Erhvervsudvalget 2007-08 (2. samling)
KOM (2008) 0009 Bilag 4
19 June 2008
ANEC/BEUC Fact sheet
The Precautionary Principle should be introduced in the Toys Directive
The precautionary principle aims at dealing with the risk to human health and the
environment in cases where the level of risk is not insignificant and where there is
scientific uncertainty. The precautionary principle is an established principle in
Community Law. It is applied in environmental regulation as well as in other related
policy areas such as product safety
, public health and food
In the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD), the precautionary principle is
mentioned in recital 1 and Article 8.2. Unlike in the EU general food law, there is no
proper definition of the precautionary principle in the GPSD. However, it is generally
understood as to allow legislators to take risk management measures to ensure the
high level of health protection where the possibility of harmful effects on health is
identified but scientific uncertainty persists.
Applied in the toy safety area, the precautionary principle would imply that legislators
could take protective measures e.g. appropriate action against a toy even though
accident data is incomplete or uncertain. Legislators would not any more have to wait
for complete evidence of the existence and the gravity of certain risks.
In Art. 37 of the Proposal for a revised Toy Safety Directive, only reference is made
to Art. 8 of the GPSD thus including the precautionary principle into the Toys
Directive. In addition, the precautionary principle is mentioned under point 3.1.4 of
the explanatory memorandum to the Commission proposal as follows:
"... it is appropriate to proceed to an assessment of the hazard inherent in toys in
food on the basis of the precautionary principle..."
However, these provisions are not satisfactory and may lead to misinterpretation and
a lack of legal certainty for economic operators.
Directive 2001/95/EC on General Product Safety.
Recitals (20) and (21) and Article 7 of Regulation 178/2002/EC laying down the general
principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and
laying down procedures in matters of food safety.
Reference is made in a footnote to "Commission Communication COM (2000) 1, 1.2.2000".