European Youth Forum
(rue Joseph II, 120, B-1000 Brussels, Interest representative reg. no. 80509071872-18)
Contribution to the Consultation on the
Green Paper on a European Citizens' Initiative
With the present contribution, the European Youth Forum would like to express its views on
the development of concrete elements and procedures related to this newly established
process. As the main European platform bringing together 99 National Youth Councils and
International Youth Organisations from across Europe, and working to empower young
people to participate actively in society to improve their own lives, the European Youth Forum
sees the added value of the instrument of a citizens' initiative in strengthening the
participation and overcoming the democratic deficit within the EU. However, in the process of
developing the practical use of this tool, it needs to be ensured that its procedures and rules
are transparent, accessible and user-friendly. In the opposite case, the European Youth Forum
sees the danger of rendering the citizens' initiative impractical to use and of diminishing its
value, which would be regrettable and would not contribute to the empowerment of citizens
of the European Union to become more closely involved in EU affairs.
Below you will find the replies to questions posed in the Green Paper.
1. Minimum number of Member States from which citizens must come
As the European Commission rightly points out in the Green Paper, a balance between
representativity and accessibility of the procedure, must be struck. In view of other Treaty
provisions which set the minimum threshold at one third of Member States, the European
Youth Forum nevertheless believes that in the spirit of avoiding excessive restrictions on the
Citizens' Initiatives seven Member States would be an appropriate threshold for a citizens’
initiative to be deemed valid.