Europaudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 280
European Commission
Information Society and Media Directorate-General
Unit E4 – ”Access to Information”
Att: Mr. Andrej Osterman
Public Consultation on the evaluation of the PSI Directive
Among its first key actions, the Digital Agenda for Europe lists the revision of
the Directive 2003/98/EC on the reuse of public sector information (PSI
The agenda highlights that governments can stimulate content markets by making
PSI available on transparent, effective and non-discriminatory terms. This is an
important source of potential growth of innovative online services.
In that context the European Commission launched a public online consultation
on the PSI Directive a couple of months ago.
The Danish Government finds that the public sector information (PSI) plays a
very important role in achieving growth in general as well as new innovative
online services, but that the PSI Directive alone cannot fulfil the economic
potential of the reuse of public sector information.
A study made by Gartner Group estimates that the business potential in the reuse
of public data in Denmark alone could be worth at least a yearly DKK 600
million (more than EUR 80 million).
The Revision of The PSI Directive
The Danish Government finds that regulation is not the main driver for increased
reuse of public sector information in Denmark. However, to the extent that the
PSI Directive is amended, article 6 concerning the principles governing charging
should be changed.
High charges are a barrier for reuse of public sector information. Public sector
bodies collect, produce, reproduce and disseminate data (public data) to fulfil
their public tasks. Activities falling outside the definition "public data" will
typically include data that are produced and charged for exclusively on a
commercial basis and in competition with others in the market. The Danish
Government finds that e.g. the innovation potential in SMEs (small and medium
sized enterprises) could be improved significantly if the cost for getting access to
public data were set with marginal cost as an upper limit.
Consequently, “reasonable return on investment” should not be included in the
making of charges.
Ministry of Science
Technology and Innovation
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