Europaudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 244
Questionnaire to Chairs of Competent Committees of National Parliaments -
European Semester
The following indicates a limited number of questions to guide the debate into the
format of a structured dialogue.
The overall objective is to help the National Parliaments and the European
Parliament to find the appropriate level of engagement and need for coordination
in the framework of the European Semester, in order to achieve proper democratic
accountability on the one hand, and to guarantee sufficient democratic ownership
of the EU economic governance system on the other.
In your brief (maximum 7-8 minutes) contribution, please answer to the following
indicative questions:
1. What has been the role and relevance of EU level commitments in your
national budgetary process so far, for instance as regards the Stability and
Convergence Programmes (SCP) or the National Reform Programmes (NRP)?
Have such EU level commitments been discussed and/or approved in your
national Parliament?
2. How has your national parliament prepared for the budgetary procedure within
the new European Semester? Has it foreseen or already implemented any
changes to the applicable procedures?
3. How do you see the role of the national parliaments and the European
Parliament in the European Semester? How could the European Parliament
and National Parliaments work together in this field? Is there a need to
formalise certain procedures, and if yes, in what format and in which stage of
the Semester procedure?