European Commission
Directorate-General for Competition, Unit A 5
Damages actions for breach of the EC antitrust rules
B-1049 Brussels
The Commission’s White Paper on damages actions for breach of the
EC antitrust rules, COM (2008) 165 final
In April 2008, the Commission published a White Paper on damages ac-
tions for breach of the EC antitrust rules inviting for comments. The Dan-
ish Government would like to take this opportunity to thank the Commis-
sion for the opportunity to comment on this White Paper.
The Danish Government has the following general comments to the pa-
As emphasized in its comments to the Green Paper the Danish Govern-
ment, in general, agrees with the Commission that obstacles may exist for
those who have suffered a loss in order to be compensated by a company,
which has violated the EC antitrust rules. Hence, Denmark welcomes ini-
tiatives set out to facilitate such actions for damages.
However, the Danish Government finds it important that such initiatives
are well-balanced to avoid, in connection with these initiatives, creating
new rules of procedure and compensation within the scope of competition
law differing substantially from what applies to general law of tort and
procedure. I.e., Denmark is not in support of specific tort and procedure
rules within the scope of competition law as we find that a claimant is
sufficiently protected and supported by our existing national rules.
Furthermore, the legal basis for the implementation in national law of the
Commission’s suggestions following the White Paper is still unclear. De-
pending on the legal basis of the initiatives suggested by the Commission,
implementation might be subject to the Danish reservation (in Danish: det
danske forbehold), cf. article 1 of the protocol on the position of Den-
mark attached to The Treaty of Amsterdam. Hence, the Danish Govern-
ment reserves the right to comment on this specific issue should it be rel-
Below please find the Danish Government’s comments to the proposed
1. Indirect purchasers and collective redress
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