Europaudvalget 2007-08 (2. samling)
2844 - Økofin Bilag 3
24. januar 2008
6. kontor, KGA
Referat af rådsmødet (ECOFIN) den 22. januar 2008
Formandskabets arbejdsprogram for ECOFIN for 1.
halvår 2008
Rådet blev præsenteret for det slovenske formandskabs program for Rådets ar-
bejde inden for det økonomiske og finansielle område i 1. halvår af 2008. Priorite-
terne i det slovenske formandskabs arbejdsprogram er bl.a.:
Finansiel stabilitet, herunder EU’s tiltag som reaktion på den seneste udvik-
ling på de finansielle markeder og fremme af EU-tiltag til styring af finan-
sielle kriser;
Implementering af den reformerede Stabilitets- og Vækstpagt samt opdate-
ring af de overordnede økonomisk-politiske retningslinjer 2008-2010 og de
ledsagende landespecifikke anbefalinger;
Styrkelse af EU’s indre marked, herunder på det finansielle område og på
EU’s budget for 2009.
Rådet og Kommissionen hilste arbejdsprogrammet velkommen og udtrykte gene-
rel opbakning til de emner, formandskabet prioriterer.
Cypern og Maltas indførelse af euroen den 1. januar
Kommissionen orienterede om status for Cypern og Maltas overgang til euroen
den 1. januar 2008 og konstaterede, at overgangen er forløbet hurtigt og uden
nævneværdige problemer.
Kommissionen redegjorde desuden for nogle generelle anbefalinger til EU-lande,
der i fremtiden skal implementere euroen.
Den nye treårige cyklus for de overordnede økono-
misk-politiske retningslinjer (BEPG) 2008-2010
Rådet drøftede Kommissionens forslag til den nye treårige cyklus for de overord-
nede økonomisk-politiske retningslinjer (BEPG) 2008-2010. Rådet var enig om at
de nuværende retningslinjer og fokusere på implementeringen. Der var
endvidere generel tilslutning til Fælleskabets Lissabon-program.
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Key Issues Paper
Rådet drøftede ECOFIN’s input til Det Europæiske Råds (DER) forårstopmøde i
form af det slovenske formandskabs udkast til Key Issue Paper.
Rådet udtrykte generel opbakning til formandskabets udkast, som bl.a. fremhæver
følgende emner: Den generelle økonomiske situation, strukturreformer for vækst
og beskæftigelse – både implementering i medlemslandene og tiltag på fælleskabs-
niveau, offentlige finanser og deres potentiale til at bidrage til makroøkonomisk
stabilitet, efficiensen og stabiliteten på de finansielle markeder samt den økonomi-
ske og monetære union (ØMU) i EU.
Rådet ventes at drøfte sagen igen på det kommende møde i februar.
Review af det Indre Marked
Rådtog vedtog rådskonklusioner, som byder Kommissionens strategi ift. Review
af de Indre Marked velkommen og generelt bakker op om initiativerne (jf.
Payments Area)
Fælles eurobetalingsområde, SEPA (Single Euro
Rådet vedtog rådskonklusioner, der bl.a. opfordrer de europæiske banker til at
fremskynde arbejdet med opbygningen af SEPA, så den ny ramme for betalings-
formidling er så attraktiv som muligt, allerede når SEPA sættes i gang
(jf. vedlagte
SEPA sættes i gang den 28. januar 2008.
I marginen af mødet drøftede ministrene den økonomiske og finansielle situation,
herunder den seneste udvikling på de finansielle markeder. Ministrene drøftede
endvidere bl.a. kvote- og stemmereformen i Den Internationale Valutafond (IMF)
med IMF’s administrerende direktør, Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
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Rådskonklusioner vedr. Review af det Indre Marked
“The Council WELCOMES the publication of the Single Market Review by the
The Council (Ecofin) UNDERLINES that the Single Market is of crucial im-
portance for Europe’s competitiveness in the globalised economy. It is therefore
part of the overall economic policy strategy of the EU as recognised in the Inte-
grated Guidelines. A competitive Single Market is a key driver of economic
growth and the successful economic performance of SMEs will depend on their
capacity to grow and operate cross-border as they do on their domestic market. It
provides the right environment to enable living standards of Europe's citizens to
rise. The Council (Ecofin) therefore EMPHASIZES that the core focus of the
Single Market as a driver for growth should be at the centre of measures taken
forward, including in the context of the Community Lisbon Programme. It also
UNDERLINES the importance of the Single Market for increasing the economic
adjustment capacity of European countries as well as their resilience to shocks,
especially within the Monetary Union.
Delivering results through a better use of instruments
The Council SHARES the Commission’s view that an impact-driven and result-
orientated approach is needed, which targets action where it will have maximum
impact, underpinned by robust economic evidence, and uses all available tools to
enable responsiveness in a rapidly changing global context and enlarged Europe
and WELCOMES the focus on improved governance of the Single Market in line
with the better regulation agenda as well as the principles of subsidiarity and pro-
portionality. Creation of new administrative burdens on governments and busi-
nesses should be avoided. The Council AGREES that:
Using a better tailored
mix of policy instruments
is important for ensuring that
the Single Market regulatory environment is both efficient enough to reach its
objectives and flexible enough to respond to the increased pace of change in
global markets.
The proposal for
a system for market monitoring,
well targeted and building
on existing data and procedures, could help to prioritise action in markets where
there are genuine and significant barriers to market functioning and competition,
the removal of which would result in significant economic benefits, including
lower prices and better access to offers for consumers. This will help to achieve a
targeted and evidence-based approach to the Single Market. The Council IN-
VITES the Commission to implement this system of market monitoring and to
work closely with the Member States through the EPC to assess the results and
evaluate the methodology for continuous improvement. The Council STRESSES
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the need for further analysis on the functioning of the services sector, which is the
core of the European economy.
implementation and enforcement of existing legislation
is neces-
sary to enhance the competitiveness and performance of the Single Market. More
emphasis should be put on effective and consistent implementation and enforce-
ment, including better information and appropriate redress mechanisms for con-
sumers and businesses.
Priority areas for action
The Council STRESSES that greater consumer confidence and improved partner-
ships between Member States and the Commission will be key to the successful
implementation of this strategy. In line with the new focus on targeting action
where it will have maximum impact, the Council:
- CONSIDERS that the opening of
services markets
is crucial to Europe’s fu-
ture prosperity. Services are now a major economic driver in Europe, accounting
for 70 % of Europe's output, 68% of employment and 96% of new jobs created.
Rapid and effective implementation of the Services Directive by the end of 2009
is necessary to create a genuine single market for services.
- AGREES that efforts to liberalise
network industries
need to continue. Mem-
ber States should take the necessary steps to achieve a truly competitive, intercon-
nected and single Europe-wide internal market for electricity and gas. In line with
the requirements defined by 2003 Energy Directives and the calls of the March
2007 European Council, those steps include more effective separation of supply
and production activities from network operations (unbundling) and providing
fair network access. Particular attention should be given to improving and
strengthening the independence of the regulatory authorities. Also the telecom-
munications package needs to be agreed upon. Member States should transpose
the Directive for the completion of the EU postal internal market.
- AGREES that improving the
tax environment
is important. It NOTES that
national rules on taxation differ between Member States. The functioning of the
Single Market may be improved through continuing efforts to tackle tax fraud,
eliminate harmful tax competition and through strengthened cooperation on taxa-
tion between Member States and, where appropriate, at European level, while
respecting national competences. The Council will continue to work in this area,
including addressing obstacles to the Internal Market.
- UNDERLINES that promoting the free movement of
knowledge and innova-
should be a priority and in this respect LOOKS FORWARD to further pro-
gress on a common EU framework for patent protection, safeguarding legal cer-
tainty and avoiding discrimination. Education should be given utmost importance
to facilitate the movement towards a “knowledgebase economy”. In addition, the
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conditions for financing innovative SMEs through risk capital should be im-
proved. The Council STRESSES that the framework conditions for an effective
competition policy should be improved to reinforce the benefits of innovation for
the Single Market. The Council also AGREES on the importance of promoting
the right conditions for
to foster innovation and growth, in particular by
allowing them to take full advantage of the opportunities of the Single Market, by
improving their access to public procurement and, by reducing further administra-
tive burdens and obstacles to cross-border trade.
- TAKES NOTE of the proposals for retail financial services in the Single Market
Review, and AGREES that greater competition, enhanced efficiency and more
opportunities for business in retail financial services will promote jobs and growth
and benefit consumers. In this context, the Council BROADLY SUPPORTS the
initiatives identified by the Commission in the area of retail financial services, and
in particular
ENCOURAGES the development, by the banking sector, of a set of
common rules on bank accounts, to facilitate bank switching and access by
non-residents, to the benefit of all consumers, bearing in mind the positive
effects expected from increased customer mobility on competition;
SUPPORTS the Commission in its intentions to look into the obstacles to
broader product availability, in particular assessing the possibilities of a 28
regime and further use of competition policy tools;
STRESSES the importance of eliminating barriers to supply and demand
for retail products on a cross-border basis and of examining the precondi-
tions for access to, and availability of, credit data in promoting competitive
retail markets;
LOOKS FORWARD to the Commission communication on the need for
a more coherent approach to product transparency and distribution require-
ments for "competing" retail investment products;
SUPPORTS examination by the Commission of possible improvements to
financial services redress mechanisms;
And ENCOURAGES greater and continued engagement with consumers
so as to try out, where relevant, the proposed measures with consumer test-
ing panels, and/or discuss them with expert groups gathering professionals
and users.
- INVITES the FSC and the EFC to examine the forthcoming detailed initiatives
by the Commission. In the first half of 2008, and in addition to the consideration
of progress on the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA), the Council will examine in
particular the Commission White Paper on the mortgage credit sector for con-
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sumers and the communication by the Commission on financial education, setting
out suggestions for the delivery of financial education, recognizing that financial
education is primarily a matter for Member States.
The Council UNDERLINES the importance of the
external dimension
of the
Single Market Review. The Union's internal and external policies need to be har-
nessed in order to respond to the opportunities and challenges of globalisation, in
line with the EU declaration on globalisation adopted by the European Council in
December. A well functioning Single Market can enhance Member States' capacity
to compete in a globalised world.”
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Rådskonklusioner vedr. det fælles eurobetalingsområde, SEPA
“The Council
- EMPHASISES its support for the aim of the Single Euro Payments Area
(SEPA): to achieve an integrated market for payment services in euro which is
subject to effective competition and where there is no distinction between cross-
border and national payments in euro within the EU;
- WELCOMES the substantial progress achieved by industry to achieve the
- RECOGNISES that the SEPA project has now moved from the preparatory to
the operational stage and therefore calls upon industry to redouble its efforts and
complete work, in particular in relation to the outstanding standards required in
the cards market and in the customer to bank and bank to customer space;
- ENCOURAGES industry to develop attractive SEPA payment products and
market them actively so that there is a natural momentum for customers to mi-
grate from existing payment instruments to the new SEPA payment products in a
market driven process;
- CALLS for rapid and smooth SEPA migration so that dual payment processing
costs are kept to the minimum; and highlights the need for timely and complete
transposition and implementation of the Payment Services Directive at national
level to facilitate the migration process;
- RECOGNISES the importance of finding a workable solution to ensure the
continued legal validity of existing direct debit mandates, where needed;
- ACKNOWLEDGES the important catalytic role that can be played by public
authorities in helping drive forward the migration process;
- ENCOURAGES public authorities to be early adopters of SEPA payment in-
struments subject to the principle that there should be no deterioration as com-
pared to the existing national characteristics for product performance and price,
given the positive contribution SEPA can make to the modernisation of public
administration and the e-Government Action Plan as well as the substantial bene-
fits of SEPA to the wider European economy, including through value-added-
services such as e-invoicing;
- INVITES Finance Ministries of Member States in cooperation with national
Central Banks to continue monitoring progress on SEPA at national level, in par-
ticular, as regards the adoption of SEPA by public authorities; and INVITES the
Commission in cooperation with the ECB to provide an annual progress report
on the state of migration, including where relevant the pricing of SEPA instru-
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ments and the enhancement of competition within the SEPA area as well as other
SEPA related developments at the end of each year until the successful migration
of a critical mass of payment instruments has been achieved and at the end 2008,
2009 and 2010 in any event.”