March 2009
Danish contribution to a
new multi-annual programme in the field of justice and home affairs
– justice and police cooperation –
General remarks
During the last decade, the European Union has made great progress in creating an area of free-
dom, security and justice. The Tampere Programme (1999) and the Hague Programme (2004)
have served as a solid basis for the substantial work carried out in the field of justice and home
affairs, and many important results have been achieved over the years.
The creation and further development of a European area of freedom, security and justice must
continue to be a key priority for the European Union, providing citizens with freedom and modern
standards of justice with a high level of protection of fundamental rights, as well as protecting citi-
zens from serious forms of crimes.
The basic principles set out in the Tampere and Hague programmes have proven to be of great
value. These well-established principles should remain a corner stone for the work in the field of
justice and home affairs and should be developed further in a new JHA programme.
Denmark strongly hopes that the Lisbon Treaty will be ratified by all Member States as soon as
possible, so that the renewed provisions on JHA could form the basis for a new multi-annual pro-
gramme. The Lisbon Treaty will allow Denmark to continue to play an active role in the creation of
an area of freedom, security and justice by giving Denmark the possibility to opt-in in measures
adopted in the field of JHA. This alteration of the Danish exception requires a referendum in Den-
Guidelines for the future JHA programme
Denmark supports a new multi-annual JHA programme based on the following guidelines:
Overall approach
Consolidation and simplification of already adopted legislative measures, focusing on effec-
tive and swift implementation in Member States.
Legislation should be of the highest quality easily accessed and understood by citizens as
well as practitioners.
New proposals should be evidence based and accompanied by impact assessments, fo-
cusing on clear added value as regards cross-border cooperation.
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