The Danish Financial
Supervisory Authority and
Danmarks Nationalbank
Danish Mortgage Credit and International Regulation
Proposals for quantitative liquidity standards are being considered
internationally as part of the follow-up on the financial crisis. The Danish
Financial Supervisory Authority and Danmarks Nationalbank support the
efforts to improve international regulation of the financial sector and find
that the proposal contains many positive elements and is a step in the right
direction. The proposal also gives cause for concern, however.
Danish mortgage credit is a key element of the Danish financial system.
There is a risk that current deliberations concerning new international
regulation may undermine parts of the system. These are primarily:
1. A new definition of liquid assets that fails to allow for the fact that
Danish mortgage-credit bonds are just as liquid as many
government bonds.
2. Liquidity requirements that make it impossible to maintain the
present adjustable-rate loan model.
3. A leverage restriction that does not take into account the collateral
pledged for mortgage-credit loans.
This memorandum describes the above three challenges in more detail. The
Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and Danmarks Nationalbank have
positions on other aspects of the proposal, but the focus here is on the above
Danish mortgage credit
The Danish mortgage-credit system is of major significance to the entire
Danish financial sector and thus also to financial stability in Denmark. Its
significance can be illustrated by the fact that the market value of all
mortgage-credit bonds is approximately kr. 2,300 billion. In comparison,
Denmark's GDP is approximately kr. 1,700 billion. The market value of the
bonds is thus approximately 1.4 times Denmark's GDP.
The Danish mortgage-credit system is highly efficient and transparent.
Borrowers pay the market rate on the mortgage-credit bonds plus a fee of
approximately 0.5 percentage point to the mortgage-credit institute. The
yield spread between government bonds and mortgage-credit bonds is
normally limited as the real property pledged as collateral gives mortgage-