Europaudvalget 2009-10
EUU Alm.del Bilag 52
Luxembourg, 15 June 2009
NOTESubject :
Relations with Israel- Adoption of the European Union's position for the Association Council's Ninthmeeting(Luxembourg, 15 June 2009)
At its meeting on 15 June 2009, the General Affairs and External Relations Council adoptedthe European Union's position for the Association Council's Ninth meeting and theprovisional agenda as set out in the Annexes.________________________
11057/09DG E V
(Luxembourg, 15 June 2009)Statement of the European Union
The European Union warmly welcomes theninth Meeting of the EU-Israel AssociationCouncil.This Association Council, organised shortly after the formation of the new Israeligovernment, confirms the great importance the European Union is attaching to its relationswith Israel and its readiness to continue strengthening our bilateral partnership.
During the last year's eighth Meeting of the EU-Israel Association Council, the EuropeanUnion responded positively to Israel's request to upgrade its relations with the EU andsubsequently in December 2008 has presented a series of concrete proposals to achieve thisgoal. This decision to upgrade our relations in the framework of the ENP clearly stemmedfrom common awareness of the traditional links, the cultural and human values, and theeconomic and security interests that the European Union and Israel share. That upgrade mustbe based on the shared values of both parties, and particularly on democracy and respect forhuman rights, the rule of law and fundamental freedoms, good governance and internationalhumanitarian law. The upgrade needs also to be, and to be seen, in the context of the broadrange of our common interests and objectives. These notably include the resolution of theIsrael-Palestinian conflict through the implementation of the two-state solution, the promotionof peace, prosperity and stability in the Middle East and the search for joint answers tochallenges which could threaten these goals.
At this stage the EU proposes that the current Action Plan remain the reference document forour relations until the new instrument is adopted. Meanwhile, the EU encourages Israel tocontribute to developing economic, financial and cultural relations at regional level. Israel isalso invited, for its part, to improve the daily life of the Palestinian population in accordancewith the roadmap, facilitate the practical implementation of the association agreementsconcluded by the EU with the other partners in the region, in particular the InterimAssociation Agreement concluded on 17 February 1997 between the European Communityand the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, and continue its active participation in the three-way dialogue started with the EU and the Palestinian Authority.
The European Union remains committed to a comprehensive settlement of the Arab-Israeliconflict, on the basis of the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, the terms of referenceof the Madrid conference, including land for peace, the Roadmap, the agreements previouslyreached by the parties and the Arab Peace Initiative. The Council reiterates its commitment tothe two-state solution with an independent, democratic, contiguous and viable Palestinianstate, comprising the West Bank and Gaza, living side by side in peace and security with theState of Israel. The Council confirms its view that this constitutes a fundamental Europeaninterest. It is an indispensable and urgent step towards a more stable and peaceful MiddleEast.
The Council welcomes the US Administration's commitment to vigorously pursue a two-statesolution and a comprehensive peace in the Middle East and confirms the Union's readiness towork actively with the United States and other Quartet members to achieve this goal,including through coordinated monitoring of actions by all parties to the conflict and ofdevelopments on the ground. The EU is also ready to contribute substantially to post-conflictarrangements aimed at ensuring the sustainability of peace agreements, addressing also theregional economic and security dimensions.
The European Union calls on the government of Israel to commit unequivocally to the two-state solution and welcomes the initial step, following the Israeli policy review, announced byPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of commitment to a peace that would include aPalestinian state. It urges both parties to take immediate steps to resume peace negotiations,respecting previous agreements and understandings. To that effect, the Council also calls onboth parties to implement their obligations under the Roadmap.
The Council remains deeply concerned by settlement activities in the Occupied PalestinianTerritories, including in East Jerusalem. The Council urges the government of Israel toimmediately end settlement activities, including in East Jerusalem and including naturalgrowth, and to dismantle all outposts erected since March 2001. It reiterates that settlementsare illegal under international law and constitute an obstacle to peace. The Council also urgesthe Palestinian Authority to continue to make every effort to improve law and order. Allparties must stop incitement and violence against civilians and respect for internationalhumanitarian law must be ensured. The EU will continue to follow closely investigations intoalleged violations of international humanitarian law.
The Council reiterates the urgency of a durable solution to the Gaza crisis through the fullimplementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1860. The European Union calls for theimmediate and unconditional opening of crossings for the flow of humanitarian aid,commercial goods and persons to and from Gaza without which the unimpeded delivery ofhumanitarian aid, reconstruction and economic recovery will not be possible. The Councilalso calls for a complete stop to all violence, including a sustained halt of rocket attacks atIsrael and an effective mechanism to prevent arms and ammunition smuggling into the Gazastrip. It calls on those holding the abducted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit to release him withoutdelay.
The Council expresses continued encouragement for inter-Palestinian reconciliation behindPresident Mahmoud Abbas and support for the mediation efforts by Egypt and the ArabLeague. Overcoming divisions among Palestinians would help prevent a deeper separationbetween the West Bank and Gaza and preserve the chances of restoring the unity of a futurePalestinian state. The Council calls on all Palestinians to find common ground, based on non-violence, in order to facilitate reconstruction in Gaza and the organisation of elections.
The EU stands ready to further develop and enhance its bilateral relations with the PalestinianAuthority in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy. It will promote Palestinianstate-building and intensify work in partnership with the PA towards further implementationof the Palestinian Reform and Development Plan. This will involve a broad range of areasincluding health, education, governance, customs, public financial management and the ruleof law. The EU welcomes the PA’s efforts to develop an effective and reformed securitysector and will cooperate towards additional improvement in restoring law and order,countering terrorism, the implementation of a more comprehensive security strategy,developing an effective and reformed security sector and criminal justice system. Civil policeand justice will continue to be a focus of EU support, through the assistance provided byEUPOL COPPS, the European Commission and Member States, and in close coordinationwith the US and other partners.
The Council welcomes the declared readiness of the government of Israel to promotePalestinian economic development, stressing that this can only be achieved within theframework of the broader perspective of the two-state solution. The EU is ready to workclosely with Israel, the Palestinian government and international donors in order to achievesustainable economic development on the basis of the full implementation of the Agreementon Access and Movement of 2005. Such a step would not only improve living conditions andthe situation on the ground but also reinforce support among Palestinians for a peacefulpolitical process.
The Council calls on all partners to contribute actively to the achievement of a comprehensivesettlement. The EU urges Arab countries and other partners to be forthcoming, both politicallyand financially, in assisting the Palestinian Authority, in accordance with Roadmapprovisions. Underlining the importance of the Arab Peace Initiative, the EU invites Israel andall Arab countries to take confidence building measures in order to overcome mutual mistrustand to create an atmosphere conducive to conflict resolution. Solutions to the various conflictsincluding a lasting settlement for the conflicts between Israel and Syria and between Israeland Lebanon must be pursued in parallel, creating mutually reinforcing processes. In thisregard the EU expects that Syria and Israel resume peace negotiations.
A comprehensive settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict requires a regional approach,covering the political, security and economic dimensions. Encouraged by enhanced USengagement and convinced that tangible benefits regarding economic development andsecurity would facilitate achieving agreement on the various political tracks, the EU standsready to use all instruments at its disposal such as the European Neighbourhood Policy andthe Union for the Mediterranean. Through numerous agreements with partners in the region,the EU is uniquely placed to work with the parties on key issues of regional development. Inlight of further developments at the political level and on the ground, the EU will carefullyassess how its policies and programmes can promote concrete and early results on the path ofa comprehensive settlement of the conflict.
The EU reaffirms its support for the United Nations' efforts to make progress on the issue oftheShebaa Farms,and continues to support the option of placing them under UN trusteeship,in accordance with the seven-point plan endorsed by the Government of Lebanon on 26 July2006.
The EU also backs current efforts, and in particular UNIFIL's plan, aiming to find a solutionto the issue ofGhajarand calls for an Israeli withdrawal from the Lebanese part of the town.
The EU and its Member States by their prominent role in the new UNIFIL have demonstratedtheir commitment to the full implementation of UNSC Resolution 1701. The EU calls on allparties in the region to comply with the resolution, notably the arms embargo. It urges Israelto stop violations of Lebanese airspace. The EU welcomes the information provided to theUN by Israel on cluster ammunitions in Lebanon and hopes that this cooperation willcontinue.
The EU remains seriously concerned by the Iranian refusal to implement the relevant UNSCResolutions regarding its nuclear activities. Full implementation of these resolutions is neededto open the door to a long term diplomatic solution to which the EU remains fully committed.A negotiated solution to the Iranian nuclear issue is of cardinal importance not only for theEU but for the whole international community, since if Iran were to acquire a military nuclearcapability, this would constitute an unacceptable threat to regional and international security.The EU warmly supports the new direction of US policy towards Iran, which opens a windowof opportunity for negotiations on all aspects of Iran's nuclear programme and more broadlyfor engagement with Iran. The EU reaffirms its full support for the dual-track approach to thisissue and has called upon Iran to engage seriously with the international community in a spiritof mutual respect. The evolution of our relations with Iran will also depend on it.
The EU underlines that Iran needs to play a responsible role in the region, in conformity withall relevant UNSC Resolutions. Iran should modify its approach to the Middle East PeaceProcess, including the acceptance of a solution based on two states, Israel and Palestine,existing side by side in peace and security. Iran should also stop its support to violent groupsin the region and use its influence in order to encourage them to follow a non-violent politicalapproach.
The EU condemns in the strongest terms the threats towards Israel by the IranianGovernment. Furthermore, the EU condemns any denial of the Holocaust as a historical fact,either in whole or in part. The EU expresses its deep concern about the continuingdeterioration of human rights and political freedoms of Iranian citizens.
The EU welcomes the launching of the Union for the Mediterranean at the Paris Summit of 13July 2008 and at the Foreign Ministers' Conference in Marseille on 3-4 November 2008. TheUnion for the Mediterranean represents the next phase in the Euro-Mediterranean partnership,building on the acquis of the Barcelona Process and furthering the EU's relationship with itsMediterranean neighbours. It aims at providing an increased co-ownership with newinstitutional structures and an enhanced focus on projects.
The political situation in the Middle East has had an impact on the day-to day development ofthe Union for the Mediterranean. The EU believes that normal work should be pursued inorder to fulfil the commitments and objectives of the Union for the Mediterranean. In thislight, the EU welcomes the holding of the political dialogue in the presence of the HighRepresentative Javier Solana on 23 April 2009 as well as the informal technical meeting heldin Barcelona to discuss the setting-up of the Secretariat for the UfM.
The European Union unequivocally condemnsterrorismin all its forms and manifestationsand expresses its solidarity with all victims of terrorism, in Israel and elsewhere. The EUreiterates that any measures to prevent and counter terrorism must comply with internationallaw, in particular international human rights law, refugee law and humanitarian law, and thateffective counterterrorism measures and the protection of human rights are not conflicting butcomplementary and mutually reinforcing goals. The EU also supports the United Nations asthe only truly global forum for the fight against terrorism. The EU is fully committed andstands ready to implement the Global Counterterrorism Strategy in cooperation with allMember States of the UN as well as all relevant stakeholders. In order to ensureimplementation of the Strategy across the UN system, the EU is a staunch supporter of theCounter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF).
The proliferation ofweapons of mass destructionand their means of delivery both to stateand non-state actors represents one of the most serious threats to international peace andsecurity. The international community shares the responsibility to actively preventproliferation, to promote disarmament and to respond quickly and effectively to non-compliance with non-proliferation obligations. While the EU will continue to use all politicaland diplomatic instruments at its disposal and act to stem the proliferation of WMD and theirmeans of delivery, the EU underlines the importance of full compliance with and nationalimplementation of existing non-proliferation treaties and agreements and other relevantinternational obligations. The EU furthermore calls on all parties who have not done so tosign, ratify or accede to all relevant international instruments.
The EU will also continue to work for a successful outcome of the 2010 NPT ReviewConference, with a view to strengthening the international nuclear non-proliferation regime.The Review Conference should adopt a set of concrete, effective, pragmatic and consensualmeasures for stepping up international efforts against proliferation, pursuing disarmament andensuring a responsible development of peaceful uses of nuclear energy by countries wishingto develop their capacities in this field. To achieve these goals, the EU has elaborated a set offorward-looking proposals on all three pillars of the NPT, to be part of an action plan adoptedby the RevCon. The EU also welcomes initiatives, including from Israel, that contributetowards achieving the goal of a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons as well as of otherweapons of mass destruction, including their means of delivery.
The EU firmly supports the UN process towards a comprehensive, legally binding ArmsTrade Treaty (ATT) to establish common international standards for the import, export andtransfer of conventional arms. The EU has taken concrete steps to promote this UN processthrough a series of regional seminars and is convinced that an ATT will make a tangiblecontribution towards global security and stability.
Since the last Association Council held in June 2008, both parties actively pursued theimplementation of the EU-Israel ENP Action Plan. The ENP Progress Report, published bythe Commission in April 2009, thoroughly described the progress made with regard to theimplementation of the priorities addressed since the adoption of the ENP Action Plan in April2005.
The EU reiterates its request to establish as soon as possible a subcommittee on human rights,within the framework of the Association Agreement. The EU recalls the importance itattaches to the dialogue onhuman rights.
Pending the initiation of this subcommittee the current practice of informal working groupsset-up, i.e. on human rights and on international organizations should continue.
The EU reiterates the need for a continued discussion with the Israeli side on human rightssituations of common concern, in particular the protection of the Palestinian population andIsraeli Arab minority, respect for the Convention on the Rights of the Child, children affectedby armed conflicts, promotion of democracy, rule of law and respect for internationalhumanitarian law.
The EU is gravely concerned with the issuing of eviction notices in East Jerusalem and theWest Bank and calls on Israel to its immediate suspension. The EU remains deeply concernedby house demolitions both in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. These actions run counterRoadmap obligations and threaten the viability of a two-state solution.
The EU calls on Israel to ensure the protection and unimpeded access of all religious groupsto religious sites, notably in Jerusalem.
Support for human rights defenders is already a long established element of the EuropeanUnion’s human rights external relations policy, which is notably visible through the EUGuidelines on human rights defenders. In both Israel and the occupied Palestinian Territoriesthe human rights defenders play an important role in promoting the common values ofdemocracy, peace and human rights. The EU calls on all parties concerned to ensure thathuman rights defenders are free to carry out their legitimate and important work.
Israel continues to be one of the EU’s biggest trading partners in the Mediterranean area, withtotal trade amounting to approximately€ 25.3 billion in 2008.However, EU imports fromIsrael fell in 2008 by 1.4% (while they increased by 8.1% with the rest of the world) and EUexports to Israel decreased during the same period by 1.6% (while they increased by 5.4%with the rest of the world).
Bilateral negotiations on the liberalisation of trade in servicesand the right ofestablishment were launched in July 2008. The next round of negotiations, expected to takeplace before the summer, should discuss provisions for specific sectors such as financialservices and telecommunications. Work is on-going towards the establishment of a “disputesettlement mechanism”for an effective resolution of trade disputes in the framework of theAssociation Agreement.
The European Commission is ready to re-launch the discussions in the framework of thetrilateral working group on trade established between the European Commission, Israel andthe Palestinian Authority with a view inter alia to facilitating Palestinian trade and as well asthe implementation of the EC-PLO Interim Association Agreement.
Onfree movement of goods and technical regulations,the European Commission andIsrael launched in November 2008 the negotiations on an Agreement on ConformityAssessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products (ACAA) in one of the priority sectors,namely Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), for pharmaceuticals. Progress has been madeduring the negotiations rounds which took place in December 2008 and March 2009.
Under the framework of the Barcelona Process and in accordance with the Euro-Mediterranean Roadmap for Agriculture (Rabat roadmap) adopted on 28 November 2005,the European Commission and Israel initialled in July 2008 thepreliminary agreement onfurther liberalisation of trade concerning agriculture, processed agricultural, fish andfishery products.Currently this agreement is subject to approval according to legislativeprocedures applicable to the respective Parties. The EU also welcomes the recently adoptednew phytosanitary legislation (published in the Israeli Gazette on 25 March 2009), which isin line with the international standards such as those laid down by the IPPC (InternationalPlant Protection Convention) and WTO principles. The EU side recalls that since 1984, thistrade concern has been raised on several occasions. The existence of clear phytosanitarylegislation will ensure transparency and legal certainty for EU exporters in line withinternational standards; EU exporters will be informed of the exact phytosanitary importrequirements they will have to face when trying to access the Israeli market thus removingexisting barriers for trade to EU exporters of plants and plant products.
The EU also acknowledges Israel’s close co-operation with the EU when trade irritantsarise. It expresses the hope that for the remaining trade problems (such as SPS restrictionson import of live bovine and sardines) Israel will continue to work closely with the EU witha view to promptly removing any undue trade obstacles.
Onenterprise policy,the EU invites Israel to consider the recommendations for furtherprogress formulated in the 2008 report on the Euro-Mediterranean Charter for Enterprise.The EU also encourages Israel to implement the 2009-2010 work programme on industrialcooperation that was approved by Industry Ministers in Nice on 5-6 November 2008 andthat comprises six work areas: the Charter implementation, investment promotion, tradefacilitation for industrial products, innovation and technology transfer, dialogue on thefuture of the textile and clothing sector, sustainable industrial development and energyefficiency.
The EU welcomes the signature in May 2008 of theMemorandum of Understandingbetween theIsraeli Central Bureau of Statistics(ICBS) andEurostatestablishing thebasis for a sustainable exchange of data. Israel has been the first Mediterranean PartnerCountry to sign such a Memorandum. Furthermore, Israel is also actively participating in theMEDSTAT II programme.
In the area ofpolice and judicial cooperation,the Justice and Home Affairs Counciladopted on 6thApril 2009 a decision authorizing the Director of Europol to enter intonegotiations with Israel with a view to concluding an operational cooperation agreement.
In the area ofscience and technology,the EU welcomes the increasing cooperationwith Israel within the framework of the 7th Framework Programme for Research andDevelopment (FP7). Among the Associated countries to FP7, Israel is the EU third biggestpartner, after Switzerland and Norway, in terms of programme’s participation. Israeliresearchers are particularly successful in the “Ideas Specific Programme”. Their success rategoes far beyond the associated countries average. Israel is also actively participating in FP7financed research projects under the “Cooperation Specific Programme”. In particular, interms of proposals submitted the Information Communication Technology (ICT) thematicarea is the one that received the biggest number of applications, followed by Health andEnvironment. Israeli applicants are also particularly successful in the Nanosciences,Nanotechnologies, Materials & New Production Technologies (NMP) thematic area.
The EU welcomes the signature by the European Commission and the Israeli authorities inDecember 2008 of thehorizontal air transport agreementbringing bilateral air serviceagreements between Member States and Israel in line with EC law. In 2008, theCommission received from the Council amandateto negotiate acomprehensive EU-IsraelEuro-Med aviation agreementproviding for gradual market opening and a high level ofregulatory convergence; the first negotiation round took place in December 2008 and thesecond one is expected before the summer break. Israel participates actively in the planningexercise for transport infrastructure in the Mediterranean in promoting priority regionalinfrastructure projects with emphasis on relevant railway projects and the Motorways of theSea pilot project.
In 2008, the Commission and Israel took preparatory steps towards the country’s futureparticipation in theIntelligent Energy EuropeProgramme (a component of theCompetitiveness and Innovation Programme).
At regional level, in 2008, Israel, the Palestinian Authority and the European Commissionre-launched their trilateral energy cooperation with the aim of facilitating the jointIsraeli-Palestinian “Solar for Peace”initiative and the establishment of a joint energy office. AEuropean Commission financed study was undertaken to support the “Solar for Peace”project.
The EU attaches great importance to intensifying the cooperation onenvironment mattersand taking forward the work of implementing bilateral environment cooperation within theframework of the Association Agreement and the ENP Action Plan. The EU welcomesIsrael's ratification in April 2009 of the Barcelona Convention Land Based Sources ofPollution Protocol.At regional level, cooperation can be reinforced in the context of the implementation of theHorizon 2020 Initiative, including the Horizon 2020 timetable 2007-2013, and theMediterranean component of the EU Water Initiative and the preparation of theMediterranean Water Strategy. Furthermore, the EU invites Israel to share its proposals asregards the adoption in Copenhagen in December of a comprehensive and global agreementon the post-2012 framework for international cooperation on climate change and looksforward to deepening the dialogue on climate change adaptation and technology issues.
The EU also welcomes the signature in July 2008 by Israel and the European Commission ofaJoint Declarationoncooperation and dialogue on education and training,aiming atenhancing policy dialogue on greater compatibility of education systems and to increaseeducational mobility and exchanges through the new generations of EU's Erasmus Mundusand Tempus programmes. The Commission and the Israeli Government also expressed theirintention to increase inter-university cooperation between European and Israeli universitiesfor further mobility and exchange of academic staff and students.
The EU notes that Israel increased funding foryouthactivities in 2008 and continuedsupport for the development of youth exchanges, informal education provision andintercultural dialogue within the context of Israel’s participation in Euromed Youth III. TheEU welcomes the progress made and encourages Israel to expand its participation in theprogramme.
In the field ofculture,Israel actively participated in the Euromed Audiovisual IIprogramme and in a regional project under Euromed Heritage III on capacity-building andpromotion of the preservation of shared Byzantine-Islamic cultural heritage alongsidepartners from the occupied Palestinian territory, Cyprus, Greece and Turkey.
Since the resumption of its operations in 2007, theEuropean Investment Bank’s (EIB)financing facility includes lending for waste water projects in urban and rural areas andsupport to Israeli SMEs. Most recently, the EIB approved in March 2009 the extension ofthe Hadera desalination plant currently under construction (and partly financed by the EIB)by adding production capacity. The project’s main objective is the increase of availablepotable water in a region with scarce water resources by filling the existing gap in thecountry’s water balance.
As of 2007, implementation of the European Neighbourhood Action Plan is being supportedthrough a € 2 million annual allocation under theEuropean Neighbourhood andPartnership Instrument (ENPI),destined to finance institutional cooperation activities.
Israel continues to be the leading country in the Mediterranean in terms of requests andorganization ofTAIEXseminars.
The EU looks forward to a fruitful and constructive meeting of the EU-Israel AssociationCouncil.__________________
Brussels, 5 June 2009
UE-IL 2901/09
PROVISIONAL AGENDAMeeting:Ninth session of the EU-Israel Association CouncilDate15 June 2009in :Luxembourg
Adoption of the agenda
State and perspectives of EU-Israel relations
Political dialogue on subjects of common interest
Any other business