The Stockholm Programme :
An improved information management strategy for the area
of Justice, Freedom and Security
12th November 2009
From 9 to 12.30 am
(Salle JAN 6Q1)
European Parliament
(entrance 1A rue de Trêves)
9h :
9h15 :
Keynote Speech
Jean-Dominique GIULIANI, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation
Magnus G. GRANER, Secretary of State, Swedish government
9h30-11h00 :
Session 1: An information management strategy for the protection of citizens
Frank CROKET, Accenture Information Management Systems Lead, Belgium & Luxembourg.
Jean-Louis DEBROUWER, Director, DG JLS, European Commission,
Jan Philipp ALBRECHT, MEP,
Peter HUSTINX, European Data Protection Supervisor
Jérôme DEROULEZ, , Justice Advisor, Permanent Representation of France to the EU
Fredrik NYGREN, Chair of the Council working party on exchange of information
11h-12h30 : Session 2 :
“Integrated Border Management: A case study for the practical implementation of
an information management strategy”
Henrik NIELSEN, Head of Unit, Border management and return policy, DG JLS, European
Ger DALY, Global Managing Director, Border Management & Public Safety, Accenture.
Ilkka LAITINEN, Executive Director, Frontex
Office : Rond-Point Schuman 6 ● B- 1040 Bruxelles ● Tél : 32 (0)2 234 78 26 – Fax : 32 (0)2 234 77 72