Europaudvalget 2006-07
2804 - Økofin Bilag 4
12. juni 2007
6. kontor, MIJ
Referat af Rådsmødet (ECOFIN) den 5. juni 2007
Rådsbeslutning om ophævelse af proceduren for
uforholdsmæssigt store underskud vedr. Tyskland,
Malta og Grækenland
Rådet traf beslutninger under traktatens artikel 104.12, som ophæver Rådets tidli-
gere beslutninger om eksistens af uforholdsmæssigt store underskud i Tyskland,
Malta og Grækenland. Alle tre lande havde i 2006 et underskud på de offentlige
budgetter på under 3 pct. af BNP og Kommissionen vurderer at budgetforbedrin-
gerne er holdbare.
Udfordringen for alle tre lande består nu i at fortsætte konsolideringen af de of-
fentlige finanser med henblik på opfyldelse af de mellemfristede målsætninger.
Konvergensrapporter fra Kommissionen og ECB
På baggrund af konvergensrapporter fra Kommissionen og ECB, drøftede Rådet
konvergenssituationen i Cypern og Malta. Kommissionen og ECB vurderer at
Cypern og Malta opfylder kriterierne for deltagelse i eurosamarbejdet, hvilket Rå-
det erklærede sig enige i.
Den endelige beslutning om Cypern og Maltas deltagelse i eurosamarbejdet pr. 1.
januar 2008 ventes at blive truffet på Rådsmødet (ECOFIN) den 10. juli 2007
efter forelæggelse for Rådet i dets sammensætning af stats- og regeringschefer.
Kvaliteten af de offentlige finanser
Rådet vedtog rådskonklusioner (se
vedlagte bilag),
som på baggrund af drøftelserne
på det uformelle Rådsmøde i april samt en rapport fra Kommissionen og EPC,
blandt andet opfordrer Kommissionen og EPC til at fortsætte arbejdet med analy-
ser af effektiviteten og kvaliteten af de offentlige udgifter.
Bekæmpelse af momssvig
Rådet vedtog rådskonklusioner (se
vedlagte bilag),
som understeger nødvendigheden
af at bekæmpe momssvig og som bl.a. opfordrer Kommissionen til i løbet af 2007
at fremsætte konkrete forslag til lovgivning – indeholdende en konsekvensanalyse
af forslagene – således at Rådet kan vedtage disse forslag inden udgangen af 2008.
Kommissionen opfordredes endvidere til at analysere effekterne på det indre
marked af eventuel indførelse af omvendt betalingspligt for moms i nogle med-
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lemslande. Resultatet af analyserne forventes præsenteret for Rådet inden udgan-
gen af 2007.
Der blev på Rådsmødet vedtaget konklusioner om momspakken (se
vedlagte bilag),
som afspejler at man opnåede politisk enighed om formandskabets samlede kom-
promisudspil bortset fra B2C-ydelser, hvor det er nødvendigt med yderligere drøf-
telser af spørgsmålet om beskatningssted, før momspakken formelt kan vedtages.
Rådet ventes at drøfte momspakken under det kommende portugisiske formand-
skab med henblik på vedtagelse af den samlede momspakke senest den 31. de-
cember 2007 og med henblik på virkning fra 2010.
Kommissionen præsenterede Rådet for sin statusrapport vedr. det foreløbige ar-
bejde på en fælles konsolideret selskabsskattebase i EU (CCCTB). Kommissionen
forventer at fremsætte et konkret forslag til en fælles selskabsskattebase i løbet af
Adfærdskodeks for erhvervsbeskatning
Rådets blev præsenteret for en rapport vedr. implementering af den fælles ad-
færdskodeks for erhvervsbeskatning, som bl.a. konkluderer, at medlemslandene
overholder aftalen om ikke at indføre skatteordninger, som er til skade for andre
lande. Rådet drøftede rammerne for adfærdskodeksgruppens arbejde, herunder en
eventuel udvidelse af dens mandat.
EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum – Retningslinier for
indgåelse af aftaler om forhåndsprisfastsættelse
Rådet vedtog rådskonklusioner (jf.
vedlagte bilag),
som anerkender resultaterne af
forumets arbejde med at forhindre uenigheder vedr. aftaler om forhåndsprisfast-
sættelsesaftaler og afledt dobbeltbeskatning. Rådet opfordrede endvidere Kom-
missionen til jævnligt at informere Rådet om resultaterne af arbejdet i forumet.
I margin af mødet havde ministrene en drøftelse af den økonomiske situation i
EU og formanden for eurogruppen afrapporterede fra gruppens møde den 4. juni
2007. Under frokosten havde ministrene en drøftelse af EU’s CO2-
kvotehandelssystem (ETS).
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Rådskonklusioner om kvaliteten af de offentlige finanser
Increasing the efficiency of public spending and improving the quality of
revenue structures are important elements of the Lisbon strategy for
growth and jobs and will contribute to meeting the objectives of the Sta-
bility and Growth Pact.
The Council welcomes the report prepared by the Economic Policy
Committee and the Commission in response to a mandate of January
2006, discussing the work already accomplished and the way forward on
the issue of quality of public finances.
The Council emphasizes the need to optimise public sector activities and
to achieve better outcomes given limited public funds. Comparisons of
efficiency in important spending areas reveal significant differences
across Member States, and in many cases policy outcomes could be im-
Member States already developed a number of strategies to improve
spending efficiency, including more use of performance information
with a view to enhancing the transparency of the budget process. The
use of performance information in the budget process is an important
tool for decision-making - moving the focus away from spending to-
wards actual achievements. More systematic and independent evaluation
of existing policies could help to strengthen the efficiency of public
spending. There is a strong need for making better use of already availa-
ble information.
The Council furthermore considers that the measurement of efficiency
and effectiveness has to be developed further, based upon comprehen-
sive and more comparable data on inputs, outputs and outcomes. Ana-
lysing efficiency and effectiveness for individual spending areas appears
most promising to increase value for money. A more robust methodolo-
gy and measurement framework should be established. Member States
and the Commission could include analyses on effectiveness and effi-
ciency in the Lisbon National Reform Programmes and the Community
Lisbon Programme.
The Council also welcomes changes and improvements related to na-
tional fiscal rules and institutions implemented by Member States, as well
as the more extensive use at national level of medium-term budgetary
frameworks for budgetary planning. This may contribute to achieving
better budgetary outcomes and increasing public spending efficiency.
Ministers also took note of some recent spending trends in Member
States. They consider that a sound database is crucial in order to better
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analyse the structure of long-term spending trends and is an important
prerequisite to ensure value for money within and across countries in line
with the growth objectives of the Lisbon strategy. Member States, in par-
ticular those lagging behind in data transmission, should in close cooper-
ation with Eurostat step up their efforts to compile and disseminate so-
called COFOG economic functions data in compliance with earlier re-
quests by the Council.
Although a certain stabilisation in the overall tax to GDP ratio can be
observed, and many important tax structure reforms have been carried
out in Member States, the challenges ahead linked to globalisation, mo-
bility, ageing, and the consolidation of public finances raise difficult po-
litical and practical issues. The Council therefore stresses the need for
revenue systems that can enhance growth and employment and deliver
as stable as possible revenues. It encourages Member States in their na-
tional responsibilities to move further towards robust, fair, efficient and
growth-enhancing revenue systems.
The Council:
takes note of the progress achieved concerning the work on national
fiscal rules and institutions and supports the proposed way forward with
a specific focus on the impact of the institutional settings on the compo-
sition, transparency and efficiency of public budgets.
takes note of the progress made on the availability of data, and invites
Eurostat and the National Statistical Offices to further step up their ef-
forts in the provision of detailed COFOG level II data, in particular for
education, health care and social protection, and some specific items
such R&D and basic research by the year 2008 at the latest.
invites the EPC and the Commission to develop further the analysis and
measurement of public expenditure efficiency and effectiveness, in par-
ticular by deepening the analysis in the areas of R&D and education
against the background of the 'social bridges' discussion, and to explore
areas of future work, such as health care, aspects of social transfers and
takes note of the Commission and the EPC work on the quality and effi-
ciency of public revenue structures and reaffirms the need for Member
States to exchange information on current and planned tax reforms and
their impact on growth and employment within existing procedures.
will return to the issue of reforms to improve efficiency in public admin-
istration on the basis of an exchange of best practices in the autumn."
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Rådskonklusioner om bekæmpelse af momssvig
"The Council emphasises that tax fraud, especially that in the field of indirect
taxation, must be tackled effectively and decisively in the interests of honest
entrepreneurs and Member State budgets. The Council already agreed on 28
November 2006 on the urgent need to establish at Community level an anti-fraud
strategy to combat tax fraud, especially tax fraud in the field of indirect taxation,
to complement national efforts in this regard.
Conventional measures
With regard to the conventional anti-fraud measures put forward by the European
Commission in its communication of 31 May 2006 (COM(2006) 254 final)
concerning the fight against fiscal fraud, the Council gave the European
Commission the requested guidance on 28 November 2006. It asked the
European Commission to prepare the elements of a Community anti-fraud
strategy in close cooperation with the Member States and highlighted the aspects
which are to be given priority.
On 28 November 2006 the Council requested the European Commission to
report to it on the progress made on these aspects and to present an outline of an
EU anti-fraud strategy at its meeting in June 2007. This the European
Commission has done.
The Council acknowledges the report of the European Commission and the
proposed measures mentioned therein. It is agreed that, as a first step, the
following proposed measures will be given high priority:
to introduce amendments in declaring intra-Community supplies, with the aim
of reducing timeframes;
o ensure more rapid sharing of such information among tax administrations;
o examine joint and several liability where information on intra-Community
supplies has not been provided or has not been correctly provided to the
extent that leads to loss of VAT at a subsequent stage;
o improve confirmation messages and information on business identified for
VAT purposes to operators active in intra-Community trade without
hampering the risk analyses applied by Member States.
The Council invites the European Commission to come forward with the
necessary legislative proposals including an impact assessment by the end of 2007,
at the latest, so that the Council can adopt these by the end of 2008 .
Furthermore, the Council invites the European Commission to promptly examine
all the measures to combat tax fraud proposed by Member States and mentioned
in the annex to its report (doc. 10052/07 FISC 88), and to submit a report on
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these in the second half of 2007, so that the Council may decide by the end of
2007 on how to proceed.
More far-reaching measures
In its communication of 31 May 2006 concerning the fight against fiscal fraud, the
European Commission also considered more far-reaching measures to combat
VAT fraud. The measures in question are basically twofold:
the taxation of intra-Community transactions, and
the introduction of the option of applying a blanket reversal of tax liability (a
general reverse-charge system).
At its meeting on 28 November 2006, the Council concluded that the discussions
of possible legal changes to the VAT system (especially the possibility of taxing
intra-Community transactions or making optional use of a general reverse-charge
system in order to deal with the most costly forms of VAT fraud) had not been
conclusive or brought agreement on any stance. The Council decided to continue
its work in this respect on all these legislative measures, in order to provide the
European Commission with guidelines at the Council meeting in June 2007 at the
latest. The objective is that these aspects may also be included in a Community
strategy to combat tax fraud where necessary. The Council carried out this work
in the first half of 2007 as planned.
Taxation of intra-Community transactions
The European Commission has put forward two systems for the taxation of
intra-Community transactions:
taxation in the Member State of arrival (country of destination), or
taxation in the Member State of departure (country of origin) at a uniform rate
of 15% and using a bilateral (microeconomic) clearing procedure.
Taxation in Member State of arrival
This system was not supported in discussions. However, a handful of Member
States supported the continued examination of this approach. The vast majority
of Member States expressed considerable reservations about this system or
opposed it on the following grounds:
this approach does not provide a suitable means of combating fraud,
this approach opens up fresh scope for fraud,
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this approach imposes unacceptable burdens on administrative authorities and
In light of this verdict, the Council invites the European Commission only then to
pursue this approach should it become apparent that the model of taxation used
in the Member State of departure is not a suitable means to fight fraud.
Taxation in Member State of departure
Some Member States opposed this model in discussions, some supported its
further consideration of. However, a large number of Member States pointed out
that the clearing procedure needed for it posed a problem.
Since about half of the Member States have come out in favour of further
consideration of this system, the Council invites the European Commission to
explore this system further, and, in so doing, to initially focus in particular on the
following aspects (on systematic aspects and on the clearing procedure):
he general effects of a clearing procedure on the budgets of Member States
and specifically on principally “importing” Member States and on principally
“exporting” Member States;
rough estimate of the additional costs for taxpayers and tax administrations
caused by introducing the taxation of intra-Community supplies;
he risk of new forms of fraud and the efficiency in elimination of existing
fraudulent activities;
he allocation of responsibilities and risks between the Member State of
departure, where tax is paid, and the Member State of arrival, where tax is
ompetitive aspects of taxation of intra-Community supplies in relation to
domestic tax rules and in comparison to the current scheme.
The Council invites the European Commission to submit its relevant findings by
the end of 2007, at the latest.
Introduction of a general reverse-charge system
Two Member States envisage as a means of combating VAT fraud a general
reverse-charge system, where the tax liability would be shifted from supplier to
recipient with respect to domestic commercial transactions whose value exceeds a
certain threshold. The objective of those Member States interested in this measure
is to be granted an option in European law of applying this system without it
having to be applied equally in all Member States. The majority of Member States
expressed reservations against such an option.
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The Council invites the European Commission to analyse the effects of such an
option on the internal market, where the threshold is set at €, and to submit its
findings by the end of 2007, at the latest. The analysis should seek to address the
following aspects:
the effects on Member States that do not apply the reverse-charge system,
especially the effects on their budgets, including with regard to the
competitiveness of their companies;
the coherence and harmonisation of VAT law in the EU;
the costs for taxpayers and administrative authorities of implementing a
reverse-charge system;
the migration of fraud cases to those Member States that do not apply a
reverse-charge system;
the risk of new forms of fraud;
the possibility of running a pilot project for a limited period of time in an
interested Member State."
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Rådskonklusioner om momspakken
As a result of the substantial progress, the Council reached political
agreement on the VAT package elements (as recorded in the Annex to
9865/07 FISC 83 + COR 4) related to:
the place of supply of services (except c.f. 2);
the mini one-stop shop;
the draft directive on refund;
the administrative cooperation elements.
The Council recognises that, before the formal adoption of the full pack-
age, further discussion will be necessary on the change of the place of
supply of services for B2C supplies for telecom, broadcasting, electronic
and maritime services (Articles 56, 58 and 59a of the draft Directive on
the place of supply of services), and invites the Portuguese Presidency to
prepare final agreement on this issue.
The Council also invites the Portuguese Presidency, before the formal
adoption of the full package, to find solutions that would improve con-
trol and cooperation measures engaging both the Member State of the
supplier and the Member State of consumption (including, if appropri-
ate, reporting obligation in the Member State of establishment as regards
the amount of supplies of services to other Member States, electronic
matching of these amounts with those declared in all relevant Member
States of consumption), without undue increases in the compliance bur-
den for economic operator or the administrative burden for the tax au-
The Council confirms its intention to formally adopt the VAT package
before 31 December 2007 with the intention that the package would en-
ter into force at the latest on 1 January 2010."
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Rådskonklusioner om indgåelse af aftaler om forhåndsprisfastsættelse
"The Council welcomes the third Commission Communication of 26
2007 on the work achieved by the Joint Transfer Pricing Forum (JTPF) which
aims at preventing transfer pricing disputes and associated double taxation from
arising in the first place by introducing Guidelines for Advance Pricing Agree-
ments within the EU.
The Council recognises the work done by the JTPF as an important step forward
and notes the commitment of Member States to follow the Guidelines and im-
plement them in their national administrative practices as far as legally possible.
The Council also welcomes the Commission Decision of 22
December 2006 to
renew the JTPF mandate for another period of two years (extendable) and invites
the Commission to regularly inform the Council of the Forum's outcomes."