Europaudvalget 2006-07
2774 - landbrug og fiskeri Bilag 7
2007 TACs & Quotas Proposal for selected
fish stocks & fisheries
Every year, ICES advice calls for a further reduction in fishing quotas
of pressured stocks and each year WWF has observed a blatant
disregard of this scientific advice by the Council of Ministers. The
result of such mismanagement is the continuous deterioration of
European Fish stocks, and a continued delay of the implementation
of ecosystem based fisheries management – a cornerstone of the
reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).
The Fisheries & Maritime Commissioner has on several occasions
outlined the need for a gradual approach to TACs (Total Allowable
Catches) and quotas and effort reduction - limiting reductions to 15%
(except for stocks under recovery plan to 25%). The gradual
approach however does have the downside of delaying the
profitability of the sector in the longer terms, as necessary
adjustment of TACs to stock depletion is missing and therefore the
productivity of the stock is significantly reduced in long term as
shown in the flatfish non-paper produced by the European
Commission. It also puts the biological integrity of targeted and by
caught fish stocks and ecosystem robustness of marine ecosystem
at great risk of permanent collapse. This should be borne in mind
when considering decisions at this year’s December Council
The reformed CFP will maintain its failure in delivering sustainable
fisheries management as long as sound scientific advice based on
the precautionary principle continues to be ignored. WWF urges the
European Commission and the European Council of Fisheries
Ministers to set quotas according to ICES advice and implement
measures that will eradicate wasteful fishing practices (through
technical measures and bycatch quotas) and illegal fishing practices
as well as improve data collection through the increased use of
observer programmes. Only by taking such measures will we finally
implement ecosystem based management of fisheries and safe the
resource all fishing business is depending on – the fish stocks
WWF is focusing in this briefing on cod and associated stocks, plaice
and sole, elasmobranchs and the proposal on the introduction of
electric fishing and the deepwater gillnet fishery. A priority for both
Members States and European Commission should be the
identification of the cause of the significant .so called “unaccounted
for removals”, which according to ICES figures make up 40% of the
cod catches. ICES also go on to say that plausible contributions to
these unaccounted removals are discards of catches in excess of the
quota,and mis- and underreporting of catches. (ICES, 2006
In certain fisheries (i.e. whiting, haddock, plaice and Nephrops)
discards of fish remain very high; in some fisheries discards rate of
up to 90% have been recorded (ICES, 2006
). Improvements in gear
selectivity to reduce the catches of fishes below Minimum Landing
Sizes (MLS) are becoming imperative to protect fish stocks.
December 2006
For further information
Carol Phua
Fisheries Policy Officer
WWF European Policy Office
1040 Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 743 8800
Direct: +32 2 740 0928
+32 2 743 8819
[email protected]
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In the North Sea flatfish fishery, mesh size increase would reduce the bycatch of undersized plaice
(ICES, 2006) and help significantly to rebuild the plaice stock. An increase in the MLS of sole could
provide an incentive to fish with larger mesh sizes and therefore mean a reduction in the discarding of
Currently, discarding is a legitimate, yet highly unsustainable, method of managing quotas and
capture of fish below MLS. WWF urges the Commission and Ministers to formally review the merits of
introducing a discard ban in certain fisheries where levels are acknowledged as high. Such a measure
would have to be designed appropriately to allow for effective monitoring and evaluation. Onboard
observers would have to be a key element to such a measure. The use of technical measures to
improve selectivity must be a key priority for the Commission and Member States to be introduced as
standard practice throughout EU fisheries.
Onboard Observers
Deployment of observers on all fisheries under recovery and long term management plans is urgently
needed. On fleet segments targeting or bycatching cod it is crucial to monitor and evaluate catch and
the implementation of bycatch quotas should this measure be implemented, which we strongly
advocate it is. WWF’s recommends observers be deployed onboard vessels catching cod (including
bycatch of cod) to improve the scientific assessment and enforcement of the cod Recovery Plan as
outlined in the WWF report on
Observer Programmes: Best Practice Funding Options and North Sea
Case Study
Ecosystem Based Management
Integrated management of areas such as the North Sea is urgently needed under the framework of
ecosystem based management. Species that are an integral part of ecosystem, for example sandeel
and Norway pout in the North Sea are currently considered to be in very unstable conditions being
classed as having reduced reproductive capacity by ICES
. Sandeel is an important prey species for
many marine predators, but there is very little information on the effects of fishing this stock and
further analysis of the ecological impacts of these fisheries is still required. However, the Community
continues to allow the commercial fishing of such species (on the basis of seasonal surveys) without
an environmental impact assessment – negating the spirit of the precautionary principle.
Other species such as elasmobranchs have been shown to have life history traits which mean they
can only sustain very low fishing mortality, and some species of skates and rays are widely thought to
be caught in relatively high numbers in a range of fishing gears (ICES
, 2006). Deepwater sharks, the
common ray, spurdog and several other species are currently being neglected in terms of a
comprehensive ecosystem based management approach. The EU is lagging behind countries like
Malaysia, Australia, Japan and USA which have produced an International Plan of Action and
Management (IPOA) for sharks as outlined by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
The WWF report entitled Policy Proposals and Operational Guidance for Ecosystem-Based
Management of Marine Capture Fisheries has outlined the fundamental principles of Ecosystem
Based management as:
1. Maintaining the natural structure and function of ecosystems, including the biodiversity and
productivity of natural systems and identified important species, is the focus for management.
2. Human use and values of ecosystems are central to establishing objectives for use and
management of natural resources.
3. Ecosystems are dynamic; their attributes and boundaries are constantly changing and
consequently, interactions with human uses also are dynamic.
4. Natural resources are best managed within a management system that is based on a shared
vision and a set of objectives for longer term management developed amongst stakeholders.
5. Successful management is adaptive and based on scientific knowledge, strategic planning,
continual learning and embedded monitoring processes.
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Upon review of these principles, it is clear that the current TACs and quotas system Europe adheres
to is not moving the EU towards an implementation of ecosystem based management in fisheries, as
Member States are currently committed under the CFP. It is crucial that management decisions are
based on best available scientific advice and not bartered for political gains. WWF urges the
European Commission and Fisheries Ministers to make decisions in Decembers which will ensure
Europe moves towards a successful implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy and not yet
another case study for the
Tragedy of the Commons.
Below are WWF’s Recommendations for critical European stocks and fisheries.
Table 1.0: Comparative table of ICES Advice and TACs & quotas set , Commission Proposal &
WWF recommendations
TACs agreed
for 2005
ICES advice
for 2006
TACs agreed ICES advice WWF
for 2006
for 2007
Cod & Associated fisheries
Cod- Irish Sea
Cod – North Sea,
Eastern Channel
& Skagerrak
Cod- West of
Haddock - North
Whiting – North
Nephrops – North
Zero catch
Zero catch
Zero Catch
Zero Catch
Zero Catch
Zero targetted
catch, minimum
level bycatch
Zero targetted catch
minimum level
bycatch quota
Zero targetted
catch, minimum
level bycatch
Follow ICES advice
in conjunction with
improved selectivity
Zero catch
Zero Catch
Zero catch
Zero Catch
Not more
than 19227
FU 6-10
No increase in
Support ICES
advice in
23,925 tonnes
conjunction with
(for IIa and VI )
bycatch reduction
measures &
onboard observers
Plaice North Sea
Sole North Sea
Basking shark
No management
Zero catch
Zero catch
Zero catch
Zero catch
No decisions
Zero Catch
No directed
Zero TAC
Zero Catch
Zero Catch
Zero Catch
Zero TAC
Zero Catch
240 tonnes
(841 tonnes)
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1. COD
Cod in Sub area IV (North Sea), Division VIId (Eastern Channel), and Division IIIa Skagerrak)
Based on the most recent estimate of Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) and fishing mortality, ICES
classifies the stock as being harvested unsustainably and suffering reduced reproductive capacity.
SSB is well below the Blim (biomass limit point) of 70 000 t. According to ICES, simulations show that
with low recruitment and zero catch in 2007 and 2008 rebuilding of the stock to Bpa (Biomass
precautionary reference point) by 2009 (“large growth potential”) can be achieved.
Table 1.1: ICES advice and Actual Quota set Fisheries Council for North Sea Cod.
North Sea
(Sub area IV)
Lowest possible catch
Zero catch
Zero catch
Zero catch
Zero catch
TAC and quota
According to ICES total removals in 2003 and 2005 have been estimated to consist of 50% official
landings, 10% discards, and 40% unaccounted removals. Plausible contributions to these
unaccounted removals are discards of catches in excess of the quota, and mis- and underreporting of
catches (ICES
, 2006). This would indicate that the management system is insufficient to control the
catches effectively.
'000 tonnes
Unaccounted removals
Figure 1.0 Cod- Unaccounted Removals (ICES, 2006).
Cod - Kattegat
According to ICES
, this stock is classed as having reduced reproductive capacity. All available data
indicate the SSB to be in the range of the historically lowest stock estimates and below the value
currently set for Blim, though the exact estimate for SSB is uncertain due to unreliable catch data.
Recruitment has been low in recent years. The SSB of cod in Kattegat has declined steadily from
around 35 000 tonnes in the 1970s, to around 5000-6000 tonnes in the 1990s. This decline seems
associated with the disappearance of separate spawning aggregations/subpopulations in Kattegat.
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The disappearance of spawning components or subpopulations is of concern for the reproductive
capacity of this stock and the ability of the stock to rebuild.
Cod - Irish Sea (Division VIIa)
classifies the stock as having reduced reproductive capacity and as being harvested
unsustainably and overexploited in terms of fishing mortality,. Fishing mortality had been around Fpa
until the mid-1980s. It has increased close to or above Flim since the late 1980s. SSB has been
below Blim since the mid-1990s. Recruitment has been below average for the past sixteen years, and
the four most recent year classes are amongst the smallest on record. At the average rate of
exploitation estimated for recent years, SSB will remain at sizes where the risk of continued poor
recruitment is high.
Cod – West of Scotland (DivisionVIa)
classifies the stock as having reduced reproductive capacity and as being harvested
unsustainably and overexploited in terms of fishing mortality. The spawning stock biomass is at an all
time low, but the rate of exploitation is uncertain and probably high. The survey SSB estimates
indicate that the stock has been declining and is presently at an historical low. Recruitment estimates
indicate a decline in recruitment in the last decade, correlated with a decline in the spawning stock to
the lowest levels observed. Recruitment since 2003 has been the weakest in the time-series.
WWF Recommendations for Cod Fisheries
In adopting the TACs for cod in the recovery zone, the Council is obliged by law to apply the scientific
evaluation of STECF, (which STECF must carry out in the light of the ICES report) as to:
(a) the level of catches that will result in an increase in stock levels of 30% at the end of the year; and
(b) the level of capture which will generate a fishing mortality rate greater than 0.65 in the North Sea,
0.60 in the Kattegat and West of Scotland and 0.72 in the Irish Sea.
The Council must not adopt TACs which exceed those levels. (Article 6 Reg 423/2004) and if the
Commission proposal is for TACs that exceeds those levels, the Council is not entitled to adopt that
proposal. Where STECF estimates (in the light of ICES advice) that the levels of stock are less than
70,000 tonnes in the North Sea, and adoption of a TAC by reference to the figures referred to in (a)
and (b) above would not bring the quantities of stock back up to above 70,000 tonnes by the following
year, then the Council, acting on a Commission proposal, must adopt a lower TAC than that set out in
(a) and (b) above (Article 7 Regulation 423/2004).
WWF recommends a cessation of commercial targeting of cod in the North Sea, Kattegat, Irish Sea
and West of Scotland. In order to comply with provision 8 of the cod recovery plan fishing effort in all
related fisheries taking cod as a bycatch should be reduced, and cod removal should be managed as
a bycatch quota, which include fisheries for haddock, whiting, Nephrops, plaice and sole (beam
It should be the priority of both Members States and European Commission to identify the cause of
the current levels of significant misreporting bearing in mind that unallocated removals make up 40%
of the cod catches. Improved selectivity measures need to be deployed in the range of fisheries
where cod is caught as a secondary species. This will include the mixed whitefish fishery, flat fish
fishery and the Nephrops fishery.
To support the implementation of bycatch quotas the effective deployment of onboard observers
would be required. This would help quantify exactly what is being removed from the fishery as well as
improve data input for assessment purposes.
WWF strongly recommend that an observers
programme be deployed in this fishery as a matter of urgency.
WWF’s report on Observer
Programmes: Best Practice Funding Options and North Sea Case Study
presents the benefits of
observer programmes and how cost effective they can be, particularly when deployed at a large
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HADDOCK in Subarea IV (North Sea) and Division IIIa (Skagerrak Kattegat)
classifies this stock as as having full reproductive capacity and being harvested sustainably.
SSB in 2005 is estimated at 256 000 t and is estimated to have decreased to around 230 000 t in
2006. SSB is well above the Bpa but the 2001 2004 year classes are all estimated to be well below
average, while the 2005 year class is above the long-term geometric mean. Indications are that the
2006 year class is low. Fishing mortality in 2005 is estimated at 0.32, which is well below Fpa.
However discarding is a problem for this fishery. ICES has noted that reducing discards would
improve landing opportunities in the longer term.
WHITING in Subarea IV (North Sea)
According to ICES
the available information is inadequate to evaluate the spawning stock in relation
to precautionary approach reference points. The assessment is indicative of trends only. The stock is
estimated at or near the lowest observed level. Landings and fishing mortality remain at a low level.
NEPHROPS (North Sea)
The by-catch and discard of non-target species is a major issue in certain Nephrops fisheries.
Considerable numbers of fish are caught as bycatch, up to 70% of which are discarded as the fish are
below the minimum landing size. Off the coast of Norway 61% of the total cod catch by Nephrops
trawls was discarded between 1995 and 2000. Indeed STECF have estimated that the entire North
Sea Nephrops fishery could account for almost half of cod removed from the water.
These fisheries need to introduce measures which can greatly reduce catch rates of cod if they are to
be prosecuted sustainably. Member States need desperately to improve selectivity in these fisheries
and support fishermen affected by such measures.
WWF strongly recommends that fisheries with high bycatch should be required to use technical
measures - such as sorting grids and escape panels – to increase the selectivity of their fishing gear.
Sorting grids allow smaller creatures, like Nephrops, to pass through a grid to reach the net proper
while bigger species, like cod, are directed towards an escape hole. Escape panels work by exploiting
the behavioural differences between scampi and fish. As fish enter a net they try to escape by
heading towards the top and sides of the net. Escape panels enable these fish to escape through the
open square-shaped meshes.
The advice from ICES
scientists on Nephrops this year includes recommendations for significant
cuts in TACs. This advice is made on the basis of stock considerations and must be taken seriously.
The Nephrops fisheries would benefit from improved levels of observer coverage to provide better
information on the fisheries and their associated catches which in turn will improve stock
WWF Recommendations for Cod Associated Fisheries
For haddock, given that is it caught in a mixed fishery alongside cod, it is crucial that any proposals to
increase the TAC for haddock is accompanied by stringent measures to ensure that bycatch of cod is
minimised. Please refer to WWF’s cod recommendations for full details.
Deployment of observers on all fleet segments targeting or bycatching cod is crucial in addressing the
problem of discarding and highgrading. WWF’s report on
Observer Programmes: Best Practice
Funding Options and North Sea Case Study
(published in November 2006) presents the benefits of
observer programmes and how cost effective they can be, particularly when deployed at a large
scale.It should be the priority of both Members States and European Commission to identify the
cause of the highly significant misreporting, which may make up to 40% of the cod catches. Improved
selectivity measures need to be deployed in the range of fisheries where cod is caught as a
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secondary species. This will include the mixed whitefish fishery, flat fish fishery and certain Nephrops
3. PLAICE AND SOLE (North Sea)
The recent ICES report
shows that the state of stocks for both Plaice and Sole has further
deteriorated and are classed as overexploited. ACFM has recommended an even further reduction in
the TACs for both species. A review of previous quotas set for these fisheries shows that the TACs
that are consistently above the scientifically advised TACs, have led to overexploitation and reduced
income for fishermen. Had the ICES advised TACs in the previous year been allocated the stock
status for both fisheries would be presently better. The table below shows the significantly high TAC
allocation compared to the TAC advised by ICES.
Table 3.0: Summary of TAC and ICES advice for Plaice & Sole
ICES Advice
Plaice (IIa,IV) t
Recovery Plan
Plaice(IIa,IV) t
ICES Advice
Sole(II,IV) t
Sole(II,IV) t
The Council Regulation (EC) no 850/98 of 30 March 1998 for the conservation of fishery resources
through technical measures for the protection of juveniles of marine organisms (review 4th quarter of
2006) should tackle the bycatch and discard of juvenile plaice and other associated species. The
bycatch of other species should also be considered in this as it is estimated fishing mortality of
invertebrate populations was calculated to be on average more than 25 % (max 48 %), larger beams
causing higher mortality rates. In particular changes in the abundance and distribution patterns of
large long living bivalves like
Arctica islandica
(on OSPAR list of threatened and/or declining species
and habitats) can be related to the effect of intensive beam trawling.
Proportion of the catch (in numbers) discarded
1957-1999 reconstr.
1957-2003 reconstr.
Figure 3.0: Proportion of plaice discarded per year (RIVO, 2005)
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Mesh Sizes, Discards and Markets
As the discarding behaviour is a result of the fisheries targeting sole (more valuable in the market
compared to plaice), the mesh size for this fishery is set by the size desired for the market for the
more valuable species. ICES in its recommendations have outlined that measures to reduce
discarding in the mixed beam trawl fishery “would greatly benefit the plaice stock and future yields
Increasing the mesh size for the mixed beam trawl fishery would initially result in short term losses for
the sector however in the longer-term incomes will become more profitable for this fishery. ICES also
went on to say in their report that readjustment of minimum landing sizes corresponding to an
improved selection pattern could be considered. Adjustment of Minimum Landing sizes of Sole in
relation to plaice should also be investigated, as these two species are caught.
Ecosystem & fishing behaviour
During the juvenile stage, plaice are concentrated in the inshore waters, however the nursery areas
are not entirely closed off to fishing activity, as the plaice box exempts vessels that are smaller than
300hp. Due to days-at-sea regulations, high fuel prices, and small decrease in TAC for plaice and
relatively stable TAC for sole, a stronger pattern of coastal fishing has emerged in the southern North
Sea, leading to high discard levels of juvenile fish being caught. According to ICES, the most effective
solution to tackle the discard problem for this fishery would be an increase in the Minimum landing
sizes followed by strict measures to ban discards. It is important therefore effort reduction is
accompanied by technical measures such as increase MLS and mesh size in the long term
management of mixed flatfish fishery.
Currently, the EU does not have regulation restricting discarding. Although discarding is widely found
in this fishery, without EU regulation, this fishing behaviour is being inadvertently condoned. Hence, it
is important to for European Commission to restrict discarding through initially encouraging the
fishermen to land their potential discards (i.e. the bycatch of undersized fish) for data collection.
WWF Recommendations for Plaice and Sole Fishery
WWF recommends an adherence to ICES advice for the North Sea Plaice and Sole stocks, and
supports the following element of the Long Term Management Plan and recommends additionally:
Implementation of Harvest Control Rule
(HCR) as an additional constraint on the year to
year variation of the TAC or F. TACs and/or fishing effort are derived according to a target
fishing mortality (F
), supplemented with a rule for reducing the mortality if the spawning
stock biomass fell below a trigger level, to ensure avoiding a limit value for the spawning
Changes and coherence in the Minimum Landing Sizes for Plaice and Sole.
The EU
minimum landing size for plaice is 27cm and for sole 24cm. But female plaice do not spawn
until they reach 31cm at an age of 2-4 years (Council Regulation 850/98 ANNEX XII). Setting
the allowable landing size below that of mature females means the North Sea stock comprises
smaller and younger individuals with little chance of recovery;
Increase in the mesh size
(and change to square mesh size) in the mixed fisheries for flatfish
in the North Sea to reflect the biologically and ecologically optimal MLS;
Discard restriction
in the plaice and sole fishery through EU Regulation (where all bycatch of
juvenile plaice and sole are landed for data collection and not for other economic uses); and
Adaptation of plaice box to current distribution changes of juvenile plaice and closure
of plaice box to all fishing vessels
(inclusion of 300hp beam trawlers). More than 90% of
the plaice caught in the 80mm fishery in the box are discarded
Grift et al, 2004 as cited in
ACFM report on Plaice and Sole 2006).
ICES 2005. North Sea Overview.
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Demersal Elasmobranchs in the North Sea, Skagerrak, and Eastern English Channel
According to ICES
landings of skates and rays in the North Sea, Skagerrak, and eastern English
Channel have generally declined.
Table 4.0 Selected skates & rays status in the North Sea, Skagerrak and Eastern English Channel.
Thornback ray
(Raja clavata)
Spotted ray
(Raja montagui)
Cuckoo ray
(Leucoraja naevus)
Common skate
(Dipturus batis)
Blonde ray
(Raja brachyura)
Angel shark
(Squatina squatina)
ICES Report
Distribution area and abundance have strongly decreased over the past century. The
area occupied has significantly decreased since 1990. Although local abundance
remains high, the North Sea stock is considered depleted.
Area occupied and abundance has fluctuated without trend. Stock status is uncertain.
Since 1990 the area occupied has fluctuated without trend. Survey catch rates
increased from the early 1970s to the early 1990s and declined thereafter. Stock status
is uncertain.
Status is depleted. It was formerly widely distributed in the North Sea but is now only
rarely found and only in the northern part of the North Sea.
Has a patchy occurrence in the North Sea. It is at the edge of its distributional range in
this area and consequently ICES does not provide advice for this species.
Still extinct in the North Sea
Spurdog Northeast Atlantic
Spurdog are long-lived, slow-growing, have a high age-at-maturity, and are particularly vulnerable to
fishing mortality. Population productivity is low, with low fecundity and a protracted gestation period. In
light of this, the risk of depletion of reproduction potential is high.
classes the state of this stock as depleted and perhaps in danger of collapse. All experimental
assessments indicate that the stock is at a record low level. The frequency of the occurrence of
spurdog in trawl surveys has declined and, although large shoals are still caught, the frequency of
these has also declined. Survey CPUE also indicates a declining trend. The absolute level of
exploitation is unknown but the trends in fishing mortality and the continuous decline in landings
indicates that exploitation has been, and continues to be well above sustainable levels.
ICES scientists have advised that the targeted fisheries should not be permitted to continue, and
bycatch in mixed fisheries should be reduced to the lowest possible level. The TAC should cover all
areas where spurdog are caught in the northeast Atlantic and should be set at zero for 2007.
WWF Recommendation for Elasmobranchs
Committee on Fisheries (COFI) of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization adopted an
International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks (refer to all of the
cartilaginous fishes: the sharks, rays and chimaeras) (IPOA-Sharks) in 1999. The Plan elaborates
needed action for sharks within the context of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and
called upon countries to develop and implement National Plans of Action (NPA) by early 2001 that
identify research, monitoring, and management needs for all chondrichthyan fishes that occur in their
waters. The EU had not met the 2001 deadline and needs yet, nearly 6 years later to produce a NPA
or EU IPOA for chondrichthyan fishes. ?melt with the paragraph at the start of the document about
this issue?
WWF recommends that an IPOA for sharks (all of the cartilaginous fishes: the sharks, rays and
chimaeras) be immediately drafted taking into account management, monitoring and research needs
for both targeted and not-target species within Community and regional waters. Till such a plan has
been adopted there should be a moratorium on all fisheries targeting elasmobranchs (e.g. spurdog) to
protect these for overfishing highly sensitive stocks.
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The management measures for elasmobranchs need to include:
- Effective bycatch reduction measures for fisheries that are incidentally catching
elasmobranchs; and
- Exploitation of this species should only be allowed when indicators and reference points for
stock status and future harvest have been identified and a management strategy, including
appropriate monitoring requirements has been decided upon and is implemented.
5. Electric Fishing (Beam trawling)
The European Commission’s proposal also includes a derogation to allow 5% of the beam trawl fleet
to use the electric beam trawl. WWF does not support this proposal and is highly concerned by the
current move by the European Commission to go against the recommendations of Scientific,
Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries - STECF
and International Council for the
Exploration of the Seas-ICES
Effects of electric fishing
In its reports both ICES and STECF note that a major concern of both bodies is the impact on
vertebrate species. There is much information to suggest that the stimulus being used may be
capable of damaging (spinal breakage and internal haemorrhaging) fish species. A number of cod
retained in the pulse gear were noted to have suffered from snapped spines; this was not observed in
the standard gear.
According to STECF, the frequency of the pulse is known to be above the threshold that induces
tetanus and the induction of strong muscle stimulus is likely to be the cause of the spinal injuries and
therefore STECF recommends that trawl in its current form should not be promoted at a commercial
ICES in its report also noted that electric signals created by the pulse trawl could possibly affect
electro sensitive fish such as sharks and rays, which are currently in a very alarming state in the North
Sea (please refer to Elasmobranch Section in this briefing).
Inconsistent data on selectivity
The basis for the derogation is also unreliable. As the commercial trials and the research vessels
trials have shown varying results. STECF noted that the catch at length data for plaice and sole the
research vessel trails showed a 16% reduction in plaice catches across all length classes; whilst the
commercial trials showed no significant reduction in catches of plaice below MLS but a 35% reduction
in catches above the MLS. By contrast, the research vessel data collected using the electrical pulse
trawl showed that for sole the probability of capture increased with length and that higher catch rates
were obtained for fish larger than about 25cm in length.
According to STECF the commercial trials failed to show any significant length dependency for sole
with a about about 25% reduction in catches across all length classes. It is therefore not possible to
conclude that there was “a better selectivity for sole” as noted in the EU proposal. STECF concluded
that there was little evidence to suggest that the use of beam trawl, using pulse trawl resulted in “an
improved catch quality”.
WWF Recommendations
WWF is of the position that this derogation is unjustified at this point in time and that further research
on the effects of this gear on the ecosystem and other non-target species such as elasmobranchs is
crucial before derogation for the use of this gear is tabled, as currently fishing using electrical gear is
prohibited (Art.31, Council Regulation (EC) No. 850/98).
Opening the door to a gear with clear adverse side effects on fishes like cod, clearly shows that the
Commission has neglected to consider the impacts on the wider ecosystem and vulnerable species.
This could create a dangerous precedence for other fisheries to follow, especially in the
20 2006
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Mediterranean, since the STECF has concluded that the gear in its current form was not suitable for
wider commercial use and the improvement in terms of selectivity is not significant enough.
Another key argument against the derogation is the enforceability of the voltage restriction for this
gear. To allow for the derogation while the control and enforcement procedure has not been clearly
outlines, could create an incentive for excessive voltage use.
6. Deepwater Gillnet Fishery and Area Closures.
The current proposal is to limit certain parts of this fishery to a maximum depth of 600m and for 72
hours soak time. WWF believes that there can be no justification for any weakening of this proposal.
This measure should be viewed as interim (maximum one year) pending further research on optimal
soak time and gear length, to be reviewed in order to inform decisions by Dec 2007. Observers on
board vessels utilising this gear is highly recommended to develop a better understanding of this
fishery and to monitor the effects of this gear on deepwater sharks.
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