18 JULY 2005
Lord Grenfell (UK, House of Lords), joint Chairman; Mr Jimmy Hood (UK, House of
Commons), joint Chairman; Mr Ben Fayot (Luxembourg Parliament); Mr Albrecht
Konecny (Federal Council of Austrian Parliament); Mr Werner Fasslabend (National
Council of the Austrian Parliament); and Mr Edward MacMillan-Scott (European
1) Agenda of the XXXIV COSAC in London on 9-11 October 2005;
2) Any other business.
1) Agenda of the XXXIV COSAC in London
Lord Grenfell started the meeting of the Presidential Troika by welcoming the delegations
to Westminster.
Lord Grenfell then introduced the agenda that the UK was proposing for the plenary
meeting of the XXXIV COSAC to be held in October in London, which had been circulated
to delegates in advance of the Troika meeting. Lord Grenfell noted that there were two
additional proposals for agenda points that had been considered by the UK Presidency.
First, the UK had received a letter from Mr van der Linden, Chairman of the European
Affairs Committee of the Dutch Senate, requesting that the XXXIV COSAC should discuss
the Commissions proposal for an EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. The European
Affairs Committee of the Dutch Senate was concerned that the proposed EU Agency should
not unnecessarily duplicate the work that was already being done by other international
organisations, especially, the Council of Europe and the Organisation for Security and
Cooperation in Europe.
The Presidential Troika discussed the proposal from the Dutch Senate and agreed that the
item should not be placed on the proposed agenda for the XXXIV COSAC. In choosing
items for the agenda, it was important to select those issues where a discussion in COSAC
could add value to the subject. On the proposal from the Dutch Senate, Lord Grenfell
suggested that it would be unlikely that COSAC could agree on the way forward, and so it
was difficult to see what COSAC could usefully contribute to the issue. Any possible
overlap between the proposed EU Agency and other international organisations should be
resolved by the institutions themselves and could not be settled by COSAC.
The second additional proposal for the October agenda arose from the Contribution from
the XXXIII COSAC in May in Luxembourg, where COSAC agreed to return to the issue of
the management and control of the EU Budget and agreed to invite the President of the
Court of Auditors for further discussion.
The Presidential Troika discussed the proposal for COSAC to further discuss the
management and control of the EU Budget and agreed that the subject should not be placed
on the agenda of the XXXIV COSAC as a separate item. Lord Grenfell noted that the issue