Europaudvalget 2009-10
Det Europæiske Råd 29-30/10-09 Bilag 3
Brussels, 20 October 2009
European Council (29 and 30 October 2009)
– Draft conclusions
The attached draft conclusions are presented by the Presidency with a view to their adoption by the
European Council on 29 and 30 October 2009.
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The meeting of the European Council was preceded by an exposé by the President of the
European Parliament, Mr Jerzy Buzek, followed by an exchange of views.
Institutional issues
1. The European Council stresses the importance of ensuring a smooth entry into force of the
new Treaty, following ratification by all Member States. It takes note of the work conducted
as set out in the Presidency’s report (doc. XXX).
2. The European Council endorses the Presidency's report on guidelines for the European
External Action Service. It invites the future High Representative to present a proposal for
the setting up of the EEAS as soon as possible after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty
with a view to its adoption by the Council at the latest by the end of April 2010.
Climate change
[p.m. to be completed after the Environmental Council]
III. Economic, financial and employment situation
3. The bold policy response to the economic and financial crisis is now starting to bear fruit.
The sharp decline in European economic activity is coming to a halt, with a stabilisation of
financial markets and an improvement in confidence. However, there is no room for
complacency. The incipient recovery needs close monitoring and the support by governments
and central banks should not be withdrawn until the recovery is fully secured.
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4. At the same time, in order to anchor expectations and reinforce confidence, it is necessary to
prepare a coordinated strategy for exiting from the broad-based stimulus policies, so that
fiscal consolidation in all EU Member States should start in 2011 at the latest and the
planned pace of the fiscal consolidation should go beyond the benchmark of 0.5% of GDP
per annum in most Member States. The European Council invites the Council and the
Commission to continue their work on exit strategies, based on the principles agreed by the
Council on 20 October 2009, and to report back on progress made to its December 2009
5. As the employment situation in Europe can be expected to deteriorate further a continued
political commitment to support and maintain the attachment to the labour market through
active labour market policies is required. Managing the consequences of the crisis and
preventing high unemployment levels from becoming persistent while staying committed to
increasing long term labour supply will be necessary to ensure high employment levels and
sustainable public finances in the medium and long run. Labour market participation is a
prerequisite for economic growth, for the social and economic wellbeing of individuals and
for a more socially cohesive Europe. The European Union can contribute to these efforts by
promoting cooperation, coordination and mutual learning.
6. The European Council recalls its Conclusions from June 2009 as regards strengthening the
supervisory framework in the EU and notes that there was broad agreement in the Council on
20 October 2009 on the two legislative proposals on the establishment of the European
Systemic Risk Board for macro-prudential supervision. The European Council welcomes the
Conclusions of the Council and encourages the Presidency to initiate the process with the
European Parliament.
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7. Against this background, the European Council recognises the progress made thus far and
reiterates the importance of the swift continuation of the work on the establishment of the
European Supervisory Authorities for micro-prudential supervision, in order to reach a
general approach on these proposals. The European Council urges the Council, after further
political consideration, to come back in December 2009 with an agreement on a complete
package setting up a new supervisory structure in the EU.
8. The European Council calls for rapid progress to be made on the strengthening of the
regulatory framework for the prevention, management and resolution of financial crises and
on the development of a comprehensive EU-wide framework for closer policy coordination
on financial stability, in line with the roadmap agreed by the Council on 20 October 2009.
9. In this connection, the European Council welcomes the outcome of the G20 Pittsburgh
meeting, particularly as regards the preparation of a framework for strong, sustainable and
balanced growth and the commitment to take measures to strengthen the international
financial regulatory system, including reform of international standards for compensation. It
calls on the Council and the Commission to ensure thorough preparation by the European
Union of future G20 meetings.
10. The European Council welcomes the progress achieved with regard to energy infrastructures
and interconnections as well as crisis mechanisms since last January as set out in the report
presented by the Presidency (doc. 13068/1/09). It invites the actors concerned to implement
as a matter of urgency the next steps set out in that report.
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IV. EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
11. The European Council adopted the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and endorsed the
Council conclusions on the subject (doc. 13744/09). This Strategy constitutes an integrated
framework to address common challenges, i.a. the urgent environmental challenges related to
the Baltic Sea, and to contribute to the economic, social and territorial cohesion as well as the
competitiveness of the EU.
12. The European Council called upon all relevant actors to act speedily and ensure full
implementation of the Strategy, taking note of the novel approach and reiterating its role as
pilot case for future macro regional strategies. It called on the Commission to present a
progress report to the Council by June 2011.
Illegal immigration
13. The European Council welcomes progress made on implementing the measures it identified
at its June meeting regarding irregular migration in the Mediterranean, in line with the
European Pact on Asylum and Migration and the EU Global Approach to Migration. It calls
for continued concerted action as many journeys still end in tragedy.
14. The European Council notes the launch of the pilot project for Malta and the concrete
solidarity showed by a number of Member States in the reallocation of beneficiaries of
international protection and urges more Member States to join. It also notes good progress on
the establishment of the European Asylum Support Office and reiterates that the office
should be established before the end of 2009. It furthermore notes ongoing work on the
enhancement of FRONTEX. It expresses its satisfaction with the reinforced dialogue on
migration between the EU and Turkey.
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15. A broad, forward-looking and comprehensive EU migration policy, in accordance with
international law, is the basis for sustainable medium- and long-term actions for migration
management. This will be reflected in the multi-annual Stockholm Programme, to be adopted
in December.
16. In this context the European Council:
Calls for additional efforts on the realisation of the Common European Asylum
Policy, addressing the issue of internal secondary movements as well as the need for
tangible and effective solidarity with Member States under particular pressure;
Calls for the enhancement of FRONTEX as well as progress in its development and
invites the Commission to present proposals to that end early 2010;
Underlines the urgent need for developing common rules of engagement for joint
operations at sea with due regard to ensuring protection for those in need who travel
in mixed flows, as noted in relevant UNHCR guidelines;
Invites the Commission and Member States to accelerate the implementation of the
Global Approach to Migration with emphasis to its strategic and effective
application, including the Regional Protection Programmes. In this context it will be
essential to secure effective use of all relevant existing financial instruments;
Calls on the Presidency and the Commission to promote a dialogue with Libya on
managing migration and responding to irregular immigration, including cooperation
at sea.
VI. External relations
17. The European Council endorses the conclusions of the Council meeting of 27 October on
Afghanistan and Pakistan and welcomes the adoption of the plan for strengthened EU action
in the region. The European Council emphazises the importance of a strong and consolidated
EU response to the challenges facing the region.
[p.m. in view of a second round in the Afghan presidential election]