Europaudvalget 2009-10
Det Europæiske Råd 29-30/10-09 Bilag 9
Stockholm, 27 October 2009
Dear ,
It is my pleasure to invite you to the next meeting of the European Council in Brussels on
29 and 30 October 2009.
The Union is at the forefront of efforts to fight climate change. Just weeks away from the opening
of the Copenhagen Conference, it is more than ever necessary to continue playing a leading role and
contribute to a global and ambitious agreement. The Union has a strong negotiating position, in
particular thanks to the excellent work conducted by our Environment Ministers on issues such as
technology transfer, adaptation, mitigation and good governance. However, it is clear that a deal on
financing will be central to reaching agreement in Copenhagen. This is why I propose to focus our
first working session, Thursday afternoon, on climate financing following the work that has been
carried out by our Finance Ministers.
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Over dinner, we will take stock of the preparations for the entering into force of the Lisbon Treaty.
As you know, so far 26 Member States have finalised their ratification procedures. In the Czech
Republic, the Constitutional Court is currently scrutinising the Lisbon Treaty. The Czech President
and the Czech Government have put forward certain requests concerning the Charter for
Fundamental Rights. At the European Council, we will review the situation and map out the way
forward. In addition, I would like to spend some time on the rules of procedures as regards the
preparations of European Council meetings under the Lisbon Treaty.
Our Foreign Ministers, for their part, will discuss how the EU can become more capable and
coherent as a global actor.
On Friday, the second working session of the European Council will be devoted to finalising the
conclusions including as regards the economic, financial and employment situation as well as illegal
immigration. I will also then say a few words on the Baltic Sea Region Strategy.
As usual, I am inviting the President of the European Parliament to join us for an exchange of
views, on Thursday afternoon, on all the issues which will be on our agenda.
Yours faithfully,
President of the European Council