Europaudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 227
European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry
Att.: CIP Secretariat
BREY 13/092
B - 1049 Brussels
Danish response to the EU public consultation on a new Competi-
tiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP II)
In the wake of the economic crisis and deep recession, Europe finds itself
in a weakened position as to global competitiveness. If we want to create
growth in the EU in the coming years, it demands the willingness to make
the transition towards a knowledge and innovation based green economy
while ensuring consolidation of public budgets.
The Europe 2020 Strategy lays down an ambitious framework for making
the necessary transition of the European economy. It calls for action to
create an Innovation Union and to develop an industrial policy for a glob-
alised world while also strengthening the Internal Market, ensuring re-
source efficiency, mobility and raising a digital agenda for Europe which
includes the creation of a digital single market.
The current CIP programme
With the current Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
(CIP) EU has established a programme structure to stimulate growth and
to foster competitiveness and innovation in small and medium sized en-
terprises (SMEs) in the European Union. The current CIP programme is
funded by the multi-annual financial framework and runs from 2007 to
2013 with an overall budget of EUR 3621 million.
Within the framework of CIP three separate operational programmes ex-
ist, namely EIP (entrepreneurship and innovation), ICT PSP (information
and communication technology) and IEE II (intelligent energy). With
SMEs as its main target CIP supports innovation activities (including
eco-innovation), provides better access to finance, improves framework
conditions and delivers business support services in the European Re-
gions. It also encourages a better take up and innovation of information
and communication technologies (ICT) and helps to develop the EU in-
formation society. Finally the programme promotes the increased use of
renewable energies and energy efficiency.
Recent information on the European Economy shows a significantly low-
er average growth rate compared to the US and the BRIC-countries. With
a lower level in research and development (R&D) and innovation, an in-
sufficient use of information and communication technologies and a less
dynamic business environment in the EU compared to other economic
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