Europaudvalget 2006-07
2798 - Økofin Bilag 2
11. maj 2007
6. kontor, MIJ
Referat af Rådsmødet (ECOFIN) den 8. maj 2007
Kommissionens foreløbige forslag til EU’s budget
for 2008
Kommissionen fremlagde sit foreløbige forslag til EU’s budget for 2008. Kom-
missionen foreslår et budget på €129,2 mia. (1,03 pct. af BNI) i forpligtelsesbevil-
linger, hvilket er en stigning på 2 pct. i forhold til 2007. I betalingsbevillinger er
det foreslåede budget på €121,6 mia. (0,97 pct. af BNI), svarende til en vækst på
5,3 pct. i forhold til 2007.
Rådet ventes at have 1. læsning af budgetforslaget den 13. juli 2007 og 2. læsning
den 23. november 2007. Budgettet for 2008 forventes endeligt vedtaget i decem-
ber 2007.
Rådet nåede til enighed om rådskonklusioner (jf.
vedlagte bilag),
som bl.a. anerken-
der hedgefondenes bidrag til fremme af effektive internationale finansielle marke-
der og opfordrer investorer, kreditorer og nationale tilsyn til at undersøge hedge-
fondenes betydning for finansielle stabilitet nærmere, herunder fondenes potenti-
elle systemiske og operative risici.
Hvidbog om forbedring af EU’s indre marked – regu-
leringen af investeringsfonde
Rådet vedtog rådskonklusioner (se
vedlagte bilag),
som på baggrund af Kommissio-
nens hvidbog om regulering af investeringsfonde, vurderer, at der på nuværende
tidspunkt ikke er behov for en gennemgribende revision af EU-reguleringen af
investeringsfonde. Forbedringer af EU’s indre marked for investeringsfonde vur-
deres at kunne gennemføres med justeringer af det gældende regelsæt.
Aldring og finansielle markeder
Rådet vedtog rådskonklusioner (jf.
vedlagte bilag),
som i lyset af den aldrende be-
folkning i EU, bl.a. opfordrer medlemslandene og den finansielle sektor til i højere
grad, at oplyse kommende pensionister om vigtigheden af tilstrækkelig pensions-
opsparing. Desuden opfordres den finansielle sektor til at øge udbuddet af pensi-
onsprodukter og til at styrke rådgivningen om disse ofte komplicerede produkter.
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Kommissionen orienterede Rådet om de foreløbige erfaringer med Lamfalussy-
processen og anbefalinger til forbedring af denne. Den endelige evaluering af
Lamfalussy-processen ventes, på baggrund af den endelige rapport fra Kommissi-
onen, gennemført i 2. halvår 2007.
I margin af mødet gennemførtes en drøftelse med de tre kandidatlande Kroatien,
Tyrkiet og den Tidligere Jugoslaviske Republik Makedonien, om disse landes før-
Desuden havde ministrene, med udgangspunkt i Kommissionens forårsprognose,
en drøftelse af den økonomiske situation i EU og formanden for eurogruppen
afrapporterede fra gruppens møde den 7. maj 2007.
Endelig havde ministrene en drøftelse under frokosten af Kommissionens forslag
til et bilbeskatningsdirektiv.
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Rådskonklusioner om hedge fonde
"The Council:
EMPHASISES the importance it attaches to an integrated, dynamic
and competitive financial marketplace in supporting growth and job
creation through proper allocation of capital, including via hedge
funds, and financial stability;
ACKNOWLEDGES that hedge funds have contributed significantly
to fostering the efficiency of the financial system, but also STRESSES
the potential systemic and operational risks associated with their
NOTES that the so-called 'INDIRECT supervision' approach, through
close supervisory monitoring of credit institutions' exposures to hedge
funds and progress in upgrading their internal risk management
systems, has so far enhanced resilience to systemic shocks; and
RECALLS the need for creditors, investors and authorities to remain
vigilant and to adequately assess the potential risks that hedge funds
present. In this context creditors and investors should also examine
whether the current level of transparency of hedge funds' activities is
appropriate. In the exercise of their 'indirect supervision', relevant
supervisory authorities should monitor developments and cooperate
among themselves;
STRESSES the need for a better understanding of hedge funds
characteristics for proper monitoring of the financial stability impact
of hedge funds' activities, and therefore ENCOURAGES all relevant
institutions to develop and apply an analytical and evidence-based
approach in this area;
NOTES that concerns have been expressed regarding increased retail
distribution of hedge fund products in some Member States and
RECOGNISES the need to ensure adequate investor protection;
INVITES therefore the Commission to take all relevant regulatory and
market developments into account, in assessing the case for and
against providing a Single Market framework for the retail-oriented
non-harmonised fund industry, which might include some funds of
hedge funds; and LOOKS FORWARD to the Commission's report
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Rådskonklusioner om hvidbog om forbedring af EU’s indre marked - reguler-
ingen af investeringsfonde
"The Council:
WELCOMES the Commission’s White Paper on enhancing the Single
Market Framework for Investment Funds;
SHARES the views expressed by the Commission on the strategic
importance of investment fund investments for European households,
including for retirement savings, and RECALLS its conclusions of
June 2004 identifying the UCITS Directive as an area of particular
importance for financial integration;
AGREES with the view of the Commission that, for harmonised
investment funds (UCITS), the best approach at this stage consists in
targeted amendments to the UCITS Directives, and INVITES the
Commission to present the announced amendments, for examination
by Council and Parliament, as soon as possible, bearing in mind the
need for proper impact assessment and consultation;
STRESSES the need to ensure, in the context of retail distribution of,
and advice on, UCITS, that all steps are taken by the Commission and
the Member States in enforcing the conduct of business rules provided
for in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID), and
that the cost reductions expected from further integration of the
European fund market are adequately passed on to retail investors; and
also STRESSES the need for clearly ensuring the coherence of
application of the MiFID and the UCITS Directives;
LOOKS FORWARD to the Commission's assessment of the case for
EU action in the area of private placement, expected in autumn 2007;
NOTES that the Commission is equally undertaking a broad
examination of the cross-border distribution potential of various types
of non-harmonised funds (such as e.g. funds of hedge funds, open-
ended real estate funds, …), taking account of relevant national
experiences, and LOOKS FORWARD to its Report on possible
single-market solutions for the retail-oriented non-harmonised fund
industry, expected by mid-2008;
SUPPORTS the work of CESR in both the UCITS and non-UCITS
fields and STRESSES the importance of its making full use of the su-
pervisory tools mentioned in the FSC Report on financial supervision
also in these fields,
INVITES the Commission to review the consistency of EU legislation
regarding the different types of retail investment products (such as
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unit-linked life insurance, investment funds, certain structured notes
and certificates), so as to ensure a coherent approach to investor pro-
tection and to avoid any misselling possibilities."
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Rådskonklusioner om aldring og finansielle markeder
"The Council:
RECALLS the conclusions of the European Council of 23-24 March
2006, in particular where the Council noted that "Preparing for ageing
populations and the ambition to reap the full benefits of globalisation
will be the two main drivers for structural reforms" and that "Further
comprehensive reforms are needed in many Member States to
improve the sustainability of their welfare systems, and meet the
economic and budgetary consequences of ageing";
RECALLS the Council (ECOFIN) conclusions of 5 May 2006,
whereby it stressed "the need to boost the efficiency of pan-European
markets for long-term savings products as well as the importance of
fostering financial education and awareness of consumers in Member
States" and invited the FSC to "examine the policy issues related to
ageing and financial markets";
ENDORSES the Report on the implications of ageing for financial
markets, elaborated by the FSC according to that mandate, and
STRESSES in particular the following points for further monitoring
and action by Member States, which are invited i.a. to:
Develop or strengthen adequate statistical tools to better monitor the
composition of households' portfolios and changes in households' risk
Significantly step up their efforts to raise households' awareness on
the latter's need to obtain proper information and education, in
combination with the financial industry's own responsibilities and
initiatives as appropriate, so as to increase households' preparation
whilst maintaining adequate investor protection;
Consider, where appropriate, possible additional solutions so as to
increase the participation and contribution levels of households in
non-statutory pension schemes and address relevant cases of possible
insufficient access to pension products and schemes, e.g. for low-
income households, drawing experience from other national
experiences as appropriate;
Encourage industry's efforts to further enhance the supply of pension
savings products, where relevant, and raise the standards of advice and
customer support, in order to ensure proper matching between the
customer profile, on the one hand, and the nature of the investment
proposed including in relation to all costs, on the other hand. This
would require in particular consolidating a competitive environment
with adequate prudential supervision, and facilitating issuance by the
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financial industry of instruments that enhance assets and liabilities
management by providers of pension saving products and annuities;
STRESSES the need for further monitoring of market innovation,
bearing in mind the need for a level playing field across investment
products with similar characteristics, and therefore INVITES the
Commission to investigate whether further work is necessary for the
development of a Single Market for retirement products;
EMPHASISES its vigilance, as regards the macro-economic and
financial stability implications of current trends in the shifting of risks
to households, and in the concentration of assets within ageing
populations, including as intermediated through institutional investors'
investment strategies."