&form of address
I have the honour of inviting you to an informal meeting of Heads of State or Government of the Member States of the European Union in Brussels on Friday 7 November 2008. This will take the form of a luncheon beginning at 1 p.m. in the Justus Lipsius Building of the Council.
The main aim of our meeting will be to work out together the proposals and the approach to be promoted by Europe at the Summit which the President of the United States has been kind enough to organise in Washington on 15 November next, on a proposal from José Manuel Barroso and myself, for the purpose, in the light of the current financial crisis, of launching the necessary reform of international financial structures. This meeting will also enable us to take initial stock of the economic and financial situation and of progress in implementing the measures decided upon at our European Council in order to resolve it.
In addition, of course, to the President of the European Commission and the Secretary-General of the Council, I have also invited the President of the European Parliament and the President of the European Central Bank to this informal meeting.
Given the informal nature of our meeting, no conclusions will be adopted. However, following on from our Finance Ministers' examination of this subject last Tuesday, the Presidency will submit a short text in advance of our luncheon setting out some guidelines for our discussions on Friday to ensure we are well prepared for the Washington Summit.
Furthermore, at a time when our economies are suffering a major slowdown, I would insist on the need for a concerted effort to finalise the measures that are indispensable in order to support growth and employment: we shall of course return to this matter at the European Council in December.
I look forward to seeing you soon in Brussels.
(Complimentary close.)
                                                                  Nicolas SARKOZY,
                                                                  President of the European Council