15 PROVISIONAL AGENDA ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL BRUSSELS – 12 JULY 2005 1. Presidency work programme: presentation   2. Financing for Development 3. EC Budget : Roadmap to an integrated internal control framework: Commis- sion presentation 4. Implementation of the Stability & Growth Pact: Portugal: Council Opinion on the updated stability programme Italy: excessive deficit procedure - Council decision under Arti- cle 104(6) and Council Recommendation under Article104(7) 5. AOB In the margins of the Council 15h00: Ministerial dialogue with acceding and candidate countries o o o p.m. Eurogroup 11 July 2005 (19h00)
10651/05 16 PROVISIONAL AGENDA ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL BRUSSELS – 15 JULY 2005 1. Preparation of the conciliation meeting with the European Parliament 2. (poss.) Preliminary Draft amending Budget No. 3 to the general bud- get for 2005 3. (poss.) Preliminary Draft amending Budget No. 5 to the general bud- get for 2005 4. Revision of the Financial Perspective for 2006 concerning modulati- on 5. Establishment by the Council of the Draft Budget of the European Union for 2006 6. AOB o o o p.m. Conciliation meeting with the European Parliament prior to the Council's first reading      (11h00) N.B.: The precedent has been established that conciliation takes place on the same day as the Council meeting rather than the evening before
10651/05 17 PROVISIONAL AGENDA ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL LUXEMBOURG – 11 OCTOBER 2005 1. Better Regulation: including administrative burdens methodology 2. Financial Services:   Post-FSAP: Council conclusions (poss.) Capital Requirement Directive: political agreement 3. (poss.) Follow-up to the Millennium Summit 4. Implementation of the Stability & Growth Pact 5. AOB o o o p.m. Eurogroup 10 October (19h00)
10651/05 18 PROVISIONAL AGENDA ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL BRUSSELS – 8 NOVEMBER 2005 1. EC Budget : Roadmap to a positive Statement of Assurance: Council conclusions 2. Taxation: VAT rates VAT place of supply VAT "One stop shop" 3. Review of EU Sustainable Development Strategy 4. (poss.) Financial Services: Cross-border banking and insurance 5. Implementation of the Stability & Growth Pact 6. Budgetary  challenges  of  ageing  populations  and  long-term  sustainability: discussion of EPC report 7. EU Statistical Governance: follow-up to June ECOFIN conclusions 8. AOB In the margins of the Council 13h00: Lunch with EFTA countries 15h00: Macroeconomic dialogue o o o p.m. Eurogroup 7 November (19.00h)
10651/05 19 PROVISIONAL AGENDA ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL BRUSSELS – 24 NOVEMBER 2005 1. Annual report of the Court of Auditors 2. Preparation of the conciliation meeting with the European Parliament 3. Letter of amendment to the preliminary draft budget for 2006: first reading 4. Draft  EU  Budget  for  2006  as  amended  and  accompanied  by  proposals  for modifications by the European Parliament: second reading 5. AOB o o o p.m. Conciliation meeting with the European Parliament prior to the Council's first reading   N.B.: The precedent has been established that conciliation takes place on the same day as the Council meeting rather than the evening before
10651/05 20 PROVISIONAL AGENDA ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL BRUSSELS – 6 DECEMBER 2005 1. Economic  reform  :  follow-up  to  the  Integrated  Guidelines:  Council  conclu- sions 2. Better Regulation 3. EU-US economic cooperation – follow-up to EU-US Summit 4. Financial Services: Post-FSAP: Council conclusions (poss.) Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MFID) imple- mentation extension (poss.) Regulation on information accompanying wire transfers 5. Taxation:   Code of Conduct Report Taxation of savings: state of play 5. Implementation of the Stability & Growth Pact 6. AOB o o o p.m. Eurogroup: 5 December (19h00)
10651/05 21 PROVISIONAL AGENDA JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS COUNCIL LUXEMBOURG – 12/13 OCTOBER 2005 1. Regulation  establishing  a  European  Order  For  Payment:  possible political agreement 2. (poss.) Directive on certain aspects of Mediation: debate on specific issues 3. Framework  Decision  establishing  a  European  Evidence  Warrant: certain articles 4. Framework  Decision  on  the  retention  of  telecommunications  data: general approach 5. Framework Decision on certain procedural rights in criminal procee- dings: certain articles 6. EU Agreement with Norway and Iceland on surrender / extradition procedu- res: Presidency authorisation to sign 7. Framework Decision on participation in an organized criminal group   8. Framework  Decision  on  law  enforcement  information  exchange (Swedish proposal) 9. Council conclusions on intelligence-led policing: adoption 10. (poss.) Council conclusions on external aspects of EU migration poli- cy: regional protection programmes: pilot proposals monitoring and evaluation report on co-operation of third countries
10651/05 22 in combating illegal migration Communication on migration and development
10651/05 23 11.     (poss.)  Framework  Programme:  Solidarity  and  Management  of  Migration Flows  2007–2013  (ERF,  Borders  Fund,  Returns  Fund,  Integration  Fund): discussion of objectives/allocation criteria 12.     (poss.) Directive on minimum standards for returns: presentation 13. (poss.) Communication on practical co-operation on asylum: presen- tation 14. (poss.)  Communication  on  integration  of  third  country  nationals: presentation Likely to become "A" items Eurojust co-operation agreement with Iceland Eurojust co-operation agreement with Romania Eurojust –  Council conclusions on the 3rd annual report Council Decision on conclusion of the UN Convention on corruption. Council Decision on the signature on behalf of the CE of the Convention of the Council of Europe on money laundering (poss.) Winter Olympics Regulation on visa facilitation (poss.) Negotiating mandate for an agreement on  visa facilitation between the EC and Ukraine Council conclusions on voluntary returns Council Directive on minimum standards on procedures in Member States for granting and withdrawing refugee status In the margins of the Council: Mixed Committee (poss.) Amendments to Regulation on the common visa list: dis- cussion (poss.) Regulation on local border traffic (poss.) Conclusions on roll-out framework for VIS EU–
10651/05 24 PROVISIONAL AGENDA JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS COUNCIL BRUSSELS – 1/2 DECEMBER 2005 1. Regulation establishing a European Small Claims procedure: debate on speci- fic issues 2. European register of convictions and Framework Decision on recognition of disqualifications from working with children: specific issues 3. Framework Decision on participation in a criminal organisation: specific is- sues 4. Framework  Decision  establishing  a  European  Evidence  Warrant:  general approach 5. Framework  Decision  on  certain  procedural  rights  in  criminal  proceedings: general approach 6. (poss.)  Proposals  for  a  Directive  and  Framework  Decision  on  the  fight against counterfeiting: exchange of views 7. Framework Programme: Fundamental Rights and Justice 2007–2013 (funda- mental rights, violence and drugs, civil justice and criminal justice): discussion of objectives/allocation criteria 8. Strategy on the external aspects of the area of Freedom, Security and Justice 9. Terrorism:  Progress  report  from  the  counter-terrorism  co-ordinator  and discussion, including: Review of EU counter-terrorism Action Plan EU Str ategy on radicalisation and recruitment EU Programme on critical infrastructure protection (poss.) Assessment of EU performance against terrorist financing Peer evaluation of national arrangements in the fight against terror- ism