Europaudvalget 2006-07
KOM (2006) 0712 Bilag 2
Danish reaction to Commission Green Paper on consular protection
Denmark welcomes the Green Paper of the Commission on consular protection
(COM(2006)712 final) and the prospects for a broad public debate on the issue.
As a small country without possibility to establish diplomatic and consular missions in every
single country of the world, Denmark has actively been advocating for a strengthened EU
consular cooperation to the benefit of citizens in distress in third countries. Denmark is of the
opinion that closer cooperation on consular matters can lead to a more effective use of
consular resources.
Denmark is in favour of increasing the level of information to citizens on their possibilities and
rights to obtain consular protection in third countries in crisis situations such as natural
disasters, civil unrest, acts of terror and military conflict.
Denmark is equally in favour of strengthening synergies and coordination between EU
initiatives in different sectors such as consular cooperation, civil protection, crisis management
and humanitarian assistance.
Denmark is ready to engage positively and constructively in the future discussions on specific
proposals to be developed from the Green Paper.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Copenhagen, Denmark
April 2007