Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2007-08 (2. samling)
KOM (2007) 0872 Bilag 3
31. januar 2008
Sofie Krogh Holm
Dok. 56786/ps
Nye fødevarer (novel food)
Fødevarestyrelsen har den 21. januar 2008 (j.nr.: 2008-20-221-02835/HBO) sendt
forslag til Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning om nye fødevarer og om
ændring af forordning (EF) nr. XXX/XXXX [fælles procedure] i høring.
Forbrugerrådet har følgende kommentarer (på engelsk):
Generally, too many definitions are lacking. Instead the document will need several
explanatory documents which the Commission will have to write. The explanatory
documents will be regarded as "technical documents", which means that the
Commission can act without officially involving parliament/stakeholders - this is
Main points:
Keep medicine and food separate.
Products which are only fit for a very
small part of the population should NOT be accepted as food, but as medicine
Daily intakes should be co-ordinated and distributed into food groups like
The boundary between novel foods and additives needs further clarification
The common procedure should be known before accepting the revised
novel food
Nano food needs specific nano risk assessment
Approval of cloned animals must include a system of traceability