Europaudvalget 2005-06, Finansudvalget 2005-06
2726 - Økofin Bilag 4, FIU Alm.del Bilag 140
15. maj 2006
Referat fra EU finans- og økonomiministermøde (ECOFIN) den 5.
maj 2006
EU’s bæredygtighedsstrategi
Rådet drøftede – som led i forberedelsen af DER i juni – Kommissionens forslag
til en revision af EU’s bæredygtighedsstrategi. Forslaget har ligeledes været drøftet
i en række andre rådsformationer.
Der blev opnået enighed om ECOFIN’s bidrag, herunder at sikre konsistens, øget
anvendelse af konsekvensvurderinger samt undgåelse af overlap med andre
processer som f.eks. Lissabon-strategien.
Kommissionens foreløbige forslag til EU’s budget
for 2007
Kommissionen præsenterede budgetforslaget for 2007, som vil være første år
under de nye finansielle perspektiver. Budgetforslaget indebærer forpligtelses-
bevillinger for 126,8 mia. euro svarende til 1,08 pct. af BNI, mens betalingerne
udgør 116,4 mia. euro svarende til 0,99 pct. af BNI. En hel ny generation af
flerårige programmer skal igangsættes, hvilket forklarer den betydelige forskel
mellem forpligtelser og betalinger. For betalingernes vedkommende er der en
margen på ca. 7 mia. euro i forhold til rammen i de finansielle perspektiver. Rådet
tog Kommissionens præsentation til efterretning.
Selve forhandlingerne om EU’s budget sker i forbindelse med Rådets 1. læsning af
budgetforslaget den 14. juli 2006 og igen i forbindelse med Rådets 2. læsning den
24. november 2006.
Kommissionens handlingsplan for en integreret
struktur for intern kontrol
Kommissionen præsenterede i overskriftsform sin handlingsplan for en integreret
struktur for intern kontrol og annoncerede, at man inden længe vil fremsætte et
”scoreboard” samt konkrete forslag til udmøntning af den Inter-Institutionelle
Aftales (IIA) punkt om øget erklæringsafgivelse (”annual summaries”) samt
acceptable risici. Rådet tog Kommissionens præsentation til efterretning.
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Grænseoverskridende fusioner og rksomhedsopkøb
i den finansielle sektor, Kommissionens hvidbog om
den fremtidige politik for finansielle tjenesteydelser
2005-2010 samt Finansielt tilsyn
Rådet vedtog – som en del af A-punktslisten – tre sæt konklusioner på det
finansielle område, herunder om grænseoverskridende fusioner og
virksomhedsopkøb i den finansielle sektor, Kommissionens hvidbog om den
fremtidige politik for finansielle tjenesteydelser 2005-2010 samt finansielt tilsyn,
vedlagte bilag.
Der var enkelte bemærkninger til konklusionsteksterne.
Rådet havde – med udgangspunkt i et strategipapir fra formandskabet - en
drøftelse af den såkaldte ”momspakke” omfattende henholdsvis B2B/B2C-
reglerne om beskatningssted for grænseoverskridende ydelser og ”One Stop
Shop”, nyt 8. momsdirektiv og særordningen for gældende e-handelsydelser til
Drøftelserne var primært koncentreret om formandskabets oplæg til en tidsplan
for gennemførelsen af forslagene. Et flertal af medlemslande – herunder Danmark
– støttede formandskabets oplæg, idet nogle lande dog havde visse forbehold, især
med hensyn til hvor hurtigt det er realistisk at gennemføre de påtænkte initiativer.
Enkelte lande var af forskellige grunde imod såvel indholdet af som tidsplanen for
Sagen ventes behandlet igen på ECOFIN den 7. juni 2006.
Fransk oplæg om små og mellemstore
virksomheders adgang til offentlige udbud
Frankrig præsenterede et forslag om en mulig favorisering af små og mellemstore
virksomheders (SMV’er) deltagelse i offentlige udbud (public procurement). Rådet
tog det franske forslag til efterretning. Det er muligt, at sagen på et senere
tidspunkt mere formelt vil blive taget op igen.
I margen af mødet havde ministrene en dialog med tiltrædelseslandene Bulgarien
og Rumænien samt kandidatlandene Kroatien og Tyrkiet. Der blev vedtaget en
fælles konklusion for alle fire lande samt særskilte udtalelser om henholdsvis
Bulgariens og Rumæniens førtiltrædelsesprogram,
jf. vedlagte bilag.
Ministrene havde under frokosten – som opfølgning på frokostdrøftelsen den 14.
marts 2006 – en drøftelse om fornyelsen af EIB’s eksterne lånemandat for
perioden 2007-2013, som omfatter rammen af udlån til lande uden for EU (dvs. 3.
lande). Der var generelt enighed om, at EIB bør støtte implementeringen af EU’s
udenrigspolitik, samt at alle fremtidige udlån til 3. lande skal samles under ét
mandat og baseres på fælles objektive kriterier og operationsprincipper. Der var
også bred tilslutning til, at EIB primært skal være en investeringsbank og ikke skal
overlappe indsatsen i andre institutioner med bistandsprægede aktiviteter i større
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Derudover orienterede den ungarske finansminister om den nye regerings planer
for finanspolitisk konsolidering.
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Rådskonklusioner om grænseoverskridende fusioner og virksomhedsopkøb i
den finansielle sektor
The Council adopted the following conclusions:
“The Council
RECALLS that European financial integration is essential for improving
growth and employment and in order to reach this objective, market
participants must be able to seize cross-border business opportunities;
UNDERLINES that unnecessary and unwarranted obstacles to cross-
border consolidation in the financial sector should therefore be tackled in
order to reap the economic benefits of integration and strengthen the global
competitiveness of the EU financial industry;
STRESSES the importance of sound, fair and non-discriminatory national
supervisory practices to achieve a level playing field within the EU paying
due attention to the appropriate balance of home/host country
responsibilities; and the need for an adequate and independent financial
supervision to ensure financial stability;
WELCOMES the intention of the Commission to present a proposal for a
revision of Article 16 of the Banking Directives and the corresponding
articles in the MIFID and the insurance directives before the end of the
year, in accordance with the agreed principles of better regulation;
INVITES the Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR),
Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors
(CEIOPS) and Committee on European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) to
take into account the obstacles identified, and the FSC report on
supervisory convergence, in their efforts directed at convergence of rules
and practices and in particular to work on common formats for financial
institutions reporting to supervisors in order to avoid duplication of costs;
SUPPORTS the Commission in its intention to make use of the powers
granted to it under the Treaty to ensure the application of basic Treaty
freedoms, including application of the existing provisions on competition
and state aid;
AGREES with the Commission that the fragmentation of retail markets is
an obstacle to cross-border consolidation and SUPPORTS the strategy
proposed by the Commission in its White Paper on Financial Services
Policy 2005-2010 to promote the integration of retail markets;
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NOTES that where factors such as taxation create obstacles to cross-
border consolidation, the Commission is invited to specify these and
consider possible ways to overcome them; and
REITERATES its commitment to an open and integrated EU financial
market based on fair and healthy competition among financial institutions
and calls for vigilance on discriminatory practices.”
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Rådskonklusioner om Kommissionens hvidbog om den fremtidige politik for
finansielle tjenesteydelser 2005-2010
The Council adopted the following conclusions:
“The Council:
WELCOMES the Commission’s White Paper on Financial Services Policy
(2005-2010) as presented to the Council (ECOFIN) in December 2005;
NOTES that the White Paper is broadly in line with the political priorities
set in the Green Paper of the Commission and the Conclusions of the
Council of 11 October 2005;
SHARES the broad objectives of the Commission for the financial services
policy until 2010, and AGREES with the concept of dynamic consolidation
as the chosen overall approach to making further progress towards a fully
integrated European financial market;
WELCOMES the initiatives proposed by the Commission, stressing that
progress in the greater integration of retail markets is a challenge for 2005-
2010 in order to strengthen competition and ensuring an appropriate level
of consumer protection; NOTES also the importance of strengthening
consumer input and therefore STRESSES the need to facilitate an
appropriate involvement of consumers and SMEs;
STRESSES that clearing and settlement of securities transactions is a key
area where financial integration in the EU should be enhanced, and
INVITES the Commission and Financial Services Committee (FSC) by
autumn 2006 to examine how to best make progress in this area as soon as
STRESSES the key importance of the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)
for the effective functioning of the internal market, and INVITES the
Commission and FSC by autumn 2006 to examine how to best make
progress in this field by 2010;
STRESSES the need to boost the efficiency of pan-European markets for
long-term savings products as well as the importance of fostering financial
education and awareness of consumers in Member States; and INVITES
the FSC to examine the policy issues related to ageing and financial markets;
WELCOMES the ideas put forward with respect to the growing
importance of the external dimension in financial services – namely to
deepen and widen regulatory dialogues with third countries and work
towards the further opening of global financial services markets;
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AGREES that Member States must play their role by transposing and
implementing the agreed FSAP texts on time, accurately, consistently and
avoiding unnecessary regulatory additions. Transposition deadlines set for
legal acts adopted in co-decision as well as for implementing measures
adopted by the Commission have to be adequate to allow for transposition
of the measures in question;
STRESSES, in the context of better regulation, the agreement on the
November 2005 Inter-Institutional Common Approach to impact
INVITES the FSC to monitor on a continuous basis the progress of the
implementation of the Commission strategy examining particular initiatives
where appropriate in light of market developments; and policy implications
of these initiatives as well as their potential economic or political impact;
EMPHASISES the need to pay particular attention to supervisory
convergence as underlined in the FSC Report on Financial Supervision1
and to optimising the cooperation between home/host supervisors within
the current legal framework; and
EMPHASISES that the Lamfalussy approach is an important element in
the overall regulatory stance developed to face the challenge of accelerating
financial market integration. To ensure that this framework remains capable
of meeting future challenges it should continue to be applied in the context
of a dynamic and open dialogue between all institutions and bodies
concerned. Rapid progress needs to be made to find mutually acceptable
solutions for the functioning of comitology.”
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Rådskonklusioner om finansielt tilsyn
The Council adopted the following conclusions:
“The Ecofin Council reviewed the EU supervisory framework on the basis of a
report by the Financial Services Committee.
The Council STRESSES that significant improvements in the EU supervisory
framework brought about by the Financial Services Action Plan (FSAP) and the
implementation of the Lamfalussy arrangements should be complemented with
further steps to keep up with market developments in a flexible way. The shift to
the implementation and enforcement of the FSAP measures; the growing number
of cross-border financial groups; and the increasing international and cross-sector
interlinkages in the financial markets call for further progress in the convergence
of supervisory practices and cross-border cooperation among supervisory
authorities in the EU.
The Council UNDERLINES that supervisory convergence needs to be
intensified to fully benefit from the FSAP and related measures and thus, to reap
the benefits of an integrated financial market. The overarching goal should be to
further develop the European financial system in contribution to the Lisbon
strategy; strengthen the financial stability framework in the EU; and enhance the
efficiency of supervision by avoiding both excessive supervisory burden on the
industry and inhibiting or restricting fair competition.
In this context, the Council URGES Member States to timely implement all
remaining FSAP and related measures as well as to ensure their proper and
consistent enforcement; SUPPORTS the Lamfalussy framework as well as the
level 3 supervisory committees in their co-operation and convergence of their
tasks; and ENDORSES the report by the FSC on Financial Supervision. In
particular, the Council:
REQUESTS the FSC to monitor the convergence of supervisory powers at
an adequate level;
UNDERLINES that the implementation of mediation, delegation,
streamlined reporting requirements and data-sharing arrangements is a
pragmatic response to the main challenges the EU faces in the area of
financial supervision – taking into account the diverse state of progress in
each financial sectors;
INVITES the Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR), the
Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors
(CEIOPS) and the Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) to
further strengthen their co-operation and day-today working arrangements
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1. assessing the functioning of the tools aimed at fostering a
European supervisory culture and indicate any ways to help them
work better in the regular Level 3 Committees’ supervisory
convergence reports to FSC, beginning in 2007;
2. exploring the preconditions to the establishment of a mediation
mechanism – especially as regards the potential areas of
application and the practical functioning of this mechanism – and
where appropriate to test the mechanism in the securities field in
2006 and in the banking and insurance fields in 2008;
3. exploring the preconditions for the use of a delegation mechanism
especially through guidelines in each financial services sector and
testing, where appropriate, such arrangements before the end of
4. working on reporting requirements by delivering common
formats before the end of 2007, and examining the question of IT
data-sharing arrangements before the end of 2008, taking into
account the costs and benefits of the different options available
(such as common databases and interlinked national databases);
5. reporting on progress and on any outstanding obstacles to the
FSC; and
6. continuing to contribute to a consistent implementation of EU
REQUESTS the FSC to report to the Council annually on the progress
made in implementation of various elements outlined in the FSC report,
starting in 2007.
ASKS all parties involved to implement the strategic actions according to
the timetables outlined in the FSC report.
Finally, the Council
NOTES the Commission’s approach to examine, in line with its White
Paper on Financial Services Policy (2005-2010), key areas where the current
supervisory arrangements should be further clarified or complemented –
including by regulatory action if necessary; and INVITES the FSC to look
at them with a view to provide advice on further strategic priorities as
appropriate, taking into account challenges arising from the market
developments; and
LOOKS FORWARD to the FSC’s review of the Lamfalussy framework in
2006 and 2007.”
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Fælleskonklusioner fra ministerdialogen mellem EU’s, de tiltrædende landes og
kandidatlandendes økonomi- og finansministre
”Den 5. maj 2006 afholdt EU’s, de tiltrædende landes og kandidatlandenes
økonomi- og finansministre sammen med repræsentanter for Kommissionen og
Den Europæiske Centralbank og for de tiltrædende landes og kandidatlandenes
centralbanker deres ottende dialogmøde om økonomisk politik, herunder
vedrørende deres forberedelse af integrationen i EU's finanspolitiske overvågning
og samordning af den økonomiske politik fra tiltrædelsen.
Rumænien og Bulgarien (tiltrædende lande)
Ministrene godkendte de vedlagte fælles udtalelser om Bulgariens og Rumæniens
økonomiske førtiltrædelsesprogrammer 2005. De understregede, at begge lande
nu befandt sig i en afgørende fase af deres endelige forberedelser af tiltrædelsen,
navnlig for så vidt angår gennemførelsen af gældende fællesskabsret. Ministrene
gentog, at det er vigtigt at overholde de forpligtelser, som de tiltrædende lande har
indgået, herunder de frister, der er fastlagt under forhandlingerne. På baggrund af
Kommissionens tilsynsrapporter opfordrede ministrene indtrængende Bulgarien
og Rumænien til at løse alle udestående spørgsmål inden tiltrædelsen.
Kroatien og Tyrkiet (kandidatlande)
Ministrene udtrykte tilfredshed med de to kandidatlandes økonomiske
førtiltrædelsesprogrammer 2005. Ministrene gav deres tilslutning til følgende
konklusioner om vurderingen af disse programmer:
1. Kroatiens andet økonomiske førtiltrædelsesprogram for 2006-2008 er et
samlet dokument om den økonomiske politik, der opstiller en grundlæggende
sund og sammenhængende makroøkonomisk ramme på mellemlang sigt.
Dokumentet indeholder nogle tekniske forbedringer i forhold til det, der blev
forelagt sidste år, og opfylder delvis kravene til indhold, form og data.
Programmet bør medvirke til at styrke retningslinjerne for fastlæggelse af den
økonomiske politik.
2. Kroatiens økonomi har for nylig vist tegn på en stærkere og stigende vækst
med lav inflation og stabile valutakurser. Den finanspolitiske konsolidering er
blevet videreført, men der er stadig eksterne ubalancer, navnlig i form af en
relativt høj udlandsgæld i forhold til BNI. Programmets vækstscenario
forekommer realistisk, men prognoserne på mellemlang sigt for inflation,
budgetbalance og eksterne balancer forekommer ret optimistiske.
3. Programmets politiksammensætning bestående af fortsat finanspolitisk
konsolidering og stabilitetsorienteret monetær politik forekommer
hensigtsmæssig til afhjælpning af makroøkonomiske skævheder under de
særlige omstændigheder med omfattende substitution af aktiver. Programmet
ville klart have haft gavn af en mere systematisk og samlet præsentation af
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specifikke finanspolitiske og andre økonomisk-politiske foranstaltninger og
deres forventede budgetmæssige virkninger.
4. Strukturreformdagsordenen forekommer generelt ambitiøs og dens vægt på
en styrkelse af dynamikken i den private sektor er hensigtsmæssig og meget
prisværdig. I denne forbindelse så ministrene med tilfredshed på rapporten fra
Udvalget for Økonomisk Politik om de strukturelle politiske udfordringer i
Kroatien. Der var bred enighed om rapportens hovedkonklusioner. Kroatien
har gjort betydelige fremskridt med hensyn til gennemførelsen af sin
strukturreformdagsorden, men der er stadig spillerum til at fremskynde
reformhastigheden på en række nøgleområder: færdiggørelse af privatisering
og omstrukturering, fortsættelse af finanspolitisk konsolidering og reform af
velfærdssystemerne, forbedring af arbejdsmarkedets fleksibilitet samt
forbedring af erhvervsklimaet og de lovgivningsmæssige rammer for
netværksindustrier. I denne forbindelse ville programmet have haft gavn af en
mere systematisk beskrivelse af de politiske foranstaltninger og deres relevans
for gennemførelsen af den finanspolitiske strategi. Programmet kræver stor
beslutsomhed og indsats fra de kroatiske myndigheders side for at
fremskynde reformerne på de ovennævnte områder og for at fjerne de
hindringer, der har ført til en svag politisk gennemførelse før i tiden.
Ministrene anerkendte, at der er gjort betydelige fremskridt med hensyn til at
forandre den kroatiske økonomi, og opfordrede Kroatien til målrettet at fortsætte
reformprocessen. På baggrund af ovennævnte vurdering opfordrede ministrene
Kroatien til fortsat at være agtpågivende med hensyn til de budgetrisici, der kan
bringe en holdbar finanspolitisk konsolidering i fare, og med hensyn til den høje
udlandsgæld. Endvidere bør Kroatien fortsat takle de strukturelle problemer inden
for økonomien, blandt andet også ved at mindske den offentlige sektors andel.
1. Det økonomiske førtiltrædelsesprogram 2005, der dækker perioden 2005-
2008, sigter mod at understøtte en vellykket tiltrædelse af EU og
realøkonomisk indkomstkonvergens, navnlig ved at nedbringe
budgetunderskud og offentlig gæld i det hele taget samt fortsætte struktur-
reformprocessen. Programmet opfylder i store træk kravene i den
konsoliderede oversigt for så vidt angår indhold, form og data. Det er en
nyttig ramme for den økonomiske politik i Tyrkiet på mellemlang sigt, der
stort set er i overensstemmelse med IMF’s og Verdensbankens strategiske
2. De makroøkonomiske resultater i 2005 var bedre end forventet med stigende
vækst, faldende inflation og et mindre budgetunderskud end forventet.
Underskuddet på betalingsbalancens løbende poster er dog væsentligt højere
end forventet. Denne tendens med større balanceproblemer over for udlandet
må overvåges nøje. Det økonomiske førtiltrædelsesprogram 2005 forudser et
betydeligt skift i sammensætningen af kapitalposter, hvorved FDI ville
begynde at erstatte porteføljeinvesteringer som den vigtigste finansieringspost
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fra 2005. Det samlede makroøkonomiske scenario indtil 2007 ser rimeligt ud,
men metodegrundlaget kunne godt forbedres yderligere.
3. Scenariet vedrørende de offentlige finanser med gradvis nedbringelse af
budgetunderskuddet er en udmærket målsætning. Yderligere finanspolitisk
konsolidering ville bidrage til at mindske de potentielle risici for balancen over
for udlandet. Der vil stadig være risici, men i en mindre udstrækning, eftersom
det nuværende og faldende gældsniveau stadig er højt, og fristen stadig er
kort, selv om den er blevet forlænget siden 2002. Sårbarhed over for rente- og
valutachok er ikke ubetydelig trods den fast forrentede gælds stigende andel.
Det er vigtigt at forbedre kvaliteten af den finanspolitiske justering for at sikre
gældsbæredygtighed og åbne muligheder for vækstfremmende udgifter og
lavere skatter.
4. Den strukturelle og institutionelle reformdagsorden, der præsenteres i
reformdagsordenen er foregået på områder såsom privatisering, reform af den
offentlige administration og forbedringer af investeringsklimaet.
Reformdagsordenen er imidlertid omfattende, og flere af de foranstaltninger,
der er opstillet i det økonomiske førtiltrædelsesprogram 2004, er blevet
forsinket. De fremlagte budgetmæssige følger af reformerne er ikke særlig
omfattende. Yderligere reformbestræbelser er særlig vigtige i forbindelse med
overvågning af statsstøtte, forbedring af erhvervsklimaet og vedrørende
arbejdsmarkedets funktionsdygtighed.
Ministrene så med tilfredshed på den tyrkiske økonomis forbedrede
makroøkonomiske resultater i 2005 og opfordrede Tyrkiet til at fortsætte med at
ændre økonomien med beslutsomhed og i overensstemmelse med det IMF-
støttede program. På baggrund af ovennævnte vurdering mente ministrene, at
Tyrkiet nøje bør overvåge udviklingen af underskuddet på betalingsbalancens
løbende poster. Mens det er gået fremad med reformdagsordenen på mange
områder, som f.eks. den nyligt godkendte socialsikringsreform, bør Tyrkiet tage
fat på andre strukturreformer.
Bulgarien, Rumænien (tiltrædende lande)
Ministrene så med tilfredshed på fremskridtsrapporten af 26. april 2006 om
gennemførelsen af handlingsplanen for økonomiske, monetære og finansielle
statistikker i de tiltrædende lande og kandidatlandene og de igangværende
bestræbelser i forbindelse med dens gennemførelse. Trods de fremskridt, der er
gjort, vil der være behov for yderligere arbejde for at sikre overholdelse af
Bulgarien og Rumænien bør fortsætte deres bestræbelser for at sikre fuld
overensstemmelse på tiltrædelsestidspunktet, navnlig på områderne offentlig gæld
og underskud (begge tiltrædende lande bør forbedre overholdelsen af ENS-95-
regnskabsreglerne), årlige nationalregnskaber, det harmoniserede forbruger-
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prisindeks (især Bulgarien) samt statistikker vedrørende langfristede
statsobligationer. Desuden: tilgængelighed og aktualitet i forbindelse med visse
statistikker, der udarbejdes flere gange om året (især kvartalsstatistikker
vedrørende beskæftigelse og offentlige finanser), gennemførelse af monetære
finansielle institutioners (MFI) rentestatistikker samt forberedelse af finansielle
kvartalsregnskaber. Det er også vigtigt, at begge tiltrædende lande afsætter
tilstrækkelige ressourcer til indsamling af alle andre statistikker, der er nødvendige
for konvergensrapporterne, og fremlægger alle data i overensstemmelse med
gældende regler. Endvidere bemærkes det, at det vil være vigtigt at styrke den
rolle, som de nationale statistiske kontorer spiller, samt at samarbejde
gnidningsløst med de andre relevante myndigheder på nationalt plan. De
tiltrædende lande opfordres til snarest at fremskynde deres indsats på disse
områder og EFC bør fortsat nøje overvåge fremskridtene på grundlag af
regelmæssige fremskridtsrapporter.
Kroatien, Den Tidligere Jugoslaviske Republik Makedonien og Tyrkiet (kandidatlande)
Ministrene så med tilfredshed på de fremskridt, som Kroatien og Tyrkiet har gjort
med hensyn til indberetning af økonomiske statistikker. De understregede
imidlertid, at der endnu er behov for en betydelig forbedring for at opfylde
kravene i handlingsplanen for økonomiske, monetære og finansielle statistikker
for de tiltrædende lande og kandidatlandene. Der er behov for at fremskynde
bestræbelserne, især på områderne nationalregnskab og statistikker, der udarbejdes
flere gange om året. Den vigtigste prioritering for Den Tidligere Jugoslaviske
Republik Makedonien bør være kapacitetsopbygning med henblik på regelmæssig
udarbejdelse og indberetning af data i overensstemmelse med kravene i
handlingsplanen. Alle kandidatlande skal sørge for regelmæssig indberetning af
data, der foreligger på nationalt plan.
Samlet konklusion
Ministrene konkluderede, at det var af afgørende betydning for Bulgarien og
Rumænien at færdiggøre forberedelserne til tiltrædelsen ved fuldt ud at
gennemføre gældende fællesskabsret og ved at løse alle udestående spørgsmål
inden tiltrædelsen. Kroatien og Tyrkiet bør fortsætte reformprocessen ved en
videreførelse af makroøkonomisk stabilisering og finanspolitisk konsolidering.
Inden for rammerne af deres reformdagsorden bør begge lande fokusere på
vedvarende økonomiske strukturreformer.
Landene står over for en række fælles ændringer vedrørende makroøkonomisk og
finansiel stabilitet samt strukturelle ændringer. For så vidt angår makroøkonomisk
og finansiel stabilitet synes der at være følgende fælles træk, selv om der er
variationer landene imellem:
stærk stigning i den indenlandske efterspørgsel
efter få år med disinflation eller lav inflation er inflationen siden 2005
steget i nogle lande og disinflationen er aftaget i andre
hurtig vækst i långivningen
fremmed valuta spiller en vigtig rolle i banksektoren
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stort eller stigende underskud på betalingsbalancens løbende poster.
På struktursiden går udfordringerne på gennemførelse af privatiseringer og
fremme af omstruktureringer i erhvervslivet, forbedring af erhvervsklimaet for at
stimulere investeringer og styrke konkurrenceevnen, styrkelse af administrativ
kapacitet og retssikkerhed (herunder fuldbyrdelse af kontrakter), bekæmpelse af
korruption og hvidvaskning af penge i nogle lande og gennemførelse af
arbejdsmarkedsreformer samt forstærkelse af indsatsen for at integrere
undergrundsøkonomien i den formelle sektor.
Ministrene mindede om handlingsplanen for økonomiske, monetære og finansielle
statistikker for de tiltrædende lande og kandidatlandene, der blev vedtaget i maj
2003, og som fortsat bør være en topprioritet for de statistiske myndigheder i alle
disse lande. De statistiske kontorer bør have de nødvendige ressourcer stillet til
rådighed, så de kan opfylde kravene i planen. Der er gjort fremskridt, men der er
endnu behov for betydelige forbedringer. Navnlig Bulgarien og Rumænien bør
snarest fremskynde deres bestræbelser for at sikre fuld overensstemmelse på
Ministrene understregede, at de med støtte fra Det Økonomiske og Finansielle
Udvalg, Udvalget for Økonomisk Politik og Kommissionen er fast besluttet på
fortsat at overvåge fremskridtene med hensyn til den økonomiske politik samt
budget- og strukturpolitikken i de tiltrædende lande og kandidatlandene.
Ministrene vil afholde et nyt møde i løbet af 2007 for at fortsætte deres dialog.
Dialogen mellem Det Økonomiske og Finansielle Udvalg og dets modparter vil
også fortsætte i 2007.”
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Fælles udtalelse om 2005 førtiltrædelsesprogrammet for Rumænien
examined the 2005 Pre-Accession Economic Programme of Romania on the basis
of an assessment prepared by the Commission Services with a contribution from
the ECB and adopted this joint opinion.
Romania’s fifth Pre-Accession Economic Programme provides a medium-term
policy framework, covering the period 2005-2008. It includes public finance
objectives and structural reform priorities needed for EU accession and prepares
further the institutional and analytical capacity necessary to participate in EMU.
The programme was adopted by the Government of Romania.
The 2005 PEP, submitted on 1 December 2005, sets out an overall economic
policy strategy oriented towards sustainable real convergence of the Romanian
economy towards the EU and improvements to the business environment in
order to enable Romania to cope with the competitive pressures and market
forces within the European Union. The programme sets relatively few and clear
objectives, among which the reduction of inflation and regional disparity. The
macroeconomic framework projects continued strong GDP growth of above 6%
annually, driven by domestic demand and a considerable reduction in the negative
contribution from net exports. Domestic demand is expected to moderate over
the programme period, notably due to a gradual easing of growth of household
consumption, while annual investment growth would be strong. The current
account deficit is expected to narrow from 9.0% of GDP in 2005 to 5.1% in 2008
due to an increase in remittances and EU transfers and a significant improvement
in the incomes and services balance. Driven by growing employment in the SME
sector and solid FDI inflows, the programme projects higher employment rate
and falling unemployment. Monetary policy will aim at sustainable disinflation
within an inflation targeting regime that blends interest rate policy, exchange rate
policy, prudential and administrative measures. A prudent wage policy in the
public sector, including state-owned enterprises, and a further reduction of the
quasi-fiscal subsidies are set as conditions for achieving the programme’s targets.
Fiscal policy will remain geared towards stimulating economic growth seeking to
ensure macroeconomic stability and providing the resources necessary to finance
accession-related expenditure and to sustain real convergence. Budgetary
resources would be raised by an improved capacity to absorb increasing EU
transfers and a revenue policy centred on a broader tax base, strengthened tax
collection and improved symmetry in the taxation of various sources of income,
which would finance a gradual cut in social security tax rates. The general
government deficit is projected to widen from 0.4% of GDP in 2005 to 1.6% in
2008 against the background of a 1.5% of GDP decline in the revenue ratio and a
broadly stable expenditure ratio. General government gross debt in ESA 95 terms
would decrease from 17.1% of GDP in 2005 to 14.6% in 2008. Quasi-fiscal
subsidies in the form of the financing of state-owned enterprises, the
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accumulation of tax arrears and the non-payment of state guaranteed loans would
be further reduced.
The programme includes a comprehensive agenda of structural reforms to
improve the functioning of product, capital and labour markets and boost the
competitiveness and supply-side response of the Romanian economy. Numerous
objectives and initiatives derive from the strategy embedded in the National
Development Plan of Romania, which sets EU accession as a fundamental aim.
Therefore, they reflect Romania’s commitment to fully align its legal framework
with the acquis, fulfil the Copenhagen second economic criterion and
progressively move towards a knowledgebased economy in line with the Lisbon
agenda. In general, the policy response to structural challenges is appropriate, but
the link to the macroeconomic and fiscal scenario is weak at times, reducing the
coherence of the overall programme.
The programme provides a factually correct summary of recent macroeconomic
developments and sets out a comprehensive and broadly consistent
macroeconomic framework. A more explicit view on the macroeconomic
consequences of the considerable tax cuts undertaken in January 2005, notably the
extent to which they may explain the continued domestic demand and inflationary
pressures, would have been welcomed. Based on an improved production
function methodology, the framework clearly presents the sources of potential
GDP growth, but the potential growth rate seems optimistic and benefits in
particular from a comparatively very high contribution from total factor
productivity. This impairs the realism of an average 6.3% real GDP growth going
hand in hand with diminishing output gap, accelerated disinflation and rapidly
declining external imbalances. The programme projects a significant moderation
of private consumption growth even while foreseeing considerably gains in
disposable incomes, rising employment, declining inflation, continued
appreciation and solid credit growth. Furthermore, the surge in the private sector
savings ratio, which would reverse the unexpected drop in 2005, is largely
unexplained. Hence, it seems likely that excess demand would persist in the
economy. It is also likely that the shock in 2005 to industrial production from
energy price hikes, rapid exchange rate appreciation, floods and considerable wage
growth may help to speed up the structural adjustment process in the enterprise
sector, which could imply a temporary lowering of industrial production growth.
Bearing in mind the advantages of a cautious macroeconomic scenario, the PEP’s
discussion of an alternative scenario consisting of weaker domestic supply and a
larger negative contribution from external trade to GDP growth combined with
laxer wage and fiscal policy is very relevant.
The fiscal framework benefits from a well-explained and realistic projection of
revenues, but is less convincing with regard to considerable budgetary financing
needs in many areas being hosted within a stable expenditure ratio and a 1.5% of
GDP decline in the revenue ratio. This drop in the revenue ratio is projected
against the background of the significant cuts in income and profit tax in 2005,
which, including the effect from revenue raising measures, had a net negative
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impact on direct tax revenue of about 1% of GDP. The loss of revenue was less
than the reduction in the average tax rates would have suggested. However, if
taking into account the cyclical position of the economy, it was for income tax
larger and for profit tax fully in line with the rate reductions. It was mitigated by a
higher growth in official employment, which reflects the formalisation of some
jobs, and by strong growth in revenue from indirect taxes, notably VAT, due to
both the cyclical position of the economy and improvements in tax collection.
This led to a stable revenue ratio in 2005. Romania succeeded in accommodating
large flood repairs without a rising general government deficit, but wages,
subsidies and transfers grew more than budgeted. The programme displays
awareness of the benefits from redirecting expenditures towards physical and
human capital in order to sustain real convergence, but the ability to implement a
much more restrictive wage policy, carry out a major restraint of current
expenditures and effectively restructure expenditures will be a litmus test for the
credibility of Romania’s expenditure policy. Moreover, a strengthened capacity for
absorbing EU transfers is required if Romania is to fully benefit from the
appropriations under the financial perspectives 2007-13. The programme seeks to
reconcile the objective of fiscal prudence with the priority of using fiscal policy to
sustain growth, but there is little recognition of the role that fiscal consolidation
and avoidance of a pro-cyclical policy stance can play in creating sound conditions
for sustained high growth. Success in the execution of the 2006 budget will be
crucial to ensure that the widening of the cyclically adjusted deficit over the
programme period can be contained to the planned level. Furthermore, with a less
optimistic potential growth rate than used in the programme, the cyclically-
adjusted deficit would get close to 3% of GDP in 2008 if the programme’s
projection of aggregate demand materialises. This raises doubts over Romania’s
medium-term fiscal prospects. In addition to the fiscal risks highlighted in the
programme, the full amount to be covered by general government via the
Property Fund as financial compensations for the non-restitution of property is
uncertain and potentially significant in the context of postaccession fiscal
surveillance. Challenged also by a financially fragile public pension system and
likely expenditure pressure from the health system, non-programmed revenue
gains and additional revenue measures should be fully used to support the
sustainability of Romania’s public finances. In this context, the Council welcomes
the recently approved reform package in the health area.
The programme contains a clear commitment to continue structural reforms in
the light of EU integration and bears witness to important privatisations
accomplished in energy and banking, good progress in the area of state aid policy,
opening of the electricity and natural gas markets, and a reduction of quasi-fiscal
subsidies. The structural reform agenda appears broadly supportive of Romania’s
objective to attain sufficient competitiveness within the Union. Yet, for certain
sectors where reform has been slower, such as transport and agriculture and some
areas of energy, the envisaged measures could have been bolder and placed within
a clearer time table. To sustain the reform process, improvements in the
institutional framework necessary for absorbing EU funding seem warranted. A
clearer commitment to liquidate non-viable companies and reduce subsidies in
order to support the re-allocation of economic resources and prepare for EU
accession would have been welcomed.
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Given the above assessment, Ministers commend the Romanian authorities for
sustaining the catching-up process and express their recognition of Romania’s
progress in reforming its economy and the renewed commitment to ensure
macroeconomic stability. They highlight the contribution of monetary policy to
the continued decline in core inflation and support a clear focus on further
disinflation in coming years, which is of the utmost importance. They note the
overall consolidation of public finances over recent years, including the reduction
in the broad public sector deficit, which has played a positive role in safeguarding
sustainable economic growth. They emphasise that the strong underlying growth
creates favourable conditions for accelerating structural reforms and addressing
Romania's fiscal challenges. They call for caution in the policy mix in order to not
to jeopardise the sustainability of the external balance and further disinflation.
Ministers consider the 2005 Pre-accession Economic Programme a useful
medium-term framework for Romania’s economic policy in preparation for EU
accession. They welcome the programme’s increased awareness of the need for a
prudent fiscal policy and the clear objective of enhancing Romania’s growth
potential by redirecting expenditures towards physical and human capital, and
encourage Romania to develop a clear medium-term expenditure strategy. They
note that the programme’s fiscal policy strategy is pro-cyclical and surrounded by
certain downside risks, notably with regard to public sector wage policy. They
advise caution about the effects of the cuts in income and corporate profit tax
rates on the revenue to GDP ratio, which could make it more difficult to provide
fiscal space for expenditures in relation to EU accession and would cause a
deterioration of the fiscal position if the favourable cyclical conditions come to an
end. In view of the need to strengthen revenues, Ministers commend the
Romanian authorities on their efforts to broaden the tax base and improve
revenue collection and encourage them, moreover, to give more consideration to
the option of raising some carefully targeted tax rates, notably to contribute to
ensuring balanced growth and improving the structure of the tax system. They
emphasise that the credibility of Romania’s expenditure policy depends on a more
cautious public sector wage policy, the ability to restrain current expenditures and
an improved capacity to absorb EU transfers.
In light of the ageing of the population, the structural imbalance of the public
pension system and the expected increase in health expenditure, Ministers urge
Romania to increasingly focus on the long-term sustainability of its public
finances and implement a comprehensive strategy for reforming the pension
system. In view of Romania’s experience, they acknowledge the merits of
strengthening the supply side conditions of the economy, notably by reducing
non-wage labour costs and revisiting the use of early retirement and disability
Ministers commend Romania for its strong efforts to further reduce quasi-fiscal
subsidies stemming from the financing requirement of state-owned enterprises,
implicit subsidies provided via the energy sector and the accumulation of tax
arrears. The acceleration of reforms, in particular some areas of energy as well as
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transport and agriculture, and the liquidation of non-viable enterprises, remain
crucial for strengthening Romania’s competitiveness and preparing EU accession.
Ministers also urge Romania to vigorously pursue reforms in the labour and
product markets, and to enhance the supply-side response of the economy by
accelerating the development of an adequate road infrastructure. They welcome
the amendment of the Labour Code and emphasise the need to further address
the rigidities in the labour market and to consider how to further reduce the
relatively high payroll taxes. Ministers stress the need for further improving the
business environment, in particular by addressing remaining weaknesses in the
functioning of the judiciary, governance and administrative capacity as well as
rigorously implementing control of money laundering in the non-banking
financial sector. They also salute Romania’s increased focus on the objectives of
the Lisbon agenda and encourage the authorities to pursue with more
determination policies corresponding to their current priorities in areas such as
human capital and infrastructure development, transition to an information
society and absorption of knowledge by enterprises.
Finally, Ministers note Romania’s progress since last year in developing the
institutional and analytical capacity required to participate in EMU. They
underscore Romania’s obligation to ensure that the process of providing fully
compatible, detailed and timely ESA 95 data is accomplished before Romania’s
accession to the EU.”
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Fælles udtalelse om 2005 førtiltrædelsesprogrammet for Bulgarien
examined the 2005 Pre-Accession Economic Programme of Bulgaria on the basis
of an assessment prepared by the Commission Services with a contribution from
the ECB and adopted this joint opinion.
Bulgaria’s fifth Pre-Accession Economic Programme provides a medium-term
policy framework, covering the period 2005-2008. It includes public finance
objectives and structural reform priorities needed for EU accession and prepares
further the institutional and analytical capacity necessary to participate in EMU.
The programme was adopted by the Bulgarian Council of Ministers.
The 2005 PEP updates last year’s programme and aims at fulfilling the
commitments for accession and achieving a tangible improvement in living
standards. It envisages the continuation of prudent fiscal policies and of structural
reforms. The macroeconomic scenario expects real GDP growth to increase from
5.6% in 2004 to 5.9% in 2007 and 2008. This implies an upward revision of
growth rates by around 0.4 percentage points compared to the 2004 PEP, which
is not unrealistic in the light of recent strong investment growth and productivity
gains resulting from economic restructuring. Following the substantial widening in
2005, projections for the current account deficit have been revised considerably
upward. It is, however, expected to decline again steadily by more than 5
percentage points until 2008, mainly because of higher EU transfers and a steady
recovery of the trade and services balances. Net FDI inflows would remain
relatively stable and finance almost completely the current account deficit in most
years. The PEP envisages robust employment growth of above 1% per year and a
sustained reduction of inflation to below 3% by 2008. Additional measures to
curb bank credit growth entered into force in April 2005 and have been effective
in bringing down growth rates to close to 30%. It is the declared objective of the
Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) and the Government to apply for ERM II
participation immediately after accession and to adopt the euro in the second half
of 2009 or early 2010, both at the current exchange rate of the currency board.
The public finance framework aims at maintaining a balanced or close-to-balance
budget while reducing the tax burden, increasing the efficiency of public spending
and streamlining the size of the public sector. After a 3.1% of GDP surplus in
2005, the programme foresees a balanced budget in 2006. Following an agreement
with the IMF, this target has in the meantime been revised to a 3% of GDP
surplus (cash basis, up from 2.3% in 2005). For 2007 and 2008, the PEP projects
government deficits of 0.2 and 0.7% of GDP because of extra accession-related
expenditures. General government debt would decrease further from 31.3% of
GDP in 2005 to 22.7% in 2008. With actual output close to or slightly above
potential, the cyclically-adjusted balance does not deviate significantly from the
actual balance.
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The PEP sets out an extensive list of structural reform measures aiming to
improve the functioning of product and factor markets, strengthening
competitiveness and encouraging investment. Privatisation of state-owned
enterprises is well advanced and the liberalisation and restructuring of network
industries has made further progress. The programme includes a number of
measures in the areas of administrative and judicial reform which would improve
certain aspects of the business environment. Labour market reforms mainly focus
on improving education and training as well as life-long learning. Plans for health
reform concentrate on strengthening financial discipline in the hospital sector.
Some measures to improve the quality and long-term sustainability of public
finances are envisaged in the programme.
The PEP largely complies with the main methodological requirements. Data on
output gap, cyclically adjusted budget and long-term sustainability of public
finances have been presented but calculations of potential growth are not yet
based on a production function approach and the methodology for assessing the
long-term sustainability of public finances is insufficiently explained. The
macroeconomic framework appears overall realistic, consistent and
comprehensive. However, the reduction of the current account deficit might turn
out to be more gradual, especially if the moderation in private consumption and
investment growth and thus the decrease in the trade deficit should be less
pronounced than expected. The recovery of the surplus in the services balance
that relies on a substantial re-acceleration of growth in the tourist industry may be
difficult to attain. The projected stabilisation of net FDI inflows at levels above
EUR 2 billion per year, although not fully consistent with the experience in 2005,
could be possible considering the experience of the new Member States where the
FDI inflow in the accession year increased substantially. It remains to be seen
whether the projected increase in participation rates necessary to maintain an
employment growth of above 1% can be achieved. Against the background of
strong domestic demand and a considerable fiscal easing in 2007 and 2008, the
expected reduction of inflation to below 3% in 2008 could also prove too
The continuation of a prudent fiscal policy with a budget close to balance is
generally consistent with the macroeconomic scenario. However, the substantial
fiscal easing foreseen for 2007 and 2008 would imply a pro-cyclical fiscal stance in
2007 and would, if implemented jeopardise the aim of reducing the current
account deficit and further bringing down inflation rates. This easing could
probably be avoided by aligning national spending priorities better with those
under EU Structural Fund programmes, by substituting certain national
expenditures, for example on agriculture, with EU payments, and by intensified
efforts to streamline government spending. The pattern of revenue over-
performance highlighted in last year’s assessment continued in 2005. The practice
of under-estimating budget revenues helps to achieve or outperform fiscal targets,
but reduces considerably the transparency of budget execution, impedes a further
reduction of the tax burden and encourages discretionary spending. Fiscal risks
appear manageable, although risks related to certain structural reforms and major
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investment projects have not been fully considered in the PEP and could entail
further upside pressures on government expenditures.
The structural reform agenda is largely in line with key objectives of the Lisbon
Agenda and supports the fulfilment of the second Copenhagen economic
criterion. The PEP highlights the progress made in improving the functioning of
product and financial markets through privatisation, liberalisation of network
industries and improvements in the regulatory framework in line with EU
requirements. It contains a set of individual measures which – if properly
implemented – would improve the business environment in Bulgaria. However,
these measures are not embedded in a comprehensive and systematic strategy.
The PEP does not present any concrete proposals for increasing labour market
flexibility and gives only very limited indication on the future direction of active
labour market and wage policies. Further efforts on education and health reform
would be particularly important to improve the quality of services, increase the
efficiency of public spending and adapt these sectors better to the needs of a
rapidly ageing and shrinking population.
Given the above assessment, Ministers commend the Bulgarian authorities for
sustaining the catching-up process and achieving a fairly high degree of
macroeconomic stability by maintaining prudent fiscal policies and continuing
structural reforms. They consider the 2005 Pre-accession Economic Programme a
useful medium-term framework for Bulgaria’s economic policy in preparation for
EU accession. Ministers are concerned by the widening of the current account
deficit in 2005. They welcome, however, that measures have been taken to contain
the external deficit by tightening fiscal policy and constraining credit growth.
Ministers welcome the public finance scenario of a balanced or close-to-balance
budget which is largely adequate in view of possible risks for the external balance
in a currency board arrangement. Given the high current account deficit, an
additional fiscal tightening would, however, appear appropriate and Ministers
therefore welcome the revision of the fiscal target for 2006. They urge the
Bulgarian authorities to intensify efforts to avoid a fiscal expansion in 2007 and
2008 which could otherwise threaten the aim of reducing the external deficit and
bringing down inflation. Ministers consider that while the practice of very
conservative revenue projections helps to achieve fiscal targets thanks to revenue
overruns, it limits the scope for reducing the tax burden. Ministers note that
moderate real wage increases in line with productivity gains have helped to secure
competitiveness within the context of the currency board arrangement and
underline that the continuation of this trend in the future will be critical. Ministers
welcome the advanced state of privatisation and the further progress reached on
the restructuring and liberalisation of network industries. They encourage the
Bulgarian authorities to maintain the structural reform momentum and to
successfully complete the privatisation process. Ministers note the measures
foreseen to improve the business environment, but emphasise that further
progress in this area will be crucial to strengthen the adaptive capacity of the
Bulgarian economy. They encourage the Bulgarian authorities to fully implement
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the reform of business registration. They call for further strong efforts to improve
the functioning of the judiciary and of the administrative system which is of
particular importance for the business climate. The improvement of the regulatory
environment for businesses should continue with renewed ambition. Ministers
welcome the improvement in the labour market situation and the measures taken
to reduce non-wage labour costs and to promote education and training as well as
life-long learning. Further progress in education reform and intensified efforts to
raise employment rates will be important to tackle mismatches in the labour
market and to strengthen the growth potential. Ministers regret that no concrete
measures to increase labour market flexibility are envisaged in the programme.
Action should in particular be taken to allow for more flexible labour market
arrangements Ministers encourage the Bulgarian authorities to intensify their
efforts in reforming the education and health systems, in particular in view of a
rapidly ageing and shrinking population, and welcome the steps taken to ensure
the long-term sustainability of public finances.
Finally, Ministers note Bulgaria’s progress in developing the institutional and
analytical capacity required to participate in EMU. They underscore Bulgaria’s
obligation to ensure the provision of fully compatible, detailed and timely ESA 95
data before accession.”