Europaudvalget 2007-08 (2. samling)
Det Europæiske Råd 13-14/12-07 Bilag 4
Brussels, 6 December 2007
from :
to :
European Council (14 December 2007)
– Draft conclusions
The Presidency hereby submits draft conclusions to be agreed by the European Council at its
meeting on 14 December 2007.
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The meeting of the European Council was preceded by an exposé by the President of the
European Parliament, Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering, followed by an exchange of views.
The European Council welcomes the agreement reached at the IGC on 18 October 2007 and
the subsequent signing of the Treaty of Lisbon on 13 December, as well as the proclamation
of the Charter of Fundamental Rights on 12 December 2007. It calls for a swift completion of
national ratification processes with a view to allowing entry into force of the Treaty on
1 January 2009.
The European Council will take stock of progress on necessary preparatory work when
appropriate so as to ensure the full functioning of the Treaty as soon as it enters into force.
The Lisbon Treaty provides the Union with a stable institutional framework for the
foreseeable future. The Union will be able to fully concentrate on addressing the concrete
challenges ahead, including globalisation and climate change, as clearly underlined at the
19 October 2007 informal meeting of Heads of State or Government in Lisbon on the basis of
the Commission's Communication "The European Interest: Succeeding in the age of
globalisation". In this context the European Council adopts a Declaration on Globalisation
annex I).
p.m. Reflection Group
The European Council welcomes the enlargement of the Schengen area and the
abolition of
controls at the internal borders
of the Member States participating in the SISone4ALL
project, as from 21 December 2007 for land and sea borders, and by 30 March 2008 for air
borders, thus extending the effective free movement of persons.
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Further developing a
comprehensive European migration policy
complementing Member
States' policies remains a fundamental priority in order to meet the challenges and harness the
opportunities which migration represents in a new era of globalisation. The European Council
accordingly underlines the need for a renewed political commitment and welcomes in that
respect the Commission's communication on a common immigration policy. It looks forward
to the Commission's forthcoming proposals in 2008.
Cooperation with third countries remains vital for the purpose of well-managed migration
flows and fight against illegal immigration. The European Council welcomes the progress
being made in the implementation of the
Global Approach to Migration
with regard to
Africa and the Mediterranean, in particular the EU missions to African and the Mediterranean
countries as well as the progress on the application of this Global Approach to the Eastern and
South-Eastern neighbouring regions. It looks forward to the organisation of the second Euro-
African ministerial conference on migration and development in 2008. It endorses the
Council's conclusions of 6/7 December 2007 on mobility partnerships and circular migration
and welcomes in that connection the decision to open dialogue with a view to launching pilot
mobility partnerships with Cape Verde and Moldova. The Commission is invited to report
back on progress no later than June 2008. The recent Euro-Med Ministerial meeting on
Migration contributed to further development of practical cooperation with the Mediterranean
partners in all areas of migration. The European Council welcomes the adoption by the
Africa/EU Summit of a Joint Strategy which identifies migration as an area of mutual
priority for which both sides will seek common solutions; the Action Plan to the Joint
Strategy contains a partnership on migration, mobility and employment with a number of
concrete measures to be taken in the next three years. The European Council endorses the
Council conclusions of 19 November 2007 on coherence between migration and development
policies and calls for further work in this field. The European Council underlines the
importance of further engaging in dialogue with the Latin American and Caribbean region.
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There is a close link between migration, employment and the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and
Jobs. The European Council endorses the Council conclusions of 4 December 2007, which
acknowledge that migration can have a significant impact on growth potential and
employment growth, labour markets, adjustment capacity, productivity, competitiveness and
public finances, whilst stressing that immigration is no substitute for structural reform.
to be introduced following the joint meeting of ministers of Migration and
migration shall fully respect the Community acquis, Member States'
competences in this field and the principle of Community preference for EU citizens.
The European Council invites the Council to take work forward on the recent Commission
proposals on the admission of third country nationals for the purpose of highly qualified
employment and on a single application procedure and a common set of rights for legally
residing third country workers.
Combating illegal immigration requires concerted and effective measures directed to
undeclared work and illegal employment, in particular through the effective enforcement of
dissuasive sanctions. The Council and the European Parliament are invited to reach agreement
by the end of 2008 at the latest on the proposals on sanctions against employers of illegally
staying third country nationals. Work should also be taken forward following the
Commission's communication on undeclared work.
The proper management of migration flows also requires work to be taken forward on the
further strengthening of the integrated management of the external borders. The European
Council accordingly looks forward to the forthcoming Commission communications on an
entry/exit system at the external borders, on the future development of Frontex and on a
European Border Surveillance System.
The European Council also welcomes the progress made on the proposal for a Directive on
common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying
third-country nationals. It underlines the need for agreement on common standards in the area
of return policy and encourages the Council and European Parliament to continue their efforts
to find a basis for a swift agreement on the proposal.
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The European Council underlines the need for progress on the future Common European
Asylum System with a view to its realisation by 2010. To this end, the European Council
invites the Commission to evaluate the implementation of the first phase and to present the
necessary initiatives in 2008.
Integration is a pivotal element of the comprehensive European migration policy. The
European Council calls for better coordination between migration and integration policies. In
the context of the 2008 year of intercultural dialogue the European Council calls on the
Commission and the Member States to stress the opportunities, benefits and challenges of
migration in a pluralistic Europe.
The strengthening of
police and judicial cooperation
remains a priority. The functioning of
Eurojust and Europol must be improved; for the latter, this requires the Council to reach
agreement on the decision establishing Europol by the end of June 2008 at the latest and to
review regularly the state of play regarding the Implementation Plan. The European Council
also welcomes the general approach for a Council Framework Decision on the protection of
personal data processed in the framework of police and judicial cooperation. Cooperation
through mutual recognition of decisions in criminal matters should be reinforced.
The European Council calls for rapid progress on the Directive on the protection of the
environment through criminal law.
Recent terrorist activity in Europe and numerous terrorist attacks elsewhere in the world
reinforce the need for the Union and its Member States to remain fully committed to the
implementation of the Counter-Terrorism Strategy.
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The European Council welcomes important work recently undertaken in many areas of the
Strategy such as on the security of explosives and weapons, on cooperation between special
intervention units (ATLAS), on the protection of critical infrastructure, on countering
biological, radiological and on other non-conventional threats and the development of the
Union's crisis coordination arrangements. The European Council welcomes the appointment
by the SG/HR of Gilles de Kerchove as Counter-Terrorism Coordinator. It welcomes the
suggestions made by the Counter-Terrorism Coordinator with a view to further strengthening
the implementation of Counter Terrorism Strategy and calls for work to be taken forward
rapidly on them.
The European Council welcomes work recently undertaken under the European Union
Strategy for Combating Radicalisation and Recruitment to Terrorism notably as regards
radicalization of youth and the role of the internet. It calls for its further strengthening in
particular through EU sectorial programmes and instruments both within the Union and in
cooperation with third countries. To the effect, it notes the Commission's intention to submit a
communication on best practices on countering violent radicalisation in the course of 2008.
The European Council welcomes the adoption of the Decision establishing a Community
Civil Protection Mechanism (Recast) and invites the Council and the Commission to make the
best use of this instrument, along with the civil protection Financial Instrument, with a view to
be ready to cope with major emergencies in the future. In this context the European Council
looks forward to the forthcoming Commission proposal on reinforcing the Union's disaster
response capacity.
The European Council reaffirms the need to enhance access to justice in the European Union
via simplified and more efficient and accessible procedures, welcomes the achievements in
the area of E-justice and calls for the continuation of work.
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The European Council welcomes the political agreement on the Directive on some aspects of
mediation on civil and commercial matters which will allow citizens and business to have
access to an alternative dispute resolution mechanism enabling them to solve their cross
border disputes in and effective way and on the Regulation on the law applicable to
contractual obligations (Rome I) which are important elements of the European Justice Area.
The Council is invited to find solutions on the Regulation on jurisdiction and applicable law
in matrimonial matters (Rome III). It is also invited to reach agreement on the Regulation on
maintenance obligations taking into account the recent agreement on the Hague Convention
on the International Recovery of Child Support and other forms of Family Maintenance. The
European Council welcomes the signing of the new Lugano Convention on jurisdiction and
the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters and calls for its
swift ratification.
Recalling the Council conclusions of 8/9 November 2007 on combating cybercrime the
European Council emphasises that further steps towards adopting a coherent EU policy in this
respect are required.
The European Council welcomes the ongoing work within the Council and the Commission
regarding protection of children.
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The European Council welcomes the presentation of the Commission's Strategic Report
assessing the implementation of the renewed
Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs
making proposals for the next three-year cycle, including a new set of Integrated Guidelines,
country-specific recommendations and a new Community Lisbon programme. The European
Council calls for work to be taken forward speedily in order to launch the next cycle at its
meeting at Spring 2008. The European Council underlines the role of the new Community
Lisbon Programme for the partnership approach. This Programme must add value at
Community level to improve the coherence of reforms and maximise positive spill over
The Lisbon Strategy is delivering. The four priority areas of reform identified by the
European Council in Spring 2006 continue to be valid: knowledge and innovation, business
environment, employment and energy and climate change. Thus, whilst the challenges have
been evolving, the Integrated Guidelines do not need a fundamental overhaul. Preliminary
discussions at Council level have already identified the need for appropriate action in areas
such as European Research, innovation mechanisms, SMEs, the Single Market, public
administration modernization, education and skills, flexicurity, social inclusion, energy,
climate change, the visibility of the social dimension, sustainability, quality of public
finances. This effort should address the national, the Community and the external level of
The role of the regional level to deliver growth and jobs should also be increased, as
recognised in the new generation of programmes of the cohesion policy covering the period
2007-2013. The Lisbon toolbox should be fully used by strengthening the existing horizontal
coordination, developing tailor-made communication and involving all relevant stakeholders.
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Promoting the knowledge triangle (education-research-innovation) is central for the Europe of
the future and for the development of knowledge-based economies. The European Council
accordingly welcomes the setting-up of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology
and of the first Joint Technology Initiatives, as innovative public-private partnerships in
strategic areas. It calls on Member States to engage more actively in the implementation of
pan-European research infrastructures.
Human resources for science and technology in Europe need to be increased and the
attractiveness of Europe for highly qualified scientists boosted: the European Council
therefore endorses the objectives agreed by the Council in November 2007 on the future of
science and technology in Europe, as well as on the modernization of the universities.
Recalling the broad-based innovation strategy adopted in 2006, the European Council stresses
the relevance of the Commission's initiatives relating to public procurement and innovation in
services and invites it to complement them with the remaining expected initiatives. Delivering
lifelong learning
to all citizens is, alongside its social dimension, of particular importance for
more and better jobs. Accordingly, Member States and the Commission should give priority
to the implementation of the Education and Training work programme and the European
Qualifications Framework as well as the "New Skills for New Jobs" initiative and to
promoting greater mobility.
The European Council confirms the integrated decision of the Council on the financing,
governance, and procurement policy for the European satellite navigation programmes
EGNOS and Galileo. This key project for the EU will deliver by 2013 a global satellite
navigation infrastructure, creating improved economic efficiencies, highly qualified jobs, and
new opportunities for advanced services and applications throughout the EU.
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The European Council endorses the European
Agenda for Culture
which constitutes an
important step towards increasing coherence and visibility of the EU's action in this field,
while maximising the potential of cultural and creative industries especially as far as SMEs
are concerned, therefore contributing to the aims of the Lisbon Agenda.
Single Market
has been an undisputed success and remains a pre-requisite for growth
and prosperity within the Union. Building on this, an integrated approach to European
Competitiveness should be fostered by a sustainable industrial policy, combined with
innovation and skills, while developing its external dimension in order to create a level
playing field. More needs to be done to untap the full potential of an enlarged Union,
by addressing the remaining barriers and by allowing consumers and SMEs to take full
advantage of the opportunities of the Single Market. In order to promote European
competitiveness in a globalised world, the Single Market also needs to become more outward
looking. The European Council accordingly welcomes the recent presentation by the
Commission of the Single Market Review, accompanied by a Communication on Services of
general interest including social services of general interest, and invites the Council to
examine the initiatives set out in the Review so as to enable it to reach conclusions for
priorities for further action at its Spring 2008 meeting.
The European Council stresses the crucial role that
plays in generating growth and
jobs in the EU and calls on the Commission, Member States, industry and other stakeholders
to join forces in the timely implementation of the recently adopted Agenda for a sustainable
and competitive European tourism.
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The framework conditions for
in particular
must continue to be improved.
The European Council welcomes the Commission's intention to present a Small Business Act
for Europe in 2008 with the aim of unlocking the full potential of SMEs. As regards the
Better Regulation
agenda, the European Council welcomes progress made towards the joint
reduction target of 25% of administrative burdens by 2012 arising from EU legislation and
urges those Members States who have not yet done so, to set national targets of comparable
ambition by 2008, taking into account the different starting points and traditions and
particular importance of this exercise for SMEs. The modernisation of
public administration
is key to improve efficiency and effectiveness of public finances. Reforms in this area should
therefore undergo regular analysis and exchange of best practices in particular in the context
of the Lisbon National Reform Programmes. In this context, the potential of e-Government
initiatives should be explored, in accordance with the four policy actions set out in the
Ministerial Declaration (Lisbon, September 2007).
The European Council, in face of the recent developments in the
financial markets,
emphasises that macroeconomic fundamentals in the EU are strong and that sustained
economic growth is expected. Continued monitoring of financial markets and the economy is
crucial, as uncertainties remain. The European Council endorses the work programme adopted
by the Council on 9 October 2007 aimed at improving transparency for investors, markets and
regulators, improving valuation standards, improving the prudential framework, risk
management and supervision in the financial sector as well as reviewing the functioning of
markets, including the role of credit agencies. The European Council welcomes the significant
steps adopted regarding the enhancement of EU arrangements for financial stability and
strongly encourages their appropriate follow-up.
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In the
employment and social policy area,
the European Council endorses the agreement on
the common principles on flexicurity reached in the Council on 5/6 December 2007 and
invites Member States to take these principles into good account when developing and
implementing national flexicurity-orientated policies. The European Council welcomes the
joint analysis of the European social partners on the labour markets and underlines their
important role in the design, implementation and monitoring of flexicurity policies. It also
welcomes the ongoing consultations on the social reality stocktaking, which pave the way for
a renewed and modern Social Agenda for Europe. The life-cycle approach to work should be
developed by fostering active ageing and the modernization of pension systems, to ensure
financial, economic and social sustainability by making the Youth Pact and the Gender Pact
more operational including effective monitoring and mainstreaming, as well as by exploiting
the possibilities offered by the European Alliance for Families. The European Council
welcomes the recent developments regarding structured dialogue and participation of young
people in decision-making process at the European Level. Active
policies should
combine integration in the labour markets, adequate income support and quality, accessible
and effective social services. The European Council also reaffirms its commitment with the
decent work agenda as a global instrument to promote employment, better labour standards
and foster development. The European Council welcomes the results of the
European Year
of Equal Opportunities for All
and invites Member States to strengthen efforts to prevent
and combat discrimination inside and outside the labour market. In this connection the
European Council, conscious of the difficult situation faced by the Roma across the Union,
invites Member States and the Union to use all means to improve their inclusion. To this end
it invites the Commission to examine existing policies and instruments and to report to the
Council on progress achieved before the end of June 2008.
With respect to
energy and climate change,
the European Council reiterates the importance
of implementing, in line with its March 2007 conclusions, all aspects of the comprehensive
2007-2009 Action Plan endorsed last Spring with a view to taking forward the three
objectives of the
Energy Policy for Europe:
security of supply, competitiveness and climate
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It accordingly:
welcomes the Commission's communication "A Strategic Energy Technology Plan"
(SET-Plan) as well as the vision-paper on Energy Technologies; work should be taken
forward towards providing a framework that facilitates the speed up of technological
change including strategic planning, more effective implementation, increase in
resources and a reinforced approach to international cooperation regarding innovation in
low carbon technologies;
notes the progress achieved in the discussions on the 3rd internal market package for
gas and electricity to be pursued swiftly with a view to timely agreement in the course
of 2008;
as far as renewable energy and climate change-related instruments are concerned, looks
forward to the Commission's second set of legislative proposals, due in January 2008.
Bali Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate
must respond to the urgent need for global action as identified in the Fourth
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and agree to launch
negotiations leading to a global, comprehensive and effective post-2012 agreement by 2009.
In this connection the European Council recalls the Council conclusions of 30 October 2007
which set out in detail the objectives and elements which the Union is convinced should form
part of the future agreement and which should guide the negotiating process.]
The European Council also recalls the Council Conclusions of 19-20 November on Global
Climate Change Alliance between the EU and Development Countries which will provide a
platform for dialogue and cooperation in the areas of adaptation to climate change and
promoting disaster risk reduction and integrating climate change into poverty reduction efforts
in the most vulnerable countries.
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Sustainable development
is a fundamental objective of the European Union. The European
Council welcomes the Commission's first progress report on the renewed EU Sustainable
Development Strategy (SDS). It agrees that the objectives and priorities under the seven key
challenges contained in that strategy remain fully valid and that the main focus should
therefore be on effective implementation at all levels. The renewed EU Strategy and national
strategies for sustainable development also need to be linked up more closely. The
governance structure and tools of the SDS, in particular in relation to monitoring of progress
and best practice sharing, must be fully used and strengthened. The EU's integrated climate
and energy policy and an integrated approach to the sustainable management of natural
resources, the protection of biodiversity and ecosystem services and sustainable production
and consumption are among the drivers for achieving objectives under both the SDS and the
Lisbon strategy. The EU must continue to work to move towards more sustainable transport
and environmentally-friendly transport modes contributing to climate protection, energy
efficiency, improving air quality and reducing noise emissions. The Commission is invited to
present a roadmap together with its next Progress Report on the SDS setting out the remaining
actions to be implemented with highest priority.
The European Council welcomes the Council Conclusions on
water scarcity and drought
and invites the Commission to present a report in 2008 and, on this basis, to review and
further develop the evolving EU strategy by 2012. It also acknowledges the need to reinforce
the link between Business and Biodiversity at European level, welcoming the EU Business
and Biodiversity Initiative and the commitment from the Commission to provide technical
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The European Council welcomes the Commission Communication on an
maritime policy
for the European Union and the proposed Action Plan which sets out the
first concrete steps in developing an integrated approach to maritime affairs. The broad
participation in the preceding public consultation and the comprehensive debate at the Lisbon
Ministerial Conference reflected the interest which stakeholders show for the development of
such a policy. The future integrated maritime policy should ensure synergies and coherence
between sectorial policies, bring added value and fully respect the principle of subsidiarity.
Furthermore it should be developed as a tool to address the challenges facing Europe's
sustainable development and competitiveness. It should take particularly account of the
different specificities of Member States and specific maritime regions which should call for
increased cooperation, including islands, archipelagos and outermost regions as well as of the
international dimension. The European Council welcomes the conclusion of the Marine
Strategy Framework Directive as the environmental pillar of this policy. The European
Council invites the Commission to come forward with the initiatives and proposals contained
in the Action Plan and calls on the future Presidencies to work on the establishment of an
integrated maritime policy for the Union. The Commission is invited to report on progress
achieved to the European Council at the end of 2009.
The European Council welcomes the Commission report on the 2004 Strategy for the
Outermost Regions
stating its positive results and presenting the future prospects for
Community actions in those regions. The European Council looks forward to the conclusions
of the public consultation launched and invites the Commission to present the relevant
proposals at the latest in October 2008.
The European Council welcomes the 4th Cohesion Report and stresses the importance of the
debate on the future of this fundamental policy, started in the Cohesion Forum, in September,
and pursued in the informal ministerial meeting on Regional Policy, in November.
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The European Council stresses the importance of deepening the relations between the
European Union and its partners in an increasingly globalised World. The Summits held this
semester with Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, China, India, ASEAN and Africa contributed to
reinforce the EU's relations with these partners and to strengthen common ground in facing
global challenges.
The summit held in July with
launched a strategic partnership, aiming at upgrading the
bilateral relationship and enhancing the political dialogue on global and regional issues as
well as cooperation on a wide range of areas of common interest.
[The European Council welcomes the second EU/Africa summit held on 8/9 December in
Lisbon. The summit expressed the determination of the two sides to move to a new level in
their relationship. To this end a Joint Africa/EU Strategy was adopted as well as an Action
Plan aimed at ensuring concrete delivery on the new political and developmental ambitions.
The Summit agreed to set up 8 partnerships on Peace and Security, Democratic Governance
and Human Rights, Trade and Regional Integration, Millennium Development Goals, Energy,
Climate change, Migration, Mobility and Employment, and Science, Information Society and
Space. These partnerships will enable the joint addressing of issues of mutual concern,
including of global nature, as well as helping the EU to make a better contribution to African
development. The European Council acknowledges that in order to reach within the next three
years concrete and tangible results, additional and combined efforts will be required from all
relevant actors.]
p.m. Western Balkans/Kosovo
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The European Council reaffirms that the
European Neighbourhood Policy
(ENP) is a core
priority within the EU's external action. The European Council, recalling its conclusions of
June 2007 and keeping in mind the character of the ENP as a single and coherent policy
framework following the principle of differentiation, welcomes the progress achieved. It
welcomes the Commission's Communication of 5 December 2007 as well as the results of the
ENP Conference on 3 September 2007 and invites the upcoming Presidencies to take this
work forward on the basis of the relevant Commission communications and proposals.
The European Council emphasises the strategic relevance of the relationship of the EU with
Mediterranean countries
and welcomes the progresses in developing the political and
security dialogue, in the creation of an area of shared prosperity and in the implementation of
the social, cultural and human partnership in accordance with the conclusions of the
ministerial meetings of foreign affairs as well as in other important fields such as migration.
The European Council welcomes Albania and Mauritania into the Barcelona Process.
The European Council welcomes the prospects for concluding a Framework Agreement with
Libya in line with the Council Conclusions of October 2008, which should constitute a
turning point on the development of a new stage in the relationship of the EU with this
Mediterranean country.
The European Council recalls the importance it attaches to the implementation and further
development of the EU's Northern Dimension Policy.
The European Council invites the Commission to present an EU strategy for the Baltic Sea
region at the latest by June 2009. This strategy should
inter alia
help to address the urgent
environmental challenges related to the Baltic Sea.
The European Council supports the progress achieved at the first meeting of the
Transatlantic Economic Council
on 9 November 2007 and looks forward to further tangible
steps in the run-up to the next EU-US Summit.
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The European Council welcomes the debate held and the conclusions adopted at the
November GAERC on an EU response to situations of fragility, which highlight the
importance of democratic governance, rule of law, respect of human rights and fundamental
freedoms and the fight against poverty, having in mind the need to prevent and address
situations of fragility and develop instruments to ensure quicker and more flexible responses
in order to progress in the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals of most
vulnerable countries.
The European Council calls on the Commission to produce by March 2008 a report on
progress towards the
Millennium Development Goals
and on what the EU can do to
accelerate it.
The European Council warmly welcomes the adoption of an EU Consensus on Humanitarian
Aid, which will be signed on 18 December by the Council, the Commission and the European
Parliament and shall be subsequently developed through a roadmap for action. This EU
Consensus on Humanitarian Aid will guide the EU humanitarian aid policy on the basis of the
principles of impartiality, neutrality, humanity and independence.
p.m. Iran
The European Security Strategy adopted in 2003 provides the Union with a useful and
relevant framework for its external policy. In the light of the evolutions which have taken
place since, the European Council invites the SG/HR, in full association with the Commission
and in close cooperation with the Member States, to examine the implementation of the
Strategy with a view to proposing, as appropriate, possible adaptations in good time before
the December 2008 European Council.
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