Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2010-11 (1. samling), Europaudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
UPN Alm.del Bilag 77, EUU Alm.del Bilag 205
the government of the grand duchy of luxembourgJean asselborn Deputy prime minister minister of foreign AffAirs
Jean Asselborn was born on 27 April 1949in Steinfort.Education and qualificationsAfter leaving school at the age of 18,Jean Asselborn resumed his studies in 1976by attending evening classes. He obtainedhis final school-leaving diploma from theAthénée de Luxembourg the same year.In October 1981, Jean Asselborn was award-ed a master’s degree in private judicial lawfrom the University Nancy II.MinistErial postsFollowing the legislative elections of13 June 2004, Jean Asselborn joined thegovernment as Deputy Prime Minister,Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigrationon 31 July 2004.Upon the return of the coalition govern-ment formed by the Christian SocialParty (CSV) and the Luxembourg SocialistWorkers’ Party (LSAP) as a result of thelegislative elections of 7 June 2009, JeanAsselborn retained the offices of DeputyPrime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairson 23 July 2009.As of July 2004, Jean Asselborn representsthe Luxembourg government at the Councilof Ministers of the European Union in itsGeneral Affairs and External Relations con-figuration, split up since 2009 in two configu-rations: General Affairs and Foreign Affairs.othEr political postsIn 1982, Jean Asselborn was appointedmayor of the municipality of Steinfort, apost he held until 2004.He was a member of Parliament from1984 to 2004.In 1989, he was appointed chairman of theLSAP parliamentary group. Jean Asselborn
furthermore chaired the socialist party from1997 to 2004.From 1999 to 2004, Jean Asselborn assumedthe role of vice president of Parliament. Inaddition to his national mandate, he was amember of the Committee of the Regionsfrom 1999 to 2004 and served as vice presi-dent of the Party of European Socialists from2000 to 2004.profEssional activitiEsJean Asselborn launched his professionalcareer in a Uniroyal laboratory in 1967. It wasduring this time that he became activelyinvolved in the trade union movementand was elected youth representative ofthe Federation of Luxembourg Workers(Lëtzebuerger Aarbechterverband), the pre-cursor to the current OGB-L trade union.In 1968, Jean Asselborn joined the municipaladministration of the City of Luxembourg,but he returned to Steinfort in 1969 to takeon another civil servant post in the munici-pal administration.Upon obtaining his final school-leavingdiploma from the Athénée de Luxembourg,Jean Asselborn became the administrator ofthe Intercommunal Hospital of Steinfort in1976, a post he held until 2004.
Ministère des Affaires
Hôtel Saint-Maximin5, rue Notre-DameL-2240 LuxembourgTel.: +352 247-82300Fax: +352 22 31 44Directory of public sites
State of knowledge 1 February 2010