Europaudvalget 2005-06
EUU Alm.del Bilag 167
Folketinget — Europaudvalget
Christiansborg, den 15. februar 2006
udvalgets medlemmer og stedfortrædere.
Henvendelse af 13/2-06 fra den finske europaudvalgsformand om adgang til
det finske arbejdsmarked
Til udvalgets orientering vedlægges henvendelse fra den finske europaudvalgs-
formand, der informerer om, at Finland ikke forlænger begrænsningen på ad-
gangen til det finske arbejdsmarked for arbejdstagere fra de nye medlemslande.
Med venlig hilsen
Lone Boelt Møller,
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Dear Collegues,
I am happy to inform you about the positive decision Finnish Government has tak-
en today.
Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna.
Jari Vilén
The Chairman of the Grand Committee
Finland not to extend restrictions on access to labour market
10.2.2006 at 13:21
Finnish labour market organisations and the government agreed Friday not to re-
new the transitional period limiting the free movement of workers from eight
member states that joined the European Union on 1 May 2004. (Cypros and Malta
were not included in the earlier decision)
The restrictions are to be relaxed in May.
A Ministry of Labour-appointed working group was tasked with coming up with new
measures to keep the grey economy in check. In particular, the working group is
to identify ways in which the accounts of companies using foreign workers and
foreign subcontractors can be monitored.
The government is to submit a proposal to Parliament by April.
The Finnish labour movement's top-priority negotiation goal was boosted supervi-
sion in return for giving up a longer transitional period. However, all parties
were in agreement that Finland as a whole would stand to gain from foreign la-
bour and that an extended transitional period would have increased the size of
the grey economy.