11. september 2006
The Danish Government's reply to the Commission's public consulta-
tion on the future policy of the Internal Market
The Internal Market is one of the cornerstones of European integration
and has been an important factor in the EU's economical development.
Also in the years ahead the Internal Market will play a pivotal role in en-
suring that EU will be capable of tackling the challenges and opportuni-
ties stemming from globalisation. The Danish Government would there-
fore like to welcome the Commissions intention to launch a fundamental
review of the Internal Market to look at what more needs to be done and
how to further developing the Internal Market.
The Danish Government agrees overall with the priorities listed by the
Commission in its consultation document as well as with the Commis-
sions preliminary analysis of the Internal Market and the challenges it is
facing. Internal Market policies should result in more growth while at the
same time ensuring a high protection level for consumers, environment
and health. Although the Internal Market functions well in many aspects
it is however crucial that it continues to adapt to the changing circum-
stances not least in view of an enlarged EU as well as the effects caused
by globalisation. Overall it will be important to:
- focus on openness instead of national protectionism
- further developing a well-functioning Internal Market for services and
- promote simpler and better legislation including the reduction of
administrative burdens for European enterprises
- strengthening competition and further liberalisation of markets both
internally in the EU and towards external markets
The Danish Government does not believe that protecting and sheltering
our enterprises from external competition is the right way forward. In-
stead we must embrace the possibilities of globalisation by ensuring that
our markets are open and competitive both internally in the EU as well as
towards third countries. Globalisation should thus not only be one of the
priorities of the work on the Internal Market but be the horizontal theme
reflected across the board in the policies of the EU both when regulating
the Internal Market and when launching horizontal initiatives.
The EU is very dependent on global trade and open markets and therefore
it is necessary to ensure that the EU framework conditions facilitates
trade and not protectionism. We need more open markets where enter-
prises can enter and exit much more easily than it is the case today. Den-
mark would very much like to see a much stronger coupling between the
future Internal Market policy and the EU's trade policy. Therefore it is
especially important that the Internal Market regulation and thereby the
future Internal Market policy takes into account the question of openness
including EU's trade policy and the work in the WTO.
Eksp.nr. 273026