Europaudvalget 2005-06, Finansudvalget 2005-06, Det Politisk-Økonomiske Udvalg 2005-06
2682 - Økofin Bilag 4, FIU Alm.del Bilag 10, PØU Alm.del Bilag 9
Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
og deres stedfortrædere
25. oktober 2005
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges Finansministeriets
redegørelse for rådsmøde (ECOFIN) den 11. oktober 2005.
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Referat fra EU finans- og økonomiministermøde (ECOFIN) den
11. oktober 2005
D agsordenspunkt:
Stabilitets- og Vækstpagten -- op-
følgning på rådsanbefaling til Un-
garn under artikel 104(7)
Rådet blev orienteret om den finanspolitiske situation i Ungarn, herunder om ud-
viklingen i det ungarske offentlige budgetunderskud.
Kommissionen og formanden for den Økonomiske og Finansielle Komité (EFC)
redegjorde for, at den finanspolitiske situation er alvorlig, og at Ungarn i modstrid
med de to på hinanden følgende rådshenstillinger under traktatens artikel 104(7)
ikke har iværksat tilstrækkelige foranstaltninger med henblik på at bringe det offent-
lige underskud under referenceværdien på 3 pct. af BNP i 2008. Kommissionen
forventes derfor forud for rådsmødet den 8. november 2005 at fremsætte et udkast
til en rådsbeslutning under artikel 104(8) om manglende efterlevelse af den seneste
henstilling af 8. marts 2005.
D agsordenspunkt:
Fremtidig politik for finansielle
tjenesteydelser 2005-2010
Rådet vedtog konklusioner på basis af Kommissionens grønbog om en fremtidig
politik for finansielle tjenesteydelser i perioden 2005-2010,
jf. vedlagte bilag.
bød grønbogen velkommen og understregede vigtigheden af, at en konsistent og
effektiv implementering af allerede vedtagne direktiver prioriteres, og at fremsættel-
sen af nye EU forslag bygger på princippet om ”bedre regulering”.
I forlængelse heraf drøftede Rådet prioriteringer i relation til kommende tiltag inden
for området finansielle tjenesteydelser. Sagen forventes at blive taget op igen på
ECOFIN i december 2005.
D agsordenspunkt:
Konkurrencepolitik -- sektorun-
Rådet blev af Kommissionen orienteret om sektorundersøgelser af konkurrence-
forholdene inden for elektricitets- og gasmarkederne samt den finansielle sektor,
herunder områderne ”retail banking”, betalingskort og erhvervsforsikring.
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Kommissionen oplyste, at resultaterne forventes offentliggjort i 2006. Samtidig vil
man vurdere behovet for eventuelle politiktiltag.
Rådet tog orienteringen til efterretning, og flere ministre understregede, at det var
vigtigt at fremme konkurrencen. Det blev konkluderet, at man vil vende tilbage til
sagen, når resultaterne af undersøgelserne foreligger.
D agsordenspunkt:
Økonomiske relationer mellem
EU-USA -- opfølgning på EU-USA
topmødet i juni 2005
På grundlag af et fælles papir udarbejdet af formandskabet og de to kommende
formandskaber, Østrig og Finland, drøftede rådet ECOFIN’s mulige bidrag til op-
følgningen på EU-USA topmødet i juni 2005 på det økonomiske område.
I papiret konkluderes, at eksisterende processer for EU-USA samarbejdet med for-
del kan forstærkes og komplementeres ved drøftelser i ECOFIN inden for de om-
råder, hvor der er væsentlige økonomiske gevinster for EU i sigte, herunder samar-
bejde om regulering, finansielle tjenesteydelser og innovation.
Kommissionen og flere medlemslande udtrykte generel støtte til formandskabets
D agsordenspunkt:
Økonomisk støtte til Gazastriben
og Vestbredden
Kommissionen og Den Europæiske Investeringsbank orienterede om status for
forberedelsen af en samlet europæisk ”støttepakke” til Vestbredden og Gaza-
striben i samarbejde med andre lande og institutioner arbejdende i regionen. Rådet
tog orienteringen til efterretning.
D agsordenspunkt:
Tilsynsudvalgene i den finansielle
Rådet blev af formændene for de tre Lamfalussy-komitéer (Det europæiske udvalg
for banktilsyn, Det europæiske tilsynsudvalg for forsikrings- og arbejdsmarkedspen-
sionsordninger og Det europæiske tilsynsudvalg for værdipapirer) orienteret om de
tre udvalgs arbejde i forhold til at forbedre kvaliteten af den europæiske lovgivning
og reducere regelbyrden inden for det finansielle område.
Rådet tog orienteringen til efterretning og opfordrede de tre formænd til at fortsæt-
te komitéernes gode arbejde.
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Rådet vedtog uden drøftelse direktiv om kapitalkrav til kreditinstitutter og investe-
ringsselskaber (Basel II) og direktiv om lovpligtig revision af årsregnskaber og kon-
cernregnskaber (8. selskabsdirektiv). Desuden vedtog rådet konklusioner om hen-
holdsvis revideret adfærdskodeks for stabilitets- og konvergens-programmer og
mellemfristet finansiel assistance til medlemsstaterne,
jf. vedlagte bilag.
Rådet vedtog
ligeledes en beslutning om, at Tyskland og Nederlandene kan få dispensation fra
EU’s beskatningsregler i forbindelse med konstruktionen af en bro over ”Rode-
bach” mellem de to lande.
Formandskabet præsenterede en udtalelse om det seneste jordskælv i Sydasien,
vedlagte bilag.
Udtalelsen fokuserer blandt andet på, at EU og de nationale regeringer
er klar til at fremskaffe yderligere nødvendig assistance til brug for genopbygningen
af de katastroferamte områder.
Rådet hilste formandskabets udtalelse velkommen.
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Rådskonklusioner om en fremtidig politik for finansielle tjenesteyde l-
ser i perioden 2005-2010
”The Council:
WELCOMES the outline of the Commission’s financial services policy for
2005-2010 as set out in the Commission’s Green Paper;
NOTES that the Green Paper is broadly in line with its conclusions of 2 June
and 16 November 2004;
REAFFIRMS that full and consistent implementation and effective enforce-
ment of all FSAP measures must now have priority; and STRESSES that
Member States must play their role by transposing and implementing the
agreed FSAP texts on time and EU regulators and supervisors must be given
the necessary supervisory powers and assist in ensuring consistent day-to-day
application and supervision of the rules;
EMPHASISES that the momentum should be maintained for finalising im-
portant initiatives under way, such as the preparation of the Solvency II pro-
ject in the insurance sector; and WELCOMES the approach taken by the
Commission to further integration based on systematic analysis of remaining
obstacles and of the impact of tackling those obstacles on a case-by-case ba-
EMPHASISES the importance of the "better regulation" approach to be
applied by the Commission to any new initiatives, including open and trans-
parent consultation at all levels with an appropriate involvement also of con-
sumers, thorough ex-ante economic impact assessments and ex-post evalua-
tions, all based on a clear and transparent methodology;
UNDERLINES that Member States should also contribute to making better
regulation work to the best of their abilities and UNDERTAKES to carry out
impact assessments on substantive Council amendments to legislative pro-
STRESSES that an integrated EU market for financial services poses further
challenges for financial supervision in Europe, especially as regards supervi-
sion of cross-border groups and entities, and therefore ENCOURAGES the
ongoing work of the FSC on enhancing the EU’s supervisory arrangements,
and in particular, LOOKS FORWARD to its assessment of further policy
priorities in developing financial supervision in the EU;
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WELCOMES the ongoing efforts by the Commission, the FSC and the EFC
in the area of financial stability and crisis management, and INVITES the
Commission to assess obstacles to information exchange between EU super-
visory authorities, central banks and finance ministries; as well as current ar-
rangements for deposit guarantee schemes;
SHARES the Commission’s view that synergies with other policy areas, in
particular competition and consumer policies are expected to increase in the
AGREES with the Commission on the importance of the EU's global com-
petitiveness, and thus INVITES the Commission to further develop the on-
going Regulatory Dialogue with the US and other important trading partners
by further enhancing its pro-active and forward-looking nature; and
UNDERLINES the intention, at its December meeting, to further assess the
Commission's post-FSAP strategy in light of the Commission’s White Pa-
Rådskonklusioner om revideret adfærdskodeks for stabilitets - og kon-
“The Council approved a Code of Conduct relating to Specifications on the imple-
mentation of the Stability and Growth Pact and Guidelines on the content and
format of the Stability and Convergence programmes.
This Code of Conduct updates and replaces the Opinion of the Economic and Fi-
nancial Committee on the content and format of the Stability and Convergence
Programmes, endorsed by the Council on 10 July 2001. It has been updated in line
with the 20 March 2005 (Ecofin) Council report on “Improving the implementa-
tion of the Stability and Growth Pact”, as endorsed by the 22-23 March 2005 Eu-
ropean Council, and the two Regulations, No 1055/05 and No 1056/05, amending
Regulations No 1466/97 and No 1467/97, which were adopted on 27 June 2005
and complemented the Pact.
The Council confirms that the Stability and Growth Pact is an essential part of the
macroeconomic framework of the Economic and Monetary Union. The Council
considers that this revised Code of Conduct contains the guidelines for a consistent
and even-handed implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact and for the con-
tent and format of the stability and convergence programmes.”
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Rådskonklusioner om mellemfristet finansiel assistance til medlem s-
“On 18 February 2002, the Council established a Community facility for providing
medium-term financial assistance to Member States, which have not adopted the
euro and are experiencing, or are threatened with, difficulties in their balance of
payments on current or capital accounts (Council Regulation (EC) No 332/2002).
As three years have elapsed since the adoption of the Regulation, the Commission
has prepared a Communication (doc. 11589/05 ECOFIN 259 - COM(2005) 331
final) as a report to the Council on the functioning of the facility. The EFC deliv-
ered its opinion on 30 September.
The Council carefully examined the Commission report and the opinion by the
EFC. The Council:
is of the view that the principle and underlying rationale of the facility remain
valid although the facility has not been activated since the adoption of the
deems the current ceiling at a sufficiently high level to satisfy the simultane-
ous needs of several Member States.
welcomes the updates to the Commission’s European Medium-Term Note
(EMTN) programme as the framework agreement on the issuance of bonds.
The Council is therefore of the view that no change to the facility is warranted at
this stage.”
Formandskabets udtalelse om jordskælvet i Sydasien
“We are all deeply shocked by the terrible earthquake which hit South Asia on Sat-
urday morning. The initial response from the EU was immediate. The Commission
announced an immediate humanitarian aid package on Sunday, as soon as the tragic
scale of this earthquake became apparent. It is now examining urgently what it can
provide for the post-emergency phase. In addition, Member State governments
have provided additional aid and support including specialist rescue teams.
We as President, and on behalf of this Council, would like to send a message from
this meeting, not only of sympathy, solidarity, and support to the people and peo-
ples affected, but of a willingness as a Community and as national governments that
we stand ready to provide additional assistance as required to alleviate the conse-
quences of this humanitarian disaster and to assist in the reconstruction. And we
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call on the World Bank, IMF, and UN Agencies to do all they can to assist with aid
and reconstruction.”